NASA Technical Paper 1538 Simulator Study of Stall Characteristics Fighter Airplane Longitudinal Luat T. Kemper DECEMBER Nguyen, S. Kibler, 1979 With Static Marilyn Phillip Stall/Postof a E. W. Relaxed Stability Ogburn, Brown, William and P. Perry Gilbert, L. Deal NASA Technical Simulator Stall Paper Study T. Kemper S. Langley Research Hampton, Marilyn Kibler, Phillip Center Virginia BJt A National With Static Nguyen, Aeronautics and Space Administration Scientific and Technical Information Branch Stall/Postof Airplane Longitudinal 1979 of Characteristics Fighter Luat 1538 E. W. a Relaxed Stability Ogburn, Brown, William and P. Perry Gilbert, L. Deal TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 °°°°°•°°° oo.oooo_OO°°°• SUMMARY ......... 1 •°°o°o°O°°° •••oo°°°°°°•° INTRODUCTION ...... 2 °°o°O•°°°° °°°°°o°°o•°°• SYMBOLS ......... 7 ..... DESCRIPTION OF AIRPLANE °• ................... 8 ° ° o o ° ° ° ° ° ° o ° ° ° ° • ° ° ° 8 DESCRIPTION OF Coc kpit Visual and SIMULATOR ....... Associated Equipment Display Computer 9 ............... ................ 9 .......... Program ° .......... ................. 9 • EVALUAT Wind PROCEDURES I ON -Up Bank-to-Bank Turn • Tracking ............. ............... Tracking Task ................. o ° • .... i0 • .............. Performance ° I0 Task of • ...... Tracking Task Evaluation • i0 • ACM .... ° ° ° ° ° • ° • ° ° ° • ° ° ° ° • I0 . . . " " " ° ° ° • • • • ° ............ ii CHARACTERISTICS DISCUSSION OF STABILITY Longitudinal AND CONTROL Characteristics Lateral-Directional DISCUSSION OF ...... ° Characteristics .NG • o 12 ............ HIGH-ANGLE-OF-ATTACK INERTIA-COUPLI ° ............ KINEMATIC- PHENOMENA AND 13 ........ ............ 16 DEPARTUREBasic AND SPIN-RESISTANCE Control System Control-System Effect SIMULATION Aft 16 ............. 18 ......................... Modifications of RESULTS Center of 24 .................... Gravity ............ 25 DEEP-STALL SIMULATION RESULTS 25 ............ ° Description of Methods of Problem Recovery • ° ° ..... • ........ • ° ° ° . • ° ° ....... 27 • ° ................. 29 . TRACKING Results RESULTS of Basic Results of ....... Control Control ° System Systems B ° • o (Control and C • • ° System ° • . • A) ° • ° ° • • • ° 29 3O ......... • ° . ° • • ............ 32 o INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS . o • ° o ° ................. 32 ° SUMMARY OF RESULTS o ° ° • o ° • ° ° ............... 34 APPENDIX A - DESCRIPTION OF CONTROL SYSTEM ............. 36 APPENDIX B - DESCRIPTION APPENDIX C - SPECIAL OF EQUATIONS AND DATA EMPLOYED IN SIMULATION 41 . EFFECTS ................... iii ° ° REFERENCES................................ 42 TABLES .................................. 43 FIGURES.................................. 94 iv SUMMARY A real-time piloted simulation has been conducted to evaluate the highangle-of-attack characteristics of a fighter configuration based on wind-tunnel testing of the F-16, with particular emphasis on the effects of various levels of relaxed longitudinal static stability. The aerodynamic data used in the simulation were based on low-speed wind-tunnel tests of subscale models. The simulation was conducted on the Langley differential maneuvering simulator, and the evaluation involved representative low-speed combat maneuvering. Results of the investigation showed that the airplane with the basic control system was resistantto the classical yaw departure; however, it was susceptible to pitch departures induced by inertia coupling during rapid, largeamplitude which rolls could system at be low flown modifications ceptibility means to for the airspeed. The into and from were developed airplane which which inertia-coupling recovering from also it was greatly departure the deep exhibited difficult a to decreased and deep-stall the which trim recover. Control- airplane provided a sus- reliable stall. INTRODUCTION Rapid advances possible the aircraft. ciple to In of low even sonic operates bility are at Obviously, factory tem pilot to The have use of angles of which and 2) inherent trol on positive attack system in some of characteristics the low-speed pitch result impose that F-16. at The (DMS) study and wind-tunnel of design these used in severe the the higher of subscale static of system throughout on the attained. of present their on the of on on the conducted was stability areas conducted and configuration results at high flight maneuver- differential the at the problem fighter Langley based models a systhe investigation investigation effects attack of maximum earlier satis- envelope. problems design An to flight control sub- control appears the demanding low insta- provide the airplane air- which at to Fundamentally, the an pitch high-angle-of-attack data and F-16, control that designed regimes. margin levels characteristics of i) ; the on the prin- is configurations- The aerodynamic is fighter the flight fighter are and conducted (ref. negative to future potential was known RSS made to airframe certain requirements concept. angles turned basic of have concepts in of some desired problems been much stability high tests use such resistance RSS well years (CCV) the characteristics. can some the greatly static order identified with for stability departure/spin evaluate simulator rely control however, ability (ref. and are makes levels considered artificial RSS, control to designs which involving recent has stability which moderate CCV in pitch concept designs being provide (RSS) this very now stability must of in vehicle attention static development Advanced also technology configured stability negative under speeds. avionic control considerable benefits currently nominally of static or performance plane aircraft particular, relaxed have The in application maneuvering of the conbased a NASA number Langley of and Ames Research Centers. The objectives of the study were (i) to determine the controllability and departure resistance of the subject configuration during lg and accelerated stalls; (2) to determine the departure susceptibility of the configuration during demanding air-combat maneuvers; (3) to identify high-angleof-attack problems inherent to the RSS design and assess their impact on maneuverability; and (4) to develop and evaluate control schemes to circumvent or alleviate these shortcomings. SYMBOLS All aerodynamic data and flight motions are referenced to the body system of axes shown in figure i. The units for physical quantities used herein are presented in the International System of Units (SI) and U.S. Customary Units. The measurements and calculations were made in U.S. Customary Units. Conversion factors for the two systems are given in reference 3. an normal acceleration, (ig : 9.8 m/sec 2) ay lateral b wing span, m (ft) CL lift C_ rolling-moment positive acceleration, coefficient, Aerodynamic along negative positive Z body axis, along positive Aerodynamic lift Y body axis, force 9s coefficient rolling about X body axis, moment _Sb total rolling-moment pitching-moment Aerodynamic coefficient coefficient pitching w about Y body axis, moment -- qSc Cm,t total pitching-moment Cn yawing-moment Aerodynamic coefficient coefficient yawing about Z body axis, moment _Sb Cn,t total CX X-axis yawing-moment force Aerodynamic CX,t total X-axis coefficient coefficient X-axis force along force coefficient positive X body axis, g units g units Y-axis Cy force coefficient Aerodynamic Cy,t total Cz Z-axis Y-axis Y-axis force force total wing mean along force aerodynamic chord, lateral Flong pilot longitudinal stick Fped pilot pedal positive GARI ARI g acceleration gcom pilot-commanded He engine h altitude, IXz stick due angular m moments product body axis, (ft) positive force, for right positive for gravity, roll, for right yaw, m/sec 2 aft N (ft/sec acceleration, momentum, N (ib) force, N (ib) (ib) g kg-m2/sec 2) units (slug-ft2/sec) (ft) of of 2 to normal inertia inertia (slug-ft Mach Mic pitching moment m airplane mass, P1 Z m force, force, M P positive gain kg-m Ni c axis, coefficient pilot z body force Flat Ix,Iy,I Y coefficient Z-axis Z-axis positive force coefficient Aerodynamic Cz,t along about with X, respect Y, and to X Z body and Z axes, body kg-m 2 (slug-ft axes, 2) number yawing period, engine moment due kg due to inertia coupling, (I Z - IX)Pr , N-m (ft-lb) (slugs) to inertia coupling, (I x - Iy)pq, N-m (ft-lb) sec power command based command to on throttle position, percent power P2 engine power P3 engine power, percent of engine, maximum percent power of maximum power of maximum 2) P airplane Pcom pilot-commanded (Pcom)max roll rate roll maximum X about rate, commandable stability-axis Ps static q airplane pitch rate airplane pitch acceleration component of qa roll rate, N/m 2 rate, deg/sec or rad/sec deg/sec deg/sec (ib/ft or rad/sec 2) about airplane axis, deg/sec roll Pstab pressure, body Y body axis, about pitch Y deg/sec body acceleration or axis, rad/sec deg/sec 2 due to aerodynamic due to inertia or rad/sec moments, or < Iy] qicl m,t' component deg/sec2 of rad/sec2 airplane pitch acceleration coupling, % Iz q free-stream R range, m Ig_)pr, dynamic rf filtered rstab stability-axis rate yaw about rad/sec N/m distance Z yaw-rate acceleration component of component 2 2 (lb/ft 2) between subject deg/sec or and target airplanes, S wing s Laplace T total Tidle idle Iy) area, signal, about rad/sec 2 deg/sec Z airplane rad/sec deg/sec rate, body yaw or rad/sec axis, acceleration deg/sec2 deg/sec 2 or due to aerodynamic due to inertia moments, rad/sec2 airplane qp, yaw deg/sec m 2 2 acceleration or rad/sec 2 (ft 2) variable, i/sec instantaneous thrust, axis, or of I X IZ - body yaw (qSb_ C <-_--y] n,t' 4 or pressure, straight-line yaw ricl 2 (ft) r ra deg/sec N engine (Ib) thrust, N (lb) coupling, 2 maximum thrust, N (ib) Tmax military thrust, N (ib) Tmil time, t time sec to damp to one-half amplitude, sec tl/2 components UyVrW of m/sec V airplane velocity along X, y, and Z body axes, (ft/sec) airplane resultant velocity, airplane acceleration m/sec along Z (ft/sec) body axis, m/sec2 (ft/sec2) w component of w due to aerodynamic force, Q_mSlCz,t ' _a m/sec 2 (ft/sec2) component of w due to pitch rate, component of w due to kinematic airplane body qu, m/sec2 (ft/sec2) Wacl coupling, -pv, m/sec2 (ft/sec2) Wac2 axes (see fig. i) X,Y,Z center-of-gravity location, fraction Xcg of location reference for aerodynamic data center-of-gravity Xcg,ref angle of attack, filtered deg angle-of-attack signal, deg @f indicate angle d angle of of sideslip, attack, deg deg aileron deflection, positive for left roll, aileron deflection commanded by control maximum aileron deg 6a system, deg _a,c deflection, deg 6a,max differential horizontal-tail deflection, differential horizontal-tail deflection positive for left roll, by control deg 6d 5d,c control, horizontal _h,C system deg horizontal @h commanded stabilator deflection, positive for deflection commanded by airplane nose-down deg stabilator control system, deg @lef leading-edge 6r rudder flap deflection, 6sb speed-brake @tef trailing-edge C tracking rudder flap error, horizontal 1 component e,_,_ Euler TT engine-thrust angles, aircraft p_bb 2V CZ Cm 36r 3 q CXq _ Cn_,dyn CZq axis and factor sec deg/sec 3c r_bb 2V = _ _ 3c 6a Cnp _@a Cn_ Iz --Cz I X 3C n pb 2-V 3 Cn r 3 _C n sin _ Cn_ - a _6 a Cn6 r _6 r 3Cy q_ 2V Cyp rb 2--_ 3C n - _ _ 3Cy pb 2V CYr _ rb 2--_ Subscripts: ds deep lef increment of variable produced flaps; for example, ACm,le by 6 stall retraction of leading-edge by f full retraction indicates flaps of increment from 25 ° z - C_ 3C n q_ 2V = z _ _ 3C Z q_ 2V body deg deg velocity, - 3Cx X down, deg constant, 3C n _ edge airplane z Cn_ off), trailing 3C m _r _, for C z _ 3C_ deg deg evaluation Zr down, deg effectiveness angular 3c _ edge deg total C p (angle of time 3c_ - leading yaw, positive between stabilator lateral left deflection, R for deg angle vector for deflection, deflection, range positive positive pilot-commanded r,com C z deflection, to leading-edge in 0° Cm produced o initial value sb increment in variable produced by deflection of speed brake deflection of control surface i to value j; for example, AC%,6a=20o indicates increment of C_ produced by deflection of ailerons to 6a : 20° 6i=j Abbreviations ._ACM : air-combat maneuvering ARI aileron-rudder interconnect CAS commandaugmentation CCV control DL deflection DMS Langley differential IAS indicated LCDP lateral RL rate RSS relaxed rms root mean square SAS stability SM static configured limit, vehicle deg airspeed, control limit, system maneuvering simulator knots divergence parameter deg/sec static stability augmentation system margin DESCRIPTIONOF AIRPLANE A three-view sketch of the simulated configuration is shown in figure 2, and the mass and geometric characteristics used in the simulation are listed in table I. The airplane control system is described in detail in appendix A. The primary aerodynamic controls include symmetric deflection of the horizontal tail (stabilator) for pitch control, deflection of conventional wing-mounted ailerons and differential deflection of the horizontal stabilators for roll control, and rudder deflection for yaw control. One special feature of the configuration is the use of a normalacceleration-command longitudinal control system which provides static stability, normal-acceleration limiting, and angle-of-attack limiting. The airplane is balanced to minimize trim drag, with the effect that it has slightly negative static longitudinal stability at low Mach numbers; the desired static stability is provided artificially by the control system. Other features include (i) wing leading-edge flaps which are automatically deflected as a function of angle of attack and Mach number; (2) a roll-rate commandsystem in the roll axis; (3) an aileron-rudder interconnect and a stability-axis yaw damper in the yaw axis; and (4) a force-sensing (minimum displacement) side-stick controller and force-sensing rudder pedals. The airplane engine characteristics used in the present study are described in appendix B, and the buffet characteristics are described in appendix C. Most of the simulated flights were made at a center-of-gravity location 0.35_ although locations as far aft as 0.39_ were also investigated. All results shown in this report are for the 0.35_ center-of-gravity location unless otherwise stated. of DESCRIPTIONOF SIMULATOR The Langley differential maneuvering simulator (DMS) is a fixed-base simulator which has the capability of simultaneously simulating two airplanes as they maneuver with respect to one another and of providing a wide-angle visual display for each pilot. A sketch of the general arrangement of the DMShardware and control console is shown in figure 3. Two 12.2-m (40-ft) diameter projection spheres each enclose a cockpit, an airplane-image projection system, and a sky-Earth-Sun projection system. A control console located between the spheres is used for interfacing the hardware and the computer, and it displays critical parameters for monitoring hardware operation. Each pilot is provided a projected image of his opponent's airplane, with the relative range and attitude of the target shown by a television system which is controlled by the computer program. Cockpit and Associated Equipment A photograph of one of the cockpits and the target visual display is shown in figure 4. A cockpit is provided with an instrument display and a computerdriven gunsight representative of current fighter aircraft equipment. However, this study used a fixed gunsight for tracking. Each cockpit is located to position the pilot's eyes near the center of the sphere so that he has a field of view representative of that obtained in current fighter airplanes. For the present study, a special modification was made to one cockpit to incorporate the side-stick controller as shown in figure 5. The controller was placed in the same general cockpit location as the controller in the F-16 airplane; however, no special armrest was provided (as is the case in the actual airplane) other than the regular seat armrest which provided more of an elbow rest than a support for the forearm. The normal hydraulic control feel system was not employed for this simulation since the side-stick controller and rudder pedals were force sensitive, with no deflection required to activate the controls. Although the cockpits are not provided with attitude motion, each cockpit incorporates a buffet system capable of providing programmable root-mean-square (rms) buffet accelerations as high as 0.5g, with up to three primary structural frequencies simulated. Visual Display The visual display in each sphere consists of a target image projected onto a sky-Earth scene. The sky-Earth scene is generated by two point light sources projecting through two hemispherical transparencies, one transparency of blue sky and clouds and the other of terrain features; the scene provides a welldefined horizon band for reference purposes. No provision is made to simulate translational motion with respect to the sky-Earth scene (such as altitude variation); however, spatial attitude motions are simulated. A flashing light located in the cockpit behind the pilot is used as a cue when an altitude of less than 1524 m (5000 ft) is reached. The target-image generation system uses an airplane model a zoom lens to F-16 size airplane, with For an - (300 ft) to contrast 13 mounted 700 between blackout "anti-g" cues to high four-axis 000 can the sky-Earth engine, of of and of The DMS CYBER lated is by of of equations d (M _ = conducted Mach of 0.i in range to equations of Reynolds to a and in history results records maneuvers test current fighter test pilot also flew The of the a pilots airplane in the system airplane warning 4. were The sec) calcu- numerical- data derived data from were the as from not force included -30 ° an to angle- 30 ° . included aerodynamic func- results Effects in data the and the and time- B. PROCEDURES based controls, with a Control (forced-oscillation) U.S. on and evaluations familiar a were aerodynamic range of and (1/32 data sideslip were however, inflat- sound Air high-angle-of-attack comments tracking were the pilot performed air-combat Force flight the various by two NASA maneuvers test tests for pilot of the used and a F-16 with contractor airplane simulator. evaluation "open-loop" were airplanes; involved the who of an and reference simulation dynamic appendix motions, Most of artificial in evaluation aeroelasticity investigation airplane performed. research the of as given nonlinear EVALUATION The well facilities. or simulation use loads, are These descriptions given as m range. include the 90 brightness minimum C), fixed-interval used and number, are the form. 90 ° Complete motion with wind-tunnel -20 ° model. of static 10-to-i hardware sphere. from Program equations 0.2) DMS digital tabular several from number, mathematical in a camera the range at appendix facility dynamics motion television within simulated with noise DMS real-time The and/or low-speed of-attack a The technique. of tests by computer. using integration tions driven 175 a normal-acceleration Computer Data the weapons the a background (see simulation and projector airplanes, features details system target provide accelerations for wind, the between and normal Additional to system ft) target gimbal image the (45 garment simulate systems. a an special-effects at able m the Additional of in provide was maneuvers at high conducted to assess angles of in basic attack, two phases. stability and the The and second first control phase phase involved characteristics involved tracking of a simulated F-16 as a target airplane through a series of maneuvers representative of those used in air combat in order to examine flying qualities under these conditions. Maneuvers used in the first phase included ig and accelerated stalls, with various control inputs applied at specific conditions. Table II lists the primary maneuvers used in this phase. In addition to documenting the stability and response to control characteristics of the airplane and familiar E izing the pilot with these characteristics, this phase also provided an assessment of the departure and spin susceptibility of the configuration. Results from the first phase of the study were used to design the tracking task_ used in the second phase. Several tasks were chosen for use during the second phase of the study: (i) a steady wind-up turn tracking task, (2) a bank-to-bank