Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Prepared for: Kennisagenda Aardwarmte Doc Ref: J001916-01-PM-REP-001 Rev: 04 Date: April 2018 Report Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Client Kennisagenda Aardwarmte Document Title Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template WG Reference Number Client Reference Number (if applicable) J001916-01-PM-REP-001 N/A Contact Arnaud Barré, Integrity Operation Manager Tel: +47 (0) 51 37 25 26 Wood Kanalsletta 2, NORWAY, 4033 Stavanger Tel +47 (0) 51 37 25 00 Revision Date Reason for Issue Prepared Checked Approved 05 17/04/2018 Final for workshop ABA PW OI 04 27/02/2018 Issued for client review ABA PW OI 03 05/10/2017 Issued for client review ABA PW OI 02 11/09/17 Re- Issue for Internal review accounting for Strand A ABA OI 01 04/01/17 Issue for Internal review ABA IMC INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER Wood Group Kenny Norge ASWood Group Kenny Norge AS, is the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in this document (unless, and to the extent, we have agreed otherwise in a written contract with our client). The content of the document is protected by confidentiality and copyright laws. All such rights are reserved. You may not modify or copy the document or any part of it unless we (or our client, as the case may be) have given you express written consent to do so. If we have given such consent, our status (and that of any identified contributors) as the author(s) of the material in the document must always be acknowledged. You must not use any part of the content of this document for commercial purposes unless we (or our client, in the event that they own intellectual property rights in this document) have given you express written consent for such purposes. This document has been prepared for our client and not for any other person. Only our client may rely upon the contents of this document and then only for such purposes as are specified in the contract between us, pursuant to which this document was prepared. Save as set out in our written contract with our client, neither we nor our subsidiaries or affiliates provide any warranties, guarantees or representations in respect of this document and all liability is expressly disclaimed to the maximum extent permitted by law. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 2 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Executive Summary The first geothermal wells in the Netherlands were completed in 2007. In recent years, 11 geothermal doublets have been drilled. Kennisagenda’ and ‘the Dutch Geothermal Industry’ have identified a need to improve the asset management of their wells and surface facilities based upon a review of current practice and consideration of improvements. The benefits of proactive asset management can include, but are not limited to the following: improved financial performance; informed asset investment decisions; managed risk; improved services and outputs; demonstrated social responsibility; demonstrated compliance; enhanced reputation; improved organisational sustainability; improved efficiency and effectiveness, and last but not least management of technical and operation integrity ref./ 6. This report forms Kennisagenda Aardwarmte output from Corrosion Assessment, Wells Materials Selection and Life Cycle Asset Management for Geothermal Energy Systems in the Netherlands, which ran from 2016 through to 2017. This is Strand B; Strand A has already been completed ref./ 9. The objective of the study is to provide a draft Asset Management Guideline (AMG) enabling the Dutch Geothermal Industry to develop asset management plan for geothermal low enthalpy asset plants. The subset objectives are to define and standardise good asset management practice covering the full life cycle, define the content of asset management plans for geothermal energy systems, cover the entire asset life cycle from concept to abandonment, create lean asset management plans which maximise production and safety whilst optimising cost. Geothermal Asset Operators will develop or produce the plan from the AM Guideline/AMP template. The scope of the study includes surface infrastructure for both production and injection wells. The primary loop includes booster and Injection pumps, heat exchanger, gas/water separator and Piping. The Study Introduction, section 1.0 presents the background, scope and objectives of the study. The methodology used to develop the AM Guideline/AMP template is detailed in section 2 and Appendix A. It includes the information collected through site visit, discussion with DAGO representative and survey conducted. The AM Guideline/Template is addressed in 3.0 and includes Appendix B to Appendix D. Section 3.0 is further divided in the following sub –sections: o Section 3.1 is an introduction to the guideline; o Section 3.2 describes key regulation elements required for exploration, development of licences and operation for Low Enthalpy Geothermal Asset in the Netherlands. Relevant EU directive is also discussed. o Section 3.3 describes the overall Asset Management Process life cycle and provides activity details for each phase of the Asset life cycle. Key engineering, J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 3 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report construction, procurement activities best practices are presented as check list or bullet list. Typical project risks (prior operation) are presented in section 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. Section 3.4 describes Risk Management prior operation, i.e. CAPEX phase. o Section 3.3.5 Present Asset integrity management best practice and requirements during the Operational phase. It covers Integrity and Risk Assessment, Operational philosophy and Requalification. o Section 3.3.6 addresses the abandonment phase best practices and requirements. o Having presented the process and the different phases, the development requirement of the AMP phase by phase using the guideline is described in section 3.4. The AMP requirements are addressed in section 3.5 Operational and Organisational Asset Management system, in section 3.6 Reliability Management, and in section 3.7 Technical Asset Integrity management. It includes: o Inspection, Monitoring, Test, and Maintenance; design and operational data, parameter to be monitored, performance indicator, typical Threats/Risk and a generic Risk Assessment for the equipment, including when possible mitigations. o Indicative frequency of inspection / maintenance, o Long term Historical & Planning Through the study, activities have been identified which could potentially enable deployment of a guideline and improvement of geothermal asset management in general. These are detailed below: 1. Develop a common Asset database to collect Integrity and Reliability data, including design information. The database should also contain a means for sharing information among stakeholders in suitable formats. It will contribute to have a better understanding of failures and their impact on current and future LEGE Asset (see preliminary approach in section 3.6). 2. Continue to develop the existing collaborative platforms and forums to share geothermal data from project development and operation. A Joint Industry Project (JIP) collaboration format as in Oil & Gas Experience could be used. 3. Adapt Value Improvement Practices (VIP) as used in the Oil & Gas industry to geothermal projects. VIP is underutilized in capital investment & construction projects. Typical VIP methods include Setting Business Priorities, Design to Capacity, Technology Selection, Constructability, etc. this in particularly relevant for The Exploration & Development phase. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 4 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Revision History (Optional) Revision Date Comments HOLDS No. Section Comment Signatory Legend Revision Role Comments 04 Prepared Arnaud Barre Checked Paul Wood Approved Ogo Ikenwilo J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 5 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 10 2.0 Study Methodology ......................................................................................................... 12 2.1 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................... 13 3.0 Asset Management Guideline ......................................................................................... 16 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 16 3.2 Asset Management: Objectives and Regulation .................................................................... 17 Objectives.......................................................................................................................... 17 Regulatory ......................................................................................................................... 18 Guidelines and Standards ................................................................................................. 22 3.3 Asset Management Process & Phases during Life Cycle Phases .......................................... 23 Asset Management Process overview ............................................................................... 23 Exploration Phase/Global Study to Preparation for Drilling & Construction Phase (“Voorbereidingsfase”) ....................................................................................................... 25 Drilling & Construction Phase ............................................................................................ 27 Risk Management Process - from Exploration until Drilling & Construction ........................ 28 Asset Integrity Management Plan During Production/Operation Phase ............................. 30 Geothermal Well Abandonment ......................................................................................... 35 3.4 Asset Management Plan - Development through the asset life cycle using the guideline ...... 37 Exploration Phase/Global Study to Preparation for Drilling & Construction Phase ............. 37 Drilling & Construction Phase ............................................................................................ 37 Production Phase to Abandonment ................................................................................... 38 3.5 Organisational and Operational Management Systems ......................................................... 39 Organisational Roles and Responsibilities ......................................................................... 39 Leadership Commitement and Policy ................................................................................ 40 Supply Chain Management and Knowledge Network ........................................................ 40 Competence and Training ................................................................................................. 42 HSE and Emergency Response ........................................................................................ 43 Management of Change .................................................................................................... 43 Incident, Preventive and Corrective Action Management System ...................................... 43 Lessons Learned ............................................................................................................... 44 Storage of Information – Documentation / Database ......................................................... 44 Performance Evaluation .................................................................................................... 47 Monitoring, Audit & Review ................................................................................................ 47 3.6 Reliability Studies.................................................................................................................... 48 J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 6 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Reliability Prior to Operation/Production ............................................................................ 48 Reliability Data Collection during Operation/Production ..................................................... 48 Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) Analysis ................................................. 48 3.7 Technical Integrity Management............................................................................................. 50 Geothermal System Description ........................................................................................ 50 Design Information Per Equipment ................................................................................... 52 Monitoring Operation Data and Technical and Non-techncial Performance Indicators ....... 52 Generic Threats & Risk Assessment ................................................................................. 54 Christmas-tree and Well: Inspection, Testing & Maintenance Program .............................. 61 Surface Facilities : Inspection, Testing & Maintenance Program ........................................ 63 Periodic review : Integrity Assessment and Analysis ......................................................... 69 Indicative Inspection, Testing & Maintenance Frequencies ................................................ 70 Long Term Historical & Planning : Inspection, Testing & Maintenance ............................. 73 4.0 References ....................................................................................................................... 74 Methodology to develop the Asset Management Guideline ............................ A-1 A.1 General ................................................................................................................ A-1 A.2 Guideline contents rationale ................................................................................. A-1 A.3 Literature review................................................................................................... A-3 A.1 Asset Integrity Management Definitions ............................................................... A-4 Risk Assessment Methodology & Risk Matrices ............................................. B-6 Detailed Information on Standards ................................................................... C-1 Inspection, Testing, Monitoring Techniques .................................................... D-2 J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 7 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report List of Figures Figure 1 Typical schematic sketch of a low enthalpy geothermal plant (source ref./ 36) ............... 13 Figure 2 Establishing Asset Management Process Prior to Operation/Production Phase .............. 24 Figure 3 Asset Management Process during Operation ................................................................ 25 Figure 4 Deliverables of an RBI Assessment for Inspection (ref./ 35) ........................................... 33 Figure 5 Maintenance Management System Cycle ....................................................................... 34 Figure 6 Basic P&A Plug ............................................................................................................... 36 Figure 7 Illustration Production Assurance terms (ref./ 24) ........................................................... 49 Figure 8 Diagram of Typical Production Low Enthalpy Dutch Geothermal Well ............................. 51 Figure 9 Hierarchy of elements of sustainable asset integrity management programme. (ref./ 19) A3 List of Tables Table 3-1 Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 18 Table 3-2 Minimum checklist of tasks to be addressed during these phases................................. 26 Table 3-3 Risk Template ............................................................................................................... 29 Table 3-4 Minimum Maintenance & Inspection activities requirements.......................................... 32 Table 3-5 Role & Responsibilities ................................................................................................. 39 Table 3-6 Stakeholder List: Suppliers, Public, Client, etc. ............................................................. 40 Table 3-7 Leadership and Policy Item List .................................................................................... 40 Table 3-8 Supplier’s Qualifications ................................................................................................ 41 Table 3-9 Network......................................................................................................................... 41 Table 3-10 Organisation Competence and Training ...................................................................... 42 Table 3-11 Organisation Competence and Training – Planning .................................................... 42 Table 3-12 Technical Authority List ............................................................................................... 42 Table 3-13 List of Courses ............................................................................................................ 42 Table 3-14 List of Plan .................................................................................................................. 43 Table 3-15 MoC List for all phases ................................................................................................ 43 Table 3-16 Incident, Preventive and Corrective Action List for all phases ..................................... 44 Table 3-17 Lessons Learned List for all Phases ............................................................................ 44 Table 3-18 Minimum Documentation Management System Requirements ................................... 45 Table 3-19 Document& Data Storage System and Content .......................................................... 46 Table 3-20 Typical Master Document Register Content ................................................................ 47 Table 3-21 Minimum Audit and Review Plan ................................................................................. 47 Table 3-22 Reliability Data Collection............................................................................................ 48 J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 8 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 3-23 Design data per equipment ......................................................................................... 52 Table 3-24 Typical Design Data For Well ...................................................................................... 52 Table 3-25 Production and Injection Well Integrity PI .................................................................... 53 Table 3-26 Production and Injection Surface Integrity Operating Window & Minimum KPI ............ 53 Table 3-27 Overall Geothermal Asset System Threats ................................................................. 55 Table 3-28 Well Threat Risk Assessment ..................................................................................... 57 Table 3-29 Threats, Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Surface Equipment................................ 59 Table 3-30: Frequencies ............................................................................................................... 71 Table 3-31 Basic Corrosion Monitoring Regime/Frequencies ........................................................ 72 Table 3-32: Inspection & Maintenance Planning template ............................................................. 73 Table 4-1 Risk = CoF x PoF (Quality) ......................................................................................... B-2 Table 4-2 Risk = CoF x PoF (Health) .......................................................................................... B-3 Table 4-3 Risk = CoF x PoF (Safety) .......................................................................................... B-3 Table 4-4 Risk = CoF x PoF (Environment) ................................................................................. B-4 Table 4-5 Risk = CoF x PoF (Public Acceptance) ....................................................................... B-4 Table 4-6 Risk Matrix .................................................................................................................. B-5 J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 9 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report 1.0 Introduction The first geothermal wells in the Netherlands were completed in 2007. In recent years, 11 geothermal doublets have been drilled. Client has identified a need to improve the asset management of geothermal wells and surface facilities based upon a review of current practice and consideration of improvements. There is a need to define and standardise asset management practice covering the full life cycle, and to transfer this knowledge effectively within the Industry to spread good practice. An Asset Management plan should detail the HSSE management framework as well as the economical delivery target and requirements. Furthermore, in addition to bringing good practice to operational projects, the framework should ensure that knowledge relating to HSSE, production and economic requirements are transferred to new geothermal projects. The benefits of asset management can include, but are not limited to the following: Improved financial performance Informed asset investment decisions Managed risk Improved services and outputs Demonstrated social responsibility Demonstrated compliance Enhanced reputation Improved organizational sustainability Improved efficiency and effectiveness The objective of the study is to provide an Asset Management Guideline (AMG) enabling the Dutch Geothermal Industry to develop lean, control and practical asset management plan for their assets. The guideline covers the entire asset life cycle and includes Concept and Drilling phase, Surface Equipment, Well Construction and Design, Operation, Integrity, Inspection, Maintenance and Safety. The study also aims to facilitate knowledge–sharing and knowledge transfer in the area of asset management for geothermal energy systems in the Netherlands through a workshop. By providing tools to help deliver reliable and safe long-term operation of geothermal systems, the study will increase asset performance, integrity and reliability within the HSE framework prepared in another study. That includes maximising effective use of geothermal energy (as opposed to non-renewable sources), maximising reliability and optimizing maintenance, repair and other operating costs. The Target Groups are the Dutch geothermal industry, asset operators, well designers, J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 10 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report drilling contractors, surface facilities contractors and relevant institutions linked to the geothermal industry in Netherlands. The rest of the document is divided as follows; Section 2 and Appendix A details the methodology While section 3 is the actual Asset Management Guideline/Plan template. The intention is that section 3 and Appendices B, C and D are easily extractable to make an Asset Management plan. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 11 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report 2.0 Study Methodology The methodology that was utilised to develop the AMG is summarised below, more details can be found in Appendix A. Kick off meeting to agree deliverables and align expectations A brief review of geothermal literature and risk approach Review of asset management standards related to O&G and ISO 55000 covering Integrity and reliability of Asset Incorporate and link relevant aspects from the past completed studies “Well Integrity Management Guideline for Geothermal Wells” and “Geothermal Corrosion study report” (Strand A of this proposal) to ensure the link between design and operation Review of available DAGO Integrity & Operation data (done via a survey and also during a visit to select Operators facilities) Risk assessment of relevant system threats to define appropriate inspection methodologies, monitoring and integrity requirements on a generic basis (every asset is different) Development of the geothermal AM guideline including a set of tools & methods to guide geothermal operators A best practice and knowledge sharing workshop with Stakeholders The guideline has been developed based on the following: Oil & Gas standards and good practices, general Asset Management standards and a web based literature review, all adapted to suit the Dutch geothermal industry; The Hazid report ref./ threats; Risk Assessment: Identification of Threat & Risk is covered from a Generic point of view as it is asset dependent. Visit and interview of two Operators, including working meeting with DAGO Rep showed the diversity of asset size, asset complexity in term of production threats and operation, diversity of business model (e.g. single owner, multi owner). 1 has been used to discuss and present key risks and It is planned to conduct a Workshop after the study delivery. This will be presented at the Workshop. The AMG covers production and injection well and surface infrastructure primary loops only for shallow geothermal sources as found in the Dutch geothermal context. The guideline covers the usual set of systems and equipment in LEGE assets. The primary loop includes Booster and Injection pumps, Heat Exchanger, Gas/Water Separator and Piping (but. not the transport system to final user – e.g. Greenhouse) as shown in Figure 1. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 12 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Development of the practical measures for asset management for the downhole part of the system are based on the existing Project (ref./ 9). Figure 1 Typical schematic sketch of a low enthalpy geothermal plant (source ref./ 36) Details on the methodology and approach to develop the guideline are presented in Appendix A. 2.1 Abbreviations ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable AM Asset Management or Asset Integrity Management AMG Asset Management Guideline/Plan template AMP Asset Management Plan BARMM Besluit Algemene Regels Milieu Mijnbouw). BOP Blowout Preventer CAPEX Capital Expenditure CHP Combined Heat and Power CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System CoF Consequence of Failure CVI Close Visual Inspection DAGO Dutch Association of Geothermal Operators DG Decision Gate DPI Dye Penetrant Inspection J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 13 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report EIS Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy ENM Electrochemical Noise Measurements ET Eddy Current Testing EU European Union FEED Front End Loading FFS Fitness for Service GA Geothermal Asset GVI Global Visual Inspection HAZID Hazard Identification HSE Health, Safety, and Environment IMR Inspection, Maintenance and Repair IRIS Internal Rotary Inspection System IMT&M Inspection, Monitoring, Test & Maintenance KPI Key Performance Indicator LPR Linear Polarization Resistance LTE Life Time Extension MFL Magnetic Flux Leakage MIC Microbial Induced Corrosion MoC Management of Change MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection MTTF Mean Time To Failure NDE Non Destructive Examination NOGEPA Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association O&G Oil & Gas OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer OPEX Operational Expenditure PI Performance Indicator PoF Probability of Failure RA Risk Assessment RAM Reliability Availability and Maintainability RBI Risk Based Inspection RBL Radial Bond Log Engineering Development or Front-end J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 14 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report RBM Risk Based Maintenance RCM Risk Centred Maintenance RFT Remote Field Testing RPN Risk Priority Number SCSSV Surface-Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve LEGE SMART SSM TECOP Low Enthalpy Geothermal Energy (also called Shallow Geothermal Energy) Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic and Timerelated State Supervision of Mines. Government body regulating the Geothermal industry in the Netherlands Technical, Economic, Commercial, Organisational, Political UT Ultra Sonic WG Wood Group WIM Well Integrity Management J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 15 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report 3.0 Asset Management Guideline 3.1 Introduction The factors which influence the type of assets that an organization requires to achieve its objectives, and how the assets are managed, include the following: The nature and purpose of the organization; Its operating context; Its financial/contractual constraints and regulatory requirements; The needs and expectations of the organisation and its stakeholders. These influencing factors need to be considered when establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving asset management. Asset management translates the organisation’s objectives into asset-related decisions, plans and activities, using a risk based approach. This Guideline provides guidance for the application of an Asset Management Plan and system for a geothermal asset, referred to as an “Asset Management System”, in accordance with the requirements of ISO 55001. This LEGE guideline/plan template addresses: Requirements and good practices in terms of the Asset Integrity Management plan including key regulation references; Covers LEGE Asset primary loop Surface Geothermal Plant and equipment, wells equipment and Safety-Critical Elements associated with geothermal production installations in the Netherlands; Asset Integrity Management Requirements and Processes through the different phases of the Asset Life Cycle. It specifically describe levels of information required for the different phases as follows: o Business Asset Management systems requirements and processes such as organisation, documentation, or training; o Reliability studies, Risk Management & Integrity Assessment process; o Primary loop systems threats & risk, Inspection Monitoring Testing & Maintenance (IMT&T), Inspection and Frequency recommendation; o Risk Matrices and methodology. The guideline is intended to be implemented by LEGE asset owners and personnel who are involved in managing the asset lifecycle. The guideline is designed to inform and influence operator's management systems in regard to Asset Integrity (AI) and Asset Management (AM). J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 16 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report 3.2 Asset Management: Objectives and Regulation Asset Management and Objectives shall be common to all assets owned by one operator. Objectives The Operator’s organisation shall consider the requirements of relevant stakeholders and of other financial, technical, legal, regulatory and internal organisational requirements in the asset management planning process. The Assets of the Dutch geothermal operators varies from small to large and from simple to complex in terms of operation, number of suppliers and services, production, technical challenges and business models. As a result, the activities shall be sized according to the business and asset as follows: - Perform a stakeholder management review and update it through the entire asset life cycle. - Update objectives as per regulations. - Set objectives specific to assets - measurable, achievable within the timeframe, and assignable to supplier or asset owner organisation (SMART1 principle good practice). - The objectives shall be communicated internally and externally as required and updated when required. The following objectives shall be set by Operator with their Stakeholder as a minimum. Until the Operation phase only the Objective and Objectives Target shall be set: 1 SMART an acronym to set up objectives as follows: Specific – target a specific area for improvement. Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress. Assignable – specify who will do it. Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources. Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 17 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 3-1 Objectives Objective Objective Target Measurement Production Flowrate Production Availability Min and max flowrate Flowrate Hourly, Daily, monthly etc. - Based on yearly or seasonal production - Depending on client needs Number of days of maintenance, of production, shutdown etc Cost breakdown structure plan vs accrued Cost breakdown structure plan vs accrued Cost breakdown structure plan vs accrued As per operational parameters Hourly, Daily, monthly etc. Operation Cost Maintenance Cost Inspection Cost Operational Parameters Training Supplier Performance Improvement Objectives Typical - Temperature min & max to be delivered Pressure - Electrical power consumption from grid or CHP - etc. Type of training and level Quality of delivery, delivery time, cost of delivery Once improvements are identified, a target is to be set Number of course, score achieved, etc. Audit & review evaluation As per improvement identified Owner in Organisation Timeframe Hourly, Daily, monthly etc. Hourly, Daily, monthly etc. Hourly, Daily, monthly etc. Hourly, Daily, monthly etc. As required As required Regulatory The AMP shall address the social, cultural, political, legal, regulatory, technological, and natural environment, whether these are international (i.e. relevant European Union Directives for geothermal energy), national, regional or local; it shall also include relationships with, and perceptions and values of, external stakeholders to understand the requirement and the risk and opportunities. Specific definitions for Low Enthalpy Geothermal Energy (LEGE) are implemented in the Netherlands such as depth of geothermal resources, installed capacity & system size, temperature and utilization of water or resources. Geothermal Asset installations require a careful evaluation of the subsurface conditions and environmental impact of the installations as part of the development process. Typical project development steps include: Early consultation or submission of an early application of the asset development; Completion of a feasibility study demonstrating the proposed LEGE system construction, system size and proposed operation modes (including required J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 18 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report heating and cooling demands); Full permit and application process including Environmental Impact Assessment this application process commonly includes the submission of detailed construction drawings, detailed methodologies for the drilling and completion phase and the confirmation of proposed selected contractors for the construction operations; Detailed monitoring and data submission programme. This is a non-exhaustive list. A summary of the regulation requirement is provided here after ref./ 39: Legal Framework: Permitting procedures. Exploration and development of geothermal resources under 500 meter depth are subject to licensing in accordance with the Environmental Management Act and the Groundwater Act; Exploration and development of deep geothermal resources (>500 meter depth) are subject to licensing under the Mining Act and the Mining Regulation. Application for Licenses For both exploration and development licenses, the application file shall include: General information such as the identification of the applicant; Financial details such as the manner in which the applicant intends to finance the intended exploration or possible production; Technical details: The local geological situation and subsurface description; The area applied for with relevant map; The period the license is applied for; The proposed installations and operating methods during the drilling activities including the safety precautions and methods to prevent pollution and nuisance; The effects on the sub-soil including risks of subsidence and proposed measures to avoid them; The expected timeframe of the proposed activities; The potential interference with other applications; The envisaged results. Note : The completion of energy systems is based on the requirement of a system achieving an energy balance where the volumes of water extracted and re-injected as well J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 19 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report as the amount of energy extracted in the heating and cooling modes do not result in thermal changes to the aquifer conditions. For licences only, the application file for an exploration license shall include: A program describing the reconnaissance and exploration activities the applicant intends to carry out, the pertaining time schedule and techniques that will be used; A geological report detailing at least: the exploratory surveys used for the support of the application and other geological data, the interpretation of this data and the risk analysis used thereby as well as a description of the local and regional geology. As for the application file for a development license, it shall also include: An estimate of the expected geothermal resource; A multi-annual program describing the production activities to be performed, techniques used thereby and an estimate of the annual production, investment and operating costs; The technical and financial capacity of the applicant; The sense of responsibility for society that the applicant has demonstrated in activities under previous licenses. The competent authority and main steps of the process are summarised hereafter: Exploration The Minister of Economic Affairs is the competent authority; Obtain a BARMM (Besluit Algemene Regels Milieu Mijnbouw) - a notification that drilling is performed in a safe and environmentally sound way. Application is reviewed and advice is collected from TNO (GeoSciences Group), SODM (State Supervision of Mines) and the Provincial executive of the province. Development The Minister of Economic Affairs is the competent authority; A production license can be applied for once test drill has been done; Advice from TNO, SODM, the Provincial executive and the Mining Council. Note that if a license for the production applies to an area in which a reservoir is present J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 20 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report which can reasonably be expected to extend beyond the boundary of the license area, the license holder is obliged to cooperate in reaching an agreement with the license holder of the adjacent area. A production plan is required. The plan shall address the following: The expected geothermal resources and their location; The commencement and duration of the production; The manner of production and the activities relating thereto; The expected annual production; The annual cost of production; The soil movement as a result of the production and the measures to prevent such a soil movement. A radioactivity baseline is recommended (see 3.5.5 HSE requirements framework.) Operation phase and Abandonment Annually, the licensee submits a report to the relevant Authority (e.g. the Minister of Economic Affairs) on the progress of the execution of the production plan and on any deviation from that plan. In case of significant deviations, the licensee is required to submit an update of the production plan, again to be approved by the Minister; Report of water injected; Environmental report (e.g. water from drain system); Radioactivity. Annually, the General Inspector of Mines shall issue an annual report to the Minister on operations that took place during the year, including his recommendations for the purpose of the efficient and dynamic handling of future activities; In the Netherlands, monitoring is implemented on larger scale systems only as a measure to ensure the protection of groundwater resources and to understand the hydraulic and thermal effects of the system on underground aquifers. This monitoring process also includes annual reporting to authority; LSA Norms. Radioactivity control is mandatory. The abandonment of the wells will have to be carried out according to the Dutch rules and regulations as described in the ‘Mijnbouwregeling’; Chapter 8.5. These regulations prescribe the methods of abandonment for different well construction sections. These methods dictate, in large, the work program and materials to be used and therefore the cost J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 21 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report of the operation ref./ 41. EU directives may impact the Netherlands geothermal asset. The Directive on Renewable Energy Sources (2009/28/EC) has a binding definition of Geothermal Energy in the Article 2, which provides definition of geothermal systems. The rules protecting the environment in geothermal regulatory frameworks cover principally water protection, control of emissions, impact assessment and landscape assessment. The following Directives are relevant for the geothermal industry: Water Framework Directive, Directive 2000/60/EC Natura 2000 Directive Groundwater Directive Surface Water Protection against Pollution under the Water Framework Directive Environmental Impact Assessment Directive Directive 2013/59/ Euratom, related to discharge of ionising radiation fluid The requirement from these directives are summarised as follows: o Member States have the option to authorise the reinjection into the same aquifer of water used for geothermal purposes; o Precautionary Principle “Where there is scientific uncertainty as to the existence or extent of risks to human health, the Community institutions may, by reason of the precautionary principle, take protective measures without having to wait until the reality and seriousness of those risks become fully apparent”; o ALARP principle; o Monitoring of inlet and outlet temperatures, periodic monitoring of chemical, composition of groundwater and/or surface water (including water quality). Guidelines and Standards Different Technical guidelines (ref./ 10) exist in the Netherlands related to LEGE systems covering the following activities: Distances for the completion of boreholes close to other third party properties Design of groundwater wells Technical drilling guidelines (under preparation) J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 22 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Standards for Groundwater Protection The good practice guideline documentation identified as fundamental to the support and development of the LEGE sector into the mature regions like the Netherlands are further detailed in Appendix C. 3.3 Asset Management Process & Phases during Life Cycle Phases Asset Management Process overview Asset management is based on a set of fundamentals. Value: Assets exist to provide value to the organization and its stakeholders Alignment: Asset management translates the organisational objectives into technical and financial decisions, plans and activities. Leadership: Leadership and workplace culture are key of realisation of value. Assurance: Asset management gives assurance that asset will fulfil their required purpose. Figure 2 and Figure 3 aim to visualise the development of a geothermal well/surface system AMP. It covers all phases from concept to decommissioning. The AM plan shall be reviewed at least annually and updated as appropriate. An independent verifier/auditor/examiner should review annually the day to day implementation of the AMP in order to apply a “fresh set of eyes” to potential improvements. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 23 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Figure 2 Establishing Asset Management Process Prior to Operation/Production Phase J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 24 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Figure 3 Asset Management Process during Operation Kick off yearly process Input data Fit for service Assessement Yearly - Inspection data -Testing data - Monitoring data RBI RA workshop ITM plan/program RA workshop Maintenance plan/program - Reliability data Maintenance data analysis Maintenance - Corrective data - preventive data RBM Reliablity assessement Reliability plan/program -Previous year data - historical data - earlier report Output data Reporting & Findings - KPI - failure report - Database update - procedured and plans updates - Etc Analysis & Assessment Input/output to/from Stakeholders Yearly Periodic Review Continuous Review AM plan Update Asset Integrity / Maintenance Management Process during geothermal operation/Production phase The AMP shall gradually be developed as the geothermal asset project matures through project phases; guidance is provided in section 3.4. One AMP shall be developed for each asset. The following section described in further details the key activities in each Asset life Cycle phases. The following activities shall be executed by the operator together with contractor and suppliers as part of the AM plan. Exploration Phase/Global Study to Preparation for Drilling & Construction Phase (“Voorbereidingsfase”) This project phase focus will be on identification, selection and definition requirements. At these stages the activities purposes are to support the decision processes of each project gate. