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NEC Final Exam: Electrical Code Practice Questions

Final Exam NEC
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. The demand factor for three pieces of equipment is 90%; for four pieces, ____%; and for five pieces, 70%, for
more than five pieces of equipment is 65%.
a. 60
b. 70
c. 80
d. 90
2. For circuits supplying loads consisting of motor-operated utilization equipment (fastened in place with a motor
larger than 1.8 hp) in combination with other loads, the total calculated load must be based on ____% of the
largest motor load plus the sum of the other loads.
a. 50
b. 75
c. 100
d. 125
3. Tensile stress at Type MI cable termination fittings can be avoided by ____.
a. proper installation and support methods
b. choosing the appropriate cable diameter
c. proper grounding techniques
d. correct insulation methods
4. The neutral point is the common point on a ____ in a polyphase system.
a. bye-connection
b. branch circuit
c. wye-connection
d. delta circuit
5. All cut ends of intermediate metal conduit (IMC) and rigid metal conduit (RMC) shall be ____.
a. jacketed with aluminum or composite materials
b. reamed or otherwise finished to remove rough edges
c. grounded to stable fixture
d. jacketed with plastic or polymer
6. A general-purpose branch circuit may feed ____.
a. lights
b. receptacles
c. lights, receptacles, or both
d. other branches
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Final Exam NEC
7. Contact of dissimilar metals (except for the combination of aluminum and steel) should be avoided wherever
possible to lessen the potential for ____.
a. galvanic action
b. inadvertent shorting
c. structural weakening
d. static charging
8. .Nonmetallic-sheathed cable passing through holes (or slots) in metal framing must be protected by ____
covering all metal edges.
a. plastic covers (insulation)
b. electrical tape
c. listed bushings (or grommets)
d. rubber inserts
9. The weight supported by any single conduit shall not exceed ____ pounds.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 25
d. 30
10. ____ determines the minimum number of receptacles in a given dwelling.
a. Total load
b. Wall space
c. Total branching
d. Available grounding
11. Local ordinances ____.
a. may adopt the NEC® as written or amend the Code with more or less stringent regulations
b. are superceded by the NEC®
c. are included in most copies of the NEC®
d. must be amended to accommodate specific wiring diagrams
12. ____ in exterior walls are not counted as wall space.
a. Sliding panels
b. Floor-to-ceiling windows
c. Corners
d. Paneling
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Final Exam NEC
13. ____ applies to the wall placement provisions for commercial occupancies.
a. The 6-ft rule
b. The 8-ft rule
c. The 12-ft rule
d. No rule (the 6-ft provisions applies to dwelling units only)
14. Electric heating loads (including associated motors) are calculated at ____% of the total connected load.
a. 75
b. 100
c. 125
d. 150
15. Underfloor raceway dead ends must be ____.
a. open
b. accessible
c. closed
d. non-accessible
16. Class III, Division 1 and 2 portable lighting equipment shall have ____.
a. both handles and substantial guards
b. sealed casings
c. positive airflow
d. cross-wiring
17. The lighting load for residential dwelling units is ____ volt-amperes (VA) per square foot.
a. 3
b. 6
c. 9
d. 12
18. Each laundry branch circuit is calculated at no less than ____ volt-amperes.
a. 1000
b. 1100
c. 1200
d. 1500
19. You can use the nameplate rating to determine the branch-circuit conductor size and the overcurrent protection
for ____.
a. a dishwashing unit
b. one counter-mounted cooking unit
c. a refrigerator
d. an appliance branch circuit
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Final Exam NEC
20. Individual office furnishings of the freestanding type, or groups of individual office furnishings that are electrically
connected, are mechanically contiguous, and do not exceed 30 ft when assembled, shall be permitted to connect
to the building’s electrical system by means of a ____.
a. single flexible cord and plug
b. rigid raceway
c. surge protector and concealed wiring
d. dual flexible cable and panel board
21. Unencapsulated structural reinforcing steel in pools shall be ____.
a. bonded together by steel tie wires or the equivalent
b. grounded via rigid wire cables to an earth ground
c. bonded using equipotential bonding
d. encased in corrosion-resistant materials
22. Areas in a garage adjacent to classified locations in which flammable vapor release is unlikely (such as a
storeroom) shall be unclassified where ____.
a. designed with negative air flow
b. mechanically ventilated at a rate of four (or more) air changes per hour
c. designed with hermetical sealing around all doors
d. no electrical wiring passes within 10 feet of the pit area
23. A multiconductor cable, optical fiber cable, or flexible cords of two or more conductors is treated as ____ for
percentage conduit fill area calculations.
a. two conductors
b. three conductors
c. a single conductor
d. a neutral node
24. Hazardous (classified) locations are divided into certain categories and subcategories, otherwise known as ____.
a. sites and subsites
b. sites and locations
c. classes and divisions
d. codes and divisions
25. A service point can be described as the point of demarcation between where the ____ ends and the premises
wiring begins.
a. nearest accessible junction box
b. serving utility
c. junction panel
d. ground circuit
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Final Exam NEC
Answer Key
1. c
2. d
3. a
4. c
5. b
6. c
7. a
8. c
9. b
10. b
11. a
12. a
13. d
14. b
15. c
16. a
17. a
18. d
19. b
20. a
21. a
22. b
23. c
24. c
25. b
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