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Management Control System Report

Saqib Khan
Pharmacy Practice (Pharmaceutical Management and
Submitted to
Sir Muhammad Awais
COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad
Fall, 2020
Table of Contents
Introduction: ................................................................................................................................. 2
Scope Of Management Control System: ..................................................................................... 2
2.1 The Close Management Control System: ................................................................................... 2
2.2 The Open Management Control System: .................................................................................... 2
Component of a management control system ............................................................................. 2
Interdisciplinary Approach .......................................................................................................... 3
Need Of Management Control Systems ...................................................................................... 3
Important Features of Management Control Systems .............................................................. 4
6.1 Nature of Decisions....................................................................................................................... 4
6.2 Decisions are Systematic and Rhythmic ....................................................................................... 4
6.3 Strategy Implementation Tool ...................................................................................................... 4
Three basic skills to be Efficient manager .................................................................................. 4
7.1 Manager:.......................................................................................................................................... 4
7.2 Important Skills Of Manager......................................................................................................... 5
7.2.1 Technical Skills ......................................................................................................................... 5
Importance: ................................................................................................................................... 5
Example: ........................................................................................................................................ 5
7.2.2 Good communication: .............................................................................................................. 5
Importance..................................................................................................................................... 5
Example: ........................................................................................................................................ 6
7.2.3 Planning and strategy skills ....................................................................................................... 6
Importance..................................................................................................................................... 6
Example: ........................................................................................................................................ 6
References: ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction:
A Management Control System (MCS) is a system which gathers and uses information to
evaluate the performance of different organizational resources like human, physical, financial
and also the organization as a whole in light of the organizational strategies pursued.
Management control system influences the behaviour of organizational resources to implement
organizational strategies. Management control system might be formal or informal.
2. Scope Of Management Control System:
Business organizations have a singular goal to pursue which ultimately defines the nature of
the business they are in. However, within the business, there are several activities which need
to work in tandem to reach the common goal. Since, most of these activities are diverse in
nature, there need to be a mechanism which will direct and control these to achieve the common
goal. The scope of management control System comes in picture because of this. In this context
management control system is basically a system of information processes which validates and
verifies the physical processes in the organization. The management control systems are,
therefore, two types in nature.
2.1 The Close Management Control System: The Close Management Control System
where the information flow through the activity, the result, the matching of the standard
preset, analyzing the variation if any and taking corrective step to mitigate the mistake.
The closed end control mechanics uses a receptor and a corrector mode of operation.
2.2 The Open Management Control System: The Open Management Control System
where the feedback mechanism is continuous on every step of the activity and follows
a matrix system where several receptors interact with several correctors in the system.
3. Component of a management control system
A management control system has essentially the four component
A detector or sensor: This part detect the change or deviation.
An assessor: This part measures the change in relation to a set standard.
An effecter (feedback and alternator): This part began the control process by taking
in the feedback and altering the process to what is deemed to be normal.
A communicating network: This is the backbone of the control system as all the
above mentioned three part actually work with help of this network by transferring
information through it.
4. Interdisciplinary Approach:
Management control system is an interdisciplinary subject. It uses the knowledge of all
branches of management as it gives a direction to the business and helps to run the business
effectively. This interrelating part of management control system makes it an integral part of
the business strategy. It is believed that management control system provides for the
implementation of the strategy and measuring the deviation too.
5. Need Of Management Control Systems
As observed earlier, the need of the management control system is to provide a direction to the
overall process of the business and to steer the organization towards the realization of such
goals which the business has set for itself. Management Control System runs like a thread in
the system and acts like a backbone which supports the organizational systems.
The need of the control system is to maintain that desired state of activity in the business.
Information about the actual state of the organization is compared with the desired state, and if
there is a major deviation, corrective actions are taken.
Control systems in an organization involve the following functions:
Analyzing and planning the activities of an organization
Coordinating the activities of the organization.
Communicating information to different levels of the hierarchical structure
Evaluating information and deciding the action to be taken.
Influencing employees of the organization to change and accommodate to the new
In the planning stage, the management of an organization decides what the organization should
do. The control process compares actual accomplishments with the set plans, Another
important purpose of the control system is to ensure that the work of each part of the
organization is in harmony with that of the other. Control systems are designed to bring about
unity of purpose in an organization through the efforts of individuals.
The purpose of management control is to ensure that the right strategies are carried out to attain
the organization’s goals. Management control systems anticipate future conditions. They are
not self-regulating in nature. Managers usually operate in situations of uncertainty and the
control systems ensure that proper actions are taken whenever needed, in spite of the
Management control systems help the management in decision-making. In the management
control process, decisions are made according to procedures and timetables.
