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Alterations of neuromuscular junctions in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Neuroscience Letters 737 (2020) 135304
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Review article
Alterations of neuromuscular junctions in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Richard M. Lovering a, b, *, Shama R. Iyer a, Benjamin Edwards c, Kay E. Davies c
Departments of Orthopaedics and Physiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
MDUK Oxford Neuromuscular Centre, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Eccentric injury
The focus of this review is on Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), which is caused by the absence of the
protein dystrophin and is characterized as a neuromuscular disease in which muscle weakness, increased sus­
ceptibility to muscle injury, and inadequate repair appear to underlie the pathology. Considerable attention has
been dedicated to studying muscle fiber damage, but data show that both human patients and animal models for
DMD present with fragmented neuromuscular junction (NMJ) morphology. In addition to pre- and post-synaptic
abnormalities, studies indicate increased susceptibility of the NMJ to contraction-induced injury, with corre­
sponding functional changes in neuromuscular transmission and nerve-evoked electromyographic activity. Such
findings suggest that alterations in the NMJ of dystrophic muscle may play a role in muscle weakness via
impairment of neuromuscular transmission. Further work is needed to fully understand the role of the NMJ in the
weakness, susceptibility to injury, and progressive wasting associated with DMD.
1. Introduction
The area of synaptic contact between motor neurons and their target
muscle fibers is the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). This synapse occurs
at a specialized area of the sarcolemma called the end-plate. The
“pretzel-shape” of a typical, healthy end-plate in mammalian muscle
(Fig. 1) results from the several twisting branches of the motor neuron.
The distal aspect of each branch is enlarged and these expansions form
the terminal synaptic boutons, which contain synaptic vesicles filled
with the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine (ACh). Boutons are located
over invaginations of the sarcolemma called junctional folds [89], at the
top of which high-density clusters of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs)
reside. When released into the synaptic cleft, ACh binds to its
post-synaptic receptors, causing an end-plate potential (EPP), a local
depolarization spreading along the muscle fiber as a conducted action
Accumulating evidence has made it clear that the NMJ in mature
skeletal muscle is not a fixed permanent structure [27,28], but instead is
continually remodeling, thereby possessing a large degree of functional
plasticity [30]. The morphology and physiology of the NMJ can display
alterations in synaptic organization due to exercise [26,89], inactivity
[66,67,83], denervation [49,92], aging [24,41,76], crushing of the
nerve/muscle [44,80], or the absence of associated proteins [1,3,16,45,
48]. Ultrastructural changes in the NMJ have been documented
following muscle disuse and nerve injury or denervation [9,49].
The motor end-plate (the post-synaptic membrane of NMJ) is a
specialized area of the sarcolemma that rapidly and consistently re­
sponds to release of a neurotransmitter from the overlying nerve ter­
minal. Neuromuscular transmission is normally highly reliable, as each
nerve impulse results in the release of more neurotransmitter (acetyl­
choline) than is required for evoking an action potential in the muscle
fiber. This release of surplus transmitter and consequent excess depo­
larization of the postsynaptic membrane via AChRs is often referred as
the ‘safety factor’ [91], which ensures that a post-synaptic action po­
tential will occur in response to each nerve impulse, at least in healthy
tissue. Proper development and organization at the NMJ is necessary for
effective neuromuscular transmission [79,90], but a number of patho­
logical conditions affecting the distribution of AChRs can lead to a
reduction in the safety factor and impairment of neuromuscular trans­
mission [63,91]. Although there are diseases caused by defective syn­
aptic transmission at the NMJ (congential myasthenic syndromes)[61],
this review focuses on muscular dystrophies, specifically Duchenne
muscular dystrophy.
2. NMJ morphology is altered in muscular dystrophy
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), the most common and severe
form of muscular dystrophy, is caused by the absence of dystrophin, a
* Corresponding author at: University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics, 100 Penn St., AHB, Room 540, Baltimore, MD21201USA.
E-mail address: rlovering@som.umaryland.edu (R.M. Lovering).
Received 30 April 2020; Received in revised form 9 August 2020; Accepted 11 August 2020
Available online 17 August 2020
0304-3940/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R.M. Lovering et al.
Neuroscience Letters 737 (2020) 135304
structural protein found on the cytoplasmic surface of the sarcolemma.
Dystrophin is the central component of a molecular link that connects
the contractile apparatus inside the muscle fiber to the extracellular
matrix outside the muscle fiber, and binds directly or indirectly to a
group of proteins at the sarcolemma collectively known as the
dystrophin-associated protein complex (DAPC or DPC) or the
dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC).
