Cell Membrane is a plasma membrane that surrounds the cell and contains the cytoplasm of the cell. Structure of the Cell Membrane Lipid Bilayer Phospholipids have both polar and nonpolar regions and are oriented back-toback in two layers around the cell. • Nonpolar region: fatty acid chains orient away from the water. • Polar region: phosphate head orients towards the water Fluid Mosaic Model: the structure represents an ever-moving sea of fluid lipids that contains a mosaic of many different proteins. • Fluid like cooking oil due to double bonds present in fatty acid chains. • Cholesterol makes that bilayer stronger but less fluid at normal body temperatures. 4 Functions of the Cell Membrane 1. 2. 3. 4. Forms boundary of cell Facilitates contact with other cells Provides receptor sites Mediates entrance and exit of materials from cell. The Cell Membrane is Selectively Permeable Permeability is a function of the following factors: • Size of molecule • Solubility in lipids • Charge on ions • Presence of carrier molecules Proteins are associated with the membrane and can be attached to the interior or exterior or extend all the way across the membrane. 4 Functions of Proteins in Membrane • Transport allows a selective substance to flow into or out of the cell • Receptors for hormones, enzymatic activity, and intercellular joining • Attachment to cytoskeleton to maintain cell shape and fix the location of certain membrane proteins • Cell-cell recognition enables a cell to recognize other cells and respond to potentially dangerous foreign cells. Cell Transport The Cell Membrane is Selectively Permeable All Systems Naturally Move Towards Equilibrium Passive and Active Transport No Energy Required Energy Required If you have enjoyed this resource, you should check out the full package... Click on image to learn more! Looking for more graphic notes or doodle style notes... More resources for cell membrane and membrane transport. I'm thri I led that you have purchased one of my products. Please know that my intention is to put a wonderful product into the market that is useful to the classroom teacher. If you have any problems, please contact me directly at kim@learnighypothesis.com so that I can address them. If you are unhappy with your product please let me know directly so that I can try to make it right with you. New products are offered at a discount in the first day they are listed. Make sure to follow on TPT and my mai Ii ng I ist for updates. You can also see what I'm up to on social media. Click on the icon to follow. @0�0@) You may not resell, redistribute, modify or use parts of my products and claim them as your own. Purchases do not transfer ownership or the write to resell my projects. My products are for single user use. Do not put this product on any blog, website or social media page. Please direct others here if they are interested in obtaining their own copy. If you have questions, please contact me at kim@learninghypothesis.com. Sincerely, Kim @ The Learning Hypothesis ©2018 The Learning Hypothesis Thanks to these amazing artists and designers: Toe Painted Grow ::ruust.rat.tons ror £ducat.ton [PERF�l]