Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk Wembley London NW9 8ER Prepared for: BSK Construction Limited 46 Repton Road Harrow HA3 9QD EPS Reference Number: UK20.5082 Date Issued: 22nd September 2020 Report Status: Issue 1 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 44 QUEENS WALK, WEMBLEY NON-TECHNICAL CLIENT SUMMARY This report presents the findings of a Ground Investigation undertaken to determine ground conditions and provide a geotechnical appraisal. Pertinent findings and conclusions may be summarised as follows: Intrusive investigations involved the drilling of one deep (20 m) borehole to provide ground conditions information and support geotechnical design for the demolition of the existing building and construction of seven new flats. Ground conditions were found to comprise a layer of made ground (fill) to approximately 1m in depth, directly underlain by clay of the London Clay Formation, which has been found to be a ‘high volume change potential’ soil. Spread foundations are considered suitable for use at the site, adopting allowable bearing pressures ranging from 110kN/m2 at 1.0 to 140kN/m2 at 2.0m below existing ground level. However, depending on structural loadings, piles may provide a more appropriate foundation solution. Suspended ground floor construction is also recommended throughout, incorporating a suitable sub floor void. A design sulphate class of DS-4 with aggressive concrete (ACEC) of AC-3s (which might require special protective measures) is recommended for shallow buried concrete in contact with the underlying natural soils, however it may be possible to mitigate this downwards through the selection of construction techniques, i.e. method of piling. The above points represent a simplified summary of the findings of this assessment and should not form the basis for key decisions for the proposed development. A thorough review of the details is contained within the following report, or alternatively get in touch and we’ll talk you through it. Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 Project Reference: UK20.5082 Title: Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley Client: BSK Construction Limited Date: 22nd September 2020 EPS Contact Details: 7B Caxton House Broad Street Cambourne Cambridge CB23 6JN Status: Issue 1 Author: Reviewed: Authorised: Daryl Bowell Steve Bullock Steve Bullock Consultant Director Director T: 01954 710666 F: 01954 710677 E: W: This report has been prepared for the client(s) listed on the report title page. EPS accepts no liability or responsibility for use of, or reliance upon, this report and / or the information contained within it by third parties. If third parties have been contracted / consulted during compilation of this report, the validity of any data they may have supplied, and which are included in the report, have been assessed as far as possible by EPS however, EPS cannot guarantee the validity of these data. Where ground investigations have been conducted, these have been limited to the level of detail required for the site in order to achieve the objectives of the investigation. No part of this report, or references to it, may be included in published documents of any kind without approval from EPS. This report and its contents, together with any supporting correspondence or other documentation, remain the property of Environmental Protection Strategies Ltd until paid for in full. The report has been written, reviewed and authorised by the persons listed above. It has also undergone EPS’ in house quality management inspection. Should you require any further assistance regarding the information provided within the report, please do not hesitate to contact us. The National Planning Policy Framework requires a competent person to prepare site investigation information, which is defined as a person with a recognised relevant qualification, sufficient experience in dealing with the type(s) of pollution or land instability, and membership of a relevant professional organisation. EPS considers that it fulfils these criteria and would welcome any request for staff CVs or case studies to demonstrate it. Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 5 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1 Scope of Work ........................................................................................1 Limitations and Constraints .........................................................................1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................. 3 Site Location and Context ..........................................................................3 SUMMARY OF INTRUSIVE INVESTIGATIONS ............................................ 4 Exploratory Hole locations .........................................................................4 Soil Sampling & In-Situ Testing ....................................................................4 Laboratory Testing ...................................................................................4 FINDINGS OF THE INVESTIGATION ............................................................ 5 Ground Conditions ...................................................................................5 Made Ground ...................................................................................................... 5 London Clay Formation ......................................................................................... 5 Groundwater ..........................................................................................5 Geotechnical Testing .................................................................................6 Geotechnical Laboratory Testing ............................................................................... 6 Geotechnical Field Testing ...................................................................................... 6 GEOTECHNICAL APPRAISAL ....................................................................... 8 Geotechnical Category ..............................................................................8 Structural Foundations...............................................................................8 Spread Foundations .............................................................................................. 8 Deep Foundations................................................................................................. 9 Ground Floor Construction ...................................................................... 10 Groundworks........................................................................................ 10 Concrete Grade ..................................................................................... 