TEXT & MEANING (SPRING 2019) Text & Meaning Final Paper Your final paper will count 40% towards your final grade. You will conduct selfdirected research and write up your findings. Guidelines Write a Research Paper of 1200-1500 words in academic writing style (APA) on the topic, “Finding Meaning in a Favorite Text”. Your paper should: Introduce and summarize your favorite text Describe your initial impression of the text (why did you like it?) Analyze your favorite text using two sets of analytical lenses (e.g. intrinsic analysis, postcolonialism, feminism, etc.) Conclude with how you currently feel about your chosen text This Paper Aims to Get You To Think critically and analyze a text using tools learned in the course Make value judgments and develop a clear sense of argument Present complex ideas in a clear, coherent and concise manner Engage with academic sources, including your textbook Master the skills of formal undergraduate reading and writing Practice referencing an academic paper Detailed Instructions Include four appropriate concepts you have learned in this class and define them in your essay (e.g. patriarchy, bourgeoisie, hybridity, etc). Underline each concept the first time you use it. Submit a ‘References’ page with a minimum of five references as part of your work. At least one of the sources must be an academic journal. Use at least two relevant readings from class, including the textbook (Eaglestone, 2009). Do not forget to properly cite the text you are analyzing in addition to all supporting texts. Due Dates Deliverable First Draft Peer Review Final Paper Due Date TUE APRIL 30 THU MAY 2 MON MAY 6 TEXT & MEANING (SPRING 2019) Peer Review The aim of the peer-review exercise is for you to get a glimpse into another student’s research process and help your peer write a better final paper. Please make sure the language in your peer-review is grammatically correct and check for spelling and formatting as your advice is more credible and easily understood if your peer-review itself is well written. The peer review will be graded based on whether the student reviewing the work has accurately evaluated the following aspects of the paper: Criteria Whether the writer has fully answered prompt The thesis, structure and flow of essay The correctness of grammar and mechanics The use of sources and correctness of citations Marks 25 25 25 25 Your final research paper is due on Turnitin (your lecturer will confirm the time of submission). It will be evaluated according to the rubric below. Final Paper Grading Rubric Exceeds Expectations Introduction 20 · Hooks the reader with a compelling and accurate introduction · Introduces and summarizes the text in a succinct way. Explains what is to come and is tailored for the ensuing analysis. An engaging and compelling introduction; summary is succinct and tailored for analysis. Introduction is appropriate but not as well developed; introduction is somewhat engaging and provides an indication of the ensuing analysis Honest Self Reflection 20 14 · Aims for insights that push against clichés or regurgitated truisms · Shows a personal struggle with conflicting values, alternative explanations or theories, or unsettling new ideas · Shows personal growth through examination of questions and complications In depth and thoughtful self-analysis; evidence of personal struggle; articulates the process of thinking, questioning and · 18 18 16 Meets Expectations 16 14 12 12 10 10 Some selfanalysis and evidence of personal struggle; moments in the writer’s thought and reflection process come through 8 Below Expectations 6 4 2 0 Poor or minimal introduction; too general; summary reveals little or nothing about the writer’s analysis 8 6 4 2 0 Little or no evidence of personal struggle; does not show the writer’s thought processes and reflections TEXT & MEANING (SPRING 2019) reflecting over time Connection with Reading 30 27 · Shows how or why the writer’s thinking became more complex as a result of engaging with the assigned readings · Effectively applies and demonstrates understanding of relevant concepts · Brings in relevant perspectives from earlier or outside reading Connection to the reading shows a more nuanced and complex exploration of the favorite text, concepts used correctly and elegantly Quality of Writing 10 9 · Has clear, graceful, grammatically coherent sentences · Is effectively organized with effective transitions (reader is never lost) · Writing is almost completely free of usage or punctuation errors Clear, graceful, wellorganized, error-free prose 9 24 8 10 · A creative approach, original insight, or a fun surprise in a paper that stays within the bounds of the question(s) and directions given Paper stood out; it was fun to read! · Response is thorough 8 Referencing 10 · Varied and correct referencing. Correct referencing in text. Varied referencing – paraphrasing, schools of thought and direct referencing. Corresponding list of references. Total 18 15 Connects analysis to the reading in some way; the connection may be unsophisticated or superficial, concepts used correctly 7 6 5 Mostly clear and graceful prose; some unclear moments or a few errors Creativity, Originality, Surprise! 9 21 8 7 6 6 9 6 3 0 Little or no incorporation of content from the assigned reading, few concepts used or concepts used superficially or incorrectly 4 3 2 1 0 Has many unclear or awkward passages; meaning marred by distracting errors; non-standard formatting 5 Directions were followed and question(s) responded to with adequate thoroughness 7 12 5 Directions were followed and referencing carried out with adequate thoroughness 4 3 2 1 0 Paper is not within the bounds of the question(s) and directions given; response is not adequately thorough 4 3 2 1 0 Referencing is not correctly carried out /100