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Kazakh Philosophy XIX-XX Centuries

Topic:Kazakh philosophy of the XIX-XX centuries.
Performed:Abditalip G
Verified:Baidlaeva A
1.Philosophical views of SH. Valikhanov.
2. Abay's philosophical views.
3. The philosophy of SH. Kudaiberdiyev.
Shokan Shyngysuly Valikhanov (real
name Muhammad Kanafiya; 18351865,) - a great Kazakh scientist,
one of the first representatives of
Democratic, educational culture,
born in Kazakhstan in the second
half of the XIX century, orientalist,
historian, folklorist, ethnographer,
geographer, educator. A prominent
representative of the Kazakh
philosophy of the XIX century.
Historians, travelers who live very
little left a special mark in the
history of the Kazakh people.
Among his main works there are
works on the study of worldview
and social problems: "about
Baksatek", "about judicial
reform","about Islam in the steppe".
Valikhanov was well versed in political and legal theories.
In his opinion, politics is about power and how to establish
it. Power depends on efforts that are dominated by the main
function of the state, its structure, and the meaning of its
actions. Shokan's visit to Kulja is equivalent to a scientific
feat. His heroism and scientific achievements were highly
appreciated by the entire European people.The main
aspects of Shokan's scientific research: history, life and
moral problems of the people.Sh. Valikhanov draws
attention to the fact that Russian culture and science played
an important role in the fate of the Kazakh people.
Advanced Russian scientists and humanist writers have
contributed to the spiritual prosperity and growth of the
people. We clearly see it in the actions of people who were
associated with Baptism.Sh. Valikhanov, as a scientist and
educator, dreamed that the people were educated and free.
"Only knowledge teaches the assessment of life,
contributes to the creation of a comfortable life for a
person. Freedom and knowledge are necessary for the
wrote.Economic and political reforms should be based on
the traditions and needs of the people. They thought that
society could be changed by political reforms. But the
political and economic reforms implemented by the
tsarist government in the 60s of the XIX century did not
correspond to the ideal of Shokan. In the work "letter on
judicial reforms" Shokan revealed the essence of sociopolitical reform, justified the need for the trial of biys in
the Kazakh steppe, which have deep historical roots and
enjoy the support of the people. When Kazakhstan was
divided into districts and a new type of management was
introduced, the participation of Kazakhs in the
management system makes their life easier.
Abay (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev (18451904) - poet, educator, founder of
written Kazakh literature, Kazakh
literary language, philosopher,
composer, translator, political figure,
reformer, suggesting the renewal of
Kazakh culture through
rapprochement with Russian and
European culture, approaching Islam
liberal attitude. In the poetic works of
Abay of the Kazakh people, social,
social, moral problems of the
country.Abay perfectly knew the
culture and civilization of the East
and West. He was well acquainted
with the works of many thinkers of
the world. "Words of edification",
written in the style of philosophical
treatises, are valuable by the scale of
the theme, worldview depth, political
and social balance.
Worldview issues in his work are the problem of relations between
God and nature, God and man, soul and body, death and life.
According to Abay, God is the first cause or roots of the world. God
created the world, and then he does not interfere in its
development, that is, the world develops based on its own laws. God
created man. But it does not interfere with daily activities. Showing
the activity of a person, Abay did not make a person smart or stupid,
kind or tough, rich or poor. It all depends on the person, their mind
and environment. The core of Abay's worldview, the roots-man.
People for Abay is a physiological and psychological case study of
his body, the objectives and coordination of activities, desires and
interest, and the explanation of the essence of knowledge is a
philosophical object, the acquisition of a sense of good and evil, the
ethical principle of "being human“ .Knowledge, according to Abay,
is the most important goal of human life, the only necessity of the
human soul. Nature and society are constantly changing and
developing. Society is a constant change of generations.
The essence of the principle of "be a man" is a high
assessment of the person and his role. According to
the thinker, every person should be hardworking,
fair and humane, honest and friendly.
"Do not rejoice Sampas rage.
If you are talented, then trouble.
Cathn exactly what is Kalan,“ wrote Abay.
Shakarim Kudaiberdiev (18581931) - poet, writer, philosopher,
historian, composer. He was a
contemporary and brother of
Abay, as well as a follower of the
traditions of realistic literature
that founded his Foundation.
They lived in the socio-political
and socio-cultural environment
of characteristics, shortcomings
in the study of society and human
nature, they adhered directly to
the path of Abay (Kudayberdyuly)
to their native people. Father
Shakarim was born Kudaibergen
of the baidaulet Kunanbay, that is
the brother of Abay. At the age of
five, Shakarim will study in the
aul Mullah, where he studies until
the age of seven.
He wrote a special philosophical treatise "three truths".
Their spiritual teachers deeply knew the history of Greek and
European philosophy, than Shokan, Abay,ybyray, gave him an
assessment and gave their thoughts. Shakarim is a very
educated man. He knew the culture of the West and the East
well.The "three definitions" contains the names of many
famous, unknown scientists. This indicates the breadth of the
scientist's search.In the history of philosophy, Shakarim
correctly understood that there are two important directions,
two different worldview positions. This is a great
achievement."A person has two different ways that have long
been said to exist. At the same time, when a person dies, he
does not lose his soul, and after death there is one other life
that does not even look like life. Therefore, without thinking
about the only world, one should take care to be better in this
last life. This means that the last way of life is from death. At
the same time, as in the whole world, all this happens by itself,
and there is no master who will not be the Lord, and will not
be alive after death" – wrote Shakarim "three definitions".
Scientific idealism and materialism in their
identification and understandable stadium. In
explaining these two principles, Shakarim finally
offers his own concept.According to him, the first
truth is faith, which recognizes the eternity of the
Creator and the soul, that is, religious truth.The
second truth is a scientific truth based on
emotional perceptions and rational thinking.The
third truth is the truth of the soul, its substantial
basis is conscience. A person must rely on pure
work, from conscience to reason, a true heart, in
order to live better.