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132/150 kV Underground AC Cable Systems Standard

132 kV and 150 kV
Underground AC cable systems
Document title
EKS-0069 Rev 0 132 kV and 150 kV underground AC cable systems
Document no.
Target group
Valid until
Electricity Transmission and external suppliers
1 October 2019
17.08.2017 SSV, JDV,
15.09.2017 JSC
Doc. 13/90592-213 – EKS-0069
Klassificering: Til arbejdsbrug/Restricted
Table of contents
Scope/introduction ...........................................................................................................2
Abbreviations and definitions ...........................................................................2
References and standards ................................................................................................2
General ...............................................................................................................2
Health and safety requirements .......................................................................4
Environmental requirements ............................................................................4
Quality requirements .........................................................................................4
Dependences and conditions ...........................................................................................5
Performance requirements ..............................................................................................5
Technical requirements ....................................................................................................5
Design requirements ........................................................................................................5
Cable system design ..........................................................................................5
Cable system installation ..................................................................................................5
Installation in rural areas ...................................................................................5
Installation in urban areas .................................................................................5
Cable system testing .........................................................................................................6
Monitoring package for cable systems ............................................................................6
Operation of cable systems ..............................................................................................6
Maintenance of cable systems.........................................................................................6
Decommissioning ..............................................................................................................6
Documentation .................................................................................................................7
Appendices ........................................................................................................................7
132 kV and 150 kV underground AC cable systems
1. Scope/introduction
This concept standard specifies Energinet's requirements for development, construction,
commissioning, maintenance, operation and decommissioning of High-Voltage (HV) cable
systems with voltage ratings of 132 and 150 kV.
The standard is intended to be used during development of cable projects, tendering for
new cables, tendering for installation of cables, tendering for test of cable systems, etc.
The standard ensures a unified approach to system design and ensures that all relevant
parts of Energinet agree on the requirements.
1.1 Abbreviations and definitions
Distributed Acoustic Sensing
Distributed Temperature Sensing
Distributed Vibration Sensing
Energinet design and configuration standard
Energinet guideline
Extra High Voltage
Energinet concept standard
Energinet technical standard
High Voltage
International Electrotechnical Commission
Online Electrical Fault Localisation
Partial Discharge
Point Temperature Sensing
Technical Brochure
2. References and standards
2.1 General
The design of the equipment must in general be based on the most recent version of the
applicable DS/EN and IEC standards and Cigré recommendations, including (but not limited
DS/EN 60228:2006 Conductors of insulated cables
IEC 60287-1-1:2006 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 1-1:
Current rating equations (100 % load factor) and calculation of losses – General
IEC 60287-1-1:2006/AMD1:2014 Amendment 1 – Electric cables – Calculation of
the current rating – Part 1-1: Current rating equations (100 % load factor) and calculation of losses – General
IEC 60287-1-2:1993 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 1:
Current rating equations (100 % load factor) and calculations of losses – Section 2:
Sheath eddy current loss factors for two circuits in flat formation
DS/IEC 60287-1-3:2002 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 13: Current rating equations (100 % load factor) and calculation of losses – Current
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132 kV and 150 kV underground AC cable systems
sharing between parallel single-core cables and calculation of circulating current
DS/IEC 60287-2-1:2015 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 21: Thermal resistance – Calculation of the thermal resistance
IEC 60287-2-2:1995 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 2:
Thermal resistance – Section 2: A method for calculating reduction factors for
groups of cables in free air, protected from solar radiation
DS/IEC 60287-3-1:2017 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 31: Operating conditions – Site reference conditions
IEC 60287-3-3:2007 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 3-3:
Sections on operating conditions – Cables crossing external heat sources
DS/IEC 60840:2012 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories
for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) – Test
methods and requirements
IEC 60853-1:1985 Calculation of the cyclic and emergency current rating of cables. Part 1: Cyclic rating factor for cables up to and including 18/30(36) kV
IEC 60853-1:1985/AMD1:1994 Amendment No. 1
IEC 60853-1:1985/AMD2:2008 Amendment 2 – Calculation of the cyclic and
emergency current rating of cables – Part 1: Cyclic rating factor for cables up to
and including 18/30 (36) kV
IEC 60853-2:1989 Calculation of the cyclic and emergency current rating of cables. Part 2: Cyclic rating of cables greater than 18/30 (36) kV and emergency ratings for cables of all voltages
IEC 60853-2:1989/AMD1:2008 Amendment 1 – Calculation of the cyclic and
emergency current rating of cables – Part 2: Cyclic rating of cables greater than
18/30 (36) kV and emergency ratings for cables of all voltages
DS/IEC 60853-3:2002 Calculation of the cyclic and emergency current rating of
cables – Part 3: Cyclic rating factor for cables of all voltages, with partial drying of
the soil
DS/IEC 62067:2012 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories
for rated voltages above 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um =550 kV) – Test
methods and requirements
Cigré TB 303:2006 Revision of qualification procedures for high voltage and extra
high voltage AC extruded underground cable systems
Cigré TB 347:2008 Earth Potential Rises in specially bonded Screen Systems
Cigré TB 446:2011 Advanced design of metal laminated coverings: recommendation for tests, guide to use, operational feed back
Cigré TB 560:2013 Guideline to Maintaining the Integrity of XLPE Cable Accessories
DIN VDE 0292:2007 System for cable designation
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Klassificering: Til arbejdsbrug/Restricted
132 kV and 150 kV underground AC cable systems
Furthermore, at least the following Energinet standards should be taken into account:
EKS-0070 220 kV and 400 kV underground AC cable systems
EDS-0074 Installation of underground AC cables in urban areas
EDS-0075 Installation of underground AC cables in rural areas
EDS-0076 Design of performance and integrity monitoring systems for HV and EHV
cable systems
EDS-0077 Design of underground AC cable systems
ETS-0054 Bonding equipment and auxiliary equipment for underground AC cable
ETS-0066 Underground AC cables
ETS-0067 Accessories for underground AC cables
ETS-0068 Optical equipment for monitoring temperature and vibrations along HV
and EHV cable systems
ETS-0079 Equipment for monitoring point temperatures along HV and EHV cable
ETS-0080 Equipment for online electrical fault localisation of HV and EHV cable
ETS-0081 Equipment for online partial discharge measurements on HV and EHV
cable systems
ETS-0082 Testing of underground cables and accessories
ETS-0108 Equipment for optical time domain reflectometry monitoring of fibres
EGS-0084 Underground AC cables - cable data sheet
EGS-0085 Underground AC cables - joint data sheet
EGS-0086 Underground AC cables - termination data sheet
2.2 Health and safety requirements
HV cable systems must be designed, installed and commissioned in a way that takes health
and safety into consideration to the absolute highest possible level for everybody involved
in design, production, transport, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and
decommissioning of the system.
