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Air Pollution 17

Air Pollution
• Thin envelope of
gases surrounding the
– Pressure, air
change w/ altitude
Layers of the Atmosphere
• Troposphere
inner most layer
weather occurs
Chemical cycling
Ozone here is
considered smog
– 75% all atmospheric
• 78% nitrogen
• 21% oxygen
• 1% Argon
• .036% CO2
• other trace
Layers of the Atmosphere
• Stratosphere
– 2nd layer
– less water vapor,
increased good
– 95% UV rays filtered
• keeps earth warm
• protects from harmful radiation
• prevents oxygen from converting
to photochemical 03 (ozone)
Layers of the Atmosphere
• Mesosphere
– 3rd layer
– cold, low pressure
Layers of the Atmosphere
• Thermosphere
– 4th layer
– temperature varies; (close
proximity to sun but air to
thin to hold heat)
Layers of the Atmosphere
• Exosphere
– 5th layer
– Space-atmo. merger
Outdoor Air
Air Pollution
• Presence of one or more chemicals in the atmosphere
that can:
– cause harm
– alter the climate
– solid, gaseous or liquid
• Majority of pollutants come from natural sources like
dust, forest fires & geological processes
• We add air pollution through burning of fossil fuels,
erosion of land, factory emissions
Major Outdoor Air Pollutants
Carbon oxides (CO, CO2)
Nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2, N2O)
Sulfur oxides (SO2, SO3)
Suspended Particulate Matter
• Solids (dust, soot, lead, nitrate and sulfate salts)
• Liquids (sulfuric acid, PCBs, pesticides, dioxins
– Photochemical Oxidants (ozone)
– VOCs (Hydrocarbons like methane, octane,
benzene; other compounds like formaldehyde)
– Hazardous Air Pollutants
• Cause cancer, birth defects, nervous system damage
• HAPs: benzene, formaldehyde, chloroform, lead,
• Most developed countries set maximum
allowable atmospheric concentrations for the
pollutants commonly found in outdoor air.
– Developing countries tend to have WORSE pollution.
Pollution Source
• Primary pollutants: are
put directly into troposphere
from natural events or human
activities in a potentially
harmful form
– CO2 & NOx gases from car
– Ash produced from burning coal
– SO2 gas from volcanoes or
burning coal
Pollution Source
• Secondary pollutants:
when primary pollutants react
with one another or with basic
components of air to form
new pollutants
– SO2 from burning coal reacts
with water vapor in
atmosphere to form sulfuric
acid AKA acid rain
Photochemical smog
Formed when nitrogen oxides
and VOC’s react with heat
& sunlight
– assoc. w vehicle emissions
A recent study
has shown that
fertilizers may
be responsible
for up to 51%
of NOx
emissions in
• Due to burning large amounts of coal and heavy oil
• Rarely a problem today in developed countries, but was
in the past: ex. London’s Pea Soup fog
• Prominent in urban areas of China, India, Urkraine, and
some eastern European countries
• Secondary Pollutant:
– Sulfur dioxide emissions react w/water 🡪 sulfuric acid (acid rain)
Factors that influence
smog formation:
Local climate (temp, rainfall)
Population density
Amount of industry
Fuels used in the area
Urban buildings
Hills & mountains
Grasshopper effect
Natural factors that REDUCE air pollution
• 1. Rain and snow
– Help cleanse air of pollutants. So cities with dry climates
tend to have more photochemical smog
• 2. Salty spray from the ocean
– Can wash out particulates and other water soluble
• 3. Winds
– Help sweep pollutants away, dilute them with cleaner air,
and bring in fresh air.
Rain reduces pollution
Thermal Inversions
• Normally
Sun warms air near the surface
Warm air rises
Mixes with cool air above
Creates a current and disperses pollutants
Thermal Inversions
– sometimes a warm air layer is over a cool air layer and no movement occurs
– pollutants are stuck below warm “blanket” layer
– LA, Denver & Mx. City prone to inversions
Noise Pollution
• Defined as sound at levels high enough
to cause physiological stress and
hearing loss
• Common sources- transportation,
construction, and domestic and
industrial activity
• Environmental effects include: masking
of sounds (for hunting, communication,
etc.), damaged hearing, changes to
migration routes