The DGC of the sarcolemma accumulates at the post-synaptic
membrane (motor end-plate) of the NMJ, and the absence of associ­
ated proteins can cause changes in NMJ structure and function [6]. The
NMJ is noticeably disrupted in muscles from mdx and other DMD mouse
models [3,43,55,82]. Dystrophin appears to be involved in synaptic
homeostasis [64]; it is not required for NMJ formation, but is required
for endplate maintenance [45] and likely for endplate remodeling in
regenerating fibers. dx mice show NMJ fragmentation in adult muscle
fibers and excessive nerve sprouting compared to wild-type mice [56],
and ultrastructural studies using electron microscopy indicate a loss in
the number and depth of synaptic folds of the motor end-plate in mdx
muscles [3,55].
Patients with DMD and mdx mice have muscles with weakness and
increased susceptibility to injury compared to their non-dystrophic
counterparts. Over time, this damage/degeneration exceeds the ability
to repair/regenerate muscle, leading to irreversible muscle wasting
throughout life. The increased force loss after contraction-induced
injury is typically attributed to structural weakness of the muscle fiber
cytoskeleton and changes in signaling within muscle fibers secondary to
the loss of dystrophin [53]. However, studies have reported that loss in
whole muscle function after injury is also associated with alterations in
NMJ end-plate morphology in mdx mice [68–70]. Some studies report
strong evidence showing that disrupted NMJ morphology is the conse­
quence of muscle fiber degeneration and regeneration [37,50,51,59],
but others have suggested that NMJ fragmentation in mdx muscle is
independent of degeneration and regeneration [3,46]. In support of the
latter, NMJ post-synaptic morphology, including AChR area, is normal
in fibers of muscle subjected to toxin-induced degeneration [75,88]. It is
thought that the motor neuron in DMD and mdx mice is unaffected,
except for axonal sprouting near the NMJ and changes in the terminal
bouton. However, recent data suggest that the persistent, chronic NMJ
remodeling that occurs over the lifespan of the mdx mouse can adversely
affect the motor neuron [47].
Utrophin, short for “ubiquitous dystrophin,” is a protein highly ho­
mologous to dystrophin [52]. During fetal muscle development, utro­
phin is found along the entire muscle sarcolemma. Once dystrophin is
expressed, however, utrophin disappears from most of the sarcolemmal
membrane so that, in normal adult muscle, it is located only at the
neuromuscular and myotendinous junctions [85]. One reason mdx mice
do not display pathology equivalent to that seen in DMD may be that
utrophin is up-regulated to levels sufficient to compensate, in part, for
Fig. 1. Top panels show representative images of neuromuscular junctions (NMJ) stained with α-bungarotoxin conjugated to Alexa-594 in muscles from WT (wild
type), mdx (lacking dystrophin), dko (double knockout, lacking both dystrophin and utrophin), and Fiona (lacking dystrophin but upregulation of utrophin) mice.
Bottom panels show representative skeletonized images of the corresponding NMJ. Total stained area, total stained perimeter, total area, and total perimeter were
calculated using binarized images using Image J. Dispersion index was calculated by total stained area/total area, and is a measure of density of acetylcholine
receptors. Discontinuity and number of branching were calculated using the skeletonized images. Number of clusters was calculated by counting the number of
separate acetylcholine receptor aggregates. * indicates significant difference from WT, # indicated significant difference from Fiona, p < 0.05; one-way ANOVA,
approximately 10 NMJs in each genotype, with 5 muscles analyzed).
R.M. Lovering et al.
Neuroscience Letters 737 (2020) 135304
the lack of dystrophin. Although studies have suggested that NMJ
disruption is not dependent on utrophin [88], NMJ morphology appears
more disrupted when dystrophin and utrophin are absent [74], and the
upregulation of utrophin (through artificial transcription factors) ap­
pears to rescue NMJ morphology [65]. In the Fiona mouse, a transgenic
mdx mouse in which utrophin is upregulated in skeletal muscles, using
established methods [68–71] (detailed methods in supplemental material)
we have found a partial rescue of NMJ morphology (Fig. 1).
Muscles from mice that lack genes for other components of the DGC,
such as α-dystrobrevin, dystroglycan, or syntrophin, have altered NMJ
morphology [1,6,33,35,39], even though absence of other DGC com­
ponents, such as α- or ϒ-sarcoglycan, does not appear to affect NMJ
morphology [23,36]. Aberrations in NMJ morphology have also been
observed in laminopathies, which are typically caused by mutations in
the LMNA gene, resulting in cardiac and skeletal disorders. Patients
often have abnormal EMG, indicating myopathy [8,58]. In mouse
models with LMNA mutations, NMJ morphology is disorganized and
fragmented, with mislocalized synaptic nuclei [58]. Furthermore, the
NMJ disorganization was observed before myopathic phenotype,
furthering the notion of NMJ aberrations as a driver of disease
proximal muscles have attributed reduced muscle excitability to changes
in the NMJ [68,69].