11 Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Site Location Plan Borehole Location Plan Tables Table 1 Laboratory Testing Schedule Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Selected Site Photographs Proposed Development Plan Site Specific Borehole Logs Laboratory Data Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 1 INTRODUCTION In August 2020, Environmental Protection Strategies Ltd (EPS) was commissioned by BSK Construction Limited to complete a Ground Investigation at 44 Queens Walk, Wembley, London, NW9 8ER (‘the site’). A site location plan is presented as Figure 1 and selected site photographs are included as Appendix A. The work was commissioned in order to provide geotechnical information for use in design and construction of a two and three storey building containing 7 new residential units. A proposed development plan is included as Appendix B. 1.1 Scope of Work To perform an exploratory assessment of the site in accordance with the principles and requirements of BS5930:2015 ‘Code of practice for ground investigations’ and BS EN 1997 ‘Geotechnical Design’, the following tasks were undertaken: Intrusive Investigation: Site walkover/ obtaining photographic records. Health and safety briefing/ site supervision. Formation of one deep borehole using a cable percussive drilling rig, to a depth of 20 m below ground level (bgl). In-situ testing, to assist geotechnical design. Logging of ground conditions and collection of representative soil samples for waste classification and to support geotechnical design. Reporting: Data collection and interpretation. Reporting. The findings of these investigations and their conclusions are presented in the following sections. 1.2 Limitations and Constraints The purpose of this report is to present the findings of a soil sampling investigation conducted at the location(s) specified. When examining the data collected from the investigations made during the assessment, Environmental Protection Strategies Ltd (EPS) makes the following statements: No investigation method is capable of completely identifying all ground conditions that might be present in the soil or groundwater under a site. Where outlined in our report, we have examined the ground beneath a site by constructing a number of boreholes and / or trial pits to recover soil and / or groundwater samples. The locations of these excavations and sampling points are considered to be representative of the condition of the whole site subsurface however, ground conditions are naturally variable and it may be possible that the ground conditions encountered may differ to those encountered during the investigation. 1 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 No visible evidence of Japanese Knotweed was identified during the site walkover. However, this plant can be difficult to identify in the early stages of growth and therefore it is not always possible to identify its presence at certain times of the year. For this reason, EPS cannot confirm that Japanese Knotweed rhizomes do not exist and it is recommended that if it is suspected that this species, or other similarly invasive plants are present at the site, a specialist contractor should be commissioned to make a detailed assessment. This report does not include specific investigation for the presence of Potential Asbestos Containing Material (PACM). Specialist contractors should be commissioned to make detailed assessments and recommendations if these materials are suspected. 2 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 Site Location and Context Detail Location National Grid Reference Topography Description of Site Description The site is located approximately 1.5 km northeast of Wembley Park, adjacent to the junction between Queens Walk and the A4140. 520188, 186904 Gently sloping from 48m Above Ordnance Datum (AOD) along the southern perimeter of site, to approximately 47 m AOD in the north. Intrusive works were undertaken on the 17th and 18th August 2020, and it was found that the site is roughly square shaped, covering an area of approximately 600m2. The site is bordered on all sides by wooden panel fencing, with access to the site through a secure metal gate on Queens Road. The existing two-storey property is located on the centre of the site, with an attached single storey garage building bordering the neighbouring property to the east. Both buildings appeared abandoned with the rest of the site covered by overgrown grass and weeds, with the exception of a small driveway leading from the entrance to the old garage building. Two mature trees are located to the west, just inside of the wooden fencing that demarcates the site boundary, both in excess of 5m in height. Notably a large pile of soil/vegetation and construction debris (including piping, doors, wood panelling) was present near to the entrance of the site, however this was removed on the 17th August to facilitate access for the works. Similar piles of soil and debris were observed behind the building in the rear garden area. Ground Conditions British Geological Survey (BGS) records suggest the site is underlain by bedrock geology comprising of clays, silts and sands of the London Clay Formation. 3 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 3 SUMMARY OF INTRUSIVE INVESTIGATIONS The intrusive ground investigation was undertaken over the 17th & 18th August 2020 in accordance with EPS standard operating procedures, copies of which will be made available on request. A summary of the site activities is presented in the following sections: 3.1 Exploratory Hole locations The location of the intrusive position was selected through consideration of the proposed layout of the scheme, consultation with the client, below ground utilities information, access constraints as well as operational and health and safety considerations. The overall objective for the ground investigation works was to provide a more detailed assessment of the ground conditions at depth beneath the site to inform foundation design. The borehole was formed in accordance with standard EPS drilling methodologies and subcontractors were supervised at all times by an EPS engineer. A detailed plan showing the location of the intrusive position is presented as Figure 2. 3.2 Soil Sampling & In-Situ Testing The borehole was logged for ground conditions encountered and representative soil samples were obtained throughout. Alternating standard penetration tests (SPTs) and undisturbed samples were obtained at approximately 1m intervals within the deep cable percussive borehole (BH01). For the SPT test, the number of blows required to advance a standard split spoon, over the final 300 mm of a 450 mm total drive was recorded and is shown on the borehole record at the penetration resistance (“N” value). 3.3 Laboratory Testing Samples obtained for pH and Sulphate analysis were submitted Element Materials Technology of Flintshire, who hold appropriate UKAS / MCERT accreditation for the required testing. Samples were transported in laboratory supplied containers and delivered by an approved courier. The geotechnical testing was undertaken by Soil Property Testing, Huntingdon, a UKAS accredited laboratory. Copies of chain of custody documentation are held by EPS and will be made available on request. A laboratory testing schedule is included as Table 1. 4 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 4 FINDINGS OF THE INVESTIGATION This section of the report provides a summary of the findings of the intrusive investigations completed by EPS in August 2020. 