Dye Molecule-Based Porous Organic Materials Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Grace M. Eder, B.S. Graduate Program in Chemistry The Ohio State University 2018 Dissertation Committee: Prof. Psaras L. McGrier, Advisor Prof. J. Parquette Prof J. Badjic Copyrighted by Grace M. Eder 2018 Abstract Porous materials are an ever-expanding area of materials science well known for their highly porous structures, which are well suited to hosting a variety of guests from small compounds such as gasses to large complex molecules. Additionally, porous materials can be rationally designed prior to synthesis to incorporate monomers with desired functionalities, which makes them amenable to a variety of applications including gas storage and uptake, sensing, catalysis, and optoelectronics. Our interest has been to bring functional monomers, such as dye molecules, into porous polymers for applications geared toward alternative energy. One class of dye we found intriguing were subphthalocyanines (SubPcs), which have an unusual 3-dimensional shape and excellent optoelectronic properties. SubPcs are often incorporated into organic photovoltaics in the small molecule form, and have achieved good power conversion efficiencies up to 7%. We envisioned that incorporation of a SubPc into a polymer might have useful function in an optoelectronic application. We synthesized a boronate ester linked SubPc-based polymer, fully characterized its structure and tested its ability in optoelectronic applications. ii The boronate ester linkage has been a mainstay in the field of porous polymers, especially covalent organic frameworks (COFs). Despite its success in the early development of COFs, the boronate ester linkage suffers from a significant drawback of instability to small amounts of water. The field of COFs has been shifting away from the boronate ester linkage in favor of more chemically stable linkages that can still afford crystalline materials. One such linkage has been developed in our laboratory, the benzobisoxazole (BBO) linkage. We have shown the BBO linkage yields crystalline materials with good stability in water. However since the BBO linkage is a relatively new development in the field of COFs not much is known about how this linkage promotes crystallinity in COF materials. We undertook a comprehensive study of the different factors at work during the formation of BBO linked COF materials to gain some insights on this process. With the development of this stable BBO linkage, we wanted to show its utility by incorporating it into a functional material. We targeted a heterogeneous catalysis application to aid in the development of an important reaction, the reduction of CO2 to useful compounds. We decided to incorporate another dye functionality, a porphyrin, to act as a catalytic site for the hydrosilylation of CO2. We created porphyrin-based porous polymers both with, and without a metal ion in the central cavity of the porphyrin, then characterized these materials and evaluated their efficacy in catalyzing the hydrosilylation of CO2 to transform it into more useful chemical feedstocks. iii This work is dedicated to our incredible planet earth. iv Acknowledgements First and foremost, I have to thank my wonderful friends and family for their continuous and unwavering support throughout my education. I want to thank my parents who have always believed in my ability, and my sisters who both inspire me by their excellent examples and who can always make me laugh. I have to thank Tom- I don’t deserve the help you’ve given me. I’m sure I haven’t been the easiest to deal with during this process, but you’ve always been there for me through some of the most difficult times in my life. Thank you for being my best friend and constant support through every day, good and bad. I would also like to thank my good friends TJ and Ashley for being there through the process with me, always ready to share in our complaints and celebrate our victories, and of course always ready to play a board game and have a good time. I have also had a lot of support from my academic family. I have to thank Psaras for mentoring me through the process, and for the innumerable number of pep talks I’ve received from him along the way. I would also like to thank Luke Baldwin and Jon Crowe for helping me find my voice, and giving me the motivation to speak up for what I believe. I’d like to thank David Pyles for being a great friend, and for always being a huge help in the lab. I also have to thank Ben Walker for being my partner in crime during his undergraduate research career. I couldn’t have gotten through these projects without your help and moral support. I’d like to thank Ben Clark for bringing some goofiness and levity v to the lab- don’t ever stop laughing Ben. I’d also like to thank the remaining members past and present of the McGrier group for their support, insights, and sense of humor that helped see me through my career. I would also like to thank Dr. Sauvé for her mentorship during my undergraduate career. Thank you for introducing me to organic and materials chemistry, and showing me the power it has to benefit our planet. vi Vita 2009…………………………………………………….….Ann Arbor Huron High School 2013…………………………………. B.Sc Chemistry, Case Western Reserve University 2013-2018……….……………………Graduate Program in Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University Publications The Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer Properties of Three Imine-Linked TwoDimensional Porous Organic Polymers. Jagadesan, P.; Eder, G.; McGrier, P. L. J. Mat. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 5555-5832. Subphthalocyanine-based Porous Organic Polymers, Eder, G. M.; Walker, B. R.; McGrier, P. L., RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 29271. Mechanistic Investigations into the Cyclization and Crystalization of Bisbenzoxazolelinked 2-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks. Pyles, D. A.; Coldren, W. H.; Eder, G. M.; Hadad, C. M.; McGrier, P. L. Submitted. Fields of Study Major Field: Chemistry Specializing in: Organic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Dyes vii Table of Contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. v Vita.................................................................................................................................... vii List of Tables ................................................................................................................... xiv List of Figures .................................................................................................................. xvi Chapter 1: Porous Polymers............................................................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction to porous polymers ............................................................................... 1 1.2 History of porous polymers ....................................................................................... 2 1.3 Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) ...................................................................... 4 1.4 Porous organic polymers (POPs) .............................................................................. 8 Chapter 2: Synthesis of novel subphthalocyanines (SubPcs) and SubPc-based porous organic polymers (POPs) .................................................................................................. 12 2.1 Dyes in photovoltaic applications ........................................................................... 12 2.1.1 Dyes in organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs) .................................................. 12 2.1.2 OPV morphology and extension to porous materials ....................................... 16 viii 2.2 Background on SubPcs............................................................................................ 19 2.2.1 History of SubPcs ............................................................................................. 19 2.2.2 Applications of SubPcs ..................................................................................... 20 2.3 Design of SubPc POPs ............................................................................................ 24 2.3.1 Design and synthesis of hexahydroxy SubPcs ................................................. 24 2.3.2 Synthesis of SubPc-POPs ................................................................................. 30 2.3.3 Characterization of SubPc-POPs ...................................................................... 30 2.4 Potential use in optoelectronics ............................................................................... 36 2.5 Experimental section ............................................................................................... 39 2.5.1 Instrumentation and methods............................................................................ 39 2.5.2 Synthetic methods............................................................................................. 40 2.5.3 Infrared spectroscopy ....................................................................................... 48 2.5.4 PXRD profiles .................................................................................................. 53 2.5.5 Solid-state NMR spectra ................................................................................... 54 2.5.6 TGA profile ...................................................................................................... 56 2.5.7 Surface area analysis ........................................................................................ 57 2.5.8 UV-Vis and fluorescence.................................................................................. 61 ix 2.5.9 SubPc-POP hydrolysis 1H NMR ...................................................................... 65 2.5.10 1H and 13C NMR spectra ................................................................................ 67 Chapter 3: Benzoxazole formation studies ...................................................................... 81 3.1 Benzoxazole background ........................................................................................ 81 3.2 Proposed mechanisms for the formation of benzoxazoles ...................................... 84 3.3 Small molecule analog studies ................................................................................ 87 3.3.1 p-tolylbenzoxaole ............................................................................................. 87 3.3.2 BBO-1 ............................................................................................................... 90 3.4 BBO-COF 3............................................................................................................. 91 3.4.1 Synthesis and design of BBO-COF 3 ............................................................... 91 3.4.2 Characterization of BBO-COF 3 ...................................................................... 93 3.5 Reaction time trials of BBO-COF 3 ........................................................................ 97 3.6 Nucleophile trials of BBO-COFs 2 and 3 ............................................................. 101 3.7 Computational experiments................................................................................... 104 3.8 Experimental section ............................................................................................. 107 3.8.1 Instrumentation and methods.......................................................................... 107 3.8.2 Synthetic methods........................................................................................... 109 x 3.8.3 BBO-1 analog trials ....................................................................................... 111 3.8.4 BBO-COF 2 formation studies ....................................................................... 113 3.8.5 BBO-COF 2 nucleophile trials ....................................................................... 114 3.8.6 BBO-COF 2 deoxygenated trial ..................................................................... 117 3.8.7 BBO-COF 3 formation studies ....................................................................... 120 3.8.8 BBO-COF 3 nucleophile trials ....................................................................... 122 3.8.9 BBO-COF 3 reaction time trials ..................................................................... 128 3.8.10 BBO-COF 3 deoxygenated trial ................................................................... 132 3.8.11 BBO-COF 3 experimental & simulated PXRD data .................................... 135 3.8.12 Solid-state NMR spectra ............................................................................... 139 3.8.13 TGA profile .................................................................................................. 140 3.8.14 Surface area analysis .................................................................................... 141 3.8.15 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images.............................................. 147 3.8.16 Computational studies .................................................................................. 147 Chapter 4: Porphyrin-based benzobisoxazole and benzobisthiazole-linked porous organic polymers for hydrosilylation of CO2............................................................................... 151 4.1 Porphyrins as catalysts .......................................................................................... 151 xi 4.2 Porous materials as heterogeneous catalysts ......................................................... 153 4.3 Synthesis and design of porphyrin POPs .............................................................. 158 4.3.1 Synthesis of monomers ................................................................................... 158 4.3.2 Synthesis of free-base porphyrin polymers .................................................... 161 4.4 Characterization of H2P POPs ............................................................................... 162 4.5 Design of metalloporphyrin polymers for CO2 conversion .................................. 165 4.5.1 Hydrosilylation of CO2....................................................................................... 165 4.5.2 Synthesis and design of small molecule ruthenium porphyrin catalyst.......... 166 4.5.3 RuTPP catalytic performance ......................................................................... 168 4.6 Synthesis of 1-Ru and metallated porphyrin POPs............................................... 170 4.7 Characterization of ruthenium porphyrin POPs .................................................... 172 4.8 Future directions and outlook................................................................................ 175 4.8.1 BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP as hydrosilylation catalysts ................... 175 4.8.2 Recyclability ................................................................................................... 176 4.8.3 Outlook ........................................................................................................... 176 4.9 Experimental Section ............................................................................................ 177 4.9.1 Instrumentation and methods.......................................................................... 177 xii 4.9.2 Synthetic methods........................................................................................... 178 4.9.3 FT-IR spectra .................................................................................................. 183 4.9.4 PXRD profiles ................................................................................................ 186 4.9.5 Solid-state NMR spectra ................................................................................. 188 4.9.6 Surface area analysis ...................................................................................... 190 4.9.7 UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra ................................................................... 198 4.9.8 XPS spectra..................................................................................................... 200 4.9.9 1H and 13C NMR spectraFigure 180. 1H NMR spectrum of RuTPP .............. 202 References ....................................................................................................................... 205 xiii List of Tables Table 1. Summary of screening of SubPc-POP reaction conditions ................................ 47 Table 2. Resonances and assignments for SubPc-POP 1 .................................................. 51 Table 3. Resonances and assignments for SubPc-POP 2 .................................................. 52 Table 4. BET values derived from Roquerol BET analysis for SubPc-POP 1 ................. 57 Table 5. BET values derived from Roquerol BET analysis for SubPc-POP 2 ................. 59 Table 6. Ratio of p-tolylbenzoxazole product to imine-linked product ............................ 89 Table 7. Isolated yields of BBO-1 synthesized with different nucleophiles..................... 91 Table 8. B3LYP/6-31+G* NPA population and spin density analysis for BBO-COF 2.104 Table 9. B3LYP/6-31+G* NPA population and spin density analysis for BBO-COF 3.105 Table 10. Summary of BBO-COF 2 synthesis with different nucleophilic catalysts ..... 113 Table 11. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 2 synthesized with NaN3 ................. 114 Table 12. FT-IR peak assignment for BBO-COF 2 synthesized with NaSCH3 ............. 115 Table 13. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 2 synthesized without a catalyst ..... 116 Table 14. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 2 deoxygenated ............................... 118 Table 15. Summary of trials for BBO-COF 3 synthesized with different nucleophiles or over different reaction times ........................................................................................... 121 Table 16. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaCN ............... 123 Table 17. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaN3 ................. 124 xiv Table 18. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaSCH3 ............ 125 Table 19. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 synthesized without a catalyst ..... 126 Table 20. FT-IR peak assignments for a ground mixture of BBO-COF 3 monomers.... 128 Table 21. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 after 1 day of heating ................... 129 Table 22. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 after 2 days of heating.................. 130 Table 23. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 after 3 days of heating.................. 131 Table 24. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 deoxygenated ............................... 133 Table 25. Fractional atomic coordinates for the P6 unit cell of BBO-COF 3 ................ 137 Table 26. Optimization of reaction conditions for hydrosilylation of CO2 by RuTPP ... 170 Table 27. Optimization of the synthesis of BBO-H2P POPs .......................................... 181 Table 28. Optimization of the synthesis of BBT-H2P POPs........................................... 181 Table 29. BET values derived from Roquerol BET analysis of BBO-H2P POP ............ 190 Table 30. BET values derived from Roquerol BET analysis of BBT-H2P POP ............ 192 Table 31. BET values derived from Roquerol BET analysis of BBO-RuP POP ........... 194 Table 32. BET values derived from Roquerol BET analysis of BBT-RuP POP ............ 196 xv List of Figures Figure 1. MOF-5 ................................................................................................................. 2 Figure 2. Structure of COF-1 and COF-5 ........................................................................... 3 Figure 3. COF linkers and vertexes of different symmetry, and a selection of COF pore shapes and topologies ......................................................................................................... 4 Figure 4. COF linkages based on reversible reactions ........................................................ 6 Figure 5. TT-COF pictured with PC61BM guest ................................................................. 7 Figure 6. Bulk structure of CTF-1 ...................................................................................... 8 Figure 7. Schematic representation of Fe-POP-1 catalyzing a Knoevenagel condensation and oxidation reactions ....................................................................................................... 9 Figure 8. COF-LZU1 pore shown doped with Pd(OAc)2 and side view depicting interaction between Pd and imine nitrogen atoms ............................................................ 10 Figure 9. Structure of early photovoltaics......................................................................... 12 Figure 10. Morphologies of OPV devices ........................................................................ 13 Figure 11. Structure of P3HT and PC61BM ...................................................................... 14 Figure 12. Orbital mixing diagram for donor-acceptor (D-A) copolymers ...................... 15 Figure 13. Structure of electron donor and electron acceptor moieties incorporated into D-A copolymers ................................................................................................................ 16 Figure 14. Structure of semiconductive TP-COF ............................................................. 17 xvi Figure 15. Schematic of TT-COF based photovoltaic device........................................... 18 Figure 16. Structure of phthalocyanine (Pc) and subphthalocyanine (SubPc) ................. 19 Figure 17. UV-Vis spectra and orbital diagrams of CuPc and SubPc paired with C60 electron acceptor ............................................................................................................... 20 Figure 18. C60 trapped inside a SubPc cage reproduced ................................................... 22 Figure 19. Synthesis of SubPc polymer, poly(4-methlystyrene)-copoly(phenoxyboronsubphthalocyanine) ............................................................................ 23 Figure 20. Synthesis of 4,5-dihydroxyphthalonitrile (5) .................................................. 24 Figure 21. Protection of 5 with triisopropylsilyl (TIPS) protecting groups ...................... 25 Figure 22. Synthesis of hexahydroxy-Cl-SubPc (1b) ....................................................... 26 Figure 23. Synthesis of hexahydroxy-SubPcs 1b, 2b, and 3b from 4 .............................. 27 Figure 24. UV-Vis absorbance and fluorescence spectra for hexahydroxy-SubPcs 1b, 2b, and 3b................................................................................................................................ 28 Figure 25. Preliminary crystallographic data for hexaTIPS-OPh-SubPc (2a) .................. 29 Figure 26. Solvothermal synthesis of SubPc-POPs .......................................................... 31 Figure 27. Scanning electron microscopy images of SubPc-POP 1 and SubPc-POP 2 ... 32 Figure 28. Porosity data for SubPc-POPs: N2 adsorption isotherms for SubPc-POP 1 and SubPc-POP 2, pore size distribution for SubPc-POP 1 and SubPc-POP 2....................... 33 Figure 29. Kubelka-Munk function diffuse reflectance spectra for SubPc-POP 1 and SubPc-POP 2..................................................................................................................... 35 xvii Figure 30. Solution-state UV-Vis absorbance and fluorescence spectra for 1a, 2a, and 3a upon titration with excess C60 ........................................................................................... 36 Figure 31. N2 adsorption isotherms and pore size distributions for SubPc-POP 1 before and after doping with C60 .................................................................................................. 37 Figure 32. Kubelka-Munk diffuse reflectance spectra for SubPc-POP 1 before and after doping with C60 ................................................................................................................. 38 Figure 33. FT-IR spectrum of 1a ...................................................................................... 48 Figure 34. FT-IR spectrum of 1b ...................................................................................... 48 Figure 35. FT-IR spectrum of 2a ...................................................................................... 49 Figure 36. FT-IR spectrum of 2b ...................................................................................... 49 Figure 37. FT-IR spectrum of 3a ...................................................................................... 50 Figure 38. FT-IR spectrum of 3b ...................................................................................... 