Uploaded by Jackson Mwewa Chabala Junior

SHORT-LIVED lov piece

Death experience��
Chapter 4
Two weeks later
Everything was smooth as the resting feathers on a peacock I had a girl in my life. Love makes you do
stupid things my behavior changed to that of a teen but this never affected my working spirit I was bent
on building a good future.
Securing a good job was really a difficulty thing.
The previous year there was a recruitment I tried applying for a government job but it did not turn out
well. I was left out but they say everything happens for a reason and purpose this was placating enough
to make me focus on other things.
One day midafternoon I was on my notebook typing something when I received a text it was from a
good friend of mine, Kaluba I had not heard from him for a year the only thing I knew was him being in
The man was fond of moving you would conclude something was wrong with him. He had the spirit of
the San people.
He had come to visit his grandmother being bored home alone this was a good chance to move and
stretch a little.
In no time I was at his place but couldn’t find him because he had gone to buy something for his granny.
Just a few meters from his place was a seasonal stream which residents in the area utilize well by
making vegetable gardens.
I walked down to the gardens the view was really superb but I did not even finish enjoying myself when
he whistled behind me. I turned and realized it was him. A year had passed since we last saw each other.
We shook hands and exchanged greetings. His granny knew that whenever we met we talked without
“Kaluba!” she shouted, “are you going to stand there the whole day or give me what I sent you to get?”
“I am coming Maah,” he said as we entered the house.
Kaluba was a good friend of mine; I learnt a lot from him but never wanted to show his importance to
me because he would have made a mountain out of a small hill. We walked into the house and he went
straight to his grandma
Kaluba and I had a very silly yet fruitful discussion on life and success. We talked about our futures and
Time flies when you are doing something constructive, in a short while darkness engulfed the
The community was new so it was not electrified only the sound of insects could be heard; this was
surely not a good time to move about.
“It’s really late,” I said checking my phone which was about to die.
“Spend a night here,” Kaluba said, “you can inform your family tomorrow morning.”
His idea was good but my place was still nigh and it was not quite late so I insisted to leave and asked
him to walk me to the gate.
Stepping outside his yard we could see a few people moving and right away the fear I had waned.
“Look after granny,” I said to him, “and don’t worry about me I will be just fine.”
“Are you serious man?” Kaluba added hitting my shoulder lightly.
And in response I said, “I will be alright my place is near and people are still moving.”
This was the first time I was going to walk alone in the dark. It was scary, my own footsteps sounded like
that of a dinosaur and I could hear strange things.
It was like a real horror novel where the ghost chases after the protagonist.
I kept looking behind believing evil spirits were after my soul. My heart only rested when I reached my
neighborhood, the residency was electrified. Slowly darkness disappeared…..
Tradition is right when it says one smells death before dying. All of the sudden my feet could not move,
fear engulfed me; my sixth sense could not allow to make a step.
My pulse rate multiplied, my hunch knew something was wrong but could not tell what it was. I could
see my house a few meters from me.
My instinct was right, four armed men came out from hiding, it was the same unfinished building people
said had become a den of thieves. They walked straight to me.
“Dare not to move your tiny body or make any noise,” the tallest among them said faking his voice.
My body was already shivering and sweating.
“Am I really going to die?” I asked my soul.
Before I could fathom it one thug was already holding my collar and had a very big knife sharp enough to
cut my throat out.
I could not say a word fear had the better of me. I accepted my death. I was hopeless; the neighborhood
was quiet only dogs could be heard behind high fences.
“I know this man,” another thug added.
“So what?” the third thug said, “Let’s just kill him before he ruins our plan and if we let him go he may
report us to the police.”
The third thug had not even finished talking when the tall and huge thug probably the gang’s boss
stabbed me right at the umbilical cord.
“You fools stop blubbering let’s move,” these are the last words I heard.
Then footfalls…( bang bang!)
Placidness covered me like a blanket; blood was oozing out slowly like a small spring of cold water.
After a short while light shone all over my body consequently I could not feel my limbs, I could not move
my fingers, my voice was gone, my pain was gone.
“Is this how people die?” I asked my spirit for a second time without any response though.
I was still thinking about all this in my spirit. Three heavenly bodies suddenly appeared before me
putting on fine linen, they appeared to be angels.
I could not get what they were saying but I was convicted that they were asking me to follow them.
At a snail’s pace, my spirit moved from my dead body which was lying on the ground covered in blood. I
felt relieved like a very heavy burden was lifted from me.