Universiti Malaysia Q PAHANG Engineering • Technology • CreatIvity FACULTY OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE : ENERGY AUDITING COURSE CODE :.. BTV3453 LECTURER : RQZIAH ZAILAN SAMSON MEKBIB ATNAW DATE : 20 JUNE 2016 DURATION : 3 HOURS SESSION/SEMESTER : PROGRAM CODE : SESSION 2015/2016 SEMESTER II BTV/BTM INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE: 1. Answer ALL questions. 2. All the calculations and assumptions must be clearly stated. 3. Candidates are not allowed to bring 'any material other than those allowed by the invigilator into the examination room. EXAMINATION REQUIREMENT: 1. Nil. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of FIVE (5) printed pages including front page. BTVIBTM/151611JBTV3453 CONFIDENTIAL QUESTION 1 a) Mr. Aaron was appointed as an energy auditor for the Pusrawi Hospital. He took about three months to complete the project and submit the energy audit report. Recommend the energy audit format report in the appropriate sequences. (7 Marks) b) The recommendation of energy saving measures (ESM) is the main key in an audit report. Point out THREE (3) categories of proposed ESM and identify TWO (2) recommendations for each category. (6 Marks) C) A room size lOm x lOm was installed with 20 tubes normal T8 36W fluorescent lamp. As an energy auditor, the new proposal to lighting up the room efficiently is by replacing it with new T5 26W fluorescent lamp. The daily operation hour is 10 hours a day and 250 days a year. Analyze the system in order to answer the following: i. Calculate the annual electricity saving. (5 Marks) ii. How much is the annual cost saving according to TNB tariff at RMO.297/kWh? (2 Marks) QUESTION 2 a) Discuss relationship between electricity generation, transmission & distribution. (5 Marks) b) The power factor penalty (surcharge) for customers operating at lower power factor set by TENAGA NATIONAL BERHAD with electricity supply below 132 kV is calculated as follows: • 1.5% surcharge of the current bill for every 0.01 less than 0.85 power factor. • 3% surcharge of the current bill for every 0.01 less than 0.75 power factor. i. Calculate the total surcharge for a user operating at a power factor of 0.8 with current monthly bill amount of RM1O,000. (4 Marks) ii. Calculate the total surcharge for a user operating at a power factor of 0.65 with current bill amount of RM1O,000. (6 Marks) 2 CONFIDENTIAL iii. BTV/BTMJ1516IIJBTV3453 Considering part b), comment on the financial feasibility by calculating the payback period of investing on a capacitor bank of total installation cost RM 3.0,000 in order to increase the operating power factor to 0.9. Assume the monthly bill for the company to remain at RM.10,000 throughout the year. (5 Marks) QUESTION 3 a) Electric motors typically account for 70% of the electricity usage among industries. Therefore, higher efficiency in motors will result in substantial savings in energy and electricity costs. Discuss FIVE (5) potential losses of energy from inefficient motors and propose the solution in order to improve the efficiency. (10 Marks) b) Taylor hotel needs a new 60 HP pump. It is expected that the pump will be running on full load for 6,000 hours per year. A local supplier has proposed two types of motors. The first type is a standard motor with 91% efficiency costing RM10,000. The second type is a high efficiency motor with 95% efficiency costing RM1 1,880. The average electricity rate including peak and off-peak electricity as well as maximum demand cost charged to the hotel is RMO.24/kWh. Considering that the expected life of the motor is 10 years and using Simple Payback Period (SPP), comment whether it is a good investment for the hotel to buy the high efficiency motor? (10 Marks) BTVIBTM/151611/BTV3453 CONFIDENTIAL QUESTION 4 a) Discuss the relationship between chiller, cooling tower and air handling unit (AHU) with a proper sketch. (5 Marks) b) In building system, air-conditioning system consumes 70% of the energy consumption. An energy services company, ABC Engineering was audited chiller plant at Building X and recorded the finding in Table 1. Determine air conditioning performance and identify status of the chiller plant based on ASHRAE indicator provided in Figure 1. Table 1. Chiller Plant Energy Audit Result. Figure Description 1221/s Measured Flow Rate 425.96 kW Chiller 4.03 kW Condensor Water Pump (CWP) 18.96 kW Cooling Tower (CT) 7°C Chill water temperature supply Chill water temperature return Plant power input Total Heat Rejection 10.7°C ? ? NnoT.dsolngy fiffi$ency Cotoo AJ1.Vateb$, Spn. Cht.r PleMi / Optmlaod Codo Bmod Ch5, Ptnn Ch*., Plait; I I Chillof Plete mi Cmmdabla Omm a Omitaat Fabian, I _________ FAIR I I I 1.1 1.2 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1;0 kW/ton 0.5 C.O.P. (7.0) (5.9) (5.0) (4.4) (3.9) (3.5) (3.2) (2.9) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHILLER PLANT EFFICIENCY IN KW/TON (Cap.) (Input energy In eludes chillers, condenser pumps and tower fans) BaseMan eleculcallyteiven cenalal chute, Plants in comlaiiconMMonlhg ipiftitions wth 42P(&6C) nominal chilled water eupply tmnpofalwe and cpe. annung tenors stsed lit, 85F (2&4C) mwdnwmetitnelngconcnstfnotsttempetMtIf Lanai Climate adJuslment for NOMh MaiAc.n chmalas is .1 0415 lIWeell Figure 1. Average Annual chiller plant efficiency based on ASHRAE. (10 Marks) 4 CONFIDENTIAL C) BTVIBTM/15161I1BTV3453 Discuss finding of air conditioning performance and provide solution if any. (5 Marks) QUESTION 5 a) Discuss FIVE (5) potential losses of energy that influence the energy efficiency of compressor and propose the energy efficiency opportunities of compressor accordingly. (10 Marks) b) Factory D operates a compressor station consisting of four screw type single stage aircooled compressor units. Two units are always in operation and the compressed air is distributed in a loop system. Based on a "no-load test' ' at the compressed air system, it was found that the total leakage of the whole system is 64% of the compressed air delivered. Of this, 13.5% of the air leakages were found at the main distribution loops. Upon recommendation, the factory carried out the leakage repair works, resulting in the need for only one compressor in operation, while the other is always on standby mode. The estimated saving from this measure is listed below. Calculate the annual cost saving, payback time and CO2 reduction (0.74 lkgCO2/kWh). Comments your answer. Item specific Previous Consumption specific Current consumption Specific energy saving Projected production Energy saving Electricity cost Saving cost Investment. Simple payback period CO2 reduction Unit kWh/tonne Figure 39.28 kWh/tonne 34.52 kWh/tonne tonne kWh RMIkWh RM RM year tonne 4.76 10,119 0.258.00 4,000.00 ? ? (10 Marks) END OF QUESTION PAPER 5