50 Figure 39. Stacked FT-IR spectra of SubPc-POP 1, 2b, and BDBA ................................ 51 Figure 40. Stacked FT-IR spectra of SubPc-POP 2, 3b, and BDBA ................................ 52 Figure 41. PXRD profile of SubPc-POP 1........................................................................ 53 Figure 42. PXRD profile of SubPc-POP 2........................................................................ 53 Figure 43. 13C CP-MAS of SubPc POP 1 ......................................................................... 54 Figure 44. 13C CP-MAS of SubPc-POP 2......................................................................... 55 Figure 45. TGA profile of SubPc-POP 1 .......................................................................... 56 Figure 46. Roquerol BET analysis for SubPc-POP 1 ....................................................... 57 xviii Figure 47. BET surface area plot for SubPc-POP 1.......................................................... 58 Figure 48. Roquerol BET analysis of SubPc-POP 2......................................................... 59 Figure 49. BET surface area plot of SubPc-POP 2 ........................................................... 60 Figure 50. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra of 1a in toluene (λexcitation= 574 nm) .......... 61 Figure 51. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra of 1b in acetone (λexcitation= 564 nm) .......... 61 Figure 52. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra of 2a in toluene (λexcitation= 522 nm) .......... 62 Figure 53. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra of 2b in acetone (λexcitation= 561 nm) .......... 62 Figure 54. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra of 3a in toluene (λexcitation= 578 nm) .......... 63 Figure 55. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra of 3b in acetone (λexcitation= 570 nm) .......... 63 Figure 56. Kubelka-Munk diffuse reflectance spectrum of 2b and SubPc-POP 1 ........... 64 Figure 57. Kubelka-Munk diffuse reflectance spectrum of 3b and SubPc-POP 2 ........... 64 Figure 58. 1H NMR spectrum of SubPc-POP 1 after hydrolysis ...................................... 65 Figure 59. 1H NMR spectrum of SubPc-POP 2 after hydrolysis ...................................... 66 Figure 60. 1H NMR spectrum of 4 .................................................................................... 67 Figure 61. 13C NMR spectrum of 4 ................................................................................... 68 Figure 62. 1H NMR spectrum of 1a .................................................................................. 69 Figure 63. 13C NMR spectrum 1a ..................................................................................... 70 Figure 64. 1H NMR spectrum of 1b.................................................................................. 71 Figure 65. 13C NMR spectrum of 1b ................................................................................ 72 Figure 66. 1H NMR spectrum of 2a .................................................................................. 73 xix Figure 67. 13C NMR spectrum of 2a ................................................................................. 74 Figure 68. 1H NMR spectrum of 2b.................................................................................. 75 Figure 69. 13C NMR spectrum of 2b ................................................................................ 76 Figure 70. 1H NMR spectrum of 3a .................................................................................. 77 Figure 71. 13C NMR spectrum of 3a ................................................................................. 78 Figure 72. 1H NMR spectrum of 3b.................................................................................. 79 Figure 73. 13C NMR spectrum of 3b ................................................................................ 80 Figure 74. Structure of oxazole and its benzo-fused derivatives ...................................... 81 Figure 75. Synthesis of COP-93 and COP-94 .................................................................. 82 Figure 76. Synthesis of BBO-COF 1 and 2 ...................................................................... 83 Figure 77. Synthesis of BOLPs and BTLPs ..................................................................... 84 Figure 78. Synthesis of benxozazole by Cheon's proposed 2 electron pathway............... 85 Figure 79. Calculated energy levels of intermediates and transiton states for radical oxidative dehydrogenation and cyclization to form a benzoxazole .................................. 86 Figure 80. Examples of radicals stabilized by the captodative effect ............................... 87 Figure 81. Synthesis of p-tolylbenzoxazole ...................................................................... 87 Figure 82. Stacked 1H NMR spectra of the crude reaction forming p-tolylbenzoxazole . 88 Figure 83. Synthesis of BBO-1 with different nucleophiles ............................................. 90 Figure 84. Synthesis of BBO-COF 3 from DABD and TFPT .......................................... 92 Figure 85. N2 adsorption isotherm and pore size distribution for BBO-COF 3 ............... 95 xx Figure 86. Experimental PXRD data for BBO-COF 3 ..................................................... 97 Figure 87. N2 adsorption isotherms for BBO-COF 3 at various points during the 4-day reaction period .................................................................................................................. 98 Figure 88. Pore size distributions for BBO-COF 3 at various points during the 4-day reaction period .................................................................................................................. 99 Figure 89. FT-IR spectra of BBO-COF 3 at various points during the 4-day reaction period .............................................................................................................................. 100 Figure 90. N2 adsorption isotherms, FT-IR spectra, and PXRD data for BBO-COF 2, and BBO-COF 3, with different nucleophiles ....................................................................... 102 Figure 91. Proposed mechanism for the stepwise oxidative dehydrogenation pathway to form the BBO-linkage using NaCN as a catalyst ........................................................... 106 Figure 92. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 2 synthesized with NaN3 .............................. 114 Figure 93. FT-IR spectra of BBO-COF 2 synthesized with NaSCH3............................. 115 Figure 94. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 2 synthesized without a catalyst ................... 116 Figure 95. Normalized pore size distributions of BBO-COF 2 synthesized with different nucleophiles .................................................................................................................... 117 Figure 96. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 2 deoxygenated............................................. 118 Figure 97. N2 adsorption isotherm of BBO-COF 2 deoxygenated ................................ 119 Figure 98. Pore size distribution of BBO-COF 2 deoxygenated .................................... 119 xxi Figure 99. FT-IR spectra of BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaCN compared with the monomers........................................................................................................................ 122 Figure 100. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaCN ........................... 123 Figure 101. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaN3 ............................ 124 Figure 102. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaSCH3 ....................... 125 Figure 103. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 synthesized without a catalyst ................. 126 Figure 104. Normalized pore size distributions BBO-COF 3 synthesized with different nucleophiles .................................................................................................................... 127 Figure 105. FT-IR spectrum of a ground mixture of BBO-COF 3 monomers ............... 128 Figure 106. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 after 1 day of heating............................... 129 Figure 107. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 after 2 days of heating ............................. 130 Figure 108. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 after 3 days of heating ............................. 131 Figure 109. Normalized PXRD of BBO-COF 3 at various points during the 4-day reaction period ................................................................................................................ 132 Figure 110. FT-IR spectrum for BBO-COF 3 deoxygenated ......................................... 133 Figure 111. N2 adsorption isotherm for BBO-COF 3 deoxygenated .............................. 134 Figure 112. Pore size distribution for BBO-COF 3 deoxygenated ................................. 134 Figure 113. Precursor used to construct the hexagonal unit cell for BBO-COF 3 ......... 136 Figure 114. Simulated PXRD of BBO-COF 3 modeled using a gra unit cell ................ 138 Figure 115. 150.9 MHz 13C CP-MAS solid-state NMR spectra of BBO-COF 3 ........... 139 xxii Figure 116. TGA profile for BBO-COF 3 ...................................................................... 140 Figure 117. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 2 synthesized with NaN3 ................. 141 Figure 118. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 2 synthesized with NaSCH3............. 141 Figure 119. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 2 synthesized without a catalyst ...... 142 Figure 120. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 2 deoxygenated ................................ 142 Figure 121. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaCN ................ 143 Figure 122. BET surface area plot BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaN3 ....................... 143 Figure 123. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaSCH3............. 144 Figure 124. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 synthesized without a catalyst ...... 144 Figure 125. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 after 1 day of heating with NaCN. 145 Figure 126. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 after 2 days of heating with NaCN 145 Figure 127. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 after 3 days of heating with NaCN 146 Figure 128. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 deoxygenated ................................ 146 Figure 129. SEM images of BBO-COF 3 at various magnifications ............................. 147 Figure 130. Benzobisoxazole modeling representative of BBO-COF 2......................... 149 Figure 131. Benzobisoxazole modeling representative of BBO-COF 3......................... 149 Figure 132. Spin density maps for BBO-COF 2 with NaCN, NaN3, and NaSCH3 ........ 150 Figure 133. Spin density maps for BBO-COF 3 with NaCN, NaN3, and NaSCH3 ........ 150 Figure 134. Structure of meso-substituted porphyrins .................................................... 151 Figure 135. Structure of chlorophyll and Heme B porphyrins ....................................... 151 xxiii Figure 136. Cyclopropanation of diazo reagents by metalloradical catalysis performed by a cobalt porphyrin ........................................................................................................... 152 Figure 137. Structure of BF-COF-1 showing porous space available for catalysis........ 154 Figure 138. Reduction of CO2 to cyclic carbonates by cCTF......................................... 156 Figure 139. Structure of Ir-NHC-CTF catalyzing reduction of CO2 to formate ............. 157 Figure 140. Structure of tetraformylphenylporphyrin (1) ............................................... 159 Figure 141. Two strategies to create 1 ............................................................................ 159 Figure 142. Synthesis of 1 from commerically available precursors.............................. 160 Figure 143. Synthesis of BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP ........................................ 161 Figure 144. N2 adsorption isotherms and pore size distributions for BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP................................................................................................................. 162 Figure 145. CO2 adsorption isotherms for BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP ............. 163 Figure 146. Kubelka-Munk diffuse reflectance spectra of 1, BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP ................................................................................................................................. 164 Figure 147. Structure of meso-tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) ........................................... 167 Figure 148. Synthesis of RuTPP ..................................................................................... 168 Figure 149. Reaction scheme for the hydrosilylation of CO2 with RuTPP .................... 169 Figure 150. Synthesis of 1-Ru from 1 ............................................................................ 171 Figure 151. Synthesis for BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP ...................................... 172 xxiv Figure 152. N2 adsorption isotherms and pore size distributions for BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP ................................................................................................................ 173 Figure 153. CO2 adsorption isotherms for BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP ............ 174 Figure 154. Kubelka-Munk diffuse reflectance spectra for BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP ................................................................................................................................. 175 Figure 155. FT-IR spectrum of RuTPP........................................................................... 183 Figure 156. FT-IR spectrum of 1-Ru .............................................................................. 183 Figure 157. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-H2P POP .............................................................. 184 Figure 158. FT-IR spectrum of BBT-H2P POP .............................................................. 184 Figure 159. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-RuP POP ............................................................. 185 Figure 160. FT-IR spectrum of BBT-RuP POP .............................................................. 185 Figure 161. PXRD profile of BBO-H2P POP ................................................................. 186 Figure 162. PXRD profile of BBT-H2P POP.................................................................. 186 Figure 163. PXRD profile of BBT-RuP POP ................................................................. 187 Figure 164. 13C CP-MAS spectrum of BBT-H2P POP ................................................... 188 Figure 165. 13C CP-MAS spectrum of BBT-RuP POP .................................................. 189 Figure 166. Roquerol BET analysis of BBO-H2P POP .................................................. 190 Figure 167. BET surface area plot for BBO-H2P POP ................................................... 191 Figure 168. Roquerol BET analysis of BBT-H2P POP................................................... 192 Figure 169. BET surface area plot for BBT-H2P POP.................................................... 193 xxv Figure 170. Roquerol BET analysis of BBO-RuP POP.................................................. 194 Figure 171. BET surface area plot for BBO-RuP POP................................................... 195 Figure 172. Roquerol BET analysis of BBT-RuP POP .................................................. 196 Figure 173. BET surface area plot for BBT-RuP POP ................................................... 197 Figure 174. UV-Vis spectrum of 1 in toluene................................................................. 198 Figure 175. Fluorescence spectrum of 1 in toluene ........................................................ 198 Figure 176. UV-Vis spectrum of 1-Ru in acetone .......................................................... 199 Figure 177. Fluorescence spectrum of 1-Ru in acetone ................................................. 199 Figure 178. XPS spectra of the Ru 3P for RuTPP, 1-Ru, BBT-RuP POP, and BBO-RuP POP ................................................................................................................................. 200 Figure 179. XPS spectra of the Ru 3D and C 1S for RuTPP, 1-Ru, BBT-RuP POP, and BBO-RuP POP ................................................................................................................ 201 Figure 180. 1H NMR spectrum of RuTPP ...................................................................... 202 Figure 181. 1H NMR spectrum of 1-Ru ......................................................................... 203 Figure 182. Example quantitative 1H NMR spectrum for the hydrosilylation of CO2 by RuTPP ............................................................................................................................. 204 xxvi Chapter 1: Porous Polymers 1.1 Introduction to porous polymers In recent years porous materials have jumped quickly to the forefront of materials science as promising substrates for a wide variety of uses. Their cornerstone characteristic, their porosity, can be viewed as an empty space just waiting to be filled by guests. Gases are by far the most commonly used guests; in part to measure the extent of the porosity of the material, but the materials can also act as an excellent storage medium for gases such as nitrogen (N2) or carbon dioxide (CO2). This is of great interest to researchers working to combat the effects of climate change by sequestering and converting CO2 into valuable chemical feedstocks. Other guests, such as metal atoms tightly bound inside porous materials can prove useful as heterogeneous catalysts, which can be re-isolated and recycled numerous times. Larger, more complex guests, such as C60 can be employed as electron acceptors and cause the material to have charge transfer properties for optoelectronics. This ability to incorporate guests is a significant advantage over linear polymers, which share many similarities to porous materials, and expands their utility in a wide variety of applications. The great range of diversity in these materials erupts outward from this point when chemists use their synthetic knowledge to design and synthesize 1 complex and functional compounds which can be incorporated into these porous materials and tailor their function to a specific application. 1.2 History of porous polymers The field of porous materials began in the mid 70’s starting from hyper crosslinked polymers. Researchers found that polystyrene polymers crosslinked to different degrees yielded different porosities and pore sizes.1 The next major advancement in porous materials was brought about by metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). Under a few different names, MOFs were brought to the forefront of the literature by Hoskins and Robson in the late 1980’s.2 MOFs are created by combining a metal salt or cluster with a coordinating organic Figure 1. MOF-5 reproduced from Science, linker to create crystalline frameworks 2003, 300, 1127-1129. Reprinted with permission from AAAS that extend outwards in three dimensions (see Figure 1). The expansive range of components for MOFs has given rise to hundreds of unique MOF structures, which can be devised a priori based on the known geometry of metals, clusters, and organic linkers. This rational design strategy helped propel the porous 2 polymer field forwards by giving a basis upon which to design and select monomers to give predictable MOF structures with pre-designed characteristics. These rationallydesigned MOF materials have demonstrated their utility in a range of applications A including gas storage3–5 and separations,6 fuel cell applications,7,8 heterogeneous catalysis,9– 11 even water harvesting12 and drug delivery.13–15 In the early 2000’s a new type B of porous polymer was reported that used a unique type of spiro-cyclic monomer to give a rigid and contorted polymer backbone that promotes the microporosity of the material by inefficient packing. Since the initial report of these polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs) by Budd and McKeown in 2003,16 a variety of spiro-cyclic and otherwise Figure 2. Structure of A) COF-1 and B) COF-5 Reprinted from Science, 2005, sterically bulky monomers have been 310, 1166-1170 with permission from AAAS employed to create new PIMs. PIMs are unique in the field of porous materials because they do not form extended network solids 3 and thus retain good solubility in organic solvents. Their solubility lends them to applications in porous polymer membranes that can be easily cast from solution.17–19 1.3 Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) Shortly thereafter in 2005, covalent organic frameworks (COFs) were introduced by Omar Yaghi as the all-organic counterpart to MOFs. The seminal example, COF-5, was the first Td C2 + C2 C3 Linkers C3 C4 C6 Vertexes Figure 3. COF linkers and vertexes of different symmetry, and a selection of COF pore shapes and topologies 4 material to take advantage of reversible organic reactions, as a form of error correction during the formation of the bulk material, leading to highly-ordered, layered structures.20 Since the report of COF 1 and COF 5 (see Figure 2), an incredible range of new COF materials have been reported using a wide variety of linkers and vertexes to give diverse pore shapes and sizes, gas uptake and selectivities, and potential applications. COFs, much like MOFs, benefit immensely from their designability; rational design of a COF framework a priori can lead to unique COF materials with designed properties. There are a number of possible pore shapes that have thus far been reported (see Figure 3). With the symmetry of the monomeric units in mind, a suitable type of linkage must be chosen. The classic boronate ester linkage, formed by condensation of a catechol moiety with a boronic acid, provides an excellent balance between stability of the covalent bond formed, and the ease of reversibility of the reaction. Reversibility is a key component to the COF formation, because it allows the opportunity for error correction during the formation of the material. If a component is misaligned or bonded in the wrong position, it can be reversed to allow for the proper positioning to occur, and result in a more thermodynamically stable arrangement. With the initial understanding of how COFs can form through reversible reactions, the Yaghi group expanded on the idea of rational design of COFs by incorporating different C3 and C2 monomers using the same boronate ester and boroxine linkages, to tune the properties of the bulk material including surface area and pore size.21 Incorporating new monomers with extended conjugation led to a novel COF material 5 which exhibited semiconducting properties.22 A significant advancement in the field was made when the first COF created by an imine linkage was reported in 2009.23 This opened the field up to not only a range of new functional monomers, but also to the development of new linkages to vastly expand the possibilities for new COF structures. Since 2009, a Figure 4. COF linkages based on reversible reactions variety of linkages have been shown to have good reversibility to form COF materials (see Figure 4). COFs have been used in a variety of applications, including the usual gas storage and uptake applications. Due to their highly ordered porous nature, they also typically display good conductivity, which lends them to optoelectronic applications. After the initial discovery of the semiconductive properties of COFs in 2008 by the Jiang group,22 a number of new COF structures incorporating large π-aromatic systems such as pyrene,24 porphyrins,25 and phthalocyanines.26 Interest in this property of COFs has led to the theoretical and computational studies on the delocalization of charge in COFs,27,28 as well as synthetic efforts to tune these properties by the creation of donor-acceptor (D-A) COFs.29–32 Another strategy involves doping the COF material with iodine,33 PEDOT,34 or C60 derivatives35–37 to further increase the conductivity (see Figure 5). Because of the 6 potential use of COFs in conductive devices, the next logical step was to grow oriented thin films of COFs on substrates for subsequent device fabrication.38–42 COFs have been incorporated into both photovoltaic,35,36 and field effect transistor devices,41 which demonstrates the utility of COF materials for new, inexpensive, and lightweight materials based on largely organic components. This work details the incorporation of novel subphthalocyanine (SubPc) chromophores into porous materials for optoelectronic applications. Figure 5. TT-COF pictured with PC61BM guest reproduced from Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 2920-2924 with permission of John Wiley and Sons 7 1.4 Porous organic polymers (POPs) Porous organic polymer (POP) is an umbrella term, which encompasses any porous polymer based on organic subunits; this includes COFs, and other less crystalline materials such as PIMs. Many new sub-groups of POPs have developed in parallel with COFs, for example porous aromatic frameworks (PAFs) are another subgroup of POPs comprised largely of aromatic components43–46 but lacking the crystallinity of COFs. Conjugated microporous polymers (CMPs), known for their high degree of conjugation and potential for optoelectronic applications,47 and covalent triazine frameworks (CTFs) which specifically incorporate a triazine motif and are known for their high CO2 uptake (see Figure 6).48–50 The common characteristic among POPs is their porosity, however in structure, linkage, and Figure 6. Bulk structure of CTF-1 reprinted with permission from Nano potential applications POPs are very diverse. Lett., 2010, 10, 537-541. