Ch. 3 - Experimental 3. EXPERIMENTAL This Chapter briefly describes the methods, materials and other experimental techniques used to generate data for the thesis work. The principles involved in electroanalytical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry and chronopotentiometry have been discussed. The spectroscopic techniques UV-Visible spectrophotometry and inductively coupled plasma – optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) used for quantitative determination of ruthenium are described. Other experimental techniques such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are briefly discussed. 3.1 MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS 3.1.1 Chemicals All the chemicals used for experimental work were of analytical grade and procured from the following companies: M/s. Arora Matthey, Kolkata: Ruthenium(III) chloride (RuCl3.3H2O) powder, Ruthenium nitrosyl nitrate (1.7% W/V) in 9 M nitric acid and Silver nitrate. M/s. Loba Chemie, Mumbai: Ammonium ceric nitrate ((NH4)2Ce(NO3)6, Assay: 98 %); Hydrogen peroxide(H2O2), Assay 30% M/s. SD fine chem. Ltd, Mumbai: Cerium (III) nitrate hexahydrate, Assay: 90% Merk, Germany: 1 10-phenanthroline, Assay: 99.5%, Water content: 8.5-10%; Hydroxylammoniumchloride, Assay: 99%, Water content: 5% Jiangsu Huaxi International Trade Co. Ltd. China: Ethanol, Assay: 99.9% Hi-Pure fine chem. Industries, Chennai: Sodium Hydroxide, Assay: 99% 51 Ch. 3 - Experimental All other nitrate salts and oxides used for the preparation of simulated high level liquid waste (SHLLW) were procured from M/s. Alfa Aesar, UK, Merck, Germany, Sigma Aldrich, USA, and Strem Chemicals, USA. Nitric acid (AR Grade; Assay: 69 %) used throughout this study was supplied by M/s. Fischer Chemicals Ltd, Chennai. 3.1.2 Materials Platinum, Glassy carbon and Gold working electrodes and Ag/AgCl reference electrode were procured from M/s. Metrohm India Pvt Ltd, Chennai. Platinum mesh electrodes of different surface area used for electro-oxidation experiments were supplied by M/s. Ravindra Heraeus Ltd, Udaipur. One end closed, reaction bonded silicon nitride (RBSN) diaphragm tube used in electro-oxidation study was fabricated by CGCRI, Kolkata. 3.2 INSTRUMENTATION AND FACILITIES 3.2.1 Electrochemical System The electrochemical studies cyclic voltammetry, chronocoulometry and chrono amperometry were carried out using Autolab (PGSTAT- 030; procured from M/s. Eco-Chemie, the Netherlands) equipped with an IF 030 interface. General Purpose Electrochemical (GPES) System Version 4.9 installed in a personal computer was used for data acquisition and analysis. Electro-oxidation studies with two electrode system were performed by applying either constant current or constant potential using regulated DC power supply DSC20-50E (supplied by M/s. AMKET, USA). 3.2.2 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer Quantitative analysis of pure ruthenium containing solutions in nitric acid media was carried out from the absorption spectra recorded using Chemito Instruments Pvt Ltd - UV 2600 double beam Spectrophotometer with the wave length range 190 -1100 nm. Quartz cuvettes of path length 1 cm were used for all analysis. Ruthenium concentration in pure Ru(NO3)3 52 Ch. 3 - Experimental and [RuNO]3+ solution was estimated spectrophotometrically using 1-10, Phenanthroline as chromogenic reagent [1]. However this method of analysis of ruthenium was not applicable in case of SHLLW solution due to interference of other metal. Speciation of various [RuNO]3+ complexes was carried out using this technique. 3.2.3 XRD X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was carried out using INEX-XRG-3000 diffractometer with a curved position sensitive detector using Cu Kα1 (0.15406 nm) radiation with grazing angle (ω) as 5°. 