maneuvering task, and (3) a complex, vigorous air-combat maneuvering (ACM) task. Wind-Up Turn Tracking Task A steady wind-up turn was flown, with the target airplane slowly increasing angle of attack in order to provide a tracking situation in which the pilot could evaluate the fine tracking capability of the evaluation airplane at high angles of attack. Initially, both airplanes were at an altitude of 9144 m (30 000 ft) and M : 0.6, with the subject airplane 457.2 m (1500 ft) directly behind the target and at the same heading as the target. Upon initiation of the run, the target established a left-bank attitude which varied between -40 ° and -i00 ° during the maneuver. Angle of attack was gradually increased up to a maximumof about 3g normal acceleration. The evaluation pilot attempted to track the target as closely as possible while maintaining a range of less than 609.6 m (2000 ft). Time histories of the target motions are shown in figure 6. Bank-to-Bank Tracking Task As shown in figure 7, this task involved tracking the target airplane through a series of bank-to-bank maneuvers (or horizontal S's) at high angles of attack. These maneuvers enabled the pilot to evaluate his ability to roll the subject airplane rapidly, to acquire the target, and to stabilize while at high angle of attack. ACMTracking Task The ACMtracking task was developed to be more representative of the complex, nonrepetitive maneuvers which may be encountered during air-to-air combat. The time histories of the target motions are shown in figure 8. In general, the task covered a speed range of 0.25 to 0.6 Mach and required the tracking airplane to perform several large-amplitude rolling maneuvers at low-speed, highangle-of-attack conditions. Evaluation of Performance In evaluating the simulated airplane, numerous runs were made in each of the tasks. Sufficient flights were made to ensure that the pilot's "learning i0 curve" was reasonably well established before drawing any conclusions on evaluation results. Evaluation of performance was based on pilot comments, the ability of the pilot to execute the tasks assigned, and the analysis of time histories of airplane motions and tracking. DISCUSSIONOF STABILITY AND CONTROL CHARACTERISTICS To provide a foundation for the analysis and interpretation results which follow, selected aerodynamic stability and tion istics of this the simulated airplane configuration presented and character- discussed in section. Longitudinal The these aerodynamic data characteristics dynamic but the highly A level swept as at attack approximately longitudinal attack feedback that figure nose-up -4 to i0 stabilator these extreme percent. that deflection (6 h angles of attack, the of-attack/normal-acceleration attempt to complete in limit limiting the angle of system attack control Two other important points regarding figure i0. The is marked due loss in to stall system of lators deflected stable trim point important is the of is shown seen, _h = loss there 0°" in is = very However, stabilator A in angles is available qualities, important _ = to 66 ° note with full excursions the an to angle- stabilator in discussion stability nose-down of of attack nose-down greater an the the moment that airplane in even noted 25 ° . because shown Note be effectivethan critical control point. should stabilator particularly control, of A. characteristic trim is further longitudinal important to prevent figure with exhibits a The the i0 the is stabi- weak but 60 ° • aerodynamic of characteristic Cm with wind-tunnel little drives modest angle-of- incorporates 25 ° . angles angles inadvertent which 20 ° , 35 ° . a low with at system = position flying trim appendix loss for nose-down variation by in deep-stall full _ the other stable at given surfaces on The for airplane which a the below effectiveness relies 25 ° . existence Another these control exceeding the of nose-down limiter from first is to pitch ness system control = exhibits A) inhibit d higher d at It will To pitch it margin stability. airplane -250). at near that flow- near lift appendix aero- wind-tunnel satisfactory (see pitch The center-of-gravity provide the = is of B. stalled obtained Static equipped artificial during produce was i0. To indicates to representation appendix panels nominal figure is noted C L the the in configuration at in and wing continued the system provide also as Maximum shown control III, discussed outer strake 9. of as is the instability speeds, table configuration that figure pitch low is the such characteristic static (0.35_) in in simulation wing-body shown notable of were Characteristics listed the of tests attack, the are in characteristics visualization of are of the simulacontrol data variation the data for effectiveness _ for of exhibited at d high = pitching angles 25 ° in moment by of figure with the simulated attack, ii. an As sideslip nose-down stabilator deflections for sideslip magnitudes greater show than can example be for a sharp about i0 °. ii Thus, if a departure involving large sideslip excursions should occur, the effectiveness of the angle-of-attack limiter system to maintain _ at or below 25° will be further degraded by the reduction in available nose-down control moment. Lateral-Directional Static bility lateral-directional characteristics deflections bility are directional each of between as _ an angles of tence was Cn_, a about which caused less, it a is a directional attack. The ration by _ : 0° ness of the = 20 ° the : very 40 ° available to The the (_ : the These proper control effectiveness divergence at /Cn6a_ LCDP : Cn_ - produced become CZ_C--_@a) indicate high yaw of parameter angles and 35 ° . to by for the the and configucaused constant effectiveup surfaces rudder. Only compared to yaw the to above with configuration up and of sustained these the minimize attack. 40 ° , angles significant roll : increments well up Neverthe- _ high by that (LCDP) of : Roll-control characteristics and attack values, essentially 25o). produced moments data at and of through moment good yaw coordination adverse < moments control roll-control lateral roll-control as 12 with yawing high (_ was adverse _ high exis- configuration angles at of at the (negative) up C_ slice) characteristics terms attack tails the compared if in was of n expected control 13 for Cn_,dy be the unstable positive not differential moments. 25 ° ) of and indicate that laterally) remained angle adverse indicate At investigations (nose usually large effectiveness of whereas small do 12 value past dynamic attack. Cn_ in sta- the of sloping used parameter and figure lateral-directional limit suppress and rudder exhibitgood attack rudder limit, was _ in been and angle divergence reached the of flap directional CZ_, by sta- leading-edge static functions has this aerodynamic range ailerons n therefore shown The operational angle-of-attack above in the computed figure Cn_ would are control. of parameter lateral-directional full the this of directional of 30 ° , decrease that of lateral-directional scheduled derivative as directionally : divergence at over _ sharp seen Cn_,dy data (both Above n were values The terms dihedral C_ existence Negative stable 28 ° . and static with in Cn_,dy parameter the divergence. statically to The of 12 effective Cn_ attack. of the The airplane figure parameter -+4° . indication basic in attack, : the presented stability angle stability.- of derivative Characteristics should angle-of- controls is used sideslip. is often This used parameter to appraise is defined the for ailerons only, or by I_ + GARICn6r_ LCDP= Cn$ - CZ_k 6a@a + GARIC_6r] where GARI is the ratio of rudder deflection to aileron deflection for an airplane with an aileron-rudder interconnect (ARI). Positive values of this parameter indicate normal roll response, and negative values indicate reversed response. When reversed response is encountered, a right roll-control input by the pilot will cause the airplane to roll to the left. The variation of LCDP with angle of attack for the subject airplane is presented in figure 14. For the airplane with the basic control system, the parameter becomes negative above = 25° , which indicates reversed response if roll control alone was used in this region. Addition of the ARI provided a large positive increment in LCDP above _ : 15° such that the LCDPvalues remained positive up through d = 40° . This result indicates that the augmented airplane should exhibit normal response to roll-command inputs throughout the operational angle-of-attack range. Dynamic lateral-directional directional basis stability of three the aerodynamic SAS on and i/tl/2 indicate Dutch for off roll, three are and are roll modes yaw roll modes in values to A; augmentation aileron-rudder activates when DISCUSSION _ the primary and 29 ° . OF with shown in the (_ As an additional kinematic- aid and the high-angle-of-attack reviewed in this section. in e, whereas of the _ features (2) (4) a an of 15. analyzing characteristics of with both attack that opposite Figure of is the 15 the all the Dutch true for lateral- shows that the Dutch roll and 25o). control the roll/yaw stability-axis automatic system SAS yaw are damper, spin-prevention HIGH-ANGLE-OF-ATTACK inertia-coupling of show stability the stability parameter angle SAS airplane figure the values of I/tl/2 for the classical of The and with damping without 30 ° . the equations function to on calculations the lateral-directional INERTIA-COUPLING several a lateral- calculated Positive are shown as up the of airplane envelope system, interconnect, _ exceeds of enhanced of the terms motion the also dynamic were of modes. Data for decrease flight discussion in characteristics are normal results 15 of data significantly appendix rate-command for operative detailed in modes The tends the figure classical airplane lateral-directional The of oscillatory modes of motion. Stability SAS B. in roll stable SAS and A and mode. directional tained presented period P or stable the linearized appendix conditions. spiral roll of spiral, trim modes roll the data The of degree-of-freedom and the damped ig stability.- characteristics KINEMATIC- is con- (i) a (3) an system roll- which AND PHENOMENA the simulation phenomena of the results which F-16 which significantly airplane are follow, influence briefly 13 Figure 16 illustrates the kinematic coupling between angle of attack and sideslip that occurs when an airplane is rolled about its X-axis at high angles of attack. If the airplane is flying at angle of attack with the wings level (fig. 16(a)) and the pilot initiates a pure rolling motion about its X-axis (fig. 16(b)), all the initial angle of attack will have been converted into sideslip after 90° of roll. Because it is undesirable to generate large amounts of sideslip at high angles of attack from a roll-performance, as well as a departure-susceptibility, viewpoint, most current fighters (including the F-16) are designed to roll more nearly about the velocity vector than the body axis. It is obvious nates the system and that coupling shows that these If this this rates : p control damper its In ure the 16(b) into sin (p second and verse 90 ° effect limit kinematic for The dynamics 14 a into rate as the elimi- body-axis well as roll rate expression in with _ _ _ ARI and about a will be generated in varying as velocity yaw vector A.) sideslip, result stability-axis its appendix indicates signs) tends having important it the that to opposite in substantial the an initial will expression and if sideslip is seen initial _ from being figconverted tan same be then roll (See an with the that roll, as airplane envelope. roll, cos a varying incorporates rolling this can in during the CCV airplane rolling reduce _, signs) is in rolled with whereas tends configurations increases second form of the F-16 configuration the inertial about be F-16 make flight p (p of its from the problem coupling vector a resulting for CCV that is is pitching velocity roll unfortunately, can the _ of type Pstab yaw ) Pstab to can with be sideslip rolling with increase requiring _ adverse _. an generated proverse _ pro- This angle-ofdue (using to excessive example). illustrates rolled Resolving by cos the of coupling rudder, this - sideslip attack r rolling having latter - to of term _ [indicated body-axis by with body-axis ---q The d of case after _. satisfied normal that d not attempt throughout and motion involves related coupling, system which _ motion are is kinematic -- p The rotational tan equality to conical between that r due this due moment at high important to that nose-up configurations is angles kinematic-coupling to inertial of that moment employ high-angle-of-attack effects. produced viewpoint pitching the attack. was caused relaxed Figure when The the is desirability previously by 17(a) airplane discussed; inertia static of pitch coupling sta- bility. As an aid in visualizing this effect, the fuselage-heavy mass distribution of the airplane is represented as a dumbbell, with the mass concentrated at the two ends. If the airplane is flying at some angle of attack and rolls about its velocity vector, the dumbbell will tend to pitch up to align itself perpendicular to the rotation vector Pstab" This nose-up pitching moment due to inertial coupling Mic can be expressed as Mic : Substituting (I Z - Ix)Pr P = Pstab cos _ and r = Pstab sin d, Mic = (i z - IX ) Pstab 2 1 Z - Ix)Pstab 2 cos _ sin _ = _(I sin 2d The preceding expression shows that the pitch inertia-coupling moment resulting from stability-axis rolling is always positive (nose up) for positive d and varies as the square of the stability-axis roll rate Pstab" For CCV configurations with relaxed static stability, the nose-up moment must be opposed by the available nose-down control moment. If this control moment is less than the inertia-coupling moment, the horizontal tail can reach a travel limit, at which time the airplane will lose the stability contribution of the tail and the airplane will pitch up beyond the _ limiter boundary, which results in loss of control. The inertia-coupling moment which results from the combination of roll and pitch rates is illustrated in figure 17(b). The airplane mass distribution is represented by the dumbbell, and the airplane is shown rolling to the right and pitching up. As can be seen, the dumbbell will tend to yaw nose left to align itself perpendicular to the rotation vector _. The expression for the inertiacoupling moment is given by Nic : (I x - Iy)pq Consider the case q > 0 (nose-up pitch rate). Because I x < Iy, the preceding expression shows that the yaw inertia-coupling moment will always be opposite in sign to the roll rate. Recalling that to minimize adverse _ generation due to kinematic coupling, r must be equal to p tan _, it is obvious that this form of inertia coupling will inhibit stability-axis rolling that can lead to the buildup of large amounts of adverse _ which, in turn, can result in loss of control at high angles of attack. This section has briefly reviewed kinematic- and inertia-coupling phenomena that, in various degrees, are important to the high d flight dynamics of all modern fighter aircraft. In the section entitled "Departure- and Spin-Resistance Simulation Results," it will be seen how these phenomena interact to significantly influence the characteristics of the subject configuration. 15 DEPARTURE-ANDSPIN-RESISTANCESIMULATIONRESULTS Basic Control System The first portion of the simulation investigation consisted of documenting the normal stall-, departure-, and spin-resistance characteristics of the configuration equipped with the basic flight control system described in appendix A. For convenience, this system will be referred to as hontrol system A in this report. Figure 18 shows time histories of a ig stall to the limit angle of attack (_ = 25o). Rudder doublets were applied at various angles of attack to evaluate lateral-directional stability at these conditions. The data show that the motions were well damped and that the airplane exhibited no tendency toward directional divergence within its normal _ envelope, as predicted by the Cn_,dyn criterion. In addition, application of lateral stick inputs at : 25° resulted in rapid roll response in the commandeddirection, as predicted by the LCDPvalues discussed previously. Further evaluation of departure/spin resistance was performed by applying cross controls in ig and accelerated conditions. Figure 19 shows time histories of the motions resulting from cross-control application from ig trim at _ = 25° . The control traces show that although the pilot was holding full right stick and full left pedal, the roll and yaw controls deflected in a coordinated sense, primarily due to the ARI and the _ fade-out of pilot rudder inputs. As a result, the airplane rolled and yawed in the direction of the stick input. Note that the roll and yaw rates were sufficiently high to produce a significant noseup pitching moment (see qicl trace) caused by the inertia-coupling phenomenon previously discussed. This effect caused the airplane to pitch up so that the angle of attack continued to increase beyond 29° . At this point (t : 8.5 sec), the automatic departure-/spin-prevention system activated and applied roll and yaw controls to oppose the yaw rate. As a result, r decreased, which reduced the inertia-coupling moment. Furthermore, the reduction in yaw rate increased the _/_ kinematic coupling since the airplane was now rolling more closely about its body axis; the result was a trade-off of angle of attack for sideslip, as evidenced by the rapid grmwth in adverse _ and Wac2 becoming sharply more negative. The combination of increased kinematic coupling and reduced inertia coupling reversed the growth of angle of attack and caused it to drop back below 29° . Cross controls were held for an additional 9 sec but resulted in no prolonged departure or loss of control. The angle of attack varied between 20° and 36° , and the maximumyaw rate obtained was 48°/sec. The response to cross controls applied at the limit angle of attack in an accelerated turn is shown in figure 20. As can be seen, the motions were very similar to the ig case, with inertia coupling causing a "pitch-out" departure in which _ increased to about 36o; however, there was no tendency for the departure to develop into a spin. These results indicated that (i) inertia coupling could overpower the _ limiter system to cause _ to increase far above the 25° limit and (2) the airframe's inherent lateral-directional stability, combined with the effectiveness of the automatic spin-prevention system, minimized the possibility of a departure progressing into a spin entry. 16 It primary tance quickly became obvious that roll-pitch cause of departures on this configuration. is illustrated nose-up the high varies roll control ql figure inertial-coupling moment at in and (ql indicate cient control increase a < to departure susceptibility to this type that departure p2*) it < P2*' PI* becomes produced nose-down coupling-moment which is there If very is suffi- Pstab likely which more be pressure, moment. then the that can the at of note available dynamic coupling values, the imporrate rolling; with and nose-up Note of of its roll moments intersection these occur. axis of values would be a for with significant (PI* the above will of reason variation stability two rates counter sustained at points roll the very coupling The representations _ The highest is by that are specified moment be so shown q2 )" the and pitch-out Also Shown caused 2 Pstab with for q2 curve moment rates. moment 21. inertial should that indicates acute as a that dynamic the pressure decreases. The foregoing attempted 360 ° lateral 30 ° stick of roll observations roll, input. yaw Initially, d that rudder rates to dropped to a in was began apparent from Note coordinating and are starting due and r increased, significant nose-up the inertia-coupling pitch rate to build point, with yaw q rate hand, a coupled (see ricl was still p large above amount this the aerodynamic as loss of _ rate in An attempted figure applied increased and to held tories ig in 270 ° that of the A_. enter a ° . 