SEVENTH GRADE SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2020-2021 Mrs. Cohara / Room 205 Welcome to seventh grade Science! This year students will continue to develop and expand their scientific thinking, knowledge, and process skills. Expectations for students are high and in order for them to grow in their knowledge and application of science, it is important for students to be in class with needed materials, their minds engaged, and ready to learn! MATERIALS NEEDED DAILY: (Additional items may be requested throughout the year) Chromebook (St. Barnabas issued) Earbuds (please replace if needed) Pens (blue, black and red) Pencils / Eraser / Small Pencil Sharpener - no batteries 12 pack colored pencils 12” Ruler 1 pocket divider (in the main binder) Dry Erase Board (purchased through school) Black Dry Erase Markers 1 composition notebook - 100 sheets COURSE OBJECTIVES: ● ● ● Develop and deepen scientific inquiry, process, and literacy skills. Develop an understanding of concepts in physical, Earth, and life science which include; The Nature of Science, Energy, Heat, Electricity, Magnetism, Chemical Reactions, Earth’s Systems, Waves and Cells Nurture a love of learning and appreciate God’s awesome design CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: Students are expected to follow the following rules as well as those outlined in the student handbook: 1. Follow directions quickly 2. Raise hand for permission to speak 3. Raise hand for permission to leave their seat 4. Make smart choices – respect yourself, peers, teacher, and surroundings 5. Keep your teacher happy… (Following the first four rules, make number five easy!) In an effort to create the best possible academic and positive Catholic learning environment, it is important that students receive positive reinforcement. Privileges and recognition for positive behavior may vary and may include; additional classroom privileges, classroom coupons, and other incentives. Consequences for negative behavior will follow the Parent-Student handbook and may include: a verbal warning, written reflection, loss of classroom privileges, office referral, demerit, and detention. GRADING Grades for science will be standards-based. Both formative and summative assessments are used to develop and evaluate students’ progress and learning and are described below:. Formative Assessments Formative assessments serve as practice, to check for understanding, and to drive instruction. Some reading and writing assignments, note-taking, class discussions, graphic organizers, journal responses, entrance/ exit tickets help guide student learning and usually receive some form of feedback. Formative assessments may be recorded in the grade book, however, they will be excluded from the overall grade. Formative assessments may be returned to the student for a “Respond to Feedback”. If the assignment has been returned for a response, it will be marked missing/returned for response, until the response has been completed and resubmitted. Summative Assessments Summative assessments demonstrate a student’s level of mastery of standards at a given point in time. They will vary in points to reflect the complexity and depth of the standard being evaluated and the task required. Summative Assessments include reading/writing assessments to assess literacy standards, quizzes, unit tests, performance tasks, projects, and products. Science standards categories for both above assessments include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Science Process and Inquiry Skills Science Literacy Skills Physical Science Standards Earth and Space Science Standards All assignments, formative and summative, are to be completed with a student’s best effort and submitted in a timely manner. Re-Testing Policy: All Students may request to retest on a unit test and after completing and submitting for teacher approval a “Relearning Plan” and “Evidence of Relearning” to prepare for a retest. Students scoring a 79% or lower on the first test will receive the higher of the two scores. Students scoring 80% or higher on the first test will replace the grade with a higher score, however, if they score lower than the first test, the score will be averaged. IMPORTANT NOTE: Retesting is at the discretion of the teacher. If a student has missing formative assessments or has not completed “Respond to Feedback” assignments they will not be eligible to retest until those assessments have been satisfactorily completed and resubmitted and the above criteria are met. GOOGLE CLASSROOM Science assignments and resources will be posted and accessed via Google Classroom. If students are having technical difficulties with accessing/completing assignments on Google Classroom, students are to contact me via email for assistance prior to any assignments due date.