Uploaded by zaarethan

Mathanool Ethan 12

Marine Science Magnet High School Course Selection Worksheet
Grade 12 (AY 2020-2021)
Return this form to chardison@msmhs.com by 5/22/2020
Last Name (please print)
First Name
Student email address
Please fill in the requested course information below.
Course #
Course Title
Teacher Recommendation
Course #
Course Title
Teacher Recommendation
Course #
Course Title
Teacher Recommendation
Course Elective _________
Preference 1
Course #
Course Title
Teacher Recommendation
Course Elective _________
Preference 2
Course #
Course Title
Teacher Recommendation
Course Elective __________
Preference 3
Course #
Course Title
Teacher Recommendation
Course Elective __________
Preference 4
Course #
Course Title
Teacher Recommendation
Course Elective __________
Preference 5
Course #
Course Title
Teacher Recommendation
Course Elective __________
Preference 6
Course #
Course Title
Teacher Recommendation
Course Elective __________
Preference 7
Course #
Course Title
Teacher Recommendation
Course Elective __________
Preference 8
Course #
Course Title
Teacher Recommendation
Seminar in
Academic Methods:
(by recommendation only)
Student Signature
Parent Signature