360 ° roll from this case, Again, an (_ stick despite the 25o). input in at V = p of increased full to nose-down shows the that, at nose-down pitch-out departure During a the other generation qa this maximum period of tendency the in 170 attempting quite not as the had than for limit airplane the in up _ about 41 ° the roll. yaw as The applied time his- obtained at completing _ the shown and pilot those and and is -60 ° 3.7g upon _ _ _ the to departure build to knots, similar excursions did _ no the input. opposed on to was result, 33°/sac). pitch-out large rate stick which reached resulted At are a the _ the which = a of kinematic a full trace) caused a increase. At this roll. turn banked motions yaw the accelerated experienced period, result, of _ As applying a an using deflections, sect; qicl there r 5 greater sac, However, command, resulting as 300 ° 5.5 pilot value airplane +25o; (maximum the pitch lateral the loss-of-control ±25 entry right = about spin system much to time, of was about lasted limiter that @h a maximum the full show by between In moment _ the this Comparison 25 °, however moment (t in By ARI. qicl began coupling resulted shows : coupling; growth sac). d direction (see _ limiter +25o). completed which into 23. : produced oscillated diverge 6 which at the the kinematic yaw 22, roll-control to in its thus _ coupling airplane control, to rapidly nose-up the a angle-of-attack (6 h moment occurred while the and (t due to halted _ maximum moment up and create and increasing deflection point, to adverse 30 ° , despite stabilator of of p trace) to rapidly 20 ° figure condition obtained up about in trim addition also build ig about during airplane the did not spin. Because assessment full was changes (A_ lateral stick _ 360 ° also rolls made of 180°). Figure inputs starting are the not very effects 24 shows from ig useful of 70 ° trim from rolling a through bank-to-bank at _ tactical = smaller reversals 25 ° . viewpoint, As bank-angle using expected, maximum the 17 angle-of-attack excursions due to inertia coupling were less than that encountered in the full 360° roll; _ never exceeded 32° . Nevertheless, the stabilators were very near saturation (@h= +25o) during each reversal. Furthermore, large adverse sideslip excursions occurred (reaching -18 ° at one point), caused by kinematic coupling resulting from the high roll rates combined with insufficient yaw rate (Irl < IPl tan _). These results, along with those obtained in the 360° rolls, strongly indicated that the airplane roll-rate capability at high angles of attack could result in (i) pitch-out departures due to insufficient nose-down pitch control and (2) large adverse sideslip excursions due to insufficient coordinating yaw control. In summary, the airplane equipped with control system A was found to be susceptible to inertia-coupling departures during large-amplitude roll maneuvers. There was no tendency, however, for the departures to progress into spin entries. Control-System Control viating system the trol surfaces roll-rate or system pitch-out was (i) 0.35c, roll (3) if results roll (SM below results is for SM restricted rate may with : only their future face very sufficient departures. 18 at about At = 30 implications CCV _ = designs substantial nose-down 13 ° due percent for _ of that at of the what the of gravity control to more the : roll fly control levels penalties to prevent the as is rate in aft had allowable capable static pitch unless they inertia-coupling to at 0.35_, by the to be providing. indicate instability are a of roll of results the maximum airplane these of gravity to indicated maximum configuration, high the restricted farther roll 25. of penalty the 25 ° , the by center be moved would figure Comparison severe, instability, d to 30-percent is how case; inertia- only the providing. desire the indicate airplane an limited had of in have with 20 ° a to roll-performance pitch : about subject incorporating was of becomes level such rate departures of margin). summarized not margin extreme the a roll outside to this static did capable center rapidly this that roll that chosen performance above is 25 ° the penalty _ rate static in 2-percent coupled control As -0.i0. maximum avoid maximum although was are flight If investigated: a compromised study con- alternate were in alle- airplane investigated. which, configuration indicates -0.04. above was Beyond that incurred roll-performance roll the the airplane, be (positive 0.02) roll roll 0.29_ of the to the and the at margin = To the of limit an of airplane occurred, results 0.41c center-of-gravity (SM problem, what (2) to was 30 ° ) means the Therefore, locations have RSS was limit and _; indicate the -0.04), attack. obvious resizing envelope) location low most than exceeding range control. = _ of d would 0.29c obtained rate data as at to of the 0.35_ static angles the roll-rate-command incorporate pitch-out values the percent not available roll 4 chosen did its nominal performance expected, coupling at the it that (other center-of-gravity is 0.29c, The As high lower center-of-gravity severely have a Three negative evident problem (defined which operational became limiting at with reduced. a and further departure rate It departure capability control about B.- pitch-out Modifications provided pitch-out Once an indication of the maximumsustainable roll rates was obtained, a roll-rate limiting scheme was implemented on the subject airplane. As previously discussed, the basic control system includes a high-gain roll-ratecommandaugmentation system in which the pilot commandsa roll rate proportional to lateral Obviously, the stick most rate is simply lies in determining should be were to at force, limit the which any up to straightforward roll rate to instant. angle of maximum of the use (See limiting pilot to Three attack, 308°/sec. for that parameters particular investigated: a technique the commands. evaluate appendix The what the pressure, roll difficulty roll roll-rate-scheduling dynamic A.) airplane limit parameters and symmetric stabilator deflection. There were parameter: (2) (I) as shown in counter the The same reasoning control roll can it found as The of use initial roll rolling out due loss by the as combining pitch terms of control system roll 80°/sec, tion < with i0 indicated rate based N/m 2 pressure 4°/sec/deg of stabilator deflections rate of angle of of 250 in excess that and degrees) with and the rate q, for _ of scheme rate was > 15 ° . 5° caused axes. It in most combined by found N/m with reduction that be 308°/sec 26. nose-down of to maximum to as The_ z) com- little varia- for corresponds a (The referred _n,c. 2 and figure reducing and Finally, a in henceforth 500 manifest satisfactory (-0.55°/sec/ib/ft i0 influenced can was the increases being degradation shown of of also is coupling _i' 2 of minimizes function roll value of pitch- deflection direct achieved normal amplitude preclude this is will value This to the in large-amplitude smaller roll-response -0.0115°/sec/N/m (The a pitch was values and duration resulted roll degradation between as modification knots.) attack greatest stabilator initial limit from was in inertia- individually, the cross-axes @h) limiting ib/ft2). of Symmetric the varying because roll q, instantaneous (219.3 airspeed the this (Pcom)max on dynamic 500 increased Roll-rate the rates parameter (to needed operates This to 21, lower counter Unfortunately, both developed B.) it (_, incorporating system mandable as law is versus motions minimizing in and increases. figure evaluated in short roll both 2_, available attack in differentiate limiting because about parameters coupling. not moment. three sin occurs. to resulted do sufficiently and of scheduling were scheduling IV. where control. oscillations proper inherent Scheduling pitch angle results remaining schemes table of control in control 360 ° ) are a a movement illustrated departure are they "response between cross-axes control _ which be scheduling coupling. compromise The q because roll all in and restoring itself as scheduling (A_ primary to drawbacks as pitch-out control basic inertia coupling which three _ initial remaining the pitch illustrated 120 ° ) q, with as with control as a attack varies nose-down q; two response < to in thought the of decreases before of moment moment decreases was angle choosing The maneuvers (A_ amount in sustained that scheme, the used moment be considering coupling was moment. was rolls i0, indicates coupling each inertia-coupling deflection directly it for nose-up nose-up nose-down stabilator reasons the figure to that two reduction to an of symmetric commanded roll 4°/sec/deg. 19 The resulting limit on commandedroll rate is illustrated in figure 27, which shows (Pcom)max versus _ for ig trim flight conditions. With the stabilator deflected for trimmed flight, (Pcom)max is reduced from 280°/sec at _ : 5° to 170°/sec at _ = 25o; these values would be representative of the (Pcom)max available at the initiation of a roll. Also shown are the values that represent the situation in which full control has been used to counter the inertia-coupling moment with the stabilators deflected full nose down (@h= +25o)" As shown in the figure, this case results in a decrease of 80°/sec in (Pcom)max from the values obtained at trim 6h such that the maximum commandable roll rate is only about 90°/sec at _ = 25° . Control system B also incorporated a modification to the pitch axis to assure proper stabilator response during rolling maneuvers. This modification is shown in figure 28 and involved creating an equivalent angle-of-attack signal A_p based on roll-rate magnitude. The variation of h_p with IPl is plotted in figure 29; note that a 20°/sec deadband was included so that the system was inactive during low-rate, precision maneuvers when it was not needed. The pseudo angle-of-attack signal was fed to the _ limiter, which recognized it as an increase in _ and therefore applied nose-down stabilator deflection to oppose it. This system, therefore, assured that the pitch control was deflected in the proper direction to oppose the nose-up coupling moment generated by rapid rolling at high angles of attack. The effectiveness of control system B in preventing inertia-coupling pitch-out departures is illustrated in figure 30, which shows a 360° roll initiated from Ig trim at _ = 25° using full lateral stick input. As previously discussed, this maneuver, when performed with the basic control system (control system A), resulted in loss of control. (See fig. 22.) For control system B, figure 30 shows that although the pilot applied maximum lateral stick input, the resulting commandedroll rate was limited to only about 165°/sec (as opposed to 308°/sec for control system A) so that the maximum roll rate achieved was 70°/sec. The resulting nose-up coupling moment was smaller, and there was sufficient aerodynamic nose-down control moment to essentially cancel it, as can be seen by comparing the qicl and qa traces. As a result, _ never exceeded 26° during the maneuver and the maximum _ generated was less than 3° . Thus, in this particular situation at least, roll-rate limiting eliminated the two problems experienced with the basic airplane, that is, _ pitch-outs due to excessive roll-pitch coupling and large _ excursions due to excessive roll-yaw coupling. Examination of the control traces shows that significantly less than maximumroll-control deflections were used. Even in the initiation of the roll when p is low and coupling is therefore not a problem, only -15 ° of the available -21.5 ° of 6a was obtained. The net result is a slower initial roll response compared with that of the basic airplane (control system A); as discussed previously, this response degradation is due mainly to the use of q and _ in the limiting scheme. One other point to note on the control time histories is that only about 60 percent of the available rudder is used for coordination through most of the maneuver. 2O A 360° roll initiated from an accelerated turn at the d limit is shown in figure 31. The results are very similar to the ig case in that the maneuver was well controlled, with the airplane never approaching an out-of-control condition. Time histories of the 70° bank-to-bank reversals initiated from ig trim at e = 25° are shown in figure 32. Again the roll-rate limiting scheme of control system B significantly improved the controllability of the airplane in this maneuver. Angle of attack was maintained below 28° and sideslip excursmons below 4° . These results should be contrasted with those obtained with the basic airplane (fig. 24), which encountered momentary departures with _ exceeding 32° and _ excursions above 15°. Classical spin-susceptibility testing was conducted by applying cross"controls in ig and accelerated conditions. An example is shown in figure 33, in which cross controls were applied from an accelerated turn at the limit _. As obtained with the basic control system, the inertia coupling resulting from the generated roll and yaw rates caused _ to overshoot above the 25° limit; however, _ never exceeded 30° , _ was maintained below ii °, and the maximum yaw rate encountered was only about 28°/sec. Recovery was obtained immediately after the controls were neutralized. The results to this point indicated that the control modifications incorporated in control system B significantly enhanced the departure resistance of the subject airplane in high d maneuvers, during which lateral stick alone or cross controls were used. This improvement resulted primarily from the fact that the pilot was constrained to commandless rolland yaw-control deflections through lateral stick deflections due to the roll-rate limiting scheme employed. However, it was still possible for the pilot to augment rudder deflection by applying pedal inputs in the direction of the lateral stick input. Therefore, an assessment was made to examine how the additional rudder might affect the departure-resistance characteristics of the configuration. Figure 34 shows time histories of a 360° roll initiated from lg trim at : 25° with maximumcoordinated stick and pedal inputs. As previously discussed, performance of this maneuver with lateral stick alone resulted in a well-controlled (See fig. different that tained full other hand, the were some augment by the moment to cause of larger (see an the very proverse roll 6r qicl); increase rate, to in same large detrimental the in figure as 34. in _ was generated. for two reasons: (2) angle it the in turn control in it coupled _ -p_, was obtaining amount through the higher nose-up of the maneuver. and to the point proverse dihedral effect yaw caused rate inertia-coupling with see roll, a sus- on aileron of quite traces stick-only reduced acted coupled (_ control large with the kinematically attack earlier and This in the deflections, the (i) departure. resulted inputs overcoordination increase of pitch-out of roll-control deflections in a pedals Examination obtained resulted which encountering coordinating the rudder substantially and of of deflection; deflection 8° fear difference rudder about of was to shown primary differential-tail sideslip little application as (-30 ° ) combination that with However, situation, indicates The roll, 30.) the Wac2)- high The roll result rate was 21 a rapid pitch-out departure despite the application of full nose-down stabilator by the control system; angle of attack reached a maximumof 70° , whereas sideslip oscillated ±30° during the departure. Use of full coordinated inputs to perform 360° rolls at other ig and accelerated flight conditions resulted in similar loss of control situations. In summary, control system B was found to significantly enhance the departure resistance of the subject airplane as long as coordinating pedal inputs were not used during large-amplitude roll maneuvers. Use of large amounts of coordinating pedal in these maneuvers often resulted in severe pitch-out departures. It should be pointed out that there should be no need for the pilot to apply coordinating rudder inputs since this is automatically done for him by the ARI. However, it is felt that during air combat there would be a strong tendency by the pilot to use rudder pedals in an attempt to obtain maximumroll performance, particularly in view of the fact that the roll-rate limiting scheme of control system B resulted in noticeable degradation in the initial roll response of the airplane. Control correct tem system the B, two that inputs this objective, shown in the At ability to response, was that magnitude maximum The compared control this and to (control maximum roll of to the roll control ig in that in were obtained maneuver, system A). was the with As figure the during control the basic in 36, : the as from initial only his tracking cor- roll limiting the roll-rate eliminated for at the higher departures; resolving at capability so critical roll- the which shows These C, initiation the as the to only about maneuver in system without A and roll; stick, should systems roll- control system lateral histories control of the full maximum with control a time with system initiate allowed detract until roll 40°/sec) airplane. 25 ° . motions _ roll-rate was full discussed, to the limiting maneuver control previously available _ same with to and pitch-out such degraded command (IPl not B, of 20°/sec system did limiting the C at the effective allowed from flight Note obtained was rudder of rates inertia-coupling system illustrated fully prevent response obtained control gain become pilot 30). those scheduled imposed needed those the a not roll are these rudder inertia-coupling system therefore, scheme, from deflections phase similar 22 with 22 control accomplish Alleviation pilot maneuvers all was high therefore furthermore, of is of the sys- and coordinating magnitudes however, and 50°/sec; initial initiated 20o) To C. to control incorporating of in made coordinating developed system the precision adding however, problem roll (figs. by at of 20°/sec), _ amplitude, deficiency effectiveness response inputs were use gain did it rates, _ (_i with when system roll-rate aggravation <IPl B control limiting This where roll obtain ing the control between was degradation. excessive rudder any corrected 30°/sec- lower pilot equipped system as attempt departures scheduled inputs rudders second to to a airplane control the using smaller the an roll-response to due results, pitch-out initial referred rates the exceeded rates 360 ° roll of The such of perform path _ by eliminate low use rections. IPl be pilot Elimination full (2) problem out to of convenience, will faded problem. roll For accomplished designed pilot and departure which 40°/sec. was 35. foregoing to modifications features was path the deficiencies used, figure on susceptibility two pitch-out pedals (i) are additional Based primary is, pedal C.