2015 International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT), Jan. 16-17, Mumbai, India Augmented Reality In E-Learning Review Of Prototype Designs For Usability Evaluation Trupti Satpute*, Subhash Pingale, Vijaysinh Chavan Department of ComputerScience and Engineering SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering Pandharpur-4133004, India E-mail:*satpute.trupti@gmail.com Abstract—The concept of e-learning has reached beyond use of presentations, videos. Augmented reality (AR) based systems are preferred to support teaching and learning activities along with these e-learning systems. In this paper we present a systematic review of such prototypes developed for educational purposes and compare their usability for finding benefits of AR. It also focuses on use of web 2.0 tools in e- learning and combined use of both technologies. Keywords:Augmented Reality; e-learning; usability; web 2.0. I. I NTRODUCTION Augmented Reality (AR) was initially a technologically challenging topic and an interaction paradigm alternative (or complementary) to Virtual Reality though both are born within graphics. The wide adoption of smart phones and availability of AR software has made AR widespread. Novel applications propose forms of interactions that superimpose layers of digital contextualized information over physical settings offering new opportunities for learning experiences[3]. For instance, the iPhone application, Starmap, allows learning about the constellations on a map displayed on its screen superimposed onto the real stars being viewed in the sky. Within this context, we refer to AR as the technologies that enable the superimposing of layers of digitally contextualized information over physical settings for enriching or augmenting the real world. AR can be applied for learning, entertainment, or edutainment by enhancing a user’s perception of and interaction with the real world. User can move around the threedimensional virtual image and view it from any vantage point, just like a real object[2]. The information conveyed by the virtual objects helps users perform real world tasks. Tangible Interface Metaphor is one of the important ways to improve learning. This property enables manipulation of three-dimensional virtual objects simply by moving real cards without mouse or keyboard. Augmented Reality can also be used to enhance collaborative tasks. It is possible to develop innovative computer interfaces that merge virtual and real worlds to enhance face-to-face and remote collaboration. These augmented reality applications are more similar to natural faceto-face collaboration than to screen based collaboration. With the advent of web 2.0, users residing worldwide can contribute and shape the content of web E.g.blogs, wikis, etc.Use of this technology in technology enhanced Learning (TEL) has been practiced as a part of learning activities. It is used for harnessing collective intelligence and making learning immersive.The use of Information and Communication Technologies in education has been fostered during the last decade by the widespread adoption of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), also called Leaning Management Systems. Moodle, LAMS, .LRN, Sakai or Blackboard are only a few well-known examples of successful VLEs that stand out among educators and institutions preferences. VLEs normally provide a shared customizable workspace in which educators can design and instantiate individual and collaborative learning activities that students enact afterward. As far as TEL is concerned, these two trends, VLE’s and Web 2.0 might seem contrasting.On the one hand, Virtual Learning Environments VLEs are employed in order to centralize the access to the learning activities. On the other hand, Web 2.0 tools like online collaborative tools such as GoogleDocs are also becoming widespread in technologyenhanced education. The clash of these two trends has recently prompted an interest in research and development regarding the integration of VLEs/PLEs and external Web 2.0 tools. Concerning to the advantages in learning setting, both AR and Web 2.0 have been proved to improve engagement with learning activity and support collaborative activities. The purpose of this review is to find how much of ARs benefits are applied with e-learning systems. The primary objectives of this survey are: • Usability evaluation of AR based systems and benefits they achieved • Finding usability of AR along with web 2.0 tools in educational systems II. BACKGROUND A. Augmented reality Azuma et. al. [1] define AR as 3-D virtual objects are integrated into a 3-D real environment in real time. So the basic requirements of AR are the combination of virtual elements and real environment. Also it requires three-dimensional registration such that the virtual elements are aligned to the real environment and it requires real-time interactivity with the virtual elements. Thus, the virtual elements must behave like a real element in the real environment. This may mean, but is not limited to, the AR system responding to changes 978-1-4799-5522-0/15/$31.00 c 2015 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Qatar University. Downloaded on September 26,2020 at 18:11:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. are reviewed for deciding the effectiveness of AR in education. The technology is mostly used along with e-learning systems and handheld devices. Articles which describe use of AR and web2.0 in are surveyed focusing their use in e-learning. in the perspective of the user, changes in lighting conditions, occlusion and other physical laws. Augmented Reality Learning