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High School Teacher Letter to Parents - First Quarter Update

(Insert Name Here) HIGH SCHOOL
(School Motto)
Dear Parents & Guardians,
It is hard to believe it, but we have reached the end of the first quarter! In my 8th year of education, I have never been so impressed
with the amount of love and support within a school community. I have had the opportunity and privilege to meet and talk with
many of you already, and look forward to connecting again soon. In the meantime, I wanted to send along this letter along with a
detailed grade report for your student. Additionally, below you will find some information about the supports that I have provided
this year for ALL of my students.
Class Website: Weblink Here - My class website is updated daily and includes details about assignments, the Interactive
Notebook (Cuaderno Interactivo), videos, a PowerPoint for each class, resources & vocabulary games, the World Language
district curriculum etc.
Tutoring: I am available on Monday’s, Tuesday’s, and Thursday’s after school each day for additional support and assistance
as needed.
Weekly Incentive Opportunities: Each week students have the opportunity to score points for participation, responsibility,
excellence, and preparedness. The top three winners in each class can choose from several incentives, one of them being
10 extra points to be added as an assessment grade. If there are no points for this grade - nothing is taken away from the
student, and the grade is NOT impacted negatively. Since there are 9 weeks in a quarter, students have the opportunity to
win up to 90 additional points! These points are listed on the grade report underneath the heading “ClassDojo Incentive
Points Q1.”
Email: I admit, I am a techie. One advantage is that I stay well-connected with my students. I can be reached by email,
either through my class website under the contact link, or directly at (EMAIL ADDRESS)
Instagram: Shout Out to (Student’s name here) in my 6th period class for taking the initiative and responsibility to set up an
Instagram account for our class! He will be updating the site with pictures of the notebook (page-by-page) as we add
details each day.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Many of my students are transitioning 9th graders who are still
adjusting to the responsibilities and expectations that accompany high school life. Please know that first quarter grades were
primarily based on completion and not accuracy. If students participated in class and turned in their work, there is no reason for
them to have anything less than an A average. I believe that holding our kids accountable to high academic expectations is essential
as we prepare them for their quickly approaching young adult lives.
Please sign and return the attached grade report verifying that you received this letter.
Wishing you a happy fall season,
(Name, Subject Area)