10/10/2020 The 2nd Japan Radiation Safety Management Association Japan Health Physics Society Joint Conference Content 土壌から米への放射性セシウム吸収に及ぼす 隣接する田の性質の違いとその経年変化 Difference in properties among neighboring fields affecting absorption of radiocesium from soil to rice and their secular change I. Purpose • To investigate the depth dependence of 137Cs I. Purpose concentration for the soil II. Sampling and Method • To investigate the oxidative/reductive atmosphere III. Results and Discussion in the paddy field • To investigate the soil size distribution and IV. Conclusion radioactivity Hai Thanh NGUYEN1,2), Masaya TSUJIMOTO1,2), Sunao MIYASHITA2), Satoru NAKASHIMA1,2,3) • To investigate the year dependence of 1) Radioactivity Environmental Protection Course, Phoenix Leader Education Program, Hiroshima University 2) Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University 3) Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development, Hiroshima University radiocesium in soil 2 Dec 5, 2019 II. Sampling and Method Fig.1. D II. Sampling and Method II. Sampling and Method • Soil samples were collected Apr. 2014, and Mar. 2018 • Sampling by depth: 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm, 15-20 cm, 20-25 cm and >25 cm • We categorized the soil samples in accordance with the method of classification of geomaterials for engineering purposes by The Japanese Geotechnical Society (JGS0051). • The surface soil samples (0-5 cm) were grouped into five by sieving • X < 75 µm, • 75 µm < X < 250 µm, • 250 µm < X < 850 µm, • 850 µm < X < 2 mm, • and 2 mm < X Sample site: Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture C B A Pond ~60 km 3 • • • • • 57Fe Mӧssbauer spectroscopic measurement was performed at room temperature with a 57Co (Rh) radiation source moving in a constant acceleration mode on Wissel MB-500. The Mӧssbauer parameters were obtained by least-squares fitting to Lorentzian peaks. The spectra were calibrated by the six lines of α-Fe, the center of which was taken as zero isomer shift. The radioactivity of Cs-134, Cs-137, and K-40 was measured by using a p-type High-purity Germanium detector (GEM30-70, ORTEC) with a 30% relative efficiency. Relative gamma-ray counting efficiency curve using a certified mixed-radionuclide gamma-ray reference source (MX033U8PP, Japan Radiation Association) containing Cd-109 (88 keV), Co-57 (122 and 136 keV), Ce-139 (166 keV), Cr-51 (320 keV), Sr-85 (514 keV), Cs-137 (662 keV), Mn-54 (835 keV), Y-88 (898 and 1836 keV), and Co-60 (1173 and 1332 keV). • The activity concentration of Cs-134, Cs-137 and K-40 were Source: Google maps 4 5 determined from the -ray energies of 796, 662 and 1460 keV, respectively. 6 1 10/10/2020 III. Results and Discussion Field B 600 Field C 400 Field D 200 Field A 800 Field B 600 Field C 400 Field D 200 0 0 0-5 cm 5-10 cm 10-15 cm15-20 cm20-25 cm >25 cm 0-5 cm 5-10 cm 10-15 cm15-20 cm20-25 cm >25 cm 3000 2500 Field A 2000 Field B 1500 Field C 1000 Field D 500 Field D 15 10 K-40 in 2018 500 450 450 250 Field B 200 Field C 150 Field D 100 50 Field B Field C 150 A-1 0-5 cm 5-10 cm 10-15 cm 15-20 cm 20-25 cm >25 cm A-2 A-3 B-1 B-4 C-4 C-5 D-1 D-2 -10 -5 0 5 10 Velocity/ (mm/s) black: < 75 m blue: 75 m - 250 m green: 250 m - 850 m red: > 850 m 140426 C-3S 0-5 cm RT 0.980 0.975 0.99 black: < 75 m blue: 75 m - 250 m green: 250 m - 850 m red: > 850 m 140426 D-3S 0-5 cm RT 0.98 0.97 -5 0 Velocity/ (mm/s) 5 -10 10 -5 0 5 10 Velocity/ (mm/s) 57Fe Mӧssbauer The radioactive cesium is adsorbed strongly to the clay 0.975 0.99 The change in minimum relative transmission depending on soil size of samples taken in Mar 2018 1.00 black: < 75 m blue: 75 m - 250 m green: 250 m - 850 m red: > 850 m 180314 A-3S 0-5 cm RT 0.98 0.97 0.990 0.99 180314 B-3S 0-5 cm RT black: < 75 m blue: 75 m - 250 m green: 250 m - 850 m red: > 850 m 0.98 0.97 -10 -5 0 5 -10 10 -5 Velocity/ (mm/s) 0 Velocity/ (mm/s) 5 10 0.970 The amount of iron may affect desorption of radioactive cesium from large sized soil Grain size Fig. 6. The change in the least relative transmission depending on soil size (2014). 