Synaptic transmission becomes more variable with age in the mdx
mouse model of DMD [12,44], which could provide one explanation
why, despite the consistent lack of dystrophin, mdx skeletal muscle
generates less specific force and becomes more susceptible to damage
with age [15]. EMG changes are measurable in patients with various
muscular dystrophies, including DMD [18,31,72]. Some animal studies
report changes in EMG activity between WT and mdx mice [38,68],
while others do not [13]. The study of different muscles might be one
reason for such conflicting data; for example, proximal muscles are
affected earlier and to a greater extent in DMD [17,57] and a similar
pattern of increased damage in more proximal muscles has been docu­
mented in young mdx mice [60].
Patients with DMD have similar intramuscular fatigability, neuro­
muscular transmission, and central activation as controls [81]. Such
observations might argue against a significant role for NMJ dysfunction
in DMD in the absence of injury, however increased sensitivity to
neuromuscular blocking drugs (and a slower recovery from them) in­
dicates NMJ is vulnerable in DMD, with more obvious findings in
older-aged and ambulatory patients with DMD [88]. Furthermore,
although the reduced safety factor and miniature end-plate potentials
might not be sufficient to result in overt changes to the compound
muscle action potentials (CMAPs), they could render the NMJ
dysfunctional under certain intense activity [88].
3. Disrupted NMJ morphology in dystrophic muscle contributes
to impairment of nerve-evoked muscle contraction
Structure is clearly a major determinant of function: as the devel­
opment of force relies on the controlled overlap of actin and myosin, so
does effective neuromuscular transmission on the apposition of the
nerve terminal and the underlying motor end-plate [79,90]. Moreover,
maintenance of the neuromuscular apparatus relies on bidirectional
communication between muscle and nerve [34]. However, several
pathological conditions affecting the distribution of AChRs can lead to a
reduction in the safety factor and impairment of neuromuscular trans­
mission [63].
The increased muscle weakness and susceptibility to injury (exag­
gerated loss in force to a mechanical insult) in patients with DMD and in
the mdx murine model, is hypothesized to be due to structural weakness
of the cytoskeleton or changes in signaling secondary to the loss of
dystrophin [53], but additional mechanisms are still being clarified. A
mechanical model [4,7] suggests that the absence of dystrophin results
in structural fragility of the cytoskeleton [53]. In an attempt to under­
stand mechanisms underlying muscle weakness, much of the focus has
been on structural damage within the myofiber. The NMJ is clearly
disrupted in muscles from DMD mouse models and associated deficits in
neuromuscular function have now also been identified [3,14]. We have
reported that loss in whole muscle contractile force after muscle injury
in mdx mice is also associated with alterations in NMJ morphology, such
as increased discontinuity and branching, and corresponding aberrant
synaptic transmission, such as decreased EMG amplitudes and increased
neuromuscular transmission failure [68–70]. Other groups have also
shown disruption at the NMJ in dystrophic mouse muscles with corre­
sponding changes in function, such as reduced amplitude of miniature
endplate potentials, reduction of postsynaptic sensitivity for the
neurotransmitter acetylcholine and exhaustion of presynaptic acetyl­
choline release during intense synaptic activity [88]. After
contraction-induced injury, there is a loss of force in both the WT and
mdx muscles, but only mdx mice show significant additional changes in
NMJ morphology, neuromuscular transmission, and EMG activity [68,
69]. Although other factors, such as sarcolemma damage could be a
factor, these findings suggest that NMJ structural and functional
changes may contribute to the greater force loss seen after injury in
dystrophic muscle. While some studies attribute changes in myofiber
action potential conductivity as the primary reason for reduced muscle
excitability in mdx muscles after injury, these studies typically utilize a
low-strain, high-repetition injury protocol in distal muscles [5,11,77];
other studies utilizing a high-strain, lower repetition injury protocol in
4. Therapeutic approaches to affect NMJ form and function
Several approaches of gene therapy are being examined to amelio­
rate the pathophysiology that results from the absence of dystrophin.
Although transgenic expression of a short isoform of dystrophin in mdx
muscle can prevent muscle degeneration, NMJ morphology remains
fragmented [3]. Indeed, the threshold of dystrophin lies between 19%
and 50% for correction of NMJ morphology in muscles of mdx mice [87].