Experiences: The Augmented Reality, as a next-generation interface, affords a different way of interaction with information. This interaction can be used to design better learning experiences. We define the term Augmented Reality Learning Experiences (ARLEs) to refer to learning experiences facilitated by AR technology. Some examples of ARLEs for various subjects are like physics, chemistry, geography and mathematics, as well as, educational games for primary education. Aside from these contents, ARLEs can be used for astronomy, biology, geometry and cultural heritage. These kinds of content depend on the abilities of AR to: 1) 2) 3) 4) IV. A. Meta-analysis We conducted a systematic literature review based on the work of Ericson et al. [4]. Their meta-analysis aimed to measure the impact of ARLEs in K-12 (pre-school, grade school, and high school) educational settings. Their analysis of 503 articles show that the effects associated with technology have not changed substantially over the years. The mean effect size of technology applied to education observed is 0.56 or low to moderate effect. Illustrate spatial and temporal concepts. emphasize contextual relationships between real and virtual objects provide intuitive interaction visualize and interact in 3D The methodology for the systematic literature review is as follows: 1) Search for prototypes: : A literature search was conducted in year 2013-2014, published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ScienceDirect, Springer, and Elseveir etc. The search is limited to journal articles and conference proceedings that are written in English. B. AR affordances and benefits The researchers designed their ARLE to take advantage of the affordances of AR technology. These affordances are derived from the very nature of AR: the real-time integration of virtual elements to a real environment. By the definition, augmented reality affords: 1) 2) 3) 2) Inclusion criteria: : The content relevant to educational applications and mostly focusing on higher education was considered for this survey. Thus, for the research paper to be included, the following criteria must be met: Real world annotation - to display text and other symbols on real world objects Contextual visualization - to display virtual content in a specific context Vision-haptic visualization - to enabled embodied interactions with virtual content. Aside from the natural affordances of AR, design strategies have been applied to the creation of more effective ARLEs. In ARLEs, researchers have used the following strategies: 1) 2) 3) Enable exploration - designing AR content that is non-linear and encourages further study Promote collaboration - designing AR content that requires students to exchange ideas Ensure immersion - designing AR content that allows students to concentrate more and be engaged at a constant level. III. M ETHODS • The research paper must have at least a preliminary working ARLE prototype. • The prototype should be applied to learning a new concept or skill. • The content should be relevant to secondary or higher education. • The paper reports an effect size or provided a means to calculate the effect size (reports both mean and standard deviation). Applying these criteria resulted in 4 articles. 3) Data gathering: : We computed the effect size (d) using formula d = (xe − xc)/s (1) Where, xe is the mean of experimental treatment that using AR and xc is the mean of control and s is pooled standard deviation obtained as: LITERATURE REVIEW A. About AR s = (se + sc)/2 According to Azuma et.al. [1] Augmented Reality technology is not a new issue. It has been used in fields such as: military, medicine, engineering design, robotic, telerobotic, manufacturing, maintenance and repair applications, consumer design, psychological treatments, etc. The authors have studied the benefits of technology in various fields. (2) Where se is standard deviation of experimental treatment and sc is the standard deviation of the control. We interpret the calculated effect size based on Cohens recommendation, that is, an effect size of 0.8 or higher is considered large, around 0.5 is considered moderate, and around 0.2 is considered small. B. Qualitative analysis B. About AR and web2.0 in education 1) Search for prototypes:: Search for prototypes was carried out in the same way as in meta analysis. The articles considered for meta analysis are also included for qualitative analysis. As AR can be used for education, a large number of prototypes have been developed for educational settings. Various such articles published in journals and conference proceedings 2 Authorized licensed use limited to: Qatar University. Downloaded on September 26,2020 at 18:11:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. TABLE I. SUMMARY OF PROTOTYPE EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION AND EFFECT SIZE Ref [6] content Game of Go Interactive agent Participant 18 volunteers (age:21-32) 15 students (age:8-13) Control group PC based Go game learning Collaborative e learning environment [10] [11] OOP course 200 students [12] English language course 6 classes e-learning approach using LMS Text based audio-visua data Exp. group AR based ARGo game AR based interactive agent to speak AR based course content AR based l immersive e-learning TABLE II. effect 0.232 Ref. [5] Year 2011 [6] 2011 0.8 [7] 2011 0.486 [8] 2012 [9] 2012 [10] 2012 [11] 2013 [12] 2011 [13] 2011 [14] 2009 0.525 2) Inclusion criteria:: For inclusion in qualitative analysis, we focused on the evaluation technique and benefits achieved. So, the criterion for effect size was relaxed. 