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society Their porous nature allows them to adsorb a variety of guests including ammonia,51 molecular iodine,52 and dye compounds.53 When extended π-conjugated systems with restricted rotation are incorporated into porous polymers, their luminescent properties lend them toward optoelectronic applications in photovoltaics and organic light emitting devices.54–57 8 POPs have demonstrated enormous potential in the field of catalysis.58 Incorporation of catalyst motifs, by a variety of methods, can create a POP that functions as a heterogeneous catalyst for reactions of interest in organic synthesis. This offers the advantages of easy re-isolation of the Figure 7. Schematic representation of Fe-POP-1 catalyst, and the potential for catalyzing a Knoevenagel condensation (left) and oxidation reactions (right) reproduced from recyclability and reuse; this is of great Applied Catalysis A, 2013, 459, 41-51 with permission from Elsevier benefit for catalysts that employ expensive and rare metals. Additionally, the rational design of these porous materials can produce materials with tuned pore sizes, which can yield heterogeneous catalysts that are also size selective.59 The pores can also be tailored toward a stereospecific catalytic reaction by incorporating chiral moieties into the POP structure.60 There are two main strategies for the design of a POP based catalyst; first, a known catalyst motif as used in homogeneous catalysis can be incorporated into a porous polymer. This strategy benefits from the understanding of the catalytic moiety outside the context of polymers, and better control over incorporation of metals. Primary among these homogeneous catalyst moieties 9 are porphyrins and phthalocyanines,58 due to their ability to strongly bind metal ions inside their macrocyclic core (see Figure 7). Other catalytic moieties with weaker metal binding are better suited to the second method of catalyst-POP formation; The second strategy allows for a POP to be post-synthetically modified with metal ions or nanoparticles to A B Figure 8. A) COF-LZU1 pore shown doped with Pd(OAc)2 and B) side view depicting interaction between Pd and imine nitrogen atoms. Adapted with permission from J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 19816-19822. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society impart it with catalytic activity61 (see Figure 8). This second strategy benefits from potential ease of synthesis of simpler components compared to the known homogeneous catalyst moieties,62 however suffers from inexact doping of metals and debate about what species performs the catalysis, and if catalysis is occurring deep in the porous cavities of the material or just upon the surface of the material. 10 POP-based catalysts have been employed successfully in a variety of reaction types including oxidations,63–65 aminations,66,67 reductions,68 and organo-69 and photocatalysis.70 Another catalytic reaction of intense interest is the reduction of CO2 to other value-added C1 compounds. POPs are already well known for their excellent CO2 uptake and storage capabilities,71,72 so the incorporation of catalytic functionality into these materials makes them a powerful tool to harness one of the most abundant carbon sources available, and provide an environmental benefit along the way. This work also details the study of new, more stable, reversible linkages for the creation of porous materials to improve their robustness in catalysis, as well as the development of a new porphyrin-based catalyst for the hydrosilylation of CO2. 11 Chapter 2: Synthesis of novel subphthalocyanines (SubPcs) and SubPc-based porous organic polymers (POPs) Portions of this chapter are adapted from the following publications: Eder, G. M.; Walker, B. R.; McGrier, P. L. Subphthalocyanine-based Porous Organic Polymers, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 29271. Used with permission. Copyright The Royal Society of Chemistry 2.1 Dyes in photovoltaic applications 2.1.1 Dyes in organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs) Dyes have long been studied for applications in photovoltaic technology. Since the groundbreaking results of the dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) pioneered by Grätzel achieving a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 7%,73 dyes have been employed in a variety of new methods Active Layer to create effective photovoltaics. In DSSCs, the dye is solely responsible for absorbing light and Figure 9. Structure of early photovoltaics. Adapted with transferring an electron to the semiconductive permission from Chem. Rev., 2014, 114, 8943-9021. Copyright 2014 TiO2, which in conjunction with the inorganic American Chemical Society electrodes, are responsible for the bulk of 12 electrical conduction within the cell. A different strategy uses dyes to not only absorb the incident light, but also help conduct charge to the electrodes. This class of organic photovoltaics (OPVs) emerged in the 1980’s employing all organic-based light absorbing materials. When the organic light absorbing active layer was simply sandwiched between transparent electrodes (see Figure 9), the early cells had very limited function because organic compounds are often non-conductive.74 These OPVs were then redesigned in much the same way as traditional silicon cells, where an electron rich Donor Acceptor Planar Heterojunction Bulk Heterojunction Ideal Heterojunction Figure 10. Morphologies of OPV devices. Adapted with permission from Chem. Rev., 2014, 114, 8943-9021. Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society donor component was paired with an electron poor acceptor component and arranged in two layers. This electronic bias of the bilayer architecture led to more efficient devices (see Figure 10).75 Initially small molecule dyes, such as phthalocyanines, perylenediimides (PDIs), and pentacenes76 among others were employed in bilayer OPV cells. In order to increase the semiconductive nature of these materials, the dyes in question began to be designed to have large delocalized aromatic systems through which electrons are more mobile. Moving to even longer conjugated polymers for the bilayer heterojunction gave 13 PCE’s of up to 5%.77 The bilayer architecture has a few drawbacks, including requiring vacuum deposition methods to achieve the layered structure of donor and acceptor. Fortunately it was discovered that even a physical mixture of donor and acceptor components in a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) could effectively generate charge carriers to create a photocurrent.78,79 The BHJ architecture has several advantages over the bilayer cell- primary among these is the ease of manufacture. If the components can be physically mixed then deposited at the same Figure 11. Structure of P3HT and PC61BM time, a number of facile techniques for mass manufacture become available including spin coating and even roll-to-roll or inkjet printing. Additionally, the physical mixing of the components increases the surface area between the two components, which facilitates the separation of free charges and leads to generally higher PCEs than the bilayer architecture. Increasing the conductivity of the active layer was essential to improving the efficiency of these devices. Switching to a polymeric strategy allows organic molecules to mimic tiny nano-wires along which charge carriers could be conducted. One of the most well studied polymers for OPVs is poly-3-hexylthiophene (P3HT), which has found great success in polymer OPVs due to its relatively high conductivity and ease of synthesis. P3HT, acting 14 as the donor component is often paired with acceptors derived from C60, yielding BHJ cells with PCEs around 5%80 (see Figure 11). P3HT has also been paired with polymeric acceptors,81 which aim to capture a larger portion of the solar spectrum than is possible with C60 derivatives. A vast range of polymers have been created for BHJ photovoltaics, which improve upon the efficiency of P3HT by employing a donoracceptor (D-A) copolymer system. This modular approach allows for tuning the frontier orbital levels by changing the Figure 12. Orbital mixing diagram for properties of the donor or acceptor donor-acceptor (D-A) copolymers showing decreased band gap reprinted with components (see Figure 12). Common permission from Chem. Rev., 2009, 109, 5868-5923. Copyright 2009 American donor components such as fluorene,82 Chemical Society carbazole,83 and benzodithiophene units,84 and common acceptor components such as benzothiadiazole,82 diketopyrrolopyrole,85 and napthalenediimide86 units have all been incorporated into D-A copolymers (see Figure 13). 15 Figure 13. Structure of electron donor (red) and electron acceptor (blue) moieties incorporated into D-A copolymers 2.1.2 OPV morphology and extension to porous materials With a vast library of excellent OPV materials, much research effort has been put towards engineering the cell manufacturing method to create more efficient cells from known polymeric and/or small molecule components. One major area of work within OPVs has focused on analyzing the morphology of the donor-acceptor active layer.87 The ideal morphology for a BHJ consists of long, thin, interpenetrated domains of donor and acceptor, (see Figure 10). With a physical mixture of donor and acceptor components, it’s difficult to obtain such a morphology. The use of processing additives88 and annealing procedures89 have been shown to improve the morphology considerably, however without predictable control over the morphology of BHJ cells, PCEs will always be limited based 16 on the quality of the morphology. One method to overcome the unpredictable morphology of polymer OPVs could involve the predesigning of a polymer with the desired morphology. This can be possible to achieve with porous polymeric materials. Early in the field of covalent organic frameworks (COFs) researchers noticed that the ordered stacking of layers in the material imbued it with semiconductive properties22 (see Figure 14). The benefit of the ordered nature of COFs compared to linear organic polymers is clear in the difference in conductivity between the two. P3HT being one of the most successful linear polymers in OPV devices has a conductivity of 0.1 cm2/Vs90 whereas COF Figure 14. Structure of semiconductive TP-COF reproduced from Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2008, 47, materials have been measured to 8826-8830 with permission from John Wiley and Sons have conductivities as high as 8 cm2/Vs.25 17 Not long after this initial discovery researchers employed COF materials in photovoltaic devices. The Jiang research group reported a highly stable phenazine-linked COF with a high degree of conjugation and a conductivity of 4.2 cm2/Vs.36 They combined this COF with C60 to fill the open pores of the material, then fabricated the bulk powder into a photovoltaic cell with a PCE of 0.9%. The Bein research group created a photovoltaic COF device by a different strategy; using the precedent of growing COFs on surfaces as demonstrated by Figure 15. Schematic of TT-COF based photovoltaic Dichtel,38 the Bein group grew a device reproduced from Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 2920-2924 with permission of John Wiley and benzodithiophene COF on ITO Sons to ensure optimal stacking of layers.39 Then doping this COF thin film with C60 and creating an overlayer of C60 to avoid electrical shorts they created a cell with a PCE of 0.05%.35 With these initial examples in mind, we believe that with the incorporation of different functional monomers and careful tuning of the frontier molecular orbitals, the field of porous polymers has considerable room to grow towards applications in OPVs. 18 2.2 Background on SubPcs 2.2.1 History of SubPcs Subphthalocyanines (SubPcs) are a curious group of dyes initially synthesized by Meller and Ossko in 1972.91 SubPcs are a lower homologue of metallophthalocyanines (MPcs) which contain 4 isoindole units arranged around a central cavity (see Figure 16). Meller and Ossko were originally attempting to create boron phthalocyanine when they discovered the boron SubPc instead. The smaller atomic radius of boron is best encapsulated by only 3 isoindole units, causing the macrocycle of the SubPc to take on a distorted ‘bowl’ shape which still maintains its aromaticity in the 14 π electron system. The boron atom centered at the apex of this bowl also binds an axial Figure 16. Structure of phthalocyanine (Pc) and subphthalocyanine (SubPc) ligand, projecting outwards from the opposite side of the bowl. This distorted SubPc geometry is unique to boron, as every other central metallic atom will yield a Pc instead of a SubPc, additionally the boron atom and axial ligand must stay in place to prevent degradation of the macrocyclic core. Despite the wide use of Pcs in POPs,92 SubPcs have been entirely overlooked as potential functional monomers for the creation of POPs with interesting new properties. 19 2.2.2 Applications of SubPcs Due to their excellent light absorbance and frontier orbital energies, SubPcs have found much success in the field of organic photovoltaics (OPVs). SubPcs as small molecule electron donor materials are an excellent counterpart to the ubiquitous electron acceptor, C60. Not only do the two share in their non-planar aromatic nature and complementary ball and bowl shapes, but they also have a large frontier orbital overlap. This enhanced overlap has been shown to lead to higher open circuit Figure 17. UV-Vis spectra and orbital diagrams of CuPc and SubPc paired with C60 electron acceptor reprinted with voltages and consequently permission from J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 8108-8109. Copyright 2006 American Chemical Society better PCEs than MPcs93 (see Figure 17). Interestingly, the frontier molecular orbitals of SubPcs allows them not only to act as electron donors when paired with C60, but also to act as electron acceptors when paired with donors having higher lying LUMO orbitals.94 This ambipolar nature of SubPcs allows them to function as an alternative class of electron acceptors to enhance the open circuit voltage and light absorption over cells which use C60 as the electron acceptor.95 20 The interesting geometry of SubPcs has lead to several creative SubPc-based light absorbing compounds. One example incorporates a fused SubPc dimer96 as electron acceptor in combination with the simple SubPc as electron donor to create and all-SubPc OPV which achieved a PCE of 2.5% by optimizing the counter electrodes.97 When incorporating an electron transport layer comprised of C60 the PCE jumped to 4%. Another example from the Fréchet research group incorporated an electron donating thiophene moiety into their OPV device by appending it to the axial ligand of a SubPc to create a donor-acceptor dyad. Devices based on this D-A dyad with C60 as an electron acceptor achieved PCEs above 1%.98 SubPcs have been optimized for use in OPVs to achieve PCEs of nearly 7%,95 which is competitive with other polymeric OPVs and DSSCs. SubPc-based materials outside of OPVs are relatively uncommon. SubPcs have been studied for their ability to organize on surfaces,99 which is interesting considering their nonplanar geometry. SubPc-based thin films could prove useful for information storage or liquid crystalline technologies, however only slow progress has been made in this direction. The unusual geometry of SubPcs lends them well to creating small molecular cages. Incorporating a pyridyl moiety around the periphery of the SubPc and coordination to palladium afforded a small cage created by two SubPcs with their bowls oriented toward the interior of the cage.100 Exposing this cage to a solution of C60 afforded capture of a molecule of C60 inside of the SubPc cage101 (see Figure 18). On a larger scale, SubPcs 21 decorated at the periphery with alkenes were linked via alkene metathesis to afford SubPcbased nanospheres, which demonstrated antibacterial properties.102 SubPc polymers are yet rarer, with a single example from Bender’s research group using SubPcs to post-functionalize a polystyrene-based polymer. Initially- a SubPc with a styrene moiety in the axial position was targeted for subsequent radical polymerization. They found this was unsuccessful due to the SubPc acting as a radical scavenger,103 thus shutting down Figure 18. C60 trapped inside a SubPc cage reproduced from Chem. Commun. 2004, 11, 1298-1299 with permission of The Royal Society of Chemistry the polymerization. Incorporation of the SubPc moiety was afforded by attaching pendant SubPcs to the phenol groups on the polymer backbone through axial reactivity of the SubPc104 (see Figure 19). Unfortunately this method did not afford a high incorporation of SubPc into the polymer. Nonetheless these polystyrene-SubPc polymers did show potential in organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs).105 Despite the lack of precedent of SubPcs in 22 polymers, we envisioned that the SubPc core could be amenable to porous organic polymers due to its C3 symmetry. We also imagined that the non-planar geometry of SubPcs could lead to interesting packing of porous polymers in the solid state. Outside of the interesting structural features, we also envisioned a SubPc polymer could have unique optoelectronic properties in comparison to the well-studied Pc porous polymers. This led us to design a mild co-condensation polymerization protocol to avoid the problems of Figure 19. Synthesis of SubPc polymer, poly(4-methlystyrene)-copoly(phenoxyboronsubphthalocyanine) radical polymerization of SubPcs, and gain access to SubPc-based POPs with interesting optoelectronic properties. 23 2.3 Design of SubPc POPs 2.3.1 Design and synthesis of hexahydroxy SubPcs Subphthalocyanines are synthesized by a straightforward trimerization reaction of any phthalonitrile at high temperatures in the presence of BCl3, which results in the chloroaxial SubPc. For the design of SubPc POPs, we required a phthalonitrile peripherally substituted with a catechol moiety for subsequent boronate ester formation. Fortunately, such a phthalonitrile had already been reported by Torres et al.106 The route from commercially available veratrole consists of simple aromatic substitution reactions, and OMe OMe Br2, I2 (cat.) DCM RT, 3h 95% Br Br OMe 9 Br BBr3 DCM 0oC, 4h 97% OMe Br Cl K2CO3 NC NC OH 5 OH Pd/C, H2 (1 atm) EtOAc, RT, 4h 97% NC NC OBn 6 OBn CuCN DMF ∆ 24h 58% OH OH 8 EtOH, ∆, 8h 83% Br Br OBn 7 OBn Figure 20. Synthesis of 4,5-dihydroxyphthalonitrile (5) protections and deprotections of the catechol moiety (see Figure 20). Veratrole is first brominated to yield 4,5-dibromoveratrole 9, then the methyl protecting groups are removed and subsequently replaced with benzyl groups, which can later be cleaved under mild conditions. The phthalonitrile 6 is formed by substitution of the bromine atoms for nitriles via Rosenmund-von Braun reaction. This step was fairly troublesome in large part due to the required double substitution, and often separating the mono- and di- substituted 24 products could not be achieved cleanly. Once the benzyl-protected phthalonitrile was obtained, the benzyl groups could be easily cleaved by hydrogenolysis with Pd/C and hydrogen to yield the free catechol phthalonitrile 5. With the catechol phthalonitrile in hand, we were nearly ready to synthesize the desired SubPc. After initial screening of protecting groups we decided to target a robust protecting group, and settled on triisopropylsilyl (TIPS) groups for improved stability of the protecting group during trimerization. The TIPS groups could be installed by a typical silyl protection procedure with mild heat (see Figure 21). With the TIPS groups in place, the cyclotrimerization proceeded smoothly, affording at first a very low yield of TIPS-Cl- NC NC OH 5 OH TIPSCl, Imidazole DMAP (cat.) DMF, 55oC, 24h 82% NC NC OTIPS 4 SubPc (1a). The OTIPS TIPS Figure 21. Protection of 5 with triisopropylsilyl (TIPS) protecting groups groups protecting had the beneficial effect of greatly improving the solubility of the SubPc product, which aided in purification. After significant optimization of the reaction conditions, good yields of 1a were achieved by heating the phthalonitrile 4 in 1M BCl3 solution in p-xylenes with no external solvent added. This synthesis benefits from the very small amount of solvent required, which can be easily removed by high vacuum. The crude solids can be simply ground in a mortar and pestle and crude 1a can be extracted with hexanes. After a hot wash with acetonitrile, the 25 pure 1a can be isolated with no column chromatography required. The largest drawback of this synthesis is the scale; the reaction was never effectively scaled up past 0.5 g without a significant drop in yield. Removal of the TIPS protecting groups in the presence of excess CsF in a mixture of acetone and hexanes was straightforward, yielding the hexahydroxyCl-SubPc (1b) after crashing out in water, and purifying by simple washing with water and TIPSO OTIPS HO Cl NC NC OTIPS 4 OTIPS 1. BCl3 1M in p-xylenes ∆, 1 h 16% N N TIPSO TIPSO N B N OTIPS N 1a Cl CsF Acetone 48oC, 18h 67% N OTIPS OH N N HO HO N B N 1b N N OH OH Figure 22. Synthesis of hexahydroxy-Cl-SubPc (1b) organic solvents. While this final step posed no major challenges, the early synthesis of these SubPcs was plagued with the problems of working with very small amounts of material. The isolated SubPcs were also found to be very unstable in solution when exposed to light for even short amounts of time. We believe this stems from the high number of peripheral oxygen atoms on the SubPc core, which are electron donating, and contribute to the already fairly labile nature of the B-Cl bond. These two effects in concert may lend the Cl-SubPcs to easier degradation, and possibly lower isolated yields after the cyclotrimerization. A similar trend has been observed in hybrid subporphyrins.107 To investigate this, an in-situ axial ligand exchange from -Cl to –OPh was performed. SubPcs are often substituted with phenol, or related derivatives for a variety of reasons, but partly 26 to improve their stability by employing the more covalent B-O axial bond. The hexaTIPSOPh-SubPc was synthesized by a similar procedure- an initial heating period of the phthalonitrile with 1M BCl3, followed by treatment with a solution of phenol in o-xylenes and further heating (see Figure 23). HexaTIPS-OPh-SubPc could be isolated and purified in much the same way as the Cl-axial TIPSO N NC OTIPS NC OTIPS 4 1. BCl3 1M in p-xylenes ∆, 1 h 2. PhOH, o-xylenes ∆, overnight 18% 1. BCl3 1M in p-xylenes ∆, 1 h 2. F5PhOH, o-xylenes ∆, 2 h 28% N N N B N N 1b HO OTIPS OH OH OH OPh N TIPSO N OTIPS TIPSO N N B N N N TIPSO 3a N N B N N OTIPS OTIPS OH N OH 2b HO OF5Ph TIPSO N OTIPS 2a N OPh CsF Acetone/Hex. o HO OTIPS 48 C, 18h 70% HO N N B N N TIPSO in OH N HO OTIPS 1a TIPSO isolated Cl CsF Acetone/Hex. o OTIPS 48 C, 18h HO 68% N N B N N TIPSO was HO Cl N but OTIPS TIPSO 1. BCl3 1M in p-xylenes ∆, 1 h 16% version, OH OF5Ph CsF Acetone 48oC, 18h 84% N HO HO N N B N N N 3b OH OH Figure 23. Synthesis of hexahydroxy-SubPcs 1b, 2b, and 3b from 4 better yields, and seemed to have greater benchtop stability. A third SubPc, with an axial pentafluorophenol (F5OPh) was created by the same method to investigate any effect the electron withdrawing axial ligand might have on the monomeric SubPcs, and on the 27 resultant polymers. These axially substituted SubPcs could be deprotected to the free catechol SubPcs by the same CsF conditions with little issue (see Figure 23). This suite of 3 novel hexahydroxy-SubPcs were characterized by UV-Vis spectroscopy (see Figure 24). The absorbance of these compounds follows the typical band structure of SubPcs; and a more intense Q-band with λmax around 570 nm for all three compounds. The weak Soret bands at ~ 368 nm are possibly attributed to an n-π* transition between the lone pair of the oxygen atoms and the peripheral aromatic ring.108 The fluorescence was also typical, mirroring the absorption Q-band with small Stokes shift of around 10 nm. Normalized Intensity (a.u.) 1.0 0.8 Hexahydroxy Cl-SubPc (1b) Hexahydroxy OPh-SubPc (2b) 0.6 Hexahydroxy OF5Ph-SubPc (3b) Hexahydroxy Cl-SubPc (1b) 0.4 Hexahydroxy OPh-SubPc (2b) Hexahydroxy OF5Ph-SubPc (3b) 0.2 0.0 350 400 450 500 550 600 Wavelength (nm) 650 700 750 800 Figure 24. UV-Vis absorbance (solid lines) and fluorescence (dashed lines) for hexahydroxy-SubPcs 1b, 2b, and 3b 28 To help verify the structure of the monomers and lend insight into the SubPc polymers, crystals of the TIPS-SubPcs were grown from supersaturated solutions. Crystals of 1a and 2a were analyzed by single crystal X-Ray diffraction, yielding tentative crystal structures which corroborated the formation of the expected SubPcs. Unfortunately, there was significant disorder amongst the greasy TIPS groups, so an exact structure for either could not be definitely produced. Because the bowl portion of the SubPc could be resolved Figure 25. Preliminary crystallographic data for hexaTIPS-OPh-SubPc (2a) without much disorder, we believe this crystal structure can provide some insight into the packing mode of the SubPcs in the solid state. The packing of hexa-TIPS-OPh-SubPc shows a head-to-head packing mode with the SubPc bowls oriented in opposite directions (see Figure 25). 