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What is nanomedicine

What is nanomedicine
It is a medical application of nanotechnology through nanomaterials and biological devices, to
nanobisensores and even possible future application of molecular nanotechnology such as
biological machines.
It involves employing nanoparticles to enhance the action of drugs in treatment.
Manufactured material comprising particles, either an unbound state or as an aggregate at a
very small scale.
Applications of Nanomedicines in;
Cardiovascular diseases
Neurological Disease
Diagnosis of Diseases
Drug Delivery
Protein and Peptide Delivery
Ocular Application of Nanomedicines
Pulmonary treatment
Central Nervous system
Gene Therapy
Examples of Nanomedicines
- In Vivo Diagnosis (Smart Imaging)
- Computed Tomography
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Imaging Radiolabels
- Flourescence Imaging
- Laboratory Based Diagnosis (High-Throughout Screening)
- Screening Based on Flourescence Read-out
- Screening Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance
Limitations of Nanomedicines