3) Data gathering:: A survey questionnaire was drafted to facilitate the gathering of data from the 10 included articles. The questionnaire has four main parts namely: • publication details, • prototype description, • use of AR, • design and results of the user TABLE III. Ref [5] V. SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY STUDIES USING SURVEY TOOLS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION [6] A. Meta analysis results [7] There were four articles which reported their values of experimental evaluation. The AR applications used for education and their effect sizes are summarized in Table I.The mean effect size obtained is 0.511 which is moderate. [8] [9] [10] B. Qualitative analysis results [11] We selected ten articles having educational prototypes according to given inclusion criteria. The usability of AR in education is mostly evaluated using survey questionnaires and personal or group interview methods. Some researchers have used combination of such data collection methods. The prototype descriptions and tools described in each article are summarized in Table II. [12] [13] [14] Most articles reported have used questionnaires and evaluated results based on Lickert scale. [2] has used questionnaire based on IMI that is the researchers used a part of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) to analyze four subscales: enjoyment, competence, usefulness, and tension. There are various ways of using AR technology like marker based AR, AR for projection, AR for GPS based system. For educational setting mostly used is marker AR. The affordances of AR technology implied in the prototype and the other pedagogical benefits achieved are summarized in following Table III. Prototype Description AR based 3D digital media teaching materials for teaching Physical Science A game of GO, for self learning 2D and 3D models for learning computer graphics AR for architectural visualization Cultural and natural heritage Interactive flower garden with interactive agent in augmented picture Mobile software to support learning experience for OOP Authoring tool for elearning applications Game base introduction to programming Interactive learning system for conservation of fish Tools Triangulation-combined evaluation using interview, observation, questionnaire Questionnaire based on IMI, result based on Lickert scale Group interview Own questionnaire, result based on Lickert scale Feedback Survey Observation, result based on Lickert scale Own questionnaire, result based on Lickert scale Experimental evaluation using observation Feedback Survey SUS questionnaire result based on Lickert scale SUMMARY OF AR AFFORDANCES AND BENEFITS ACHIEVED Type of AR technique used Marker AR for 3D material and objects Augmentation of Go game board 3D models using 3DMax and AR Plug-in Marker AR for architectural project AR using Hoppala and Layar tools Marker AR for augmentation in picture Marker AR to play video and enable AR sessions Marker based tool for creating elearning content QRcodes for augmentation of game board Marker AR for 3D virtual models for fish AR Affordances Real world annotations Contextual visualization Contextual visualization Benefits achieved Ubiquitous learning environment Self learning support Collaborative and Interactive learning Real world annotation Contextual visualization Contextual visualization Student satisfaction Collaborative and immersive learning Increased engagement in learning Real world annotation Increased engagement and enjoyment Vision haptic visualization Increased academic achievement Real world annotation Increased engagement in learning Real world annotation Increased enjoyment in learning, positive usability reported the positive usability of AR technology. But experimental evaluation of systems developed is also necessary for effect size calculations. C. Web 2.0 along with AR in e-learning Web 2.0 technology has support for collaboration, social interaction, creative thinking of students in e-learning environments. Most researches have proved that their prototypes using AR have three inherent affordances as Real world annotations, Contextual visualization, and Vision haptic visualization. So the benefits achieved include collaboration support, increased enjoyment, engagement in learning etc. The articles have Anastasios K. et. al. have done evaluation with a goal to identify how to design and deploy adaptive Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL).[17] The authors 3 Authorized licensed use limited to: Qatar University. Downloaded on September 26,2020 at 18:11:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. report about the tools like GLUE! for integration of web 2.0 and LMS for adaptive collaborative support. [3] Prez-Sanagustn, M., Hernndez-Leo, D., Santos, P., Delgado Kloos, C. and Blat J., Augmenting Reality and Formality of Informal and Non-formal Settings to Enhance Blended Learning , IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Volume 7,Issue 2, pp.118-131, 2014 [4] Marc Ericson C. Santos, Angie Chen, Takafumi Taketomi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Jun Miyazaki, Hirokazu Kato, Member, IEEE,Augmented Reality Learning Experiences:Survey of Prototype Design and Evaluation, IEEE Transactions On Learning Technologies, VOL. PP, Issue:99,2014(11 December 2013 ) [5] Min-Chai Hsieh*, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, A Conceptual Study for Augmented Reality E-learning System Based on Usability Evaluation, CISME, Vol.1, No.8 , PP.5-7, 2011 [6] Takahiro Iwata, Tetsuo Yamabe, Tatsuo Nakajima, Augmented Reality Go: Extending Traditional Game Play with Interactive Self-Learning