29 2.3.2 Synthesis of SubPc-POPs The SubPc POPs were synthesized by classic solvothermal synthesis in a vaccum sealed ampule by heating in an oven for a period of days. The resulting powders were filtered and washed with dry acetonitrile, then soaked in acetonitrile for 2 days to help leech out any unreacted monomers. Polymers were dried on high vacuum prior to porosity analysis. Several trials were performed to optimize the reaction conditions (see Table 1). Ratios of polar to nonpolar solvents dioxane and mesitylene respectively were altered, with the best being a 1:1 mixture, potentially due to the relatively low solubility of hexahydroxy SubPcs in any but the most polar of solvents. 2.3.3 Characterization of SubPc-POPs The SubPc-POPs were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and 13C crosspolarization magic angle spinning (CP-MAS) spectroscopies. The FT-IR spectra of SubPc-POP 1 and 2 both displayed the characteristic C=N stretching mode of the SubPc monomer at 1465 and 1468 cm-1, and the B-O stretch from the axial ligands at 1046 and 1039 cm-1, respectively (Figures 38 and 39). The B-O stretching modes at 1347 and 1352 cm-1 are indicative of the boronate ester linkages for SubPc-POP 1 and 2, respectively. The 30 connectivity of the SubPc-POPs was verified by solid-state 13 C CP-MAS NMR, which contained all of the expected resonances for the materials (Figures 42 and 43). In addition, the incorporation of the SubPc 2b and 3b monomers was further confirmed by 1H NMR digestion experiments (Figures 57 and 58). Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) revealed that SubPc-POP 1 maintains ~ 85% of its weight up to 400 °C (Figure 44). In contrast, O N N O B B O O OH HO R N HO R N N HO B dioxane/mesitylene 105 oC, 3 d + N N OH HO B O Cl O B O F O F O O B N O B O N O N N N N B O O SubPc POPs O O B N O B O R N N B B N O O B O B R O O N O N N F O O R N N N NBN B F O F SubPc POP-1 R N N R N Axial Ligands R= B OH OH HO N B OH O N N B B N O O B O N N B B N N N N BN N O O O B B O N N SubPc POP-2 O B O Figure 26. Solvothermal synthesis of SubPc-POPs SubPc-POP 2 failed to give conclusive TGA data at high temperatures. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed two different bulk phase morphologies for both SubPc-POPs (see Figure 27). 31 The permanent porosities of the SubPc-POPs were evaluated by nitrogen gas adsorption isotherms at 77 K (Fig. 3). SubPc-POP 1 and 2 both exhibit reversible type I isotherms with a small but noticeable hysteresis. Application of the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) model over the low-pressure region (0.001-0.005 < P/P0 < 0.13-0.20) provided surface areas of 231 and 93 m2 g-1 for SubPc-POP 1 and 2, respectively (see Figure 28). Nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) was used to estimate the pore size distributions of a. b. c. d. Figure 27. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of SubPc-POP 1 (a and b) and SubPc-POP 2 (c and d) 32 A 100 90 Quantity Adsorbed (cm³/g) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 B 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Relative Pressure (P/P°) C 0.05 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.08 0.07 0.06 dV (cm³/g) dV (cm³/g) 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 0 1 2 3 Relative Pressure (p/p°) 1 4 2 3 4 Relative Pressure (p/p°) Figure 28. Porosity data for SubPc-POPs. A) N2 adsorption isotherms for SubPc-POP 1 (pink) and SubPc-POP 2 (purple), B) pore size distribution for SubPc-POP 1 and C) pore size distribution for SubPc-POP 2 33 SubPc-POP 1 and 2 yielding values of 1.7 and 1.5 nm, respectively, which is indicative of the microporosity of the materials. The total pore volumes were calculated from the single point value of P/P0 = 0.90 to provide values of 0.131 and 0.087 cm3 g-1 for SubPcPOP 1 and 2, respectively. The pore size data showed that the measured pore size was smaller than the theoretical value of the ideal hexagonal-pored structure. The small pore size in combination with low surface areas indicated that the SubPc-POPs were potentially interpenetrated, and not creating the hexagonal columnar stacked structure we originally envisioned. When SubPc-POP powder was analyzed by PXRD, the results showed no crystallinity to the POP material, confirming the SubPc POPs to be an amorphous polymer with no long or short-range order (see Figures 41 and 42). Initially, we anticipated that a SubPc-POP substituted with chlorine atoms in the axial position would exhibit a concaveto-ligand solid-state packing motif similar to the trans binuclear SubPc systems previously reported by Kobayashi and Durfee.109 However, these polymeric systems could not constructed due to the chemical instability of 1b. As a consequence, we believe the larger axial phenoxy and pentafluorophenoxy substitutents of 2b and 3b prevent the monomers from forming the concave-to-ligand stacking interactions and instead lead to the formation of disordered POPs. We believe this is supported by the crystal data showing the packing of 2a (see Figure 25). 34 The SubPc-POPs optoelectronic properties were examined using solid-state UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. The solid state UV-Vis spectrum revealed a similar absorption to the monomeric SubPcs, with a significant red shift (~50-60 nm), which may be due to disordered J-aggregates in the solid state (see Figure 29). The solids exhibited no solidstate fluorescence upon irradiation with a long wave UV lamp when observed with the naked eye, and the solid-state fluorescence spectrum showed essentially no emission after irradiation at 580 nm. We believe that the disordered packing of the material leads to aggregation-caused quenching (ACQ) due to the rapid thermal decay of the photoexcited state.110 6 5 F(R) 4 3 2 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Wavelength (nm) 1200 1400 Figure 29. Kubelka-Munk function diffuse reflectance spectra for SubPc-POP 1 (pink) and SubPc-POP 2 (purple) 35 2.4 Potential use in optoelectronics Despite the non-emissive character of the SubPc-POPs, we hoped to investigate the possibility of employing the SubPc-POPs as a donor type material for photovoltaic A 6 5 4 3 D 700 SubPc (1a) 600 4 eq. 8 eq. 500 8 eq. 16 eq. 400 16 eq. 32 eq. 2 64 eq. 200 128 eq. 128 eq. 100 256 eq. B 32 eq. 300 64 eq. 1 800 4 eq. SubPc (1a) 0 6 256 eq. 0 600 SubPc (2a) 5 E SubPc (2a) 500 4 4 eq. 8 eq. Intensity (a.u.) Absorbance (a.u.) 4 eq. 16 eq. 3 32 eq. 2 64 eq. 128 eq. 1 C SubPc (3a) 5 F 4 eq. 8 eq. 4 2 1 400 500 600 Wavelength (nm) 700 32 eq. 200 64 eq. 128 eq. 256 eq. 0 800 700 SubPc (3a) 600 4 eq. 32 eq. 400 64 eq. 300 128 eq. 200 256 eq. 100 0 300 16 eq. 8 eq. 500 16 eq. 3 8 eq. 300 100 256 eq. 0 6 400 16 eq. 32 eq. 64 eq. 128 eq. 256 eq. 0 800 500 550 600 650 700 Wavelength (nm) 750 800 Figure 30. Solution-state UV-Vis absorbance for A) 1a, B) 2a, and C) 3a, and fluorescence spectra for D) 1a, E) 2a, and F) 3a upon titration with excess C60 devices. We first examined this possibility by combining the monomeric SubPcs with C60, a well-studied electron acceptor, in solution state titrations to determine if charge transfer 36 100 B 90 0.1 0.09 80 0.08 70 0.07 60 0.06 dV (cm³/g) Quantity Adsorbed (cm³/g) A 50 40 0.05 0.04 30 0.03 20 0.02 10 0.01 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Relative Pressure (P/P°) 0.8 1 1 2 3 Pore Width (nm) 4 Figure 31. A) N2 adsorption isotherms and B) pore size distributions for SubPc-POP 1 before (pink) and after (black) doping with C60 between the SubPc and C60 could occur. The three TIPS-protected SubPcs were dissolved in toluene and titrated with increasing equivalents of C60. All three monomeric SubPcs showed the same trend: Upon increasing concentration of C60, the absorption bands of the SubPc increased in intensity, and the fluorescence of the SubPc decreased in intensity until becoming fully quenched at 256 equivalents (see Figure 30). This trend was also visible by the naked eye; solutions with more C60 present appeared darker purple in color, and exhibited less fluorescence than the neat SubPc solution. Absent from these titration studies however, was the presence of a new band in the UV-Vis absorbance spectra, which might indicate the occurrence of charge transfer. Since this was not observed, we conclude that the SubPcs in solution were not undergoing charge transfer to the C60. Though quenching of fluorescence was observed, this may consist of an energy transfer between the SubPc 37 and the C60, which has been previously observed for similarly donor-substituted SubPcs in solution with C60.108 To confirm these results, and act as simple proof of concept, the best performing SubPc-POP was doped with C60 and the doped polymer’s properties were examined. The SubPc-POP was dried on high vacuum and analyzed by N2 adsorption 5 4.5 4 3.5 F(R) 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Wavelength (nm) 1200 1400 Figure 32. Kubelka-Munk diffuse reflectance spectra for SubPc-POP 1 before (pink) and after (black) doping with C60 isotherms as usual. The POP powder was then transferred to a small flask and submerged in a 5M solution of C60 in dry toluene and allowed to stir in the Ar glovebox overnight. The doped polymer was filtered and gently rinsed with dry toluene. The doped polymer was further dried under high vacuum and the porosity was reanalyzed. The porosity of the doped polymer followed the same type I isotherm, but the overall porosity was much lower38 indicating that C60 is likely occupying the pores of the POP (see Figure 31). This was difficult to characterize by NMR hydrolysis experiments, owing to the very different solubilities of the polar POP monomers, and the very non- polar C60. The doped POP was compared to the pre-doped POP by solid state UV-Vis to determine if charge transfer could happen between SubPcs in the polymer, and C60 guests within the pores. After doping with C60 the solid state UV-Vis absorbance was exactly the same as the pre-doped POP, indicating that no charge transfer was occurring between the POP and the C60 guest (see Figure 32). Inducing charge transfer between this particular SubPc and C60 seemed challenging, thus no further studies were performed to this end. 2.5 Experimental section 2.5.1 Instrumentation and methods Unless stated otherwise all reagents were purchased from commercial sources and used without further purification. Dioxane, mesitylene, 3-pentanone, and acetonitrile were distilled over CaH2. Infrared spectra were recorded on a Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS5 with an iD7 diamond ATR attachment and are uncorrected. UV-Vis absorbance spectra were recorded on a Cary 5000 UV-Vis/NIR spectrophotometer using an internal DRA with stock powder cell holder to record the % reflectance spectra. Emission spectra were recorded on a Cary Eclipse Fluorescence spectrophotometer equipped with a xenon flash lamp. Surface area measurements were conducted on a Micromeritics ASAP 2020 Surface Area and 39 Porosity Analyzer using ca. 15 mg samples. Nitrogen isotherms were generated by incremental exposure to ultra high purity nitrogen up to ca. 1 atm in a liquid nitrogen (77 K) bath. Surface parameters were determined using BET adsorption models in the instrument software. Pore size distributions were determined using the non-local density functional theory (NLDFT) model (cylinder pore, N2-cylindrical pores-oxide surface with high regularization) in the instrument software (Micromeritics ASAP 2020 V4.02). 1H NMR spectra were recorded in deuterated solvents on a Bruker Avance DPX 400 (400 MHz). Chemical shits are reported in parts per million (ppm, δ) using the solvent as the internal standard. 13 C NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker Avance DPX 400 (100 MHz) using the solvent as an internal standard. 2.5.2 Synthetic methods Compounds 5-9 have been synthesized previously by Torres et al.106 Synthesis of 4,5-bis(triisopropylsilyloxy)phthalonitrile (4) To a dry flask was added 5 (1.5 g, 9.36 mmol), imidazole (3.8 g, 56.2 mmol, 6 eq), DMAP (0.034 g, 0.28 mmol, 0.03 eq), and TIPSCl (8 mL, 7.22 g, 37.44 mmol, 4 eq). The mixture was degassed with N2 while dry DMF (30 mL, 0.3 M) added via syringe. The mixture was further degassed with N2 before submerging in a 55˚C oil bath. The mixture was allowed to react for 24 h under N2. After cooling, the mixture was quenched by pouring into 40 saturated NH4Cl solution. Product was extracted into ether, dried over Na2SO4 and reduced on the rotovap to a yellow oil. Overnight the oil yields needle shaped crystals, which were swamped with MeOH and cooled in the fridge before filtering, washing with additional MeOH. Product isolated in 82% yield as white needly solids. 1H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3) δ = 7.10 (s, 2H), 1.31 (m, 6H), 1.11 (d, 36H) 13 C NMR (100 MHz CDCl3) δ = 151.72, 123.77, 115.78, 108.29, 17.76, 13.04. HRMS (ESI-MS) m/z calculated for C26H44N2O2Si2 [M+Na]+, 495.2834 Found 495.2835. IR (FT-IR, ATR): 2946, 2867, 2229, 1513, 1342 cm1 . Melting point: 159-160 ˚C. Synthesis of 1a To a dry 2 neck flask was added 4 (0.5 g, 1.05 mmol) and the flask was fitted with reflux condenser and septa. The apparatus was degassed with N2. BCl3 (1.05 mL, 1.05 mmol, 1M solution in p-xylenes) was added to the solids at room temperature under 1 ATM N2. The mixture was submerged in a 150˚C oil bath and allowed to react for 1 h. After cooling, solvents were removed via hivac. Product was extracted from the crude solids by grinding in a mortar and pestle, then washing with hexanes. The red filtrate was reduced on the rotovap. Product was crashed out from hot DCM with acetonitrile. Solids filtered to yield the desired product in 16% yield as dark purple solids. 1H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3) δ = 8.16 (s, 6H), 1.51 (m, 18H), 1.19 (t, 108H) 13C NMR (100 MHz CDCl3) δ = 151.14, 149.97, 125.04, 110.86, 17.99, 13.26. HRMS (ICR MALDI) m/z calculated for C78H132BClN6O6Si6 41 [M]+ 1462.82 Found 1463.86. IR (FT-IR, ATR): 2938, 2862, 1457, 1145 cm-1. Melting point: 271 ˚C Synthesis of 1b CsF (0.429 g, 2.83 mmol, 18 eq) was added to a dried flask and held under N2. Solutions of 1a (0.23 g, 0.157 mmol) were created in acetone (~0.007 M), then added to the CsF via syringe. The mixture was degassed with N2 briefly before heating in a 40˚C oil bath overnight (~16 h). The mixture was further cooled in an ice bath before quenching with TFA (20 eq) and diluting with water. Volatile solvents removed via rotovap and solids were isolated via filtration, washing with water, DCM and hot hexanes. Product isolated in 68% yield as plum-colored solids. 1H NMR (400 MHz D6 acetone) δ = 9.03 (s, 6H), 8.13, (s, 6 H) 13C NMR (100 MHz D6-acetone) δ = 149.94, 149.18, 124.17, 106.71. HRMS (ESIMS) m/z calculated for C24H12BN6O6 [M-Cl]+ 491.09 Found 491.09. IR (FT-IR, ATR): 3053, 1469, 1128, 1043 cm-1. Melting point: 266 ˚C (decomposed without melting) Synthesis of 2a To a dry 3 neck flask was added 4 (0.5 g, 1.05 mmol), one neck fitted with an addition funnel, one with reflux condenser, and the third a septa. The addition funnel was loaded with phenol (0.98 g 10.5 mmol, 10 eq), and o-xylenes (10 mL, 1.05 M). The apparatus was capped and degassed with N2. BCl3 (1.05 mL, 1.05 mmol, 1M solution in p-xylenes) was 42 added to the solids at room temperature under 1 ATM N2. The mixture was submerged in a 150˚C oil bath and allowed to react for 1 h before the phenol solution was added slowly to the hot mixture. The mixture was further heated while shielded from light overnight (~16h). After cooling, high boiling solvents were removed on rotovap and the dark residue was further dried on hivac. Product extracted from the crude solids by grinding in a mortar and pestle, then washing with hexanes. The red filtrate was reduced on rotovap, and the resulting residue was crashed out from minimal hot DCM with rt MeCN. The suspension was cooled in the fridge several hours before filtering to isolate solids. Product was isolated in 18% yield as a reddish-pink solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3) δ = 8.09 (s, 6H), 6.77 (t, 2H), 6.58 (t, 1H) 5.42 (d, 2H) 1.49 (m, 18H) 6.58 (t, 108H) 13C NMR (100 MHz CDCl3) δ =152.30, 150.67, 149.11, 127.74, 124.01, 119.62, 117.66, 109.74, 16.98, 12.24. MS (MALDI) m/z calculated for C84H137BN6O7Si6 [M]+, 1522.35 Found 1522.11. IR (FT-IR, ATR): 2944, 2866, 1463, 1146 cm-1. Melting point: 271 ˚C (decomposed without melting) Synthesis of 2b To a dry flask was added CsF (0.52 g, 3.43 mmol, 18 eq). The flask was capped and degassed with N2. Solutions of 2a (0.29 g, 0.19 mmol) in 5:1 acetone: hexanes (~0.007 M) were added to the flask via syringe under degassing conditions. The mixture was heated to 45˚C under 1 ATM N2 and allowed to react in the dark overnight (~16h). After cooling, low boiling solvents were removed via rotovap. The mixture was further diluted with water, 43 and a few drops of 1M HCl were added to protonate. The mixture was filtered to isolate solids, which were further washed with water, DCM, and hot hexanes. Product was isolated in 70% yield as plum-colored solids. 1H NMR (400 MHz D6-acetone) δ = 9.09 (s, 6H), 8.16 (s, 6H), 6.74 (t, 2H), 6.56 (t, 2H), 5.33 (d, 2H) 13C NMR (100 MHz D6-acetone) δ = 153.58, 150.67, 148.46, 128.58, 125.02, 120.64, 118.97, 106.30. MS (MALDI) m/z calculated for C30H17BN6O7 [M]+, 584.30 Found 584.14. IR (FT-IR, ATR): 3196, 2946, 1474, 1143 cm-1. Melting point: 254 ˚C (decomposed without melting) Synthesis of 3a To a dry 3 neck flask was added 4 (0.5 g, 1.05 mmol), one neck fitted with an addition funnel, one with reflux condenser, and the third a septa. The addition funnel was loaded with pentafluorophenol (1.93 g, 10.5 mmol, 10 eq) and o-xylenes (10 mL, 1.05 M). The apparatus was capped and degassed with N2. BCl3 (1M solution in p-xylenes) was added to the solids at room temperature under 1 atm N2. The mixture was submerged in a 150˚C oil bath and allowed to react for 1 h before the phenol solution was added slowly to the hot mixture. The mixture was further heated while shielded from light 2h. After cooling, high boiling solvents were removed on rotovap and the dark residue was further dried on hivac. Product extracted from the crude solids by grinding in a mortar and pestle, then washing with hexanes. The red filtrate was reduced on rotovap, and the resulting residue was crashed out from minimal hot DCM with rt MeCN. The suspension was cooled in the fridge 44 several hours before filtering to isolate solids. Product was isolated in 28% yield as dark colored solids. 1H NMR (400 MHz CDCl3) δ = 8.10 (s, 6H), 1.49 (m, 18H), 1.17 (m, 108H) 13 C NMR (100 MHz CDCl3) δ = 151.28, 150.39, 124.96, 110.73, 17.99, 13.22. MS (MALDI) m/z calculated for C84H132BF5N6O7Si6 [M]+, 1612.30 Found 1611.05. IR (FTIR, ATR): 2945, 2868, 1467, 1149 cm-1. Melting point: 284 ˚C (decomposed without melting) Synthesis of 3b To a dry flask was added CsF (0.339 g, 2.23 mmol, 18 eq). The flask was capped and degassed with N2. Solutions of 3a (0.2 g, 0.124 mmol) in 5:1 acetone: hexanes (~0.007 M) were added to the flask via syringe under degassing conditions. The mixture was heated to 45˚C under 1 atm N2 and allowed to react in the dark overnight (~16h). After cooling, low boiling solvents were removed via rotovap. The mixture was further diluted with water, and a few drops of 1M HCl were added to protonate. The mixture was filtered to isolate solids, which were further washed with water, DCM, and hot hexanes. Product was isolated in 84% yield as plum-colored solids. 1H NMR (400 MHz D6-acetone) δ = 9.08 (br s, 6H), 8.08 (s, 6H) 13C NMR (100 MHz D6-DMSO) δ = 169.85, 151.33, 150.19, 149.81, 125.19. 124.25, 109.82, 106.88. MS (MALDI) m/z calculated for C30H12BF5N6O7 [M]+, 674.26 Found 674.07. IR (FT-IR, ATR): 3028, 1463, 1275, 1133, 986 cm-1. Melting point: 239 ˚C (Decomposed without melting) 45 SubPc POP synthesis (SubPc-POP 1, 2) To a dry ampule was added 1b, 2b, or 3b (0.03 mmol) and BDBA (0.05 mmol, 1.5 eq). Solvent mixture (0.05 M) was added, and the mixture was sonicated for 1 minute. Mixture was freeze-pump-thawed for 3 cycles before ampule was sealed under vacuum. The sealed ampule was placed in a closed oven for 3 d. POP powder was isolated by filtration. Powder was suspended in dry acetonitrile to remove residual monomers over a period of 2 days, periodically changing out the acetonitrile. Powder was dried on high vacuum ~8 h then degassed 12 h at 75 °C on the porosity analyzer. SubPc-POP 1: 17 mg, 67% yield. SubPcPOP-2: 17.4 mg, 58% yield. 46 Table 1. Summary of screening of SubPc-POP reaction conditions Rax= Cl OPh (POP-1) OF5Ph (POP-2) Eq SubPc 1 Eq BDBA 1.5 Solvents Time Temp Porosity 2:1 Diox:Mes 72 h 105 °C Nonporous 1 1.5 1:1 Diox:Mes 72 h 105 °C Nonporous 1 1.5 1:1 Diox:Mes 72 h 105 °C 231 m /g 1 1.5 1:2 Diox:Mes 72 h 120 °C 123 m /g 1 1.5 1:2 Diox:Mes 72 h 95 °C 160 m /g 1 1.5 1:1 Diox:Mes 72 h 120 °C 103 m /g 1 1.5 1:1 Pent:Mes 72 h 105 °C 66 m /g 1 1.5 1:2 Pent:Mes 72 h 105 °C 93 m /g 1 1.5 1:1 Pent:Mes 72 h 105 °C 24 m /g 47 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.5.3 Infrared spectroscopy 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 1500 1000 500 Wavenumber (cm-1) Figure 33. FT-IR spectrum of 1a 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) Figure 34. FT-IR spectrum of 1b 48 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 1500 1000 500 Wavenumbers (cm-1) Figure 35. FT-IR spectrum of 2a 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) Figure 36. FT-IR spectrum of 2b 49 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumbers (cm-1) Figure 37. FT-IR spectrum of 3a 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) Figure 38. FT-IR spectrum of 3b 50 1500 1000 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumber (cm-1) Figure 39. Stacked FT-IR spectra of SubPc-POP 1 (black, top), hexahydroxy-OPh-SubPc (2b) (pink, middle), and BDBA (green, bottom) Table 2. Resonances and assignments for SubPc-POP 1 Resonance Assignment 1465 cm-1 C=N -1 1347 cm B-O (boronate ester) -1 1046 cm B-O (axial ligand) 51 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumber (cm-1) Figure 40. Stacked FT-IR spectra of SubPc-POP 2 (black, top), hexahydroxy-OF5PhSubPc (3b) (purple, middle), BDBA (green, bottom) Table 3. Resonances and assignments for SubPc-POP 2 Resonance Assignment 1468 cm-1 C=N -1 1352 cm B-O (boronate ester) -1 1039 cm B-O (axial ligand) 52 2.5.4 PXRD profiles 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 2Θ Figure 41. PXRD profile of SubPc-POP 1 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 5 10 15 20 2Θ Figure 42. PXRD profile of SubPc-POP 2 53 25 2.5.5 Solid-state NMR spectra Figure 43. 13C CP-MAS of SubPc POP 1 54 Figure 44. 