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 25 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 3-2 Minimum checklist of tasks to be addressed during these phases Define Design Basis Design life of the asset, reservoir data, production target/requirements, etc. Define preliminary Asset and Organisation philosophy Define and describe information and philosophy such as production level, fluid composition, type of wells, surface equipment’s, drilling information and constraints, reservoir information, Corrosion risk, etc. Identify Risk & Opportunity and the show stoppers for each scenarios Typical risk will be lack of information to take decision, uncertainty on data, nearby geothermal reservoir data not available or confusing, drilling complex and costly, etc. Material selection for geothermal wells and surface Material selection for geothermal wells components and corrosion allowance according to design basis. See WG INTETECH corrosion review and material selection for Geothermal systems and especially wells for detail on how to select material (ref./ 9) Define qualification testing required for the project and associated cost List of test to be performed to validate technical solution according to design basis Identify and describe different scenarios List potential scenario, document changes of feasibility of the scenario to ease scenario selection Establish Preliminary Integrity Management requirements by considering CAPEX versus OPEX that includes material selection, operation philosophy, equipment selection, consequences on Maintenance Inspection, spare and repair workovers required for different options, etc Seek and address lessons learnt from other projects to inform design decision making Use expert networks and geothermal organisation in general any source of information Develop a list of specifications (to be included in contract) for next phase List specification for suppliers and regulation requirements (see regulation section) Identify resource requirements for the various project stages Resource are personnel, engineering services, supplier, hardware, equipment (long lead item), access to database, etc. Address Economic viability of the assets for the key scenarios Explain the business model, your client or market, the need and requirement from your client in term of production target and availability Recommended Minimum Functional Specification for wells (ref./ 40) The well must be designed and constructed in a safe manner and account for the worse case such as: Presence of gas and oil which is not detected and seismic activity, leading to explosion or intoxication risks Entry of free gas pocket while drilling J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 26 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Hereafter a non-exhaustive Risk list is presented. Large impact risks on project are presented. Reservoir condition (temperature, pressure, CO2 content, injection condition); Heating or cooling capacity requirement and the ability to sustain these requirements; Uncertainty in geological situation and subsurface description, i.e. drilling risk; Material Selection and Corrosion risk. Drilling & Construction Phase During this phase, the original design should align with the anticipated service life and be factored into all design considerations. This means that: Any deviations (see MoC in 3.5.6) to design during well construction; surface equipment construction and commissioning should be recorded and addressed with its impact on Operation, Workovers and Abandonment phase; Control of change impact on OPEX, from CAPEX changes; Update of Material selection; Surface and Well Construction control (inspection & testing), including civil works; Feed-back and lessons learned should be gathered, reviewed, and stored for future / new projects. Hereafter a non-exhaustive Risk list is presented. Large impact risks (ref./ 1) on project are presented: Suppliers Cost and Delivery time overruns Suppliers quality failure o Well construction (cementing, stuck pipe) o Surface construction Drilling and well construction is one of the most expensive features of a geothermal project. Drilling and well construction risks and any deviations shall be documented. Safety equipment and procedure (e.g. BOP, Cementing job for isolation, etc.) shall be addressed (ref./ 18). Key risks will be: o Shallow Gas during drilling; o Existing geological characteristics and aquifer properties where systems are proposed; o System size and suitability of the ground conditions; J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 27 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report o Flooding of asset during drilling; o Noise Pollution; Other risks are: o Environmental pollution; o Impact on other sub surface users (nearby groundwater users or other sub surface infrastructures); o Site preparation and restoration; o Temperature thresholds relating to re-injection or surface water discharge; o Thermal and hydrological effects with respect to the implications that the system operation may have on sub-surface resource; o Guidelines specific to construction to prevent the cross contamination of aquifers; Collector circulating fluid and leakage prevention measures and borehole construction requirements; o Distances for the completion of boreholes neighbouring other third party properties. Risk Management Process - from Exploration until Drilling & Construction Risk Management is paramount to understanding threats/risks related to geothermal systems during the development phases or CAPEX phases. It may also reveal opportunities. The risks and opportunities management allow the operator to: Prevent, or reduce undesired effects; Give assurance and demonstrate to others that the asset management system can achieve its intended outcome(s); Achieve continual improvement. A risk register template (Table 3-3) to be regularly updated from Exploration until Preparation Phase is presented hereafter. Risk assessment method & matrices are described in Appendix A. Regular Risk Review session should be held to keep the register and its action/mitigation follow up, up-to date. Risk shall cover Technical, Economic, Safety, Commercial, Organisational, Regulation, and Community categories. Sufficient resources should be available to address risks. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 28 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 3-3 Risk Template Category Description Risk/Opportunity ID Number Risk/Opportunity category Technical, Economic, Safety, Commercial and Contract , Organisational, Regulation, Community , Suppliers, ,etc Risk/Opportunity description “the Risk is …” add description ; the opportunity is ….” add description Probability Value from Risk matrix Consequence Safety Value from Risk matrix Consequence Environment Value from Risk matrix Consequence Financial Value from Risk matrix Risk Rating R=Probability x Consequence (highest of the 4, i.e. Quality, Safety, Environment and Public opinion) Mitigation and action description Can risk be transferred, reduced, eliminated- please describe the action Mitigation and action status Follow-up of the action Risk Status Open , closed Risk Owner Name J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 29 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Asset Integrity Management Plan During Production/Operation Phase During the Production/Operational phase, a life cycle Asset Management process shall be developed and maintained (see initiation in section 3.3.3), which describe how the asset will be controlled and assessed during Production phase. Integrity Assessment and Risk Assessment Steps The AM plan shall describe when, how and why integrity assessment activities are to be performed. Asset Integrity process during operation is summarised in Figure 3. . The activities include: 1. Data and information collection gathering. These intend to provide information for integrity and risk analysis and assessment. Inspection, monitoring and testing data to be collected for each equipment and systems shall be established. o In Section 3.5.9 data and information to be collected and set up are further described. o Technical data to be collected are further discussed in 3.7 (Inspection & Maintenance program including their frequencies) and o In section 3.6.2 specific requirements related to Reliability are described. 2. Integrity analysis and Assessment activities. Integrity is about compliance with intended Design Limits and Standards of the equipment/systems. The objective of the Integrity Assessment activity is to ensure a full assessment of the facilities and systems based on inspection findings, monitoring and test results and reported events. In principle all integrity assessments start by screening analysis. In case more complex integrity assessments are performed, more quantifiable analysis is used. o See Performance indication and monitored data in section 3.7.3 data to be monitored, assessed and analysed. 3. Risk Based Assessment Inspection and Maintenance An anomaly (e.g. defect, pressure peak, CO2 Corrosion, etc.) can be critical or could become with time. While the risk assessment purpose is to establish the current condition of the anomaly, the ranking will help to provide appropriate actions and allocate resource in term of inspection, monitoring, testing; it will also provide recommendation in term of mitigation (e.g. preventive maintenance, repair, replacement). o Section Detailed RBI and RBM method. o An overview of typical Threats & Risk for LEGE assets are discussed in section 3.7. As all LEGE assets are different, RBI and RBM must be run based on this generic assessment. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 30 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report 4. Asset Management planning. Based on previous activity (2 and 3) frequency of inspection, maintenance, monitoring or testing and associated assessment can be updated from baseline. o See section 3.7 for Indicative frequencies per equipment. 5. Inspection, Monitoring & Testing Programs. These are established during construction phase and revised according to Risk Assessment and Integrity Assessment. Inspections may reveal degradation or failures of equipment and in these cases, corrective measures must be taken to rectify, re-instate, and maintain the integrity level. For most of the geothermal plant equipment, fixed intervals are used for the maintenance and inspection activities. These intervals can range from weeks up to several years, which can be based either on calendar time or usage. o Minimum maintenance & inspection activity requirements to be established for each equipment are listed in Table 3-4. o Inspection, monitoring, testing and maintenance generic recommendations by equipment are presented in section 3.6. o More information relating to the main inspection & monitoring techniques are further detailed in Appendix D. technical 6. Long Term Plan: it is important to maintain an Inspection, Monitoring, Testing & Maintenance plan. o Template of how to build one is provided in section 3.7.9. 7. Mitigation activity. These are maintenance, repair or replacement activities to be performed to reinstate and improve the asset integrity. o See section 3.5.9 for required documentation 8. Fit for service activity will provide, on a yearly basis, the current status of associated equipment or components. It is recommended to have regular review during the year. o See section 3.5.9 for required documentation J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 31 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 3-4 Minimum Maintenance & Inspection activities requirements Description of requirements Inspection, monitoring, testing Program Define reporting and alert criteria Information Inspection See section 3.7 for technical details per equipment Reporting criteria are criteria when an anomaly must be reported during Inspection Alert criteria is a criteria providing an alert during Monitoring of Parameters Maintenance Maintenance programme, technique and procedure Define Maintenance criteria Note: See section 3.7 for technical details. Program should be risk based and set procedure for: - Corrective maintenance: The unscheduled maintenance or repair to return items/equipment*). Preventive maintenance: All actions carried out on a planned, periodic, and specific schedule to keep an item/equipment in stated working condition through the process of checking and reconditioning. Preventive maintenance can be time based (e.g. cleaning filter on regular basis) or Conditioned Based **) Workload and resource based *) it is crucial that corrective maintenance is kept at a minimum, with typically only non-critical equipment chosen to be in that category. **) Predictive maintenance: The use of advanced measurement and signal processing methods to accurately diagnose item / equipment condition during operation, and intervene to maintain equipment on an as-required basis in advance of any significant degradation / failure In addition to the Integrity Assessment routines described above, un-planned events should also be assessed following a similar process described above. When potentially unacceptable damage or an abnormality is detected, an integrity assessment should be performed and should include a thorough evaluation including the possible impact on the safety and operation of the Geothermal Asset. This means quantification, Root Cause identification, additional inspection, monitoring and testing if required to mitigate further degradation; identification of common failures across other assets should be performed. Note that a temporary damaged Asset system can potentially be operated (see Risk-Based Inspection & Risk-Based Maintenance Risked Based Inspection Whilst there are a range of risk assessment processes, an evidence based approach (ref./ 22 ) should be used to screen out threat categories which are not relevant to the specific Geothermal asset plant (e.g. seismic activity is not relevant for all asset) when developing initial RBI. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 32 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report This avoids in-depth focus and assessment of threats which can be qualitatively assessed. Risk can be evaluated qualitatively (expert Judgement) and/or quantitatively (i.e. modelling), depending on availability of input data, and feasibility / cost efficiency. RBI should be carried out for all elements of the geothermal installations. Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) will be used as a key decision making technique for inspection planning. Risk comprises the Consequence of Failure (CoF) and the Probability of Failure (PoF). It is a formal approach designed to aid the development of an optimised inspection regime. This evaluation will be carried out as per risk matrices and Methodology given in Appendix B. Figure 4 summarizes the principle and benefit of an RBI. Figure 4 Deliverables of an RBI Assessment for Inspection (ref./ 35) Risk-Based Maintenance A Risk Based Maintenance assessment using risk assessment methodology and matrices (see appendix A) (see ref./ 37) shall be used to prioritize maintenance in order to optimize maintenance resources available. The outcome of the RBM will define priority and frequency/interval of maintenance tasks. A typical maintenance process system is presented in Figure 5. It is recommended to follow this process. The scope of the RBM will encompass all systems in the geothermal plant. This evaluation will be carried out as per risk matrices given in Appendix B. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 33 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Figure 5 Maintenance Management System Cycle Operation Philosophies and Integrity Management Operation/Production Philosophy and integrity management are closely related. Asset Integrity in normal operation is covered by the AMP. However, any change of operation might impact the AMP and shall be addressed. An asset system with damage / anomalies may be operated temporarily under certain conditions. However, an integrity assessment shall be performed to define the temporary operational conditions that the system can be operated in. So long as the defect has not been removed or repairs have been carried out, it must be documented that the asset integrity and the specific safety level is maintained, which may include reduced/new operational conditions and/or temporary precautions/measures (see section 3.5.6 Management of Change ). Changes in operating conditions have the potential to impact the operability and technical integrity of the geothermal systems. Problems that can result from changes in operating conditions are addressed in further details as follows: Design data and Operational Procedure are detailed in section 3.7.2 Requalification and Life Time Extension Re-qualification is a re-assessment of the design and operation under changed design basis conditions. A re-qualification may be triggered by a change in the original design basis, including an extension to the original design life, by not fulfilling the design basis or by mistakes or shortcomings discovered during normal or abnormal operation. The impact of changes / updates to the original design code(s) or other relevant/ recognised design codes should also be assessed when required. AMP shall be revised according to changes to ensure engineering and operation continuity until re-assessment is completed. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 34 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Geothermal Well Abandonment The abandonment of a well requires sealing it in a permanently safe manner that precludes the possibility of any internal well flows from the reservoir to shallower formation or to surface. The law (see section 3.2.2) explains how different sections of the well will have to be technically abandoned using cement, possibly in combination with (physical) plugs, and how the quality of the shut-off has to be tested. The construction of individual wells will vary with respect to casing design, cement depths, cement quality and completion. As a result, the work programs to abandon wells will differ. The following main items are included in the abandonment: 1. Production well a. Including well head (X-mas tree), ESP, Production tubing 2. Injection well a. Including. well head (X-mas tree) b. Injection tubing 3. Production installation and pipelines a. Including separator, filters, injection pump(s), metering, etc. b. Cleaning equipment of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) 4. Well site area The whole anticipated closure and removal process will have to be described in an abandonment or Closure Plan. The plan should contain a detailed description of how the abandonment will be executed from a technical and operational perspective. A study performed for DAGO (ref./ 41) shows that up to 4 concrete plugs located at different well location might be required. More details about abandonment plan and cost estimate can be found in ref./ 41. Despite disparities around the world, the intent of abandonment operations is to achieve the following: Isolate and protect all freshwater zones; Isolate all potential future urban zones; Prevent in perpetuity leaks from or into the well; Following permanent abandonment, the elevation and plan location of the top of the remaining casing shall be surveyed and all surface equipment removed. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 35 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Figure 6 Basic P&A Plug Typical P & A Requirements are as follows All distinct permeable zones penetrated by the well must be isolated, both from each other and from surface by a minimum of one permanent barrier Two permanent barriers from surface are required if a permeable zone is hydrocarbon bearing (if any) or over-pressured and water-bearing The position of permanent barriers must be set based on the actual geological setting Note that the well should be monitored for losses or gas flows between stages and pressure tests should be undertaken where practicable to determine the integrity of cement plug and casing if identify as a risk. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 36 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report 3.4 Asset Management Plan - Development through the asset life cycle using the guideline This section defines how AMP is developed and contents of each phase using the guideline. Exploration Phase/Global Study to Preparation for Drilling & Construction Phase During this phase the Asset Management Plan requires: o Initiate AM plan development, Specifically address requirement in section 3.2.2, Project risk as per section 3.3.4, Organisational & Operational Asset Management as 3.5. Note the plan shall contain the data available at the time. o Reliability study 3.6.1 shall be initiated o Need for Reliability study section 3.6.3 shall be decided o Address regulation as per requirements in section 3.2.2. Drilling & Construction Phase During this phase the Asset Management Plan requires to be further detailed. o Address regulation as per requirements in section 3.2.2, o Continue to develop Organisational & Operational Asset Management systems as per 3.5. Specifically develop and establish Asset Management Plan for Operational phase needs such as Asset Management documentation and data amongst others. o Technical Integrity Asset Management as per section 3.7, including: o Failure Mode and Effect Cause Analysis (FMECA) per equipment to Address critical failure mode into the design o Develop an initial Risk Based Inspection (RBI) and Risk Based Maintenance (RBM); o Acceptance Design criteria o Inspection, Test, Monitoring and Maintenance (IMT&M ) program and plan per equipment o Equipment initial condition status baseline such as wall thickness of piping (see details in section 3.7.6) o Detailed plans for hand-over including check-sheets of handover requirements for Production & Operation shall be prepared; o Transfer of documents and databases relevant for the operational phase; J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 37 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report o Identification and cooperation with the project organisation to resolve any engineering and/or technical concerns and issues; In addition, specific Production/Operation activity shall be transferred: Training of personnel on equipment’s maintenance, inspection and operation. The following shall be considered depending of the geothermal asset risk profile: Online methods and tools to support diagnostics and failure analysis to improve maintenance and reliability growth shall be defined and implemented such as: o Seismic monitoring o Radioactivity monitoring Production Phase to Abandonment At this phase, the Asset Management Plan shall be fully completed: o Organisational & Operational Asset Management Systems section completed and updated; o Technical Integrity Asset Management section 3.7 shall be completed and updated with supplier information; o Reliability data collection system section 3.6.2 shall be set up and data to be collected during Operation specified; Integrity Management activities during Operation described in section and risk assessment, i.e. RBI & RBM (see section further detailed in section 3.7. shall be performed continuously; 3.5 shall be J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 38 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report 3.5 Organisational and Operational Management Systems Equally important to Technical Asset Management; Organisational and Operational management systems aspects must also be addressed. Organisational Roles and Responsibilities For an organisation, the key is to ensure clear roles & responsibilities and interface with stakeholders to close any gaps. Operators shall address in the following tables: Role & responsibilities. o Experience and skills shall drive the selection of the individual; o Example is provided in Grey. Role and title can change from one organisation to another. Role and responsibility for the function listed must be addressed; Stakeholders interfacing with internal organisation; The interfaces between functions. For small Dutch LEGE organisation, one employee may cover several function presented in the table hereafter. Table 3-5 Role & Responsibilities Function Operation/ production Inspection Maintenance Commercial Supply chain HSE Asset Integrity Technical services (Supply chain) Internal /external reporting Technical Authority Others Job Title Role and responsibility description Years of Name of the experience person In charge of day to day operation and delivery In charge of leading or performing Inspection function In charge of leading or performing Maintenance function In charge of Contract and commercial In charge of safety In charge of ensuring fit for purpose well and surface equipment In charge of technical delivery follow up Reporting Asset status internally and externally Decide best technical solution for surface or/and well To be added as required J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 39 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 3-6 Stakeholder List: Suppliers, Public, Client, etc. Stakeholder: Services and Products Inspection service Maintenance services Drilling services Consultant services Network and industry association Service or reporting Person in charge internally (Job Title) Additional information All equipment & Service All equipment & Service All equipment & Service e.g. Law. Project management, technical services, etc. Any network and Association supporting asset management Leadership Commitement and Policy Asset management leadership is demonstrated by top management positively influencing the organisation. In common with other aspects of responsible and prudent operatorship, sound Asset Integrity Management (AIM) is largely shaped by effective leadership which should be expressed in the operator's HSE policy and Asset management system (in Dutch: 'Veiligheid en Gezondheids- zorgsysteem'/ 'VG- systeem'). Note that Leadership Engagement is usually included as part of Asset Management best practice. However, considering that LEGE organisations in Netherlands are usually small, the associated activity should be dimensioned according to the company size. Nevertheless less, the Operator should have a policy statement on how they will manage their asset, personnel and the environment. Table 3-7 Leadership and Policy Item List Item Owner HSE Objectives Owner site visit and/or town-hall meeting Owner meeting with all personnel Policy statement Description of information Information Name of owner/accountable person List objectives Once year is recommended Any additional information Any additional information Any additional information To address importance of operation objective, Inspection and maintenance, and review of system in place .Quarterly is advised A short statement that sets out the principles, Vision, and priority by which the organisation intends to apply asset management to achieve its objectives, and improvement. Any additional information Any additional information Supply Chain Management and Knowledge Network Supply chain risks from Concept to Operation should be identified, with careful control and planning of all activities. Physical and service interfaces should be identified, agreed and documented. For the Dutch Geothermal operator, it is particularly important as the industry is in infancy J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 40 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report phase where different uncertainties, new technical issues, or different operational philosophy are new. For a LEGE asset, Supplier control & Supplier qualification records shall ensure control of cost, delivery time, and quality of the scope delivered from Concept to Construction/commissioning (see detailed requirements in 3.3.2, 3.3.3 & 3.3.4), and Planning of Inspection, Monitoring, Testing and maintenance supplier during Operation. Supplier qualifications are addressed in Table 3-8. It is also important to maintain a network of national/international services, organisation and different subject matter experts to answer potential new issues and challenges or bring additional knowledge. This is addressed in Table 3-9. Table 3-8 Supplier’s Qualifications Supplier name and service/product Description of information Does the selected Supplier have a track record? Are the supplier’s personnel qualified? HSE track record Information Delivery on time, Cost and quality How the Operator/Supplier interface is managed for risk and engineering delivery? Is the supplier informed about operator HSE and Production Objectives How is the Supplier/Operator informed of changes during concept design, fabrication, commissioning, production phase? Does Supplier understand Engineering requirements of equipment defined by Operator? Does Supplier understand Integrity, Inspection and Maintenance requirements of equipment defined by Operator? Is the supplier optimizing OPEX / Capex as per Operator requirement and needs? Does the Contract Terms and Condition cover all risks identified Check CV’s and qualification HSE Statistic, Environmental incident if any while drilling, etc. Check and justify Check and justify Check and justify Check and justify Check and justify Check and justify Check and justify. see Risk sections 3.3.4 and Table 3-9 Network Name and service/product Description of Product & Services Contact details Description of the information, knowledge sharing, product or services that can be provided by the network organisation Dutch Geothermal Platform Organisation – sharing forum Operator and Contractor DAGO – Geothermal Operator Network Contact details J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 41 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Competence and Training Management of competence and training is key to a successful asset management program and control of technical risk. Staff must be suitably trained and coached as per their job and function. Basic professional and technical competence should be supplemented where necessary with training in the management of ageing assets. Training can be applied in different forms such as via industry work groups, seminars and formal training courses both within and outside the industry. Resources & manning levels shall be managed and controlled accordingly. With respect to contractors and external service providers, their responsibilities and the competence requirements should be documented in the scope or elsewhere in contracts document (See 3.5.3 training). Table 3-10 Organisation Competence and Training Employee Name Job Required Function Qualification for job Employee 1; job title List training, experience on the job as per job description for the job title or function Current Planned qualification Training to close the gap Task allowed List training, experience As per current skills vs required training list the task allowed Training plan , description to close the gap Employee 2 Table 3-11 Organisation Competence and Training – Planning Employee Name Employee 1; job title Employee 2 Course title Planned date Status Completion date Not started, on-going, competed Table 3-12 Technical Authority List Employee Name Employee 1; job title Subject matter List technical authority subject matter covered by employee Table 3-13 List of Courses Course Description Course name, organisation, location Describe the course and qualification it provided DAGO Geothermal Courses BodemenergieNL, Euroform & Stichting PAO (Netherlands) (ref./ 4) VIA University College, School of Technology and Business (Denmark) (ref./ 4) Basic courses as well as several specialised courses for different target group including drilling companies, advisors/consultants and local authorities Shallow geothermal energy system development and installation focuses on the different aspects related to LEGE systems J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 42 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report HSE and Emergency Response ALARP principle shall be observed in day to day AMP activities. As a result, HSE requirements shall be implemented as per DAGO Zorgsysteem. The AM plan shall also address a number of emergency plans to cover various emergency, incident and associated repairs. For a LEGE Asset, the following emergency response plan should be in place to re-instate the asset integrity in addition to plan for HSE purpose (see DAGO Zorgsysteem). Table 3-14 List of Plan Plan Surface equipment emergency repair plan Well emergency repair plan Description and ref Describe the purpose of the plan and give reference to a plan document: Proposed content : leakage repair for piping and pressure vessels, piping blockage; Valves leaks, Exchanger leaks and pressure vessels, piping blockage; Valves leaks, Exchanger leaks; other component, define spare strategy for long lead items, identified supplier and repair supplier Describe the purpose of the plan and give reference to a plan document: Xmas tree failure, ESP failure repair/spare plan, identified supplier and repair supplier Management of Change The primary objective of a Management of Change (MoC) process is to ensure that sufficient rigour is applied in terms of planning, assessment, documentation, implementation and monitoring of changes affecting an installation or operation so that any potentially adverse effects on Asset Integrity are identified and managed effectively to mitigate adverse effects. The AM organisation plays a key role in ensuring that all changes are communicated and managed in a systematic manner and that all required stake holders are aware of the changes and approval of changes is known. Changes should be consistently recorded and assessed in terms of risk for the life cycle of the asset. Table 3-15 MoC List for all phases Change description Compone nt Project Phase Who should be consulted & informed Approver Status Deadline Describe the change Relevant component Exploration development, Construction, Commissioning, Operation and Abandonment List who is impacted and should be consulted and informed PM, Technical Authority Open, ongoing, closed Deadline to complete or to take decision Incident, Preventive and Corrective Action Management System Arrangements should be in place to ensure that all relevant preventive and corrective J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 43 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report improvement actions arising from monitoring, audit / review are recorded, documented and tracked to closure. For incidents; their investigation, root cause identification and the resulting action must also be recorded for continuous improvement purposes. Other methods exist such as forensic engineering report (ref./ 17) which complement usual integrity and risk assessment. Table 3-16 Incident, Preventive and Corrective Action List for all phases Incident, description Preventive and Corrective Action Measure Project Phase Who should be consulted & informed Approver Status Deadline Describe the incident and relevant component Describe the action Exploration development, Construction, Commissioning, Operation and Abandonment List who is impacted and should be consulted and informed PM, Technical Authority Open, Ongoing, Closed Deadline to complete or to take decision Lessons Learned Lessons learned from assurance activities or from incidents should be captured and communicated within the operator's organisation and across the wider industry as necessary (see section 3.5.5). Learning from problem and exchanging data and information across developing industries are crucial to the overall long-term viability and efficiency of the geothermal asset. Table 3-17 Lessons Learned List for all Phases Component Lesson Learned description Recommend ed Action Project Phase Distribution list Status Relevant component Describe the change Describe action Exploration development, Construction, Commissioning, Operation and Abandonment List who should be informed Open, ongoing, closed Storage of Information – Documentation / Database All assets should have all project life-cycle documentation/data available and associated change recorded. This activity is often referred to as Life Cycle Information management systems (LCI). The documentation sets out the design criteria by which the asset meets safety, operational and other performance requirements. All changes should be controlled and documented. Operators should demonstrate that relevant, up-to-date documentation is readily accessible by maintaining an effective Document Management System (see requirement Table 3-18). J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 44 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Operator shall define and list IT information system to store the different data & documentation related to the life cycle of the asset (see Table 3-19). Table 3-18 Minimum Documentation Management System Requirements Item # 1 2 Requirements & Recommendations Maintainable and up-to- date documentation and database system 3 Design and set a documentation format and system easing retrieval and analysis of data & information Review by Technical Authority 4 Identify a document/data Controller 4 Documentation data systems account for tracking of changes Accessibility to technical personnel and suppliers of relevant information 5 6 Security and back up of the Data 7 Ensure business continuity via a business continuity plan Information The design documentation will be the primary means by which engineers are informed of key requirements and design assumptions Clearly defined criteria to develop and revise documents, to limit documentation and ease access to information in the future The design documentation should be reviewed and endorsed by relevant technical authorities to ensure that the design basis remains aligned with Objectives Allocated responsibilities and authorities to review and issue documents, to withdraw and retain obsolete documents Arrangements to ensure that documentation is revised and updated according to MoC section 3.5.6 All engineering activity undertaken throughout the anticipated service life of an asset should properly address AI considerations. Engineers should be kept informed of AM related decisions and plans, and factor those into modifications and other forms of engineering activity to achieve good alignment. Particular areas of focus will be modification interfaces between new and ageing equipment and where inspection has shown some degradation to the existing systems compared to design assumptions Security of the data shall also be considered against ransomware or any other virus; a backup of the information and system shall be set up. IT system can be hacked, asset partly damaged (e.g. fire, explosion), key personnel can leave company. As a result, significant knowledge and experience can be lost. Operation can be disrupted for several weeks or months with significant impact. Operator should have a business continuity plan to address such threats. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 45 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 3-19 Document& Data Storage System and Content Item # 1 Type of Data/Information Description of Content Information/data system Verkenningsfase (Exploration phase and Global Study Phase) 2 Haalbaarheidsfase (Detailled Phase) Data/information storage system name, version, server location or archive location, back-up solution, data format, type of data stored, description 3 Voorbereidingsfase (Development Phase). 4 Realisatiefase (Drilling & Construction Phase). 5.0 Productiefase work-over (Production and Workover Phase). Asset Management Documentation, plan and changes, including Project management and administration document (doc control, Project control, Minute of meeting etc. Documentation, plan and changes, including Project management and administration document (doc control, Project control, Minute of meeting etc. Documentation, plan and changes, including Project management and administration document (doc control, Project control, Minute of meeting etc. Documentation, plan, equipment specification, user manuals and changes, including Project management and administration document (Doc control, Project control, Minute of meeting etc. Documentation for operation, procedures, reporting to authorities, Integrity planning and strategies 5.1 5.2 Operation Documentation 5.3 5.4 5.5 Inspection Data Inspection Monitoring Maintenance Data 6 Abandonneren (Abandonment). KPI 7 Document: Minute of meeting, Emails, Contract, Bid and Offers, Invoice recommendation or action internally and externally. Ensure that know-how and information is documented for business continuity Database and documents register of procedures, analysis report, supplier documentation for equipment, etc. Minute of meeting Visual inspection, record, analysis and results Data monitored. See also KPI section Predictive and corrective maintenance records A data collection system shall be in place to perform maintenance risk assessment and track maintenance performed e.g. Computerized Maintenance Management System CMMS Documentation and plan for abandonment and cessation of activity The organisation shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of the results of monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation. 8 Management of Change Register Changes for all phases in terms of design basis, engineering, operation conditions etc. 9 Incident Associated Root Cause and Investigation Register Incidents for all phase and associated investigation J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 46 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 3-20 Typical Master Document Register Content Document type Document title Procedure, Technical note, Minute of meeting Procedure operation/maintenance , inspection , Monitoring, etc. Doc. number Revision Status As per Numbering procedure, i.e. Categorised by equipment, by system, by supplier or other relevant categorisation approach As per Numbering procedure Active, superseded, draft, etc. Performance Evaluation Asset performance shall be measured, analysed and evaluated. The KPI provides the basis to review effectiveness of the asset management system and process and ultimately the adjustment of mitigation and / or monitoring activities. KPI’s are often used to give a high level status of an asset when measured against defined criteria. A set of performance/target level of service measures should be developed to monitor the effectiveness of implementation of the Asset Management. A minimum list of KPI is listed in section 3.7.3; some of them are only relevant if equipment is part of the asset. Target and acceptance criteria are to be defined for each asset. Monitoring, Audit & Review Operators should have monitoring, audit and review arrangements in place. This is to ensure that the AMP is delivering according to objectives and performance. The audits should be conducted by both internal and external parties. Audits focus on procedural compliance with respect to objectives, policies and requirement by stakeholders. Audit plans and procedures shall be developed and maintained by the Asset Team. Audit records should be kept and resulting actions should be added to the Action Management systems to ensure they are tracked, managed, and suitably closed out. Table 3-21 Minimum Audit and Review Plan Item # 1 2 3 4 Description Recommended minimum frequency Review and Audit of AMP effectiveness and compliance Review and Audit of Inspection, Monitoring, Testing and Maintenance plan, records and execution Review and Audit of Operation and integrity processes and procedure Review and Audit of suppliers Once a year during Operation, Once per project phase Once a year, Twice yearly for records Once a year Twice for key suppliers during project duration; every year for supplier involved in Operation J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 47 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report 3.6 Reliability Studies Reliability Prior to Operation/Production From Exploration until Preparation phase, component systems shall be designed for reliability, meaning the following principles should be applied: Functional clarity, Simplicity (minimum parts to provide function), No weak components and remove common cause failures, Robustness and Materials selection to avoid degradation processes A FMECA for components and systems is recommended to address reliability and integrity in design and also to establish Asset Integrity & Maintenance program and associated RBI and RBM. FMECA enables Designer and Operators to identify and treat failures that can be mitigated through design. Remaining failures will be treated during operation and followed through RBI or RBM. It is recommended that if a component/system is ranked as critical for operations during the risk assessment phase, that testing and evidence of reliability are required from the Supplier. Reliability of components can be demonstrated by suppliers via field experience data or testing data. Reliability