ECON3072 Advanced Microeconomics Problem Set 1 (Static Games of Incomplete Information) Spring 2019 Problem 1 Consider a Cournot duopoly operating in a market with inverse demand P (Q) = a Q, where Q = q1 + q2 is the aggregate quantity on the market. Both …rms have total costs ci (qi ) = cqi , but demand is uncertain: it is high (a = aH ) with probability and low (a = aL ) with probability 1 . Furthermore, information is asymmetric: …rm 1 knows whether demand is high or low, but …rm 2 does not. All of this is common knowledge. The two …rms simultaneously choose quantities. (For simplicity, assume that all equilibrium quantities are positive by making appropriate assumptions concerning the parameters.) What is the pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium of this game? Solution Let q1 (aH ) and q1 (aL ) denote …rm 1’s quantity choice as a function of demand, and q2 denote …rm 2’s single quantity choice. If demand is high, …rm 1 will choose q1 (aH ) to solve max [(aH q1 q1 q2 ) c] q1 . q1 q2 ) c] q1 . Similarly, if demand is low, q1 (aL ) will solve max [(aL q1 Firm 2 chooses q2 to solve max [(aH q2 q1 (aH ) q2 ) c] q2 + (1 ) [(aL q1 (aL ) q2 ) c] q2 so as to maximize expected pro…t. The …rst-order conditions for these three optimization problems are and = q1 (aL ) = aH q2 2 q2 2 aL c] + (1 2 The solutions to the three …rst-order conditions are q2 = [aH q1 (aH ) q1 (aH ) q1 (aH ) = q1 (aL ) = and aH 2 aL 2 c 3 c 3 c c ; ; ) [aL q1 (aL ) aH + (1 6 aH + (1 6 ) aL ) aL c] : ; ; ) aL c : 3 (q1 (aH ) ; q1 (aL ) ; q2 ) is Bayesian Nash equilibrium of this game. q2 = aH + (1 Problem 2 Consider a static Bayesian game. Nature determines whether the payo¤ s are as in the left matrix or as in the right, each matrix being equally likely. Player 1 learns whether nature has drawn the left or the right matrix, but player 2 does not. Player 1 chooses either T or B; player 2 simultaneously chooses either L or R. Find all the pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium in this game. T B L 1; 1 0; 0 R 0; 0 0; 0 T B 1 L 0; 0 0; 0 R 0; 0 2; 2 Solution First, let’s check whether there is a pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium in which player 2 chooses L. Then, player 1’s best response is T T (the …rst T refers to the action player 1 chooses if nature draws the left matrix, and the second refers to the action player 1 chooses if nature draws the right matrix) or T B. Is (T T; L) a pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium? We still need to check whether L is a best response to T T . Given player 1’s strategy T T , player 2’s expected payo¤ of L is 21 1 + 21 0 = 12 , higher than player 2’s expected payo¤ of R which is 12 0 + 12 0 = 0. Therefore, the answer is yes. Is (T B; L) a pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium? We still need to check whether L is a best response to T B. Given player 1’s strategy T B, player 2’s expected payo¤ of L is 12 1 + 21 0 = 12 , lower than player 2’s expected payo¤ of R which is 12 0 + 12 2 = 1. Therefore, the answer is no. Second, let’s check whether there is a pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium in which player 2 chooses R. Similarly, you can show that (T B; R) and (BB; R) are both pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibria. Problem 3 Consider a static Bayesian game. Player 1 chooses the row and player 2 chooses the column. The type space for player i is Ti = fti1 ; ti2 g (i = 1; 2). For any given type combination, the payo¤ is given as follows: t21 t22 L R L R t11 U 8; 1 4; 0 U 1; 3 1; 0 D 4; 1 3; 0 D 2; 0 2; 2 t12 U D L 4; 0 8; 0 R 4; 1 3; 1 U D L 2; 1 1; 0 R 1; 0 0; 1 Nature draws the type combination according to the following prior probability distribution, and reveal player i’s type only to player i but not to the other player: t11 t12 t21 0 1=6 t22 1=3 1=2 Find all the pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium in this game. Solution Note that p1 (t22 jt11 ) = 1. So the player type t11 will choose D in the Bayesian Nash equilibrium since D is always strictly better o¤ than U . Similarly, the player type t21 will choose R in the Bayesian Nash equilibrium. Given that the player type t21 chooses R in the Bayesian Nash equilibrium, the player type t12 will choose U in the Bayesian Nash equilibrium since U is always strictly better o¤ than D. The last step is to …gure out what action the player type t22 will choose in the Bayesian Nash equilibrium. Note that p2 (t11 jt22 ) = 52 . Given other player types’ actions in the Bayesian Nash equilibrium, the player type t22 ’s expected payo¤ of L is 25 0 + 35 1 = 53 , lower than the expected payo¤ of R which is 25 2 + 35 0 = 54 . Therefore, there is one unique pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium in which t11 plays D, t12 plays U , t21 plays R, and t22 plays R. Problem 4 The game of Matching Pennies (a static game of complete information) has no pure-strategy Nash equilibrium but has one mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium. H T H 1; 1 1; 1 T 1; 1 1; 1 Provide a pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium of a corresponding game of incomplete information such that as the incomplete information disappears, the players’ behavior in the Bayesian Nash equilibrium approaches their behavior in the mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium in the original game of complete information. Solution Consider the following game of incomplete information H T H 1 + tr ; 1 1; 1 2 T 1; 1 + tc 1; 1 in which tr and tc are independent draws from a uniform distribution on [0; x] (x is a very small number), and privately known by the row player and the column player respectively. Let’s construct a pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium in which the row player plays H T if tr r, otherwise, T H if tc c, otherwise, and the column player plays where r and c are two critical values. Given the column player’s strategy, the row player’s expected payo¤ from playing H and from playing T are c (1 + tr ) + 1 x c c ( 1) = (2 + tr ) x x and c c ( 1) + 1 x x respectively. Thus, playing H is optimal if and only if tr 2x c 1=1 2 1 c x 4 = r. Similarly, given the row player’s strategy, the column player’s expected payo¤ from playing H and from playing T are r r r 1 ( 1) + 1=2 1 x x x and r r r (1 + tc ) + ( 1) = 1 + tc (2 + tc ) 1 x x x respectively. Thus, playing T is optimal if and only if tc Solving the system of these two equations yields p p 2 8 + 4x + x2 r= 2 4r x 2x = c. r 2 and c = 2x p p 2 8+4x+x2 2 . +2 The probability that the row player plays T , namely xr , equals to p p 2 8 + 4x + x2 4 2x and p 1 p p 2 2 8 + 4x + x2 2 8 + 4x + x2 4 L’Hospital lim = lim x!0 x!0 2x 2 c And the probability that the column player plays H, namely x , equals to 1 2 (4 + 2x) = 1 . 2 2 p p 2 8+4x+x2 2 and lim x!0 +2 2 p p 2 8+4x+x2 2 = +2 1 . 2 Thus, as the incomplete information disappears, the players’ behavior in the Bayesian Nash equilibrium approaches their behavior in the mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium in the original game of Matching Pennies. 3 Problem 5 Consider the double auction we’ve discussed in the class. Suppose that the seller’s strategy is x 1 ps (vs ) = if 0 vs x, otherwise, for some x 2 (0; 1). 1. If the buyer’s strategy is to o¤ er 1 no matter what vb is, what is the expected payo¤ for the buyer? What are the buyer types who always have negative expected payo¤ (irrespective of the value of x)? 2. Now, instead, consider the one-price equilibrium in which the buyer’s strategy is pb (vb ) = x 0 if x vb 1, otherwise. Prove that (pb (vb ) ; ps (vs )) is a Bayesian Nash equilibrium. Solution 1. Note that, given the seller’s strategy, the seller demands x with probability x and 1 with probability 1 x. Hence, the buyer’s expected payo¤ is 1 (1 + x) x + vb 2 vb 1 (1 + 1) (1 2 1 2 x 2 x) = vb x+2 : The buyer type vb has negative expected payo¤ if and only if vb < Since x 2 (0; 1), expected payo¤. 1 2 x2 x+2 2 7 8; 1 1 2 x 2 x+2 . . Therefore, the buyer types vb < 7 8 always have negative 2. First, we show that pb (vb ) is a best response to ps (vs ); that is, for any vb 2 [0; 1], pb (vb ) is optimal given that the seller’s strategy is ps (vs ). (a) If vb < x, then according to pb (vb ) the buyer’s price is 0 and there is no trade. Hence, the buyer’s expected payo¤ by using pb (vb ) is 0. Suppose that the buyer increases the price to a number in (0; x). Then there is still no trade and the buyer’s expected payo¤ is 0. Suppose that the buyer increases the price to p 2 [x; 1). Then the trade occurs with probability x and the buyer’s expected payo¤ is vb 21 (p + x) x < 0 since vb < x < 21 (p + x). Suppose that the buyer increases the price equal to 1. Then the trade occurs and the buyer’s expected payo¤ is vb since vb < x < 1 2 1 (1 + x) x + vb 2 1 (1 + 1) (1 2 x) < 0 (1 + x) < 1. (b) If vb x, then according to pb (vb ) the buyer’s price is x and the trade occurs with probability x. Hence, the buyer’s expected payo¤ by using pb (vb ) is vb 12 (x + x) x = (vb x) x 0. Suppose that the buyer decreases the price below x. Then there is no trade and the buyer’s expected payo¤ is 0. Suppose that the buyer increases the price to p 2 (x; 1]. Then the trade still occurs with probability x and the buyer’s expected payo¤ is vb 21 (p + x) x < (vb x) x. Suppose that the buyer increases the price equal to 1. Then the trade occurs and the buyer’s expected payo¤ is vb since vb 1 2 (1 + x) < vb 1 (1 + x) x + vb 2 x and vb 1 1 (1 + 1) (1 2 x) < (vb 0. Second, similarly, we can show that ps (vs ) is a best response to pb (vb ). 4 x) x