4.1 Ground Conditions The ground conditions encountered, from surface level, were interpreted to comprise: Made Ground London Clay Formation A site-specific borehole log is included as Appendix C and gives descriptions and depths of strata encountered. A summary of the general strata encountered across the site is provided in the table below, with more detailed description given in the following sub-sections. 4.1.1 Geological Strata Maximum Depth to Base of Strata (m bgl) Strata Thickness (m) Made Ground 1 1 London Clay Formation >20 >19 (not proven) Made Ground A surface layer of made ground was encountered to a depth of 1 m and this was found to consist of brown gravelly clay, with gravel consisting predominantly of coarse brick fragments. 4.1.2 London Clay Formation Soils interpreted as the London Clay Formation were encountered beneath the made ground from a depth of 1 m, initially present as a brown clay before transitioning to blue clay from 11.9 m below ground level. 4.2 Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered during the intrusive activities. 5 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 4.3 Geotechnical Testing 4.3.1 Geotechnical Laboratory Testing The results of geotechnical laboratory testing are summarised in the table below. Strata London Clay Formation Moisture Content (%) Min Max 26.9 28.8 Range of Parameters Plasticity Index Undrained Shear (%) Strength (kPa) Min Max Min Max 46 54 143 251 Moisture Content and Atterberg Limit tests were undertaken on four samples of cohesive soils in accordance with BS EN ISO: 17892-1: 2014 & BS1377: Part 2: 3.2, 4.4, 5.3, 5.4. Triaxial tests (single-stage) were completed for three samples of cohesive soil in accordance with BS1377: Part 1: 1990 and BS1377: Part 7: 1990: 8 & 9. A laboratory analysis testing schedule is presented as Table 1 and all geotechnical sample results obtained from the laboratory are also included as Appendix D. Sulphate contents and pH values determinations were carried out by the analytical laboratory, the results of which are included in Appendix D and summarised in section 5.6 (below). 4.3.2 Geotechnical Field Testing The results of the in-situ SPT testing undertaken throughout the formation of BH01 are presented in the graph below. From the data, there is a strong correlation evident between the strength of the soils and depth, with all ‘N’ values within the clay bedrock steadily increasing from 28 at 5 m depth, to 46 from 19.5 m below ground level. 6 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 N Value 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 -2 -4 -6 Depth (m bgl) -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 7 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 5 GEOTECHNICAL APPRAISAL The findings of this intrusive assessment have indicated ground conditions across the site to comprise a surface layer of made ground overlying clay bedrock of the London Clay Formation, proven to at least 20m. 5.1 Geotechnical Category Geotechnical Category (BS EN 19971:2004) GC1 GC2 GC3 Definition Geotechnical Category 1 (GC1) should only include small and relatively simple structures for which it is possible to ensure that the fundamental requirements will be satisfied on the basis of experience and qualitative geotechnical investigations with negligible risk in terms of overall stability or ground movements and in ground conditions which are known. Geotechnical Category 2 (GC2) should include conventional types of structure and foundation with no exceptional risk or difficult loading conditions. Designs for structures in Geotechnical Category 2 should normally include quantitative geotechnical data and analysis. Geotechnical Category 3 (GC3) should include structures or parts of structures, which fall outside the limits of Geotechnical Categories 1 and 2. This may include very large/unusual structures, structures involving abnormal risks, or unusual or exceptionally difficult ground or loading conditions, or structures in areas of probable site instability or persistent ground movements that require separate investigation. The proposed scheme is anticipated to comprise the demolition of the existing two storey building and the construction of seven new residential flats. Therefore, the below assessment has been undertaken in accordance with Geotechnical Category 2 (GC2), including conventional types of structure and foundation with no exceptional risk or difficult ground or loading conditions, as defined by BS EN 1997-1:2004. 5.2 Structural Foundations 5.2.1 Spread Foundations As detailed above, the development includes the construction of new residential dwellings, with foundations being vertically loaded. The foundation assessment has therefore been undertaken in accordance with BS EN 1997-1:2004, to take into account: Bearing Pressure (Ultimate Limit State) Settlement (Serviceability Limit State) The ground conditions are considered suitable for the use of conventional spread foundations, either strip footings or pad foundations bearing on the underlying London Clay Formation. A minimum foundation depth of 1.0m, below existing or proposed ground level is considered suitable for the site, subject to the following provisos:8 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 a) Foundations should fully penetrate any made ground and should extend a minimum of 150mm in to undisturbed natural strata. It should be noted that Made Ground extended to a depth of at 1.0m in BH01 and it is possible that therefore average foundation depths are likely to exceed the advised minimum. b) The London Clay should be considered as having a high-volume change potential and therefore, where affected by trees, foundations must be designed in full accordance within Chapter 4.2 of NHBC Standard “Building Near Trees”. Full anti-heave precautions will be required where foundation depths exceed 1.50m due to the influence of trees. Allowable bearing capacities for the Clay are provided in the table below. The allowable bearing capacity is the permissible increase in vertical stress at the level of the underside of the foundation, above existing overburden pressure, which may be calculated on the basis of a soil density of 19kN/m3. Depth (m bgl) 1.0 1.5 2.0 Allowable Bearing Capacity (kN/m2) 110 125 140 *BS EN 1997 (EC7) Geo Load Combination 2 At the above bearing pressure, total settlements are unlikely to exceed approximately 20mm to 25mm. Settlements in clay will comprise both immediate and long term (consolidation) settlement and will take place over a long period of time. 5.2.2 Deep Foundations Should structural loads exceed the above allowable bearing pressures the use of deep foundation solutions such as piles could also be considered. The ground conditions are considered suitable for the use of bored or driven piles. However, the use of driven piles may cause noise and vibration nuisance to site neighbours and adjacent structures which would possibly negate their use. Piles are considered likely to terminate in the underlying London Clay Formation and carry their loads in a combination of end bearing and skin friction. It would be unwise to assume any positive contribution to skin friction within any made or disturbed ground. Piles will need to be designed in full accordance with NHBC Standards and should incorporate reinforcement and anti-heave precautions where necessary. 