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Employee Rights & CBA: Evaluation Report

Republic of the Philippines
Commision of Higher Education
Camarines Norte State College
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines
Human Resource Management
Evaluation Report
Despised Employee,
Role of Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bamba, Clarisse P.
BS – Human Resource Management 2A
Ma. Reina A. Mabeza
“The congress shall give highest priority of the enactment of
measures the protection and enhance the right of people to human
dignity, social economic and political equities and remove
cultural inequalities.”
-1987 Philippines constitution article XIII Social Justice and Human Rughts
From the article itself it a said that people should priorities the right to have quality
of living and in this facts it can only achieve if different industries shall give consideration
and unlimited chances to improve the living of every individual, by insuring their good
working environment and protection of tenure.
The COVID – 19 pandemic are the most challenging period, that we facing today
many industries are temporary close due to ECQ or Enhance Community Quarantine in
order to avoid the spread of said pandemic. Prior for this many employee are facing such
problem due to lock of resources to earn income and provide their daily needs, despised
employee are experiencing mood disorder due to difficulty of the situation, and in my
own perception asides from the government support I think that management of such
industries should give an consideration on such benefits that present to CBA or Collecting
Bargaining Agreement to ensure the healthy living of such employee exchange by their
performance by doing the good production flow and services of their business.
The UNION organization should include the following benefits in order to protect
the right of tenure of such employee;
1. Assurance of security of Tenure after the Pandemic
It a said that the only way to back the normal living of individual is to
give them a chance to start again and make their live more creative,
active and healthy also priorities there protection. If the employee know
that there are secured they can work more and give their full support to the
company in order to have more efficient, quality and beneficial product
for all.
2. Financial Assistance or Gift Certificate
Asides from the support of the government, I think that management
of such company shall give also a financial assistance, besides in this
situation that everyone experiencing the negative effect of Enhance
Community Quarantine, the other way to give them a peace of mind is to
provide their need by giving them assistance to complete their needs.
3. Advance 13th month pay
Enhance Community Quarantine can be consider as emergency
situation besides, everyone are not visualize the advance healing of victim
prior for these the other way to insure the preparedness of community is to
give such percentage of 13Th month pay as part of their benefits exchange
of their unwilling service and workforce to the company.
Also the government need to make or provide proper guidelines in order to
support the advocacy of the UNION organization, this consideration can make the
UNION organization stronger and make their duty more effective, the government shall
be active to protect the welfare of such employee because employee is one of the
reason why the economic is rising and the payment of micro taxes are impost.
Also the management of specific company shall consider the service of the
workforce it is the time that the workforce should be recognize as a social
partner and not as additional cost for production. The workforce are the life
of the company no workforce the production will decrease and the profit
will die.
The employee should fight for their right make necessary measure for any
abuse, and any abuse should be taken by the law and should be dealt
with. Un-Priorities the welfare of the workforce is a form of abuse and any
abuse should not be tolerated.
We are living in the new age and law should be are weapon to fight our rights and
now a days that people are facing such unwanted situation it is the time to revise any
code that affect the welfare of any individual, as a Human Resource Management
student I think that employee should be consider a part of the company and not to be
seen as a part of machinery, I consider that as of now many abuse for such industry are
not resolve and not be seeing by the government and make action for it. We are facing
difficult time especially now this this and I think humanity and protection should be
tolerate and to be enhance by such industry.
People need to be recognize and be heard, the law should be active and should
be consider and any abuse should be resolve as a part of speed justice.
People should be educate for their rights and is our right to make any appeal on
any situation that against from the right of human specially from the workforce that are
mainly contributor to make such transaction to make our economy more active in any
form of business transaction.
The welfare of workforce should be seen and shall be protect by the law as a part of
ours rights.
-Clarisse Bamba
May 17, 2020