Data Collection during Operation/Production Reliability data related to Equipment’s/Components shall be kept by each Geothermal Operator. It is recommended that Operator should anonymize and share these data on a regular basis through a specific Forum/Network. The data to be collected as a minimum are as per Table 3-22 for each component. Table 3-22 Reliability Data Collection Component Name and tag Operation time in service of Components (hrs) Non production time (hrs) Cumulated Maintenance time (hrs) From start to last update of the data in days Number of failures Number of Maintenance order Failure type Number of failures during time in service Short description of failure types list : corrosion, mechanical failure, etc. Failure description Repair time Downtime Describe if failure occur during normal or abnormal operation, describe failure mode, failure cause, failure effect, failure criticality n term of safety or production Only time to repair. Time from failure to restart; include supply of part time, failure investigation, repair time, time for re-testing and commissioning. Number of Maintenance tasks during Operation Any shutdown time during production/ operation Cumulated Maintenance time during time in Service in days Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) Analysis Geothermal plant Availability and Ability to produce is a critical parameter to achieve J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 48 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Production Assurance, i.e. Production target toward end-user(s), i.e. minimum, and max flow rate or number of production days due to planned maintenance/ shutdown (e.g. 300days production yearly). However, each Geothermal Asset operates under different Business Model/Contract Terms & Conditions between Operator and end users. A RAM analysis is recommended: - Whenever no Terms & Conditions have been agreed between Operator and Users; e.g. operator and energy buyer is the same company, Geothermal asset is own by a group of buyer, etc.) and, - User’s requiring a production delivery target (flowrate, temperature, pressure; etc.) Reliability is the probability of survival after a unit/system operates for a certain period of time (e.g. a unit has a 95% probability of survival after 8000 hours). Reliability defines the failure frequency and determines the uptime patterns. Maintainability describes how soon the unit/system can be repaired, which determines the downtime patterns. Availability is the percentage of uptime over the time horizon, and is determined by reliability and maintainability. The Reliability and Availability is started by defining the methodology to achieve targets at concept. That includes designing for reliability. The RAM model is used to demonstrate the target when design is completed. Reliability Data collected from generic database or from field data are used in the RAM model. The goal is mainly to be able to identify cost life cycle impact (CAPEX versus OPEX) of selected technology, material, Process, need for Spares and Operation philosophy (shutdowns, maintenance requirements, and retention of spares, etc.) based on production needs to achieve targets. Figure 7 Illustration Production Assurance terms (ref./ 24) J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 49 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report 3.7 Technical Integrity Management The section covers the following deliverable part of the AMP: System description and Operational parameter; Generic Threats and Risk assessment to Support RBI and RBM (see section The “what, how and when” related to Inspection/Monitoring/Testing & Maintenance technical program; The Inspection tools are further detailed in Appendix D. Indicative Inspection & Maintenance Frequencies Long term & Inspection, Testing & Maintenance Frequencies Historical Plan The Periodic Review content , i.e. compliance and Asset Integrity assessment This technical information section address LEGE Asset equipment, i.e. surface facilities for primary loop and wells; the equipment listed and their associated inspection and maintenance is not exhaustive as it depends on the asset design features and technical design and operational challenges. Geothermal System Description A typical schematic overview of the geothermal asset is underlined in Figure 1. The wellhead and separators are usually located outside the main/processing building. Note: gas drying plant (only in some geothermal asset) is located inside of the main processing building. Note: additional facilities are sometimes used on some LEGE asset depending of operation conditions and constraints. These are for instance biocide injection system in production well, combined Heat and Power Generation (CHP) Boiler, Nitrogen Installation water tank buffer to deliver temperature. These equipment’s are not discussed hereafter but it is recommended to add them in the AMP. The key surface equipment / components have the following functions: Booster Pump is used to bring the hot degassed formation water to the desired process pressure; Filters are used to remove solids from formation water prior to the heat exchanger, or to prevent particles resulting from heat exchanger degradation from entering the injection pump; o Solids may be internal particles entrained in the rock matrix by hydrodynamic forces or suspended particle precipitates of induced scale (carbonates, heavy metal sulphides, silica) species. o Note that particles of infra-micrometric/colloidal sizes (diameters below 0.45 μm) are present in all waters sampled in the Netherlands (ref./ 10). J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 50 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Heat exchanger, typically plate – type: where heat transfer takes place from primary to secondary without mixing. Injection Pumps, typically centrifugal type. Water gas/separator: use of a degasser in a geothermal system aids in preventing the formation of free gas and potential gas clogging further on. Monitoring and chemical treatment equipment. The typical geothermal facility has one or more production wells and injection well doublets. The well is constructed with a conductor casing and surface casing which are usually cemented to the surface. Liners may be installed to reach reservoir depth with a slotted liner or wire wrapped screen over the reservoir section. Except for the final production liner over the reservoir, all liners are cemented from shoe to the liner hanger assembly. The production well is completed with a tubing and downhole pump, typically an electrical submersible pump (ESP), with a simple wellhead and Christmas tree assembly of valves. The tubing and casing materials are carbon and low alloy steel in all existing wells. The typical injection well is essentially similar but without the downhole pump. The Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) consist of a multistage down hole centrifugal pump, a down hole motor, a seal and a cable going all the way to surface. A variable speed drive can be used to regulate the flow rate. Each Production and injection well (i.e. doublet) and Christmas tree shall be operated and maintained according to design. When a potential defect is identified, additional monitoring or remedial work required to maintain the well condition shall be planned and carried out as soon as practicable, depending on the nature and the assessed risk resulting from that defect. Monitoring shall continue at an appropriate frequency to allow for timely identification of any change in well condition, until the defect is remedied. Figure 8 Diagram of Typical Production Low Enthalpy Dutch Geothermal Well J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 51 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Design Information Per Equipment Key Design Information which will be useful for day to day operation shall be collected and structured in the AMP as per Table 3-23. The information shall be up to date and reflect any changes and modification occurring after original design & construction as per requirement 3.5.6. Table 3-23 Design data per equipment Equipment Description Value and units Name of equipment and associated equipment Information on key Design Parameter, such as Pressure & temperature, fluid compatibility, voltage, material, geometry & length, etc. In addition key Suppliers information shall be added for the safety and the integrity of the systems Data itself or reference to database or document Table 3-24 Typical Design Data For Well Information Value Information Value Validation date Well Schematic Attached Well name Wellhead and Xmas tree rating, dimension, service trim Well Type (Function) Identify any leaking or failed barrier components Reservoir name Additional Notes: Original Completion date Any limitation on acceptable kill and completion fluids? Latest Completion date Any special monitoring requirements? Well design Life Any other comments? Monitoring Operation Data and Technical and Non-techncial Performance Indicators Monitoring of Operational parameters and following up the trends of Performance Indicators (PI) is a key activity of the geothermal Integrity systems. Monitoring can take place through sensors in the primary process streams, or in bypasses and / or subsurface. Monitoring and inspection provide essential information on condition and can be continuous or at regular intervals. It also gives advance warning of possible problems to avoid unexpected failures and establish relations between operating parameters and threat behaviour. Monitoring confirms the effectiveness of the mitigation measures and informs the planning of inspection and maintenance programmes. The Performance Indicator for LEGE Well and surface facility shall be monitored. PI for reservoir and well are addressed in Table 3-25. Surface and general additives monitoring, physical parameter monitoring and non-technical KI are addressed in Table 3-26. Note that performance indicator and monitoring of parameters shall be adjusted as per Risk Assessment, i.e. added or removed. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 52 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 3-25 Production and Injection Well Integrity PI Performance Indicator description Target / Acceptance criteria & Anomaly Limits Operational Limits (enter value or NA) Min / Normal/ Max Maximum Injection Pressure (psi) GWR (scf/bbl) Reservoir Pressure (Bar) Reservoir Temperature (C) SITHP (Bar) Maximum design production rate (m3/hr) Maximum design injection rate (m3/hr) ESP design rate (m3/hr) Table 3-26 Production and Injection Surface Integrity Operating Window & Minimum KPI Performance Indicator Description Additives Monitoring Corrosion inhibitor content Corrosion inhibitor availability H2S Scavenger (Residual H2S Concentration) Scale inhibitor (continuous/intermittent) Bactericide / Biocide (continuous/intermittent) Fluid Parameter Monitoring Iron Ion content Oxygen Scavenger (Residual O2 concentration) Fluid Additives O2 in Water Injection (ppb Oxygen equivalent) CO2 (mol% in gas phase) H2S (ppm in gas phase) Water Calcium (Ca) content Water Sodium (Na) content Water Chloride (Cl) content Water pH Value Bubble Point Methane (CH4) mol% Physical Parameters Monitoring Gas/water Ratio Gas production Injection pressure Injection temperature Production Pressure Production temperature Production Flow Electricity consumption per Phase Degasser pressure Degasser, Flow rate Water/Oil/Gas Separator, pressure Acceptance Criteria & Anomaly Limits To be defined as per asset design, i.e. the following shall be defined for each KPI whenever possible. 1) Upper Safe Design limit 2) Upper Safe Operating limit 3) Upper Normal Operating limit 4) Normal Operating Limit 5) Lower Normal Operating limit 6) Lower Safe Operating limit 7) Lower Safe Design limit Note that beyond 1) or below 6) equipment will operate with Design Margin / known safe then uncertain operating conditions. Between zone 2/3 and 5/6, this is called the Troubleshooting J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 53 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Performance Indicator Description Water/Oil/Gas Separator, Temperature Usage of Gas - Preferred option - WKK (capacity) Usage of Gas - Alternative option - Heating (capacity) Usage of Gas - Alternative option - Flare (capacity) Heat Exchanger, Flow Capacity Heat Exchanger, Temperature In Heat Exchanger, Temperature Out Non-technical PI Number of Audit Maintenance back log Corrective maintenance Shutdown Non Conformances Training Inspection back log Acceptance Criteria & Anomaly Limits Audit performed during the year Maintenance not done as per plan Per equipment per year Number of shutdown Non Conformance trends Training completed versus training plan Inspection not done as per plan activities Generic Threats & Risk Assessment This section presents Risk Assessment of relevant system Integrity Threats/Risk for LEGE System. Table 3 -27 provides high level list of Threats to be used to assess the LEGE asset. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 54 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 3-27 Overall Geothermal Asset System Threats Well Specific Well Integrity (WI) can be defined as the ability of the well(s) to perform its required function effectively and efficiently whilst protecting Health, Safety and the Environment. Well Integrity Management encompasses the physical condition of the well(s) as well as the necessary organization and activities needed to avoid the possibility of failure, which potentially can result in serious incidents. Risk Assessment The WG Corrosion Review and Materials Selection for Geothermal Wells report (ref./ 9) summarises the most common forms of corrosion and metallurgical degradation J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 55 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report mechanisms that are potential threats applicable to geothermal wells in the Netherlands. The Well & Xmas tree risks are driven by corrosion and mechanical stresses. For Instance, Corrosion can impact ESP (bearing/sleeves) and steel part of the well. When it comes to material degradation threat, hardening versus corrosion for ESP or tubing is typical issue of the Material selection phase (ref./ 40). CO2 is the principal corrodent in many geothermal reservoir fluids. A wide range of CO2 content is possible in any geothermal wells, but probably relatively high, i.e. 5 – 50 mol% in the gas phase (ref./ 9). Potential “hot-spots” for CO2 corrosion in the well system include: Pump, pump inlet & outlet in producers; Perforations and sand screens; Below (upstream) of corrosion inhibitor injection point in producers (if applicable); Wellhead and tree (due to bends, flow restrictions); When the geothermal fluid is brought to the surface and the temperature, pressure and chemical properties change, the potential for deposition of scale on the casing walls and within the heat exchanger and topsides facilities exists. Scale can precipitate and coat the surfaces of plant components which can cause blocking of flow and reduction of heat transfer capability. Studies (ref./ 11) show that this is the primary suspected cause of severe injectivity decline on several injector wells. H2S is not currently present in Dutch geothermal assets (ref./ 9), the potential for the future presence of H2S should be considered and not be ruled out from Risk Assessment. High quantities of particles in the geothermal loop as a result of degassing (if any) of the water, which leads for instance to the precipitation of carbonates. Review of other LEGE asset operational data and fluid include threats such as presence of lead and erosion of the systems due to particles cannot be excluded. On some occasions, scale removal and disposal methods extend the uptime however it may impact operational cost (e.g. turbine washing). Radioactivity levels (see LSA norm) are due to be monitored and baseline must be established to measure evolution. The threat is mandatory by the law to be monitored. The risk of cement degradation or bad cement may have large consequences whether pollution of an aquifer or the presence of a gas pocket is identified. Mechanically, the Risk of a stuck tool is possible and side track is not uncommon while drilling. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 56 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 3-28 Well Threat Risk Assessment Threats/Risk Mitigation Material degradation; Material yield Corrosion program , Calliper inspection to assess deformation Seal fails Material selection , stop process fluid in seal Design at Well construction phase Component mechanical stress Cement degradation Log and proper cementing job Corrosion - internal & external Injection tubing 50m deeper than the free level in the well Injection of N2 in well annuli to avoid air Test water each month to detect trend Scale & deposit Stuck Tool Drilling plan and corrective action Material threats Risk mitigation related to annuli behaviour, Well barriers for drilling and workover operations, Barriers on completed wells, or Periodical tests/maintenance of surface wellhead/Xmas tree valves and subsurface safety valves should be addressed Operational risks Pressure and temperature are important parameters for all equipment. If brine boils, releasing gaseous water, then there is a risk of deposition of salt, eventually causing blockages. If the temperature is lower than the solubility equilibrium, brine can deposit its salt and cause solid accumulation in low temperature parts. This can be critical depending on type of process and design (ref./ 10). Low pumping efficiencies. Optimisation of pumping system design and operation should be a focus in order to boost efficiencies and control OPEX costs; Surface Corrosion Risk Assessment The surface facilities are continuous with the wells; CO2 is the main corrosive species and forms of CO2 corrosion are the major internal corrosion threat in the surface facilities. Due to the nature of the surface equipment, preferential weld corrosion and galvanic corrosion are both more significant than downhole. Enhanced corrosion due to flow conditions is possible at several locations. The process piping, pumps and valves are subject to similar external damage mechanisms. Externally, the systems operate in the temperature range where, if insulated, corrosion under insulation is a significant threat. Geothermal waters are often highly saline, and even small leaks will create salt deposits on the external of equipment. Combined with the temperature, this creates potential conditions for pitting corrosion and/or chloride stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steels. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 57 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report This is particularly an issue with plate heat exchangers due to the thin plate thickness and the greater potential for leaks. The same situation applies when stainless steel equipment is opened, for example at filter changes. Scaling is a threat, especially after separators, and scale could affect the heat exchangers and filters operation in particular. Mechanical Risk Assessment Failures may occur as a result of surface breaking cracks from a pre-existing defect or incorrect fastener preload on steel part such as piping, valves. There are different causes of thermal fatigue failure, for instance, general temperature cycling or localised drips of atmospheric condensation onto hot piping. This probability is expected to be low (equipment within the buildings, low fluid temperature variation). Valves are subject to the same threats as the process piping. However the underlying cause of the valve problems can be divided into two main groups. The first group is when there is a design fault or problem with the valve itself. The second group is when the valve problem is due to ‘other causes’ or to progressive deterioration, such as incorrectly installed, incorrectly specified, operating conditions have changed from the original conditions, or a faulty operating procedure. GRE requires more frequent piping support than steel piping. It has much less ductility than carbon steel, and therefore is much less tolerant of poor fit-up and of thermal strains that would be no issue with steel construction. Separators mechanical threats are expected to be limited with suitable inspection and design. Typical heat exchanger risk are the accumulation of debris i.e. foreign material in plate can lead to under deposit corrosion, leaks/cracks, leaks/seeps at flanged joints. Additional threats may impact the heat function delivery, i.e. the production availability, without necessary damage to the equipment. The failure of heat exchange is highly probable on most of the current LEGE installation. Pump casing rupture due to thermal fatigue due to frequent restarts, low ambient temperature, high fluid temperature, insulation, operational procedures has been reported. Only few vibration cases have been reported on Netherlands LEGE asset. Motor vibration can occur due to misalignment of pumps (Booster and Injection) and / or dampers. These can induce vibration in piping/welds inducing leaks. Gas content in fluid may also induce cavitation and erosion of impellers of pumps. Process fluid in seal may reduce lubrication, increased temperature of the seal, and generate fatigue. Probability of fluid in seal is highly probable (several report of white salt precipitation as a result of fluid leak at seals). Finally, the filters are a key element of the LEGE Asset process as the debris can lead to the cause of other threats to the system such as accumulation of debris leading to under J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 58 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report deposit corrosion, leaks/cracks or leaks at the joints. Maintenance and inspection of the filters combined with lessons learned should limit the failure of other part of the systems due to debris. Table 3-29 contains Threats which shall be reviewed as per above Risk Assessment of LEGE Asset during RBI and RBM. It also proposes mitigation options than can be used in RBI and RBM. Table 3-29 Threats, Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Surface Equipment Equipment Threats Mitigation Options Corrosion All piping and Scaling Scale inhibitor; equipment Piping pH control (controlling outgassing of CO2) CO2 Corrosion Steel piping with corrosion allowance + (including preferential weld corrosion, flow assisted inhibitor treatment corrosion) Or GRE piping Galvanic corrosion (to major stainless steel Isolation joints or flange isolation kits at key equipment) locations Or GRE piping ( excellent material to handle corrosive saline water and eliminates the major internal and external corrosion threats Atmospheric corrosion External coating; inspection and maintenance Corrosion under insulation regime Or GRE piping Dead Leg Corrosion in piping Remove /reduce during design. Planned access to inspect Pipe Supports Corrosion caused by the common combination of Preventive Maintenance water and dirt accumulating in the crevice between the pipe and support All stainless Internal pitting and/or Cl-SCC steel equipment Operating procedures for shut-downs to avoid exposure to hot saline water + oxygen (air) Vessels CO2 corrosion (separator , External coating system breakdown Stainless steel ( minimum 316 / 316L) filters) Pumps CO2 corrosion (flow assisted corrosion)¨ Stainless steel ( minimum 316 / 316L) Corrosion / erosion Heat CO2 Corrosion Stainless steel External pitting and/or Cl-SCC Higher grade stainless steel, e.g. 22Cr duplex External coating system breakdown and corrosion (e.g. UNS S31803), or 6Mo stainless steel (Plate and nozzles), (e.g. UNS S31254) Flange corrosion Design details to minimise leaks CO2 Corrosion Stainless steel (316 / 316L minimum) Crevice corrosion Avoid threaded small bore connections in exchangers (plate type) Instrumentation tubing and equipment carbon steel. Use welded or flange J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 59 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Equipment Threats Mitigation Options connections for preference. Chemical Chemicals (corrosion inhibitor, scale inhibitor, Stainless steel (316 / 316L) and non-metallic treatment biocide) are standard for cleanness. Check Supplier’s equipment recommendations. Note that neat chemicals (including corrosion inhibitors) can be corrosive to carbon steel. Filters The following are typical damage mechanisms Inspection and preventive maintenance applying to Filters: Internal coating breakdown. Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking. Wet CO2 Corrosion. Crevice Corrosion. Erosion Corrosion. External coating system breakdown. Corrosion under insulation as a result of operating and environmental conditions. Leaks at the joints. Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC). Surface valves Atmospheric / External corrosion of uninsulated Inspection and preventive maintenance All piping and equipment carbon steel Mechanical Fatigue - internal or external cracking of cyclically-stressed components. Failure may occur as a result of surface breaking cracks from a preexisting defect or incorrect fastener preload etc. Monitor and protect system from thermal, vibration, and any impact Thermal Fatigue - caused by general temperature cycling or localised drips of atmospheric condensation onto hot piping, Vibration induced Fatigue, Mechanical hazard - pipe hit by car / truck, etc., install appropriate mechanical protection on piping, Mechanical All piping and equipment Mechanical Fatigue - internal or external cracking of cyclically-stressed components : Thermal Fatigue and Vibration induced Mitigate Mechanical hazard - pipe hit by car / truck, etc., install appropriate mechanical protection on piping, GRE piping Ductility and sensitive Thermal strains The piping layout and supports should be designed with these characteristics in mind. Separators will be treated as large pressure vessels Heat Exchanger Accumulation of debris i.e. foreign material, Leaks/cracks, Structural support failure, Leaks at the joints. Blockage of the tubes, Flow Blockage Leaks/cracks Leaks/seeps at flanged joints, External tube fretting Filter debris, inspection and set up proper support , verify Daily regulation, repair procedure for failure mode, select equipment with high reliability J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 60 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Equipment Surface valves Pumps (Booster and Injection) Filters Threats Mitigation Options Loss of thermal power, Closed loop fluid losses, Contamination of "clean fluid" (i.e. secondary loop), External tube fouling, Reduction of U (heat transfer coefficient) value. Typical damage mechanisms apply to valves: Erosion and Corrosion-Erosion - occurs when there are high fluid flow rates, sands or other solids present. Commonly found in sand washing operations. Packing damage / loosening - valves leak through valve packing gland, damage to the gland packing area will result, requiring valve to be replaced or repaired. Mechanical Fatigue - internal or external cracking of cyclically-stressed components. Surface breaking crack from external surface or from a pre-existing defect Thermal Fatigue: caused by general temperature cycling or localised drips onto hot valve casings. Key damage mechanisms affecting the pumps: Vibration Erosion Gas content in water Fatigue Process fluid in seal Pump casing rupture due to hermal fatigue. Early Damage of filters Filtering of debris, use the Quench, monitor potential vibration and limit operation condition if need Avoid frequent restarts (usually LEGE practice Support and operation procedure to avid thermal change and vibration Remove debris on regularly basis Christmas-tree and Well: Inspection, Testing & Maintenance Program Inspection and Test Inspection, Monitoring of operational parameters optimises well management and gives cost-benefits by proactively identifying issues that can be addressed before they become serious. A well monitoring and inspection plan shall be established and maintained for both the downhole and surface components of all wells, taking into account subsurface conditions, well operating range; well history, changes observed in other wells in the field, ground subsidence, and well configuration. The well monitoring plan shall specify the inspection and monitoring frequency for both downhole and surface components. In addition to the well monitoring plan, each wellhead shall have a documented annual inspection. Typical information to be recorded are wellhead pressure, well status (for example, shut-in, bleed, production, injection), operating condition and leakage of wellhead valves, condition of protective paint systems, condition of J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 61 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report the anchor casing, condition of the site and cellar drainage or changes in the vertical position of the wellhead measured relative to other casings. Compilation and upkeep of detailed records of the above activities in a chronological log shall be kept. Inspection and Monitoring frequencies will differ from components to component and integrity level resulting from risk assessment (see section 3.3.5). Recommendation and indicative frequencies for various threats and equipment items are: Regular inspection and testing of Xmas Trees / valves to provide confirmation of the integrity of the outer envelope of the well. Regular scheduled collection and analysis of data to be used in predictive model whenever possible to re-define frequencies (e.g. corrosion modelling). Scheduled (6 or 12 months) sampling of the gas and water or any other determined frequency based on risk assessment. Install corrosion coupons of same material as the casing and determine corrosion rates at set intervals. Pressure and Temperature recording for producer and injector reinjection wells. Recovered tubing to be inspected after retrieval to check for corrosion/scaling etc. Wall thickness or ID measurement of the casing during any well interventions. Regular in service valve integrity testing should be carried out on all wellhead / Xmas tree valves at up to yearly intervals. Frequent inspection of wellheads can give a first indication of potential corrosion problems in the system as a whole, and an indirect pointer to problems in the well. Inspection of the Producer and Injection well is practical; a multi-finger calliper tool can be run in the casing string while the tubing is out. The tubing can be inspected visually at the surface. A suggested inspection interval is approximately 5-yearly (ref./ 9). Longer intervals may be appropriate for systems with very low CO 2 and very mildly corrosive conditions. The interval can be adjusted based on experience or on any indication of corrosion problems from the monitoring data. Ultrasonic inspection of wellheads at specific datum locations is recommended for carbon / low alloy wellheads on an annual basis. Inspection initially on an annual basis is suggested due to the criticality of the wellheads. This frequency can be modified based on experience using a risk-based approach. Basic Corrosion monitoring program is described in Table 3-31. Maintenance The wellhead is considered to be a barrier together with the production casing, the tubing J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 62 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report hanger seals in the wellhead and the Xmas tree. The integrity of these barriers shall be maintained at all times by the following means: Weekly routine visual inspection to detect any signs of leaks or damage. Routine valve function and pressure testing where feasible. Routine maintenance (lubrication). Any valve, which fails to meet the defined test requirements, must be replaced or repaired as soon as operationally convenient. Maintenance and testing frequency of the wellhead should reflect changes in the equipment condition. Although the recommended frequency is yearly, Operators can carry out a risk assessment to justify deferring the maintenance if the valves have shown no failures over a certain period of time. Testing and maintenance should be carried out in accordance with Manufacturer instructions (ref./ 9 ). Surface Facilities : Inspection, Testing & Maintenance Program Inspection and Test Corrosion Monitoring basic program is discussed in section as per ref./ 9. Piping Piping inspection may be divided into two categories: External Examination: General Visual Examination of all features and Close Visual Inspection (CVI) of accessible features will be carried out. The inspection will include pipe supports and hangers and the integrity of flanged connections (for evidence of flange face corrosion and nut/bolt tightness and deterioration). NDE of selected features will also be undertaken based on the respective damage mechanism(s) for the section of piping. In instances where there is deemed to be a threat from discrete random internal damage, pipework screening tools should be used as large sections may be screened quickly and where features are detected, these may be sized using more appropriate methods (such as UT). Internal Examination (Invasive): CVI of flanges and visible sections of pipe bore will be carried out. A boroscope may be used to extend the coverage of inspection as appropriate. NDE of selected pipe bore may be carried out in order to measure remaining wall thicknesses and to determine the extent of any corrosion which may have occurred. Where NDE is deployed, specific features such as bends, elbows, tees and welds should be included as these areas may potentially be more vulnerable especially in high/turbulent flow conditions. Inspection Techniques and Frequency J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 63 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Pipework inspections should be carried out using the most appropriate inspection technique(s) that will provide the highest likelihood of detection and quantification of the prevailing mechanism(s) of deterioration; there are a variety of inspection methods that are available for use however typical inspections would be expected to include any number of the following: visual examination, borescope, UT, MPI, DPI or Radiography. The frequency of inspections should be based on the assessed risk profile of the pipework items or pipework systems that are in use. Water & Gas Separator The inspection of the separator pressure vessel will be defined generally by the RBI and specifically by the written scheme of examination of the vessel. Particular attention will be given to following areas: External Shell / Dome Ends, Shell Internals, Nozzles and joint faces, Bridles, Welds, Bolting, Mounting, Paint system, Insulation and Vortex Breaker. The inspection may comprise general and/or close visual inspection supplemented with NDE as appropriate, although the choice of NDE method will depend on the failure threat(s) that are prevalent in the specific system. A typical risk based scheme would comprise invasive and non-invasive inspection cycles (where an invasive inspection would warrant the removal of the separator vessel from service and the breaking of containment to effect the inspection; non-invasive inspections can be performed whilst the separator is on-line and relies on the deployment of NDE). The inspection intervals will be dependent upon prevailing risk profile. A typical (non-comprehensive) list of test, inspection and monitoring includes: Corrosion probes, periodic internal inspections, Monitoring : pressure and level transmitters Heat Exchanger Internal Inspection is used to establish the suitability of a heat exchanger for continued operation. The internal inspection may involve a complete visual inspection, supplemented by NDE techniques, on all components. Special inspection techniques may be used to evaluate the mechanical integrity of this type of equipment, specifically the condition of the plate. IRIS (Internal Rotary Inspection System) ET (Eddy Current Testing) RFT (Remote Field Testing) MFL (Magnetic Field Leakage) Callipers Temperature monitoring and control, periodic inspection (Fouling) External Inspection – The inspection will be performed on the external surface to determine if leaks, mechanical or structural damage is present. Generally, much of the inspection will J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 64 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report be done while the heat exchanger is in service. A typical risk based scheme would comprise of invasive and non-invasive inspection cycles (where the terms invasive and non-invasive inspections were defined above). The inspection intervals will be dependent upon prevailing risk profile. Evaluation of all inspection data will be performed in strict conformance with the latest editions of API-510 Code - “Pressure Vessel Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction” and API RP579 “Fitness for Service”. Valves on Surface API 598 provides guidance on inspection and testing of the valves however this is written for new valves only. There is no specific guidance available for integrity management of operating valves. The general practice for process valve integrity management is to set an inspection/overhaul frequency based on risk; guidance from the OEM should also be considered, if available. A typical inspection/overhaul will involve the removal from service, typically during a plant shutdown or process train outage, and the stripping down/ dismantling of the valve(s) in a workshop environment. Visual inspection and NDE is carried out on the critical components of the valve to look for any signs of wear or deterioration. The design clearances are recorded during dismantling and rebuilding of the valve on a workshop bench. If the recorded clearances are within the tolerance specified by the manufacturer then the valve is rebuilt and put back in to service. Should there be any component with significant deterioration or metal loss, the decision is made to replace the component or replace the whole valve. Alternatively, valves are removed from the process plant and sent to OEM for overhaul and refurbishment. The inspection of a valve and its components may be carried out using visual examination, borescope, UT, MPI, DPI or radiography to establish the condition. The choice of specific technique will be based on the type of suspected damage mechanism and may also be restricted by the access limitations. The inspection intervals will be dependent upon prevailing risk profile. Pumps (Booster and Injection) The failure modes in pumps cannot all be measured directly without taking the pump out of service and therefore secondary effects often need to be monitored instead. Once again, operational experience can provide a useful guide to the early symptoms of failure modes. This is an important part of Condition Based Monitoring (CBM) and it is important to have processes in place that ensure small changes can be tracked and used to identify potential issues in the future. Some of the most useful parameters that can be monitored on a pump are detailed below. Vibration e.g. check vibration of pump body, Thermography Ultrasound, Pressure/Flow, Current, Contamination J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 65 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Visual o Leaks (product, oil, grease), Contamination sources (dirt), o Loose components Corrosion, Effectiveness of instrumentation, Oil level, o Abnormal noises, Change in environment, Condition of bolts ISO10816 Part 7 provides 4 vibration level zones specifically for roto-dynamic pumps, according to the associated risk of continuous operation. Filters The inspection techniques will be similar to piping. Particular attention should be given to the following areas. External Shell / Dome Ends, Shell Internals, Nozzles and joint faces Welds, Bolting, Mounting, Paint system, Insulation. The inspection shall comprise Visual General Visual Inspection (GVI), Close Visual Inspection (CVI), supplemented with NDE depending on the failure threat assessment as deemed necessary. A typical risk based scheme would comprise invasive and non-invasive inspections. The inspection intervals will be dependent upon prevailing risk profile. Maintenance Piping Piping systems and pipework can fail in a number of ways. The most commonly experienced failures are associated with either internal or external corrosion of the pipe wall. Other failures may involve alternate metal loss mechanisms, such as erosion, fretting or gouging. Repairs may be effected on-line using clamps or composite reinforcement ‘wrap’ systems; or alternatively may involve the replacement of the affected section of pipework. There are a number of proprietary repair components/systems in existence, involving both metallic and composite materials, but these systems may have certain limitations regarding their applicability against a range of repair scenarios. There are three main repair scenarios, Pipe subject to external metal loss (caused by corrosion or mechanical damage), Pipe subject to internal erosion/corrosion), and Pipe components that are leaking. metal loss (caused by corrosion, erosion or In addition, the extent of the deterioration or damage (i.e. localised or extensive) will also be considered when choosing the repair methods and repair components. Usually the most economical repair solution will involve the replacement of the damaged section of pipework. This may be straight forward where existing flanged connections are available to facilitate the replacement of a section of damaged pipework. Alternatively the J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 66 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report repair could simply involve welding in place a replacement section of pipe. Other repair methods are also available (e.g. clamp, “self-seal”). For safety critical piping systems, the adopted repair philosophy will therefore be: Suitable temporary repair (if feasible) until replacement can be carried out; Permanent repair where replacement is not practical. The guidelines above generally apply to the repair of carbon steel pipework. Other metallic pipework, such as stainless steel, duplex stainless steel, copper, nickel etc., may present other factors for consideration (e.g. weldability, surface treatment/preparation agents for composite materials etc.), and may be considered on a case by case basis. Water & Gas Separator Maintenance of the separators is mainly related to inspection, and cleaning typically carried out once a year apart from cycling level control valves, which have a tendency to stick. Before any repairs are made to a vessel, the applicable codes and standards under which it is rated will be considered to assure that the method of repair does not violate appropriate code requirements. API 510 sets forth minimum petroleum and chemical process industry repair requirements and is recognized by several jurisdictions as the proper code for repair or alteration of pressure vessels. If and where defects/anomalies are detected, they will be subject to Fitness for Service (FFS) assessment in accordance with API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Part 9. The source of the problem requiring the repair will also be determined. Treating the source of the condition causing damage will, in many cases, prevent future reoccurrence. The repair solution will be dependent on the defect type and location on the vessel. In the event that a temporary repair is being applied whilst the vessel is in operation (such as in the installation of composite reinforcement wrap systems), there will be no requirement for pressure testing, as the pressure containment envelope would not have been breached. However, if the repairs warrant the removal of the vessel from service and the breaking of containment, this shall require leak testing to be performed on completion of the repairs (to 1.1 x design pressure). In the event that the repair solution requires welding to be done on the vessel, this shall require a ‘strength test’ be performed on completion of the works (to 1.5 x design pressure); in either case (i.e. leak testing or strength testing) this shall be performed using treated water as the test medium (i.e. hydro-testing shall be used; pneumatic testing is permissible but only providing the appropriate additional safety measures are undertaken). API 510 provides additional details on pressure test requirements. ASME PTB-2-2009 may be referred to as an additional guide for lifecycle management of the pressure vessels. Heat Exchanger Before any repairs are made to a heat exchanger, the applicable codes and standards under which it is to be rated will be considered to assure that the method of repair does not J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 67 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report violate appropriate requirements. API 510 sets forth minimum petroleum and chemical process industry repair requirements and is recognized by several jurisdictions as the proper code for repair or alteration of pressure vessels. If and where defects/anomalies are detected, they will be subject