BY : NI PUTU EMI PRATIWI NPM : 3115 ENGLISH DPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHING TRAINING AND EDUCATION MAHASARASWATI UNIVERSITY 2011 LESSON PLAN 1. Standard Competency SD : ......................... Theme : Foods and drinks Class/Semester : V/ II Time Allocation : 4 X 35 : Expresing interpersonal meaning through any kind of speesch act in a conversation involving the theme. 2. Base Competency : - Geting things done and communicating by using oral and spoken languages that are listening, speaking, reading, and writing used to make a simple interaction in the class through some themes like foods and drinks, clothes, animal, time, sport. 3. Indicators : - To know kind of food and drink. - To be able to write down the name of food and drink correcly. - To be able to make some very simple sentences about the name of food and drink. - To be able to use countable and sentences. 4. Learning Objectives : uncountable noun in - Students are able to understand kinds of food and drink and also pronounce it correctly. - Students are able to use countable and uncountable noun in sentences. - Students are able to make some very simple sentences relate to the theme. 5. Learning Material : a. New vocabularies ralate to Foods and Drinks : local and international (ten words for each foods and drinks). Foods such as rice, fried chicken, corn, meatball. Drinks such as water, orange juice. b. Countable and Uncountable noun : a donut, an apple , a glass of…. (countable); some rice (uncountable). 6. Teaching Method : TPR, game 7. Media and Reference : Flash Cards, Pictures, Students’ worksheet 8. Class Activities : Teacher’s activity Phase of Teaching Pre-Activity ( 10 minutes ) Greeting the sudents and checking Students’ Activity the students’s attendance. Responding the teacher’s greeting and listening to the teacher. Leading the students to the topic by showing a picture of friedchiken and asking some questions related to the topic. Looking at the picture and answer teacher’s questions. Whilst Activity (45 minutes) Asking a student what foods and drinks that he or she likes. Writing down the answers from Mentioning the foods and drinks that they like. the student on the left blackboard Paying attantion to their friend and the teacher. and puting a, an or some in front of the word that the student said until get some words. Then learn to pronounce it together. Asking the student to listen and repeat after the teacher. Introducing the countable and Listening and repeating after the teacher. uncountable noun concep and Listening to the teacher’s explanation. explaining to use a and an for countable and some for uncountable. Patching the pictures of foods and Paying attention to the teacher. Maching the pictures depand drinks on the right blackboard depand on the words. Asking the students to mach the words with the pictures one by on the words one by one. one. Moving some pictures of foods Paying attention to the teacher. Listening to the teacher and and drinks and patching it on the centre. Then draw tables under it. Divide the students into groups, each groups consist of five making a group of five. student! Asking them to comlpete the picture by giving some very Completing the pictures and making some very simple simple setences. Asking the leader of the group to sentences. The leader of a group read the answer and the other group read the aswer one by one. listening to that group. They can change the wrong answer to the correct one by giving any reasone. Post Activity ( 15 minutes ) Paching a big picture and reviewing ( asking the to .Writing down a sentence on the blackboard. complete the picture by giving a sentence. Giving formatif assesment Leading the students to conclude the lesson. Inviting the students to sing “Do You Like Fried Chiken” and “Do You Like Ice Cream” songs together. Class/English Teacher Concluding the lesson. Singing together