ECE 2A Lab #7 Lab 7 AC Circuits and Transformers Overview In this lab we introduce the impedance concept in the context of simple voltage divider/filter circuits. You will also experiment with a simple audio-transformer. Table of Contents Pre-lab Preparation Before Coming to the Lab Required Equipment Parts List In-Lab Procedure 7.1 The Impedance Concept A Reactive Voltage Divider Second-Order Low-Pass Filter 7.2 Transformers Turns Ratio: Voltage Transformation Impedance Transformation 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 1 © Bob York 2 AC Circuits and Transformers Pre-lab Preparation Before Coming to the Lab □ Read through the details of the lab experiment to familiarize yourself with the components and testing sequence. □ One person from each lab group should obtain a parts kit from the ECE Shop. Required Equipment ■ Provided in lab: Bench power supply, Function Generator, Oscilloscope, Decade Box ■ Student equipment: Solderless breadboard, and jumper wire kit Parts List Qty 1 1 1 2 2 2 Description 10mH 19DCR power inductor (from Lab #6) 100uH power inductor 75mW audio transformer, 10k-ct primary, 2k-ct secondary 1uF 25V electrolytic c apacitor, radial lead 10uF 25V electrolytic capacitor, radial lead 100uF 25V electrolytic capacitor, radial lead We will also use the 741 op-amps and selected components from earlier labs © Bob York In-Lab Procedure 3 In-Lab Procedure 7.1 The Impedance Concept A Reactive Voltage Divider Vout The circuit in Figure 7-1 is a basic AC voltage V in Z 1 divider with a unity-gain buffer amplifier at + the input. By using an input buffer amp we Z2 can subsequently assume that the voltage divider will be driven by a nearly ideal voltage source; this is useful because the bench function generator has a potentially significant Figure 7-1 – Voltage divider with input buffer. output impedance (you may recall that you saw the effect of this in one of the first-order filter circuits in the previous lab). Thus if we eliminated the input buffer stage we’d have to add the output resistance of the function generator in series with Z1 in all our calculations. The AC response of the voltage divider will depend on the impedances that we use for Z1 and Z 2 . For example, if we use two capacitors the transfer function would become 1 Vout Z2 jC2 C1 (7.1) 1 1 Vin Z1 Z 2 C1 C2 jC1 jC2 A result that is independent of frequency. So a capacitive voltage divider behaves in some respects like a resistive voltage divider, although the dependence on the series and shunt values is reversed. □ Build the circuit shown in Figure 7-1 using two 1μF capacitors. As always with op-amp circuits, start by adding the power-connections first, then add the remaining components. Keep the power off until you are ready to make measurements. □ Using your cables, connect the function generator as Vin, and set up your oscilloscope to observe Vin and Vout simultaneously as in the previous lab. Adjust the function generator to produce a 0.1V amplitude sinewave at 1kHz. □ Turn on the power and record the output voltage, and compare with the theoretical prediction in (7.1). Adjust the frequency a little around 1kHz to convince yourself that the output is frequency-independent. Despite the similarities to a resistive divider there is one significant difference here: the current supplied by the buffer amplifier is now strongly dependent on frequency! The net impedance between the op-amp output and ground is Z1 Z 2 . At high-frequencies the capacitor has a very small impedance, and this may excessively load the op-amp. Second-Order Low-Pass Filter Now let Z1 R1 j L1 and Z 2 1 / jC2 ; the transfer function in this case is Vout Z2 1 / jC2 1 2 Vin Z1 Z 2 R1 j L1 1 / jC2 (1 L1C2 ) j R1C2 (7.2) 4 AC Circuits and Transformers The behavior of this circuit can be appreciate by looking at limiting values of frequency. As 0 the transfer function approaches a constant value of one (1). As the transfer function diminishes in proportion to 1 / 2 . Thus we anticipate a low-pass character to the response. But notice that something interesting happens when 2 L1C2 1 ; at this frequency the transfer function becomes 0 1 L1C2 Vout 1 1 L1 0 R1C2 R1 C2 Vin (7.3) This point is called the resonant frequency of the circuit, and for small values of resistance R1 the transfer function could be greater than one at resonance. In other words, there is effectively a kind of voltage gain in the circuit due to the interaction of the L1 Vout inductor and capacitor. Note that R1 V in could represent the parasitic winding + resistance of the inductor; it does not have C2 to be a separate component: □ Turn off power and rebuild the circuit as shown in Figure 7-2 using Figure 7-2 – Second-order low-pass. L1 10 mH and C2 1 F . Adjust the amplitude of the function generator to a 10mV amplitude sinewave. □ Turn on power and adjust the frequency to the vicinity of the resonant frequency f 0 0 / 2 . Use (7.3) to estimate the resonant frequency. Vary the frequency around this point to see if there is a frequency at which the output voltage peaks. If so, record this frequency and the peak voltage. □ Now take data necessary to generate a “Bode plot” later on (a Bode plot is just a log-log plot of the transfer function versus frequency). Start at around 50Hz and stop at around 20 kHz (e.g. 50Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, etc.). You may need to use a smaller step in the vicinity of the resonance. Now turn off power and rebuild the circuit using L1 100 H and C2 100 F . Then repeat the last two steps for this new configuration. Use MATLAB or Excel to generate a nice log-log plot of the frequency response of this second-order low-pass filter in your lab report. □ 7.2 Transformers N1 : N2 We now switch gears a bit to introduce the transformer. A