13C CP-MAS of SubPc-POP 2 55 2.5.6 TGA profile 100 90 80 % Weight lost 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Temperature (°C) Figure 45. TGA profile of SubPc-POP 1 56 600 700 800 2.5.7 Surface area analysis 60 Q (1 - p°) (cm³/g STP) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Relative Pressure (p/p°) 0.8 1 Figure 46. Roquerol BET analysis for SubPc-POP 1 Table 4. BET values derived from Roquerol BET analysis for SubPc-POP 1 (P/P°) 0.005939-0.139089 0.005939-0.106749 0.005939-0.084445 BET (m 231 231 229 2 SubPc-POP 1 /g) Correlation Coefficient 0.9999 0.9998 0.9997 57 C 321.478 320.559 339.447 0.0025 1/[Q(p°/p - 1)] 0.002 0.0015 y = 0.0187x + 6E-05 R² = 0.99971 C=321.478 0.001 0.0005 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Relative Pressure (p/p°) Figure 47. BET surface area plot for SubPc-POP 1 58 0.1 0.12 25 Q (1 - p°) (cm³/g STP) 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.8 1 Figure 48. Roquerol BET analysis of SubPc-POP 2 Table 5. BET values derived from Roquerol BET analysis for SubPc-POP 2 (P/P°) 0.001086-0.200654 0.001086-0.167247 0.001086-0.133936 SubPc-POP 2 BET (m2/g) Correlation coefficient 93 0.9988 93 0.9981 91 0.9977 59 C 136.591 139.102 170.091 0.012 0.01 1/[Q(p°/p - 1)] 0.008 0.006 y = 0.0461x + 0.0003 R² = 0.99773 C=136.591 0.004 0.002 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) Figure 49. BET surface area plot of SubPc-POP 2 60 0.2 0.25 2.5.8 UV-Vis and fluorescence Normalized Absorbance and Intensity 1.2 1 0.8 1a Normalized Absorbance 1a Normalized Fluorescence 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 Wavelength (nm) 700 750 800 Figure 50. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra of 1a in toluene (λexcitation= 574 nm) Normalized Absorbance and Intensity 1.2 1 0.8 1b Normalized Absorbance 1b Normalized Fluorescence 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 250 350 450 550 Wavelength (nm) 650 750 Figure 51. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra of 1b in acetone (λexcitation= 564 nm) 61 Normalized Absorbance and Intensity 1.2 1 0.8 2a Normalized Absorbance 0.6 2a Normalized Fluorescence 0.4 0.2 0 200 300 400 500 600 Wavelength (nm) 700 800 Figure 52. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra of 2a in toluene (λexcitation= 522 nm) Normalized Absorbance and Intensity 1.2 1 0.8 2b Normalized Absorbance 2b Normalized Fluorescence 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Wavelength (nm) 650 700 750 800 Figure 53. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra of 2b in acetone (λexcitation= 561 nm) 62 Normalized Absorbance and Intensity 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 3a Normalized Absorbance 3a Normalized Fluorescence 0.4 0.2 0 325 375 425 475 525 575 625 Wavelength (nm) 675 725 775 Figure 54. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra of 3a in toluene (λexcitation= 578 nm) Normalized Absorbance and Intensity 1.2 1 0.8 3b Normalized Absorbance 0.6 3b Normalized Fluorescence 0.4 0.2 0 325 375 425 475 525 575 625 Wavelength (nm) 675 725 775 Figure 55. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra of 3b in acetone (λexcitation= 570 nm) 63 6 5 F(R) 4 3 2 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Wavelength (nm) 1200 1400 Figure 56. Kubelka-Munk function diffuse reflectance spectrum of 2b (pink) and SubPc POP 1 (black) 6 5 F(R) 4 3 2 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Wavelength (nm) 1200 1400 Figure 57. Kubelka-Munk function diffuse reflectance spectrum of 3b (purple) and SubPc-POP 2 (black) 64 2.5.9 SubPc-POP hydrolysis 1H NMR A small sample (~5 mg) of POP powder was hydrolyzed by addition of D2O and the monomers were redissolved in deuterated acetone. Samples were sonicated briefly to help solubilize monomers. This technique is used to confirm the presence of both monomers in the polymer. Figure 58. 1H NMR spectrum of SubPc-POP 1 after hydrolysis 65 Figure 59. 1H NMR spectrum of SubPc-POP 2 after hydrolysis 66 2.5.10 1H and 13C NMR spectra Figure 60. 1H NMR spectrum of 4 67 Figure 61. 13C NMR spectrum of 4 68 Figure 62. 1H NMR spectrum of 1a 69 Figure 63. 13C NMR spectrum 1a 70 Figure 64. 1H NMR spectrum of 1b 71 Figure 65. 13C NMR spectrum of 1b 72 Figure 66. 1H NMR spectrum of 2a 73 Figure 67. 13C NMR spectrum of 2a 74 Figure 68. 1H NMR spectrum of 2b 75 Figure 69. 13C NMR spectrum of 2b 76 Figure 70. 1H NMR spectrum of 3a 77 Figure 71. 13C NMR spectrum of 3a 78 Figure 72. 1H NMR spectrum of 3b 79 Figure 73. 13C NMR spectrum of 3b 80 Chapter 3: Benzoxazole formation studies Portions of this chapter are adapted from the following publications: Pyles, D. A.; Coldren, W. H.; Eder, G. M.; Hadad, C. M.; McGrier, P. L. Mechanistic investigations into the cyclization and crystallization of benzobisoxazole-linked two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks. Submitted Used with permission. 3.1 Benzoxazole background Oxazoles are aromatic 5-membered heterocycles incorporating an oxygen atom and a nitrogen atom (see Figure 74). Oxazoles are found frequently as ligands in catalysis, and are a functional group often appended to molecules of interest in drug discovery. Oxazoles are most widely used when fused to a benzene ring to form benzoxazoles, which have been extensively studied in small molecule and polymeric materials applications. Benzoxazoles were entirely unknown Figure 74. Structure of oxazole and its benzo-fused derivatives in the porous material literature until the first report by Yavuz et. al. in 2014 showing that a silyl-protected bisbenzoxazole derivative could be combined with an acyl 81 O H TBS N H N TBS TBS O O TBS + Cl Cl O N N O O 5-25˚C O Cl O O N H N O TBS O O TBS 1. Thin film casting COP-93 N H N COP-94 2. Annealing 400˚C N N O O O Figure 75. Synthesis of COP-93 and COP-94 by thermal annealing of amide-linked prepolymers chloride to form a pre-polymer, then annealed at 400˚C to yield a covalent organic polymer (BOX-COP) with high CO2 uptake111 (see Figure 75). Their good CO2 uptake is a valuable asset; unfortunately the method of annealing at high temperatures did not lend itself to a wide variety of functional monomers. As such, there were no reports of new benzobisoxazole (BBO) porous polymers until work in the McGrier Group produced 2 new BBO polymers that were not only porous, but also crystalline, allowing them to be catergorized as COFs112 (see Figure 76). The McGrier method for synthesizing BBO-COFs employed a much milder method that lends itself better to the reversible formation of ordered systems. Shortly thereafter the El-Kaderi group published a report of BBO linked porous polymers using a similar synthetic method and extending the methodology from 2dimensional polymers up to 3-dimensional polymers, as well as the analogous version of 82 Figure 76. Synthesis of BBO-COF 1 and 2 the polymer using sulfur in place of oxygen to yield benzobisthiazole (BBT) linked POPs113 (see Figure 77). Very recently, Wei Wang’s group reported a series of BBO-linked COFs with high stability and photocatalytic properties.114 This increased stability of a COF linkage is incredibly important due to increasing interest in using COFs and porous materials for applications in devices or chemical catalysis. In this area the BBO linkage surpasses many others; It is very stable to water, even at 100˚C for 24h.112 Additionally BBO-linked COFs have been shown to be stable even to 9M acid or base. 114 In order for this relatively new linkage to gain traction in the world of catalysis, it would be beneficial to understand this linkage in depth in order to bypass the tedious task of screening numerous reactions conditions (e.g., solvent concentrations, reaction times, temperature, etc.) to produce a desired framework, but also to establish a rational experimental protocol 83 for generating high quality COF structures with improved efficiency and controlled morphologies to help advance the field of porous materials in heterogeneous catalysis. Figure 77. Synthesis of BOLPs (where X=O) and BTLPs (where X=S) 3.2 Proposed mechanisms for the formation of benzoxazoles The most commonly accepted mechanistic pathway for the formation of benzoxazoles has been based on a 3-step, 2 electron pathway (see Figure 78). First, condensation of a free amine with an aldehyde reversibly affords an imine, as is commonly employed in COF synthesis. In a second step, the hydroxyl group ortho to the imine nitrogen can perform an intramolecular nucleophilic attack on the imine carbon creating the basis of the 5membered ring. In a third and final step, oxidation by metals115 or strong oxidants transforms the benzoxazoline intermediate to the benzoxazole. In 2012, Cheon et. al. proposed a catalytic version of this synthesis which employed a strong nucleophile to initiate the nucleophilic attack of the imine carbon, then be displaced by the attack of the ortho hydroxyl group followed by oxidation by ambient air.116 This is postulated to occur 84 by a 5-exo-tet cyclization following Baldwin’s rules,117 whereas the direct attack of the imine carbon by oxygen would represent a 5-endo-trig cyclization which is forbidden by Baldwin’s rules. Cheon’s group also showed that cyanide was the most effective nucleophile to affect this transformation, whereas other strong alkoxide or thioxide O NH2 N Ph OH Ph Nuc OH H N O N Ph H N [O] Ph Nuc Nuc Ph O O Figure 78. Synthesis of benxozazole by Cheon's proposed 2 electron pathway employing a nucleophilic catalyst nucleophiles were unable to catalyze the reaction.118 In 2016 Yu et. al. put forward an extensive computational study on the formation of benzoxazoles. This work showed that after the initial imine formation and nucleophilic attack of cyanide, a direct nucleophilic attack of alkoxide anion to displace the cyanide nucleophile represented an extremely high energy transition state of 31.1 kcal/mol119 (see Figure 79) The authors further postulated that at this point aerobic oxygen could instead homolytically remove the proton at the newly formed SP3 carbon at a much lower 6.9 kcal/mol. They hypothesize that this radical 85 Figure 79. Calculated energy levels of intermediates and transiton states for radical oxidative dehydrogenation and cyclization to form a benzoxazole reprinted with permission from J. Org. Chem., 2016, 81, 10857-10862. Copyright 2016 American Chemical Society 86 could be stabilized by the captodative effect from electron withdrawing adjacent cyanide group. The captodative effect can occur when adjacent electron donor and electron acceptor substituents stabilize a radical center by resonance.120 The Figure 80. Examples of radicals stabilized by the captodative effect concept of donor-acceptor (DA) resonance stabilization is not new, and is frequently employed in the fields of polymers121 and organic devices,122 However, mechanistic studies detailing how the captodative effect and careful selection of organic linkers can support the nucleation and growth of ordered 2D polymeric systems has yet to be reported. 3.3 Small molecule analog studies 3.3.1 p-tolylbenzoxaole Intrigued by the postulations set forth by Cheon et. al. and Yu et. al. we set out to investigate the ring closure reaction of benzoxazoles experimentally. In order to test these hypotheses, we decided to screen a variety of nucleophiles that were not tested by Cheon et. al. including nucleophiles capable of the captodative effect, to Figure 81. Synthesis of p-tolylbenzoxazole determine 87 if the captodative effect could in fact be responsible for the excellent performance of cyanide as a catalyst in this reaction. Our small molecule studies began with p-tolylbenzoxazole (see Figure 81) as the target for this small molecule study in order to screen nucleophiles using commercially available substrates. Our investigation employed a variety of strong NaCN NaSCH3 NaN3 NaI DMAP HCl NaF MeOH None H2O 8.8 8.6 8.4 8.2 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.2 7.0 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 ppm Figure 82. Stacked 1H NMR spectra of the crude reaction forming p-tolylbenzoxazole. The red band indicates the presence of the desired oxazole product, and the blue band indicates the presence of the undesired imine linked product nucleophiles including 2 capable of the captodative effect, NaCN and NaN3. We also tested some of the reaction parameters to see if they had any effect on the reaction outcome, such 88 as including methanol with no catalyst, and creating the acid salt of 2-aminophenol to mimic the dihydrochloride salt precursor to the BBO linkage (see Table 6). We evaluated the efficacy of these nucleophiles by the ratio of peaks present in the 1H NMR (see Figure 82). Table 6. Ratio of p-tolylbenzoxazole product to imine-linked product based on 1H NMR integration Additive 1 Eq CN 200 µL MeOH 4 µL H2O Ratio Ox: Imine 1:0 1 : 12 1 : 16 NONE 1 : 13 1 Eq NaI 1 : 2.8 1 Eq DMAP 1 Eq NaF 1 Eq NaN3 1 : 3.8 1 : 8.4 1: 0.47 1 Eq NaSCH3 1 : 0.41 Aminophenol HCl Salt 1 : 4.1 We found that NaCN is still by far the most effective catalyst in this system, showing complete conversion to the desired benzoxazole. NaN3 was also a very effective catalyst for this system, showing good conversion to the benzoxazole with only some evidence of residual imine product. NaSCH3 also performed fairly well in the reaction due to its strong nucleophilicity, however it is incapable of supporting the captodative effect. Other 89 nucleophiles either gave mixtures of benzoxazole and imine, or no conversion to the oxazole whatsoever. 3.3.2 BBO-1 These trials on p-tolylbenzoxazole gave us some interesting insights into the properties a nucleophilic catalyst for this reaction must possess. However the electronics of ptolylbenzoxazole differ significantly from the 2,5-diamino-1,4-benzenediol dihydrochloride (DABD) polymer precursor. We thus completed a small study on model molecule BBO-1 (see Figure 83) using our most successful p-tolylbenzoxazole catalysts in Figure 83. Synthesis of BBO-1 with different nucleophiles order to get a better idea of how nucleophilic catalysts might work in the polymeric system. Based on isolated yields of pure BBO-1, we found that NaCN still performs the best out of the three chosen catalysts (see Table 7). Again, NaN3 also provided a good yield of BBO1. NaSCH3 was able to catalyze the reaction as well, albeit at a lower yield than the other catalysts. Trials without the presence of a nucleophile show that background reaction can proceed under these high temperature conditions to give a low yield of the desired product. We believe the best performing catalysts could be able to stabilize the system by the 90 captodative effect to yield such good results. With this hypothesis, we went on to investigate this effect in the full BBO-COF system. Table 7. Isolated yields of BBO-1 synthesized with different nucleophiles Nuc % Yield (isolated) NaCN 62% NaN3 37% NaSCH3 21% No Nuc 11% No O2 <1% 3.4 BBO-COF 3 3.4.1 Synthesis and design of BBO-COF 3 In addition to investigating the captodative effect, we were also interested in examining what impact an electron deficient organic linker like 1,3,5-tris(4-formylphenyl)triazine (TFPT) would have on the formation and crystallization of the BBO-linked COFs. Since triazine-based monomers are known for exhibiting high electron mobilities (thanks to their electron withdrawing nature)123 we hypothesized that this feature could assist with stabilizing the radical species generated during the oxidative dehydrogenation process. In this study, we first established the optimal cyanide-catalyzed reaction conditions for synthesizing BBO-COF 3 using TFPT and DABD organic linkers114 (see Figure 84). 91 Afterwards, we investigated the ability of other good nucleophiles like NaN3 and NaSCH3 to initiate the formation of BBO-COF 3 and the previously synthesized BBO-COF 2. These studies were performed in conjunction with one another to determine if the electron withdrawing TFPT linker of BBO-COF 3 would exhibit any enhanced effect on the formation and crystallization of the COFs in comparison to the isostructural 1,3,5-tris(4formylphenyl)benzene (TFPB) linker that was used to synthesize BBO-COF 2. We demonstrate that NaN3 and NaSCH3 are effective at catalyzing the formation of BBOCOFs, but NaCN is the only catalyst that promotes the stabilization of radical intermediates through the captodative effect. Interestingly, we also show that the electron withdrawing Figure 84. Synthesis of BBO-COF 3 from DABD (blue) and TFPT (red) 92 TFPT monomer not only enhances the crystallinity of BBO-COF 3, but also plays a significant role in stabilizing the radical intermediates generated during oxidative dehydrogenation. These results were validated using DFT calculations, including population and spin density analyses, along with powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD). We expect that this work will provide a rational protocol for constructing highly ordered BBObased polymeric systems for practical applications. BBO-COF 3 was synthesized by reacting TFPT with DABD in DMF at -15˚C for ~3h. Afterwards, the reaction mixture was slowly warmed to room temperature overnight before adding 1 equiv. of NaCN dissolved in 0.2 mL of methanol. The mixture was then stirred at 130˚C for four days in the presence of air. The product was obtained by filtration and washed with acetone to afford a light brown crystalline solid. BBO-COF 3 was purified by immersing the solids in methanol and acetone for 24 h to remove any unreacted monomers and dried under vacuum. 3.4.2 Characterization of BBO-COF 3 Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) revealed that BBO-COF 3 maintained more than 98% of its weight up to 470˚C (see Figure 116). BBO-COF 3 was characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and 13 C cross-polarization magic angle spinning (CP-MAS) spectroscopic analyses. The FT-IR spectrum revealed stretching modes at 1662 (C=N) and 93 1120 cm-1 (C-O) confirming the formation of the benzoxazole ring (see Figure 100). The TFPT linker exhibited two intense stretches at 1515 and 1360 cm-1, which correspond to the presence of the benzene and triazine moieties respectively (see Figure 99). The triazine ring and BBO-linkage were also confirmed by solid-state 13C CP-MAS NMR, displaying distinct resonances at 167.7, 160.5, and 146.4 ppm (see Figure 115). The porosity of BBO-COF 3 was evaluated using nitrogen gas adsorption measurements at 77 K (see Figure 85). BBO-COF 3 displays a type IV isotherm exhibiting a steep uptake at low pressure (p/p˚ < 0.06) followed by a noticeable step between p/p˚ = 0.06 and 0.22 which validates the mesoporosity of the material. The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method was applied over the low-pressure region (0.01 < p/p˚ < 0.22) of the isotherm to afford a surface area of 2039 m2/g. It is worth noting that this is the highest surface area reported to date for a benzoxazole-linked porous material.111–113 The total pore volume of BBO-COF 3 calculated at p/p˚ = 0.989 provided a value of 1.22 cm2/g. The pore size distribution was estimated using nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) to provide an average pore size of 2.7 nm, which is close to the predicted value of 3.3 nm. In comparison, the isostructural BBO-COF 2 exhibited an average pore size of 1.8 nm. The enhanced pore size of BBO-COF 3 could be attributed to the planarity of the triazine TFPT, which allows for coplanarity between the vertex and linker units (see Figures 129 and 130). 94 This is in contrast to the out-of-plane twisting of the TPFB moieties, which can hinder the formation of vertically stacked eclipsed layers. A 1000 900 700 600 B 500 400 dV (cm3/g) Quantity Adsorbed (cm3/g) 800 300 200 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 100 2 3 4 Pore Width (nm) 5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.7 0.8 0.9 Figure 85. A) N2 adsorption isotherm and B) pore size distribution for BBO-COF 3 95 1 Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) was used to evaluate the crystallinity of BBO-COF 3 (see Figure 86). Taking into account the variations between the observed and predicted pore size distributions, we modeled BBO-COF 3 using a P6 hexagonal unit cell wherein the adjacent layers were offset by 6 Å. BBO-COF 3 displayed an intense peak at 2.95 followed by smaller peaks at 5.11, 5.89, 7.82, 26.2°, which correspond to the (100), (110), (200), (210), and (001) planes, respectively. Pawley refinement of the experimental PXRD data afforded unit cell parameters of a = b = 34.595 Å and c = 3.4 (residuals R p = 3.20%, Rwp = 4.55%). The experimental PXRD data is consistent with the simulated hexagonal unit cell in which the layers are slipped by 6 Å. We also considered the possibility of BBOCOF 3 forming staggered gra (P63 /mmm) stacking layers, but the simulated patterns did not match the experimental data (see Figure 114). In contrast to the PXRD pattern of BBOCOF 2, BBO-COF 3 displays a two-fold enhancement in crystallinity (see Figure 86). We believe this enhancement is attributed to (1) the planarity of the TFPT units allowing for more efficient van der Waals interactions between the layers, and (2) the ability of the electron deficient triazine units to form donor-acceptor (D-A) stacks with the adjacent TFPT aromatic rings along the c direction. Lotsch and coworkers have also observed this phenomenon for imine-linked COFs containing triazine moieties.124 Since DA interactions are often more favorable than non-covalent interactions between π-electron rich aromatic 96 rings,125 this could also further explain why the offsets for BBO-COF 2 (15 Å) are more significant compared to BBO-COF 3 (6Å). 10000 (1 0 0) 9000 8000 Intensity 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 (1 1 0) (2 0 0) (2 1 0) 2000 1000 (0 0 1) 0 0 5 10 15 2θ (Degrees) 20 25 30 Figure 86. Experimental PXRD data for BBO-COF 3 (blue) compared to the Pawley refined (red) and simulated hexagonal unit cell (green) with an offset of 6 Å and a view along the c direction 3.5 Reaction time trials of BBO-COF 3 Before evaluating other nucleophiles as potential catalysts, we first wanted to ensure that the optimal cyanide-catalyzed reaction conditions for constructing BBO-COF 3 were 97 established. While reaction at high temperatures for four days yielded highly ordered crystalline materials, we were curious if that long a reaction period was really required for the full formation of the BBO linkages. To address this issue, we monitored the growth of BBO-COF 3 over time. After reacting for one day, the isolated solid provided only a moderate surface area of 704 m2/g and a pore size of 1.7 nm indicating that the reaction requires a longer reaction time (see Figures 87 and 88). The IR spectrum displayed a broad stretch at 3343 cm-1 and a sharp stretch at 1693 cm-1, which are attributed to the OH stretch 1000 900 Quantity Adsorbed (cm3/g) 800 Four days: 2039 m2/g 700 600 Two days: 1435 m2/g 500 400 Three days: 1295 m2/g 300 200 One day: 704 m2/g 100 Overnight 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.7 0.8 0.9 Figure 87. N2 adsorption isotherms for BBO-COF 3 at various points during the 4-day reaction period 98 1 from the phenolic imine-linked intermediate and the aldehyde (C=O) stretch from the TFPT linker, respectively (see Figure 89). Although the IR stretches for the intermediate and starting material begin to disappear after reacting for a few additional days, the surface area increases by two orders of magnitude to 1435 m2/g after day two, but then surprisingly decreases to 1295 m2/g on day three. This trend is echoed in the pore size data yielding a value of 2.7 nm on day two followed by the formation of multiple smaller pores at 2.6 and 2.1 nm on day three. Since the benzoxazole bond is irreversible, we believe that the 1.4 decreases in surface area Normalized Pore Volume 1.2 and pore size are indicative Before Heating 1 of the formation of 1 day 0.8 0.6 2 days crosslinked polymeric 3 days networks that are corrected 4 days 0.4 during the dynamic imine 0.2 exchange process prior to the formation of the BBO 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Pore Width (nm) 4 4.5 5 Figure 88. Pore size distributions for BBO-COF 3 at various points during the 4-day reaction period linkage.25 PXRD patterns from the isolated solids also indicate that a four-day reaction period is required to attain the crystalline BBO-COF 3 structure (see Figure 109). However, it is worth noting that the BBO-linkage does not 99 form without oxygen even under the optimal growth conditions (see Figures 96-98). Before Heating 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1 ) 1500 1000 500 Figure 89. FT-IR spectra of BBO-COF 3 at various points during the 4-day reaction period 100 3.6 Nucleophile trials of BBO-COFs 2 and 3 With the optimal reaction conditions established, we examined if other nucleophiles could be used to catalyze the formation of the BBO-COFs. Wang and Yu have shown that the activation energy for the direct 5-exo-tet cyclization of benzoxazole in the presence of NaCN has to overcome a high- energy barrier of 47.9 kcal/mol,119 and suggested that the cyclization proceeds through a stepwise mechanism. DFT calculations revealed that after the cyanide attacks the imine carbon to convert the hybridization from sp2 to sp3 tripletstate oxygen then directly abstracts a hydrogen from the newly generated sp3 α-carbon to produce a radical that is stabilized through the captodative effect (see Figure 91). Surprisingly, the activation energy for this process was found to be ~ 24.4 kcal/mol lower than the suggested direct cyanide-catalyzed cyclization pathway. Intrigued by these results, we were curious to examine if (1) BBO-COF 2 and 3 could be constructed using other good nucleophiles like NaN3 and NaSCH3, and (2) the electron deficient TFPT linker of BBOCOF 3 would have any effect on the cyclization and crystallization of the framework compared to BBO-COF 2, which contained the electron rich TPFB linker. The formation of BBO-COF 2 and 3 using NaN3 and NaSCH3 as catalysts was evaluated using nitrogen gas adsorption isotherms, IR spectroscopy, and PXRD analysis (see Figure 90). Since the direct cyclization of benzoxazoles only requires ~ 8.4 kcal/mol,119 we also 101 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 D 1000 BBO-COF 2 Quantity Adsorbed (cm3/g) Quantity Adsorbed (cm3/g) A NaCN: 1106 m2g-1 NaN3: 1033 m2g-1 NaSCH3: 236 m2g-1 No catalyst: 386 0 0.2 m2g-1 0.4 0.6 0.8 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) NaSCH3 : 1697 m2/g NaN3 1439 m2/g No catalyst: 386 m2/g 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 1 E 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1000 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumbers (cm-1) C 0 NaCN: 2039 m2/g 0 1 B 4000 BBO-COF 3 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 F 5 10 15 2Ө 20 25 0 5 10 15 2ϴ 20 25 Figure 90. A) and D) N2 adsorption isotherms, B) and E) FT-IR spectra, and C) and F) PXRD data for A)-C) BBO-COF 2, and D)-F) BBO-COF 3, with different nucleophiles NaCN (red), NaN3 (green), NaSCH3 (blue), and no catalyst (yellow) 102 monitored the formation of the BBO-COFs without the addition of a nucleophile. The activated solids for BBO-COF 2 provided surface area values of 1033 and 236 m2/g for NaN3 and NaSCH3, respectively, whereas the reaction without catalyst yielded a surface area of 169 m2/g. Interestingly, NaSCH3 and NaN3 yielded pore sizes that were closer to the predicted value than NaCN (see Figure 95). The IR spectra for BBO-COF 2 revealed that the reaction with NaSCH3 exhibited broad OH stretches at ~3300 cm-1 indicating that the isolated solids still contain some of the unreacted phenolic imine-linked intermediate (see Figure 90 B). The PXRD data revealed that NaN3 and NaCN were the only catalysts that produced crystalline samples of BBO-COF 2 while NaSCH3 afforded an amorphous porous polymer (see Figure 90 C). In contrast to BBO-COF 2, the activated solids for BBOCOF 3 yielded surface areas of 1697, 1439, and 386 m2/g for NaSCH3, NaN3, and the reaction with no catalyst, respectively (see Figure 90 D). The BBO-COF 3 synthesized without a catalyst contained two pores at 1.7 and 2.6 nm, while the others displayed one distinct pore size at ~ 2.7 nm (see Figure 104). NaSCH3 is the only nucleophile that exhibited an OH stretch at ~3300 cm-1 signifying that a small portion of the polymer was not fully converted to the BBO-linkage (see Figure 90). Surprisingly, all of the nucleophiles studied provided high quality samples of BBO-COF 3 with the lone exception being the reaction in which no catalyst was used (see Figure 90 F). Although the complete formation of BBO-COF 2 and 3 seemed to vary upon the usage of NaSCH3 or NaN3, our studies 103 suggest that NaCN is the most effective catalyst at producing crystalline BBO-COF materials. It should be noted that the reactions without catalyst generated amorphous porous polymers, and were unsuccessful at promoting the cyclization of the BBO-linkage even in the presence of oxygen. This also indicates that nucleophiles are critical for providing the sp3 hybridized α-carbon needed to initiate the stepwise oxidative dehydrogenation mechanistic pathway (see Figure 91). 