3.2.4 XPS X-ray photo electron spectroscopic (XPS) measurements were carried out using SPECS make (Germany) spectrometer. Al Kα was used as the X-ray source at 1486.71 eV. The anode was operated at a voltage of 13 kV and source power level was set to 300 W. An Ar+ ion source is also provided for sputter-etch cleaning of specimens. It was operated at 5 kV and 10 µA. The system sputters approximately at the rate of 10Ao/min for standard silver sample. Spectra were collected using the PHOIBOS 150 MCD-9 analyzer with a resolution of 0.6 eV at the pass energy of 10 eV. The spectrometer was calibrated using a standard silver sample for the Ag 3d 5/2 peak at 368.3 eV. Data were processed by Specslab2 software. The binding energy of C 1s transition from adventitious C at 285 eV was used as the reference to account for any charging of the sample and the peak positions were compared with standard values for identification of different elements and their oxidation states. 3.2.5 TEM Microstructural analysis was carried out with LIBRA 200FE, a high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) operated at 200 kV with a field emission electron source and equipped with high angle annular dark field detector and in-column Omega filter for 53 Ch. 3 - Experimental spectroscopic analysis. Specimen for TEM analysis was prepared by the standard method for powder TEM specimen preparation; ultrasonication of the sample powder in ethanol, followed by a drop placed on carbon coated Cu TEM grid and dried for evaporating the solvent. Electron energy loss spectra (EELS) were acquired using the in-column Omega filter in the TEM (Libra 200FE) and the energy resolution of EELS was 0.7 eV. 3.2.6 FTIR In the thesis work, Fourier Transform – Infra red spectra were recorded from 4000 cm-1 to 500 cm-1 using the FTIR spectrometer (ABB make model) MB3000 with a DTGS (deuterated triglycine sulphate) detector. Liquid samples were analysed using horizontal ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) accessory. Horizon MB Software was employed to analyze the spectra. All measurements were made using 32 scans and 4 cm-1 resolution, proper baseline was selected for each peak. 3.2.7 ICP-OES The amount of ruthenium in acidic aqueous phase was determined by Optical emission spectroscopic analysis using the ICP-OES (Jobin Yvon, France) and the standards were produced by MBH analytical limited. Atomic spectrometry is the commonly used technique for the determination of trace concentrations of elements in the sample. Elements in solution can be detected and quantified by means of optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES). Because of its high sensitivity, ability to perform rapid and simultaneous multi-element analysis, low detection limit and free from chemical interference, optical emission spectroscopy is the principal tool of analysis at trace levels [2]. The solution under analysis is nebulised and the aerosol thus formed is transported to a high-frequency plasma (8,000– 10,000ºC) in which the constituents of the sample solution are atomized, ionized and excited 54 Ch. 3 - Experimental to higher energy states to produce characteristic optical emissions. The characteristic emission lines of the atoms and ions are dispersed by a monochromator or polychromator and the intensity of the lines is recorded in a photo multiplier tube (PMT) detector. The block diagram of a typical ICP-OES instrument is shown in Fig. 3.1[3]. The intensity of the spectral lines is proportional to the concentrations of analytes in the aqueous sample; i.e. quantification by means of external calibration with a linear regression line is possible. The highest concentration of the standard for a calibration should be greater than the lowest concentration by a factor of 10-20. The linearity within the working range should be verified. The coefficient of correlation ‘r’ should be > 0.995. The wavelengths are selected in accordance with the required limit of detection and the possibility of interference by other elements present in the sample solution. In determining the concentration of Ru, the wavelength of spectral line selected was 245.66 nm and the lowest point of calibration graph was 0.4 ppm since at this concentration the confidence level was more. Standard solutions prepared for generating calibration graph were single element standard for pure ruthenium solution and multi-element standard for SHLLW solution. 