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Modeling Greenhouse Gases: Physics Worksheet

Physics for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept
8 How is our climate changing?
Activity: Modelling greenhouse gases
Molecular models for our three greenhouse gases –
which is which?
The Earth’s atmosphere – a thin layer of gases, vital to
Identifying the problem
In groups, or perhaps as a class, start by brainstorming some of the variables that
might be important in an investigation to model greenhouse gas properties.
Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris
Physics for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept
Now, on your own, select from your list of variables those that can be changed,
(independent) and those that should be measured (dependent).
Use the experiment investigation cycle below to draft your design. Use the template
overleaf to help structure your writing.
Start your inquiry here
Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris
Physics for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept
Inquiry question
To investigate how (independent variable) ________________________________
affects (dependent variable) ___________________________________________
Background: Use this section to collect any background information from research
you have done – for example, about how the variables you have chosen may be
related, how they can be measured, what values we should expect, what might
cause the values to vary, and so on. Explain why it is important or useful to
investigate this.
Criterion B
strand (i)
When (independent variable) _________________________________ is changed
the (dependent variable) __________________________________ will change by
This is because _____________________________________________________
Criterion B
strand (ii)
Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris
Physics for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept
The (independent variable) ____________________________ will be changed by
The (dependent variable) ____________________________ will be measured by
The measurements will be made every ___________________________________
The measurements will be repeated _______________________________ times.
These other variables will be controlled:
These other precautions will be taken to reduce error in the results:
Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris
Hint: Think back to
the precautions you
took in Activity:
Radiant surfaces.
Criterion B
strand (iii)
Physics for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept
Safety notes
Risk analysis for this experiment suggests the following safety precautions must be
Beware! Methane is highly flammable and explosive. The generation of carbon
dioxide may involve the use of acid.
The equipment required for this experiment will be:
Criterion B
strand (iv)
You may wish to draw an outline diagram of the equipment setup here, with labels.
Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris
Physics for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept
Record the results in a clear and organized way – usually in a table – showing units
of measurement and any uncertainties in measurement. If you have many results
from a datalogger, give a sample table here.
Criterion C
strand (i)
Presentation and analysis
Choose the most appropriate kind of presentation for the results.
Summarize the analysis of the results – what patterns do you see in the data?
Can the presentation of the results be used to work out any values or derive any
Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris
Physics for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept
Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris
Physics for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept
Write a conclusion that:
states whether or not the hypothesis was supported, and correct
describes the results and any relationships analysed
explains any relationship identified or observed.
The results show ____________________________________________________
This is because _____________________________________________________
Criterion C
strands (ii) and (iii)
Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris
Physics for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept
Explain how the experiment was
State what errors were present in the results. Evaluate how important (significant)
they were for the final conclusion.
Criterion C
strand (iv)
Suggest what could be done to improve the experiment, so as to reduce these
Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris
Physics for the IB MYP 4&5: by Concept
Suggest what new, further questions could be investigated following the
experimental findings. Explain what changes could be made to your experiment to
investigate these new questions.
Criterion C
strand (v)
Hodder & Stoughton © Paul Morris