3.7 Computational experiments With this in mind, we wanted to validate that the radical generated at the α-carbon prior to the cyclization of the BBO-linkage is stabilized through the captodative effect. We were also curious to explore the role of the TFPB and TFPT linkers during the radical delocalization process. To examine this, we performed DFT geometry optimizations (B3LYP/6-31+G*)126–129 along with natural population analysis (NPA, B3LYP/6Table 8. B3LYP/6-31+G* NPA population and spin density analysis for BBO-COF 2. The calculated structure with a single electron on the α-carbon is shown X= Group C N H W X Y Z N3 Spin % –1 –1 0 0 100 2 0 Charges 0.43 –0.56 0.46 –0.65 –0.64 –0.02 –0.03 Group C N H W X Y Z CN Spin % 18 25 –1 30 10 14 4 Charges –0.02 –0.51 0.45 –0.56 –0.15 –0.13 –0.10 104 Group C N H W X Y Z SCH3 Spin % 19 26 0 21 4 24 8 O Charges –0.03 –0.57 0.46 –0.65 0.12 –0.19 –0.14 W N X H C Y Z 31+G*)130 charge density (population) and spin density calculations on the fragment cores of BBO-COF 2 and 3, as implemented in Gaussian 16. The results of these calculations are shown in Tables 8 and 9, respectively. Surprisingly, the calculations show that 100% of Table 9. B3LYP/6-31+G* NPA population and spin density analysis for BBO-COF 3. The calculated structure with a single electron on the α-carbon is shown X= Group C N H W X Y Z N3 Spin % –1 –1 0 –1 100 2 1 Charges 0.42 –0.55 0.46 –0.60 –0.64 0.04 –0.12 Group C N H W X Y Z CN Spin % 11 24 –1 34 6 14 11 Charges –0.001 –0.50 0.46 –0.49 –0.12 –0.08 –0.26 Group C N H W X Y Z SCH3 Spin % 14 17 0 20 3 24 23 O Charges 0.01 –0.55 0.46 –0.60 0.16 –0.14 –0.34 W N X H C Y N N Z N the single electron is delocalized entirely on the azide for both BBO-COF 2 and 3 indicating that these intermediates are not stabilized by the captodative effect. In the case of cyanide, the single electron for BBO-COF 2 is broadly delocalized on the nitrogen atom (25%), cyanide substituent (10%), and the TFPB linker (18%). In contrast, BBO- COF 3 displays similar percentages for the nitrogen atom and cyanide substituent, but exhibits a 7% increase in charge delocalization for the electron deficient TFPT linker. The calculations for cyanide confirm that (1) the radical intermediates generated are stabilized by the captodative effect for these particular systems, and (2) electron deficient substituents can also play a vital role in stabilizing radical intermediates that are generated during the formation of BBO-COFs. Lastly, only a small percentage of the single electron is 105 Figure 91. Proposed mechanism for the stepwise oxidative dehydrogenation pathway to form the BBO-linkage using NaCN as a catalyst delocalized on the SCH3 substituent for BBO-COF 2 and 3 possibly due to its electron donating nature, while 32% and 47% are delocalized on the TFPB and TFPT linkers, respectively. The higher charge delocalization for the latter could explain why the NaSCH3 catalyzed reaction for BBO-COF 3 produces a crystalline solid, while the reaction for BBO-COF 2 yields an amorphous powder. Based on the experimental and computational data collected, we propose the following mechanism for the cyclization of the BBO-linkage during the nucleation process (see Figure 91). The aminophenol and formyl precursors initially undergo an imine condensation reaction to produce (A) followed by subsequent proton transfer to form the protonated imine intermediate (B). Then, cyanide attacks the imine α-carbon of (B) to generate the sp3 hybridized intermediate (C). Afterwards, triplet state oxygen moves in to 106 abstract the hydrogen atom at the sp3 hybridized α-carbon of (C) to produce intermediate (D) and generate a hydroperoxyl radical species. Later, this hydroperoxyl radical species returns to abstract a hydrogen atom from the β-nitrogen of (D) to eliminate hydrogen peroxide and produce intermediate (E). From here, an intramolecular cyclization followed by elimination of the cyano group produces the BBO-linkage. Although the proposed mechanism does shed more light on the role of cyanide during the cyclization process, it is unclear if radical-radical interactions131 between the adjacent layers of BBO-COFs occur or assist with the nucleation and growth process. 3.8 Experimental section 3.8.1 Instrumentation and methods Infrared spectra were recorded on a Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS5 with an iD7 diamond ATR attachment and are uncorrected. Powder X-Ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns were recorded on a Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer (40 kV, 40 mA, sealed Cu X-Ray tube) equipped with an incident beam monochromator (Johansson type SiO2-crystal) and Lynxeye XE-T position sensitive detector. Samples were mounted on a zero background sample holder by dropping powders from a vial and flattening them by firmly pressing the sample with a wide-blade spatula. No sample grinding was used prior to analysis. The holder was then placed on the mounting apparatus. Surface area measurements were conducted on a Micromeritics ASAP 2020 Surface Area and Porosity Analyzer and a 107 Micromeritics Tristar Surface Area and Porosity Analyzer using ca. 20 mg samples. Nitrogen isotherms were generated by incremental exposure to ultra high purity nitrogen up to ca. 1 atm in a liquid nitrogen (77 K) bath. Surface parameters were determined using BET adsorption models in the instrument software. Pore size distributions were determined using the non-local density functional theory (NLDFT) model (cylinder pore, N2cylindrical pores-oxide surface with high regularization) in the instrument software (Micromeritics ASAP 2020 V4.02). 1H NMR spectra were recorded in deuterated solvents on a Bruker Avance DPX 400 (400 MHz). Chemical shits are reported in parts per million (ppm, δ) using the solvent as the internal standard. 13C NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker Avance DPX 400 (100 MHz) using the solvent as an internal standard. Solid-state 13 C NMR spectra for BBO-COF 3 was recorded using a Bruker AVIII 600 MHz spectrometer with wide-bore magnet (600.3 MHz) using a 3.2 mm magic angle spinning (MAS) HXY solid-state NMR probe and running 32 k scans. Cross-polarization with MAS (CP-MAS) was used to acquire 13C data at 150.9 MHz. The 13C cross polarization time was 2 ms at 50 kHz for 13C. 1H decoupling was applied during data acquisition. The decoupling power corresponded to 100 kHz. The HXY sample spinning rate was 15 kHz. Elemental analysis was performed by Galbraith Laboratories using a Thermo Finnigan FlashEA 1112 Elemental Analyzer. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed by Galbraith Laboratories by heating samples from 25 oC to 500 oC under air at a heating rate of 10 oC min-1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed on a FEI sirion FE-SEM. 108 Materials were deposited onto a film of a wet colloidal silver paint on an aluminum sample stub and dried in a vacuum oven at 40 oC. The samples were coated with gold in a Leica EM ACE600 coater, using rotation, to a depth of approximately 20 nm. After coating, the samples were imaged in the SEM at 5 keV, without tilting, using both the secondary electron (SE) detector and the through lens detector (TLD). 3.8.2 Synthetic methods 2,5-Diamino-1,4-benzenediol dihydrochloride (DABD): this compound was prepared using procedures adapted from Strom and Jeffries-EL et al.132,133 1,3,5-Tris(4-formylphenyl)benzene (TFPB): this compound was prepared using a procedure from Cooper et al.134 1,3,5-Tris(4-bromophenyl)triazine: this compound was prepared using a procedure from Adachi et al.135 1,3,5-Tris(4-formylphenyl)triazine (TFPT): this compound was prepared using a procedure from El-Kaderi et al.136 BBO-COF 2: BBO-COF 2 was synthesized as previously reported, varying the nucleophilic catalyst’s identity.112 109 Synthesis of BBO-COF 3 A dry 25 mL vial with stirbar was loaded with 2,5-diamino-1,4-benzenediol dihydrochloride (31.9 mg, 0.15 mmol, 1.5 eq) and DMF (5 mL) under a N2 atmosphere. The solution was cooled to -15˚C (ethylene glycol/CO2) and 2,4,6-tris(4-formylphenyl)1,3,5-triazine (39.3 mg, 0.10 mmol, 1 eq.) in DMF (5 mL) was added to the solution over 5 minutes. The solution was stirred at -15˚C for an additional 3 h before warming to room temperature in a water bath overnight. The reaction was opened to air and the NaCN (0.10 mmol, 1 eq) was dissolved in MeOH (0.2 mL) before adding to the solution. The reaction was heated to 130˚C for 96 h before filtering solids and washing with acetone. The solids were soaked in methanol for 24 h changing out the solvent 3 times over that period. An additional soak was performed in acetone following the same procedure. The light brown solids were filtered and dried under vacuum before characterization. (38.4 mg 74.8%). FTIR (powder, ATR): 1569, 1515, 1430, 1409, 1360, 1296, 1176, 1120, 1054, 1015, 919, 862, 843, 816, 739, 690, 512. CP-MAS 13C NMR (75.5 MHz, δ ppm): 167.8, 160.6, 146.4, 138.7, 138.4, 136.2, 128.0, 127.9. Elemental analysis for (C33H15O3N6)n: Calculated: C (72.92%), H (2.78%), N (15.46%). Observed: C (66.43%), H (3.31%), N (14.79%). 110 3.8.3 BBO-1 analog trials Synthesis of BBO-1 A dry 25 mL flask with stirbar was loaded with DABD (106.5 mg, 0.5 mmol, 0.5 eq), and DMF (8.3 mL). The reaction flask was purged with nitrogen and cooled to -15 oC, in an ethylene glycol/CO2 bath. Once cooled, p-tolualdehyde (0.11 mL, 1.0 mmol, 1 eq) was added via microsyringe. The flask was kept under nitrogen, and stirred at -15 oC for 3h. The reaction was removed from the cooling bath and warmed to room temperature in a water bath overnight. The reaction was opened to air and the chosen nucleophilic catalyst (1.0 mmol, 1 eq) was dissolved in a chosen solvent (1.3 mL) before adding to the solution. NaCN and NaSCH3 were dissolved in methanol, but due to solubility reasons DMF was chosen to dissolve NaN3. The mixture was heated at 130˚C for 24 hours. After, the mixture was cooled to room temperature, and diluted with water (15 mL). A precipitate formed, which was vacuum filtered, washing with water. The solids were collected and recrystallized from toluene to afford BBO-1 as a brown solid. 1H-NMR (CDCl3, 400 MHz) δ 8.16 (d, 4H); 7.88 (s, 2H); 7.34 (d, 4H). 13C-NMR (CDCl3, 150 MHz) 164.6, 148.6, 142.4, 140.5, 129.7, 127.6, 124.4, 100.7, 21.8. Synthesis of BBO-1 under deoxygenated conditions A dry 25 mL flask was loaded with DMF (8.3 mL) and p-tolualdehyde (0.11 mL, 1.0 mmol, 1 eq), which were degassed using the freeze-pump-thaw method 3 times and backfilled 111 with N2. The solution was transferred via syringe to a round bottom flask under inert atmosphere containing a stirbar and DABD (106.5 mg, 0.5 mmol, 0.5 eq). The reaction was cooled to -15 oC (ethylene glycol/CO2) while remaining under N2. The flask was kept under nitrogen, and stirred at -15 oC for 3h. The reaction was removed from the cooling bath and warmed to room temperature in a water bath overnight. NaCN (1.0 mmol, 1 eq) was dissolved in a MeOH (1.3 mL) and was degassed using the freeze-pump-thaw method three times and backfilled with N2. The NaCN solution was transferred via syringe to the reaction flask. The mixture was heated at 130˚C for 24 hours, while remaining under nitrogen. After, the mixture was cooled to room temperature, and diluted with water (15 mL) and prepared as above. 112 3.8.4 BBO-COF 2 formation studies General Synthetic Procedure for BBO-COF 2 BBO-COF 2 was synthesized as previously reported, varying the nucleophilic catalyst’s identity.112 To test the different nucleophiles for this reaction, the chosen catalyst (1.0 mmol, 1 eq) was dissolved in a chosen solvent (1.3 mL) before adding to the solution. NaCN and NaSCH3 were dissolved in methanol, but due to solubility reasons DMF was chosen to dissolve NaN3. Table 10. Summary of BBO-COF 2 synthesis with different nucleophilic catalysts Nucleophile Temp Reaction (Nuc) (˚C) Time NaCN 130 4d NaN3 130 4d Nucleophiles NaSCH3 130 4d None 130 4d *NaCN 130 4d *Sample was run without oxygen present (deoxygenated) Trial 113 Porosity (m2/g) 1106 1033 236 169 142 % Yield 62% 54% 40% 40% 13% 3.8.5 BBO-COF 2 nucleophile trials 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers 1500 1000 (cm-1) Figure 92. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 2 synthesized with NaN3 Table 11. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 2 synthesized with NaN3 Peak (cm-1) 1624 1118 Assignment C=N stretch of benzoxazole C-O stretch of benzoxazole 114 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1500 1000 Figure 93. FT-IR spectra of BBO-COF 2 synthesized with NaSCH3 Table 12. FT-IR peak assignment for BBO-COF 2 synthesized with NaSCH3 Peak (cm-1) 3369 1630 1120 Assignment O-H stretch C=N stretch of benzoxazole C-O stretch of benzoxazole 115 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1500 1000 Figure 94. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 2 synthesized without a catalyst Table 13. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 2 synthesized without a catalyst Peak (cm-1) 3360 1666 1212 Assignment O-H stretch C=N stretch of benzoxazole C-O stretch of benzoxazole 116 500 1.2 Normalized Pore Volume 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 Pore Width (nm) 4 5 Figure 95. Normalized pore size distributions of BBO-COF 2 synthesized with different nucleophiles 3.8.6 BBO-COF 2 deoxygenated trial Synthesis of BBO-COF 2 under deoxygenated conditions BBO-COF 2 deoxygenated was synthesized by modifying the previously reported synthesis.112 For the deoxygenated sample, DMF, and methanol were degassed using the freeze-pump-thaw method three times each and backfilled with N2. The reaction was 117 performed under nitrogen throughout the four day heating process. NaCN was used as the catalyst. In the deoxygenated sample we see a peak signifying significant –OH stretching and a shift in the C=N imine stretch that corresponds to the imine linked instead of the benzoxazole linked polymer. 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1500 1000 Figure 96. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 2 deoxygenated Table 14. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 2 deoxygenated Peak (cm-1) 3361 1701 1205 Assignment O-H stretch C=N stretch of Imine C-O stretch 118 500 180 160 Quantity Adsorbed (cm3/g) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.7 0.8 0.9 Figure 97. N2 adsorption isotherm of BBO-COF 2 deoxygenated 1.2 Normalized Pore Volume 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Pore Width (nm) 3.5 4 4.5 Figure 98. Pore size distribution of BBO-COF 2 deoxygenated 119 5 1 3.8.7 BBO-COF 3 formation studies Procedure for BBO-COF 3 nucleophile trials The nucleophile trials were run using the synthetic procedure found above for BBO-COF 3, varying the nucleophilic catalyst’s identity. The chosen catalyst (1.0 mmol, 1 eq) was dissolved in a chosen solvent (1.3 mL) before adding to the solution. NaCN and NaSCH3 were dissolved in methanol, but due to solubility reasons DMF was chosen to dissolve NaN3. Procedure for BBO-COF 3 time trials The time trials were run using the synthetic procedure found above for BBO-COF 3, with NaCN as the catalyst. The polymer trials were stopped at various times throughout the heating process. The before heating trial was stopped prior to the exposure to air and addition of NaCN. The heated samples were stopped at 24h, 48h, 72h, and 96h to determine the required length of reaction time for complete oxazole formation. All 5 different time trials were worked up by filtering the solids and soaking them in methanol for 24 h, changing out the solvent 3 times, followed by an additional soak in acetone for 24 h, refreshing the solvent 3 times. The solids were filtered and dried under vacuum before characterization. 120 Table 15. Summary of trials for BBO-COF 3 synthesized with different nucleophiles or over different reaction times Reaction Time NaCN 130 4d NaN3 130 4d Nucleophiles NaSCH3 130 4d None 130 4d Before NaCN 130 Heating NaCN 130 1d NaCN 130 2d Reaction Time NaCN 130 3d NaCN 130 4d *NaCN 130 4d *Sample was run without oxygen present (deoxygenated) Trial Nucleophile Temp (˚C) 121 Porosity (m2/g) % Yield 2039 1439 1697 386 74.8% 71.6% 67.6% 64.5% Nonporous 83.2% 704 1435 1295 2039 1366 79.6% 73.7% 74.1% 74.8% 47.9% 3.8.8 BBO-COF 3 nucleophile trials BBO-COF 3 TFPT DABD 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1500 1000 500 Figure 99. FT-IR spectra of BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaCN compared with the monomers 122 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1500 1000 Figure 100. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaCN Table 16. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaCN Peak (cm-1) 1640 1569 1119 Assignment C=N stretch of benzoxazole C=N stretch of triazine C-O stretch of benzoxazole 123 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1500 1000 Figure 101. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaN3 Table 17. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaN3 Peak (cm-1) 1647 1566 1117 Assignment C=N stretch of benzoxazole C=N stretch of triazine C-O stretch of benzoxazole 124 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1500 1000 Figure 102. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaSCH3 Table 18. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaSCH3 Peak (cm-1) 3384 1624 1568 1120 Assignment O-H stretch C=N stretch of benzoxazole C=N stretch of triazine C-O stretch of benzoxazole 125 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1500 1000 Figure 103. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 synthesized without a catalyst Table 19. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 synthesized without a catalyst Peak (cm-1) 3352 1695 1574 1149 Assignment O-H stretch C=N stretch of imine C=N stretch of triazine C-O stretch 126 500 Figure 104. Normalized pore size distributions BBO-COF 3 synthesized with different nucleophiles 127 3.8.9 BBO-COF 3 reaction time trials 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1500 1000 500 Figure 105. FT-IR spectrum of a ground mixture of BBO-COF 3 monomers, DABD and TFPT Table 20. FT-IR peak assignments for a ground mixture of BBO-COF 3 monomers, DABD and TFPT Peak (cm-1) 2814 1696 1581 Assignment O-H stretch of DABD monomer C=O stretch of aldehyde C=N stretch of triazine 128 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1500 1000 Figure 106. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 after 1 day of heating Table 21. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 after 1 day of heating Peak (cm-1) 3343 1693 1573 1012 Assignment O-H stretch C=N stretch of imine C=N stretch of triazine C-O stretch 129 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1500 1000 Figure 107. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 after 2 days of heating Table 22. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 after 2 days of heating Peak (cm-1) 3379 1698 1567 1015 Assignment O-H stretch C=N stretch of imine C=N stretch of triazine C-O stretch 130 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1500 1000 Figure 108. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-COF 3 after 3 days of heating Table 23. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 after 3 days of heating Peak (cm-1) 3369 1660 1572 1015 Assignment O-H stretch C=N stretch of benzoxazole C=N stretch of triazine C-O stretch of benzoxazole 131 500 Before Heating 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 0 5 10 15 2ϴ 20 25 Figure 109. Normalized PXRD of BBO-COF 3 at various points during the 4-day reaction period 3.8.10 BBO-COF 3 deoxygenated trial Synthesis of BBO-COF 3 under deoxygenated conditions BBO-COF 3 deoxygenated was synthesized by modifying the procedure mentioned above.6 For the deoxygenated sample, DMF, and methanol were degassed using the freezepump-thaw method three times each and backfilled with N2. The reaction was performed under nitrogen throughout the four day heating process. NaCN was used as the catalyst. In 132 the deoxygenated sample we see a peak signifying significant –OH stretching and a shift in the C=N imine stretch that we corresponds to the imine linked instead of the benzoxazole linked polymer. For BBO-COF 3 we also see a 0.2 nm shift in the major pore of the material, which can happen due to the increased slip stacking cause by the flexible imine linkage. 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 1500 1000 500 Figure 110. FT-IR spectrum for BBO-COF 3 deoxygenated Table 24. FT-IR peak assignments for BBO-COF 3 deoxygenated Peak (cm-1) 3359 1699 1572 1016 Assignment O-H stretch C=N stretch of imine C=N stretch of triazine C-O stretch 133 600 Quantity Adsorbed (cm3/g) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.7 0.8 0.9 Figure 111. N2 adsorption isotherm for BBO-COF 3 deoxygenated 1.2 Normalized Pore Volume 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Pore Width (nm) 3.5 4 4.5 Figure 112. Pore size distribution for BBO-COF 3 deoxygenated 134 5 1 3.8.11 BBO-COF 3 experimental & simulated PXRD data The simulated PXRD profiles were performed using Materials Studio 7.0 using the unit cell precursors shown in Figure S24. Before the simulations were performed, each precursor was optimized using the geometry optimization task and Universal Forcefield parameters from the Forcite module. Each structure was then modeled using a primitive hexagonal unit cell with a P6 space group. The a = b parameters were estimated by measuring the distance between the BBO phenyl ring of the linkers for each COF. The c parameter was arbitrarily set at 3.4 Å. The staggered molecular models were performed by offsetting the initial structures by half of the a=b parameters using a gra (P63/mmc) space group and c parameter of 6.7 A. Simulation of the possible structures was performed using Reflux Plus module to produce the expected PXRD profiles. The experimental PXRDs were then subjected to a Pawley refinement using Pseudo-Voigt peak shape function and Berar-Baldinozzi asymmetry correction function to produce the refined PXRD profile. 