- and in were roll-rate 75 when percent control B yaw- fact, C be Very limit- of the system B was used. In examining the response obtained with control system C, it is seen that as the roll rate increased to values where inertia coupling became a factor, roll-rate limiting was imposed and the rolland yaw-control deflections were reduced to essentially the levels obtained with control system B; a pitch-out departure was avoided. A quantitative comparison of roll response obtained in this maneuver with all three control systems is shown in table V. The figure of merit that was used was time to bank to 90° and 180° . The data for At_:90o indicate that ' control system B suffered a 15-percent degradation in response when compared with control system A, whereas there was no degradation with control system C. For 180° of roll, control system C was only 3 percent slower than A, as compared with 13 percent slower for control system B. In summary, control system C was successful in combining the desirable features of control system A (high initial 9oll response) and control system B (high resistance to inertia-coupling departure) without incurring the deficiencies of either system. The ability of control system C to prevent pitch-out departures due to excessive pilot coordinating rudder is illustrated in figure 37. Shown are time histories of a 360° roll from ig trim at _ = 25° using full coordinated stick and pedal inputs. It is seen that fade-out of the pilot rudder commands above IPl : 50o caused the resulting airplane motions to be essentially identical to those obtained using lateral stick alone. The maximumangle of attack reached was 25° , and the airplane was not near a departure condition at any point in the maneuver. These results should be contrasted with those obtained with control system B, where a rapid pitch-out departure to _ : 70° was encountered (fig. 34). Further evaluation of departure/spin susceptibility was accomplished applying maximumcross controls at Ig and accelerated flight conditions. example is shown in "figure 38, in which the controls were applied from ig at _ = 25° . The time histories show that although full prospin controls held for 14 sec, _ did not exceed 26° and yaw rate was maintained below 35°/sec. by An trim were Figure 39 shows cross controls applied from ig trim at d = i0 °, followed immediately by rapid full aft stick application. The inertia-coupling moment, combined with the full nose-up pilot command, resulted in _ increasing to 28° . Nevertheless, there was sufficient aerodynamic control moment to prevent further d excursions such that although the prospin inputs were held for over 12 sec, angle of attack never exceeded the 25° limit. A further evaluation of the resistance of control system C to inertiacoupling-induced departures is shown in figure 40. The initial conditions for the maneuver were ig trim flight at M : 0.6 and h° = 9144 m. From this starting point, full lateral stick input was applied, followed in_nediately by full nose-up pitch command. The large angular rates resulting from these inputs would be expected to maximize inertia-coupling effects. The data show that very high rates, particularly in roll, were generated; however, the limiting features of the control system effectively limited these rates to values that could be handled by the available aerodynamic control moments. As a 23 result, the maximum _ excursion trols were held for approximately Effect was only 27° , despite ii sec. the fact that the con- of Aft Center of Gravity It should be noted that all the maneuvers discussed up to this point were conducted with the airplane center of gravity at its nominal'location of 0.35_. As previously discussed, more aft center-of-gravity locations should aggravate the inertia-coupling departure problem because less nose-down aerodynamic control moments would be available. Therefore, a brief investigation was conducted to see what effect more aft center-of-gravity locations might have on the departure-prevention ability of the control system developed for a center of gravity of 0.35_. For this evaluation, center-of-gravity locations of 0.375c and 0.39_ were evaluated. Figure 41 shows a maximum lateral stick, 360° roll from ig trim at _ : 25° with a center of gravity of 0.375_. The data show that more nose-down stabilator was required to trim at this condition due to the increased static instability caused by the rearward center-of-gravity shift. Comparison of the time histories of this maneuver with those obtained with a center of gravity of 0.35_ (fig. 36) verifies the loss in nose-down aerodynamic pitching moment at 0.375_. This loss is reflected in the @h trace which shows that the stabilators were at the full nose-down position through most of the maneuver; nevertheless, angle of attack increased to 27° (as compared with the 25° obtained with a center of gravity of 0.35_). Although a departure did not occur in this case, the fact that the pitch control remained saturated for such an extended period of time and was still unable to hold below the limit value indicates that control was very marginal in this situation. A more severe coupling maneuver would, therefore, be expected to result in a departure. An example of loss of control is shown in figure 42, which shows the high coupling maneuver previously discussed, in which the pilot applied full roll and pitch inputs from ig trim flight at M : 0.6. As previously discussed, this maneuver performed with the center of gravity at 0.35_ did not result in loss of control. However, figure 42 indicates that with the center of gravity at 0.375_, the available nose-down control was overpowered by the inertia-coupling moment, and a rapid pitch-out to _ : 76° ensued. Following the departure, the airplane entered the deep-stall trim condition previously discussed; the deep-stall problem is addressed in more detail in the section entitled "Deep-Stall Simulation Results." These results indicated that rearward center-of-gravity movement beyond 0.375_ would require further limiting of roll rate in order to obtain an acceptable level of departure resistance. These indications were verified when control system C was flown with the center of gravity at 0.39_. An example is shown in figure 43, which presents time histories of an attempted 360° roll using full lateral stick input starting from ig trim at _ : 25° . It is seen that the aerodynamic nose-down control was easily overpowered by the inertiacoupling moment and resulted in a sharp pitch-out departure to _ : 84° and entry again into the deep-stall trim condition. Attempts at other roll maneuvers that were accomplished without incident with the center of gravity at 0.35c resulted in a similar loss of control. 24 It was found that the airplane equipped with control system C that was flown with the center of gravity at 0.39_ was at least as prone to departures as the basic airplane was at 0.35_. It thus became clear that the roll-rate limit would have to be reduced significantly at a center of gravity of 0.39_ to reestablish a level of departure resistance comparable to that obtained at 0.35_. However, as indicated in figure 25, this level of roll performance may not be adequate from a tactical viewpoint. In summary, control system C was found to provide a high level of departure resistance for the airplane with the center of gravity at its nominal location. Large-amplitude maneuvers at Ig'and accelerated flight conditions involving gross application of adverse controls did not result in deteriorated loss of departure Operation at reductions control. resistance to center-of-gravity in However, maximum the point locations allowable roll discussed in exhibit the stable possible described nose 43) was possible all The the to resulted of put the a speeds at attack the top of maneuver The full of oscillation, _ 58 ° , limiter caused pendent of oppose _ the that, to angle pitch 0 °, from r _ any yaw 0, by the or to the was deep _ with low Q low air- through large at angle-of- limiter An stall very maneuver very fall a 42 condition. from climb, reaching of it (figs. airspeed pressure. G roll For the = top 0.2 _ the system example of at and yaw, and the a an fighter the _ the the ig. due such a automatic system was Note that, several trim at In point this pitch, position, the inde- spin-prevention fuselage-heavy the appli- After stall commanding a the system. deep nose-down the airspeed As 70 ° , despite airplane. full having the respectively. limiter into over maneuver, to d and control remain the 0.1g, increased by 6° , of and stabilized no pilot, rate. at M control to In the into low airplane opposed attack airplane stabilators away of absolutely inputs. such generation dynamic if trim attack of the effectively show the had pilot control to _ pilot allowing decreased the nose-down entry intention see departures deep-stall of One with com- locations this angles even is to The decelerating the 60 ° , conducted that high attack. low = however, point. into kinematic at _ Control configuration 44. 44 through, of the and be figure figure cycles tions not in cation took resulting effectiveness of fell _ climb of point, was trim steep-attitude, The acceleration airplane a 0.375_. further and subject center-of-gravity at 70 ° , with the could shown data normal into at require Stability the trim indicated of of for vicinity The aft study angles of control is present about the flying at g. excursion for maneuvers of in airplane high data therefore rolling airplane maximum zero lack point, the the marginal would "Discussion deep-stall section was Problem down. investigation stabilized in during essentially with a conditions reaching and an previous results airspeed was and into in and to points full fly of entitled trim it 0.375c shifts RESULTS pitching-moment deflected weak, to section 0.35_ of SIMULATION deep-stall stabilators paratively the the that aft Description As center-of-gravity rate. DEEP-STALL Characteristics," rearward system control deflecmass 25 loading, the most effective spin-recovery controls are obtained when the rudders are applied to oppose yaw rate and the ailerons are applied in the direction of the yaw rate. It should be recognized that these systems did successfully prevent any yaw-rate buildup and therefore eliminated the danger of the motions progressing into a spin; nevertheless, this was of little consequence to the pilot since he was locked in the deep-stall condition, with no way of recovering by using his normal controls. It is important to note that all the maneuvers discussed to this point were conducted with an aerodynamic model which did not include aerodynamic asymmetries; that is, the aerodynamic coefficients Cy, C_, and Cn were zero for _ = 0° and neutral lateral-directional controls. In the normal angle-ofattack flight envelope of current fighter aircraft, this modeling assumption has been found to be generally valid in that wind-tunnel measured asymmetries are normally insignificantly small. However, experience has shown that, in many configurations, these asymmetries can reach significant magnitudes at post-stall _. Figure 45 shows Cy, C_, and Cn asymmetries measured during wind-tunnel tests on the subject configuration. The data confirm that within the normal _ flight envelope, these asymmetries are small enough to be ignored. However, they rapidly increase in magnitude for _ > 30° . Of particular significance is the fact that the yawing-moment asymmetry reaches its maximumvalue in the _ region of the deep-stall trim point. In order to assess the importance of this characteristic, the deep-stall investigation was conducted with two aerodynamic models, one that included the wind-tunnel measured asymmetries of figure 45 and one that omitted them. Figure 46 shows time histories of a deep-stall entry with the asymmetries included. Comparison with the results obtained without asymmetries (fig. 44) indicates little difference in the initial phase of the entry. However, once the airplane began to settle into the trim point, figure 44 shows that the nose-left yawing-moment asymmetry caused the yaw rate to build up to about -20°/sec, despite the application of significant amounts of opposing aileron and rudder deflections by the spin-prevention system. The airplane also assumed a left wing low (_ _ -16 ° ) and nose low attitude (0 _ -23o). Note that the nose-up inertia-coupling moment resulting from the nonzero roll and the yaw rates caused the airplane to trim at an angle of attack roughly 4° higher than that obtained without the asymmetries. Another important indication from these results is that the asymmetries would probably have driven the airplane into a spin without the action of the automatic spin-prevention feature of the control system. With regard to the ease of experiencing the deep-stall trim, it was found that the first _ peak during the entry was critically important in that an overshoot to values of _ too much above the trim point resulted in the generation during the downswing of sufficient nose-down pitch rate to drive the airplane nose down over the Cm > 0 hump and result in recovery. Generally, the airplane did not consistently drop into the deep-stall trim point if the initial peak in _ was greater than 75° . Control of the initial _ excursion was difficult, and the pilots were therefore not able to obtain the deep-stall trim on every attempt. 26 stick in phase with the airplane motions, with the hope that sufficient angular momentumwould be created during a downswing cycle to drive the airplane over the positive Cm hump and back down within the normal _ envelope of the airplane. A recovery attempt using this technique is shown in figure 50. Starting from a stabilized trim at _ _ 62° , the pilot activated the pitch rocker system and rapidly applied full aft stick at t : 71.3 sec. In response, the stabilators moved from the full nose-down position commandedby the _ limi[er to full nose up. The resulting nose-up moment caused _ to increase to 75° , at which point the pilot reversed his controls and applied full forward stick to obtain @h: +25o- This action generated a large nose-down moment, indicated by the qa trace at t : 74, and _ decreased rapidly. As expected, qa became positive (t : 75 sec) for a brief time as _ traversed the hump in the Cm curve; however, there was sufficient momentumto cause the airplane to continue to pitch downward until a recovery was obtained at t : 78 sec. It should be noted that in this particular case, the pilot very accurately kept his inputs in phase with the motions and therefore obtained a recovery within 1 cycle of the oscillation. However, it was found that in situations where the pilot was somewhat out of phase with the oscillation, recoveries were delayed significantly so that as many as three to four pumping cycles were required for recovery. Further assessment of the deep-stall and recovery characteristics were obtained by moving the center of gravity aft to 0.375_. Figure 51 shows an entry and recovery attempt using the speed brakes and flaps; aerodynamic asymmetries were not modeled in this case. As can be seen, trim was achieved at = 60° with r = 0, _ = -13 ° , and G : 0. At t : 67.5, the speed brakes were deployed and the flaps reconfigured, and a rapid recovery was obtained in 4.5 sec. A quite different result was obtained with asymmetry modeling; an example is shown in figure 52. The data indicate that the airplane tri_ed at a mean angle of attack of about 65°, with the asymmetries causing a yaw rate of -16°/sec. At t = 65 sec, recovery was attempted using the speed brake and flaps. As can be seen, the resulting nose-down pitching-moment increment caused _ to decrease by about 4o; however, it was not sufficient to effect recovery and the airplane established another trim condition with _ _ 63° and r = -20°/sec. Generally, it was found that recovery to normal flight conditions could not be attained with this technique unless the pilot made the speed-brake and flap change early in the entry while there were still large oscillations in the motion and unless the inputs were made during a downswing in _ so that they reinforced the downward motion. Obviously this is very difficult to do, and in the majority of cases, recovery was not obtained. The primary reason for the difference in the results obtained with and without asymmetry modeling was the existence of the yaw rate with modeling. Apparently, the additional nose-up inertia-coupling moment caused by the angular rate was sufficient to negate the relatively small amount of nose-down moment generated by the speed-brake and flap changes. 28 Methods of Recovery Once it was determined that the airplane could be flown into the deepstall trim point, techniques were developed to recover from it. As previously discussed, the primary controls could not be used because the pilot had no control over them in this situation. Consequently, other schemes for obtaining the needed nose-down pitching moment were investigated in the wind tunnel, and two potentially useful concepts were identified. The first method involved reconfiguring the flaps by retracting the leading-edge flaps and deploying _he trailing-edge flaps (61ef = 0°, 6te f : 20o), whereas the second involved speed-brake extension to maximumdeflection (@sb= 60o)" The locations of these surfaces are shown in figure 2. Note that the speed brakes are located on the upper and lower surfaces of the aft fuselage shelf next to the stabilators, and their deployment therefore would be expected to provide a nose-down moment in , the deep-stall region. Figure 47 compares the resulting pitching moments with those for the normal configuration (61ef : 25o' 6tef : 0°' @sb: 0°); note that all data are for the full nose-down stabilator deflection that would be maintained by the limiter system. The data show that reconfiguring the flaps provides an increment of about -0.018 in Cm in the angle-of-attack range of interest (55° to 60o), whereas speed-brake deployment results in about -0.025. Note that neither scheme clearly eliminates the trim point with the center of gravity at 0.35_, and therefore they would not be expected to be always effective, particularly for center-of-gravity locations aft of 0.35_. However, as shown in figure 47, combining the two schemes results in a pitching-moment-coefficient increment of about -0.05, which eliminates the deep-stall trim point. Figures 48 and 49 show time histories of recovery attempts using the combination of speed-brake deployment and flap reconfiguration. The results obtained without asymmetry modeling are shown in figure 48. The recovery attempt was initiated at t : 78 sec, with the airplane stabilized in the deep-stall trim, and, as can be seen, a rapid, positive recovery was obtained within 4 sec. The results with asymmetry modeling are shown in figure 49. Although a positive recovery was also attained, the recovery was not as rapid, taking some 8 sec to occur. The reason for the slower recovery was the existence of the yaw rate which created an additional nose-up moment due to inertia coupling that had to be overcome by the nose-down recovery moment. One additional recovery technique that was investigated consisted of reconfiguring the pitch control law to reestablish pilot control over the stabilators in the deep-stall region. The reconfiguration involved deactivating all feedbacks, including the d limiter system, so that the only signal that remained was the pilot stick command. With this system (henceforth to be referred to as the pitch rocker), the deflection of pitch control was directly proportional to pilot inputs. The reason for doing this can be seen by reviewing the pitching-moment data for maximum stabilator deflections shown in figure I0. The data show that at the deep-stall trim point (_ _ 60°), a large pitching-moment increment results in going from full nose-down to full nose-up control deflection (ACm _ 0.i). Thus, a possibility exists to use this available control moment to initiate and build up a pitch oscillation by moving the 27 i The effectiveness of the "pitch-rocking" technique in providing recoveries with the center of gravity at 0.375c is illustrated in figure 53. In this particular case, pitch rocking was initiated early in the entry (t = 52 sec) while the motions were still quite oscillatory; in addition, the pilot did a very good job of phasing his inputs in that the initial aft stick applications were made just as the airplane was beginning a nose-up cycle. As a result, was driven up to 84° and sufficient momentumwas generated in the following downswing to reestablish normal flight. The recovery was obtained within 8 sec after the pilot initiated recovery action. Figure 54 illustrates the results, that were obtained when the pilot did not optimally phase hi_;rocking inputs with the ai,rplane motions. In this case, recovery was not obtained until the pilot had completed five rocking cycles, and the time interval between initiation of recovery action and actual attainment of recovery was some 30 sec. These results emphasize the criticality of proper pilot usage of the pitchrocking technique; nevertheless, this technique was found to%e effective in providing deep-stall recovery for all the conditions (center-of-gravity location and asymmetry modeling) investigated in this study. TRACKINGRESULTS Following completion of the departure, deep-stall, and spin-susceptibility investigation, the tracking evaluation phase of the study was conducted to determine how these characteristics and the control-system changes affected the ability to track a target airplane through maneuvers representative of air combat. The evaluation was conducted at the nominal 0.35_ center-of-gravity location and included an assessment of the three control-system configurations studied in the first phase. Results of Basic Control System (Control System A) Time histories of the airplane motions during the wind-up turn tracking task are shown in figure 55; included are the range between the two airplanes R, the total angular tracking error g, and the lateral component of g I. The data indicate that the pilot had little difficulty in tracking the target airplane through the task. Note that the design of the lateraldirectional control system allowed him to track using only the stick, and no pedal inputs expected, were none encountered required. of the The