How To Open A Business Checking Account Choosing an appropriate banking service is a major technique to plan your business basics from the starting point. Having an effective business checking account is a professional way to run your business. It may seem easier to have one account for business and personal use. However, your enterprise grows and you get busier. At this point, one may encounter challenges in assessing numerous bank statements. Creating separate accounts for your business, as well as, personal use, may seem inconvenient. But it’s a good practice to ensure that your accounts are kept clean. A business checking account enables you as a business owner to legally protected, as well as, compliant. A business account offers benefits to your employees and customers. In this article, you will learn How to open a business checking account. What are the benefits of a business checking account? Factors to consider when opening a business checking account. Finding the right bank to open a business checking account. Documents You'll Need To Open A Business Checking Account. What are the Benefits of a Business Checking Account For most businesses, having a business checking account is a brilliant idea. As an entrepreneur might want to open a business account for various reasons. One of the reasons is that your bank might require you to ascertain that your account is for personal use only. Some banks might even threaten to terminate your account once they notice an unusual number of business-related transactions. Having a business checking account is probably going to make your business appear professional to your partners, as well as, clients. A business checking account allows you to assess your income and expenses efficiently. This is necessary for business since, at tax time, many expenses might have been written off (they have been secured from the tax owed). It’s becoming harder to identify deduction while using a personal account. A business checking account allows the entrepreneur; To make payments. Plan the budget and manage payroll. Receive payments to the business. Generate financial reports for investors, as well as, potential lenders. Most business checking account offer perks that are not provided by a standard personal account. Such perks offered include; Protection. Having a business checking account protects limited personal liability. The limited personal liability separates your business funds from your funds. Consequently, merchant services also offer protection of purchases made by customers and ensuring their personal information is kept secure. Professionalism. A business checking account will allow your customers to make payments using credit cards. Customers will also be able to make checks out to the business instead of paying cash directly to the business. Additionally, as a business owner, you can decide to authorize employees to handle daily banking activities on behalf of the business. Preparedness. Business checking accounts will always offer an option for the business to enjoy a line of credit. It is essential especially when an emergency arises, or when the business might require new equipment. Increased purchasing power. Business checking accounts enable a business to make vast start-up purchases. It also helps in formulating a credit history for the business. Factors to Consider when Opening Business Checking Account. Introductory Bonuses and Offers. It’s common for prominent banks to entice their new clients with an introductory offer or a bonus. These offers and bonuses are predicted on the deposit made by the customer, as well as, maintaining a certain amount of balance in the new account. For example, Chase Bank offers a bonus of $300 to new customers who make a deposit of $1000 and maintain that balance for two months. Also, the customer will be needed for several qualifying transactions within the first two months. The Service Fee. Most likely, a business checking account comes with some kind charges that incur monthly that the bank considers as “service fee.” Most service fees would range from $10 to $30 per month. Banks offering business checking accounts having more robust features may charge a higher service fee. However, few extra bucks every month may not seem very significant, unless you might want the extra features. These extra features may include no-fee deposit and transaction, payroll services, or wire transfers. The Minimum Account Balance Fees. Some banks might not have a minimum balance requirement. Other banks may condition this fee on particular requirements, such as setting a minimum daily balance. Some banks might want a certain amount of first deposit that would make you eligible for offers and bonuses. Ensure you check this clearly in the terms and conditions of the bank selected. Transaction Allowances. You should be aware that your bank is meant to facilitate your financial transactions, as well as, hold your funds. A transaction can be in check deposits of cash. When choosing your best bank, ensure you check for unlimited free transactions. If there are no free transactions, ensure you check the number of offered for free, before being charged by the bank. Comparison of Online versus In-Person Services. Do you need a bank that has physical branches you can access? Or do you prefer conducting all your transactions online? Depending on what you prefer, this is an important factor to consider when opening a business checking account. Businesses dealing in mainly in cash and require to make in-person deposits; would want a bank with local branches conveniently situated. If your business in main e-commerce and conducts most transactions online. Having access to a physical branch may not be a critical factor. Banks offering services online may have perks increased interest rates compared to brick and motor banks. Ease of Integration. Nowadays, the most business has shifted to cloud-based software. These could based software