1000 ppm of MBH standard solution of Ru was diluted with required volume to prepare each 10 ml of 0.4, 1, 2, 4, 10 and 20 ppm of standard solutions for calibration. Experiments were initiated by generating calibration graphs by plotting intensity against known concentration Ru standard and stored in the computer. A typical calibration graph for Ru in nitric acid medium, showing a linear relationship between the intensity (as detector count) and concentration is given in Fig. 3.2. Using this calibration graph the unknown concentrations of Ru in test samples were determined. The software used for analysis was Jobin Yvon HORIBA – ICP ANALYST version 5.2. All experiments were carried out as per the operating conditions listed in Table 3.1. 55 Ch. 3 - Experimental Fig. 3.1 Block diagram of a typical ICP – OES instrument [2] 42000 Ruthenium Calibration 36000 30000 Intensity 24000 18000 12000 6000 0 0 5 10 [Ru] / ppm Fig. 3.2 Calibration graph for Ruthenium 56 15 20 Ch. 3 - Experimental Table 3. 1 Operating conditions and description of ICP-OES instrument RF generator RF incident power Inner dia of torch alumina injector Nebulizer argon gas flow rate Argon gas flow rate Signal measurement mode Spray chamber Nebulizer type Pump Sample uptake flow rate Polychromator Resolution Detector 40.68 MHz 1000 W 2 mm 1 litre/min 12 litre/min (plasma) Peak jump Cyclonic Pneumatic Peristaltic, three channel 1 ml/min Paschen-Runge system 0.003 nm Photomultiplier tube 3.3 PREPARATION OF SOLUTIONS 3.3.1 Ruthenium Nitrosyl Solution Stock solutions of different concentrations of ruthenium nitrosyl nitrate in nitric acid were prepared by dissolving the required quantity of ruthenium nitrosyl nitrate stock in appropriate nitric acid concentrations. 3.3.2 Simulated HLLW Solution A 27 component, synthetic high level liquid waste solution simulated with fission and corrosion product elements in 4 M nitric acid was prepared by mimicking the reprocessed waste of FBTR fuel with a burn-up of 150 GWd/ton and after a cooling period of 1 year. The chemical form of the elements and their concentration in the simulated waste solution are listed in Table 3.2. The prepared waste solution was diluted to 6.62 times to bring down the concentration of ruthenium to 160 ppm (the concentration of Ru envisaged in the first cycle raffinate) and used throughout the experiments at various concentrations of HNO3 ranging from 4 to 1 M. 57 Ch. 3 - Experimental Table. 3.2 The chemical composition of fission and corrosion product elements in simulated waste solution in 4M HNO3 Element a Aga Concentration of element (g/L) 0.097 Chemical form used Ba 0.485 Ba(NO3)2 0.922 Cd 0.046 Cd(NO3)2 0.097 Ce 0.769 Ce(NO3)3·6H2O 2.383 Cs 1.405 CsNO3 2.061 Dy 0.0009 Dy(NO3)3.5H2O 0.0024 Eu 0.051 Eu(NO3)3·6H2O 0.151 Gd 0.032 Gd(NO3)3·6H2O 0.091 In 0.0042 In(NO3)3·6H2O 0.012 La 0.418 La(NO3)3·6H2O 1.300 Mo 1.115 (NH4)6Mo7O27·6H2O 2.052 Nb 0.0006 Nb2O5 0.001 Nd 1.186 Nd2O3 1.383 Pd 1.070 Pd(NO3)2 2.317 Pr 0.410 Pr2O3 0.479 Rb 0.070 RbNO3 0.121 Ru 1.086 RuNO(NO3)3.(H2O)2 Sb 0.017 Sb2O3 0.0204 Sm 0.342 Sm(NO3)3·6H2O 1.010 Sr 0.146 Sr(NO3)2 0.352 Te 0.160 TeH6O3 0.287 Y 0.084 Y(NO3)3.6H2O 0.364 Zr 0.900 ZrO(NO3)3·9H2O 2.28 Fe 0.084 Fe powder 0.084 Ca 0.637 Ca(NO3)2 .4 H2O 3.69 Ni 0.026 Ni(NO3)2·6H2O 0.129 Al 0.062 Al(NO3)3·9H2O 0.862 AgNO3 Quantity (g/L) 0.153 63.88 ml (1.7 % Ru) Though Ag is not a fission product, it is included in the simulated waste as it serves as a mediated redox catalyst in the electro-oxidative dissolution of Pu-rich oxide fuels 58 Ch. 3 - Experimental 3.3.3 Ammonium Ceric Nitrate Solution Ammonium ceric nitrate solution (1M) was prepared by dissolving the salt in appropriate concentrations of nitric acid and diluting to required concentrations after standardizing the prepared solution by conducting potentiometric titration against standard ferrous sulphate. 3.3.4 Nitric Acid Solutions Nitric acid of different concentrations were prepared by diluting the concentrated acid with millipore water and the concentrations were estimated by titrimetry against sodium hydroxide base in the presence of phenolphthalein indicator. 