9 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 A preliminary assessment of potential pile capacities, for a single isolated continuous flight auger (CFA) has been provided in the table below, although in view of the wide variety of piles sizes available, and the range of installation plant and techniques, the design of the piles should be carried out by, and should remain the responsibility of the specialist piling contractor, who will reflect their own methods, experience and design procedures within their proposals Approximate Allowable Working Load (kN) Depth of pile below ground level (m bgl) 300mm Diameter Pile 450mm Diameter Pile 600mm Diameter Pile 10 205 330 470 12 270 438 620 15 390 620 870 Note: A Factor of Safety of 2.5 has been adopted 5.3 Ground Floor Construction Given the likely use of piling at the site as well as the cohesive, near surface soils being susceptible to volume change, suspended ground floor slabs are recommended, incorporating a sub-floor void sufficient for a high volume change potential soil. 5.4 Groundworks Whilst excavations in the cohesive soils may remain stable for short periods during construction, the long-term suitability of these and any excavations in made or disturbed ground should not be relied upon in unsupported excavations. Heavy plant and stockpiles of materials should not be permitted close to the edges of unsupported excavations. Further reference should be made to CIRIA Report No. 97 ‘Trenching Practice’ 1992. On the basis of the findings of the ground investigation, significant quantities of groundwater are unlikely to be encountered within shallow excavations for foundations. 10 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 5.5 Concrete Grade Sulphate contents and pH values determinations were carried out by the environmental laboratory, the results of which are also included within Appendix D. Results for concrete grade testing are summarised within the following table: Strata London Clay Formation Water soluble Sulphate (mg/l SO4) Min Max Min Max Min Max 562.9 7.72 8.34 0.51 2.28 2,857.8 Total Potential Sulphate (%) pH In accordance with Part 1 of the BRE Special Digest 1 ‘Concrete in Aggressive Ground’ 2005 for datasets with between five to nine samples the mean of the highest two values have been used. Total Sulphur and consequently Total Potential Sulphate values have been used to determine a design sulphate class of DS-4 with an aggressive chemical environment for concrete (ACEC) of AC-3s for the natural London Clay Formation, which is a high concrete grade and may need special protective measures. It should be noted that this classification has been driven by the Total Potential Sulphate value, however, the values for pH and the Water-Soluble Sulphate give a lower class of DS-3 with ACEC of AC-2s. If piles were to be used at the site it should be noted that the BRE Special Digest 1 ‘Concrete in Aggressive Ground’ 2005 states “Concrete in pyritic ground which is initially low in soluble sulphate does not have to be designed to withstand a high potential sulphate class unless it is exposed to ground which has been disturbed to the extent that contained pyrite might oxidise and the resultant sulphate ions reach the concrete. This may prompt redesign of the structure or construction process to avoid ground disturbance; for example, by using precast or cast in-situ piles instead of constructing a spread footing within an excavation”. 11 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 FIGURES Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number: 100054115 Approximate Site Location Title: Site Location Plan Scale: NTS Project: 44 Queens Walk, Wembley, London, NW9 8ER Fig No: 1 Drawn By: DB Approved By: WE UK20.5082 Job No: Dwg No: QueensWalk/0920/01 Date: September 2020 KEY: Approximate Site Boundary Approximate Borehole Location BH01 Fig No: 2 Title: Borehole Location Plan Project: 44 Queens Walk Wembley Scale: Drawn By: Job No: Dwg No: Date: NTS - For Illustration purposes only DB UK20.5082 QueensWalk/0920/02 September 2020 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 TABLES Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 Table 1 – Laboratory Testing Schedule Sample ID BH01 Notes: mbgl 1 - Moisture Sample Depth Content/ (m bgl) Plastic Limits 2-2.45 4-4.45 1 7.5-7.95 1 13.5-13.95 1 18.45-19.45 1 3-3.45 5-5.45 9-9.45 12-12.45 16.5-16.95 19.5-19.95 - meters below ground level Sample Taken Sample Not Analysed Triaxial Traditionals Test 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 APPENDICES Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 APPENDIX A Selected Site Photographs Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 Photo 1: Photo of site access from Queens Walk. Photo 2: View of garden area to west of existing building. Photo 3: Garden area to the rear of the building. Photo 4: Photograph of driveway and attached garage building. Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 APPENDIX B Proposed Development Plan Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 APPENDIX C Site Specific Borehole Logs Borehole No. Borehole Log Project No. UK20.5082 Project Name: Queens Walk, Wembley Location: 44 Queens Walk, Wembley, London, NW9 8ER Level: Client: BSK Construction Dates: Well Water Strikes Sample and In Situ Testing Depth (m) Type In Situ Results 0.00 - 1.00 0.00 - 1.00 B ES 1.00 - 1.20 D 1.20 - 1.65 1.20 D SPT 2.00 - 2.45 U 3.00 - 3.45 3.00 D SPT 4.00 - 4.45 U 5.00 - 5.45 5.00 D SPT N=28 (7,7/7,7,7,7) 6.00 - 6.45 6.00 D SPT N=27 (7,7/7,6,7,7) Depth (m) Level (m) Co-ords: Legend 17/08/2020 BH01 Sheet 1 of 2 Hole Type CP Scale 1:51 Logged By Stratum Description MADE GROUND: Brown CLAY with frequent brick fragments. 1.00 Firm becoming stiff brown CLAY (LC) 1 N=8 (2,3/2,2,2,2) 2 N=18 (2,3/3,5,5,5) 3 4 5 6 7 7.50 - 7.95 7.50 D SPT N=27 (7,6/6,7,7,7) 8 9.00 - 9.45 9.00 D SPT N=28 (7,7/7,7,7,7) 9 10 Remarks LC= London Clay Formation Groundwater was not encountered during drilling. Borehole No. Borehole Log Project No. UK20.5082 Project Name: Queens Walk, Wembley Location: 44 Queens Walk, Wembley, London, NW9 8ER Level: Client: BSK Construction Dates: Well Water Strikes Sample and In Situ Testing Depth (m) Type In Situ Results Depth (m) Level (m) Co-ords: Legend 17/08/2020 BH01 Sheet 2 of 2 Hole Type CP Scale 1:51 Logged By Stratum Description Firm becoming stiff brown CLAY (LC) 10.50 10.95 10.50 10.95 12.00 12.45 12.00 D SPT B N=31 (8,7/8,8,8,7) 11 11.90 D SPT Stiff bluish grey CLAY (LC)) 12 N=36 (9,9/9,9,9,9) 13 13.50 13.95 U 14 15.00 15.45 15.00 D SPT 15 N=44 (10,10/11,11,11,11) 16 16.50 16.95 16.50 18.00 18.45 18.00 18.45 19.45 D SPT N=45 (11,10/11,12,11,11) 17 D SPT 18 N=44 (10,10/11,11,11,11) B 19 19.50 19.95 19.50 D SPT N=46 (11,12/12,11,11,12) Remarks LC= London Clay Formation Groundwater was not encountered during drilling. 