338 PSVCC=10 V, rB1=60 KΩ, rB2=40 KΩ, rE=1 KΩ, rC=6 KΩ, and Q1 is Q2N2222. (a) Find the sensitivPiCE and MaTLaB for Electronics: an integrated approach 8.15 VCC=10V,RB1 =60K Ω,RB2 =40K Ω,RE =1K Ω,RC =6K Ω, andQ1isQ2N2222.(a)FindthesensitivForProblem8.14,determine the low cut-off frequency, high cut-off frequency, and the bandwidth as the function of the feedback resistance RF. in Figure P8.14. RB1 = 60 KΩ, RB2 = 80 KΩ, RS = 100 Ω, RC1 = 8 8.16 KΩ, For the two-stage amplifier with shunt-series RE1 = 2.5 KΩ, RB3 = 50 KΩ, RB4 = 60 feedback KΩ, RC2is=shown 5 KΩ, RE2 = 1 KΩ, RF = 2 KΩ, C1 = 20µF, CE = 100 µF, and C2 = 20 µF. If input voltage VS is a sinusoidal voltage with a peak value of 1 mV, determine the voltage gain and bandwidth as a function of theVCC=10 V, RB1=60 KΩ, RB2=40 KΩ, RE=1 KΩ, RC=6 KΩ, and Q1 is Q2N2222. (a) Find the sensitiv supply voltage 8.17VCC (8 V to 8.10 12 V). Assume that both tran-sistors Q1source and Q2 For Example if VS = 1 mV and frequency of the is are Q2N3904. 5 KHz, find the input resistance as RF varies from 1 KΩ to 8 KΩ. 8.18In Figure P8.13, if RS = 1 KΩ, RL = 10 KΩ, RF = 20 KΩ, and VCC = •VEE• = 15 V. Find the gain, Vo/VS if R1 varies from 1 KΩ to 10 KΩ. Plot voltage gain with respect to R1. Assume that the Op Amp is VCC=10 V, RB1=60 KΩ, RB2=40 KΩ, RE=1 KΩ, RC=6 KΩ, and Q1 is Q2N2222. (a) Find the sensitivUA741 and the input voltage VSamplifier is sinusoidal wave-form with RB a frequency 8.19For the Darlington shown Figure P8.12, = 60 KΩ, of 2=KHz mV.and transistors Q1 and Q2 RS 90 Ω,and REa=peak 1000voltage Ω, C1 =of 101µF, are both Q2N2222. If VCC varies from 10 V to 15 V, determine the voltage gain as a function of VCC. Assume that input voltage VS is sinusoidal waveform with a frequency of 1 KHz and a peak value of 5 mV. 8.20For the common-emitter biasing network, shown in Figure 8.6, VCC = 10 V, RB1 = 60 KΩ, RB2 = 40 KΩ, RE = 1 KΩ, RC = 6 KΩ, and Q1 is Q2N2222. (a) Find the sensitivity of the voltage at the collector to amplifier components. Bibliography 1. Alexander, Charles K., and Matthew N. O. Sadiku. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits. 4th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2009. 2. Attia, J. O. Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB®. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2004. 3. Boyd, Robert R. Tolerance Analysis of Electronic Circuits Using MATLAB®. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1999. 4. Chapman, S. J. MATLAB® Programming for Engineers. Tampa, FL: Thompson, 2005. 5. Davis, Timothy A., and K. Sigmor. MATLAB® Primer. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2005. 6. Distler, R. J. “Monte Carlo Analysis of System Tolerance.” IEEE Transactions on Education 20 (May 1997): 98–101. 7. Etter, D. M. Engineering Problem Solving with MATLAB®. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997. 8. Etter, D. M., D. C. Kuncicky, and D. Hull. Introduction to MATLAB® 6. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.