EDEE 327 WEEK 2 WHAT IS A GOOD BOOK? SHAWN JUSTICE FA2020 Belpre Medal Bluegrass Award Caldecott Medal CHILDREN'S BOOK AWARDS Children's Literature Legacy Award Coretta Scott King Award Geisel Award Newberry Award CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW TO LEARN ABOUT THE AWARDS. • Belpre Award • Bluegrass Award • Caldecott Medal • Children's Literature Legacy Award • Coretta Scott King Award • Geisel Award • Newberry Award • *** In your journal choose two awards to: • list the two most recent winners • Describe how the award winner is determined. • This should go in the "Reading Inquiry" Section of your journal There are many interest inventories that INTEREST INVENTORIES can help teachers identify topics of interest to their students. Read the article at the following link: Getting to Know My Students Search for reading interest inventories on the internet and choose 3 to print and glue into your journal in the "Instructional Literacy Strategies" section. Bitmoji Classroom Library You should begin compiling a list of books you are interested in including in your Bitmoji Classroom Library. The library link will be uploaded to Bb. The bibliography will be uploaded to Taskstream KEY ASSESSMENT – DUE IN NOVEMBER Your BCL will include books about a specific topic of interest and a bibliography. CHOOSE A NOVEL 01 02 03 You will need to choose a novel and begin reading it to be completed by the middle of October. This novel should be an award winner from one of the awards you have studied this week. You will upload a picture of the novel you have chosen into "Discussions" on Bb by Sunday, August 30th, along with the reason you chose this novel. Novel projects will be due November 13th. CHILDREN'S LITERATURE, BRIEFLY Read Chapters 2 & 3 Answer the following in your journal in the "Notes" Section Chapter 2: What is a Good Book? *This chapter discusses the many criteria in which we use to judge whether a book is “good” or not. Some of the basic things we look for are listed on pages 19-22. Using the criteria the book listed there, reflect on ONE book you’ve read (can be a picture book or novel) that you consider “good” citing some of the qualities listed on page 19-22. Chapter 3: How to Recognize a Well-Written Book *This chapter takes a dig at what makes the words in books flow like “magic.” These are the books that end up becoming most memorable. They are compelling due to the author's way of arranging words to create deep connection from reader to character/plot. We can easily identify books that are considered great. You did so in chapter 2. But what specifically makes writing weak? Identify 3 elements that WEAKEN writing and describe or give an example of each of those elements. ASSIGNMENTS DUE THIS WEEK STUDY CHILDREN'S BOOK AWARDS AND INCLUDE INFO IN YOUR JOURNAL READ ARTICLE AND RESEARCH READING INTEREST INVENTORIES. PICK THREE TO GLUE IN YOUR JOURNAL CHOOSE YOUR NOVEL AND BEGIN READING. POST A PICTURE AND WHY IN DISCUSSIONS ON BB VIEW MY BITMOJI CLASSROOM LIBRARY LINK AND BEGIN THINKING ABOUT A TOPIC OF INTEREST YOU WOULD LIKE TO USE IN YOUR LIBRARY DUE IN NOVEMBER CREATE YOUR LITERACY LETTER SLIDE PRESENTATION AND UPLOAD IT TO BB NO LATER THAN AUGUST 28TH AT 11:59 PM. (RUBRIC AND ASSIGNMENT EXPLANATION ARE HERE IN THE WEEK TWO MODULE ON BB.) READ CHAPTERS TWO AND THREE IN YOUR TEXTBOOK AND COMPLETE NOTES IN YOUR JOURNAL. IN YOUR JOURNAL IN THE READING INQUIRY SECTION, COMPLETE THE TWO COLUMN ENTRY ABOUT A TIME YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED YOU ARE REMINDED OF FROM OUR READING OF SAL & GABI. *** ONLY IF YOU DIDN'T DO IT LAST WEEK. SAL & GABI READ ALOUD JOURNAL RESPONSE EXAMPLE OF TWO COLUMN JOURNAL ENTRY chapter Text Self 1 Sal is a new student at Culeco. I have been a new to a school before, so I know how awkward that can be. 2 Sal gets into a confrontation with Yasmany and it ends up sending them both to the principal's office. Once, I was called to the principal's office for fussing with another student. It was scary for me. I was only in the 4th grade. We were arguing over a song.