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Nervous & Endocrine System Test: High School Biology

Nervous and Endocrine System Test
Label the following parts of the brain and the function of each part in the diagram below (just
label with the letters):
A. Brain Stem
B. Occipital Lobe C. Frontal Lobe D. Temporal Lobe
F. Parietal Lobe
G. Connects the brain to the spinal cord
I. Integrating Sensory Information
K. Muscle Coordination and Balance
E. Cerebellum
H. Reasoning and Thought
J. Processes Auditory Information
L. Processes Visual Information
13. ________ The afferent spinal nerves are responsible for carrying information from the
body to the brain.
14. ________ The adrenal glands only produce adrenaline.
15. ________ The ovaries produce the female sex hormones, estrogen and cortisol.
16. ________ The somatic nervous system is responsible for voluntary muscle movement.
17. _______ The thyroid is responsible for metabolism.
18. ________ The pancreas releases insulin, which allows sugar into cells.
19. Which of the following glands are not located in the brain?
a. Pineal
b. Thymus
c. Hypothalamus
d. Pituitary
20. What do the letters CNS stand for?
a. Central nervous system
b. Cerebral nervous system
c. Cranial nervous system
d. Czechia needs Slovakia
21. Which of the following is responsible for certain eye and auditory reflexes?
a. Medulla Oblongata
b. Mid Brain
c. Pons
d. Thalamus
In the space below, draw the shape of a body and label where the following glands are
located. If it’s in the brain then just point to the head:
22. Hypothalamus
27. Testes.
23. Thymus.
28. Adrenal
24. Pineal
29. Pancreas
25. Pituitary
30. Thyroid
26. Ovaries
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