3.4 THEORY OF ELECTROANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES Electroanalytical techniques are unique tools to investigate several chemical, physical and biological systems by measuring the potential and/or current in an electrochemical cell and detailed discussions on the fundamental aspects and applications of these techniques are covered in standard textbooks [4-9]. A brief summary of the electroanalytical techniques with relevance to the present study is discussed below. The species that responds to the applied potential or current is known as electroactive species. Electrochemical response of an electroactive species is dependent on the mode of mass transport. The three types of mass transport are (1) diffusion, (2) migration and (3) convection. Conducting the experiments under quiescent conditions eliminate the convection mode of transport. Adding large excess of an inert supporting electrolyte eliminates the migration mode of transport. Thus, the essential mode of mass transfer is made to occur only by diffusion of electroactive species. The kinetic rate of an electrochemical reaction is controlled by three processes, namely (a) Diffusion rates of the oxidized and reduced species, (b) The rate of heterogeneous charge transfer across the electrode/electrolyte interface and (c) The rates of chemical reactions coupled with charge transfer [9]. These processes dictate the 59 Ch. 3 - Experimental shape of the electrochemical response for a particular electrochemical system or cell under investigation. The electroanalytical techniques are classified into three categories: potentiometry (where the difference in electrode potentials is measured), coulometry (cell’s current is measured over time) and voltammetry (the cell’s current is measured while actively altering the potential). Voltammetric techniques are among the most commonly used electrochemical transient techniques to study the behaviour of the analyte at an electrode-electrolyte interface. The voltammetric techniques are broadly classified as potentiostatic and galvanostatic techniques. In potentiostatic technique the potential of the system is controlled and the response in the form of current is measured and in galvanostatic technique the current of the system is controlled and the potential response is measured. The potential of the system (working electrode against a standard reference electrode) can be varied linearly with time (scan or sweep methods) or it can be varied step wise incremental with time (step method). Voltammetric methods such as cyclic voltammetry and linear sweep voltammetry are sweep techniques (Section 3.4.1) and chronomethods (Section 3.4.2) are step techniques. 3.4.1 Cyclic Voltammetry Cyclic voltammetry (CV), although one of the more complex electrochemical techniques, is very frequently used because it offers a wealth of experimental information and insight into both the kinetic and thermodynamic details of many chemical systems [4] It is the most versatile electroanalytical technique for the study of electroactive species [10]. CV is one of the most widely used forms and it is useful to obtain information about the redox potential and electrochemical reaction (e.g. the chemical rate constant) of analyte solutions. The voltage is swept between two values at a fixed rate and when the voltage reaches V2 the scan is reversed and the voltage is swept back to V1, as illustrated in Fig. 3.3. 60 Ch. 3 - Experimental Fig. 3.3 (a): Cyclic voltammetry waveform and (b): Typical cyclic voltammogram; Ep,c and Ep,a are cathodic and anodic peak potentials respectively. Voltammogram is the plot of measured current against voltage. The parameters in a cyclic voltammogram include cathodic (Ep,c ) and anodic (Ep,a) peak potentials, cathodic (ip,c) and anodic (ip,a) peak currents and half-peak potential, Ep/2. The convention followed in this thesis is, cathodic current is negative and anodic current is positive and plotted to the left and right, respectively. In an electrochemical redox system, two parameters controlling the overall rate of the reaction are the charge transfer at the electrode/electrolyte interface and the mass transfer from the bulk of the solution to the electrode surface. Based on these parameters, redox systems are broadly classified into reversible, irreversible