Muscle-specific Kinase (MuSK) is a transmembrane tyrosine kinase
crucial for forming and maintaining the NMJ, and activation of the
MuSK complex that drives AChR clustering [10,32]. MuSK inactivation
at the NMJ of adult muscle is known to cause a reduction in AChR
density and a change in the gross synaptic arborization of the endplate,
which can lead to the complete loss of AChRs and disappearance of the
synaptic structure [40]. MuSK levels differ between various adult skel­
etal muscles, which may correlate with muscle specific differences in the
response to agrin [25,73]. In our previous work, we assessed transcripts
for the multi-protein MuSK signaling complex responsible for AChR
clustering in WT and mdx mice [69]; interestingly, the only significant
difference between WT and mdx muscleswas a decrease in MuSK inthe
latter. Since MuSK plays a critical role in the aggregation, or clustering,
of AChRs, it is conceivable that this reduction directly contributes to the
altered morphology of mdx NMJs and is therefore a potential therapeutic
target. Indeed, increasing expression of MuSK or rapsyn (a cytoplasmic
MuSK effector protein) with adeno-associated viral vectors protected
mdx muscles from contraction-induced injury [86].
Utrophin upregulation results in a positive effect on NMJ postsynaptic morphology, including an increase in the number of AChRs
and improved NMJ morphology [65]. This is accompanied by an
improvement in muscle contractility, but it is difficult to tease apart the
contribution of the NMJ versus other changes in the cell (e.g.,
improvement in sarcolemma stability, mechanotransduction of force,
etc.). Interestingly, drugs commonly used for myasthenia gravis and
myasthenic syndromes (autoimmune disease and inherited conditions,
respectively, affecting the NMJ) do not seem to have a significant benefit
for muscular dystrophies.
Exercise can exert beneficial effects not only on muscle, but also to
the NMJ morphology and function [22,78]. Endurance training affects
the morphology of NMJs in young adults, and has been studied as a
measure to counter changes in the NMJ with aging [2]. Specific
R.M. Lovering et al.
Neuroscience Letters 737 (2020) 135304
adaptations to exercise training include increases in the length and
number of nerve terminal branches, a higher number of pre-synaptic
vesicles, and increase number and distribution of AChRs [20,22,78,
89]. Thus, the benefits attained from endurance training are likely
beyond just muscle fiber remodeling and extend to the NMJ. Exercise
can induce activation of neurotrophic factors and other molecules,
which have a positive impact on NMJ morphology [29,62]. Further­
more, alterations of structure induced by endurance training are asso­
ciated with significant NMJ functional changes, such as synaptic
transmission. Resistance exercise appears to yield similar benefits for the
NMJ, but to a lesser degree [19,21].
It is established that heavy resistance training has deleterious effects
on dystrophic skeletal muscle, particularly if it involves eccentric con­
tractions [54]; in addition to the risk of further muscle damage, there is
no evidence of beneficial adaptation to heavy resistance training in
dystrophic animals, or in humans with muscular dystrophy. Although
historically exercise has been used sparingly in the treatment of
muscular dystrophies, evidence suggests beneficial impact from mod­
erate exercise [42]. Several well-controlled studies indicate that light to
moderate exercise can have beneficial effects in patients with muscular
dystrophies, such as increased strength. Unfortunately, there are rela­
tively few controlled studies available that are easily translated to the
human population. There is therefore a great need for careful studies to
determine the forms of exercise that are most beneficial to patients with
different types of muscle diseases, and the effects of exercise on the NMJ
in dystrophic muscle.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
online version, at doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2020.135304.
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5. Conclusions
Knowledge of NMJ dysfunction in DMD animal models is incom­
plete, and sometimes conflicting, but findings suggest that, in addition to
mechanical damage to the myofiber, structural and functional changes
at the NMJ may be another contributor to the greater force loss seen
after injury in dystrophic muscle. In terms of functional impact, the
relative roles of muscle fiber injury, degeneration, and denervation that
contribute to the changes seen in NMJ morphology of dystrophic mus­
cles are not yet known, but will be important to determine, as NMJ
dysfunction is fundamental to understanding impairment of muscle. The
notion that structure determines function is a key tenet in biology, yet it
is possible that disruption of NMJ morphology in dystrophic muscle
represents an effective repair process that maintains efficacy; there is
still no clear evidence showing correlation between the degree of NMJ
fragmentation and the efficacy of transmission [84]. Continued experi­
mentation is paramount for elucidating mechanisms underlying the
dystrophic progression. The specific role of the NMJ in neuromuscular
health and its relationship to dystrophy is still being defined, but the
NMJ might play a role in the exacerbated response to injury.
The electrophysiological NMJ features of one muscle might not
necessarily be identical in all skeletal muscles [88], but there is now
sound evidence indicating a role for the NMJ in muscle weakness, sus­
ceptibility to damage, and loss of functional performance in dystrophic
muscle. Future work is needed to systematically study constituents of
the MuSK signaling complex, compare various muscles, and to follow
the morphology and function of the NMJ at various time points after
injury and throughout the lifespan.
This work was supported by grants to RML from the National In­
stitutes of Health (R56AR073193), to SRI from the National Institutes of
Health (K01AR074048) and the Muscular Dystrophy Association
development grant (MDA 577897), and to KD from the Medical
Research Council, UK
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