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Nursing Science Journal Article Review

Advances in Nursing Science
Journal Article Review
Taylor, Veronica, and Sophia
Purposes of the Journal
The primary purposes of the journal Advances in Nursing
Science are to promote the development of nursing
knowledge and provide peer-reviewed material regarding
nursing theories, nursing philosophies, and the integration of
research with practice.
Overview of the
One of the most read and most
assigned journals by faculties in
graduate programs of nursing.
Approximately thirteen articles are
typically published with each issue.
Articles selected for this journal are
peer-reviewed and must pertain to
different nursing theories as well as the
integration of research and practice.
Authors are required to follow specific
guidelines before submitting their
article which include proper
preparation of the manuscript and
correct referencing.
Weight Stigma Related
to Pregnancy
April/June 2020 - Volume 43 - Issue 2 p 190-199
Concept Analysis
Authors: Rachel Dieterich, Jill Demirci
and Cynthia Danford
Affiliation: University of Pittsburgh,
The stigmatization of weight during
pregnancy is directed towards women that
are identified as overweight or obese before
There is no definition identified for the
weight stigma related to pregnancy. This
article uses an iterative approach to come to
a conclusion on the definition of weight
stigma related to pregnancy
This stigma provokes poor patient-provider
relationships which can compromise care.
Healthcare provides need to be trained to
create a safe environment for both the
mother and the baby, leaving the stigma out
of the conversation
Beyond Resilience: A
Concept Analysis of
Human Flourishing in
Adolescents and Young
Adults with Cancer
Apr-Jun 2020; 43(2): p 172-189
Eunji Cho, DOchery,
Sharron L
In this article, researchers used Rodger’s
Evolutionary Concept Analysis method to
examine human flourishing, specifically
from adolescents and young adults
(AYAs) who have cancer.
By approaching this study through
research, systematic review, and
tables/charts, researchers were able to
observe how these AYAs were able to find
meaning in their cancer experiences, and
see this adversity as a way to improve
relationships and to view life in a more
positive light.
The authors came with the conclusion
that healthcare workers should be able to
offer the appropriate care for AYAs who
have full potential to grow.