20.00 End of Borehole at 20.000m 20 Ground Investigation Report 44 Queens Walk, Wembley EPS Ref: UK20.5082 APPENDIX D Laboratory Data TEST REPORT ISSUED BY SOIL PROPERTY TESTING LTD DATE ISSUED: 07/09/2020 099801 Contract UK20.5082 - Queens Walk, Wembley Serial No. 37387_1 Client: Environmental Protection Strategies Ltd Soil Property Testing Ltd 15, 16, 18 Halcyon Court, St Margaret's Way, Stukeley Meadows, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 6DG Unit 7 Caxton House Broad Street Great Cambourne Cambridge CB23 6JN Samples Submitted By: Environmental Protection Strategies Ltd Tel: 01480 455579 Email: Website: Approved Signatories: J.C. Garner B.Eng (Hons) FGS Technical Director & Quality Manager S.P. Townend Samples Labelled: UK20.5082 - Queens Walk, Wembley Chairman W. Johnstone Materials Lab Manager D. Sabnis Operations Manager Date Received: 25/08/2020 Samples Tested Between: 25/08/2020 and 07/09/2020 Remarks: For the attention of Daryl Bowell Your Reference No: UK20.5082 Your Order No: 24869 Notes: 1 All remaining samples or remnants from this contract will be disposed of after 21 days from today, unless we are notified to the contrary. 2 (a) (b) 3 Tests marked "NOT UKAS ACCREDITED" in this test report are not included in the UKAS Accreditation Schedule for this testing laboratory. 4 This test report may not be reproduced other than in full except with the prior written approval of the issuing laboratory. UKAS - United Kingdom Accreditation Service. Opinions and interpretations expressed herein are outside the scope of UKAS accreditation. Page 1 of 12 TEST REPORT ISSUED BY SOIL PROPERTY TESTING LTD DATE ISSUED: 07/09/2020 099800 Contract UK20.5082 - Queens Walk, Wembley Serial No. 37387_1 Scheduled By Environmental Protection Strategies Ltd Target Date 07/09/2020 SCHEDULE OF LABORATORY TESTS Bore Hole No. Type Sample Ref. Top Depth Tr iax W ial T at es e t Liq r Co ui nt d/ en Pl t as (B tic SE Lim N) its Schedule Remarks BH01 U 1 2.00 1 BH01 U 2 4.00 1 BH01 D 7 7.50 BH01 U 3 13.50 BH01 B 3 18.45 Totals 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 Sample Remarks End of Schedule Page 2 of 12 TEST REPORT ISSUED BY SOIL PROPERTY TESTING LTD DATE ISSUED: 07/09/2020 099800 Contract UK20.5082 - Queens Walk, Wembley Serial No. 37387_1 SUMMARY OF WATER CONTENT, LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT, PLASTICITY INDEX AND LIQUIDITY INDEX Borehole /Pit No. Depth Type Ref. (m) Liquidity Index (%) Plasticity Index (%) Water Content Liquid Limit Plastic Limit (%) (%) Sample Preparation Method Ret'd 0.425mm Corr'd W/C Curing Time (%) <0.425mm (hrs) Description Class BH01 4.00 - 4.45 U 2 28.8 77 26 51 0.05 From Natural 0 (A) 26 Stiff (high strength) dark yellowish brown CLAY with rare bluish grey mottling, and selenite crystals. CV BH01 7.50 - 7.95 D 7 28.5 75 27 48 0.03 From Natural 0 (A) 25 Stiff dark yellowish brown CLAY with rare selenite crystals. CV BH01 13.50 13.95 U 3 26.9 72 26 46 0.02 From Natural 0 (A) 24 Very stiff (very high strength) fissured dark yellowish brown CLAY. CV BH01 18.45 19.45 B 3 28.2 81 27 54 0.02 From Natural 0 (A) 25 Very stiff dark greyish brown CLAY with rare dark grey mottling. CV Method Of Preparation: Method of Test: Type of Sample Key: Comments: BS EN ISO: 17892-1: 2014 & BS 1377: Part 2:1990:4.2 BS EN ISO: 17892-1: 2014 & BS 1377: Part 2:1990:3.2, 4.4, 5.3, 5.4 U = Undisturbed, B = Bulk, D = Disturbed, J = Jar, W = Water, SPT = Split Spoon Sample, C = Core Cutter Table Notation: Ret'd 0.425mm: (A) = Assumed, (M) = Measured Page 3 of 12 TEST REPORT ISSUED BY SOIL PROPERTY TESTING LTD DATE ISSUED: 07/09/2020 099800 Contract UK20.5082 - Queens Walk, Wembley Serial No. 37387_1 PLOT OF PLASTICITY INDEX AGAINST LIQUID LIMIT USING CASAGRANDE CLASSIFICATION CHART Low Medium Plasticity High Very High Extremely High 80 CL CI CH CV CE ML MI MH MV ME 50 40 Medium Plasticity Index (Ip) 60 30 Low 20 NHBC Volume Change Potential High 70 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Liquid Limit (%) Plasticity Chart BS5930: 2015: Figure 8 Method of Preparation: BS 1377: Part 2: 1990: 4.2 Method of Test: BS1377: Part 2: 3.2, 4.4, 5.3, 5.4 Type of Sample Key: U = Undisturbed, B = Bulk, D = Disturbed, J = Jar, W = Water, SPT = Split Spoon Sample, C = Core Cutter Comments: Volume Change Potential: NHBC Standards Chapter 4.2 Unmodified Plasticity Index Page 4 of 12 TEST REPORT ISSUED BY SOIL PROPERTY TESTING LTD DATE ISSUED: 07/09/2020 099800 Contract UK20.5082 - Queens Walk, Wembley Serial No. 37387_1 DETERMINATION OF WATER CONTENT, LIQUID LIMIT AND PLASTIC LIMIT AND DERIVATION OF PLASTICITY INDEX AND LIQUIDITY INDEX Borehole Water Depth Sample / Pit No. Content m Type Reference (W) % BH01 4.00 4.45 U 2 28.8 Description Stiff (high strength) dark yellowish brown CLAY with rare bluish grey mottling, and selenite crystals. PREPARATION Method of preparation Sample retained 0.425mm sieve 77 % From natural Plastic Limit 26 % 0% Corrected water content for material passing 0.425mm Curing time Plasticity Index 51 % Liquidity Index (Assumed) 26 hrs Specimen dried at 80°C due to the presence of selenite. Liquid Limit (Assumed) Sample retained 2mm sieve Remarks 0% Clay Content 0.05 NHBC Modified (I'p) n/a Derived Activity Not analysed Not analysed C=CLAY CL CI CH CV CE ML MI MH MV ME High 60 50 (Ip) Medium Plasticity Index 40 % 30 Low 20 NHBC Volume Change Potential 70 10 M=SILT 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Liquid Limit % Plasticity Chart BS5930: 2015: Figure 8 Method of Preparation: BS EN ISO: 17892-1: 2014 & BS 1377: Part 2: 1990: 4.2 BS EN ISO: 17892-1: 2014 & BS 1377: Part 2: 1990: 3.2, 4.4, 5.3, 5.4 Method of Test: U=Undisturbed, B=Bulk, D=Disturbed, J=Jar, W=Water, SPT=Split Spoon Sample, C=Core Cutter Type of Sample Key: Comments: Page 5 of 12 TEST REPORT ISSUED BY SOIL PROPERTY TESTING LTD DATE ISSUED: 07/09/2020 099800 Contract UK20.5082 - Queens Walk, Wembley Serial No. 37387_1 DETERMINATION OF WATER CONTENT, LIQUID LIMIT AND PLASTIC LIMIT AND DERIVATION OF PLASTICITY INDEX AND LIQUIDITY INDEX Borehole Water Depth Sample / Pit No. Content m Type Reference (W) % BH01 7.50 7.95 D 7 28.5 Description Method of preparation Liquid Limit 75 % From natural Plastic Limit 27 % (Assumed) 0% Corrected water content for material passing 0.425mm Sample retained 2mm sieve Curing time Plasticity Index 48 % Liquidity Index (Assumed) 25 hrs Specimen dried at 80°C due to the presence of selenite. Stiff dark yellowish brown CLAY with rare selenite crystals. PREPARATION Sample retained 0.425mm sieve Remarks 0% Clay Content 0.03 NHBC Modified (I'p) n/a Derived Activity Not analysed Not analysed C=CLAY CL CI CH CV CE ML MI MH MV ME High 60 50 (Ip) Medium Plasticity Index 40 % 30 Low 20 NHBC Volume Change Potential 70 10 M=SILT 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Liquid Limit % Plasticity Chart BS5930: 2015: Figure 8 Method of Preparation: BS EN ISO: 17892-1: 2014 & BS 1377: Part 2: 1990: 4.2 BS EN ISO: 17892-1: 2014 & BS 1377: Part 2: 1990: 3.2, 4.4, 5.3, 5.4 Method of Test: U=Undisturbed, B=Bulk, D=Disturbed, J=Jar, W=Water, SPT=Split Spoon Sample, C=Core Cutter Type of Sample Key: Comments: Page 6 of 12 TEST REPORT ISSUED BY SOIL PROPERTY TESTING LTD DATE ISSUED: 07/09/2020 099800 Contract UK20.5082 - Queens Walk, Wembley Serial No. 37387_1 DETERMINATION OF WATER CONTENT, LIQUID LIMIT AND PLASTIC LIMIT AND DERIVATION OF PLASTICITY INDEX AND LIQUIDITY INDEX Borehole Water Depth Sample / Pit No. Content m Type Reference (W) % BH01 13.50 U 13.95 3 26.9 Description Method of preparation Liquid Limit 72 % From natural Plastic Limit 26 % (Assumed) 0% Corrected water content for material passing 0.425mm Sample retained 2mm