airplane inertia-coupling in this task Figure 56 illustrates system (control due to motions problems the absence were well previously of any damped and, discussed as were large-amplitude rolling maneuvering. trol by the wind-up pull-ups nature system pilot-input turn to of simultaneously the the in that high _ performance A) time histories, a combination task tended was requiring to in required rapid accentuate the the airplane bank-toT_9nk this of to of was tracking a much bank-to-bank maintain and any accurate with more the basic _ask. demanding As tracking. control handling-quality The in than by very all indicated task reversals-followed con- dynamic three deficiencies. the rapid axes Note 29 that the pilot used very large lateral stick inputs to make the reversals, and the inertia-coupling moments resulting from the high roll and yaw rates required large countering nose-down stabilator deflections. Maximum _ and excursions were 30° and i0 °, respectively. The £ and _ data show that the pilot had difficulty in maintaining tracking during the reversals; however, once the reversal was completed, he was able to reacquire the target within about 5 to i0 sec. It should be pointed out that the pilot was aware of the potential pitch-out tendency if too much coordinating rudder was used, and he therefore flew the task essentially without pedal inputs. Furthermore, by using_only the stick, the amplitude of the bank-angle changes that were required (IA_I _ 180 ° ) was insufficient departures The 57. As amplitude the show during 1 _ that the sec to basic rolls to this the Note that, at to Effects on incorporated plane equipped in the were compared system A) airplane. are essentially The pilot was 58 system B with figure less As in a coupling lator slip The 3O the control result, the use the fact Control and the since B the assessed three systems this with task this tracking did No the factor cer- modifica- flying system the tactical and C not 29 ° . of in the tasks. schemes the for departures by control B obtained reached control-system limiting degraded held C from basic occurred pitch-out and The remainder inputs; no therefore was _ the were the roll-rate control condition that C and stabilator pedal in situations. maximum no large- airspeeds during Systems B with those the shows B roll and are due yaw reflected Comparison seen commented basic roll- system earlier that airplane and to the air- The results (control used to enhance effectiveness the basic wind-up require any of turn control This flying task system. rapid, the large- rate limiting lower, in the _ noticed decreased traces the use also departure a scheme and definite the of shows the task. inputs in discussed. inertia- nose-down reduction susceptibility degradation compared significantly previously reduced the con- be same stick were large with should lateral deflections were of equipped figure against amplitude yaw-control rates airplane task. similar during they of tracking applied resulting moments performance the generally the excursions not bank-to-bank which deflections. pilots result illustrates in pilot cases, moment; significantly to low result, illustrated rapid, departure occurred for is two nose-down did the for and a task. task near-departure against obtained had ACM As this required resulting systems obtained 56, the full on maneuvers. Figure Although a that systems whether expected roll trol both those the _ run, capability identical an amplitude of control determine results limit coupling. made task coupling extent, these resistance the This in with to departure tracking with in situations some inertia runs inertia-coupling Results tions the nose-up again, accounted, encountered. to the this potential maneuver oppose of airplane particular roll due any discussed, 180 ° ) in first departure near-loss-of-control run. tainly were of airplane the further a during previously (IA_I exposed over cause observed performance figure data to were stabiin side_ evaluation. in initial roll response in going from control system A to control system B. They indicated that this was mildly bothersome since they felt that they had to hold large lateral stick forces longer in order to obtain the same net roll response. small it positive reduced can be were the seen did An that the example of show that except the the obtained with and was the improved the proper the accurately this only was able to 59 control and 56 system C than with could than with either When the airplane task, the comparative in the for track roll due In the initial slightly sized of tions the 0.35_. farther rate to aft, roll-performance it should tracking pitch-out extreme be while was than This departures low-speed from control; with a minimum input in trace pilots with stated control reducing aft would out that was not g no an of be that system C the C) workload. 60 and the 61 degraded their two control determined the to It to to provide should be reempha- degrade the to occurred tracking view loca- further tracking regard in loca- center-of-gravity require entries the features found limiting ability deep-stall tasks the did of resulting during of the resulted contrary, departures; With that departures center-of-gravity at will the was nominal result and the affect other study On system expected unexpected in obtained noted incorporating pitch-out deep-stall flown those figures pitch-out also indicated. encountered, the the prevent 0.375_, to in pilots over operation of was as significantly pilot at C same capability. conducted previously were zero Moreover, stick and shown C (control susceptibility pointed B discussed. but discussed, degradation runs. tracking loss particularly more to B the not phase used limiting previously minimize significantly was in tracking did preferred evaluation that evaluation are previously roll-rate As system resulting with the Again, it mildly roll-response improved that tracking using response control oscillatory systems runs that they degradation system reversals cleanly the air- histories bank-angle workload essentially respectively. commented scheme significant minimize C, characteristics the control were Representative and but limiting control roll to the lateral Overall, less the time airplane. and of less A. with with results Again, summary, roll-rate no B rapidly histories system for excursions) improved B ' observation. roll of basic much smoother, and equipped task. of time system this B. B ability. systems tion or systems response tracking in A the sideslip in markedly better of that the through The all inputs control task 59. One that Overall, this initial than reversals the control slightly bank-to-bank control a that confirm the the A. target through that smaller roll that with figure target resulted of indicates they ACM the Comparison characteristic of the was show bank-to-bank better than (much rate make the pilots This than to in commented slower roll the shown noticeably control of oscillations. figures was slightly limiting is track tends in C pilots system very traces tracked The sideslip pilot system B the characteristic to performance control one. _ which system ability and by tracking. roll-response _ noted traces, control their tracking pilot final input with reduced the with response during lateral affect of roll overcontrol oscillatory equipped slower the less Comparison plane to significantly task. the comparing stated not of tendency by somewhat pilots of aspect any fact not trim, of that the no entail maneuvers. 31 INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS The fidelity of the simulation in representing the actual F-16 airplane was evaluated by comparing simulation results with actual airplane flight test data and by having pilots with F-16 experience fly the simulator. Throughout the present study, close coordination was maintained with the flight testing Of the full-scale airplane to ensure correlation between simulation and flight and to expedite development of airplane modifications for testin@ in flight when problems were encountered. As a result, the major characteristics an@results derived from this investigation have also been encountered in flight. Flight test results have confirmed that the airplane can experience pitch departures during rolling maneuvers and/or low-airspeed maneuvers at high angles of attack. Flight results have also shown that the airplane can enter the deepstall trim condition from the flight conditions described herein. Moreover, the various control-system modifications and deep-stall recovery methods studied in the present simulation have been flight tested and were found to be as effective as the simulation predicted. It should be recognized, however, that the present study was limited in scope, and these limitations should be kept in mind when applying the results and conclusions of this study. A primary limitation is that the aerodynamic data were measured at low values of Mach number and did not incorporate any compressibility effect; consequently, the results can only be considered valid for Mach numbers less than about 0.6. It should also be kept in mind that only the clean configuration was investigated and that it is likely that certain store configurations (particularly asymmetrical stores) can degrade the departure/spin resistance of the airplane. SUMMARY OF RESULTS A piloted simulator investigation has been conducted to evaluate the highangle-of-attack characteristics of an F-16-based fighter configuration incorporating relaxed longitudinal static stability. The following major results were derived from this study: 1. The airplane with the basic control system was found to be resistant to the classical yaw or nose slice departure; however, it was susceptible to pitch departures caused by having insufficient nose-down control to counter inertia-coupling In addition, very low the 2. at Pitch-out the high roll during rapid, susceptible angles of by at pitch roll departures when the maneuvers. flown to attack. produced rates to large-amplitude the inertial lower coupling speeds and were higher prevented by angle-of-attack conditions. 3. without A modified control be flown system features significantly airspeeds. 32 was departures maximum departure-prevention still generated airplane airspeeds limiting flight moment to degrading angles of incorporating made roll attack the airplane performance. above the roll-rate limiting extremely departure However, angle-of-attack the and other resistant airplane limit at could very low 4. Although the airplane with the nominal center-of-gravity location could be made more departure resistant without sacrificing maneuverability, it appeared that center-of-gravity locations significantly farther aft would require more drastic roll-performance penalties that could compromise tactical effectiveness. 5. The simulated airplane could be flown into a deep-stall trim condition, from which recovery was not possible with the basic control system using the primary pilot controls. The roll-rate limiting control concept developed in this study could not prevent very low airspeed entries into the deep stall. 6. It was not possible to define reasonable control laws (short of limiting minimum airspeed) whichcould prevent departure and entry into the deep stall at very low airspeeds. Changes to the airframe to increase high-angle-of-attack 10ngitudinal stability and/or control would probably be necessary to eliminate these problems. 7. Reconfiguring the wing leading- and trailing-edge flaps and deploying the speed brakes generated a sufficient nose-down moment increment to recover the airplane from the deep-stall trim point, provided that the rotation rate _was very small. However, steady yaw rates as low as 15°/sec could negate the effectiveness of this recovery technique, particularly at the more aft center-ofgravity locations. 8. It was possible for the pilot to oscillate the airplane out of the deepstall trim point by applying maximumpitch-control inputs in phase with the airplane motions. The effectiveness of this technique was found to be a direct function of proper input timing by the pilot; with correct pilot action, this technique successfully recovered the airplane, even at the aft center-of-gravity locations investigated. Use of this procedure, however, required a modification to the control system to enable reestablishment of pilot control over the stabilators above the limit angle of attack. Langley Research Center National Aeronautics and Space Administration Hampton, VA 23665 September 20, 1979 33 APPENDIXA DESCRIPTIONOF CONTROLSYSTEM Longitudinal A block diagram of the longitudinal control system used in the .simulation is presented in figure 62. The implementation was a fly-by-wire, commandaugmentation system (CAS) whereby the pilot commandednormal acceleration through a minimum deflection, force-sensing side-stick controller. Washed-out pitch rate and filtered normal acceleration were fed back to give the desired response. A forward-loop integration was used in an attempt to make the steady-state acceleration response match the commandedacceleration. The!air plane had slightly negative static longitudinal stability at low Mach number; the desired static stability was provided artificially by the control system b_ means of angle-of-attack feedback. The longitudinal control system also incorporated an angle-of-attack limiting system which functioned by using an _ feedback to modify the pilotcommandednormal acceleration. The angle-of-attack feedback reduced the commanded normal-acceleration limit by 0.322g/deg between _ = 15 ° and 20.4 ° and by 1.322g/deg limit in manded above ig _ flight normal of : 20.4 acceleration modeled as a surface deflection is first-order limit Leading-edge according to the ° . The flap limit lag of was ±25 ° . in = 1.38 - sec, 9.05 63. with The a angle-of-attack positive stabilator rate with i+ an allowable limit angle of of com- actuator was 60°/sec. attack The and q/Ps 1.45 Ps modeled Maximum in maximum scheduled S+7.25 was 25°/sec. _ resulted The figure 0.0495 flap deflection was following relationship: actuator of feature 25 ° . shown 2S+7.25 61e f This approximately as flap a first-order deflection lag was of 0.136 sec, with a rate 25 ° . Lateral The ure lateral 64. The commanded vated oppose that 34 system roll stick. Above which any the control _ yaw-rate pilot has is incorporated rates uses system up to : 29 ° , an a yaw-rate buildup. no control a a shown block command 308°/sec automatic diagram feature through the given to this the drive mode, the the airplane whereby system roll-control roll-rate laterally. in fig- the pilot force-sensing departure-/spin-prevention feedback over the roll-rate maximum In by control is surfaces CAS is disengaged acti- to so APPENDIXA The roll-control system uses both aileron and differential-tail deflections at a ratio of 4° of @a per 1° of @d" The surface actuators were modeled as 0.0495-sec first-order lags, with rate limits of 60°/sec for the differential tail and 80°/sec for the ailerons. The surface deflection limits were ±5.38 ° and ±21.5 ° for the differential tail and ailerons, respectively. Directional A block diagram of the directional control system used in the simulation is presented in figure 65. The pilot rudder input was computed directly from pedal force and was limited to ±30° . Furthermore, this commandsignal was reduced to zero between 20° and 30° angle of attack in an attempt to prevent departures resulting from excessive pilot rudder usage at high angles of attack. ,Yaw stability augmentation consisted of feedbacks of r - p_ (mrstab) and ay. The stability-axis yaw damper provided increased lateral-directional damping in addition to reducing sideslip during high _ rolling maneuvers. The lateral acceleration feedback had little effect at the low-speed flight conditions of the present investigation. The directional control system also incorporated an aileron-rudder interconnect (ARI) for improved coordination and roll performance. At low speeds, the ARI gain was scheduled as a linear function of angle of attack with a slope of 0.075/deg. As in the roll axis, above _ = 29° , a departure-/spin-prevention mode is activated which drives the rudder at a gain of 0.75 deg/deg/sec to oppose any yaw-rate buildup. The rudder actuator was modeled as a 0.0495-sec first-order lag with a rate limit of 120°/sec. The total rudder travel was limited to ±30° . 35 APPENDIXB DESCRIPTIONOF EQUATIONSANDDATAEMPLOYED IN SIMULATION Equations of Motion The equations used to describe the motions of the airplanes were nonlinear, six-degree-of-freedom, rigid-body equations referenced to a body-fixed Axis system shown in figure 1 and are given as follows: Forces: : rv - qw - g sin 0 + q__S m Cx,t + m % : pw - ru + g cos 0 sin _ + qS _--Cy,t 6 : qu - pv + g cos G cos % + --_--Cz,t qS Moments: Iy - IZ qr + Ix IXZ IX (r + pq) + _ C Z IX D I z - IX Iy IX - where and the CZ, total are t quaternions to IZ pr + IXZ(r Iy Pq + IX----_Z(pIZ Iy aerodynamic defined allow 36 = tan V : Qu 2 -I + the continuity (uw-] v 2 _ p2) qr) + + coefficients in included _ 2 + w 2 next of ,t B qSc __ Iy Cm, qS__bb I Z Cn,t CX, t, - t + CZ, section. Euler attitude motions. Her Heq t, Cm, angles t, were Auxiliary Cy, t, computed equations Cn, t, by using APPENDIXB qu - pv + g cos an = -pw ay Q cos _ - g + ru - g cos = Q sin _ + g Aerodynamic The aerodynamic static and models of the Research data dynamic (force F-16 in Centers. tions of and -30 over the various both ° _ _ _ same of 30 ° . _ the simulation were wind-tunnel facilities at the NASA aerodynamics were input attack and over the The sideslip dynamic data Total were input coefficient contributions to a derived tests static range. aerodynamic in oscillation) wind-tunnel The angle used Data in given in force Ames tabular were or low-speed moment with and tabular ranges equations from conducted -20 ° form _ form used subscale Langley _ as _ for to sum coefficient func- 90 ° _ = 0° the as follows. For the X-axis force coefficient: CX(_,_,6 CX,t h) + ACx,lef( 1 25 / -jj (_)(i + _[CXq(_) + ,sb 6 le f_7 ACXq,lef where ACx,Ie For the Z-axis f : force CX,lef(_,_) - CX(d,_,@ h = 0 °) coefficient: / CZ, t : Cz(_,8,6h) + + _q[c Z (_) 2V [ q + ACz,lefkl + ACz,sb(_) \ 60/ hCZq , lef where ACz,lef : CZ,lef (_' _) - CZ(_' _'6h : 0°) 37 APPENDIXB For the pitching-moment coefficient: Cm,t : Cm(d,8,@h)_@h(@h)+ Cz,t(Xcg,ref - Xcg) + ACm,lef<l ( sq + ACm, sb (_) \-_--] + ACm(_) + [C __q mq + ACm,ds(_,@ (_) + ACmq , lef (_) ( 1 h) where ACm,le For the Y-axis Cy, f = Cm, force t = lef(_,8 ) - Cm(d,8,@ h = 0 °) coefficient: Cy(d,8 + ACy ) + ACy,lef(1 ,@a=20 + ACY,@r:30 + ICyp ° + ACy o (_) + 61ef-] 25 / (1 ,6a=20O,lef + -2V ACyp,lef Yr (_) (_) (1 61e_f)] ACy, f : Cy,lef(_,8) @a:20o : - CY,@a:20o(_ (a, 8) F Ic L 38 Cy(_,8) '@a=20°,lef - ,@r:30 - : cy ACy,@a=20O,lef ACy Cy(d,8) 8) o : CY,@r:30o (_, 8) Y,@a:20 ACYr,lef 2s ]P) where ACy,le + - o (_,B) - Cy (_,8) (_) (i 61ef_] 25 /J APPENDIXB For the yawing-moment coefficient: Cn, t = Cn(_,_,6h) + ACn,lef(l @lef) - Cy,t(Xcg,ref Xcg)b + IACn,6a=20o + ACn,@a=20O,lef( 1 r + ACn, @r=30 + I Cnp (_) o + + _ _ nr (_) ACnp,lef(_)(l + ACnr 61ef-_]p] ACn_(_)__ II (_) ,lef 1 + where ACn,le f = Cn,lef(d,_) = ACn, @a:20 - C n o Cn(_,_,@ (_,_) - h = 0 O) Cn(_,_,@ h : ACn,6a:2OO,lef Cn ,6a=20O,lef (_'_) - -[Cn,6a:20o(C_,[{)- ACn, For the 6r=300 = rolling-moment c = : 0 O) ,6a:20o Cn,lef(d,_) Cn(Ct,[_,6h Cn,6r=30o(_,_) - Cn(_,8,6 h = : 0°) -] 0 O) coefficient: c _,t + _(_,_,@h ) Ct,@a:20o + hCt,le + f ACt, 1 61ef 25 ) @a:20O,lef (1 25 + ACtr,le r + hCt,@r:30o. (@r) _ + E c tp ACtp,le (_) + + _b f (E c t r (_) (_) ( i 61ef_ _g _ P] f (_)(i + Ac t 8 (_)B 39 APPENDIX B where hCZ, le f : CZ,lef(d,_) AC_,@a:20o : - CZ(_,_,@ C_,@a:20o(_,_) ACl,@a=20O,lef = - The tions : aerodynamic are variables. The in table aerodynamic gravity location of 0.35_ gravity position in the o(_,8) The F-16 is to as moment and cated in figure The response ure 66(c). by inputs 66(a). was modeled Presented an table maximum thrust levels. Engine ing engine angular momentum (160 4O the slug-ft2/sec). in functions to : 0°)] preceding the coefficient indicated are referenced the desired equa- independent to a flight center-ofcenter-of- equations. Simulation afterburning computed a the of corrected throttle with in 0 °) CZ,lef(_,@) coefficients were was The - = -C_(d,_,@h contained III coefficient powered throttle h - cl( ,B,6h °°) Engine response 0 °) (_,@) C_,@r:30o coefficients presented : C_(_,8,@ CZ,6a=20O,lef -[CZ,6a:20 AC_,@r:30o h turbofan by command are at a lag thrust gyroscopic fixed jet the is which values effects value engine. shown varied for were of The mathematical gearing first-order VI using in as idle, kg-m2/sec indi- figure shown military, simulated 216.9 thrust model by 66(b). in figand represent- APPENDIXC SPECIAL EFFECTS Buffet Characteristics Aerodynamic buffeting of the airframe at high angles of attack was simulated by shaking the cockpit with a hydraulic mechanism. The buffet intensgty and frequency content were controlled by the computer, with the buffet amplitude varying with angle of attack, as shown in figure 67. Buffet onset occurred near _ = 15 ° , and the level of buffet increased fairly linearly thereafter with trolled to _ primary increasing represent structural angle the of relative modes of the attack. buffet Pilot blackout was cockpit by instruments factors. At the the in order scene maneuvers. it suit, the if when tion between time to to the 9g, to flew with the than of of simulation simulated 5g this the load used tunnel image a operation con- the three was cue, in high unrealistically normal The factor vision a acceleration level. 