Name _____devon barker _____________________________________ Date___9/14/20_________ Exploring How I Learn Visit each website listed and complete the information below to learn more about yourself and how you learn. Personal Learning Style Inventory 1. Visit this website: Learning Style Quiz 2. Click the button "Answer the 20 Questions" and take the Inventory. 3. Write your score for each area in the spaces below. 4. Read the information about your learning style. Learning Style _auditory learner_____________________ Top Intelligence _________body movement_________________ Brain Dominance _____right brained_____________________ 5. Follow the link to see a summary of the different styles 6. Complete the characteristics section below. Always write in complete sentences. ____45_______Auditory (hearing) _____20_______Visual (seeing) ______35______Kinesthetic (hands-on) According to this inventory, how do you learn best? Auditory learner List THREE characteristics of your learning style that you feel describe you. I learn by hearing and listening. I understand and remember things I have heard. And I store information by the way it sounds. From the bulleted list of things you can do to learn better, which TWO do you think would help you the most? Sit where I can hear Have test questions read out loud to me Multiple Intelligences Click Here Now let’s see how you use your smarts! People are smart in different ways. These different types of smarts are called multiple intelligences. Learn your strong points and use that information to do better in school and in life! Answer the questions and then enter your scores in the correct spaces below. Your top three intelligences will be listed first, but do not close the page! The other intelligences are listed at the bottom, along with the rest of your scores. Write your score above Write your score above Write your score above Write your score above Write your score above Write your score above Write your score above Write your score above Use the chart above, the page that shows your scores, and the “Practice” link on the website to fill in the blanks below. What’s your top intelligence? _____body movement ________________________________ Score ____4.43______ What does this mean? I like to move around and be active. List at least three techniques for helping you learn better. Take a break and do a cross-lateral walk. Change the place where you write and use different kinds of tools to write, ie., typewriter, computer, blackboard, or large pieces of paper. Take a walk and read all the words you find during the walk. What’s your 2nd top intelligence? ______self_______________________ Score ___3.57_____ What does this mean? I like to spend time by yourself and think things over. List at least three techniques for helping you learn better. Set aside time to reflect on new ideas and information. Work on the computer. Use brainstorming methods before reading. What’s your 3rd top intelligence? _______spatial_________________________ ___3.43_______ What does this mean? I remember things visually, including exact sizes and shapes of objects. List at least three techniques for helping you learn better. Take a survey. Put the information in a chart. Score Write words vertically. Cut out words from a magazine and use them in a letter. Are you surprised by these results? Why or why not? Not really because most of them are true. Brain Dominance - Use the link to learn more about how you use your brain. Enter your results below. Click Here ____62.5____% Right-Brained ___37.5______% Left-Brained Read the information on the website about your brain dominance and the differences between the right and left brain. Now view the information below. Think about what you’ve discovered. Based on this information and your results, what can you determine about yourself regarding brain dominance? Types of Left and Right Brain Cognitive Processing Characteristics Left- Brain Linear Sequential Symbolic Logical Verbal Reality-Based Description Thinks about information from part to whole in a straightforward logical sequence. Thinks about information in order from first to last. Thinks in symbols and pictures; likes to use letters, words and mathematical symbols. Sees information piece by piece using logic to solve a problem. Sees thoughts and ideas with words. Sees information based on reality; focuses on rules Right-Brain Holistic Random Concrete Intuitive Nonverbal Fantasy-Oriented Description Sees information from whole to part; sees the big picture first, not the details. Sees information in no particular order, jumps from one task to another. Focuses on things that are real, not ideas or abstract thoughts or symbols. Makes decisions based on whether it feels right. You know the answer but not sure how. See thoughts as pictures, not words. Thinks outside of the box, creative; less focus on rules and regulations Add your results from each quiz to the box on the top of page 1.