2.3 Environmental requirements
HV cable systems must be designed in a way that takes environmental aspects into consideration to the absolute highest possible level. This means that systems must be designed to
minimise the environmental impact on the entire lifecycle of the cable, including design,
production, transport, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of the system.
2.4 Quality requirements
In addition to the standard ISO certificates, etc., Energinet expects HV cable systems to be
produced in a way that makes it possible to trace the quality of all subcomponents (cables,
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Klassificering: Til arbejdsbrug/Restricted
132 kV and 150 kV underground AC cable systems
monitoring equipment, etc.) to the greatest possible extent. This will enable a better and
more accurate root cause analysis in case of future failures.
3. Dependences and conditions
Section intentionally left blank; dependences and conditions pecified elsewhere.
4. Performance requirements
Section intentionally left blank; performance requirements specified elsewhere.
5. Technical requirements
Section intentionally left blank; technical requirements specified elsewhere.
6. Design requirements
6.1 Cable system design
Cable systems must be designed according to:
EDS-0077 Design of underground AC cable systems
ETS-0054 Bonding equipment and auxiliary equipment for underground AC cable
ETS-0066 Underground AC cables
ETS-0067 Accessories for underground AC cables
Power cables and accessories may come from different suppliers. In that case it must be
specified that the requirements of ETS-0082 must be respected.
7. Cable system installation
7.1 Installation in rural areas
In rural areas, i.e. where:
It is possible to have long open trenches
Limited inconvenience is caused for traffic
Limited amount of parallel and crossing power cables, gas line, district heating
pipes, water pipes, etc. is foreseen
The installation must be performed according to EDS-0075.
7.2 Installation in urban areas
In urban areas, where it is not possible to have long open trenches, etc., the installation
must be performed according to EDS-0074.
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Klassificering: Til arbejdsbrug/Restricted
132 kV and 150 kV underground AC cable systems
8. Cable system testing
Cable systems must be tested according to ETS-0082.
As standard, 132 kV and 150 kV cable systems must not have PD monitored joints during
commissioning testing, only in case the cable system is considered vital for the transmission
9. Monitoring package for cable systems
As standard on all new cable systems, Energinet installs DTS, DVS/DAS, and PTS systems in
order to monitor the cable system behaviour. All three monitoring systems (DTS, DVS/DAS,
and PTS) must be delivered by the same supplier in order to ensure limited requirements
for communication and simple interfaces for Energinet.
Under special circumstances, Energinet will install an OEFL system instead of a DVS/DAS
system. This may especially be the case for cable systems where optical fibres are not installed along the cables.
For the moment, Energinet does not consider the need for online monitoring of PD in cable
systems, and a PD monitoring system must therefore not be permanently installed.
Monitoring system must be in accordance with EDS-0076, ETS-0079, ETS-0080, ETS-0081,
and ETS-0108
10. Operation of cable systems
Cable systems must be operated to the limits defined in EDS-0077, ETS-0054, ETS-0066,
ETS-0067, EGS-0084, EGS-0085, and EGS-0086.
The cable operating voltage must never exceed the maximum voltage defined in the above
specifications, and the cable operating temperature must never exceed the maximum temperature defined in the above specifications.
11. Maintenance of cable systems
Cable systems must be tested and maintained according to ETS-0082.
The cable system must be maintained according to the maintenance plans supplied by
cable manufacturers and accessory manufacturers.
12. Decommissioning
Cable systems must be decommissioned according to the Danish laws and regulations.
Energinet will to the greatest possible extent excavate, pull up and dispose power cables,
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Klassificering: Til arbejdsbrug/Restricted
132 kV and 150 kV underground AC cable systems
accessories, and auxiliary equipment in order to leave the cable route as if the cable system
had never been installed.
The cable system should to the greatest possible extent be disposed of for recycling.
13. Documentation
Section intentionally left blank; documentation specified elsewhere.
14. Appendices
No appendices.
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Klassificering: Til arbejdsbrug/Restricted