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Immigration to Scotland: Irish, Jews, Italians, Lithuanians

Irish Catholic
Scots often discriminated
against Irish Catholics because
of the religion that they
followed as Scotland is a
Protestant country.
Migrated to
Scotland in
large numbers
to escape the
poverty and
famine in
Scottish protestant employers would
discriminate against the Irish Catholics
by refusing them jobs simply because
of their Catholic beliefs.
Most were illiterate and
unskilled workers, so had to do
low skilled jobs.
Managed to develop Irish Catholic
communities in Glasgow, Dundee and
Edinburgh, the Catholic Church was the
heart of these communities.
The Catholic church managed to
create clubs, schools and football
clubs such as Glasgow Celtic and
Hibernian Football Club.
As some Irish Catholics chose
to use their wages to drink
and gamble, a stereotype was
created, and Irish Catholics
were branded as dirty,
uneducated drunks.
Irish Catholics tended to marry other
Irish Catholics, this made it harder for
them to integrate into Scottish society.
Scots were worried
about the large
numbers of Irish
Catholics looking for
jobs in Scotland as
they believed they
were bringing down
wages which caused
further tension.
ng down wages
As jews were mostly self
employed they were not
seen as a threat to their jobs
by the people of Scotland.
Came to Scotland to
escape the religious and
economic persecution
they faced in Russia.
Managed to create Jewish
communities based in Edinburgh
Glasgow and Dundee.
Some Scots accused the Jews
of paying people low wages
and running "sweatshops"
however there is evidence
that suggests these claims
could be examples of
underlying anti-Semitism
Over 10,000 Jews lived in
Glasgow, most of them lived in
the Gorbals area as
accommodation was cheap there.
Managed to start businesses like
butchers shops and bakeries, they
also done well in the cigarette
and tailoring industries.
Jews did experience
some anti-semitism in
Scotland, however it was
rarely violent.
By 1939, they had began to make
a significant impact on the legal
and medical professions and were
make enough money to be able to
move from areas like the Gorbals
to more affluent areas.
Jews were discriminated
against, however it was not as
bad as the discrimination that
Catholics faced. Some bowling
clubs, would refuse Jews
memberships simply because
they were Jewish.
Italians, like the Jews were not seen
as a threat to jobs by the native
Scottish people as they were mostly
self employed.
Migrated to Scotland
in huge numbers and
made up 25% of all
the people who
migrated to Scotland
between 1891 and
The people of Scotland
liked the products that the
Italian cafes, restaurants
and ice cream parlours
offered them.
Managed to earn a living in the
catering industry by opening ice
cream parlours and fish and chip
shops, such as Luca's and Nardini's
in Edinburgh.
Managed to establish Italian
communities in Edinburgh,
Aberdeen and the largest
community was in Glasgow.
Most Italians were Catholics as
Italian is a Catholic country.
Some religious people also had
issues with the Italians
businesses as they were open
on Sundays.
The Italians did receive
some backlash for their
businesses as some people
believed they were
immoral as they provided
young people with a place
to gather and misbehave.
Italians did face some discrimination
and prejudice in Scotland because they
were Catholics and would have to put
up with name calling on the streets and
at school.
When they first arrived in
Scotland, they were the subjects
of suspicion from the Scots who
believe they had been brought in
to drive down wages and break
up strikes.
Managed to build
communities of
Lithuanians, 50006000 Lithuanians
lived in Coatbridge
in Glasgow.
Opened businesses, shops and
punlished newspapers written in
their language in Scotland. They also
attended church in Scotland.
Some Lithuanians joined the mining
industry and began to join trade
unions, Lithuanians also took part in
the national strikes.
Over time the Lithuanians were able
to convince the Scots of their loyalty
and removed any suspicions that the
natives had of them.
Inter marriage with Scots was
common so as second generation
Lithuanians began to enter higher
education, their Lithuanian values
began to fade.
After time had passed the
Lithuanians managed to win
over the Scots due to their
heavy involvement in trade
unions and left wing politics.
Most Lithuanians were Catholic, this
resulted in them sometimes being
discriminated against by the native
Scots who were Protestants.
Irish Protestants
The Irish Protestants did not
experience the discrimination
that the Irish Catholics did as
they shared a religion with the
Scottish people as Scotland was
a mainly protestant country.
Most Irish Protestant
workers were well
educated and skilled
so they often had
better access to
higher skilled and
better paying jobs.
Despite most Irish Protestant being
skilled workers there were still some
unskilled workers who were not
accepted as part of the "Labour
Some Irish Protestants were still
unskilled and had to do unskilled jobs
that paid poorly alongside the Irish
In 1800, The Orange Order began to
be developed in Scotland as a way of
helping them to keep their distinct
identity as Irish Protestants.
The Orange Order was
excellent at maintaining
their distinct Identity as
Irish Protestants, however
it often caused tension
and violence between the
Protestants and Catholics.
They managed to set up 12 Orange
Lodges in Glasgow by 1835, for Irish
Protestants to go to and meet with
each other.
In 1857, 300 Orangemen were
attacked after taking part in an
Orange march, this resulted in
marches being banned in
Lanarkshire for 10 years.