Support, 17th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, pp-105-114, 2011 [7] Malinka Ivanova, Georgi Ivanov, Enhancement of Learning and Teaching in Computer Graphics Through Marker Augmented Reality Technology, International Journal on New Computer Architectures and Their Applications (IJNCAA) 1(1), pp. 176-184, 2011 [8] David Fonseca, Isidro Navarro, Ernest Redondo, Albert Snchez,Using Augmented Reality and Education Platform in Architectural VisualizationEvaluation of Usability and Students level of Sastisfaction, International Symposiam on Computers in Education, 2012 [9] Francesc Gonzlez, Luis Villarejo1, Oriol Miralbell, Joan Miquel Gomis, How to use mobile technology and augmented reality to enhance collaborative learning on cultural and natural heritage- An e-learning Experience, New Trends on Global Education Conference 2012 (GEC 2012) North Cyprus, 24-26 September, 2012 [10] Sejin Oh, Yungcheul Byun, The design and implementation of elearning systems, 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Science, pp-651-654, 2012 [11] Utku Kose, Durmus Koc, Suleyman Anil Yucesoy, An Augmented Reality Based Mobile Software to Support Learning Experiences in Computer Science Courses, International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education, pp.370-374, 2013 [12] Hyung-Keun Jee & Sukhyun Lim & Jinyoung Youn & Junsuk Lee, An Augmented Reality-Based Authoring Tool For E-Learning Applications, Multimed Tools Appl Vol.68, pp-225235, 2014 [13] Nicholas Masso and Lindsay Grace, Shapemaker:A Game-based Introduction to Programming, The 16 th International Conference on Computer Games, CGAMES, pp-168-172, 2011 [14] Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, 1Min-Chai Hsieh, 1Cheng-Hung Wang, 1ZongYuan Sie, 2Shei-Hsi Chang, Establishment And Usability Evaluation Of An Interactive Ar Learning System On Conservation Of Fish, TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, volume 10 Issue 4,2011,pp-181-187, October 2011 [15] Thuong N. Hoang, Shane R. Porter, Benjamin Close, and Bruce H. Thomas, Web 2.0 Meets Wearable Augmented Reality, International Symposium on Wearable Computers, pp-151-152, 2009 [16] Paolo Montuschi and Alfredo Benso,”Augmented Reading: The Present and Future of Electronic Scientific Publications ”,Computer, Volume:47 , Issue: 1 ,pp-64-74,2014 [17] Anastasios Karakostas, Luis P. Prieto, Yannis Dimitriadis, Opportunities and Challenges for Adaptive Collaborative Support in Distributed Learning Environments: Evaluating the GLUE! Suite of Tools, 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2012 [18] Marijana S. Despotov, Aleksandra B. Labus and Aleksandar R. Mili Fostering Enginering E-learning Courses with Social Network Services, 19th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2011 Along with collaborative suport, web 2.0 can be used to motivate students by displaying their test results on social media like Facebook. Marizana S. et. al have created and used a facebook social services in e-education. They created pages for declaring events, creating fan page etc. and examined the web site traffic. So the authors say that introduction of social networks ineducation process improve student- teacher communication, interaction which affects quality of education process[18]. Some researchers have developed to use benefits of both AR and web 2.0. Hoang et.al.[15] have developed a system which uses wearable device enabled with AR interface to share social network information which can capture location information using GPS co-ordinates. Such kind of efforts are extende for combinig GPS based augmented information web 2.0 support by introducing ARML2.0. ARML 2.0 is an XML grammar thal lets developers describe an augmented scene, the objects in the scene, and some essential objects in the scene. Paolo M. et.al.[16] say that Journal articles now can increasingly include a variety of supplemental multimedia and interactive materials for augmented reading that will impact both the nature and presentation of scientific research. The main findings from review are AR and Web 2.0 both have been studied for their benefits in e-learning. But combination like ARML 2.0 has more scope in e-learning application in study tours or the outdoor activities. Also marker based AR and web 2.0 based tools can be combined with LMS for initiating various learning activities. Such prototype designs can have benefits like increased engagement, motivation, creative thinking, harnessing collective intelligence etc. Such prototypes must be evaluated using specifically designed questionnaire. Also students’ performance before and after using prototype must be recorded. VI. C ONCLUSION We have studied the educational prototypes for their effect size and benefits achieved by them. Combination of AR and Web 2.0 technologies can give better results in educational achievements. AR increases engagement, immersion and web 2.0 supports collaboration, social interaction. These technologies have been studied separately for benefits in learning systems. Therefore both technologies should be studied for experimental evaluation of their combined use in educational settings. R EFERENCES [1] Azuma, R. T., A Survey of Augmented Reality, Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, pp-355-385, 1997 [2] Mehmet Kesima, Yasin Ozarslanb, Augmented Reality In Education: Current Technologies And The Potential For Education, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47, pp 297- 302, 2012 4 Authorized licensed use limited to: Qatar University. Downloaded on September 26,2020 at 18:11:39 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.