300 that sec an and blackout during the relative of will normal tend a direct logarithm interim the experience will 5g to acceleration, values at the load to normal pilot and tracking addition used the accelera- high delayed and algorithm to at steady high assumed normal scene spent for at of projected vision provided at values the time target tunnel representation below high of cumulative blackout extent logarithm the the of who greater returning of the blackout exposed blackout; at of pilot was of Blackout brightness simulate of content contributions sustained the dimming partially of under function simulation The recover a time, to anti-g grayout blackout same penalized acceleration. "grayout" decreasing as This inflatable and or simulated frequency airframe. Simulation tion The amplitude and of i0 to relathe sec to period. 41 REFERENCES 1. Impact of Active Oct. 1974. Control Technology on Airplane Design. AGARD-CP-157, 2. Gilbert, William P.; Nguyen, Luat T.; and Van Gunst, Roger W. : Simulator Study of the Effectiveness of an Automatic Control System Designed to Improve the High-Angle-of-Attack Characteristics of a Fighter Airplane. NASATN D-8176, 1976. ,q 3. Mechtly, E. Conversion 4. Ashworth, of 42 the A.: The Factors B. R.; Langley and International (Second Kahlbaum, Differential System of Revision). William Maneuvering Units NASA M., - SP-7012, Jr.: Simulator. Physical Constants and 1973. Description NASA and TN Performance D-7304, 1973. TABLE I.Weight, N (ib) MASSANDDIMENSIONALCHARACTERISTICS USEDIN SIMULATION ........................ 91 188 (20 500) Moments of inertia, kg-m2 (slug-ft2) IX ............................. Iy ............................. IZ ............................. IX z ............................... Wing dimensions: Span, m (ft) .......................... Area, m2 (ft 2) ....................... Mean aerodynamic chord, m (ft) Reference center-of-gravity : 12 875 (9496) 75 674 (55 814) 85 552 (63 I00) 1331 (982) 9.144 (30) 27.87 (300) 3.45 (11.32) ................. location ................. Surface deflection limits: Horizontal tail Symmetric (@h), deg ........................ Differential (6d), per surface, deg ................ Ailerons (flaperons), deg ...................... Rudder, deg ............................. Leading-edge flap, deg .................. Speed brake, deg .......................... 0.35_ . .... ±25 ±5.375 ±21.5 ±30 25 60 43 TABLEII.- Initial DEPARTURE-/SPIN-SUSCEPTIBILITY MANEUVERS condition Maneuver ig trim; _ = 10°; h = 9144 m ig trim; _ = i0°; h = 9144 m lg trim; _ = i0°; h = 9144 m Zilot 360 ° roll Maximum lateral 360 ° roll Maximum coordinated stick Response to cross controls and Maximum Inertia coupling Maximumg decelerating turn; h = 9144 m Maximumg decelerating turn; h = 9144 m Maximumg decelerating turn; h = 9144 m roll 170 360 ° roll 170 Ig = trim; h = _ 9144 9144 = 25o; m _ = 25o; 44 = 9144 to by and abrupt stick, abrupt full stick Maximum lateral stick Maximum coordinated stick and Maximum opposite stick and lateral pedal lateral pedal IAS 360 ° roll Maximum lateral 360 ° roll Maximum coordinated to cross and Maximum stick and Maximum lateral pedal opposite stick bank-to-bank Deep-stall climb; m cross at knots Response by stick lateral stick 70 ° stick lateral pedal lateral stick reversals Steep-aCtitude, h IAS controls m decelerating at controls lg trim; _ = 25o; h = 9144 m pedal IAS knots Response ig trim; _ = 25o; h = 9144 m h at knots 170 lg trim; aft followed 360 ° lateral followed Maximum aft stick opposite pedal, full ig trim; M = 0.6; h = 9144 m input entry Stick neutral forward or full TABLEIII.- AERODYNAMIC DATAUSEDIN SIMULATION CX(<_,_,@ h = -25°) R[TA -25.0 ALPHA -PO.O -.1R680 -]_.0 -10,0 0.0 +5.0 ,fo.n *}5,0 *PO.O ,30.0 +35.0 .!o7_0 *_0,0 .I_630 .1_060 ,45•0 *KO,O .t4710 *_5.0 .l_56n *_0,0 .i_o6n .Y_nin $70.0 .I_010 *RO,O .i_9_n *qO.O .1_600 t_ - 6.n +15.n - 6,0 *_0,0 -.15690 -.1R960 -.IPI60 -.191_0 -.18A30 -.187_O -.lP_O -.18480 -,18410 -•16930 -.16980 -.14150 -.13720 -.i1150 -,t0_0 -.06610 -.06490 -,00700 -.00800 .05030 -.18r',_O -.17n_0 -.17_I0 -.14_00 -,1P_oO -.11_0 -ilO_O -.06_0 -.06_10 -,007_0 -.01070 .0_0 -.18600 -.18380 -.18530 -.18170 -.17350 -.16950 -,1_250 -,t_580 -.11240 -.10tS0 -.06750 -.05960 -•00900 -.01050 ,08880 ,OlPiO ,IIPIO ,10750 ,O@PSO ,070PO ,IilAo ,I0410 _05530 ,0_380 i03960---,0-3660 ,09410 ,09480 .07030 ,07130 ,11290 .11230 .10760 .lOqflO .13330 .13230 .14250 .14600 .15850 .15670 .16710 .15730 .17120 .17300 .17690 .17610 .16620 .16880 .15950 °16860 .15210 .15720 .16600 .1_770 .13000 ,16220 ,1_430 ,15700 .12560 .16820 .13430 ,16390 ,15_10. .t6230 ,11950 .17260 .14300 .16740 .1-53g0 •16440 .1_570 .17_90 .13_70 .17100 °1_620.17150 .15670 .16560 .16350 °17620 .16680 .17190 ._1860 .17380 .15570 ,15850 o16100 .16670 .11930 .15660 .1_670 .16690 .156.9_L_ -,1RPTO -.1R6RO -,r171RO -.17110 -.13170 -,14P_O -,I0430 -,111_0 -°06n30 -.14100 -, I0C)30 --,11100 -.06400 -.06_00 -.OOqqO -.01 n_,O -. 06F,40 -,01010 -. n 0_,._ 0 ..03qRO , e_330 .07B60 .09750 .11_40 .ll_PO ,10i00 ,03_PO .05360 .07460 .093q0 '. n4OPO .05;_70 .07450 ,09130 ,!IOPO ,IIP50 .09750 .]0670 .I1360 , I07110 .1t010 .111q0 .14q10 .11370 .16_.70 .14_70 •17110 • 16030 • 164g0 .15_#+0 .171_.0 °16150 .17430 .15(_90 .17_80 .15960 ,1710n .16150 .15730 .16510 .167_0 • 14070,11 qRO .16640 °13500 .16QQO .16050 ,t37q0 ,127@0 .16ml70 .. .14410 .16550 ,16040 .16KO0 .I_460 . "167_0 .16710 .17PRO • 15680 • 16_60 .1.74_0 .16_10 °16770 .16670 .17300 ,15690 .171_0 .15590 .15630 .15P50 .17.';160 ,16PO0 ,173n0 .15_00 ,15R60 .16080 .166_0 .'166R0 .16_60 .t3500 .16020 .¢_600 .15740 .16110 .16370 .1_970 .171_0 17250 .17780 .17240 .16640 .1721_ .15730 .17200 .15210 .15580 .1676n °17110 .-.06P60 -,01080 -.0];30 .0q15o - 8,0 *10.0 -,179_0 -.')8760 -.t6qPO -. 17;_90 -.1_760 -.nn7qo L_nl_no .11110 ;10,0 + R,O .._ Rqc)O -,'19000 -. !_750 -.lq_ln ..1787n -.tlSln -.143P0 -.OqO?O -.113_0 -.0_160 .o_560 .nq3?o .07400 .09510 -15.0 * 6.0 -,19o40 -, 19ftPO -.1RqgO -.17_bO -. lRO_qO -.16_70 -.17690 -.1P'_PO -, 16_S0 -oOq_50 -.1 l;_90 -.05_70 -.17160 -?0:. 0 * 4.0 -.17060 -.1_90n -.13970 -.11200 -.110P0 -.06530 -.06500 -.00760 -.00830 0_770 .OqO_O-. 0R670 0R670 ._i_o - ,l_?mO .13_0 .16nlo ,t4_aO .16_40 ,15_00 .16_0 .15_0 .176_0 .17PPO ,17n40 .-,16710 .... .1TRIO .14740 .15q_O .141nO .16R_O °.15_10 - 2,0 *25,0 ,30,0 -.18600 -.17870 -.17710 -.18770 -.1_900-,17390-.17720 -.16300 -,t-53_0 -.1#370 -.12t_0 -,11330 -.11300 --_00570 -.0_790 -.06900 -.0_580 -.05050 -°01160 -.011_0 -.00850 .... -14i_J6LiO -..... ......... ,069T0 -.t0660 .... .1t370 ,129g0 ..... ,l_'lO. .13620 ,16420 ..... _._600.i_450 .15380 .16P-._O- - TABLE III.- Continued c @,B,6h: -10o) BETA 0•0 * ALPHA -PO.O -{S•O ;io,o ..]OlAO -.1147_ -.OA9_O -.04830 0•0 5°0 -.01IRO -.017_0 oO:6fiO e97-_0 .._gaTo *PO•O .1_0 _p_'.O .1_740 .14070 _30•0 •lo_o _0•0 .179A0 *4S•O *,o,o -.[_710 *_5.0 .14RAO *60'0 _70,0 ........ _s_n .T_7_o +RO,O *QO.O .lP110 .1_870 .... .17470 • + 4.0 -.13_10 -•17460 -•17450 -.14190 -•1P470 -•1P350 -•t1_70 -,10660 -•1o950 -•07060 -•08PSO -•0_090 -,061t0 -•01060 -•01780 •O_P80 ,03q90 -•_o_o •08000 .,t0_]0 •17750 •1_?0 •t4740 .14i80 •IP_tO •08a70 .I0970 ,17580 ,13380 ,14660 •144_0 •lP_70 •16400. •11_40 •17_30 ,14170 ,18100 ,14R60 .,1.6_0 •14100 •107g0 .179K0 • P.O •15490 .13670 ,14_30 .13_nO o13_60 .11740 • 130! 0 .116.10 .llq_O ,1_410 -•1OR60 -•07_60 -•OAT_O -o.O_3PO -,060_0 -,OOq60 -•01670 •03670 •1_4_O•lPqqO •18040 °13650 ,17710 •1_170 ,16530,14_0 •15470 ,l?SlO ,13610 .13_0 °13200 ,11850 o1_630 °11360 .119_0 .1_140 * 6•0 -•i3_6o -•1_?0 -•1POLO -•llRPO -,10710 -•10770 -.07710 -•05440 -,0_950 -•OlOPO -.o1_60 •039_0 •041_0 •o9340 ,I01_0 • 1 ?4qO • 1 _430 .14K40 .14A70 •14370 ,13770 ,t7870 °17100 .!5_oo .1A_O0 .14860 ._5600 ,13_60 .13700 ._15_0 .13870 .11080 ,_27n0 .1_50 ._]o * RoO +lO•O -.1_740 -.17570 -.11760 -.ltTAO -.10610 -o10630 -.00360 -.13_00 -,128?0 -,11760 -,11840 -,10680 -,10_0 -,08640 -eOp4?o -.0_780 -,081PO -,05890 -_0_770 -.0t470 -.0t410 .041PO ,04140 .0q830 .t0080 .13260 .1_100 .146_0 .14470 ,ISO00 ,16t50 .1_230 .174_0 .15970 ,170_0 .16080 ._A970 .I_610 .1_38N .14670 .14050 -,056t0 -,0t480 -,01330 .04170 ,04120 ,10060 ..,0(;t830--. .13470 ,tSORO ,14860 °14390 ,161_0 ,15030 ,15810 ,16750 ,16220 ,16590 ,16130 .15&9.0 .15700 ,15440 ,14720 ,14310 ,1_850 .13230 .11610 'I_81.0 ,12890 ,13100 .i1870 .12680 e11580 .19040 .1_650 _1_0_o ,I1480 ,I1770 ,12560 ,lzsTo - 6•_ *ls,n -,l?_RO -.12_aO - 4,0 .,_0,0 .... 2,,0 • 2_,0 -,12490 -•13270 -,12P?O -.17590 -,t1_00 -,11770 --,1Pt_0-,12_30 -,10_=0 -,10830 -,107_0 -,10760 -,OA_O -,08870 -,07_70 -,07220 -,O_OVO -,06060 -,OF_=_O -,0_i50 -.Ol:_O -.01610 -,00_0 -,00870 ,04naO .0¢130 ,03QOO .03670 • 10_0 ,10340 ,0_40 ...... ,08870 • 13_O0 ,13490 • 12=t0 ,12300 • t4_KO ,14530 • 14_aO .14400 •,lkKK0 .t6600 _t_=O0-.t3900 ,17==0 ,t7890 ,t_=00 ,14510 ,I7=KO ,17620 • t51_0 ,14270 ,t5o70 .16710 ,_4a.10 ol&780• 15_a0 ,15110 • 14_0 ,14050 ,14_0 ,14650 ,13nn0 ,12150 ,13_60 ,11790 • 13760 .13510 ,13800 ,13120 ,I_I_0 • ]14_0 ,lla_0 ,12_70 .1_I_0 ,12920 .I1940 ,11550 ,12360 ,12060 +30•0 -,12700 -.11840 -.17530---,1_240 -.10940 -.10740 -,10260 -,08890 -,06820 -•06310 -,06130 -.04g?O.--.o_r,,s/_O-. -,01770 -,01060 -,OIP70 ,04060 ,03_80 ,0_680 •10330 -. ,08000.. ._7350-.13250 .I_470 ,i1940 .14_90 .14480 ,13480 ,16630 .,1_5¢0--,t-t_0 .18010 • 13060 ,17270 ,17980 .14740 .13970 ,16670 _.14_70.1_820--. .15150 .13930 .13290 ,14620 ,13310 ,13390 ,13720 ,13850. ,13#10. °13530 ,1281_ .11770 ,11800 .12480 .12330 ,12780 .12200 ,12790 0o8_0" 00_80" OBg60" OLEUI 0£90I • • O?LUi• 0£6_I" OIS[I • OL_UI' 09[ul' Oi_i OgSlI • • O0_LO" 0I_o0"OB_O •- 0_0 •- 019_0 •- O0_bO'" 0•0_* OILLO* 08S80 01980 • • OLoLO* 0_80" 09teO* 0_80" OZgUO ° U_80* OL[UO" 0_0" OSe£O" 08080" 06SbO • ObSO[ • OS9ZO" 09t80 • OBS60* OLSO[" O_LO ° O_uSO* , OZb_O* OUst[• 060L O° OEbLO • 0_60" 08160" UOUUO• OlbLO" U_b60 • O[S_O" 09_OO" O_LLU • O_[Ot" OVbLU • 006U[ OOZ[I 0_60I" 09_I[" Oo_O[ Oiu[I" 06U_I" O[_II" Ub_L[" U6OLL" Ob_[L" O090t" O[_[l" OEBIL O_2[t• OLS2I OBSlI" 09L£I 0822I 02SSI" 09[[[ 0[[9l• 06£2l" O0_SI • • • • • • • • Oi_(i • 022[1 • OOO_I • 0_0 O_LOI 06SEO • 09IOI'- 098L0" • • 06190" OLb_O" O00OO'O OILO0"" 099_0"" OSO_O •. 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O0_'OOL&£'O0_tgo. 0099_ "o C_)dZO VNdgV p_pnIouoD 0"06¢ 0"08¢ O'OL* 0"09¢ O'S_¢ O'OS÷ 0"S#¢ 0"0_¢ -" III Z_I_I_f ,_, 0"9£¢ 0"0£_ 0"_ 0"0_÷ 0°_(* 0"01¢ 0"_ 0"0 0o_ O'Oi" 0"_(0"0_" VNdTV TABLE IV.- AND LEVELS OF ROLL-RESPONSE CROSS-AXES COUPLING ROLL-RATE LIMITING DEGRADATION FOR VARIOUS TECHNIQUES Initial Scheduling Cross-axes roll-response parameter coupling degradation Low High Moderate 6h TABLE Low V.- COMPARISON FULL 92 Moderate LATERAL Control a, max system deg ' High OF ROLL STICK RESPONSE TO INPUT At_:90o At@:180o A -21.5 2.6 3.8 B -16.1 3 4.3 C -21.5 2.6 3.9 TABLE VI.- THRUST vALUES (a) ThruSt SI uSED IN sIMULATION units values at an altitude, m, of - 15 12 9 6 m 3 240 192 144 096 048 0 Tidle 0.2 2 824 267 .4 .6 -4 537 .8 -12 010 -16 013 1 890 iii -3 158 -8 -6 451 227 3i -l 069 535 334 -5 782 -2 647 i. 0 43 i -i 492 358 557 099 -i 521 5 916 5 4 2 026 048 669 -890 7 562 6 6 4 783 049 893 3 Tmil i14 0.2 .4 56 56 401 089 40 41 699 420 28 29 080 401 .6 56 223 43 764 31 536 8 55 ill 45 43 34 35 472 806 • 51 263 804 17 970 19 082 663 728 133 20 27 23 i0 987 12 II 632 565 14 456 16 902 6 227 6 939 7 384 8 585 i0 275 l 953 1.0 Tmax 0.2 834 993 iI 565 32 573 19 727 12 610 95 276 69 74 49 54 929 488 36 41 269 300 22 25 240 354 14 17 300 570 .4 i00 970 84 112 61 204 49 440 30 51B 22 494 .6 107 820 9B 742 71 057 977 38 440 .8 115 128 959 485 81 398 103 723 59 1.0 (b) U.S- • __y m customary values at Uni%S an altitude, ft, of - oooo 0 1 130 910 600 I 1 1 i loo 360 -200 ' 12 0.2 2 00 680 9 150 1 560 610 9 312 i 660 3 950 _o \ \ \ \ ¥ \ \ \ \ \ w × Z Figure i.- Body system of axes. T L 5.Ol 15.09 Figure 2.- Three-view sketch of airplane configuration. All dimensions given in meters. 95 <o O_ Figure 3.- General arrangement simulator of Langley (DMS) differential facility. maneuvering ................................................. Figure 4.- View of cockpit and visual L-73d6831 display within one sphere of DMS. 97 GO Figure 5.- View of side-stick installation in simulator cockpit. M an, g units deg deg _too -200 L_l 2001 \ \ lO0 0 deg -100 I \\ -200 !=_,__ 1SO00 h, 10000 ---_ __fl I _ /' .... =--_= .... i O0 5 I0 15 20 25 30 35 _0 _5 50 55 Time, Figure 6.- Time histories of target 60 65 70 75 80 85 80 95 itl_8. sec motions in wind-up turn task. 99 .3 .6 M .3 0 q 2 g / 0 _0 2O deg 0 i00 L _ --_-_ _-_ b--- _ -_- ._._ _ ___ _ ._---- _ _ _ .__/ -lO0 lO0 (o, f / 0 k deg _ Ioo i00 f _' 7 f _._ 0 aeg _ loo i0000 h, sooo m o o S 10 1S 2S 20 30 35 u_o Time, Figure i00 7.- Time histories of target motions qS SO 55 60 65 sec in bank-to-bank task. 70 Id deg -9 -_-000 0 m histor-'es_ L % Figure \\ L \ '\ 8.- Time of target motions in ACM task. 2.0 1.6 1.2 CL .8 .4 I i 5 I0 l 15 I 20 _, Figure 9.- Untrimmed lift configuration. 102 l I i 25 30 35 deg characteristics _ : of 0 °. simulated ! 40 6h 0 0° [] +25 ° <_ -25° .4 C m -.6 i i 0 i 6 20 i l 40 i 60 ! 80 c_, deg Figure i0.- Variation of deflections. pitching moment Center of with gravity _ for at various stabilator 0.35_. 103 24 .20 .16 .12 , O8 .04 m 0 -.04 -. 08 (S h h [_]_6 -.12 _-.16 -.20 _.24 -.28 -30 I _25 Figure I j ! 420 -15 -lO ii.- Variation various 104 i -5 of stabilator 0 B pitching I I I I I I 5 lO 15 20 25 30 moment deflections. with _ : sideslip 25 °" for +25° +I0° .016 .012 .008 Cn{3' CIB' CnB,dyn per .004 J deg 0 -. 004 - .008 -.012 -.016 _ 0 I I0 5 15 20 25 30 35 40 c_, deg Figure of edge 12.basic flap Variation configuration deflections. of lateral-directional with angle of 6h = attack stability characteristics for scheduled leading- 0°" 105 .06 .05 .04 (_ = -- 0 .03 _C n 6_ = _5° -.02 •06 - .o_ aa = -20° 004 ACl .03 .02 .Ol 0 5 lO 15 20 25 30 35 _, Figure 13.- Variation with 106 of of attack. 45 50 deg lateral-directional angle 40 control _ : 0 °. derivatives 55 60 .020 Augmented .016 .012 LCDP, per •008 - degree Normal response •0040 1 _-_Reve.rsed response Basic -.004 -. 008 0 5 l0 15 20 25 30 35 40 c_, deg Figure 14.with Variation angle of of lateral attack control for simulated divergence parameter (LCDP) configuration. 107 1.5 SAS on SAS off 1.0 i ti12 sec-I .5 0 I I I I I I 5 I0 15 20 25 30 a, deg 5 4 P 3 11 sec 2 I 0 I I I I I 5 i0 15 20 25 I 30 a, deg (a) Figure with (30 108 15.- Variation angle 000 ft); of attack velocity of Dutch roll airplane for for dynamic airplane ig; mode. level lateral-directional with and flight. without SAS. stability h : 9144 m 6 SAS on SAS off 4 1 2 10 5 0 15 20 25 30 a, dog (b) Roll mode. .41 t1/2 () .3.2 - .1 - sec -1 I 0 5 I0 15 el,deg (c) Figure Spiral 15.- 20 25 30 mode. Concluded. 109 P V (a) _ = o°. (b) _ X V Figure 16.- Illustration angle ii0 of of attack : 90 °. kinematic and coupling sideslip. between P P stab (a) _i Pitching moment created by roll and yaw rates. x. (b) Figure Yawing 17.- moment created illustration of by roll and inertia-coupling pitch rates. phenomena. iii _0 EZ, 20 deg o 10 13, 0 _eg - 1o /% _,_\] ,_. v J d 80 A _o P' deg/sec C o A M/ -q@ -[30 qO r, deg/sec /" 0 _-x \ / ,f -_-o qO q' deg/sec 0 -_o 100 O deg -10o _00 200 Pcom, deg/sec 0 ( -200 -LIO0 i00 Flat' N o -I00 0 Figure S 18.- 10 Time 15 20 histories Control 112 25 30 35 of system _0 ig A; u,5 50 55 Time, sec stall ho to = 60 65 limit 9144 70 angle m. 75 of 80 85 attack. 9O 95 .6 _, i000 deg -loo _, t°° ° deg 6a -too_ ' 300 deg -30 5d, i° o deg - 10 6r, deg 300 -30 6h, 200 deg -20 g units Yped, _00 .° N -_oo 0 5 10 15 20 25 Figure 30 35 18.- q0 q5 50 Time, 55 sec 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Concluded. 113 \ \ \ \\ \ \ _0 Q:, f 2O deg 0 3O 2O \ 10 /_'J deg /f \ 0 ,.j _\ /'_ _/ -]0 120 / 8o i p, j_.. _0 deg/sec / @ /\ / \/ \ 80 40 r_ deg/sec 0 . r- _L_._ -40 q_ deg/sec 200 tO0 / / _/ 0 deg / /--- -100 / / // / / g -200 qO0 Pcom, deg/sec 200 o / / '°°o I 0 2 / L_ 6 8 10 12 1u, Time, Figure 19.- Response Control 114 to full system 18 18 cross-control A; ho 20 22 2q 28 28 sec : input 9144 m. at d : 25 ° . an, g units o .6 M .3 I 0 ioo Ol w, deg _1oo loo o Op deg J -tO0 i 6a, deg :\ -3o: lO 6d, o deg f Y -10 30 6r, 0 deg 1 \/ -30 \ I/ "\ u,o 2o 5h, \.___ / o deg / -20 gcom g units • ': L II o I/ o Fped, N IL _u,oo -800 0 2 6 Figure 8 10 19.- 12 1_ Time, 16 18 sec 20 22 2_ 26 28 Continued. ll5 t_0 Cl, i @ _--- i deg/sec2 __ V7 J---A t B@ /\ 40 Cticl, .... _j deg/sec 2 -_@ 40 qa, 0 deg/sec 2-4o 80 4O i', 0 deg/sec2 iFf "_ 4o 40 i.icl, o deg/sec 2 -40 I -80 q@ 0 /'a, deg/sec2-_o f_ --- --I 40 w' m/sec 0 F\ 2 -4@ VCacl_ rfl/SeC 2 0 .I,/ \ _' 4O --,_Wac° ' 0 ---_ _ _ / -- _" _- / -80 Wa, m/sec_ o[_[5._I I ___J qol0 I 2i I qI I 6I I 8I I 1 I I I I LJ I I I I I I I I I I I TT59-TTI I 24 I I 28I I 2B I 10 12 14 18 18 20 22 Time, Figure 116 19.- sec Concluded. 20 deg 0 2°!_ 10 / i\ / z /-",._,.._ - deg 0-- I -10 r \., qO p, 0 deg/sec \ -8[ -12_ qO r, 0 deg'/sec. -_to qo q' 0 I -_o deg/sec 2o01 lO0 I I ],/ / deg -iO0 i -200 ] qO0 200 Pcom, _ II l 0 J deg/see -200 I i -qOO / , I00 Flat, N -100 i ' o V; , 0 2 q 6 8 10 12 1u, 18 Time, Figure 20.- turn h o at = 9144 Response limit to angle cross of attack. 18 /' 20 22 / 2q 26 I 28 30 32. _u, sec controls applied Control in system accelerated A; m. 117 an, / g units I ,9 M .6 .3 0 o _' -tO0 deg -2oo O) _J deg -tOO 30 5a' deg 0 /\r f -30 1O. 5d' 0 deg - 1o 1t \j 30. 0 6r' deg /,_z" \/ =so x Li0 2O 5h' deg f 0 / /.,. -20 lO 8 gcom, g units o. J I</I' 1 0 FP ed' N -_oo -800 0 2 6 8 10 t2 I_ 16 18 Time, Figure 118 20.- 2D sec Continued. 22 2q 26 28 30 32 3q deg/sec2 -_0 /ticl, _o deg/sec' ^11 t ! ! o /: /-" I i \ / "-" --''t -_S. F_ q&' 0 j \, --J %. \ deg/sec__L_O "- ..- _ , J deg/seC _u_O ricl' 0 deg/sec2k_o _ _"- f J "-_ F m/sec2-__o /- -_ Li° Wacl, mlsec 2 / 0 " \, // / \ \, _J _'---J' \_j_ -L}O Wae2, m/see o. -,. O. ' ' ' m/sec2 . " % - 2 -qO. o: 2 £-J-4-_1 Lt 6 8 10 12 l_ tb t_ Time, Figure 20.- 20 22 2 see Concluded. 119 Nose-up inertialcoupling moment Available nose- down control moment 70 60 q2 = 3556 Nlm 2 50 40 Pitchingmoment magnitude, 30 kN-m ql = 1778N/m 2 20 ,o 0 20 ! I I i ' I I I , 40 Pl •m i I , I 60 I)2 80 ,1_ I I 100 Pstab, degI sec Figure roll of 120 21.rate dynamic Comparison with of inertial-coupling available pressure. pitch _ = 25 ° . control moment moment for at two increasing values 6O qO _p deg 20-- Rn, 3O 20 ,\ /, /\ 10 oFU4+-¢1_,, ,-444-¢K_ g units / 0 deg 2 / o -10 1oo[< -20 -30 deg -1oo 120 80 F f _0 deg/sec \ / P* 0 -80 40 _ 0 deg/sec 0 _- deg -too - 6a' deg 0 -30 k) -YO r' @, -qo K -f t _ / \/ _ _ / -I _°1 I 2_ qO q' 0 deg/sec -40deg -ao 200 tO0 / o / deg ,,'- \ -tO0 I -200 / \/" _ / 6 h, 1"/ deg ,/ _ d I _- O_2o r f "_ qoo Peom, 200 ]Ylat, N } 0 deg/sec o '°°o//tt_ Figure 0 2 q 22.from / 6 A ig 8 10 Time, 360 ° flight [ 16 12 lq sec roll at 18 attempt _ = '_,_.'°°o[I I UO 0 N using 25 ° . full Control 2 lateral system q 1/ 6 8 stick A; ho 10 Time, input = 9144 14 12 lq see 16 18 uO applied m. 121 qo el, o \ f \i ,J--.. deg/sec_-qo 8O _licl, deg/sec 40 _ - 0 / -qo qO qa, 0 deg/sect_4 o IX_ F__ 4o i"/k ] o deg/_-_c'_40 qO i'iel, 0 a._,_,._lw _c t -40 _. _f "" " rio ra, 0 @' o s_'" \ /\ it -_-- ..,i \, \s m/see* -40 J _/ qO wa_o, o _.__-_ I/"_ '- *" m/sec2-q °of 0 2 q 6 _\ _ 8 10 Time, Figure 122 22.