and quasi-reversible processes. Comprehensive analysis of the cyclic voltammetric results reveal the reversibility of the electrochemical processes and the details are discussed below [8, 11-12]. (i) Reversible System: This system obeys Nernst’s equation and rate of the electrochemical process is controlled by diffusion (mass transfer) and not by charge transfer kinetics; hence, diffusion is the rate controlling step. The key criterion for a reversible charge transfer process is that Ep is independent of scan rate (υ) and the difference between Ep,c and Ep,a is close to 61 Ch. 3 - Experimental the value of 2.3 RT/nF and is also independent of scan rate. The ratio of ip,a and ip,c is unity and is independent of υ; the wave shape is also independent of scan rate. In a reversible system, if both the reactant and product are soluble-soluble, then the relation between the peak current and the scan rate is given by Randles-Sevick equation (Eq. 3.1). ip 1 1 0.4463 nFC0 Aυ 2 D 0 2 Ep Ep 2.2 2 nF RT 1 2 (3.1) RT (3.2) nF where, n is the number of electrons involved in the charge transfer reaction, F is the Faraday constant, A is area of the electrode (cm2), Co is the bulk concentration of electroactive species (, R is the gas constant, T is the absolute temperature (K), υ is the scan rate (V.s-1) and Do is the diffusion coefficient (cm2.s-1) of the electroactive substance. (ii) Irreversible System: In this system, a non-Nernstian path is totally followed and the rate of the electrochemical process is controlled mostly by charge transfer kinetics. The main criterion of the irreversible charge transfer kinetics is the shift in the peak potential with scan rate. For instance, the cathodic peak potential shifts towards more negative potentials with increase in scan rate. The relation between the peak current and diffusion coefficient for an irreversible system is given by Delahay equation (Eq. 3.3). i p,c 0.4958 nFAC0 ΔE p,c αnFD 0 1 2 RT 1.15RT α nαF where ΔEpc is the shift in peak potential (Epc) for increase in scan rate by 10 times. 62 (3.3) (3.4) Ch. 3 - Experimental In irreversible process, the peak separation (Epc - Epa) is very large and sometimes the reverse peak (oxidation peak) cannot be seen in the scan reversal of the cyclic voltammogram and also the wave shape is determined by α and is independent of scan rate. For the irreversible process the following equations can be used to deduce the important parameters using cyclic voltammetry E p E 1.857RT αn F α p 2 (3.5) α - the charge transfer coefficient, is the measure of the symmetry of the energy barrier and its value 0.1 ≥ α ≤ 0.9. (iii) Quasi-reversible System: In quasi-reversible processes the rate of the electrochemical reaction is a mixed control of both diffusion and charge transfer kinetics. In cyclic voltammetry, the peak potential shifts with scan rate and the peak shape visually broadens as scan rate is increased. If the difference between the cathodic and anodic peak potentials (ΔEp) increases with scan rate and the average of the peak potentials ((Ep,a + Ep,c) / 2) is constant at different scan rates, then the process could be quasi-reversible. The heterogeneous charge transfer coefficient, ks, can be obtained by using Eq. (3.6), which was proposed by Klingler and Kochi [8, 13]. kS υF 2.18 D 0 (α n α ) RT 1 2 exp α 2 nF (E p,c RT E p,a ) (3.6) The value of ks can also be obtained by Nicholson’s method using the following equation: α ks ψ D0 DR 2 1 πD 0 nF υ RT 63 (3.7) 2 Ch. 3 - Experimental Depending upon the magnitude of ks, the electrode reaction can be classified [7] as reversible when ks ≥ 0.3υ1/2 cm.s-1, quasi-reversible when 0.3υ1/2 ≥ ks ≥ 2 x 10-5υ1/2 cm.s-1 and irreversible when ks ≤ 2 x 10-5υ1/2 cm.s-1. 