DEPARTMENT OF INSTITUTE FOR MANAGEMENT & INNOVATION UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO MISSISSAUGA IMI201H5F LEC9101 Fundamentals of Marketing Course Outline - Fall 2020 Class Location & Time Instructor Office Location Office Hours E-mail Address Course Web Site Wed, 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM Daniel Goetz Online and KN233 Tuesdays, 1pm - 3pm Course Description An introduction to the fundamentals of market definition, consumer behaviour, and the principal marketing functions: product line development, pricing, distribution, promotion, salesforce management, advertising, research, and planning. [24L] Prerequisite: ECO100Y5 (SSc) Distribution Requirement: SSc Course Objective This course introduces students to the building blocks of marketing. During the course, students will learn the fundamentals necessary to analyze and interpret the economic, psychological and socio-cultural aspects of the marketing environment. Students will develop the quantitative and qualitative skills and the knowledge necessary to make well-reasoned decisions in both consumer (B2C) and business-facing (B2B) markets. By the end of the course, students will be able to: 1. Convey a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of marketing in B2C and B2B markets 2. Have a basic ability to analyze a marketing situation or opportunity, formulate market strategy, and develop and implement a marketing plan 3. Illustrate the utilization of marketing concepts by consumers and businesses Textbooks and Other Materials MKTG, Fourth Canadian Edition by Lamb, Hair, McDaniel, Boivin, Gaudet, and Shearer Publisher: Nelson Education Ltd., 2016 ISBN: 9780176854805 Assessment and Grading Policies Type Description Due Date Term Test Take-home midterm 2020-10-19 20% Assignment Group Project 2020-12-11 30% Class Participation Readings and Class Discussion On-going 20% Final Exam Cumulative exam TBA 30% Total Weight 100% Please be advised that requests to round grades up will not be accommodated and can be considered an academic offense. The grade earned by a student is the mark that will be entered into ACORN without exception. Requirements and Criteria IMI201H5F - Goetz, Daniel 2020-09-08 19:00:17 Page 1 of 6 Term Project: The purpose of this project is for you to apply the lessons learned in class to a marketing problem. You can choose between the following two options: 1. Develop a complete marketing program for a new product or service of your choice, OR 2. Select a firm with which you are familiar (e.g., a former or current employer) or are willing to research, and use the marketing concepts learned in this course to improve the operations of the business. You might decide to discuss the addition of a new product or service offering by the firm, attempts to serve a new market segment, propose changes in distribution channels, or other specific modificationsof the firms' marketing program. The term project will be graded with attention paid to theevidence that you have comprehended the "fundamentals" of marketing given in the text and lectures and can apply them to a real life situation. For example: Identification of the central strategic problems. Recommendations in terms of completeness and implmentation Logical flow of analysis Use of factual data - available or collected Use of necessary and reasonable assumptions Alternative formulation and evaluation Overall presentation You will present your work as a group in class during lecture 11 or 12. All members of your group are expected to present. After the presentation, I will provide you with written feedback to incorpote into the final report, due on December 11. The report is expected to be professional - please pay attention to layout, grammar, spelling, and make sure your graphs, charts and tables are clearly labelled and help the reader comprehend your plan. The marketing plan should be done in groups of 2-4 students, depending on enrollment. The final plan should be 15-18 pages double spaced in 12 point font, including any tables and figures. A 2 page proposal listing the names of group members, the chosen product/firm and a preliminary description of the focus of your analysis is due before reading week. Moreover, a progress report describing your progress to date will be due on November 6. Extra office hours will be scheduled that week to allow you time with me to discuss your project. Grading for the group project will be as follows: Final marketing plan - 22% of total grade Final presentation - 15% of total grade Project proposal - 2% of total grade Project progress report - 1% of total grade I strongly encourage you to aim at having a complete draft of the final write-up by the time of your presentation.Electronic submission of the final write-up will be required. Electronic submissions are likely to be processed through for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. The terms that apply to the University's use of the service are described on the web site. Team Work: All members are graded jointly for the team project. As a result, good team work and participation by all is important for the project. Fre-riding on teammates on this project is not acceptable. If one of your teammates does not contribute to the team, you are encouraged to first talk to him/her as a group to notify him/her about his/her lack of contribution and that he/she needs to be more involved in the project. If you are not satisfied with his/her response and subsequent involvement in the project, please contact me (again as a group, not individually) as soon as possible. In case of an issue with a teammate, yo umust contact me by the end of the 10th week of classes. If necessary, I will talk to all involved and assess the situation. I reserve the right to adjust any individual student's grade to a mark less than that given to the group as a whole. For example, in the situation in which no contribution has been made, a mark of zero will be given. I may also ask all the team members to fill out a peer evaluation form. Take-home midterm: This will be a test consisting of multiple short answer and essay type questions, focused around one or two examples. You are allowed to talk to your classmates and draw on whatever resources you wish when