help in invoicing, accounting, expensing, and other financial matters. Banks equipped with current technologies, allow easy integration with these platforms. Some banks do not offer this service. Check carefully to determine whether the bank I’m you intend you open a business checking account in, offers this integration with modern software apps. The Interest Rates. Interest rates have now become an essential factor in many businesses. Interest generating business checking accounts have become a useful tool in enabling a business to rack up interests in their business profits. It’s advisable to consider a business saving account since it offers increased interest rates. Once you successfully opened your business checking account. You can explore, credit cards, saving accounts, as well as, other financial tools to enhance financial stability and flexibility. Finding the Right Bank to Open a Business Checking Account. As an entrepreneur, you need to manage your business financials effectively. Navigating all businesses sometimes might be a challenge. Many new business owners are most tempted to use their accounts for businesses. Having a separate account would also be helpful in tax time. It offers protection to your assets, in case a legal action might be taken against your business. Some of the features you might need to consider deciding on the right bank to open your business checking account. Minimum deposits and balances. Check whether the bank requires a certain minimum deposit to open a business checking account. Assess whether you will meet the monthly or daily requirements of the minimum account balance required by the bank. Check transaction limits. Establish whether the bank you intend to open a business checking account in limits the number of withdrawal and transfers you can conduct on monthly basis. Are there any limits on the number of funds you might want to withdraw or deposit for free before the banks start putting charges. Fees. In case a bank may have limits on the amount you transact. Then, your account might be having cash handling fees. This fee might be up to $0.03 for every additional $100 you transact. It recommended that you are aware of these fees before deciding on the right bank to open a business checking account. Other fees may include fees for not maintaining the required minimum account balance and maintenance fee. Online and mobile features. Depending on whether you want to use mobile check deposits, or manage your finances online. Ensure you check whether you can make wire transfers online. Most banks have integrated check deposits, as well as, mobile banking. While other local credit unions may not have put similar levels of technology. Location. The location of the bank is an important factor when deciding which can open a business checking account. This relies on if you prefer using an online bank or visiting the bank in person. This is a crucial factor to consider especially if you want to create a healthy relationship with your bank for future purposes. Like pursuing loans, or credit products. Documents You'll Need to Open A Business Checking Account. Having a business checking account establishes your business as an independent entity that is entirely separate from your finances. This is essential for the protection of your assets. Before opening a business checking account you will need some documents to facilitate the process. Below are some of the documents you'll need to open a business checking account. Social security number or an employer identification number. When opening a business checking account, some banks will allow you to use your social security number. It is recommended that you have the employer identification number that indicates businesses’ tax presence. This is a crucial step when trying to acquire credit from the bank. You can easily apply for an employer identification number online. The certificate of assumed name. When opening a business checking account, you might need a document illustrating the “doing business as” or the DBA name. This is the name that your established business will be operating under. Person identification. A passport or driver’s license might be required to prove that, you are who you claim to be. It shows your identity. Business license. Having a business license obtained from your state or city is also a requirement. The license should have the owner’s name(your name), as well as, name of the business. A partnership agreement. If your business might be having multiple owners. You might be needed to produce a founding agreement that clearly states who are the business partners, as well as, their roles and responsibilities. Organizing documents. The requirements for organizing documents might vary from one state to another. Nonetheless, almost every organizing document will provide information such as, business name, name of the partners, business address, the management structure, registered agents; and what kind of business you intend to establish. These documents are also referred to as, articles of organization, or articles of incorporation. Once you have attained all the above documents. You can now approach your favorite bank close to you. Then you can discuss how to open a business checking account with a banker who is qualified to set up a business checking account for you. Few banks would allow you to begin the application process online. However, you will be needed to present the above business documents to the nearest physical branch of the bank to officially open your business checking account. Note that you will be required to make the minimum initial deposit after finalizing the application process. Fortunately, business owners now have increasing options for business accounts such as online accounts. With these online business accounts, you can easily open and operate 100% digitally. Online businesses such as e-commerce stores do not handle cash at all. This can be the best option.