transformer is essentially two inductors that share a common magnetic flux. This is usually accomplished by winding them around a common magnetic “core” of iron, Bend tabs up before ferrite, or other material of highinserting into breadboard magnetic permeability. The transformer used in this lab is a Figure 7-3 – Audio transformer with center-taps. small “audio” transformer. This is designed to operate at low power levels in the 100Hz-20kHz range. A drawing and schematic of the audio transformer is shown in Figure 7-3. In this particular case each © Bob York 5 Transformers winding has a center-tap, or an extra terminal attached to the middle of each winding. Not all transformers have center tapped windings; we’ll see how they can be used momentarily (and also in ECE 2B). □ As a first step, insert the audio transformer into your breadboard across one of the IC channels, just as you would with an op-amp (leave the previous op-amp/filter circuit intact and insert the transformer in a separate region of the breadboard). You will need to first bend tabs back on transformer as shown in Figure 7-3. You can do this using your needle-nose pliers. Be careful when you insert the transformer, the wires are thin so they can sometimes just crimp instead of descending into the holes. Straighten out the wires first and line them up with the holes, then use your pliers to gently press the wires into place one at a time. Turns Ratio: Voltage Transformation In general each winding on the transformer has a different number of turns. One winding is called the primary, the other is called the secondary. Its often hard to know which is the primary and secondary without measurements, but the N1 : N2 transformer in this lab has two markings to help: one side of the windings has a “P” marked on it for Vin “primary”, and looking down at the top, one side of the bobbin is colored black. Vout Consult the data sheet for the actual turns ratio for your transformer; if it’s the one we expect, the primary should have N1 2100 turns and a 500 Ω DC resistance, and the secondary should have Figure 7-4 – Basic test set-up for N 2 600 turns and a 200 Ω DC resistance. examining the open-circuit voltage □ Adjust the function generator for a 0.1V transformation. amplitude sinewave at 1kHz and apply to the primary leads as shown in Figure 7-4. Please note that the primary and secondary share a common ground! Monitor the input and output voltages across the two windings using the oscilloscope. Record the waveforms and peak values in your notebook. Ideally the ratio of output voltage to input voltage should scale with the turns ratio as Vout N 2 (7.4) Vin N1 Now switch things around: apply the input signal to the secondary and monitor the output across the primary. What changes? Again record the waveforms and peak values, can compare the results of these last two steps with the ideal (7.4). In real transformers the magnetic properties of the N2 : N1 iron or ferrite core material are influenced by the amount of current in the windings, so the actual voltage transformation ratio will depend to some Vin extent on the amplitude of the input signal and any Vout loading currents in later parts of the lab. Thus our experiments may not match (7.4) perfectly. □ □ Now apply the input signal to the center-tap on the secondary and record the output across the primary as shown in Figure 7-5. Compare the Figure 7-5 – Using the center-taps. 6 AC Circuits and Transformers result with the previous step. Can you see what is happening? Applying the signal to the center tap only uses half of the turns in the winding, so the ratio of output signal to input signal should be doubled. □ Rebuild the circuit now with the input signal applied across the full secondary winding and the output recorded across half of the primary as shown in Figure 7-6. Now we are only using half the turns at the output, so the voltage ratio should be reduced by half compared with your earlier data. Record your findings. N2 : N1 Vin Vout Figure 7-6 – More fun with center-taps! Impedance Transformation A transformer is a passive device, so the output power must always be less than the input power. Thus if the transformer is used to step UP the voltage, the current must go down proportionally. If the power dissipated in the device is minimal then we can expect the current to transform exactly in the opposite way as the voltage: I out N1 (7.5) I in N2 The fact that current and voltage scale in opposite ways leads to an interesting and useful application of transformers as an impedance transformer. We will demonstrate this using resistors as shown in Figure 7-7. In this case, using (7.4) and (7.5) we can easily show that R1 Iin N1 : N2 Iout Vg Vin Vout RL 2 N V Rin in 1 RL I in N 2 (7.6) If N1 N 2 , we can use this trick to make a small resistance look bigger to the rest of the circuit. Rin Figure 7-7 – Circuit for demonstrating the impedancetransforming property of transformers. Configure the circuit in Figure 7-7 on your breadboard using R1 10 k and RL 1 k . Apply a 1kHz @ 0.1V amplitude sinewave for Vg and observe Vg and Vin on the oscilloscope. Record the amplitude of Vin and compare with your expectation based on your knowledge of voltage dividers and the prediction of (7.6) Real transformers are not easy to model accurately. In addition to the winding resistances and winding inductances, there are parasitic capacitances between the turns on each winding, and as mentioned previously the nonlinear properties of the core requires some effort to characterize properly. We have basically ignored these complications in our treatment above, so it shouldn’t be too surprising if there are some departures from the theoretical predictions. □ Congratulations! You have now completed Lab 7 © Bob York