135 O N N N O O N O N N N N O O N Figure 113. Precursor used to construct the hexagonal unit cell for BBO-COF 3 136 Table 25. Fractional atomic coordinates for the P6 unit cell of BBO-COF 3 calculated using Materials Studio 7.0 BBO-COF 3 Hexagonal, P6 a=b= 34.595, c = 3.4 Atom x y z C1 0.414957 0.580507 1.203390 C2 0.439019 0.557393 1.203020 N3 0.419963 0.515597 1.204470 C4 0.454138 0.507057 1.203550 C5 0.451984 0.467082 1.204530 H6 0.419799 0.433412 1.206270 C7 0.491783 0.468837 1.203290 O8 0.499673 0.434900 1.203900 C9 0.544986 0.456600 1.202100 C10 0.569052 0.433489 1.202070 C11 0.546982 0.388605 1.203970 H12 0.508932 0.369451 1.205550 C13 0.569544 0.366349 1.204020 H14 0.550296 0.328300 1.205660 C15 0.614588 0.388606 1.202160 137 100 80 60 40 20 0 00 55 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 2Θ (Degrees) 2θ (Degrees) Figure 114. Simulated PXRD of BBO-COF 3 modeled using a gra unit cell 138 30 30 3.8.12 Solid-state NMR spectra Figure 115. 150.9 MHz 13C CP-MAS solid-state NMR spectra of BBO-COF 3 139 3.8.13 TGA profile Figure 116. TGA profile for BBO-COF 3 140 3.8.14 Surface area analysis 0.018 y = 0.0919x + 0.0025 R² = 0.99622 0.016 0.014 1/[Q(p°/p - 1)] 0.012 0.01 0.008 0.006 SABET=1033 m2/g C=37.9 0.004 0.002 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.12 0.14 0.16 Figure 117. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 2 synthesized with NaN3 0.003 y = 0.0183x + 7E-05 R² = 0.99995 0.0025 1/[Q(p˚/p-1)] 0.002 0.0015 0.001 SABET = 236 m2/g C = 256.9 0.0005 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.12 0.14 0.16 Figure 118. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 2 synthesized with NaSCH3 141 0.004 0.0035 y = 0.0256x + 0.0002 R² = 0.99986 1/[Q(p˚/p-1) 0.003 0.0025 0.002 0.0015 0.001 SABET = 169 m2/g C = 165.4 0.0005 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.12 0.14 0.16 Figure 119. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 2 synthesized without a catalyst 0.005 0.0045 y = 0.0304x + 0.0002 R² = 0.99973 0.004 1/[Q(p˚/p-1)] 0.0035 0.003 0.0025 0.002 0.0015 SABET = 142 m2/g C = 181.5 0.001 0.0005 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Relative (p/p˚) 0.12 0.14 0.16 Figure 120. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 2 deoxygenated 142 0.0006 0.0005 y = 0.0021x + 5E-05 R² = 0.98221 1/[Q(po/p-1)] 0.0004 0.0003 SABET = 2039 m2/g C = 45.3 0.0002 0.0001 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.2 0.25 Figure 121. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaCN 0.0008 y = 0.003x + 5E-05 R² = 0.99017 0.0007 1/[Q(p˚/p-1)] 0.0006 0.0005 0.0004 SABET = 1439 m2/g C = 60.5 0.0003 0.0002 0.0001 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.2 0.25 Figure 122. BET surface area plot BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaN3 143 0.0007 0.0006 y = 0.0025x + 4E-05 R² = 0.99132 1/[Q(p˚/p-1)] 0.0005 0.0004 0.0003 0.0002 SABET = 1697 m2/g C = 59.1 0.0001 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.2 0.25 Figure 123. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 synthesized with NaSCH3 0.003 y = 0.0112x + 7E-05 R² = 0.99977 0.0025 1/[Q(p˚/p-1)] 0.002 0.0015 0.001 SABET = 386 m2/g C = 168.4 0.0005 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.2 0.25 Figure 124. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 synthesized without a catalyst 144 0.001 y = 0.0062x + 2E-05 R² = 1 0.0009 0.0008 1/[Q(p˚/p-1)] 0.0007 0.0006 0.0005 SABET = 704 m2/g C = 284.9 0.0004 0.0003 0.0002 0.0001 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.12 0.14 0.16 Figure 125. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 after 1 day of heating with NaCN 0.0008 y = 0.003x + 6E-05 R² = 0.99019 0.0007 1/[Q(p˚/p-1)] 0.0006 0.0005 0.0004 SABET = 1435 m2/g C = 54.7 0.0003 0.0002 0.0001 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.2 0.25 Figure 126. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 after 2 days of heating with NaCN 145 0.0009 0.0008 y = 0.0033x + 5E-05 R² = 0.99361 0.0007 1/[Q(p˚/p-1)] 0.0006 0.0005 0.0004 0.0003 SABET = 1295 m2/g C = 95.6 0.0002 0.0001 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.2 0.25 Figure 127. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 after 3 days of heating with NaCN 0.0008 0.0007 y = 0.0031x + 4E-05 R² = 0.99638 1/[Q(p˚/p-1)] 0.0006 0.0005 0.0004 0.0003 SABET = 1366 m2/g C = 108.2 0.0002 0.0001 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.2 Figure 128. BET surface area plot for BBO-COF 3 deoxygenated 146 0.25 3.8.15 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images Figure 129. SEM images of BBO-COF 3 at various magnifications 3.8.16 Computational studies Computational Methods All calculations were performed using the Gaussian 16 suite of programs. Geometry optimizations and frequency calculations for BBO-COF 2 and BBO-COF 3 monomers were performed with the 6-31G(d) basis set128 in conjunction with Becke’s three-parameter hybrid exchange functional and the LeeYang–Parr correlation functional (B3LYP) density functional theory (DFT) method.137,138 Rotational barriers were located by torsional scans and the located transitions states were optimized. The nature of all stationary points, either 147 minima or transition states, was confirmed by calculating the vibrational frequencies at the corresponding level of theory. Minima were characterized by the absence of any imaginary vibrational frequencies, while transition states possessed only one imaginary vibrational frequency. In order to support the presence of a captodative effect promoting radical formation and subsequent cyclization of benzobisoxazole precursors computational methods were employed to evaluate the thermodynamic and molecular properties of these substrates. Both the anionic starting materials and corresponding radical anions were examined to assess bond dissociation energies, spin distribution, and charge distribution. Spin distribution and charge distribution were quantified using natural population analysis as implemented by nbo version 3.1 in the Gaussian 16 suite of programs.130 Due to the conformational flexibility of these substrates mixed torsional/Low-mode sampling Monte Carlo conformational analyses were performed on all starting anionic compounds with the OPLS3 forcefield139 using the MacroModel package of the Schrodinger suite of programs. The resulting structures were further refined by reoptimization and frequency calculations conformation at the B3LYP/6-31+G* level of theory.129 In order to calculate the geometry of the radical anions, the labile hydrogen atom was abstracted from the anionic starting material in silico and the structure optimized for a final time. BDEs were calculated by comparing the energy of the starting anion to the sum of the energies of the product radical 148 and hydrogen atom. Spin density contour plots were produced using the cubegen utility of the Gaussian 16 suite of programs. Figure 130. Benzobisoxazole modeling representative of BBO-COF 2 Figure 131. Benzobisoxazole modeling representative of BBO-COF 3 149 Figure 132. Spin density maps for BBO-COF 2 with NaCN (left), NaN3 (center), and NaSCH3 (right) Figure 133. Spin density maps for BBO-COF 3 with NaCN (left), NaN3 (center), and NaSCH3 (right) 150 Chapter 4: Porphyrin-based benzobisoxazole and benzobisthiazole-linked porous organic polymers for hydrosilylation of CO2 4.1 Porphyrins as catalysts Porphyrins are a class of 18 π electron aromatic organic R R N H macrocycles comprised of four pyrrolic subunits connected by N methene bridges (see Figure 134). The pyrrolic subunits oriented inwards toward the center of the macrocycle provide an excellent N H N R R Figure 134. chelating pocket for the binding of metal ions. Porphyrins are quite Structure of mesosubstituted common in biology, and thus have been extensively studied. Their porphyrins function in biology is often to assist in catalyzing important reactions, for example chlorophyll is responsible for photosynthesis in plants by absorbing light, and also helps give many plants their green color. Heme porphyrins are found in hemoglobin proteins, H O CH2 CH3 H 3C H3 C N N N O H 3C O O H3 C R N CH2 Fe N N CH3 O N CH3 Mg H 3C CH3 Chlorophyll H3 C O are responsible for oxygen fixation in N CH3 OH which O Heme B Figure 135. Structure of chlorophyll and Heme B porphyrins 151 OH the blood. Outside of biology, chemists have been able to design porphyrin- based catalysts for a variety of reactions including oxidations,140 reductions,141 fluorination,142 epoxidation,143 cyclopropanation,144145 and photo-146 and electrocatalysis.147 Their large aromatic macrocycle also endows porphyrins with good light absorbing properties, and also a wide range of delightful colors. In fact the name ‘porphyrin’ comes from the Greek word for purple. This property of light absorption has Figure 136. Cyclopropanation of diazo reagents by metalloradical catalysis performed by a cobalt porphyrin reprinted with permission from J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, 139, 10491052. Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society given porphyrins a great deal of success as dye sensitizers for dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC),148 and other optoelectronic and photovoltaic applications. These optoelectronic 152 and catalytic properties have led to a large number of reports of porphyrins incorporated into porous materials. 4.2 Porous materials as heterogeneous catalysts As mentioned previously, our group has long been interested in using porous materials as hetereogeneous catalysts. Elegant catalysts for difficult reactions are incredibly useful, but homogenous catalysts which cannot be easily recovered or rapidly lose efficacy can quickly become a waste of valuable resources and synthetic time. Heterogeneous catalysts have the important functionality of ease of re-isolation, and repeated use before their catalytic performance wanes. In this respect, porous polymers have several advantages; incorporation of functional monomers joined by chemically stable linkages allows for customization of catalytic sites within a material that is resistant to degradation. High surface area allows for many catalytic sites inside the material to be accessed, as opposed to surface catalysis (see Figure 137). Additionally, the porous nature of the catalytic support polymer lends itself well to size selective catalysis of small molecules over larger ones.59 The single most important catalytic reaction at this point in history is the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is widely accepted to be one of the major contributors to climate change; after decades of unchecked CO2 emissions, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere 153 has risen dramatically. Porous polymers have a deep history of uptake and separations of CO2 gas, however in order to combat climate change, the sequestration and storage of CO2 gas will not be enough. It logically follows that CO2 gas must be converted into a different, non-greenhouse gas compound in order to truly begin to relieve the effects of climate change. Conversion of atmospheric CO2 is of the utmost importance to helping slow the deleterious effects of human created climate change, and if it can furthermore be reduced to a synthetically useful chemical or a simple fuel, it is not only environmentally important, but also potentially of great value to industry. Many researchers in alternative fuels point Figure 137. Structure of BF-COF-1 showing porous space available for catalysis (pink sphere) reproduced from Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53, 2878-2882 with permission of John Wiley and Sons 154 toward methanol as the potential replacement for traditional fossil fuels. Conveniently, methanol and CO2 are both single carbon compounds, and thus methanol can be made directly from CO2 using state of the art catalysis. Methanol is also a common commodity chemical used widely in chemical and biological laboratories. Methanol is an admirable target for the reduction of CO2, however it does have some significant drawbacks. The toxicity of methanol is a concern for any fuel which would be readily accessible to consumers, in addition CO2 must be reduced several times to arrive at methanol. Another potential target for the reduction of CO2 is formic acid. Formic acid has the great advantage of being only one reduction away from CO2. Formic acid, much like methanol is a commodity chemical commonly used in laboratory research, which has a lower toxicity and less harmful environmental effects than methanol. Formic acid has been postulated as a possible basis for a new fuel system, which could incorporate fuel cell technology as well as employing formic acid as a transportation medium for hydrogen gas.149 Porous polymers present an excellent solution to this mounting problem by not only affording a place to adsorb and store CO2,72 but if a catalytic site can be incorporated into the polymer as well, it can act as an all-in-one system for CO2 reduction. Researchers have begun to investigate the potential for porous polymers to chemically convert CO2 into other compounds. One common strategy is to employ an epoxide in the presence of a halide salt as a substrate for CO2 conversion into cyclic carbonates (see Figure 138). This reaction has 155 been shown to be effective with MOFs,150 COFs,151 CTFs48 and POPs.152,153 This reaction can be catalyzed by a variety of different metal ions and even carbenes.154 This strategy has been well studied, but suffers from the drawback of the limited use of cyclic carbonates. Electrochemical methods have also been employed for the reduction of CO2. A notable Figure 138. Reduction of CO2 to cyclic carbonates by cCTF reprinted with permission from ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 7209-7216. Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society 156 example from the Yaghi group was their cobalt-porphyrin based COF capable of reducing CO2 to carbon monoxide (CO) in water.155 Figure 139. Structure of Ir-NHC-CTF catalyzing reduction of CO2 to formate reprinted with permission from Chem. Mater., 2017, 29, 6740-6748. Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society While electrochemistry can be a very effective tool for catalyzing difficult reactions, this method has its drawbacks of complex electrochemical cell set up, compared to the ease of solvothermal synthesis as employed to form cyclic carbonates. Additionally, other electrochemical reactions such as water reduction can compete against product formation. 157 Ideally- a porous material functioning as a heterogeneous catalyst for the reduction of CO2 would be able to do so without complex electrochemical cell set up and electrode fabrication, and would directly produce a useful product for chemical synthesis or fuels. One such CTF material already exists, which uses a carbene functionality on the pore wall of the material to host an iridium atom for the conversion of CO2 to formate156 (see Figure 139). Formate or it’s protonated form, formic acid has been postulated as a potential fuel for fuel cells or as a method of hydrogen storage.149 As such, we believe further investigation into methods to create formic acid from CO2 with heterogeneous porous polymer catalysts is warranted, and we believe this can be effectively achieved by employing benzobisoxazole- and benzobisthiazole-linked POPs as heterogeneous catalysts for this important reaction. 4.3 Synthesis and design of porphyrin POPs 4.3.1 Synthesis of monomers Precursors to the benzobisoxazole (BBO) and benzobisthiazole (BBT) linkages 2,5diamino-1,4-benzenediol dihydrochloride (DABD)112 and 2,5-diamino-1,4-benzenedithiol dihydrochloride (DABTD)157 were created by previously reported literature procedures. The tetraphenylporphyrin substituted with formyl groups (1) had previously been synthesized and used in porous organic cages158 (see Figure 140). Our initial pathway to 1 aimed to use their synthetic strategy. However, column chromatography of several 158 intermediates, and further dealings with protecting O O groups were not ideal, thus an alternative strategy was sought. The difficulty in creating a formyl porphyrin N H N lies in the need of formyl groups to cyclize the N H N porphyrin ring. Thus any additional formyl groups cannot be left free during cyclization without obtaining O 1 O a mixture of complex products. The two strategies to get around this challenge are firstly, to have both Figure 140. Structure of tetraformylphenylporphyrin (1) formyl groups installed prior to the porphyrin condensation, but have one protected with a group that can be easily removed from the porphyrin at a later time, or secondly, to have only one formyl group with which to condense the porphyrin, and install the second formyl Required for porphyrin macrocyclization O Protect, Cyclize, then cyclize then install O group after the porphyrin has been formed (see Figure 140). O This second strategy faces the challenge of installing a formyl O O O Required for polymer condensation Figure 141. Two strategies to create 1 Br group on a potentially sensitive porphyrin, and having to install all 4 equivalents, and separate from any di- or tri- substituted products, which could cause defects in the resultant polymer. Fortunately, a route to create the desired formyl porphyrin by this second method had also 159 previously been published.159 This straightforward 2-step synthesis was the more appealing of the two strategies (see Figure 141). This method condenses 4-bromobenzaldehyde with pyrrole to create the bromotetraphenyl porphyrin. The step to install the formyl groups is also fairly simple: a lithium-halogen reaction quenching with a formyl source to create the formyl porphyrin. Some optimization of the reported procedure was required to get good conversion for this step. It was noted that no lithium halogen exchange occurred unless the reaction mixture was allowed to warm to 0˚C for 3 hours before adding DMF O Br Br O O + Br H N N H Propionic acid ∆, ~1 h 20% N N H 1. BuLi -78 oC --> 0oC, 3h 2. DMF -78 oC warm to RT 3. H3O+ workup 31% N H N Br Br N N H N O 1 O Figure 142. Synthesis of 1 from commerically available precursors as the formyl source. The eluent for column chromatography was also adjusted. An additional cold acetonitrile wash of the purified product helped afford clean product for polymerization. Additionally, any unreacted bromoporphyrin could be retained and reformylated, and any slightly impure formylporphyrin was retained and repurified to afford additional product. 160 4.3.2 Synthesis of free-base porphyrin polymers Porphyrin BBO- and BBT-linked polymers could be created through the same 2-step process as previously reported by our group.112 DABD and 1 are combined at low temperatures and allowed to react cold for several hours under inert atmosphere to allow slow, reversible formation of the initial imine linkage as previously discussed (see Figure 143) The mixture is allowed to warm to RT overnight before purging with air, and adding a catalyst (typically NaCN). The mixture is then allowed to heat at 130˚C for 4 days to fully form the BBO or BBT linkage. After the polymerization period the polymers are isolated by filtration, washing with organic solvents, and are allowed to soak for several Figure 143. Synthesis of BBO-H2P POP (where X=O) and BBT-H2P POP (where X=S) days to remove residual monomers and small oligomers. The optimal reaction conditions were determined by screening different conditions including reaction time, temperature, and solvents (see Table 27). From this optimization we found the BBT-linked polymers required a longer, cooler initial reaction period to form the imine linkage than the BBO161 linked polymers. The BBT-linked polymers were also found to achieve higher porosities when no nucleophilic catalyst was employed. We attribute this to the higher nucleophilicity of sulfur in the BBT linkage compared to oxygen in the BBO linkage. Accordingly, the remainder of optimization trials for the BBT linkage were performed without a catalyst (see Table 28). 4.4 Characterization of H2P POPs 300 A 200 150 0.3 B 0.25 dV (cm³/g) Quantity Adsorbed (cm3/g) 250 100 50 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Pore Width (nm) 3.5 4 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) Figure 144. A) N2 adsorption isotherms and B) pore size distributions for BBO-H2P POP (green) and BBT-H2P POP (purple) 162 BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The FT-IR spectrum of BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP display the characteristic C=N stretching of the porphyrin at ~1597 cm-1 and the oxazole or thiazole stretch at ~1671 cm-1 90 with Quantity Adsorbed (mg/g) 80 significant 70 attenuation of the C=O 60 stretch from monomer 1 50 and the OH, NH2, and 40 SH stretches of DABD or 30 DABTD, 20 indicating complete conversion to 10 0 0 0.5 1 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) Figure 145. CO2 adsorption isotherms for BBO-H2P POP (green) and BBT-H2P POP (purple) 1.5 the oxazole or thiazole (see Figures 157 and 158). The permanent porosity of porphyrin POPs was measured by nitrogen gas adsorption at 77 K (see Figure 144). The porphyrin POPs both exhibited reversible type I isotherms with small hysteresis. Application of the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) model over the low-pressure region (0.001<p/p˚<0.1) provided surface areas of 760 m2/g and 535 m2/g for the BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP respectively. Nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) was used to estimate the pore 163 size distribution of the BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP yielding values of 2.46 nm for both BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP (see Figure 142 B). The CO2 uptake capacity of BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP was measured by CO2 adsorption isotherms at 295 K from 0 to 1.2 bar (see Figure 145). Both BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP exhibited 6 5 F(R) 4 3 2 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Wavelength (nm) 1200 1400 Figure 146. Kubelka-Munk diffuse reflectance spectra of 1 (black), BBO-H2P POP (green) and BBT-H2P POP (purple) respectable CO2 uptake at low pressures reaching capacities of 83 and 60 mg/g for BBOH2P POP and BBT-H2P POP respectively. Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD) analysis of the porphyrin POPs revealed amorphous materials with no long range order (see Figures 161 and 162). We were surprised to find these materials are completely amorphous, given 164 the large number of porphyrin-based COFs reported in the literature.92 Additionally, BBOH2P POP and BBT-H2P POP were made by the same method that produced crystalline BBO-COF 1, 2, and 3, so it is unclear what contributes the amorphous nature of BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP. The porphyrin optoelectronic properties were examined using solid-state UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. The solid state UV-Vis spectrum revealed a strong absorption with similar λmax to the monomeric porphyrin 1 (see Figure 146). 4.5 Design of metalloporphyrin polymers for CO2 conversion 4.5.1 Hydrosilylation of CO2 The hydrosilylation of CO2 catalyzed by transition metals has been known since the 1970’s initially studied out of the interest in CO2-metal complexes;160 since the 1970’s this work has expanded and taken on a new importance as a method to create new fuels and combat climate change. Employing silanes as a hydride source for the reduction of CO2 is beneficial due to their relatively low cost and ease of handling. Additionally, the hydrosilylation of CO2 can afford numerous possible products; formic acid, a compound that may be of interest to the fuel industry, can be created upon simple aqueous workup. Additionally, the reaction has application to pure organic chemistry; after addition of the hydride to CO2, a silyl formate is created, these volatile reactive intermediates can then be converted in a one-pot process to esters or amides by condensation with the desired alcohol 165 or amine respectively. Since the 1970’s many improvements have been made to the synthetic methodology of this important reaction, including eliminating the requirement for high pressured CO2,161 and the use of non-noble, earth abundant metals as catalytic species,162 and even developing metal-free hydrosilylation reactions.163 Unfortunately, these reactions still suffer from non-recyclable catalysts, or recycling by energy intensive processes.164 We wanted our polymeric CO2 conversion strategy to focus on hydrosilylation of CO2 because this transformation, if completed with a porous polymer as a heterogeneous, recyclable catalyst, could prove of great value to both the research and industrial communities. 