0.99 black: < 75 m blue: 75 m - 250 m green: 250 m - 850 m red: > 850 m 140426 C-3S 0-5 cm RT 0.98 0.97 iron works as catalyst to dissolve radioactive cesium from soil 0.985 0.980 ●:Field A 〇:Field B ▲:Field C △:Field D 0.975 0.970 0.965 0.995 Relative Transmission > 850 m 1.000 1.00 Relative Transmission 0.965 9 III. Results and Discussion spectroscopy 1.00 Relative Transmission ●:Field A 〇:Field B ▲:Field C △:Field D 8 b. Iron amount depending on soil size of samples taken in Mar 2018 The small sized soil includes clay much 0.990 250 m - 850 m 10 Fig. 5. Change of 57Fe Mӧssbauer absorption depending on the soil size. III. Results and Discussion The change in minimum relative transmission depending on soil size of samples taken in April 2014 75 m - 250 m 0.985 D-3 7 III. Results and Discussion < 75 m 0.975 Fig. 4. Ratio of Fe(II) to the sum of divalent and trivalent iron. A-1 to D-3 show the sampling point. Field D 0 0-5 cm 5-10 cm 10-15 cm 15-20 cm 20-25 cm >25 cm black: < 75 m blue: 75 m - 250 m green: 250 m - 850 m red: > 850 m 140426 B-3S 0-5 cm RT 0.980 100 50 0 0.990 0 Field A 250 200 0.985 1.00 -10 300 5 0.995 Relative Transmittance Field A 300 0.990 0.970 5 400 350 Relative Transmission 400 350 0 1.000 20 0-5 cm 5-10 cm 10-15 cm15-20 cm20-25 cm >25 cm 500 0.995 Velocity/ (mm/s) Ratio of Fe(II)/ % Field C 1000 -5 10 0 Radioactivity (Bq/Kg) Radioactivity (Bq/Kg) 5 Field B 1500 0.98 0.970 0 Fig. 3. Typical 57Fe Mӧssbauer spectrum at room temperature. Field A 1.000 black: < 75 m blue: 75 m - 250 m green: 250 m - 850 m red: > 850 m 140426 A-3S 0-5 cm RT -10 -5 Velocity/ (mm/s) 2000 spectroscopy 0.97 -10 K-40 in 2014 Relative Transmittance 0.980 0.99 0.970 2500 0-5 cm 5-10 cm 10-15 cm15-20 cm20-25 cm >25 cm 0.980 0.985 500 0 0.985 0.990 0.975 Cs-137 in 2018 3500 3000 Radioactivity (Bq/Kg) Radioactivity (Bq/Kg) Cs-137 in 2014 3500 57Fe Mӧssbauer 1.00 The spectrum consists of divalent iron (Fe2+), trivalent iron (Fe3+), and hematite (a-Fe2O3) 0.995 Relative Transmittance Field A 800 1000 Relative Transmission 1200 1000 1.000 Relative Transmission 1200 a. Iron amount depending on soil size of samples taken in April 2014 2. Investigating the oxidative/reductive atmosphere in the paddy field Cs-134 in 2018 1400 Radioactivity (Bq/Kg) Radioactivity (Bq/Kg) Cs-134 in 2014 1400 Relative Transmission 1. The soil size distribution vs radioactivity (Fig.2.) III. Results and Discussion Relative Transmission III. Results and Discussion 0.990 0.985 black: < 75 m blue: 75 m - 250 m green: 250 m - 850 m red: > 850 m 180314 D-3S 0-5 cm RT 0.980 < 75 m 75 m - 250 m 250 m - 850 m > 850 m Grain size Fig. 8. The change in the least relative transmission depending on soil size (2018). 0.975 0.970 -10 -5 0 Velocity/ (mm/s) 5 10 -10 -5 0 5 10 Velocity/ (mm/s) Fig. 7. Change of 57Fe Mӧssbauer absorption depending on the soil size. 10 11 12 2 10/10/2020 IV. Conclusion • Reference 137Cs penetrated more in fallowed fields compared with the cultivated fields. Thank you for your kind attention! 1) Nguyen Thanh Hai, Masaya Tsujimoto, Sunao Miyashita and Satoru Nakashima, Depth Distribution of Radioactive Cesium in Soil after Cultivation and the Difference by Year of the Uptake of Radioactive Caesium in Rice in Fukushima Prefecture after the 2011 Nuclear Accident, Radioisotopes, 68, 1–6(2019)(Note) 2) Lepage, H., Evrard, O., Onda, Y., Lefèvre, I., Laceby, J. 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