- /\__ I \/ 12 see Concluded. lq 16 18 20 'i'll 11 l 60 C[, I qO I deg ' 2 I I 4 I 30 /li/ I 20 10 B, deg o -10 -20 titt" III'f l, I /I / I \ -30 120 80 ' t tt0 I i I I P, I I 0 deg/sec ,Y -tJ0 -80 I -120 8O 1_' L[I lillT_ 1", deg/sec 0 -40 8O q, qO deg/sec ,I, t_ +t_', , , , 0 -q0 2001 $, i0_ 1 ll! _ deg -loo -200 Pcom, deg/sec 200 0 -200 I I I -+ ! I 1/ I _,_,, 1°o _l ,[ IL rI N -1o_ I I' I -1 0 2 q 6 8 10 12' lq 16 Time, Figure , I 23.- A stick input limit 2. 360 ° applied Control roll system an 20 22 2q 1I 26 28 30 sec attempt in /1![I 18 using full accelerated A; h o lateral turn = 9144 at m. 123 / an, 2 g units 0 ,9 M ,3 0 ¸ 0 W, deg -lO0 x _J I _oo 100 _' deg 0 -----i00 3O 5a' deg 0 \ -3o IO 6d' 0 deg -_o \ 3o r_ 5r' o "_- /_ dog I_ \ / ILl _0 deg o --_..._,_ - / \ -20 10 / gcom, 5 g units O. J /- -5 F,ped, N L_O_ O. 2 L_ 6 8 10 12 tLt Time, Figure 124 23.- 16 18 .sec Concluded. 20. 22 2LI 28 28 30 EtO j-- --,_ .... 2O deg 0 20 ]0 0 deg -10 \ -20 120 80. qO. p) ./ O. deg/sec -qO -80 -120 8O f 1_ , /"-" qO / /_ 0 deg/sec \ / q) _o \ \_ \ / / / _-,. / / \ \ / / // "-. \ \ / / f / \ /- \\, Illlllllillillllllilllllll llilllIllllll III deg/sec ¢' deg tO0 0 / _-_ "" X -10o t: .j /--..., _\ X -,i / / "/ \, t I" / / _. \\ \/ \ / , ---* '--'--' EtO0 200 Pcom, deg/sec o \ -200 . 1 t \ -EtO0. Flat, N ,o:, j] .... -100 0 2 ....... LI 6 8 10 12 -t let 16 18 20 22 2Et Time, Figure 24.- Bank-to-bank inputs applied system A; reversals from h o : 9144 ig flight i 26 28 32 3q 36 Et2 EtEt Et6 sec using at 30. _ maximum : 25 ° . lateral stick Control m. 125 an, g units 0 .6 M ,3 0 100 fl -.. f _. f 0 deg -100 i00 0 deg p -I00 3O (-- -- ____ 6a, Lf deg L____J -30 10 6d, deg o / \_j / \ \ / \/ / "\ 10 30 6r, 0 deg -30 / / 1 \I\_ N0 6h, deg 2O // 0 / _f \/ -20 \ / / t / / / ,: / J / - / I / \ J vi/ V 10 gcom, g units Fped ' N 5 0 _00 00 2 Li 6 8. 10 12 1F! 16 18 20 22 24 Time, Figure 126 24.- 26 sec Continued. 28 30 32 3u_ 36 38 L_0_ u_2 u,u, _6 '°[L _ ', /-. '4' ,__ deg/sec2 __o I I" V \] ,4 +o _iei., _°_ -,, ,,_ /\ "' / / \ /\ G ) \ -q0 \ /'., //\ ,-, t-'\j i-, o /- /-_- x,--,,., deg/sec2_tio v,/ I I I I h ,,.. ,.... / _/ i% \\_/ +,. Oo t m/see '::'-_t O. 2 14 6 8 10 12 lq 16 18 20 22 Time, Figure 24.- 26I 2. llllTllVI 28 30 32 3q 36 x_ 38 - qO q2 qq q6 .sec Concluded. 127 Roll-control limited Pitch-out limited 200 '""--'-'_ 180 \ 160 - Maximum roll rate t deg I sec 140 - \ \ \ 120 - ,. 100 - SM =0.02 80 _'_t_, 60 _m =-0. 04 II 40 SM =-0. I0 20 0 I I I I i .5 I0 1.5 20 2.5 a, deg Figure 25.- various 360 ° 128 Variation levels roll; h o of of = maximum static 9144 m. margin, roll rate ig with flight; _ for +<b+ -- ( Pcom) max I 8h ,c l E,] Figure 50 UD 26.- Roll-rate limiting scheme used in control system B. 320 Control system A 280 240 200 ( Pcom ) max, 160 Control system B; 5h : trim Control system B; 5h : +25° deg/ sec 120 8O 4O I 0 Figure 27.- 5 I 10 15 a, deg Variation with 130 I I I 20 25 of maximum _ for ig commandable trim. roll rate 0.67 s+ 0.67 Ipl (toa Z_ap limiter) 38.4 Figure 28.- Pitch-axis modification used in control system B. Aap, deg 2 I I 0 I0 20 30 40 50 60 I p I, deg/ sec Figure 29.Variation magnitude for of A_p control with system roll-rate B. 131 21111111_1 ol I I I Iq-I an, g units I I I I I I I I I I $ .6 M o _J" qO deg 2O deg io0 Ol _ k_ _J--_ _lOOi o too I0 O, 0 deg 0 ---"--. _tOO -Io 3O 6a, 8O p_ f_ _0 deg/sec / 0 --/" \ deg 0 -3o \ /_ \ 11 ____ 10 0 A,,.5d' r_ "ee' deg/sec _0 q' deg/sec .--,---- 30 f 0 6r" deg -Lm 200 0 -30 \ i,-_I"I- qo A 1O0 _' deg \ - 10 /// 0 // / -loo 20 0 6h, deg / _ / \ / " -20 / -200 10 Pcom, deg/sec N 2001 gcom, g units I ol I/I I I I I_ 0 1 q 2 6 8 Time, Figure 30.- A lateral 132 360 ° roll stick I0 12 lq Fped, N 16 s o _00 ° 0 2 _ sec initiated input. 6 8 Time, from Control lg trim system at _ B; ho : 25 ° : 9144 using m. io t2 sec maximum {_ t6 deg/sec2-_o /lid, deg/sec2 deg/sec' I 40 -40 -40 40 ÷a, deg/sec: o -40 40 w, m/sec2 0 -40 4O wacl, m/sec2 Wac2, m/sec m/see2 J o -4o 1 __J o 2 -qO -400 2 4 6 8 Time, Figure 30.- IO 12 14 16 sec Concluded. 133 _o f 2o deg / / o ,/ / lO o deg -10 120 8O / / qO P, deg/sec \ \ \ o -_0 -8o -120 r, ,_._L 0 deg/sec / ""_ -qo qo q_ deg/sec 200 loo / ¢, / deg 0 / \ , / --- -- - 1O0 -200 /i 200 Pcom, --'-_ 0 deg/sec-20o / -_ [ / \/v too 0 Flat' N- oo \/ o Figure 31.- turn input. 134 at '4 2 A 6 360 ° limit Control 8 roll d 10 initiated using system lq :1.8 18 sec 12 Time, full B; ho from lateral : 9144 20 22 2q accelerated stick m. an, g units M I o t ---- _ ] .3 O- [ _JJ_ deg loo deg _ioo deg -3o 6 d, 0 deg - 1o 5r' 6h, 20 -, _ -/ j-_-_ [ \ JF_- _-/ o - I -2o - g units -J _o_ l 0 ""_ -3o gcom, t " deg deg _ 1 / / / I lO / 50 '_o_' _°o°°I N 2 / [ ill '4 6 1 8 10. 12 Time, Figure 31.- 1_4 16 18 20 t 22 2'4 .sec Continued. 135 qo 4, I @ deg/sec2 qO 8O _ticl, _o deg/sec' @j qO qa, 0 deg/sec2_4 0 :'40 r, 0 _ffl deg/seC -qo qO ricl, J o _/ 2 ueg/sec _L_O qO ra, 0 deg/sec2u 0 k qO W, /\ 0 ITI/SeC 2 -qO Wac 1 , m/sec 2 _, 140 \. 0 qO Wac2' m/see2 0 -qO Wa_, 0 2 14 6 8 10 12 Time, Figure 136 31.- lq see Concluded. 18 18 20 11 22 2q 4O (_, 2O deg o i 10 /S, 0 1 -Io aeg 8O '40 P' deg/sec /\ / 0 / -40 / xJ -80 '4O r, i- / 0 _\ / "\_ / ..-4 \ /_\ \ ..-4\ , \ / \ / / \ 1 \ \ f_ / x_+ _LiO deg/sec '40 0 q' _u,O deg/sec _oo I ¢' 0 deg I I 1 \ "\ / \ / / / t \ / \ i/ _ioo '4OO 2OO 0 Pcom, deg/sec ' < \\ i -200 _f / i \_ \ J \..._ / J _ \ i / -qO0 Flat, N '°°- , o ) -ioo 0 2 4 6 S 10 12 -1'4 C-16 18 20 Time, Figure 32.initiated ho = 9144 Bank-to-bank reversals from ig trim at d : using 25 ° . l-22 2'4 t / __F_ 26 28 30 L__J 32 3 u, 36 38 '40, sec full lateral Control system stick B; inputs m. 137 an, ____ g units _._+-_+....__f _j_f-_j .6 M .3 1o0 o deg -i0o ioo O_ (9, deg _ ioo 3o 6a' 0 \ \ deg \._J -3o I0 6d' deg 0 -lOi \_ 30 6r' t/ 0 deg -3o _ _ \ i j J _o 6h f_ ' 20 deg / / \ \ o /i\ \ / J .-\ k/ K/ / " /'\I J / \/ \ / j -20 1o gcom, 5 g units o Fped N ' _o_[ 0 2 q 8 8 i0 12 lq 18 18 _0 Time, Figure 138 32.- Continued. 22 sec 2q 28 28 30 32 3q 38 38 qo 6EI "p_pnI_uoD -'Z[ _an6T£ I I o_ _ __ 0_- :oa@/ui _'_--/-- O_ 1 0t7- _ODll/lll 0 'Ill f / -_ f" _J 0tl o f , IaT_ 0t7 t¸ JJ- rJ _J iOh ,m \ 08- I I \\ \ \ \ 0t_- pas/_ap 0 \/,'I"_<z O_ I 11 "/ I_ , \.. /'\ / \ /" --._/ - o Oh ¢ ,ia!b 1 50 I j/-\ / deg /.f \ /- 20 /3, I0 deg 0 / \ "._ _1_f\ / f._.4-. \ /1\ -i0 80 YO P, .I i "x _ \ //_ _ k_ 0 deg/sec -50 -80i 50 r, deg/sec 0 -YO 50 q' 0 deg/sec -_0 - _/ 200 / I00 / qb, 0 deg ,/ /f i / ./ / -too / / -2001 / ' / 500 Pcom, 200 f / deg/sec "" \ J \l 0 -200 _'v b tOO Flat' o ////// N -100 0 v v v 2 Y 6 8 10 12 lY 16 18 Time, Figure 33.turn 140 Response at limit to full _. cross Control 20 22 controls system 25 26 28 30 32 35 in accelerated sec applied B; h o = 9144 m. / an, 2 g units / 0 .g M 30 _, deg I o _11 -too I I I I_F--LII I t_---4_ I II I I I I I I I_ I I'_ deg [ I I t t i looI I 0 0, I I I I I _ I I 1_ - ---+--- _ -. _._7 _ J _t oo I 30 0 5a, .A ,-, d _[ -30 deg \ ^', I ..... 10 ,,z J 6d, deg -lo o -_ t, _.[__ 3O 6r' /_ " 0 _\_ _ I_ I -30 deg u_o 20 6h, deg o / ",-,_ -20 gcom g units • loI / 5¸ / 0 I 0 Fped, N -_oo / -800 0 2 q 6 8 i0 12 lq 16 18 Time, Figure 33.- 20 22 2q 26 28 30 32 3q sec Continued. 141 _0 el, o de'g/_c2 /',.1 -40 qO f_ .)\ o /ticl, _um deg/sec2 _0 qa, \ 0 F_ deg/sec240 4o 0 r, _v 40 deg/sec* 40 o {'ict, 40 deg/sec2 40 ra, 0 deg/sec2_4 o 40 w, m/see _, o " -__ , 2 _40 80 Wacl, / 40 _ m/see 2 0 _ j / x, " \/r-- -u_o 40 _rac2' m/sec _ -_o0 _. _ _ - _r a, o_ I I I I I I_IA._I I I I I I I m/sec_-4ol 0 I 2I I qI I 6I _ 8 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 32 1 I 34 I 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 I 30 Time, sec Figure 142 33.- Concluded. 8O 60 [_, \ \ qo / deg / 2o o 2 an, _o g units II M i I i°o- -_ \ O. / deg ! / -io / -2o \v -3o i 120 0, 80 deg P, _o deg/sec 0 / i \ I/ -80 qO "/f \v _"d deg L 6d' deg -_0 q' o deg/sec _o -- l \ // _._ f_ f 0 deg/sec io:. -too I, -qO r, IIIAIII 1; J/ 5r, deg -3o i - IO 0 -lo ,\ o _o I\ -3o / _/,\ _"/_. \,,--. 200 ,/ i00 5h ' 20 deg L_O" / -_ ./ $, J deg \ o -i00 / f - ' F---_ l/ Pcom, 20_J_--t4 0 i _oofl -1oo 0 2 Figure using system L1 6 g units I_ FP ed' N 34.- A full B; i0 12 lq Time, sec 360 ° roll 18 18 attempt coordinated h o = 9144 20 stick applied and pedal _oo. / o 0 2 in ig I / : I 8 gc°m" li L t deg/sec N @--i_ -20 -200 Ylat, / 0 q flight inputs. 8 [ 8 I0 Time, at 12 ILl sec d = iS 18 20 25 ° Control m. 143 4O q' \ 0 deg/sec2-qO I 60 _ticl, deg/sec _o 2 / o -qo ] qo qa, deg/sec2 0 -.../ \ -_0 rio i_, 0 \ deg/seC r" _x4 -_0 -80 40 i'icl, deg/sec2 o -40 _0 ÷a, deg/sec2 o -"_- it... 40 _ _--'-_--, / '--/ 80 _r, m/sec' 40 0 / \ - -----" -40 ffacl, o m/sec 2 -4o Wac2, m/sec 0 i -40 _ra, _ / _1 - -_ ' v l/\j \/ -... \i/ \/ r / 4 \/ oH__+___l I I m/sec =-4ol0 I 2I I qI I 8I I 8I I i0 I I 12 I I lq I I 18I I 18 I I 20I Time, Figure 144 34.- sec Concluded. Scheduled gain Command gradient I Scheduledgain I ii -30 Fped -F 0 _/_._ 489. . 0 I I I _ 6r,co m I Figure 35.control Modifications system B to to C yaw and (modifications 201p140 I i Yaw-axis lpl--] axes incorporated enclosed in dashed j in going lines). I I m modification. roll I I I (a) -I from I Oh + I I Scheduled gain I I + + I i I I + ai 0 30 Ip1.50 I I I I 6h'c (b) Roll-axis Figure 35.- modification. Concluded. 2 an, I g units .6! M 0 tO0 deg B, deg oeg 0 _too 1O0 [__... "-.._jdeg -io 80 _too 3O 1-x / P' deg/sec _o o /J \ a_6a' J "b---___ '_ee 0 j._./"-+'_ \ -30 _ 10 deg/sec ue_ -i0 _0 q' deg/sec 0 30 -_o 6r' / 0 deg -3o \ _'--+_b_ / _ 200! tO0 (_, cto / ./ 0 ,....._ I / deg / -tO0 6h, 20 deg 0 ,/ deg/see 200 0 Flat, N [ i0 _00 Pcom, 0 2 6 q 8 10 12 gcom, g units 5 Fped, _000 0 N tq 0 2 q 36.full A 360 ° lateral roll initiated stick. 8 8 Time, Time, sec Figure i\ -20 V -200 -'_ / "" "_ from Control ig system trim flight C; ho at = 9144 _ = 10 12 lq sec 25 ° using m. 147 _0 ct, o deg/sec_ deg/sec __ 2 _0 qa, deg/sec2-_o 0 ---. / "_ r, 0 deg/sec 2__01 rio i'icl' o deg/sec2 -_o i'a, deg/sec ol 2- _ o ! qO w' m/sec 0 2 __o qO Wacl, m/sec2 0 L j/ __ _0 W at2, m/sec m/sec2 0 2 -btO -_°o 2 q 6 Time, Figure 148 36.- 8 Io sec Concluded. 12 lq an 2 ) I g units M ,3 o I ,oo 1IC. deg _1oo deg _too - CI, deg o B, o deg P' deg/sec I/ ioo io /" \ - Io _io 0 6a, 0 deg -30 fJ < _-_ \ \ '°II 6d' 0 deg -Io --_ _'_ deg/sec q' o deg/sec -_0 - (51"' _-- deg 1 -30 200 100 / / 0 6 h, _° 20 deg 0 if _ .t"_ 1 J,\ / i ../ 0 / deg -tOO / -20 ('_I I -200 gcom, g units Pcom, deg/sec </ ,o 5 o- i/ 200 <'°°'/_ I --..._._ 0 _oo_ Flat, N t°°ol-I1 0 Figure using h = 2 I q 37." A I/ I. I 6 8 10 Time, sec 360 ° roll full coordinated 9144 m. 1 12 Fped'N t lq _'°°o_- ] o 2 6 [9 Time, initiated stick from and ig pedal. flight at Control = system i0 12 lq sec 25 ° C; o 149 it, o deg/sec2 -_o deg/sec 2 o _0 qa, Q deg/sec2 _o qO r, \- _ _______- _-- 0 deg/sec2 _o, _0 ricl' 0 deg/sec2 J f -_0 _0 ¸ ra, 0 deg/sec_ _o w, _'01 0i 1TI/Sec 2 -El0 o Wacl, m / 2 /SeC _qO _0 o ffac2, m/sec 2 _ _ 0 m/see2-_ 0 2 _ 8 8 Time, Figure 150 37.- i0 sec Concluded. 12 iN u_o _' I 20 deg o lO 0 deg /'_'- '-- - 1o 12_0 8O P, f--_ J f j* deg/sec f qo / o f / rt deg/sec q' 0 deg/sec _._.-- _._ .._._.I"--"_----- _'-"__ L -qo 2OO /1 / LO0 / 0 / / J deg .... / / / / -lO0 /'/ / / I' -200 '_00 Pcom, 200 deg/see 0 oltLLILL 0 " 2 u, 6 8 133 L2 Time, Figure 38.- in ig h o = trim 9144 Response flight to full at _ : Lq 16 18 20 11 99 2.q sec cross controls 25 ° . Control applied system C; m. 151 q J an ' 2 g units 0 .6 M .3 i00 _' aeg 0 __oo 100 deg _ 100 3O 6a' 0 deg -30 __J kO 6d' deg 0 -lo 30 6 r, 0 deg -3a \ / _0 6h, J 20 / / deg 0 J -20 10 gcom, g units o 0 FP ed' -_00 N -800 0 2. q 6 8 10 12 kq 16 Time, sec Figure 152 38.- Continued. 18 20 22 2q _J qO ct, deg/sec_ o -LiO 8O Cticl, deg/sec / _ / _° I 0 LiO qa, deg/sec 0 2_0 -80 b' deg/sec_ _o I o' f_ // -u,O u_O ricl_, deg/sec2 , i'a' deg/sec_ o _u,o 0 -_o _0 f m/see F _ _LtO u_O! _'acl, _ 0 m/sec 2 -qO m/sec2 -qo j I_, o m/sec2 0 l 2 IA--J f_ ti 6 8 kO k2. kq Time, Figure 38.- L " L6 18 20 22_ u sec Concluded. 153 riO deg 20 .._- 0 I0 / 0 deg \ /\ -i0 120 80 /\f _j _0 \ 0 -qO qO J r, deg/sec 0 -_o qO q' 0 deg/sec -_o 200 /'1 i00 / , / p 0 / / / / deg f / / -i00 z / f / / / -200 qO0 Pcom, 200 deg/see 0 x° A 0 2 t L_ 6 8 10 12 Time, Figure ig 39.Response to trim at _ : i0 °, stick is4 application. lq 16 18 20 22 sec full cross controls applied followed by rapid full aft Control system C; ho : 9144 in m. q an' 2 g units 0 •6 I M .3 0 i00 _' 0 aeg _1oo IooI G, 0 .i aeg -I00 30 6a, 0 deg -3o 6d',_ _,e_ 100 - Io 30 6r' 0 deg -3o _O 6h, 20 / deg o \ -20 10 5 gcom, g units 0 -5 I_ped, N __o°o -800 8 o i0 Time, Figure 39.- 12 lq 16 18 20 22 sec Continued. 155 8O • q, 1 _iO ..... deg/sec 2 0 \_/"<_._'_" v_ 8O qicl, _0 deg/seC o / \ .1 / -qo qa, deg/sec o l \ 2-qO l --- ] -80 qO /, o r, /-, I _ -_io deg/seC L/I u,o ricl' 0 deg/sec_ -_iO u_o ,% 0 deg/sec_ -_o v¢' 0 \ -LiO mlsec2 i 8O Wacl, m/sec _0 2 / -"\ 0 -qO qO Wac2' 0 ITl/Sec 2 -qO _'a, °H--4--LI I I.J_4_-44-1 I _ m/sec_-_ol0 I 2I I Li VI_I8 I 8I I i0 I I 12 I I lq I I 18 I I 18 I I 20I I 22] Time, Figure 156 39.- Concluded. sec .6 yo c(, M 20 f/ deg o B, IO o deg "" _ .3 L o lOOl r / _--_-_ _fp o deg -1o 120 \ P' _0 deg/sec o _ _J tO0 /-x 0 @' 8o J -too [ J f-x _ too deg \ 30 -_o 0 6a' -3o deg 80 lO deg/sec q' . j4 0i deg/sec "x " --- -_o' 6d' 0 deg - 1o I _ / 30 Oi 6r' deg 2o0111 I -3o h III. _o i_), deg _,oo!/i)tll 11 Ill o Ylll I/I -2oo II I I I I 1'1/ I I 6h, 20 deg 0 / I 200 deg/sec 0 Flat, N 0 0 f, -20 lO t{oo Pcom, f / / f"-. "_" _ _ \ / / 2 u, Figure 6 8 40.- 10 Time, 12 t u, sec Response Control 16 t8 to 20 maximum system gcom, g units sf o Fped, N _0Oo 0 / 2 inertia-coupling C; ho : 9144 ti 6 8 10 Time, 12 lq sec 16 18 20 maneuver. m. 157 8O q, _0 deg/sec 2 0 8O /licl, deg/sec2 _o o I / 80 rio o i\ qa, deg/sec 2 b -LiO -8O qO 0 rf%_ deg/sec2__ 0 i'icl, o deg/sec 2-LtO _ f -80 8O ra, qO deg/sec 2 0 # m/$ec qO \ 0 )< \ f_ 2 _qo 120 80 Wacl, m/sec y "_' \\, _0 o) i -utO qO Wac2, 0 m/sec I -_o -80 Wa, ot-+q, I I I I I I I I I i_ m/sec_-<iol 0 I 2I_ ti I FI12 I lqI I 16I I 18I I 20I 6 8 lO Time, Figure 158 40.- sec Concluded. an , g units .6 qO E3, deg M 20 _-_ o 0 100! B, ,,, deg lo Ol -lo \ / Up 0 _J deg -I00 100 80 J P, u,O deg/sec 0 r_, so o deg/sec \ 0 / deg ._ -I00 30 I 1_4--b--LJ I I I I I I I I _ 6a, 0 deg __< qO q' deg/sec / 0 \ /f \ Jf -30 v I0 6d, -_0 0 deg -i0 20O / 100 d), 3O / 6r, 0 f deg / deg / =3o / -i00 -200 Pcom, deg/sec qO qO0 6h, 200 deg 20 0 0 __ / _ / \ ,F -20 10 q00 3OO Flat, N x, I/ / 200 gcom, g units s Fped, N _oo °o 0 100 0 0 2 q 6 8 i0 12 lq 18 2 q 6 Figure 41.- full 0.375_. A lateral 360 ° roll stick Control 8 I0 12 lq 16 Time, sec Time, sec from input system ig at C; trim a ho flight at center-of-gravity : 9144 _ = 25 ° location using of m. 159 q0 ct, o j_-_ f,.., deg/sec2__@ deg/sec 2 Li0 deg/sec2 __@ _0 i', @ deg/sec2 _Li0 Li0 /'icl, o deg/sec2 _Li@ Lio i'a, @ deg/sec2 -_io Li0 w, m/sec 0 2 -Li@ qO Wacl, IIl/$ec 0 2 r _J v -qO _0 Wac2' 1 0 v 2 m/see -Li0 m/sec 2 -LlO0 2 q 6 8 Time, Figure 160 41.- I0 sec Concluded. 12 I_ 16 !1i ¸. 60 1/ Lt0 deg _t'! li I 2 _ 1.1" I I lo I III! II/1/ o deg -lo /, \ - -20 _' -30 16o:1 ' i • I I I I t20 [_ 80 XI r, I i i J P_ deg/sec LtO 0 1 i -80 r, 8o ii _i -_o .r-[II q' 0 f,\ _ // , VlJ_ -_0 deg/sec ' /\ \ / \ \1/ I\'J I i Li I i _-_ I deg/,ec-,o I IIIIIII/HIGH I_11 To°o!_/ h o. -looo,l_I lll_' i]/ I/ -2oo, Pcom, deg/sec II 200 _OOl 0 I[ / "II IL P\I/1\ I "I-IT It t I 3ooI Flat, N :°oil I -100/ 0 Figure 42.- I 2 I i 8 '{ Response maneuver at 0.375_. Control a 10 ll2 to lY 16 Time, maximum 18 20 sec 22 2lu, 26 ' 28 location C; 32 inertia-coupling center-of-gravity system 30 ho : 9144 of m. 161 / an, / g units .6 M .3 0 100 _, deg _J 0 -loo -200 100 f deg "----4.._ -1oo 30 6 a, deg 0 I/\ -3o I0 6d' deg 0 -10 3o deg -30 - -- " / __/ \ x. / ___ 6h , deg 2o o --- • F r--_ ( --I v / -20 -q0 10 1 f gcom, s g units o 1 -S l_ped, N _0o O0 2 q 8 8 10 12 lq 16 Time, Figure 162 42.- 18 sec Continued. 20 22 2q 26 28 30 32 deg/sec 2 4a, 4_ deg/seC / Z m/sec_ -qo _racZ, ITI / $ C C _ Time, scc Figure 42.- Concluded. 163 deg o _-t " - ,o....... 8, o / Y_%...F deg -- _ ; i / -j -<1--- lo _.o t/ -30 L 80 qO P, I 0 deg/sec _ _ I\ / \/ I -q0 -80 qo r, / o deg/sec -qO qo q' 0 deg/sec -_o 0, deg qoo Pcom, 200 deg/sec 0 / \- \ qoo 300 Flat, 200 -- N tO0 o 0 2 q 6 8 10 lq 12 Time, Figure flight input Control 164 43.- A at at 360 _ a ° : roll 25 ° attempt using C; h o 18 lateral location : 20 initiated full center-of-gravity system 16 9144 22 2q 26 sec m. in ig stick of 0.39_. trim an, g units oI_ I I I I I I 1-11 1 IT-] I IT-I I I I .6 M L II I00 deg -Ioo -200 I00 i __ 0 deg -i00 30 6a, deg o \ / -30 I0 6d, 0 deg "-tO c_/,, / deg \N. J/ LiO J 6h, 2O // J mJ deg I/ o -20 gcom, g units Fped, N ,o L s _. o L_O0 0 o 2 q 6 8 10 12 Figure 43.- 16 tq Time, 1.8 20 22 2q 26 sec Continued. 165 qO j, deg/sec o \/ \J \ / 2-_0 -80 qO qicl, o deg/sec2 -_0 qO qa, deg/sec 0 ,/ 2 -qo ^ -8o qO 0 r' -_iO deg/sec2 _0 tic1, oi aeg/sec_ _io] /\r LtO ra, 0 deg/sec2 J -qO tlO //_ In/$ec 2 ¢, _ 0 /", / !c' . F,. -qo qO Wacl' 0 m/sec 2 -q-O _ _0 _kac2' mi$8c2 m/sec2-q \ ^ 0 _+-_ -"\J k /!\ !'_ rk'' 0 2 L_ 6 8 I0 12 Figure 43.- 16 lq Time, 166 \\/'\-_\l _,_... --.,j \ -_0 sec Concluded. 18 20 22 2q 26 80 60 / / \/'-.._. k_., \/ _t \i L_O deg _J 2O r.e. _I l I _01 A I P, deg/sec o -_0 I _\ ------.; _ f\ L/ I1\ V l_' xJ _- ] V I v _0 0 r, aeg/sec -_o 0 q' deg/se¢ _- -qo -_ i deg "" __I" \x\ ----- -'-" _ 1oo Pcom, deg/sec Flat, N / .... I 2°00 [ _ ool [ 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 / 30 35 _0 _5 S0 Time, Figure 44.- Deep-stall entry Asymmetries at not a 55 60 65 75 80 /. 85 90 95 sec center-of-gravity modeled; 70 ho = location 9144 of 0.35_. m. 167 q an, g units 0 .9 ,6 M .3 0 i00 W, ,,% 0 -too deg "--4-.--4--- __ --..- _ A A _ _ -- -200 100 If 0_ 0 deg J "-,- t -100 30 63., 0 deg -30 10 6d' 0 deg -1.0 30 (_r, 0 deg "k j/'_ -- -30 _0 6h, 20 deg o J -2o S gcom, 0 g units Fped N ' _" _S . _00 Uo 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 u,o q5 Time, Figure 168 44.- 50 55 sec Continued. 60 65 70 75 80. 85 90 95 _0 q" 0 deg#ec2-_o _0 o qicl, deg/sec2-_{o _Ol 6_ qa, , _./" -'_ ...-" , _ "..-4 -- deg/sec2-_,o _0 "r, 0 deg/see2 -qo ricl: O. deg/sec2-_o qO 0 ra, deg/scc2_Lio RO J_ m/_':_:: 2 -qO _0. Wacl: m/sec O. _/ -_- 2 -'4o. [ _0. _rac2' m/_c O. _ -qO_ 0 m/secz 0 I I I IJ_I'--F-_ 5 tO 15 20 I I 25 30 Figure , 35 . u,O u_5 50 55 Time, .sec 44.- i i 60 65 7[3 75 80 85 90 35 Concluded. 169 ]3 £00" _0" u3 'k3 0 1700"800"- ZO" I0" I I l I ¢ 09 OL > - 06 C) {-. 80 60 qO deg _J 20 0 I 2O _o ,.,e_ /, /\ r \ -lo -3[ deg/sec -_0 _/ L -80 deg/se¢ _u,o _0 deglsec I -qO J-- 100. m, deg 0 _ tOO ,... _-_" "\L I I \ / _-',,i _':<, °oil vv LV"""i N -lo 0 S 10 15 Ill 20 25 L ILl 30 35 _0 u_5 Time, Figure 46.- Deep-stall entry Asymmetries at a 50 55 60 h ° "70 75 80 85 sec center-of-gravity modeled; L II 65 : location 9144 of 0.35c. m. 171 q g units 0 - -_ .3 2O0 100 W, \ / 0 "'_-_ _ deg -i00 \ \\ \ \ - "1'4 -200 i00 9, ___ 0_._ deg \ \ \' I j -tOO 30 0 6a' deg -30 I0 6d, 0 deg -I0 30 (51", 0 /k_/\ deg -30 qO 6h ' deg 20.o -20 5 gcom, g units Fped, N I 0 s i _io_ o s to is 20 2s 30 35 qo Time, Figure 172 46.- _ 5o qs sec Continued. 5s 6o ss 20 vs 8o 8s qo q' deg/sec2 o _'4- _ _ _I-" -" _'_- _io _0 Clicl, o deg/sec2 _u,o LiO qa, deg/sec2 r' deg/sec2 7icl, deg/sec_ o __ _o ...,- ,_ '....,_Lf _ -'- ._,-,. o! -_o o -_o LiO i'a' deg/sec_ o -_o u,o m/sec o 2 -rio LiO Wacl' m/sec 0 t -qO _o _rac2' m/see 0 2 -qO m/sec 2-_Io s io 15 2o 2s 30 Figure 3s 46.- _o _s 5o s5 Time, sec 6o 8s 7o 75 8o 8s Concluded. 173 IX. 81ef =25°;6tef 0 =O°;Sh 81ef = 0°: 8tef = 20°;8h =25°,8sb = 25°; 8sb E] 81ef = 25°; 8te f = O°;Sh = 25°; 8sb =0 ° = O° -----60° <_ 81ef = 0°; 8tef = 20°; 8h = 25°; 8sb = 60° 0 C m -o ]. , I I I I 10 20 30 40 I 50 60 70 80 90 a, deg Figure 47.- variation location 174 Effect of with angle of 0.35_. flaps and of 6 h attack : 25 ° . speed at brake a on pitching-moment center-of-gravity 80 /% 50 4O deg / \ / \J - /_\ _" \ / _J 2O f \ J 0 -20 20 10 f, deg .-Ii I i/ 0 -10 k/ -20 -30 40 P, ^ o deg/sec n \P t A vd / ,/',: -40 Vv /'," 40 0 r, deg/sec -40 4O q' 0 deg/sec -40 Pcom, 200 deg/sec o Flat' N _io°o 60 6sb, 40 deg 20 I o o Figure 48.- 5 10 Deep-stall center-of-gravity ho : 9144 15 20 25 30 35 40 recovery location 45 50 Time, using of 0.35_. 55 sec 60 speed 65 70 brake Asymmetries 75 and 80 85 flaps not 90 g5 at a modeled; m. 175 I an, f__ -_ f_ f g units .J÷t M ,, .5 / .3 1oo _y, o deg -too -200 ioo deg I o I -too I i 0_ I 3O 6 a , o deg -30 Io 6d' 0 deg -1o 6r, deg 30 I 0 L "--/ '-J \/^'v\''_" / -30 _0 / 20 5h, J o deg -20 -_o lO 5 gcom, 0 g units _ i -s Fped N ' I _oo O0 5 tO 15 20 25 30 35 qO u,5 50 Time, Figure 176 48.