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Early Brain Wiring Activities for Infants & Toddlers

Early Brain Wiring Activity (B)
Give examples of specific things (interactions, Activities, Experiences, etc. you can do to support early
brain wiring for each of the developmental areas on the charts for both Infants & Toddlers.
Emotional Intelligence -Infants
Smiling at them
Making face to make them laugh
Holding them when they cry
Emotional Intelligence-Toddlers
Talking to them about what their feeling
Encourage them to play Toddler and children
commutate through their play.
Social Skills-Infants
Have them babble
Infants may learn daddy, momma encouraged them to
use those words by asking who’s this. Cuddle time.
Social Skills-Toddlers
Time with friends
Playground let them play with kids
School learning to share
Motor Development-Toddlers
Writing words on paper
Grabbing things with their hands
Running playing
Motor Development-Infants
Tummy time have them on their tummies
Limit the time they are confined.
1 Infants and Toddlers
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Vision – Toddlers
Limit TV time and screens
Make sure if the need glasses they have the right ones.
Limit TV time and screens
Have objects at a good distances
Early Sounds – Infants
Encourage them to babble
Help them use sounds
Vocabulary – Toddlers
Help them develop their vocabulary
Writing words on paper
Not using cuss words around them.
Thinking Skills – Infants
Play sound on a toy and have the infant find which
button plays the sound.
2 Infants and Toddlers
Thinking Skills – Toddlers
Have them explain their day at school.
Help them on their homework
Ask what they think about ______
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3 Infants and Toddlers
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4 Infants and Toddlers
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