9/5/2020 Class 2 Overview - (Sept 15th) Synchronous: Management of Resources Class 2 Overview - (Sept 15th) Synchronous Course Information (https://steinhardtnyu.instructure.com/courses/589/pa ges/education-policy-analysiscourse-details) EdD Resources (https://steinhardtnyu.instructure.com/cou rses/485) Topics Logic Model Learner Objectives By the end of this course, students will be able to: Develop an effective performance measurement analysis for their current organization, Build a logic model to implement change theory, Use dashboards for organizational improvement, Articulate strategies to better use human resources to manage their team in an organization. Class Materials & Referenced Readings https://steinhardt-nyu.instructure.com/courses/589/pages/class-2-overview-sept-15th-synchronous?module_item_id=20398 1/2 9/5/2020 Class 2 Overview - (Sept 15th) Synchronous: Management of Resources Hatry, Harry P. (2006). Performance Measurement – Getting Results (2nd Ed.). The Urban Institute Press. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 5 (https://steinhardt-nyu.instructure.com/courses/589/files/382472/download?wrap=1) (https://steinhardt-nyu.instructure.com/courses/589/files/382472/download?wrap=1) Milstein, B. & Chapel, T. (2013). Main Section (https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of- contents/overview/models-for-community-health-and-development/logic-model-development/main) . In V. Renault & S. Fawcett, Developing a Logic Model or Theory of Change (The Community Tool Box). Milstein, B. & Chapel, T. (2013). Examples. (https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-ofcontents/overview/models-for-community-health-and-development/logic-modeldevelopment/example) In V. Renault & S. Fawcett, Developing a Logic Model or Theory of Change (The Community Tool Box). Tasks Zoom Synchronous Meeting (https://steinhardt-nyu.instructure.com/courses/589/pages/zoomsynchronous-meeting) Tuesday from 7:30 — 8:45 p.m. EST Logic Model (https://steinhardt-nyu.instructure.com/courses/589/assignments/8769) Build a logic model for your current organization based on the readings,Submit and provide feedback to at least two organization dashboards. Due Monday by 11:59 p.m. EST https://steinhardt-nyu.instructure.com/courses/589/pages/class-2-overview-sept-15th-synchronous?module_item_id=20398 2/2