doing this midterm, but your answers must be your own. This test is subject to the academic conduct policy detailed below. Final Exam: IMI201H5F - Goetz, Daniel 2020-09-08 19:00:17 Page 2 of 6 This will be an open book test that covers material from the lectures and the textbook. The final exam will be held during the final examination period. The final exam will be cumulative. The final exam will consist of multiple choice, short answer and essay type questions. Participation: Participation is worth 20% of your overall grade. Every week before class, you will be asked to submit a response to a marketing survey posted on the course website, which will draw on material from the upcoming class. Each class several of you will be asked to justify or explain your response. There is no correct answer, but you will be graded on the quality of your explanation. In-class discussion and responses to questions posed during lectures also forms a key part of your participation grade. You do not have to speak every class to earn a perfect grade, but what you do say should contribute to the discussion. The participation grade breakdown is as follows: Participation in weekly marketing polls - 10% of total grade In-class participation and discussion - 10% of total grade There may also periodically be in-class activities and assignments, which will also count towards your in-class participation grade. Conduct of Class Class sessions will consist of lectures and discussions. In order to get the most out of class sessions, it is important that you prepare for class and actively participate in the discussions. Please make sure that you cover the required reading before coming to class. Lecture slides will be posted after the actual lecture. You are expected to take your own notes during the class. Disruptive or distracting behaviour will lead to a reduction in your participation grade, and you will be asked to leave the class. Every session of the course will involve class discussion. We learn a great deal from each other by drawing on experiences, viewpoints, and opinions which are unique to each individual. Class discussions are extremely important for effective learning. You do not have to speak very frequently or in every class to contribute positively to the learning environment of the class. It is what you say and how it contributes to the class discussion that matters, not how much you say or how often you say something! Some of you may be uncomfortable speaking in a large group setting. However, presenting your views in a group discussion is an essential management skill, and we can all benefit from practice. It will be my job to provide you an opportunity and an environment in which you can contribute to a class discussion. Procedures and Rules Missed Test(s): The following steps must be completed in order to be considered for academic accommodation for any missed test: 1. You must inform your professor in writing (e-mail is acceptable) within 24 hours of a test date/assignment due date of any circumstances that prevent you from writing a test or submitting an assignment on time. 2. You must submit within 24 hours an online Petition for Academic Accommodation under: 3. Original supporting documentation (e.g. medical certificates, accident reports etc.) must be submitted within seven (7) days from the date of the missed test or assignment date. Failure to submit appropriate documentation by the deadline will result in a grade of zero on the test or assignment in question. False statements and/or documentation will be treated as academic offences and handled accordingly. In the case of illness, the required documentation is: An original Verification of Student Illness or Injury ( form must show that the physician was consulted within one (1) day of the test or assignment due date. A statement merely confirming a report of illness made by the student is not acceptable (e.g. "This patient tells me that he was feeling ill on that day"). Failure to comply with this policy will result in a grade of zero for the test or assignment in question. Please Note: If you missed your test/assignment deadline for a reason connected to your registered disability, please be advised that the department will accept documentation supplied by the UTM AccessAbility Resource Centre. In cases of severe domestic affliction or other causes not related to the student's health, the required documentation is: Additional Documentation that provides evidence of the nature of the affliction. Note that holidays and pre-purchased plane tickets, IMI201H5F - Goetz, Daniel 2020-09-08 19:00:17 Page 3 of 6 family plans (unless critical, such as death of an immediate family member), your friend's wedding, lack of preparation, or too many other tests are not acceptable excuses for missing a quiz, a test, or an item of course work. Supporting documentation must be dropped off into the IMI drop box, located across from KN205 in DROP BOX #10. The Committee will contact you after the submission of your petition to obtain any additional documentation that may be required to assess your case fully. Please note that the written explanation and documentation that you submit represent an appeal from you, requesting the opportunity to account for that portion of your grade in an alternate manner than the normal one that is described in this course outline. If an appeal is not received by the deadline specified above, or if the appeal is deemed unacceptable, you will receive a grade of zero for the item you missed. Once all documentation has been received, the Petition for Academic Accommodation will be reviewed by the Departmental Petition Review Committee. Students will be informed of the Committee's decision via email within two (2) weeks. Please note that students are required to submit their assignments as soon as they are able and they should NOT wait for the decision of the Committee. If the appeal is granted -- that is, your reason for missing the item is considered acceptable by the Departmental Petition Review Committee -- then, provided you have followed the alternate procedure described below, this work will receive a grade. Students MAY NOT petition to re-write a test once the test has begun. If you are feeling ill, you must leave the room before