to Fitness for Service (FFS) assessment in accordance with API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Part 9. The source of the problem requiring the repair will be determined. Treating the source of the condition causing damage will, in many cases, prevent future reoccurrence. The repair solution will be dependent on the defect type and location on the equipment. Repairs to the heat exchanger bundles can fall into the following categories: Minor Repairs: Minor weld metal build-up of gasket surfaces and machining. Minor welding Replacing worn or damaged part. These minor repairs would be relatively low cost if carried out during a planned maintenance outage. Often minor damage is not repaired but is subject to periodic monitoring in order to ensure that the damage does not progressively worsen to the extent that it compromises the integrity of the heat exchanger. In the event that a temporary repair is being affected whilst the vessel is in operation, there will be no requirement for pressure testing, as the containment envelope would not have been breached. However, if the repairs warrant the removal of the vessel from service and the breaking of containment, this shall require leak testing be performed on completion of the repairs (to 1.1 x design pressure). In the event that the repair solution requires welding to be done on the vessel, this shall require a ‘strength test’ be performed on completion of the works (to 1.5 x design pressure); in either case (i.e. leak testing or strength testing) this shall be performed using treated water as the test medium (i.e. hydro-testing shall be used; pneumatic testing is permissible but only providing the appropriate additional safety measures are undertaken). Whereas, if the type of temporary repair is to be carried out that requires a shut-down of vessel and breaking of containment, then the pressure test requirements will apply and vessel will be pressure tested to 1.1 x design pressure. API 510 provides additional details on pressure test requirements. ASME PTB-2-2009 may be referred to as an additional guide for lifecycle management of the pressure vessels. Valves on Surface Valves should be kept in good condition through routine greasing, cycling and function testing in alignment with valve type and OEM recommendations. The valve packing glands (where applicable) should be checked and repacked as necessary. Pumps (Booster and Injection) J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 68 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report The general practice for pump integrity management is to set an inspection/overhaul frequency based on the advice from the manufacturer. The pump is removed from the plant during a shut down and the individual components are dismantled in a workshop environment. Visual inspection and NDE is carried out on the critical components of the pump to look for any signs of wear or deterioration. The design clearances are recorded during dismantle and rebuild of the pump on a workshop bench. If the recorded clearances are within the tolerance specified by the manufacturer then the pump is rebuilt and put back to service. Should there be any component with significant deterioration or metal loss, the decision is made to replace the component or replace the whole pump. The inspection of the pump and its components may be carried out using visual examination, borescope, UT, MPI, DPI or Radiography to establish the condition. The choice of specific technique will be based on the type of suspected damage mechanism and may also be restricted by the access limitations. A typical risk based scheme would comprise invasive and non-invasive inspections. The inspection intervals will be dependent upon prevailing risk profile. Filters If and where defects/anomalies are detected, they will be subject to FFS assessment in accordance with API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Part 9. It is important that the source of the problem requiring the repair is determined. Treating the source of the condition causing damage will, in many cases, prevent future problems. The repair solution will be dependent on the defect type and location on the vessel. In the event that a temporary repair is being affected whilst the vessel is in operation, there will be no requirement for pressure testing, as the containment envelope would not have been breached. However, if the repairs warrant the removal of the vessel from service and the breaking of containment, this shall require leak testing be performed on completion of the repairs (to 1.1 x design pressure). In the event that the repair solution requires welding to be done on the vessel, this shall require a ‘strength test’ be performed on completion of the works (to 1.5 x design pressure); in either case (i.e. leak testing or strength testing) this shall be performed using treated water as the test medium (i.e. hydro-testing shall be used; pneumatic testing is permissible but only providing the appropriate additional safety measures are undertaken). ASME PTB-2-2009 may be referred to as an additional guide for lifecycle management of the pressure vessels. Periodic review : Integrity Assessment and Analysis The data monitored in section 3.7.3 are used to perform daily, monthly, yearly analysis of the Asset to define its level of integrity, i.e. Integrity Assessment. The Periodic Review shall provide a yearly overview of the Asset Integrity. It shall assess J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 69 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report and discuss the following: Compliance with AMP with: o Inspection, testing, monitoring & maintenance program requirements; o Business asset management system requirements (section 3.4). Address as a minimum, the following assessment or analysis: o Corrosion assessments covering internal and external corrosion; o Scale formation assessment by means of fluid composition monitoring and Well/tubing pressure monitoring; o Scaling Erosion assessment; o Mechanical assessments e.g. fatigue, cracks, displacement causing overstress, third party damage causing extreme strains, etc. o Other Assessment (e.g. vibration or blockage). Top 5 Risks and Threats Recommendation for ITM&M program for the year to come and for the RBI and RBM Indicative Inspection, Testing & Maintenance Frequencies The inspection intervals will be dependent upon prevailing risk profile and this will be regularly reviewed and update as per the Integrity life Cycle process. Inspection intervals depend on historical record, analysis of failure, reliability statistic or analysis, or any other prediction model. Maintenance depends on supplier recommendation and historical record based on RBM. With regards to AMP, hereafter indicative Intervals/ Frequency are provided as guidance for defining Long Term planning for Inspection, Testing and planning accounting for RBI and RBM outcome (see 3.7.9). J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 70 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 3-30: Frequencies Equipment Inspection Frequency Reference/ Source DAGO Practice Inspection Separator Pressure relieve design Piping & Valves Booster Pump & Injection Pump Heat Exchanger Filters Producer and Injection well API 510 – May 2014 Max 12 months for GVI/CVI Max one-half the remaining life of the vessel or 10 years for thickness measurement and on stream inspection Max inspection intervals for pressurerelieving devices in typical process services should not exceed: a) 5 years for typical process services, and b) 10 years for clean (non-fouling) and noncorrosive services. 12 months for GVI/CVI Max 48 months for Maintenance Depending API 510 – May 2014 API 570 – February Wall thickness 2 time 2016 year Routinely CVI (read gauges, leak, Typical Manufacturer vibration etc.) specification Maintenance monthly/annually/by hours of service depending on parts GVI DAGO Max 3 months for inspection/Maintenance approximately 5-yearly 6 times per year Daily check Typical Manufacturer Every 4 time to take a specification sample 1 to 4 weeks depending of filter redundancy arrangement ref./ 9). Testing Xmas Trees / valves 6 or 12 months J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 71 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 3-31 Basic Corrosion Monitoring Regime/Frequencies Technique Notes Corrosion Monitoring LPR corrosion probe pH monitoring At a convenient location in the surface piping or on a bypass loops. Ideally, real-time connection to control room. Otherwise, manual reading or download of data daily. Acts as an alert for problems with the inhibition system. Corrosion coupon Process measurements (pressure, flow rates , temperature) At a convenient location in the surface piping. Typically retrieved 6-monthy. Standard process measurements Sampling Inhibitor residuals (biocide residual, scale inhibitor residuals etc. if applicable) Measure at commissioning of the system to set initial dose rates. Review at 6 or 12 monthly intervals. Sampling point should be as far downstream as practical, e.g. at injection wellhead. For systems with Separator, measure the off-gas. May be by on-line monitor or by sampling (e.g. 6-monthly). It is important that a consistent sampling location and technique is used. CO2 LEGE Asset Practice : monthly assessment Water chemistry Sampling and laboratory analysis , e.g. 6 or 12 monthly (see Appendix D) LEGE Asset Practice : monthly Bacteriological sampling and analysis Only required as routine with lower salinity waters able to support microbial activity. Monitoring of Inhibition systems Check level of chemical in the storage tank Record daily, confirms that inhibitor is being used, ensures re-supply on time etc. Pumps and equipment operational Check and record daily. On-line alerts may be used, but manual check should still be made. Chemical dose rate Daily. Check versus target and record. Adjust or re-set rate if necessary. Note: - Reference (ref./ 18) provides practical information on data gathering such as retaining samples of fluids and contaminants, taking pairs of water samples upstream of the separator and at the injector wellhead, a pressurized sample from the producer wellhead, etc. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 72 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report - Note that data gathering should be designed to meet study/interpretation needs, rather than studies having to adapt to whatever is delivered. Long Term Historical & Planning : Inspection, Testing & Maintenance Long term and Historical Inspection & Maintenance plan should be kept and maintained. The document aims to provide an overview of past, present and future activities for each equipment item. It also provides input to plan resources. Table 3-32 is a template showing how the plan is built for piping systems. Information is provided in section 3.7.6 to build the table for other equipment. This plan is revised a minimum once a year during operation after the Assessment/ Analysis and Risk Assessment are performed (see Indicative frequencies are provided in section 3.7.8 to build the planning together with Risk Assessment, i.e. RBI and RBM (as per section Table 3-32: Inspection & Maintenance Planning template System s Component or part Description Procedure reference M. 1 M. 2 Doc number S S S Inspection M. 3 M. 4 M. 5 M. n P P P Inspection Piping All piping flanges As per Assessment findings Piping section, Wels, etc. All piping Corrosion under Isolation Piping Internal Piping all Flanges General GVI CVI NDE F P P Internal Examination Wall thickness NDE Testing Pressure Maintenance Painting Seal Note: S: Done and successful; F: Done and failed; P: Planned. New Abbreviation to be added as required. Time line can be Month, Year, or Week depending on equipment. First two lines for piping system are an example. It is suggested to develop an Excel Spreadsheet to keep historical recording and show planned activities. Additional equipment to be added as per LEGE Asset. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 73 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report 4.0 References ref./ 1 DAGO WIM HAZID Report Final - 20-05812-001-16 – ref./ 2 NZS 2403:2015 - Code of practice for deep geothermal wells ref./ 3 NOGEPA, Industry Guideline No.50 Asset Integrity, revision 4.1 ; 31-001-2014 ref./ 4 EU Project REGEOCITIES; Best Practices related to regulation of Shallow Geothermal Energy; viewed December 2013; ge_systems.pdf ref./ 5 DNV RP F-116 Integrity management of submarine pipeline systems ref./ 6 ISO 55000 - Asset Management - Overview, principles and terminology ref./ 7 ISO 55001 - Asset Management - Requirements ref./ 8 ISO 55002 - Asset Management - Guidelines ref./ 9 DAGO, “Corrosion Review and Materials Selection for Geothermal Wells”; Wood Group Intetech, June 2017; rev.03 ref./ 10 Report Assessment of Injectivity problems in Geothermal Greenhouses Heating wells, funded by Kas als Energiebrom program, 5/01/2015 ref./ 11 Lead deposition in Geothermal Installations, TNO, 2014 R11416 ref./ 12 Alaref O. & Co.; Comprehensive Well integrity Solutions in Challenging Environments using latest Technology innovations, 2016, OTC-26560-MS ref./ 13 Drilling and Well Construction; Chapter 6, Geo-Heat Center viewed December 2016; ref./ 14 Corrosion in Dutch Geothermal Systems, TNO 2015 R10160, 2016 ref./ 15 Review of Current State of the Geothermal Industry with a focus on The Netherlands, August 2015, MSc Thesis ref./ 16 Geothermal Investment Guide, project deliverable 3.4; Serjujuk M. & Co; 2013; ref./ 17 Technology cluster Forensic Engineering; Sponsors: Aardwarmte Vogelaer BV, AMT International BV, Geopower Holding BV, V.o.f.; Geothermie De Lier, Nature’s Heat BV TNO reference: 060.17160 ref./ 18 TNO 2012 R10719- BIA Geothermal – TNO Umbrella Report into the Causes and Solutions to Poor Well Performance in Dutch Geothermal Projects -2012 October ref./ 19 Chinedu I. Ossai, Brian Boswell*, Ian J. Davies; 2014; Sustainable asset integrity management: Strategic imperatives for economic renewable energy generation; Renewable Energy 67 ; p 143-152 J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 74 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report ref./ 20 Lichti K. & Co., 2013, The Application of Risk Based Assessment to Geothermal Energy Plant, NACE international Corrosion Conference & Expo 2013, paper 2438 ref./ 21 John Finger J., Blankenship D., 2010, Handbook of Best Practices for Geothermal Drilling, SAND2010-6048 ref./ 22 Loizzo M., Bois, A., Etcheverry P., Linn M.; 2014; An evidence-based Approach to Well integrity Risk Management, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 27-29 October, Amsterdam, The Netherlands SPE- 170867 ref./ 23 BS EN ISO 17776:2002, Petroleum and natural gas industries. Offshore production installations. Guidance on tools and techniques for hazard identification and risk assessment, Edition February 2001. ref./ 24 ISO 20815:2008, Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Production assurance and reliability management. ref./ 25 VDI 4640 (parts 1 to 4) in Germany ref./ 26 VDI 4650 (parts 1 & 2) in Germany ref./ 27 NORMBRUNN – 07 in Sweden ref./ 28 “Geothermal heat pump borehole heat exchanger fields : guideline for design and implementation” (BRGM and ADEME, 2012) in France ref./ 29 Geothermal energy and heat networks. Guideline for operators (BRGM and ADEME, 2010) - France ref./ 30 BRL SIKB 2100: Mechanical drilling - The Netherlands ref./ 31 BRL SIKB 11000: Design, realisation, management and maintenance of the subsurface part of SGE systems - The Netherlands ref./ 32 ISSO-publications 39, 72, 73, 80 en 81: For the technical implementations of the above ground part of an SGE system - The Netherlands ref./ 33 NEN 7120: for calculating the EPC of a building - The Netherlands ref./ 34 API RP14E for calculating erosional velocity limits ref./ 35 DNV RP G-101 Risk Based Inspection of Offshore Topside Static Mechanical Equipment ref./ 36 Data sheet GEO-process ECW , Data sheet GEO-process ECW. 27/10/2016 ref./ 37 QHSEP Risc Matrix (rev02).xlss ; provided by Dio Verbiest, DAGO Operation Secretary, email 14/02/2018 ref./ 38 Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Construction, etc.) Regulations 1996, DCR – regulations 13, 15 and 16 ref./ 39 Report presenting proposals for improving the regulatory framework for geothermal electricity - Appendix 1; Deliverable 4.1, S Fraser; 2013; J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 75 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report ref./ 40 Recommended Minimum Functional Specification and Standards for geothermal Wells in the Netherlands V.5, Well Engineering Partners BV,, viewed January 2018. ref./ 41 Abandonment Coast Estimation Geothermal Installation, DAGO, May 2016, D7276R00.5608 -o0o- J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page 76 of 77 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Methodology to develop the Asset Management Guideline J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page A-1 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report A.1 General The guideline has been developed on the basis of Oil & Gas standards; good practices, general asset management standards and a web based literature review, but adapted to suit the Dutch geothermal industry. The guideline is aiming to provide guidance on procedures, plan, program, database, management systems needed to ensure an optimum Asset Management. However, the guideline is developed to keep the documentation requirements and activities to be performed to the size of typical Dutch Geothermal Industry asset. The ALARP principle has been followed to ensure risks are managed to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable, including HSE risk and Security. This guideline provides guidance on procedures, plan, program, database, and management systems needed to ensure optimum Asset Management. The aim has been to formulate the general requirement and principles of the ISO 55000 series, including other standards and codes, into a more specific AM guideline. A.2 Guideline contents rationale Information relating to regulation are extracted from ref./ 4 . The lack of good practices in the different European regions/countries has been identified as barriers in the geothermal asset assessments. As stated in ref./ 18, “the lack of actual industry experience has been often compounded by lack of understanding of non-geological technical/organisational risks, absence of minimum or good practice standards, lack of knowledge transfer from other subsurface knowledge areas (oil and gas industry), in terms of maximizing knowledge flow and setting minimum standards”. The strand B report focused on making a guideline so that Dutch Geothermal Industry can create AMP’s for their assets. Guidance on the economical investment decisions for geothermal wells / plant is not part of the scope. The geothermal investment guide ref./ 16 indicates that plant availability, lifetime of the plant, competence and experience of risk mitigation are key requirements to be addressed in the Plan. (ref./ 16). The GEOLEC Investment Guide on Geothermal Electricity also provides background about existing technologies and analyses the factors for the success of geothermal project, the different level of risks involved in the various phases and the options to finance each of these phases. Though all these recommendation do not apply to LEGE asset (no electricity, smaller Business) some points were relevant. As a result, the guideline is including Reliability Maintainability and availability Analysis (RAM) section. However, RAM is not mandatory when business is small and the operator and the end user is the same owner. Existing standards and recommended practices have been used to structure this guideline (see Section 2.1). These standards / RP’s are typically from the Oil & Gas industries in Norway and Netherlands. The key references are ref./ 3 , ref./ 5 , ref./ 2 , ref./ 6 , ref./ 7 , and ref./ 8 . The general ISO 55000 series have been used to structure and address the fundamentals content of an Asset Management plan & systems. The application of the ISO 55000 series requirements has been simplified and adapted to J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page A-1 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Dutch Geothermal Industry business size and LEGE asset Characteristics. The asset management system requirements described in ISO 55001 are grouped in a way that is consistent with the fundamentals of asset management: context of the organisation leadership planning support operation performance evaluation improvement The Dutch geothermal industry does not adopt a particular ISO, API or NORSOK standard but rather uses specific elements of these where applicable, such as defining a basis of Design, performing a hydrocarbon risk assessment and the development of a Risk Register (as per ISO16530) that carries through the entire well lifecycle (ref./ 9 ). Asset Management is performed using a risked based approach. During the HAZID preparation (ref./ 1) risk matrices were proposed based on Hazid Project stakeholders and various operators across the Dutch Geothermal Industry. The risk matrices developed are consistent with the guidance provided by EN ISO 17776:2002 (ref./ 23) and comprise a summary 6x5 consequence versus probability matrix supported by five further matrices in which consequences are rated more explicitly in terms of People, Environment, Assets, Reputation and Social impacts. The same matrices are therefore proposed to perform any risk assessment at different phase of the geothermal asset life and for RBI and RBM. This is presented in ref./ 37. Geothermal Asset Operator shall demonstrate their compliance with regulatory bodies including HSE and demonstrate good Asset Management practice to their various stakeholder and shareholders. QHSE section referred to QSHE program currently on going (see Section 3.5.5). No Information on Dutch regulation has been received at the date of issue of this report revision from the project. However information has been taken from an EU project (ref./ 4 ). Regulation, standards, and relevant EU directives are therefore discussed as they should apply to Dutch operations. A specific section on systems / equipment / components is included within Section 3.6 of this guideline. The aim is to provide practical information regarding degradation threats, and a general check list for the risk assessment methodology, i.e. risk based scenarios to support the development of RBI and RBM programs. Based on Wood Group experience and expertise; typical threats, inspection, testing, monitoring and maintenance requirements are described. Similarly, specific operational philosophies and asset integrity information are presented and further developed in the appendices. Finally, AM plan development and J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page A-2 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report contents through the asset life cycle is also described based both on Wood Group experiences, international standards and additional literature listed in Reference section 3.7.7. A.3 Literature review A brief literature review was performed related to asset management activities, including risk document, maintenance, and deep geothermal activity in Iceland and New Zealand. Note that literature review related to Netherland and Europe are limited. NZS 2403:2015 - Code of practice for deep geothermal well has been reviewed for well maintenance (ref./ 2 ) This New Zealand good practice covers the techniques and procedures to be adopted throughout the life of a well. This includes monitoring, inspecting, and repairing the well and wellhead components, and the production/injection well. However, it focuses on high enthalpy geothermal assets and as such not all information are relevant to LEGE. Wood Group Intetech report (ref./ 9 ) has been manly used to develop Well and piping equipment IMT&M in section 3.6. When it comes to Risk Management, Loizzo (ref./ 22) proposed to use “evidence-based scenario” to screen out threats from check list when evidence can be shown that the threat is not really relevant to the asset the purpose is to avoid detailed analysis. It screens out Risk/threats from detailed analysis threats which are rare and focus on relevant possible threats, while still identifying them. Typical example will be seismic threats. Litchi (ref./ 20 ) recommends the use of RBI for Geothermal plant, and also refers to pressure vessel standards for inspection AS/NZS 3788:2006 standard. Chinedu (ref./ 19) has proposed Asset Integrity Management Framework for Renewable Energy generation, including geothermal Asset. The procedure for sustainable asset integrity management broadly comprises of three operations, namely, mitigation, control and regulatory programmes in his framework as shown in Figure 9. Figure 9 Hierarchy of elements of sustainable asset integrity management programme. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page A-3 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report (ref./ 19) The article is providing interaction with stakeholders for feedback mechanism, plant performance and Interaction of asset integrity indicators and plant management team. This article AM framework aligns with the overall framework developed in this document. The article concludes that implementation of the outlined strategies have “the potential to improve the integrity of assets used in renewable energy plants due to the integrated organisational function interfaced mitigation approach that makes fault dictation timely. Mitigation strategies provide a holistic asset integrity performance measurement through a systematic feedback mechanism and by weighted balancing of social, economic and environmental KPIs”. Chinedu further stated that “adoption of sustainable AM improvement performance principles of control, competence, communication, coordination and compliance will not only reduce downtime, ageing deterioration, accidents, pollution and incidents but will also aid in improved lifecycle performance of the assets via a feedback modulated framework. This conclusion has been used to develop the AM guideline. Other references used to build up the guideline are listed in Reference section 3.7.7. A list of remedial and mitigation/ activities to geothermal asset threats have been used (ref./ 10 , ref./ 9 and ref./ 11 to be applied both at the design and operational phases. Guidelines for improving well injectivity presented in ref./ 10 have been reviewed. A.1 Asset Integrity Management Definitions Definition related to asset management might differ slightly from standard to standard. Therefore, for the sake of clarity, definitions are recapped hereafter; the following definitions are extracted from standard reference in section 3.7.7. ISO 55000 1, 2 & 3 series has mainly been used whenever relevant and available. Asset Integrity: Ability of an asset to perform its required function effectively and efficiently whilst protecting HSE. Asset life: Period from asset creation to asset end-of-life. Asset management plan: Documented information that specifies the activities, resources and timescales required for an individual asset or a grouping of assets, to achieve the organisation’s asset management objectives Asset Management System: Management system for asset management which function is to establish the Asset Management policies and objectives. Asset Management: Coordinated activity of an organisation to realise value from assets. Asset: Item or entity that has potential or actual value to an Organisation. Audit: Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page A-4 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Incident: Unplanned event or occurrence resulting in damage or other loss. Inspection: Appraisal involving examination, measurement, testing, gauging, and comparison of materials or items. Integrity: State of a system performing its intended functions without being degraded or impaired by changes or disruptions in its internal or external environments. Life cycle: Stages involved in the management of an asset. Maintenance: A combination of all technical, administrative and managerial actions during the life cycle of an item intended to retain it in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform the required function. Monitoring: Determining the status of a system, a process or an activity. Performance indicator: Monitoring and measurement of the effectiveness of Asset Integrity Management as per SMART principle. Performance indicators can be Leading or Lagging. Policy: Intentions and direction of an organization as formally expressed by its top management. Process: Set of interrelated or interacting activities which transform inputs into outputs. RBI: Process of developing an inspection plan based on knowledge of the risk of failure of the equipment. RBM: Prioritizing maintenance resources towards assets carrying the most risk in case of failure. Reliability: Ability of a system to consistently perform its intended or required function or mission, on demand and without degradation or failure. SMART objectives: Goals that are characterised by being Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic and Time-related. Supply Chain Management: Ensures that reliability, integrity, obsolescence risks and technical risk management goals, requirements, achievements and lessons learned are communicated between all organisations. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page A-5 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Risk Assessment Methodology & Risk Matrices J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page B-6 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Risk Assessment - General A Risk Based Assessment is used to identify component degradation mechanisms, inspection and maintenance programs. This provides assurance on the operational integrity of the assets, with rating and review of all systems being the responsibility of the Asset Integrity Team. Risk Assessment (RA), either qualitative and/or quantitative, are performed to define threats to the asset and its components with regards to Integrity, HSE, and business perspective. The objectives of the RA are: Identify potential risk of failure or degradation for system and components. Identify the main hazards and operability consequences. Use relevant standard, models for assessing, which are crosschecked against real data / experience in other operating units. Recommend measures suitable to mitigate the threat. Note that: 1. The RA form the basis of the Project Risk Management prior Production, 2. The RA form the basis of the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) and Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) scheme during Production. The risk Matrices are extracted from QHSE Framework ref./ 37. Risk Methodology The risk assessment study should involve the input from a multi-disciplined team, with team members representing, at a minimum, the following groups or disciplines: Reliability engineer, Integrity engineer, production engineer, maintenance engineer, well / reservoir engineer. All Life Cycle phase shall be risk assessed. It is recommended to use an “evidence-based scenario” to screen out threats from check list when evidence can be shown that the threat is not really relevant to the asset the purpose is to avoid detailed analysis. It screens out Risk/threats from detailed analysis threats which are rare and focus on relevant possible threats, while still identifying them. Typical example will be seismic threats. This approach is recommended from Concept to Operation phases. The purpose of the “evidence-based scenario” method is to ensure that appropriate effort is made on each threat based on the expert judgment and inspection, monitoring, testing and maintenance information available. 1) At Concept and Design phase, RA shall focus on identifying Risk & Opportunity related to selection of specific equipment and specific functions required to deliver Asset Performance. CAPEX cost and OPEX life cycle Cost and HSE Requirement to comply with Regulation and policies shall be considered. 2) During the Operational phase, RA is performed either through RBI and RBM activities with the objectives to use a risk based approach to address inspection and J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page B-1 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report maintenance priorities account for risk and resource available. Risk Assessment frequency Good and time efficient practice is to prepare these RA and review them with relevance in a workshop. The focus will be on key identified risks, while keeping other risks reviewed by the risk assessment team. Risk Assessment frequency should be performed as follows: 1) Prior to Operations, RA should be perform on a regular basis, Prior to any subcontracts being awarded, prior to key milestones for the project 2) During Operation, RA shall be performed for unplanned anomaly and a yearly workshop should be planned with all stakeholders as a minimum. Quarterly / continuous review of anomalies found might be required for Critical Risk identified for Asset Operation. Probability of Failure (PoF) & Consequence of Failure (CoF) Probability of failure is estimated based upon the types of damage expected to occur in a component and is assessed utilising the design information, operating history, inspection findings and engineering judgements based on industry experience and any other relevant literature. The CoF is dependent on the failure mode and physical location, where the latter is affected by factors such as Quality, Health, Safety Technical, Environmental and Public Acceptance. Table 4-1 Risk = CoF x PoF (Quality) J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page B-2 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 4-2 Risk = CoF x PoF (Health) Table 4-3 Risk = CoF x PoF (Safety) J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page B-3 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 4-4 Risk = CoF x PoF (Environment) Table 4-5 Risk = CoF x PoF (Public Acceptance) Risk Matrix Risk is defined as: 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘=𝑃𝑜𝐹 ×𝐶𝑜𝑓 For both the internal and external threats, the risk will be calculated based on the above definition, where PoF and CoF shall be combined to give a risk rating. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page B-4 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Table 4-6 Risk Matrix J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page B-5 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Detailed Information on Standards J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page C-1 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report The good practice guidelines identified to the support and development of the LEGE sector into the mature regions like the Netherlands are included hereafter: Netherlands o BRL SIKB 2100: Mechanical drilling - The Netherlands ; o BRL SIKB 11000: Design, realisation, management and maintenance of the subsurface part of LEGE systems - The Netherlands ; o ISSO-publications 39, 72, 73, 80 en 81: For the technical implementations of the above ground part of an LEGE system - The Netherlands ; o NEN 7120: for calculating the EPC of a building - The Netherlands API RP14E for calculating erosional velocity limits VDI 4640 (parts 1 to 4) in Germany ; VDI 4650 (parts 1 & 2) in Germany NORMBRUNN – 07 in Sweden “Geothermal heat pump borehole heat exchanger fields: guideline for design and implementation” (BRGM and ADEME, 2012) in France; Geothermal energy and heat networks. Guideline for operators (BRGM and ADEME, 2010) - France This list is non exhaustive. Hereafter, general requirements from ISO 55000 series are described: o data management; o non-destructive testing; o condition monitoring; o pressure equipment; o risk management; o financial management; o quality management; o value management; o environmental management; o shock and vibration; o systems and software engineering; o acoustics; o qualification and assessment of personnel; o life cycle costing; o dependability (availability, reliability, maintainability, maintenance support); o project management; o property and property management; o configuration management; o facilities management; o technology; o equipment management; o sustainable development; o commissioning process; o inspection; o energy management J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page C-1 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Inspection, Testing, Monitoring Techniques J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page D-2 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report This appendix describes some of the inspection, Monitoring and testing method available. The list is non-exhaustive; the list focuses on key methods. List of element to be analysed in Water & Gas analysis is listed at the end of this section. Coupons (ref./ 11 and ref./ 9) Coupons can predict the following types of corrosion when correctly placed to ensure appropriate exposure: general corrosion, crevice corrosion, pitting, stress corrosion cracking, embrittlement, galvanic corrosion, and metallurgical structure-related corrosion. Monitoring with coupons is relatively simple and cheap. Coupons are small pieces of metal, usually of a rectangular or circular shape, which are inserted in the process stream and removed after a period of time for assessment. The most common and basic use of coupons is to determine average corrosion rate over the period of exposure. The average corrosion rate can easily be calculated from the weight loss, the initial surface area of the coupon and the time exposed. However, coupons have several limitations. An extended period of time is required to produce useful data, and coupons can only be used to determine average corrosion rates. Corrosion coupons can also be used to investigate the lead deposition rate and/or scaling. It is advisable to leave a coupon exposed for at least 30 days to obtain valid corrosion rate information, and a longer period (e.g. 6 months) is typical. There are two reasons for this recommended practice. First, a clean coupon generally corrodes much faster than one which has reached equilibrium with its environment. This will cause a higher corrosion rate to be reported on the coupon than is actually being experienced on the pipe or vessel. Second, there is an unavoidable potential for error as a result of the cleaning operation. Another benefit of coupons is to provide information about the type of corrosion. Unlike electrochemical probes, which only detect the corrosion rate, coupons can be examined for evidence of scaling, pitting and other localized forms of attack. Corrosion Probes (ref./ 9) The major advantage of probes compared to coupons is that measurements can be obtained on a far more frequent basis - essentially continuous. Also, readings do not require removal of the probe. Electrical resistance (ER) systems work by measuring the electrical resistance of a thin metal probe. As corrosion causes metal to be removed from the probe, its resistance increases. Electrochemical probes consist of several individual electrodes and allow one or more electrochemical methods to be used to measure corrosion rate. Typical methods include Linear Polarisation Resistance (LPR), Electrochemical Noise and Electrochemical Impedance. In favourable conditions, electrochemical probes can provide detailed and rapid information. Electrochemical (LPR) probes are a standard technology for water systems J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page D-3 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report generally, and are suitable for geothermal applications. According to DAGO (2016), several operators use continuous inline measurements in the brine flow, either in the main flow, or through a bypass with a comparable flow rate. Measurements techniques include both LPR and ER. Corrosion loops/bypass (ref./ 11 and ref./ 9) A corrosion loop is a section of tubing that some of the flow is passed through a pipe running parallel to the main piping. As the Material and piping size is similar it can more easily be monitored on corrosion, scale or lead deposits. Corrosion probes can be installed in the loop to provide facilities for on-line investigation of the use of new inhibitors or process parameters. Several Dutch operators have installed corrosion loops in collaboration with chemical suppliers for the purposes of on-line monitoring of inhibitor performance. In-situ inspection tools (ref./ 11 ) There is an extensive list of in-situ inspection tools called logs. Calliper logs, also known as multi-finger callipers, measure the internal radius of the casing in several directions by using multi-finger feeler arms of the tool. The multifinger calliper survey can measure anomalies only on the inner surfaces of the tubing or casing. Output reports can provide the average wall thickness loss and also some indication of the maximum local wall thickness loss. The Multi-Finger Calliper may also be used to measure the build-up of scale, paraffin or other mineral deposits in the wellbore. Electromagnetic thickness logs are one of two available electromagnetic measuring methods for corrosion monitoring. These logs are carried out by electromagnetic induction tools. Electromagnetic (eddy current) logs can give information on the total wall thickness of up to three strings, with some indication as to whether loss of thickness is on the inner or outer strings. Magnetic flux logs make use of magnetic flux leakage (MFL) technology to determine the location, extent and severity of corrosion and other metal loss defects in the inner tubular string. Near locations of defects such as corrosion or pitting, some of the flux leaks out of the pipe, and these leaks are detected by the tools sensor arrays. Ultrasonic corrosion logs employ a very high transducer frequency to measure anomalies in the tubing or casing. The emitter sends out sound waves and the detector measures the reflected response. It is able to provide information about casing thickness, surface condition and small defects on both internal and external casing surfaces. Using a gamma-ray (GR) measurement log, it is possible to detect scaling of J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page D-4 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report radioactive material. Corrosion Detection in well Note that corrosion can be assessed by monitoring the production rate, pressure, temperature, and fluid corrosivity at the well-head, and their change in time. During shut down and maintenance of the well equipment, downhole camera and casing integrity inspection logs can be applied to verify the degree of corrosion. However, these latter methods are relatively expensive. On technical and financial grounds, it is unnecessary and undesirable that they are executed on a high frequency basis. Electrochemical noise measurements (ENM), electrochemical spectroscopy (EIS) and linear polarization resistance (LPR) impedance Electromagnetic technology (EM) (ref./ 12 ) The technique used is called Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC) where a short high-energy EM pulse from a transmitter coil “charges” the surrounding concentric pipes. Immediately after the excitation pulse, a co-located receiver coil measures the collapsing eddy currents. Embedded within this received “decay” curve is a complex signature, which is a function of the surrounding pipe’s geometry and EM properties. The advantage of this technique is that the source of the problems can be located without the need to “pull the completion” as the slim PEC tool can be run through tubing. Another application is the evaluation of surface casing behind the cemented production string. Cement Evaluation Using Radial Bond Log (RBL) (ref./ 12 ) “The Radial Bond Log (RBL) simultaneously evaluates the quality of cement bonding as well as the condition and integrity of both the pipe and formation by calculating the measurements of the cement bond amplitude through near receivers, variable density log, and far receivers.” “The primary use of this technology is to guarantee the integrity of the well by ensuring that the cement is effectively placed between the casing strings and the formation. Poor cement placement can typically result in unwanted situations such as water or gas production and fluid migration. With RBL, it is possible to get an accurate insight into the quality of the cement, which is extremely important, as a correct diagnosis and assessment of the problem is essential to understanding the remedial work required for gas and water wells.” Combining Technologies “In many cases when an operator would like to evaluate the integrity of the well to check if it is fit for production or injection, multiple sensors are required in order to give a complete assessment. However, the financial aspect is an important factor when doing so”. J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page D-5 Study – Geothermal Asset Management – Guideline/Plan Template Report Water & Gas Analysis Monitoring Element to be analysed J001916-01-PM-REP-001 | Rev 04 | April 2018 Page D-6