- 55 sec Continued. 60 6S 70 75 80 8S _0. 9S F 4O O! q' v 4O o qicl, deg/sec_-4o 4O qa, k 0 deg/_c2_q V 0 4O ÷, 0 deg/_c240 ricl, 4: deg/_c24o! qO. i ra' deg/_c_ m/sec O_ _0 2 -40 Wac2, m/sec "1 2 -Lio 40 Wa, m/sec 0 _ -qO O. 5 _10 ---- 15 20 25 ---_-_ 30 Figure 35 _0 48.- _ 45 50 55 Time, scc 60 85 70. 75 80 85 90 35 Concluded. 177 8@ 60 f LtO J 20 20 / _f > 0 i \ / deg J I A lO deg \\ "/ A / -lO IV1' " J/,' _' \hi \/_, 20 -3O qO "x o P, f_/\_ \/ -_0 deg/sec _ V -80 0 r, / -u_o deg/sec qo q' / 0 --_. / \j \ -_,0 deg/sec [ 100 /_ --_. %/ deg 0 iDcorrI, deg/sec-2OO Flat, N -_f-- _ioo -loo v °U _ I v " T V I V 15 20 6o 6 sb, _o deg 20 o O 5 10 25 30 35 q0 LIS Time, Figure flaps Asymmetries 178 Deep-stall a recovery center-of-gravity modeled; SO 85 using location ho = 60 65 70 75 80 sec 9144 m. speed of brake 0.35_. and 85 q an, g units M -J. .6 / .3 _-4__/ 0 I lOOI _p \ \\ \ 0 deg \ -100 \ -200 deg -100 __r_ 6a, deg 5d, deg O' _ ' ^' "_ _ - -30 lo t 0 -'10 I " 6r, deg 6h, deg -3 2o / X 0 -20 -u_o gcom g units Fped, N o " l_ [, _o_ 0 5 I0 15 20 25 30 35 40 u_5 Time, Figure 49.- SO 55 80 65 70 75 80 85 sec Continued. 179 80 Cl, deg/sec 40 2 /\ 0 ./,-, A iX -, /, 7, ,.^'-^ .sl V .# -40 4O o qicl, deg/sec2 -4o qa, deg/sec2 0 -_ "" -v_v'-",/ l"" " -4o 4O o r, deg/sec2 -40 4O ricl' deg/sec2 0 -40 4O _'a, deg/sec_ 0 -4o 4O m/see _ _q o \ 4O Wac2 ' m/sec 0 2 -40 m/sec 2-4 0 5 I0 15 20 25 30. 35 qO 45 Time, Figure 180 49.- 50 sec Concluded. 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 8O 60 1\/>, )\s,.l"; ." _ / \ / _0 deg _J 2O ff / f 0 J 2o _1 lo /_ %!1 / / A [ t/ ]/_jt _l /3, o _ t -lo -2o deg / i/ -30 tsI t _ A A ,I_/, //_/"_j'_ / I r\ it deg/sec -_o L r_ , v \ I _, _/--J deg/sec -_0 I _0 q' deg/sec 0 -_io d_, 100 O j f k j _ /eft\ _ \, _1oo deg "\J "-' " -- L -C " - /_J \ _" L ' .... i- _ J_ t " pcom, ° -2°° _" ,v 1 deg/sec I - 2o vlJ " Flat, N 0 S 10 15 20 25 30 35 L_O '45 Time, Figure 50.Deep-stall center-of-gravity ho : 9144 50 85 80 BS 70 7S 80 _5 sec recovery using pitch-rocking location of 0.35_. Asymmetries technique modeled; at a m. 181 an, g units .9 M r- J 0 200 I 100 I, \ \ 0 \ deg \ x \ 100 \ \ x\ N 2O0 "_ 4 ioo deg -too 30 6 a, 0 deg -3o lo 6d, deg 3o 5r, 0 / _\_ -30 deg 20 0 6h' -" /_" "" _J vr._ ......... P r _ _ f P/t / 1 l/ -20 -qO 10 g units 0 " 5 Fped N ' _o_ 0 5 lo 15 20 25 30 35 qo q5 Time, Figure 182 50.- So sec Continued. 5s 80 65 70 7S 80 85 | q0 /t, o deg/sec2 -_0 _0 _licl, o deg/sec2 -I -_o uiO qa, 0 deg/sec2 _Lio qO "i', deg/sec2 o -_io L _./_w _ =+_'-xt_ t_'- _ AJv uiO i'icl, o deg/sec2 ' _--,'T'...' -_ -qo qo 'x.J 0 i'a' y T -_io deg/sec_ _ . v- 40_ w, m/$ec 0 j --.... v _ _ v -- ? 2 -qO Wacl, 0 ITI/$ec 2 _q0 r • m/see m/sec2 _Ol 2 -qO o 5 io 15 20 25 30 35 Time, Figure 50.- sec Concluded. 183 8O ,\ 8O . k_ _p _0 deg / 2O -- c i i 0_ 3O 2O A ]0 0 II J f_ II deg II I -10 -20 ............... II I1 I1!11 "\ IV\/ V A_ / _ ..... V -- -30 r qO _1 0 P' [ aeg/sec-'_o i \ v qO r, 0 deg/sec-q0 l _0 deg/sec -qO lO0 ¢ ' _--'-- 0 deg J \ -i00 deg/sec Flat ' N lo__ _t+H ..... H _t-t-Tq 6O I 6 sb, qO deg 20 -- _.[ 0 0 lO 18 20 25 30 35 qO q8 Time, Figure a 51.- modeled; 184 Deep-stall center-of-gravity h o = 9144 recovery using location of m. 50 SS 60 65 70 78 80 88 sec speed 0.375_. brake and Asymmetries flaps not at 4 an, g units 2 0 /- J .9 M / / .3 fl o 2ool loo / o deg -I00 -200 too Op o deg io_ 0 5d' dog -io 30 6r, deg 0 \^,x/k, -_ ^ I -30 40 20 5h, / /x 0 deg -20 -40 lOl gcom, g units 5 0 _ _, -5 Fped, N _°°° o 5 10 15 20 25 30 : Figure 51.- 35 40 45 50 Time, sec 55 60 65 70 "75 80 85 Continued. 185 _0 Cl, o deg/sec2 -_o ti0 Clicl, 0 deg/sec2-_o • YO qa, 0 deg/see2__io t II i., J 0 -_o deg/sec2 _0 o i'icl' deg/sec2-qo _0 i'a' deg/sec2 0 -_0 _0 m/sec 2 -u,o _j _0 m/sec 2 -rio V qo Wac2, 0 ,., m/$ec 2 -LtO m/sec 2 -u, OI .I I I I I I 0 S i0 15 20 25 Figure 186 30 3S 51.- j J } v _ t{O q5 50 Time, sec Concluded. J 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 8O , /,'_ / / \ ,\j\,, k fL 6O I u,O I deg Y 2O J I f 0 2O ] 10 t iv _J\,'_'" _<\< 0 deg f[ d -10 -20 -30 P, deg/sec o -40 deg/sec -qO Cv 0 ¢' _ \/ '° I q' deg/sec / - -" - ,,,/5 / \, < ..... -- ---_ -qO -._., _, ,-., d .." v _ ,°o ,I deg _1oo0 Pcom, deg/sec ° -20° _ I ' I" ] I ( I] " _ _/- ++ '_"_- _ + ] I -,o_1 iv v I!,_I_ I I 6O u,O 6 sb, deg 20 0 0 Figure and 5 tO t5 20 52.- Deep-stall flap at Asymmetries a 25 30 35 u,O u,5 Time, recovery attempt center-of-gravity modeled; h o 50 55 sec 60 using location : 9144 65 70 75 speed of 80 85 9O brake 0.375_. m. 187 .9 M .6 -'--_ .3 o 200 _ \ \ \ tO0 \ Up \\ 0 \ deg \ -i00 \\ -200 lO0 _' deg o_ _1oo 30 0 6a' deg -30 IO 6d, deg o I -IO 30 6r' deg 0 -3o qo 5h' 20 deg 0 _-- J t 5 gcom, g units 0 -I L I Fped'N u'°_ 0 S 10 15 20 25 30 35 u_o. '45 Time, Figure 188 52.- SO sec Continued. 55 60 65 ?0 '75 80 85 90 _0 cl, deg/sec2 o / v -40 , _, \_/ t/ / --i I _licl, deg/sec2 0 -4o ti0 (]a, deg/sec2 0 A -40 _0 i', 0 / deg/sec2 -_0 _0 i'a, deg/sec2 0 -4o ti0 w, 0 i m/sec I 2 -40 _0 Gad' m/$ec i 0 v _./-_ /_ _ ...._ v _--'-,. /--,. ,-"'-._ i I 2 -40 40 _rac2' mlsec 0 _ -40 _ra, op-_l I I I_L_I I I m/sec2-4ol 0 I SI I i0 I I 15 I I 20I I 25 I I 30 I I 35 I I 40 I I 45 I I 50 I I 55 I I 80 I I 65 I I 70 I I 75 I I 80 I I 85 I I _0I Time, Figure 52.- sec Concluded. 189 100 80 f / \ /_\./\ u,O deg / / /" / \ 30 i 2o / lo o deg 1 // IIII I / l 20 _/ 1 / -30 8O _o f P, --- /\ _ All -80 LtO P_ deg/sec v -qo qO A k/- -u,o deg/sec 100 ' de°_ 0 //_" --- \ r, \/k/.._, -10o P corn, v 0 tool °1 I I II//IV I Flat, N 0 5 i0 I V 15 20 25 30 35 Time, Figure 53.- technique 0.375_. 190 ." i_ \/ Deep-stall at a recovery rio u_5 using center-of-gravity Asymmetries modeled; 50 55 60 sec pitch-rocking location h o : 9144 of m. 65 an, _ __ _+_ g units M ,6 --_ jJ o I--_ deg O, deg 6a' 0 -10o 301 0 ^ deg -so 6d' deg lo -10 6r, deg 0 -30 i I I 6h, deg O-J 1/ ° I ^ 3o,II" ......... _ _ _.,/'-, A ' - v L ]' o 20 -L---- _0 I ]._=_ L_ gcom, g units Fped, N ' O S I0 Figure 15 20 53.- 25 ' 30 35 LiO qS Time, sec 1 50 I ! i ' ba 68 Wb Continued. 191 40 Cl, deg/sec 'L.-_ o vj 2 -40 -80 tt0 Clicl, \i?,p 0 deg/sec2 -40 4O deg/sec 2-40 8O 40 deg/Sec2 -4o tto ricl, d/-eg-sec 0 .... 2 6, ....... r v- _ 40 ra' 0 deg/seC 40 40: / m/sec v 2 -t{O 4O Wacl, m/see2 0 -" --'_--- _ --"--'/_/\/\V -4o V 40 Wac2, m/seE w&, m/see2 o _ " _', _"_',, ^ _ _ _A v/ 2 -40 0 -[{°0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time, Figure 192 ,, _ 53.- 35 40 see Concluded. 45 50 55 GO G5 IOO 80 60 deg / / v k., I \/\ ,-, _ ,_ / / _o 2o f / __j d v \ h L. I- i o 30 2O I0 B, O II /,j\, deg /^ I I t/ Ill II -IO -20 -30 A 0 P' ....."-- F -- ,. f _ .,\ ,, , I A I I ( I%/ v -_0 -80 I I _ A'\ F I _0 r, deg/sec 0 -_0 deg/sec _L_O _ deg -too Fiat, o too _f _ \_J J __L VIVI/II I IV_I/I I I I I I t-I 0 5 Figure at -_' ioo N A _ 54.a 10 15 20 25 Deep-stall 30 ho = 9144 riO q5 recovery center-of-gravity modeled; 35 location 50 Time, using of 55 60 sec 65 70 75 pitch-rocking 0.375c. 80 85 90 95 1UO techniques Asymmetries m. 193 2E_ o/I M I I I I, ---q, I •3 0 _1 [ ....... I I I I I I I I_ L_.4_-dJ_L_4_J_4_4,_A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIN I " f b _-_. 1 1_-q F" 2OO I00 qs \ \ 0 deg -lOO \\ _\ \ -200 tO0 0 G, deg _;oo 30 0 6a' deg v 30 lo 0 6d' deg -;o 6r, deg I/\l 2 dh, deg -20 -YO 10 .... l__ _com, g units o 5 5 '1 I ' I '_°°Io i_ i.l-t-H--F -I_-I0 S I0 !5 20 25 30 Figure 194 35 u,o 54.- Y5 SO 55 60 Time, sec Continued. 65 "70 75 80 85 90 95 100 ^ o ......... ,ale1, deg/seC - ......... "1 v • - / -qo _o I " deg/seC-_io " _ J -80 80 i,, i _o _ " _" W _ -<io I L i'icl, , o deg/sec2 -_iO deg/sec2 ""1 V tc l v " .... __ _ / _v u 17 " _io 8o _., <io -qO m/sec Wac2' 1Ti/SCC 2 -qO o -,. .... -..-_-v ...... -- I^../, 2 -q 0 _btq_ m/see2 o s IO 15 20 25 30 Figure 35 qo 54.- q5 5o Time, 55 sec Concluded. 195 .9 M .6 .3 0 qO 0, 20 0 _,. deg Lr \f / f_jf _ 10 0 deg -Io qO 0 P' deg/sec -_0 qO r, 0 deg/sec -_0 qO q' Ov deg/sec -_,0 i00 ¢' 0 deg -loo J 20o Pcom, 0 deg/sec_200 I00 Flat' N o A -i00 qO0 FP ed' N o - -q@@ 0 Figure 10 55.-- 15 20 Performance wind-up 196 25 30 35 qO q5 of airplane turn task. 50 Time, 55 60 sec with ho = 65 70 control 9144 m. 75 80 system 85 30 A in 95 100 6 / an, n£, 2 g units / t, ,,, </ _._ _ _..z _ 4 _ _ r / I 200 100 "L[.[I V" \ 0 \ deg -100 \ "F -200 I00 @' 0 deg -I00 6a' 3o I 0 deg -30 30 _ 6r' deg N .... _ _L'x, _-.- _ _/'_ n, _k_ [ 200 _ o v-"_, -'-'-_ _'_" _'_ / -200 range, m /'k, -30 _oo _long, _ 0 _oo .... 0 _ _ ___ -- deg deg -20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 35 q0 55.- q5 50 Time, 55 60 sec 65 70 75 80 85 g0 gS 100 Concluded. 197 •:11 l_LII M deg LILLI_J_L :o_ lilllll}llll -_SJ I0 deg -lo I I I I ]-Wq- /V ] 7 ] v _f'11 FI VLq/yVlViY-[ I_l// I I/I ]T\/I_I I/q I oolll/l J, /k J,,_ J,_tiJ 160 deg/sec T_ . _ V ^ 80 IX _U!/I illllVl, V ' G I l/'l IkV I :7_f!,,kLL]_!_J,.,LA !,J7_il deg/sec q, oLI,,I.L-'I,-,VLIX_I.,I, k'-+,,,_,-,,-_ +J-I,kJq+t-<,o,,i:_<:_.o [lllllll [/'-I-'1 II II II1111] [to II LI IAI o1-11<_ Jr '/I_ivxi_,Jllm deg ::: IIIIIIA, / ,, I_, !_lllllq I /r I I I _ IIIII. L I I _1111111111111 71 J-]l_ nl k,-!,A[ I IAl / tI,K I llllllSlllllklil frillY,,/ _111 I_AII I/IV III/_l_'k/ll_lll tlll_Vl I _" P¢om, deg/sec __oo_llll,iii _ Flat, N o,,u_,.,'!',J,d. / _,_! ,'!, 7 !_!!! v! iff/4,,._.,,[_ ::::i_' 'Ti'<'_'7 '''_''_'_'' 7_"0i It_1_?_ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 [t0 Time, Figure control 198 56.- Performance system A of in LIS SO 55 60 65 70 sec airplane bank-to-bank with task. q • ant g units "q/) deg 0, o deg 6 r -lo@ , deg I II _ ^ o-_'_'_V, LA1-.\.^-^y _( __oi I _ \ _,L&,4 _1 __ .... _---_ x.... _ _ _/ ,A _ V _ \ ( _ ,A d<kf Fl°ng' b t4 .. i i q i -200 range, _001 I I I I Q_l--_rd-_[ I I L_L I i I I 1_ I I I I 1__14 i I i i I I_I-TI i i i i l/ m deg 20 "h 0 '\G- x d_ <_r" _ "_ _-, "_ deg qo i 0 5 10 15 Figure 20 25 56.- 30 -- + 38 qO q5 Time, sec 50 55 60 65 "70 Concluded. 199 M '°o 1 B_ deg P, IIIH I_LL/ALJ_IA_I I LA/t _1A, LLLA / :: / 7iii_rllTG 711-77_7G_IIx % / oKi lim IA_i.l A_LL^/] r I I I/-r-I'+lAVll_Jt, i_lM r r,ih_rt/tl,k _.._°oI IIIJlllA_li_. _I?4.M_ _I I_LKI>K[ A_ deg/sec I\1 ,(1 V -_o I I I W I _/_7 IV/ II VII I I _/ v v \/ I I 71 % I I _1:_-,o_ I I I I I I _11"11I I I I I I rl I _11 71111 deg _°oLdllll/I_IIIIL , IIIII ^I,I I,I J_// IAII kl_l I I i I_1//I I_1 i/ill I/ll_l Ill I I 7 : ,llrl _;7:7<; _oo° . ,I l_I/IfT;_ll:It,Vl,,,,,_,.i "_/l/ll'_-f_/ ,1_. Flat, N -1OO t o FP ed' N V -_ioo 0 S 10 15 20 25 30 38 qO Time, Figure 57.control 200 Performance system q5 50 of A in 55 60 68 70 75 sec ACM airplane task. with 80 an, 2 _7 /" ' _ "_ o A g units \_-___ \ \ _ /_" ,f J h"l - - 200 tOO *gl'p 0 deg -tO0 -200 100 L_ _J 0, J i r deg J -tO0 r 6a, deg 6 r , deg _, .IJ I/l^ .k. ,r, /,, ., .o ,_l.I i,A,J,.'11,,, ; _" 'AII _'" qo I 5h, deg o v'_ _ _v'"_ _ -- v_ "b_V v - -20 I 200 u'O0!-- .,_ ,/ "_'- "" ''\ ' r, A I'v",/ 0 _'_ h _ v -200 qO0 1 800 range, m u,oo o qo 2O deg _\ O_ 'v \ .,ix ' \_j\./'-_..,v qO 20 deg r'- o -:_ :.... \l ,.__\;i, - -2o 0 d S 10 t5 Figure 20 - 25 30 57.- 35 qO qS 50 Time, sec __55 60 65 70 75 80 Concluded. 201 ,,,, __-1-111_1 _ III -Jq---f-__ ['VII-1[_IV//I_l"l_t[] I-IVl p, de IIII ol IAI,J,,II_,lIJl \l_u I/_ I_'_,_u l//I J2 II see - vv V I I/A/l_/ I ,i,,,,,YI ] r I F_/I uo I I J. Iol " I I I cleg/sec q. "°ol L]_X_I _,_/__1,_1 de_/sec-.oI_IVI II II II II_1_1 I II I1I II IIIYl,I iooI ,, I I DRI /1_--kl :°:ol- Pcom, oL_1/\],441 fll.JJI/IMil I I I,DI-QI _II I/III I ] 1 2.4-421 1 1 I_i/Ih,, I/[ LolLlI,1/11111, 1 li'/ 35 Time, _{0 u_5 50 sec ' Fped, O Figure control 202 5 58.- [O 15 20 2S 30 Performance system B of in 58 airplane bank-to-bank 60 65 ?0 with task. _, deg L z" . ? -lOOE o ++ deg -30 deg -30 _o! deg o k,._., oh,20 /_ ^ -e° _ ^ /"In - &_4, ,_, I_ _j//_ -_ .... __' ,_ \f' -_-^v _v 1. 600 '400 %V_4 ' 1 -200 range, m j j'-^_ I_I _ng,' 200 8o0 q0o 0_ / __ _--_ ' /. i dog2o-L/_,, o .... /' _' 4 _ l 60 qO ..... L_ I fL 20 deg 0 20 I, I -qO 5 10 1S 20 25 30 35 Time, Figure 58.- riO qlS 50 55 60 65 /0 sec Concluded. 203 .9 I .6 M I I T- ,3-- o F_ -- deg /f_7"'- <J J lo 0 deg L v J / f -,'A]' -10 160 80 P, 0 /,A deg/sec ]V'_J -8o -160 40 O, r, deg/sec 4/ -40[ q' 0 deg/sec -_0 _f - \/ /_,A_, _'. _A-/_, /_ - r v ._--, /"'_---_--_ '_' ' _/v J '_ 200 100 (_, fx_ 0 deg / \ f _--_ _ : _J \J 1 y \ -100 _00 2OO Pcom, p_ o deg/sec -200 -_oo ioO Flat, 0^ N /I /,[I / _. 10o HO0 Fped, N °I -uool o Figure control 204 5 59.- lO 15 20 25 30 Performance system C 35 Time, u_o u_5 5o sec of in airplane bank-to-bank 55 60 6s with task. 7o \ an , g units _ _. 2 \ _ ^ < 0 /¢ / deg -10O deg -ioo 3o da, deg 0 -30 6r, deg o -30 _ _, J I _ _.-_ u, \,' .^ A,p ,-.r',. -20 - V f" _ \l\i ] v l,_v , V"' V' A _, /'_ '\ L. A ] _ v/"-V' .... _,_ 6 h, deg \ , -v _I ' IJl I I_ 'J I 1 IJ ik]" tl "'/I X, t, A ..... .N\], V v,,- V qO0 Plong, N 200 /_ o ,A_ ;" X,_/i_'X/V _ /_-_, ? ½ _/_f -2oo range, I _o_ ___ _ _. q_'-J_ In E, 6°1 deg 20 I qo f_ 'v .-_ / O--_b'-J'r_ _-/_J _" _/k__,_ qO 20 /-- 0 deg -20 -qO -60 0 5 I0 15 20 28 30 35 Time, Figure 59.- qo q5 50 55 60 65 /0 sec Concluded. 205 •3 -_ - 0 2o .... deg -- < _ o r_\ - j \ _ _\ / /\ io \J deg \ _J -lo 160 P, deg/sec 80 tl/t 0 '-- -_ _. / vV q ",, -80 k / A _/ YO T, 0 deg/sec -qo _J "\/ ,.j 40 q' deg/sec o -YO _ZZ_l. III li_-lqlll Jl / /dl II 111 LJ-ZIY FIll deg 400 200 P corn 0 deg/sec ks ,./ -200 ,,wI 200 IOO Fiat, N 0 t !1 \/" _,\,s\ \ k V -i00 -200 400 Fped, N L400 I 0 5 10 1S 20. 25 30 35 40 46 Time, Figure 60.control 206 Performance system of B in SO 5S 60 6S sec ACM airplane task. with 70 7S 8o an, g units .o! lO /if, deg -2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I i i _ _ °.,.. _eg-3 Oh, range, m I_ Il-l?I_Y I- v- :o 1/ 1tll .I1_ deg l_1ong, N " ::ooflI/_1//I'lq_////_:_ qo qO deg 2 deg Time, Figure 60.- sec Concluded. 207 deg deg \ J V- -1o 160 r, -- -_I i 0 / "_, -v V \ jl deg/sec -qO ] _ 200 : _ _oo \ - ___ f J -zoo-2OOl ---- _" I / - / --- 7 - _, _oo I 20O I -_oo Flat , 0--- N -ioo FP ed' N . o -uoo I Figure .... "_ J :[ _ -2oo,±LLL_ _ 0 _ ' . - .... t_ - \ S tO 61.control 2O8 ; _//_ I 15 20 25 30 38 qO q5 50 Time, sec Performance system of C in ACM 55 airplane task. 60 65 70 with 75 80 q _,EI . \ deg 6a, ol I I I I _/ h I_1 IAL I LI I I 4/IA h/I IAIA - v\_ ' 7 N_I/I _og__olfl-I I-vi I ItrlYZ]_] I I I l_h_,-,','_I_Yl IV_, ,,'d I1%1 I I I I I Ifkllll_l I _,, 3oo_IIh,,,,_,L_IAL]LLIIIII_I.IIAIt,_,,,,,,. 6h, deg 60O 'long, QI I _r_ II--'l I P\ I " range, ITI I'L) j V 11{_[_4V_ I_]I I ] ]I4 I ] II//Ill4 \ 'I$'IIIt _" _°°F-t-Gq_l I I I _ I 15-4_LI I I I I I Jr-tq--L I t_ I ol I I I I]"PUI I I I I IT] I i I_H-tfi_[I I I I-FI I I deg _I0 20 0 deg IIILI 111/ L 1/t 20 _t0 60 5 15 10 20 25 30 35 _lO Time, Figure 61.- _15 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 sec Concluded. 209 O negative "g" limit Pitch _ schedule gradient See figure 62(e) Fl°ng Qi __ af q + 20.2 s + 20.2 DL =25; RL=60 6d, C ÷ 20.2 s + 20.2 DL =25; RL =60 (a) Schematic Figure 62.- Simulated basic pitch of overall control system. system (control system A). 0 -2 Negative "g" limit -4 , 0 I I I i 2 4 6 8 i 10 q, kNlm 2 (b) Schedule of 1.0 .8 .6 .4 .2 Pitch-rate gain negative "g" q. I I I I I 4 8 12 16 2O _, Schedule with m 0 (c) limit of kN/m 2 pitch-rate gain with q. 1.0 .8 .6 .4 .2 D Pitch-loop gain 0 8 I I I I I I 16 24 32 40 48 56 (], (d) Schedule Figure of kN/m 2 pitch-loop 62.- gain with q. Continued. 211 III 10 8 Pitch command, g 4 2 0 -2 -4 -80 , -60 -40 -20 I,, , I ,I 20 40 60 Flong, (e) Pitch Figure 212 command 62.- N gradient. Concluded. 80 I00 120 140 160 180 8 k 6 Incremental commanded normal acceleration available, g units 4 2 I, 0 Figure 63.normal Variation acceleration 5 of maximum with I I I0 15 a, deg commandable angle of 20 25 30 incremental attack. 213 Roll trim < 4__40 Roll command gradient See figure 64(b) Flat_ _.___. 20.2 s+20.2 _ + (If >_29° rt-x [+ [ _ _ DL=21.5;RL=80 L222 _ 6a,c 4s2 +64s+6400 s2+80s +6400 I (a) Figure 64.- Schematic of _6d, Schematic roll axis of of overall basic control c system. system (control system ] A). 50 Oh Rudder command gradient See figure 65(b) ÷ -i afJ 3s + 15 _-_29 ° s_ ÷ s+ ÷ , - > 20.2 DL-_Oi 20.2_ =120l--4" I of > 29 ay o.1.871.129_ _Ips __i Ps (a) Figure 65.- Schematic of Schematic yaw axis of of overall basic system. control system (control system A). _r 300 200 i00 Roll command, deg/sec / • J -100 -200 -300 i I -60 I -40 -20 0 2'0 ' 40 60 Fla t, N (b) Roll Figure command 64.- gradient. Concluded. 215 [-j 0"_ Yaw trim Rudder command gradient Fped ___ See figure 65(b) s +6060 ÷ "_-- o,I s-TTg-3s+15 s + 20.2 + DLT=3--_; af> 29° r--_--] (a) Figure 65.- Schematic of Schematic yaw axis of of overall basic --12or + l system. control system (control system -_ A). 6r -3O -2O -11 Rudder command, deg 0 11 2O 3O I -400 0 -200 2OO ! 4OO Fped, N (b) Rudder Figure command 65.- gradient. Concluded. 217 P1 1, P2 = P1 P2 = 60 _T = 5.0 1 T T - f (P2 See figure P2 = 40 - P3 ) =Tidl Figure 218 - P3 ) See figure 1_3 = _ Logic 66.- (P2 1 P3 = fP3 diagram Simulated - P3 ) 66(c) ]_ 1 dt T = Tmil + (Tmax-Tmil)(P e + (Tmii-Tidle)(P3/50) (a) TT -- =f(P2 TT 66(c) l I ]" = 5.0 ] for thrust powerplant dynamic model. characteristics. 3 - 50)/50 P2 = P1 loo 80 P1, r 60 percent powe 4O 2O Id tmum , 20 0 I 40 Percent (b) Power variation Figure with 66.- l, 80 , 60 I 100. th rottle travel throttle position. Continued. 219 _0 0 1.0 .8 i .6 m TT i sec .4 .2 0 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 ( P2 - P3), percent power (c) Variation of inverse of thrust Figure time 66.- constant Concluded. with incremental power command. 8O 100 •12 - • I0 • O8 rms buffet . O6 intensity, g units • O4 • 02 i0 0 15 I I ] I 20 25 30 35 a, deg Figure 67.- Variation of buffet intensity with angle of attack. 4O 1. Report No. NASA '"4. Title 2. Government Accession No. and Subtitle SIMULATOR OF 3. Recipient's 5. Report A STUDY FIGHTER STATIC OF STALL/POST-STALL No. AIRPLANE WITH RELAXED LONGITUDINAL Ogburn, William Date December CHARACTERISTICS 1979 6. Performing Organization Code 8. Performing Organization Report STABILITY 7. Author(s) Luat T. Kemper Nguyen, S. Marilyn Kibler, E. Phillip W. Brown, and P. Gilbert, Perry L. NASA Langley Hampton, Deal S_nsoring Agency Work Addre_ Research VA Unit No. 505-06-63-03 Center 11. Contract or Grant 13. Type Report Name of and Period Washington, Covered and Address Aeronautics DC 15. Supplementary No. 23665 Technical National No. L-12854 10. 9. PerformingOrganizationNameand 12. Catalog TP-1538 and Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Paper Agency Code 20546 Notes 16. Abstract A real-time piloted attack characteristics of F-16, the on ducted on involved tion inertia airplane which it which greatly departure 17. coupling Key Words exhibited was difficult decreased and (Sugg_ted which S_urity the provided was recover. trim and the Results system susceptible to could means stability at be low for to airspeed. into and were the induced The from developed inertia-coupling recovering Distribution con- investiga- departures flown the the resistant modifications to were was evaluation of was pitch rolls which 18. static simulator, control relaxed simulation simulation susceptibility reliable the of The Control-system airplane in testing levels models. large-amplitude deep-stall a basic high-angle-of- wind-tunnel various used maneuvering. the it of data the on from the deep stall. Statement Unclassified - Unlimited stall Departure 19. to effects subscale combat with rapid, a of by Authoris)) Relaxed longitudinal High angle of attack Deep during the evaluate based maneuvering however, to aerodynamic tests airplane departure; also on The low-speed the conducted configuration differential representative yaw been emphasis wind-tunnel Langley that has fighter stability. low-speed the a particular static showed classical by of with longitudinal based simulation prevention Cla_if.(ofthisreport) Unclassified Subject 20. SecurityClassif.(of Unclassified this pege) 21. No. Category 08 of Pages 223 * For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161 NASA-Langley, 1979 ...... I I -- _ -- mi Hi _ _ III I II i IlI ..... ---- -- National Aeronautics Space Administration Washington, 2O546 Official Business Penalty for Private and SPECIAL FOURTH CLASS MAIL Postage and Fees Paid National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA-451 BOOK D.C. 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