Course Title: EE-406L: Power System Analysis and Design Lab Experiment # 1: Introduction to SimPowerSystems™ Block of MATLAB LABORATORY SKILLS RUBRIC Student Name: _______________________ ID. No: _______________________ Instructor Name/Sign: ___________________________ Date: ________________________ Obtained Marks: ______________________ Total Marks: ___________________ a). PSYCHOMOTOR (To be evaluated during the experiment) Difficulty Levels Sr. No. Criteria Allocated Marks 1 Practical Task 40 2 Procedural Knowledge 20 Total Marks Poor (0-40%) Good (50%~60%) Very Good (70%~80%) Obtained Marks Excellent (90%~100%) 60 b). COGNITIVE (To be evaluated on Lab manual) Difficulty Levels Sr. No. Criteria Allocated Marks 3 Evaluations and Conclusions 10 Total Marks Poor (0-40%) Good (50%~60%) Very Good (70%~80%) Obtained Marks Excellent (90%~100%) 10 c). AFFECTIVE (To be evaluated in the lab during experiment) Difficulty Levels Sr. No. Criteria 4 Engineering Practice 5 Responsibility 6 Professional Ethics Total Marks Allocated Marks 20 5 5 30 Poor (0-40%) Good (50%~60%) Very Good (70%~80%) Obtained Marks Excellent (90%~100%)