1 Go over objectives with students. Ask the following Check for Understanding (CFU) questions: 1. What are you going to be able to describe today? 2. What are you going to critique? 3. What are you going to revise? 2 3 Introduce students to the steps to critiquing work. Ask the following Check for Understanding (CFU) questions: 1. What is the format for critiquing work? 2. What does the acronym DAIJ stand for? 4 Go over the first step – DESCRIPTION with students. Ask the following Check for Understanding (CFU) questions: 1. In your own words tell me what step 1 of critiquing artwork is? 2. What are some questions you might answer in this step? 3. What are some of the things you would describe? 5 6 Go over the second step – ANALYSIS with students. Ask the following Check for Understanding (CFU) questions: 1. In your own words tell me what step 2 of critiquing artwork is? 2. What are some questions you might answer in this step? 3. What are some of the things you would analyze? 7 8 Go over the third step – INTEPRETATION with students. Ask the following Check for Understanding (CFU) questions: 1. In your own words tell me what step 3 of critiquing artwork is? 2. What are some questions you might answer in this step? 3. What are some of the things you would interpret? 9 10