starting your test and seek medical attention immediately. As described above, you must have a physician fill out a UTM Student Medical Certificate, and submit it along with an online Petition for Academic Accommodation into the IMI DROP BOX #10, located across from KN205, within one (1) week of the missed test. Subject to the submission of proper documentation and Petition for Academic Accommodation approval, the weight of the takehome midterm in the final grade will be reallocated onto the group project and the final exam. A student who misses the take-home midterm for approved reasons will have their group project weighted at 40% and the final exam weighted at 50%. If a test is missed and the student does not provide acceptable documentation validating the explanation for absence, a grade of zero will be assigned. If missed tests will be reweighted to the final exam, the maximum weight of the final cannot exceed the limit outlined in the University of Toronto Mississauga Academic Calendar (70% for first year courses and 80% for second, third, and fourth year courses). If the exam will be greater than the allowable weight, a make-up assignment or test will be assigned by the instructor. If a make-up is necessary, instructors will inform the student in writing to their utoronto email account. If no response is received within 3 business days, the make-up portion will receive a grade of zero. Late Assignment(s): There will be a 10% penalty per day if the final report associated with the group project is handed in after the deadline. The project must be handed in within two days of the deadline or a grade of zero will be assigned. Take-home midterm exams handed in after the deadline will be given a mark of zero. If you anticipate missing an assignment deadline due to uncontrollable circumstances, you should contact the course instructor as early as possible, but within at least 24 hours to explain the situation. As described above, you must submit a Petition for Academic Accommodation, along with any additional documentation into the IMI DROP BOX #10, located across from KN205, within one (1) week of the missed assignment deadline. The reallocation of grades, if any, for assignment deadlines missed for legitimate reasons will be made at the discretion of the instructor. The Department of Management Program Office, including all staff and faculty members, cannot and will not accept late assignments for course instructors. Once an assignment deadline has passed, students must contact the course instructor to coordinate the assignment submission (if the instructor will accept a late assignment). Final Exams: Students who cannot complete their final examination due to illness or other serious causes must file an online petition within 72 hours of the missed examination. Late petitions will NOT be considered. Students must also record their absence on ACORN on the day of the missed exam or by the day after at the latest. Upon approval of a deferred exam request, a non-refundable fee of $70 is required for each examination approved. Academic Misconduct: Students should note that copying, plagiarizing, or other forms of academic misconduct will not be tolerated. Any student caught engaging in such activities will be subject to academic discipline ranging from a mark of zero on the assignment, test or IMI201H5F - Goetz, Daniel 2020-09-08 19:00:17 Page 4 of 6 examination to dismissal from the university as outlined in the academic handbook. Any student abetting or otherwise assisting in such misconduct will also be subject to academic penalties. Normally, students will be required to submit their course essays to for a review of textual similarity and detection of possible plagiarism. In doing so, students will allow their essays to be included as source documents in the reference database, where they will be used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The terms that apply to the University's use of the service are described on the web site. Standard of Conduct in this Course: Since this course is part of a degree designed to give you a broad understanding of the world of business, we aim to run the course in a way which will be consistent with the world of business - where many of you will spend your working lives. We strive to provide accurate information, quality materials and good service, consistent with our obligations to maintain the high academic standards of the Department of Management at the University of Toronto Mississauga In return we expect that you will conduct yourself in a way that prepares you for the world of work. 1. We start on time, so please do not arrive late and disrupt others. 2. Leaving class early is also disruptive to your colleagues and will not be permitted unless you have made prior arrangements with the instructor. 3. Turn off your cell phone. 4. Keep up to date. Make sure that you know the class schedule. Check on the course web page for updates and posted materials. 5. During the class, respect the learning opportunities of others. Don't distract others by chatting to your neighbour. Our expectation is that you will not only contribute in class to your own learning, but also that of others. IMI201H5F - Goetz, Daniel 2020-09-08 19:00:17 Page 5 of 6 Course Schedule Date Topic 2020-09-09 Introduction to Marketing (Chapter 1) 2020-09-16 The Field of Marketing and its Dynamic Environment (Chapters 2-3) 2020-09-23 Marketing Research and Consumer Behaviour (Chapters 5-7) 2020-09-30 Consumer Behaviour and Psychology (Readings) 2020-10-07 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning and Customer Relationship Management (Chapters 8-9) Project proposal due Friday 2020-10-14 Fall break, no class Take home midterm due the following Monday 2020-10-21 Developing and Managing Products and Brands (Chapters 10-12) 2020-10-28 Pricing (Chapter 13) 2020-11-04 Place, Promotion Part 1 (Chapter 14-16) Project progess report due 2020-11-11 Promotion Part 2 (Chapters 17-18) 2020-11-18 Digital Marketing, In-Class Case Study 2020-11-25 Project Presentations (First half) 2020-12-02 Project Presentations (Second half) TBA Final Examination Last Date to drop course from Academic Record and GPA is November 11, 2020. 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