6. Important Features of Management Control Systems
6.1 Nature of Decisions
Management control decisions are based on the framework established by the organization’s
strategies. Management control decisions also take into account the quantity and quality of
resources available. Within the constraints of the available resources and the policies of the
organization, a manager should be able to implement activities that are best suited for a
particular business unit.
Decisions are made at the highest level, but their actual implementation may require some time.
For instance, employees need time to adapt to a new technology.
6.2 Decisions are Systematic and Rhythmic
Decisions in management control process are systematic and rhythmic i.e. they are in
accordance with the strategies and procedures laid down by the top management. Plans
developed for a unit must encompass the whole organization, and the plans for each of the
organization’s units must be coordinated with one another, so that there is a balance between
different activities. For example, operations and distribution should be balanced with the sales
6.3 Strategy Implementation Tool
Management control helps an organization to move towards its strategic objectives. It is an
important vehicle for the execution of strategy. It explains how strategies are implemented
through management controls, organizational structures, human resource management, and
culture. Effective execution can take place with the help of an efficient organizational structure,
human resource management and culture. All these are influenced by the system of
management control, and hence it is an important aspect of strategy implementation.
7. Three basic skills to be Efficient manager
7.1 Manager:
Manager is the person who is expected to be efficient and successful and who must
carry out the arrangements that will ensure the institution reaches its purpose and targets. In
other words the manager is the name of the person, who is expected to reach and achieve certain
purposes by displaying administrative functions, regardless of the institution's structure or
current position level.
According to an extensive definition the manager is "the person who directs material and
human production factors put under his command, to achieve determined purposes within a
specific time, by considering the developments happening around, and who is responsible from
the effectiveness of his owned resources” (Kogoglu, 2010).
7.2 Important Skills Of Manager
7.2.1 Technical Skills
It is defined as the accumulation of knowledge about methods, processes, procedures,
methods and key points to carry out specialized activities and skills to use tools and
materials related to such activities (Yukl, 2004).
Technical skill is the skill that include usage of various tools, methods and technologies
to carry out organizational activities (Çetinkaya 2009).
Without technical skills a manager wouldn’t know how to operate the different technical
ongoing activities within the organisation. Instead of being authoritative he would be dependent
on his colleagues for basic things.
Take an example of a sales manager, he should know how to operate the computer, the whole
calculations, the date bases and their further analysis. By being expert in this skill, he would be
able to coordinate and cooperate with colleagues in case of any mishap in the system or any
robbery in the organisation.
7.2.2 Good communication:
Having good communication skills is probably the most important skill of all for managers to
have. Unless you can properly communicate with those you supervise, the rest of the skills
really won't matter.
If a manager doesn’t have good communication skills, he wouldn’t be able to deliver the right
messages in the right way. There would be lack of persuasion, motivation, and influence in the
organisation. Miscommunication and misunderstanding would pave way for further
disturbance and chaos.
Take an example of a sales representative, he should have the skill to attract customers, to
influence them to buy the product and to persuade them for multiple visits. For advertisement,
for marketing and for well reputation, good communication is needed.
7.2.3 Planning and strategy skills
In an organization a manager’s core responsibility is to identify the problems and
insufficiencies; to analyze them and prepare a series of steps to encounter those problems. The
manager develops different strategies to overcome different types of current and future
Without these abilities, a manager would face great difficulties and his organization would face
tremendous financial loss; that is why situation handling is a basic requirement of being a
Planning programs for professional societies is another way to develop and
document planning abilities. Mastering planning software, like NetSuite OpenAir, and project
management software, like Workfront, can prove that you're able to tap technology
that's instrumental to sound planning. College students should take on leadership positions with
campus organizations to hone their planning skills.
Analyzing Business Problems
Analyzing Expenditures
Critical Thinking
Devising Plans for New Business
Development, Entrepreneurialism
Identifying the Interests and Preferences of Stakeholders
Proposing Solutions to Business Problems
Problem Solving
Research, Qualitative Skills
Strategic Planning
Strategic Thinking
8. References:
1. Dutta, M. (2011). Management control systems. Jaico publishing house.
3. https://mbahumanresource.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/mcs-lpu-material.pdf
5. https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-are-technical-skills-in-managementdefinition-examples-quiz.html
6. https://www.brightonsbm.com/news/6-essential-skills-managers/
7. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/management-skills