sieve Curing time Plasticity Index 46 % Liquidity Index (Assumed) 24 hrs Specimen dried at 80°C due to the presence of selenite. Very stiff (very high strength) fissured dark yellowish brown CLAY. PREPARATION Sample retained 0.425mm sieve Remarks 0% Clay Content 0.02 NHBC Modified (I'p) n/a Derived Activity Not analysed Not analysed C=CLAY CL CI CH CV CE ML MI MH MV ME High 60 50 (Ip) Medium Plasticity Index 40 % 30 Low 20 NHBC Volume Change Potential 70 10 M=SILT 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Liquid Limit % Plasticity Chart BS5930: 2015: Figure 8 Method of Preparation: BS EN ISO: 17892-1: 2014 & BS 1377: Part 2: 1990: 4.2 BS EN ISO: 17892-1: 2014 & BS 1377: Part 2: 1990: 3.2, 4.4, 5.3, 5.4 Method of Test: U=Undisturbed, B=Bulk, D=Disturbed, J=Jar, W=Water, SPT=Split Spoon Sample, C=Core Cutter Type of Sample Key: Comments: Page 7 of 12 TEST REPORT ISSUED BY SOIL PROPERTY TESTING LTD DATE ISSUED: 07/09/2020 099800 Contract UK20.5082 - Queens Walk, Wembley Serial No. 37387_1 DETERMINATION OF WATER CONTENT, LIQUID LIMIT AND PLASTIC LIMIT AND DERIVATION OF PLASTICITY INDEX AND LIQUIDITY INDEX Borehole Water Depth Sample / Pit No. Content m Type Reference (W) % BH01 18.45 B 19.45 3 28.2 Description Very stiff dark greyish brown CLAY with rare dark grey mottling. PREPARATION Method of preparation Sample retained 0.425mm sieve Liquid Limit 81 % From natural Plastic Limit 27 % (Assumed) 0% Corrected water content for material passing 0.425mm Sample retained 2mm sieve Curing time Plasticity Index 54 % Liquidity Index (Assumed) 25 hrs Remarks 0% Clay Content 0.02 NHBC Modified (I'p) n/a Derived Activity Not analysed Not analysed C=CLAY CL CI CH CV CE ML MI MH MV ME High 60 50 (Ip) Medium Plasticity Index 40 % 30 Low 20 NHBC Volume Change Potential 70 10 M=SILT 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Liquid Limit % Plasticity Chart BS5930: 2015: Figure 8 Method of Preparation: BS EN ISO: 17892-1: 2014 & BS 1377: Part 2: 1990: 4.2 BS EN ISO: 17892-1: 2014 & BS 1377: Part 2: 1990: 3.2, 4.4, 5.3, 5.4 Method of Test: U=Undisturbed, B=Bulk, D=Disturbed, J=Jar, W=Water, SPT=Split Spoon Sample, C=Core Cutter Type of Sample Key: Comments: Page 8 of 12 TEST REPORT ISSUED BY SOIL PROPERTY TESTING LTD DATE ISSUED: 07/09/2020 099800 Contract UK20.5082 - Queens Walk, Wembley Serial No. 37387_1 DETERMINATION OF DENSITY, WATER CONTENT AND UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH IN TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION WITHOUT MEASURMENT OF PORE PRESSURE Borehole /Pit No. Depth Type Reference (m) Water Content Bulk Density Dry Density Lateral Pressure Deviator Stress Shear Stress (%) (Mg/m³) (Mg/m³) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) Mohrs Circle Analysis Cu (kPa) Description Ø degrees BH01 2.08 U 1 23.1 2.05 1.67 40 502 251 Very stiff (very high strength) dark yellowish brown CLAY with occasional selenite crystals, and rare decayed roots. BH01 4.04 U 2 28.8 1.96 1.52 82 285 143 Stiff (high strength) dark yellowish brown CLAY with rare bluish grey mottling, and selenite crystals. BH01 13.53 U 3 26.9 1.96 1.54 271 313 157 Very stiff (very high strength) fissured dark yellowish brown CLAY. Method of Preparation: Method of Test: Type of Sample Key: Comments: Remarks to Include: BS 1377: Part 1: 1990: 7.4.2 & 8, Part 2: 1990: 7.2, Part 7: 1990: 8.3 BS 1377: Part 2: 1990:3 Determination of Moisture Content, Part2: 1990:7 Determination of Density, Part 7: 1990: 8 Undrained Shear Strenth, 9 Multistage Loading U = Undisturbed, B = Bulk, D = Disturbed, J = Jar, W = Water, SPT = Split Spoon Sample, C = Core Cutter Sample disturbance, loss of moisture, variation from test procedure, location and origin of test specimen within original sample, oven drying temperature if not 105-110°C Page 9 of 12 TEST REPORT ISSUED BY SOIL PROPERTY TESTING LTD DATE ISSUED: 07/09/2020 099800 Contract UK20.5082 - Queens Walk, Wembley Serial No. 37387_1 DETERMINATION OF UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH IN TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION WITHOUT MEASUREMENT OF PORE PRESSURE Borehole Depth (m) /Pit No. Type 2.00 2.45 BH01 Reference U Initial Specimen Depth of Top of Specimen (m) Description Remarks Premature failure at 8.5% strain. Short sample recovery - U38 specimen tested. Specimen oven dried at 80°C due to the presence of selenite. Very stiff (very high strength) dark yellowish brown CLAY with occasional selenite crystals, and rare decayed roots. 1 Height Diameter Weight Water Content Bulk Density Dry Density (mm) (mm) (g) (%) (Mg/m³) (Mg/m³) 76.4 37.6 174 23.1 2.05 1.67 2.08 TEST INFORMATION Rate of Strain 2.1 % per Min Rubber Membrane Thickness 0.3 mm Measured Deviator Stress (kPa) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Strain (%) Specimen at failure Method of Preparation: Method of Test: Type of Sample Key: Comments: Remarks to Include: Stress Corrections (kPa) Measured Cell Pressure, σ3 (kPa) Strain at Failure (%) 40 8.5 Rubber Membrane Piston Friction 1.6 \ Corrected Max. Shear Stress Cu, Deviator Stress, ½(σ1-σ3)f (σ1-σ3)f (kPa) (kPa) 502 Mohrs Circle Analysis Cu (kPa) PHI (degrees) 251 BS 1377: Part 1: 1990 BS 1377: Part 7: 1990: 8 Definitive Method, 1990: 9 Multi-stage loading U = Undisturbed, B = Bulk, D = Disturbed, J = Jar, W = Water, SPT = Split Spoon Sample, C = Core Cutter Tested in Vertical Condition UKAS Calibration - loads from 0.2 to 10kN Sample disturbance, loss of moisture, variation form test procedure, location and origin of test specimen within original sample, oven drying temperature if not 105-110°C Page 10 of 12 TEST REPORT ISSUED BY SOIL PROPERTY TESTING LTD DATE ISSUED: 07/09/2020 099800 Contract UK20.5082 - Queens Walk, Wembley Serial No. 37387_1 DETERMINATION OF UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH IN TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION WITHOUT MEASUREMENT OF PORE PRESSURE Borehole Depth (m) /Pit No. Type Reference U 2 4.00 4.45 BH01 Initial Specimen Depth of Top of Specimen (m) Description Remarks Stiff (high strength) dark yellowish brown CLAY with rare bluish grey mottling, and selenite crystals. Specimen oven dried at 80°C due to the presence of selenite. Height Diameter Weight Water Content Bulk Density Dry Density (mm) (mm) (g) (%) (Mg/m³) (Mg/m³) 169.7 101.3 2684 28.8 1.96 1.52 4.04 TEST INFORMATION Rate of Strain 1.0 % per Min Rubber Membrane Thickness 0.3 mm Measured Deviator Stress (kPa) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Strain (%) Specimen at failure Method of Preparation: Method of Test: Type of Sample Key: Comments: Remarks to Include: Stress Corrections (kPa) Measured Cell Pressure, σ3 (kPa) Strain at Failure (%) 82 8.5 Rubber Membrane Piston Friction 0.6 \ Corrected Max. Shear Stress Cu, Deviator Stress, ½(σ1-σ3)f (σ1-σ3)f (kPa) (kPa) 285 Mohrs Circle Analysis Cu (kPa) PHI (degrees) 143 BS 1377: Part 1: 1990 BS 1377: Part 7: 1990: 8 Definitive Method, 1990: 9 Multi-stage loading U = Undisturbed, B = Bulk, D = Disturbed, J = Jar, W = Water, SPT = Split Spoon Sample, C = Core Cutter Tested in Vertical Condition UKAS Calibration - loads from 0.2 to 10kN Sample disturbance, loss of moisture, variation form test procedure, location and origin of test