BLOCK BUSINESS LETTERS OBJECTIVES The Learner will be able to: Identify and describe the parts of a business letter. Describe a block letter format. Explain open punctuation. Indicate correct placement and spacing of letter parts. Format a letter in block style. BASIC LETTER PARTS Return Address Date Letter Address Salutation Body Complimentary Close Writer’s Signature Keyed Writer’s Name Writer’s Job Title Reference Initials (Added when needed) Enclosures (Added when needed) RETURN ADDRESS Return Address – the address of the person sending the letter (sender). Example: P. O. Box FX 342 Nassau, Bahamas HOWEVER……. If you have a letterhead, you do not need the Return Address 20 Pine Street P. O. Box FX 342, Nassau, Bahamas Telephone: 364-6502 E-mail: DATE Serves as a reference when the letter was prepared. Key the month, day, and year: March 22, 2017 Starts a SS below the last line of the Return Address. Example: P. O. Box FX 342 Nassau, Bahamas March 12, 2017 [Date] LETTER/INSIDE ADDRESS Consists of the name and address (and possibly company name and job title) of person to whom you are writing. Starts a QS below the date. Example: March 12, 2017 Ms. Hanna Laurant Neighborhood Coordinator P. O. Box EE 1579 Nassau, Bahamas [Letter Address] SALUTATION A courteous greeting to the person or persons receiving the letter Begin with Dear Use a courtesy title before the receiver's name Use the receiver’s last name Keyed a DS below the Inside Address Example: Ms. Hanna Laurant Neighborhood Coordinator P. O. Box EE 1579 Nassau, Bahamas Dear Ms. Laurant [Salutation] BODY The message of the letter It begins a DS below the salutation Single spaced paragraphs. (Press Enter one time) Double spacing between paragraphs (Press Enter 2 times) Example: Dear Ms. Laurant I represent the Abhor Neighborhood Association, which includes families from 1st Street through 8th [Body] COMPLIMENTARY CLOSE A courteous way to end the letter Common closings are: Sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours truly, Cordially yours Capitalize only the first word Keyed a DS below the last line of the body Example: Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely [Complimentary Close] SIGNATURE LINES AND TITLE The signature in a business letter identifies the originator of the letter – the person who wrote it. It is made up of three parts: a.Signature Area – the space for the sender’s signature b.Writer’s Typed Name – includes the sender’s first and last name c. Job Title – Writer’s position held Example: Sincerely o Blaine Feldman [Signature] Blaine Feldman [Writer’s Name] REFERENCE INITIALS The person who keyboards the letter Keyed in lowercase letters, no punctuation, no spacing between letters Keyed a DS below the Writer’s typed name/title Example: Blaine Feldman gk [Reference Initials] ENCLOSURE/ATTACHMENT NOTATION When an item or items are being enclosed or attached with the letter The notation is a reminder to enclose the item(s) before sealing or sending it to the mailroom It also alerts the reader to the fact that there are other items enclosed/attached in the envelope Keyed a DS below the reference initials at the left margin. Example: gk Enclosure BLOCK LETTER FORMAT All letter parts begin at the left Using the block format saves time because it requires no tabular stops. Punctuation Style – note that no punctuation follows the salutation or complimentary close. This feature is called open punctuation.