4.5.2 Synthesis and design of small molecule ruthenium porphyrin catalyst In order to determine the feasibility of this reaction with our desired metalloporphyin moiety, we synthesized a small-molecule analog of our porphyrin polymer and employed it in our hydrosilylation reaction. For ease of synthesis, we targeted meso-tetraphenyl porphyrin (TPP) as our analog (see Figure 147). TPP can be created by the same synthetic protocol to create the brominated porphyrin precursor to 1 (see Figure 142). Porphyrins can generally be metallated by a simple substitution of the desired metal salt into the cavity of the deprotonated porphyrin in polar solvents at high temperatures. After an initial screening of metal ions, we decided to employ ruthenium as our catalytic metal of choice 166 due to its ease of access of a variety of oxidation states and track record as an effective metalloporphyrin catalyst across a variety of reactions including oxidations,165140 cyclopropanations,166 amidation,167 and hydrogenation.141 There is evidence of the ability of N H N ruthenium porphyrins to create the required hydride N H N species for hydrosilation from as early as 1985.168 With the wealth of precedent of ruthenium porphyrins in catalysis we contemplated our options for ruthenium sources. As far as commercially Figure 147. Structure of mesotetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) available ruthenium sources, we had two primary choices: ruthenium (III) trichloride (RuCl3) or triruthenium (0) dodecacarbonyl (Ru3CO12). RuCl3 has the benefit of already being oxidized to our desired oxidation state of 3+ as would be required for the hydride species. Upon complexation with TPP the remaining Cl atom axial on ruthenium could endow the complex with a higher hydricity than the analogous complex created with Ru3CO12. Unfortunately RuCl3 would have the drawback of creating a charged complex with the TPP ligand. As such, it would be isolated as a salt with either chloride or another anionic counterion. This represented a significant structural change from the free-base monomer 1, thus we turned to Ru3CO12, which would afford a neutral ruthenium porphyrin complex with a carbonyl (CO) as an axial ligand. This axial CO could potentially hinder the 167 hydricity of a ruthenium hydride species, due to the strong pi backbonding interaction between ruthenium and CO,169 but we envisioned that this potent metal could still catalyze our reaction. Synthesis of RuTPP was synthetically facile following reported procedures for the metalation of other porphyrins with Ru3CO12170 (see Figure 148). N H N N H N Ru3CO12 DMF ∆, 16 h 87% N O N Ru N N Figure 148. Synthesis of RuTPP 4.5.3 RuTPP catalytic performance In order to optimize our hydrosilylation reaction conditions for the heterogeneous polymer catalyst, we employed our small molecule RuTPP as a catalyst for the hydrosilylation of CO2 (see Figure 149). For simplicity and ease of characterization, we decided to quench the silyl formate intermediate with potassium fluoride (KF) to yield the potassium formate salt alongside the fluorinated silane. The catalysis was completed by solvothermal synthesis combining RuTPP and potassium fluoride (KF) in a dry vial. A solution of silane 168 in the desired solvent was added, and the mixture was warmed to the boiling point of the Figure 149. Reaction scheme for the hydrosilylation of CO2 with RuTPP solvent under an atmosphere of CO2 for the desired reaction time. This strategy affords potassium formate, which can be easily isolated as a solid and identified by NMR. A quantitative NMR experiment was performed for each trial to determine the yield of the reaction (see Figure 182). The results of these trials are summarized in Table 26. From these preliminary trials, we found that Me2PhSiH was the most effective silane for this reaction giving an optimized yield of 19.5% in MeCN. Dioxane was our initial solvent of choice for this reaction based on its polarity and high boiling point. While the reaction in dioxane did allow for the formation of potassium formate, the yields were prohibitively low (~ 2%), thus other solvents were tested. THF was employed in this reaction for its similarity to dioxane, however it caused worse performance of our catalyst. We believe this to be due to the low boiling point of THF, which required lower reaction temperatures. Finally, MeCN was shown to be the solvent performing the highest in our catalytic system, pushing the yield over 10% in as short a reaction time as 4 hours. We believe that the 169 stronger coordinating ability of MeCN as a solvent ligand on ruthenium may help improve the efficiency of this reaction. Table 26. Optimization of reaction conditions for the hydrosilylation of CO2 by RuTPP Silanes Reaction Catalyst Time Loading Et3SiH PMHS Me2PhSiH (EtO)3SiH 4h 0.5 % 0.01% 0.23% 2.14% 1.49% 16h 0.5 % 0.32% 0.07% 3.84% 1.88% 24h 0.5 % 0% 1.09% 4.31% 1.34% 4h 0.5 % 0% 0% 0.63% 0.22% 4h 0.5 % 16.4% 1.38% 19.5% 3.95% 16h 0.5% 35.9% 6.23% 21.3% 3.95% Solvent Dioxane THF MeCN 4.6 Synthesis of 1-Ru and metallated porphyrin POPs With the initial promising results from RuTPP as a catalyst for this reaction we went forward with synthesis of the ruthenium-containing porphyrin polymers. In order to achieve greater control over the amount of ruthenium incorporated into our polymers we opted for a pre-metallation of our porphyrin to ensure full metallation in the polymer. The desired formyl ruthenium porphyrin 1-Ru can be simply synthesized from free base 170 porphyrin 1 by heating with Ru3CO12 at elevated temperatures overnight (see Figure 150). Simple purification by silica gel chromatography afforded 1-Ru. The synthesis of the ruthenium porphyrin POPs was executed using the optimized conditions for the free-base H2P POPs (see Figure 151). One modification was O O O N H N N O Ru3CO12 DMF ∆, 16 h 19% N H N O O 1 N N N O O Ru 1-Ru O Figure 150. Synthesis of 1-Ru from 1 required for the oxazole polymer; The requirement for a strong nucleophile such as cyanide to catalyze the formation of the oxazole ring would prove problematic in the presence of ruthenium. Cyanide is not only an excellent nucleophile, but also a strong ligand due to πbackbonding, thus the oxazole linkage must be formed without cyanide to prevent shutting down the catalytic activity of our polymer. Without cyanide we were unsure if the oxazole linkage would be formed, however we do not observe the strong OH stretching associated with phenolic imine-linked polymers, which potentially indicates the formation of the 171 oxazole ring. There is some precedent in the literature for transition metals catalyzing the formation of benzoxazoles,115 so one hypothesis is that the ruthenium porphyrin could potentially be responsible for catalyzing its own incorporation into the BBO linked polymer. However at this time, we do not have significant evidence to support this claim. Figure 151. Synthesis for BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP 4.7 Characterization of ruthenium porphyrin POPs Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy of the ruthenium polymers was found to display similar resonances to the free base polymers with the distinct addition of a strong resonance at 1930 cm-1 assignable to the carbonyl moiety present at the axial position of the ruthenium atom (see Figures 159 and 160). The permanent porosity of BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP was measured by nitrogen gas adsorption at 77 K. The BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP both exhibited reversible type I isotherms with small hysteresis (see Figure 152). Application of the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) model over the lowpressure region (0.001<p/p˚<0.1) provided surface areas of 621 m2/g and 644 m2/g for the 172 250 A 150 0.06 B 0.05 dV (cm3/g) Quantity Adsorbed (cm3/g) 200 100 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 50 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Pore Width (nm) 3.5 4 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 152. A) N2 adsorption isotherms and B) pore size distributions for BBO-RuP POP (brown) and BBT-RuP POP (red) BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP respectively. Interestingly, BBT-RuP POP showed an increase in surface area compared to the non-metallated BBT-RuP POP. We believe that the carbonyl axial ligand on ruthenium decreases the π-π stacking ability of 1-Ru compared to 1, and might increase the space between porphyrins in the polymeric material. Nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) was used to estimate the pore size distribution of the BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP yielding values of 3.26 nm for both BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP (see Figure 152). The CO2 uptake capacity of BBO-RuP POP and BBT173 Quantity Adsorbed (mg/g) 80 RuP POP was measured by CO2 70 adsorption isotherms at 295 K 60 from 0 to 1.2 bar (see Figure 50 153). Both BBO-RuP POP and 40 BBT-RuP 30 POP exhibited 20 respectable CO2 uptake at low 10 pressures reaching capacities of 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) 1.2 1.4 Figure 153. CO2 adsorption isotherms for BBO-RuP POP (brown) and BBT-RuP POP (red) 74 and 67 mg/g respectively. The photophysical properties of BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP were examined by solid state UV-Vis spectroscopy. BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP both exhibit blue-shifted absorption maxima around 540 nm as expected after the incorporation of ruthenium into the porphyrin macrocycle (see Figure 154). X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of the Ru-POPs and monomers confirmed the presence of ruthenium in our RuTPP homogeneous catalyst, 1Ru, and in both BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP (see Figures 178 and 179). 174 5 4.5 4 3.5 F(R) 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Wavelength (nm) 1200 1400 Figure 154. Kubelka-Munk diffuse reflectance spectra for BBO-RuP POP (brown) and BBT-RuP POP (red) 4.8 Future directions and outlook 4.8.1 BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP as hydrosilylation catalysts BBT-RuP POP has been employed in a preliminary trial of hydrosilylation reaction and qualitatively showed some conversion of CO2 to potassium formate. These results have yet to be repeated and quantified to understand the capability of this polymer as a heterogeneous catalyst. BBO-Ru-POP has yet to be employed as a hydrosilylation catalyst. 175 These polymers will additionally be characterized by ICP-MS, and thermogravimetric analysis to quantitatively determine their composition and thermal stability. 4.8.2 Recyclability After the initial catalytic activity of BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP are investigated in the hydrosilylation reaction, we will investigate their catalytic activity after several cycles. After isolating the heterogeneous catalyst by filtration, washing and drying, we envision the polymers should maintain their catalytic activity over several uses. Additionally, we will investigate the stability of these polymers to determine how useful the BBO and BBT linkages can be in heterogeneous catalysis under different aqueous, acidic, or basic conditions. 4.8.3 Outlook We envision that reduction of CO2 to value added fuels or commodity chemicals will be an extremely important reaction in the future, both economically, and for the environmental benefit of the planet. Now passing the pinnacle of fossil fuels, a variety of different alternative energy technologies will begin to take the place of traditional fuels. Between solar, wind, and geothermal methods for generating electricity, to the reduction and use of CO2 as a basis for a new, closed cycle fuel system, we believe that porous organic polymers have incredible potential for use in many of these new energetic systems. 176 4.9 Experimental Section 4.9.1 Instrumentation and methods Infrared spectra were recorded on a Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS5 with an iD7 diamond ATR attachment and are uncorrected. UV-Vis absorbance spectra were recorded on a Cary 5000 UV-Vis/NIR spectrophotometer using an internal DRA with stock powder cell holder to record the % reflectance spectra. Emission spectra were recorded on a Cary Eclipse Fluorescence spectrophotometer equipped with a xenon flash lamp. Surface area measurements were conducted on a Micromeritics ASAP 2020 Surface Area and Porosity Analyzer using ca. 15 mg samples. Nitrogen isotherms were generated by incremental exposure to ultra high purity nitrogen up to ca. 1 atm in a liquid nitrogen (77 K) bath. Carbon dioxide isotherms were generated incremental exposure to ultra-high purity carbon dioxide up to ca. 900 mmHg in a water (295 K) bath. Surface parameters were determined using BET adsorption models in the instrument software. Pore size distributions were determined using the non-local density functional theory (NLDFT) model (slit pore, 2DNLDFT, N2-carbon finite pores As=6) in the instrument software (Micromeritics ASAP 2020 V4.02). 1 H NMR spectra were recorded in deuterated solvents on a Bruker Avance DPX 400 (400 MHz). Chemical shits are reported in parts per million (ppm, δ) using the solvent as the internal standard. Quantitative 1H NMR spectra were recorded in deuterated solvents on a 177 Bruker Avance III HD Ascend 600 MHz using the solvent as an internal standard. Solidstate 13C NMR spectra for BBO- and BBT-linked polymers were recorded using a Bruker AVIII 600 MHz spectrometer with wide-bore magnet (600.3 MHz) using a 3.2 mm magic angle spinning (MAS) HXY solid-state NMR probe and running 32 k scans. Crosspolarization with MAS (CP-MAS) was used to acquire 13 C data at 150.9 MHz. The 13 C cross polarization time was 2 ms at 50 kHz for 13C. 1H decoupling was applied during data acquisition. The decoupling power corresponded to 100 kHz. The HXY sample spinning rate was 15 kHz. X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was performed on a Kratos Axis Ultra XPS instrument. A monochromatic aluminum X-Ray (12 kV, 10 mA) source was used, with a charge neutralizer to minimize sample charging. The carbon 1s peak was subsequently calibrated to 284.4 eV with sample dwells ranging from 100-650 with 8 sweeps for each element. 4.9.2 Synthetic methods 2,5-Diamino-1,4-benzenediol dihydrochloride (DABD): this compound has been previously synthesized by Pyles et al.112 2,5-Diamino-1,4-benzenedithiol dihydrochloride (DABTD): this compound has been previously synthesized by Wolfe et. al.157 178 Synthesis of 1 Compound 1 was synthesized by a modified procedure from Hirel et. al.159 To an ovendried 100 mL flask with stirbar was added 2 (AMT). The flask was capped and degassed with N2. Dry Et2O (50 mL, etc) was added via syringe to the degassing mixture. The flask was cooled in a -78˚C bath before n-BuLi ( M, mL, mmol, eq) was added via syringe. The mixture was allowed to warm to 0˚C for 3 h. After 3 h the mixture was cooled again to 78˚C and dry DMF (5 mL, amt) was added via syringe. The mixture was allowed to warm to RT over 3 h. After 3 h the mixture was opened to air and quenched by pouring into dilute HCl (1.65 M, 250 mL, etc). Mixture stirred in air ~15 minutes before neutralizing with conc. NH4OH solution. Product extracted into CHCl3 and washed with water. Crude product purified by column chromatography on silica gel in 40:1 DCM:Et2O. Product isolated in 31% yield as deep purple solids. Synthesis of BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP To an oven dried 10 mL flask with stirbar was added DABD or DABTD (DABTD stored and weighed out in glovebox) the flask was then capped and degassed with N2 while dry DMF (2.5 mL) was added. The mixture was cooled to -30˚C for BBO polymers and -78˚C for BBT polymers. A solution of 1 (g, mmol) in DMF (2.5 mL) was created and added to 179 the salt via syringe under degassing conditions. The mixture was allowed to stir under N2 while cool for 3 hours for BBO polymers or 5 hours for BBT polymers. After stirring cold, the mixture was removed from the bath and allowed to warm to room temperature and stir under N2 overnight (~16 h). After overnight stirring the mixture was degassed with air (1 balloon) and a solution of NaCN catalyst (0.0025 g, 0.05 mmol, 1 eq) in MeOH (200 µL) was added to BBO polymers, no additives were required for BBT polymers. The mixture was heated in a 130˚C bath open to air for 4d. After 4d the mixture was allowed to cool, then filtered to isolate solids, and washed with acetone. Unreacted starting materials were removed by soaking polymer solids in MeOH for 1 d (changing MeOH 3 times) and DCM for 1 d (changing DCM 3 times) then dried under high vacuum. BBO-H2P POP, 38 mg, 67% yield. BBT-H2P POP, 41 mg, 66% yield. 180 Table 27. Optimization of the synthesis of BBO-H2P POPs Trial Set Condition Changed 1 Eq in MeOH Eq CN 0 Eq 0 Eq W/ MeOH 1:1 DMF: O-xyl Solvents 1:1 DMF: Mes DMF (dilute) 100 Temperatures 80 Porosity (m2/g) Pore Size (nm) 760 566 564 496 271 485 660 419 1.46 3.26 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 Table 28. Optimization of the synthesis of BBT-H2P POPs Trial Set Eq CN Solvents Temperatures Condition Changed 1 Eq in MeOH 0 Eq 0 Eq W/ MeOH 1:1 DMF: O-xyl 1:1 DMF: Mes 1:1 (dilute) 100 80 181 Porosity (m2/g) 139 266 91 535 480 557 26 211 Pore Size (nm) 1.74 1.46 1.74 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 Synthesis of BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP BBO-RuP POP and BBT-RuP POP were synthesized by the same method as BBO-H2P POP and BBT-H2P POP, using the same reaction times and temperatures listed previously, and 1-Ru was used in place of 1. BBO-RuP POP, 51 mg, 77% yield. BBT-RuP POP, 50 mg, 74% yield. Synthesis of potassium formate by hydrosilylation of CO2 An oven dried 4 mL vial with stirbar was loaded with RuTPP (4 mg, 0.005 mmol, 0.005 eq) and KF (58 mg, 1 mmol, 1 eq) and the vial was capped with a septum cap. A solution of silane (1 mmol, 1 eq) was created in the desired solvent (2 mL) and the mixture was added to the catalyst via syringe. The vial was placed under an atmosphere of CO2. The vial was placed in a heating block at a temperature near the boiling point of the desired solvent (100˚C for dioxane, 80˚C for MeCN, and 60˚C for THF). The mixture was allowed to react for the desired reaction period. After the reaction period solvents were removed on hivac. The isolated solids were redissolved in a water/DCM mixture, and washed with DCM. The water was removed via hivac to afford a mixture of salts. Yields of potassium formate were calculated by quantitative NMR: An NMR sample was created in D2O (0.7 mL), dissolving all solids by sonication, and DMSO (12 µL, 1/6 mmol) was added as an internal standard. Integration of the DMSO peak against the potassium formate peak was used to determine the yield of the reaction. 182 4.9.3 FT-IR spectra 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 Wavenumber (cm-1) 1000 500 Figure 155. FT-IR spectrum of RuTPP 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 -1 Wavenumber (cm ) Figure 156. FT-IR spectrum of 1-Ru 183 1000 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 -1 Wavenumber (cm ) 1000 500 Figure 157. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-H2P POP 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 -1 Wavenumber (cm ) Figure 158. FT-IR spectrum of BBT-H2P POP 184 1000 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 -1 Wavenumber (cm ) 1000 500 Figure 159. FT-IR spectrum of BBO-RuP POP 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Wavenumber (cm-1) Figure 160. FT-IR spectrum of BBT-RuP POP 185 1500 1000 500 4.9.4 PXRD profiles 0 5 10 15 20 2Θ 25 30 35 40 Figure 161. PXRD profile of BBO-H2P POP 0 5 10 15 20 2Θ 25 30 Figure 162. PXRD profile of BBT-H2P POP 186 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 2Θ Figure 163. PXRD profile of BBT-RuP POP 187 25 30 35 4.9.5 Solid-state NMR spectra Figure 164. 13C CP-MAS spectrum of BBT-H2P POP 188 Figure 165. 13C CP-MAS spectrum of BBT-RuP POP 189 Q (1 - p°) (cm³/g STP) 4.9.6 Surface area analysis 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) Figure 166. Roquerol BET analysis of BBO-H2P POP Table 29. BET values derived from Roquerol BET analysis of BBO-H2P POP BBO-H2P POP BET Correlation (p/p˚) 2 (m /g) coefficient 0.001003-0.106287 760 0.9999 0.001003-0.009911 698 0.9998 0.001003-0.008899 694 0.9998 190 C 1097.02 2529.88 2690.75 1 0.0007 1/[Q(p°/p - 1)] 0.0006 0.0005 0.0004 0.0003 y = 0.0057x + 5E-06 R² = 0.99993 C=1097.02 0.0002 0.0001 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) Figure 167. BET surface area plot for BBO-H2P POP 191 0.12 Q (1 - p°) (cm³/g STP) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) Figure 168. Roquerol BET analysis of BBT-H2P POP Table 30. BET values derived from Roquerol BET analysis of BBT-H2P POP BBT-H2P POP BET Correlation (p/p˚) 2 (m /g) coefficient 0.001045-0.090111 535 0.9999 0.001045-0.0801 535 0.9999 0.001045-0.070004 534 0.9999 192 C 886.63 889.23 904.17 1 0.0008 1/[Q(p°/p - 1)] 0.0007 0.0006 0.0005 0.0004 0.0003 y = 0.0081x + 9E-06 R² = 0.99991 C= 886.63 0.0002 0.0001 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) Figure 169. BET surface area plot for BBT-H2P POP 193 0.1 Q (1 - p°) (cm³/g STP) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) Figure 170. Roquerol BET analysis of BBO-RuP POP Table 31. BET values derived from Roquerol BET analysis of BBO-RuP POP BBO-RuP POP BET Correlation (p/p˚) (m2/g) coefficient 0.000977-0.060194 622 0.9999 0.000977-0.049623 622 0.9999 0.000977-0.039284 620 0.9999 194 C 1527.39 1548.93 1625.02 1 1/[Q(p°/p - 1)] 0.00045 0.0004 0.00035 0.0003 0.00025 0.0002 0.00015 0.0001 0.00005 0 y = 0.007x + 5E-06 R² = 0.99993 C=1527.39 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) Figure 171. BET surface area plot for BBO-RuP POP 195 Q (1 - p°) (cm³/g STP) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) Figure 172. Roquerol BET analysis of BBT-RuP POP Table 32. BET values derived from Roquerol BET analysis of BBT-RuP POP BBT-RuP POP BET Correlation (p/p˚) (m2/g) coefficient 0.001001-0.069851 655 0.9999 0.001001-0.060028 654 0.9999 0.001001-0.049236 652 0.9999 196 C 1138.19 1156.92 1191.37 1 1/[Q(p°/p - 1)] 0.0005 0.00045 0.0004 0.00035 0.0003 0.00025 0.0002 0.00015 0.0001 0.00005 0 y = 0.0066x + 6E-06 R² = 0.99992 C=1138.19 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 Relative Pressure (p/p˚) Figure 173. BET surface area plot for BBT-RuP POP 197 0.08 4.9.7 UV-Vis and fluorescence spectra 6 Absorbance (a.u.) 5 4 3 2 1 0 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Wavelength (nm) 650 700 750 800 Figure 174. UV-Vis spectrum of 1 in toluene 250 Intensity (a.u.) 200 150 100 50 0 500 550 600 650 700 Wavelength (nm) 750 800 Figure 175. Fluorescence spectrum of 1 in toluene (λexitation = 430 nm) 198 6 Absorbance (a.u.) 5 4 3 2 1 0 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 Wavelength (nm) 700 750 800 Figure 176. UV-Vis spectrum of 1-Ru in acetone 100 90 80 Intensity (a.u.) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 500 550 600 650 700 Wavelength (nm) 750 800 Figure 177. Fluorescence spectrum of 1-Ru in acetone (λexitation = 415 nm) 199 4.9.8 XPS spectra 850 1000 A 750 700 650 850 800 700 550 495 485 475 465 Binding Energy (eV) 495 455 800 C 485 475 465 Binding Energy (eV) 455 D 750 Intensity (a.u.) 1100 Intensity (a.u.) 900 750 600 1150 B 950 Intensity (a.u.) Intensity (a.u.) 800 1050 1000 950 700 650 600 550 900 500 850 495 485 475 465 Binding Energy (eV) 495 455 485 475 465 Binding Energy (eV) 455 Figure 178. XPS spectra of the Ru 3P for A) RuTPP, B) 1-Ru, C) BBT-RuP POP, and D) BBO-RuP POP 200 A 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 290 285 280 Binding Energy (eV) 295 275 C Intensity (a.u.) 5000 Intensity (a.u.) B 5000 295 6000 6000 Intensity (a.u.) Intensity (a.u.) 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 295 290 285 280 Binding Energy (eV) 275 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 290 285 280 Binding Energy (eV) 275 290 285 280 Binding Energy (eV) 275 D 295 Figure 179. XPS spectra of the Ru 3D and C 1S for A) RuTPP, B) 1-Ru, C) BBT-RuP POP, and D) BBO-RuP POP 201 4.9.9 1H and 13C NMR spectra Figure 180. 1H NMR spectrum of RuTPP 202 Figure 181. 1H NMR spectrum of 1-Ru 203 Figure 182. Example quantitative 1H NMR spectrum for the hydrosilylation of CO2 by RuTPP. The product at 8.376 ppm is intergrated against DMSO at 2.643 ppm 204 References (1) Castaldo, R.; Gentile, G.; Avella, M.; Carfagna, C.; Ambrogi, V. Polymers (Basel). 2017, 9, 651–673. (2) Hoskins, B. F.; Robson, R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1989, 111, 5962–5964. (3) Eddaoudi, M.; Kim, J.; Rosi, N.; Vodak, D.; Wachter, J.; Keeffe, M. O.; Yaghi, O. M.; Eddaoudi, M.; Kimrn, J.; Rosi, N.; Yaghil, O. M. Science. 2002, 295, 469– 472. (4) Suh, M. 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