specimen within original sample, oven drying temperature if not 105-110°C Page 11 of 12 TEST REPORT ISSUED BY SOIL PROPERTY TESTING LTD DATE ISSUED: 07/09/2020 099800 Contract UK20.5082 - Queens Walk, Wembley Serial No. 37387_1 DETERMINATION OF UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH IN TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION WITHOUT MEASUREMENT OF PORE PRESSURE Borehole Depth (m) /Pit No. Type Reference U 3 13.50 13.95 BH01 Initial Specimen Depth of Top of Specimen (m) Description Remarks Specimen oven dried at 80°C due to the presence of selenite. Very stiff (very high strength) fissured dark yellowish brown CLAY. Height Diameter Weight Water Content Bulk Density Dry Density (mm) (mm) (g) (%) (Mg/m³) (Mg/m³) 170.2 102.0 2728 26.9 1.96 1.54 13.53 TEST INFORMATION Rate of Strain 1.0 % per Min Rubber Membrane Thickness 0.3 mm Measured Deviator Stress (kPa) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Strain (%) Specimen at failure Method of Preparation: Method of Test: Type of Sample Key: Comments: Remarks to Include: Stress Corrections (kPa) Measured Cell Pressure, σ3 (kPa) Strain at Failure (%) 271 11.5 Rubber Membrane Piston Friction 0.7 \ Corrected Max. Shear Stress Cu, Deviator Stress, ½(σ1-σ3)f (σ1-σ3)f (kPa) (kPa) 313 Mohrs Circle Analysis Cu (kPa) PHI (degrees) 157 BS 1377: Part 1: 1990 BS 1377: Part 7: 1990: 8 Definitive Method, 1990: 9 Multi-stage loading U = Undisturbed, B = Bulk, D = Disturbed, J = Jar, W = Water, SPT = Split Spoon Sample, C = Core Cutter Tested in Vertical Condition UKAS Calibration - loads from 0.2 to 10kN Sample disturbance, loss of moisture, variation form test procedure, location and origin of test specimen within original sample, oven drying temperature if not 105-110°C Page 12 of 12 Element Materials Technology P: +44 (0) 1244 833780 Unit 3 Deeside Point F: +44 (0) 1244 833781 Zone 3 Deeside Industrial Park W: Deeside CH5 2UA EPS Ltd 7B Caxton House Broad Street Cambourne Cambridgeshire CB23 6JN Attention : Daryl Bowell Date : 1st September, 2020 Your reference : UK20.5082 Our reference : Test Report 20/11448 Batch 1 Location : Queens Walk Wembley Date samples received : 27th August, 2020 Status : Final report Issue : 1 Eight samples were received for analysis on 27th August, 2020 of which six were scheduled for analysis. Please find attached our Test Report which should be read with notes at the end of the report and should include all sections if reproduced. Interpretations and opinions are outside the scope of any accreditation, and all results relate only to samples supplied. All analysis is carried out on as received samples and reported on a dry weight basis unless stated otherwise. Results are not surrogate corrected. Authorised By: Phil Sommerton BSc Senior Project Manager Please include all sections of this report if it is reproduced Element Materials Technology Environmental UK Limited Registered in England and Wales Registered Office: 10 Lower Grosvenor Place, London, SW1W 0EN Company Registration No: 11371415 1 of 6 Element Materials Technology EPS Ltd UK20.5082 Queens Walk Wembley Daryl Bowell Client Name: Reference: Location: Contact: EMT Job No: Report : Solid Solids: V=60g VOC jar, J=250g glass jar, T=plastic tub 20/11448 EMT Sample No. Sample ID Depth 1 2 3 4 5 6 BH01 SD4 BH01 SD5 BH01 SD8 BH01 SD10 BH01 SD12 BH01 SD14 3-3.45 5-5.45 9-9.45 12-12.45 T T T T 16.5-16.95 19.5-19.45 COC No / misc Containers T Please see attached notes for all abbreviations and acronyms T Sample Date 17/08/2020 17/08/2020 17/08/2020 17/08/2020 17/08/2020 17/08/2020 Sample Type Batch Number Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay 1 1 1 1 1 1 LOD/LOR Units Method No. Date of Receipt 27/08/2020 27/08/2020 27/08/2020 27/08/2020 27/08/2020 27/08/2020 0.76 0.17 0.29 0.39 0.34 0.51 <0.01 % TM30/PM15 20110AA 3770 7412 1675 1594 1879 <50 mg/kg TM50/PM29 2.6013 1.3920 2.8578 0.6388 0.5629 0.6908 <0.0015 g/l TM38/PM20 pH #M 7.77 8.06 7.72 8.28 8.34 8.21 <0.01 pH units TM73/PM11 Sample Type Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay None PM13/PM0 None PM13/PM0 None PM13/PM0 Sulphur as S Total Sulphate as SO4 #M Sulphate as SO4 (2:1 Ext) #M Sample Colour Other Items QF-PM 3.1.2 v11 Medium Brown Medium Brown Medium Brown Medium Brown Medium Brown Medium Brown chalk stones stones stones stones stones Please include all sections of this report if it is reproduced All solid results are expressed on a dry weight basis unless stated otherwise. 2 of 6 Element Materials Technology Client Name: Reference: Location: Contact: EMT Job No. Batch Notification of Deviating Samples EPS Ltd UK20.5082 Queens Walk Wembley Daryl Bowell Sample ID Depth EMT Sample No. Analysis Reason No deviating sample report results for job 20/11448 Please note that only samples that are deviating are mentioned in this report. If no samples are listed it is because none were deviating. Only analyses which are accredited are recorded as deviating if set criteria are not met. QF-PM 3.1.11 v3 Please include all sections of this report if it is reproduced 3 of 6 NOTES TO ACCOMPANY ALL SCHEDULES AND REPORTS EMT Job No.: 20/11448 SOILS Please note we are only MCERTS accredited (UK soils only) for sand, loam and clay and any other matrix is outside our scope of accreditation. Where an MCERTS report has been requested, you will be notified within 48 hours of any samples that have been identified as being outside our MCERTS scope. As validation has been performed on clay, sand and loam, only samples that are predominantly these matrices, or combinations of them will be within our MCERTS scope. If samples are not one of a combination of the above matrices they will not be marked as MCERTS accredited. It is assumed that you have taken representative samples on site and require analysis on a representative subsample. Stones will generally be included unless we are requested to remove them. All samples will be discarded one month after the date of reporting, unless we are instructed to the contrary. If you have not already done so, please send us a purchase order if this is required by your company. Where appropriate please make sure that our detection limits are suitable for your needs, if they are not, please notify us immediately. All analysis is reported on a dry weight basis unless stated otherwise. Limits of detection for analyses carried out on as received samples are not moisture content corrected. Results are not surrogate corrected. Samples are dried at 35°C ±5°C unless otherwise stated. Moisture content for CEN Leachate tests are dried at 105°C ±5°C. Where Mineral Oil or Fats, Oils and Grease is quoted, this refers to Total Aliphatics C10-C40. Where a CEN 10:1 ZERO Headspace VOC test has been carried out, a 10:1 ratio of water to wet (as received) soil has been used. % Asbestos in Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) is determined by reference to HSG 264 The Survey Guide - Appendix 2 : ACMs in buildings listed in order of ease of fibre release. Sufficient amount of sample must be received to carry out the testing specified. Where an insufficient amount of sample has been received the testing may not meet the requirements of our accredited methods, as such accreditation may be