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procedures ch 11

Summary of Chapter 11 of Procedures in Marriage and Family Therapy by Brock and
Referral and Consultation Procedures
a. Accepting Referrals p.193-194 for all points
i. Sometimes the referring person can be invited to the first session.
1. during that session the involvement with the family can be
assessed and future roles and expectations can be agreed
upon by all
ii. if the referring person was a therapist it is important to find out
what was helpful and effective along with that was ineffective.
iii. It is good to find out why the referral was made now
iv. It is nice to send the referring person a thank you in some way.
b. Making Referrals p 194-196 for all points
i. Make a referral if:
1. the therapist or family is relocating
a. it is helpful for the therapist to give a first hand
account to the new therapist
i. have the clients sign a release of information
so you are able to give information to the
next therapist
b. use AAMFT if the family is relocating or ask
colleagues if they know of anyone in the area they
2. the clients presents a unique problem requiring that a
different orientation or specialty become clinically involved
a. an example of this would be an eating disorder
3. the therapist and or family determine they are unable to
negotiate a viable therapeutic contract
a. some families and therapist simply do not “connect”
and that is when it is helpful to refer out
c. Introducing a cotherapist p196-197 for all points
i. A cotherapist may be introduced into the system or may replace a
therapist who is leaving
ii. It is vital to have at least one session where both are present
1. this time can be used to say goodbye and to identify
accomplishments to be made
iii. There are times when a cotherapist is invited in because the
therapist is “stuck” or the family wants new input or they are
facilitating training/supervisory process, or choosing as a matter of
preference to function in a team
1. in the first session the cotherapist should encourage the
couple to share about their experiences so far
2. it is important that the cotherapist monitor their ego needs
and not be offended if the family is more attentive to their
old therapist.
3. if the therapist pushes him/herself on the new family It
could provide detrimental to the process.
d. Introducing a consulting professional p.197-198
i. There are times when a practicing professional may want to
introduce a practicing professional to the process:
1. a family presents concern for a child’s learning problems
and a psychologist may be introduced for assessment
2. the therapist may feel stuck and want to introduce a
consultant for one or two sessions to provide new insight
and impetus to the therapy
a. the hope is the new professional will provide new
information and help break down the barriers and
promote new movement
ii. involve the family in the process
1. it empowers the family/couple/individual
iii. if someone has expert status than the potential for change increases
iv. If the family does not like what the outsider thinks or says than the
therapist may still side with the clients but have more information
than before which could not only build the therapeutic alliance but
provide new information
1. look for comments on page 198 about how you can side
with the family