3.4.2 Chronopotentiometry (Controlled Current Technique) Chronopotentiometry (CP) is one of the well known voltammetric techniques, extensively used to study the electrochemical behaviour. In this technique, the controlled current will be applied between the working and counter electrodes using a galvanostat and the potential of the working electrode versus reference electrode will be monitored/measured simultaneously. The potential against time will be plotted as response and the plot is called as chronopotentiogram. Different types of controlled current techniques are available based on the type of current function applied [5, 14]. These include constant current chronopotentiometry, chronopotentiometry with linearly increasing current, current reversal chronopotetiometry and cyclic chronopotentiometry. When the constant current is applied between the working and counter electrodes, the concentration of the analyte ion decreases and the potential of the working electrode changes. This process continues until the concentration of the analyte ion at the electrode becomes zero. Since the concentration of the analyte ion changes with time, obviously, the potential of the electrode also changes. The duration of this potential change or the concentration change of the analyte ion is called as the transition time and is denoted by τ [15]. The transition time can also be defined as the time, when the potential transition occurs after application of the constant current [8]. The relation between the applied current and transition time was first derived by H. J. S. Sand and is given in Eq. (3.8) [8, 11]. 1 iτ 1 2 nFA(D0 π) 2 C 0 2 64 (3.8) Ch. 3 - Experimental The diffusion coefficient (D0) can be calculated from the experimentally determined value of τ at a particular current, using Sand’s equation. 3.4.3 Electro-oxidation Electro-oxidation is an electrochemical technique wherein the species of interest is oxidized at the anode and it can be performed either by galvanostatic or potentiostatic mode. While electroanalytical techniques deal with small surface area and transient time intervals, electrooxidation is carried out with larger electrode area for fairly longer time intervals and the electrolyte solution is mechanically mixed to enhance the mass transport of the electroactive species from the bulk of the solution to the electrode. The amount of species oxidized is governed by Faraday’s First law: i.e. the amount of material evolved or deposited during electrolysis is directly proportional to the quantity of the electricity passing through the solution. The passage of 1 faraday (1F) or 96485 coulomb of electricity results in the oxidation of 1 equivalent of material (1 mole of metal in an one-electron transfer) [8]. Therefore, it is possible to estimate the amount of oxidized material using Eq. (3.9). Δm i t nF C nF (3.9) where Δm is the number of moles of material oxidized, i is the current in ampere, Δt is the time in second, C is the charge passed in coulomb, n is the number of electrons transferred and F is the Faraday’s constant. Equation (3.9) is obeyed only under the ideal condition, where the faradaic or current efficiency, η is 100 %. In most of the cases, this value is less than 100 %. Faradaic efficiency is defined by the relation, η Δm 100 Δm0 (3.10) where Δm is the metal which is practically oxidized and Δm0 is the amount of oxidized metal predicted by Faraday’s law for the passage of the Coulombic charge. Faraday’s laws govern 65 Ch. 3 - Experimental the relationship between the coulombic charge and electrode-oxidized materials. Another important aspect of electro-oxidation is the separation percentage of the material. [Metal] Separation % Initial [Metal] [Metal] Final 100 (3.11) Initial In a particular electro-oxidation process, if the overall separation and the rate of oxidation are very low, the process becomes practically fruitless even if the value of η is ~100 %. 3.5 REFERENCES 1. Banks, C. V., O’Laughin, J. W., Anal. Chem., 29 (1957) 1412 2. Moore, G.L., Introduction to Inductively Coupled Plasma – Atomic Emission spectroscopy, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3rd Edition, pp. 121, 1988 3. Boss, C.B., Fredeen, K.J., Concepts, instrumentation and techniques in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, Perkin Elmer, 2nd Edition, pp.36, 1997 4. Scholz, F., Electroanalytical methods: Guide to experiments and applications, 1st Edition, Springer, Berlin, 2005 5. MacDonald, D.D., Transient techniques in electrochemistry, Plenum Press, New York, 1977 6. 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