removed. Negative Neutralization Potential (NP) values are obtained when the volume of NaOH (0.1N) titrated (pH 8.3) is greater than the volume of HCl (1N) to reduce the pH of the sample to 2.0 - 2.5. Any negative NP values are corrected to 0. The calculation of Pyrite content assumes that all oxidisable sulphides present in the sample are pyrite. This may not be the case. The calculation may be an overesitimate when other sulphides such as Barite (Barium Sulphate) are present. WATERS Please note we are not a UK Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) Approved Laboratory . ISO17025 accreditation applies to surface water and groundwater and usually one other matrix which is analysis specific, any other liquids are outside our scope of accreditation. As surface waters require different sample preparation to groundwaters the laboratory must be informed of the water type when submitting samples. Where Mineral Oil or Fats, Oils and Grease is quoted, this refers to Total Aliphatics C10-C40. DEVIATING SAMPLES All samples should be submitted to the laboratory in suitable containers with sufficient ice packs to sustain an appropriate temperature for the requested analysis. The temperature of sample receipt is recorded on the confirmation schedules in order that the client can make an informed decision as to whether testing should still be undertaken. SURROGATES Surrogate compounds are added during the preparation process to monitor recovery of analytes. However low recovery in soils is often due to peat, clay or other organic rich matrices. For waters this can be due to oxidants, surfactants, organic rich sediments or remediation fluids. Acceptable limits for most organic methods are 70 - 130% and for VOCs are 50 - 150%. When surrogate recoveries are outside the performance criteria but the associated AQC passes this is assumed to be due to matrix effect. Results are not surrogate corrected. DILUTIONS A dilution suffix indicates a dilution has been performed and the reported result takes this into account. No further calculation is required. BLANKS Where analytes have been found in the blank, the sample will be treated in accordance with our laboratory procedure for dealing with contaminated blanks. NOTE Data is only reported if the laboratory is confident that the data is a true reflection of the samples analysed. Data is only reported as accredited when all the requirements of our Quality System have been met. In certain circumstances where all the requirements of the Quality System have not been met, for instance if the associated AQC has failed, the reason is fully investigated and documented. The sample data is then evaluated alongside the other quality control checks performed during analysis to determine its suitability. Following this evaluation, provided the sample results have not been effected, the data is reported but accreditation is removed. It is a UKAS requirement for data not reported as accredited to be considered indicative only, but this does not mean the data is not valid. Where possible, and if requested, samples will be re-extracted and a revised report issued with accredited results. Please do not hesitate to contact the laboratory if further details are required of the circumstances which have led to the removal of accreditation. QF-PM 3.1.9 v34 Please include all sections of this report if it is reproduced All solid results are expressed on a dry weight basis unless stated otherwise. 4 of 6 EMT Job No.: 20/11448 REPORTS FROM THE SOUTH AFRICA LABORATORY Any method number not prefixed with SA has been undertaken in our UK laboratory unless reported as subcontracted. Measurement Uncertainty Measurement uncertainty defines the range of values that could reasonably be attributed to the measured quantity. This range of values has not been included within the reported results. Uncertainty expressed as a percentage can be provided upon request. ABBREVIATIONS and ACRONYMS USED # ISO17025 (UKAS Ref No. 4225) accredited - UK. SA ISO17025 (SANAS Ref No.T0729) accredited - South Africa B DR Indicates analyte found in associated method blank. Dilution required. M MCERTS accredited. NA Not applicable NAD ND NDP No Asbestos Detected. None Detected (usually refers to VOC and/SVOC TICs). No Determination Possible SS Calibrated against a single substance SV Surrogate recovery outside performance criteria. This may be due to a matrix effect. W Results expressed on as received basis. + AQC failure, accreditation has been removed from this result, if appropriate, see 'Note' on previous page. >> Results above calibration range, the result should be considered the minimum value. The actual result could be significantly higher, this result is not accredited. * Analysis subcontracted to an Element Materials Technology approved laboratory. AD Samples are dried at 35°C ±5°C CO Suspected carry over LOD/LOR ME NFD Limit of Detection (Limit of Reporting) in line with ISO 17025 and MCERTS Matrix Effect No Fibres Detected BS AQC Sample LB Blank Sample N Client Sample TB Trip Blank Sample OC Outside Calibration Range AA x5 Dilution QF-PM 3.1.9 v34 Please include all sections of this report if it is reproduced All solid results are expressed on a dry weight basis unless stated otherwise. 5 of 6 Element Materials Technology EMT Job No: Method Code Appendix 20/11448 Test Method No. Prep Method No. (if appropriate) Description Description ISO MCERTS 17025 (UK soils (UKAS/S only) ANAS) Analysis done on As Received (AR) or Dried (AD) Reported on dry weight basis PM13 A visual examination of the solid sample is carried out to ascertain sample make up, colour and any other inclusions. This is not a geotechnical description. PM0 No preparation is required. AR No TM30 Determination of Trace Metals by ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometry): WATERS by Modified USEPA Method 200.7, Rev. 4.4, 1994; Modified EPA Method 6010B, Rev.2, Dec 1996; Modified BS EN ISO 11885:2009: SOILS by Modified USEP PM15 Acid digestion of dried and ground solid samples using Aqua Regia refluxed at 112.5 °C. Samples containing asbestos are not dried and ground. AD Yes TM38 Soluble Ion analysis using Discrete Analyser. Modified US EPA methods: Chloride 325.2 (1978), Sulphate 375.4 (Rev.2 1993), o-Phosphate 365.2 (Rev.2 1993), TON 353.1 (Rev.2 1993), Nitrite 354.1 (1971), Hex Cr 7196A (1992), NH4+ 350.1 (Rev.2 1993 (comparabl PM20 Extraction of dried and ground or as received samples with deionised water in a 2:1 water to solid ratio using a reciprocal shaker for all analytes except hexavalent chromium. Extraction of as received sample using 10:1 ratio of 0.2M sodium hydroxide to soil for hexavalent chromium using a reciprocal shaker. Yes Yes AD Yes TM50 Acid soluble sulphate (Total Sulphate) analysed by ICP-OES PM29 A hot hydrochloric acid digest is performed on a dried and ground sample, and the resulting liquor is analysed. Yes Yes AD Yes TM73 Modified US EPA methods 150.1 (1982) and 9045D Rev. 4 - 2004) and BS13773:1990. Determination of pH by Metrohm automated probe analyser. PM11 Extraction of as received solid samples using one part solid to 2.5 parts deionised water. Yes Yes AR No QF-PM 3.1.10 v14 Please include all sections of this report if it is reproduced 6 of 6