Middle School English Language School Name: __________________________________ Date: ________________________ Grade: ___________ Compare & Contrast Essay Rubric Purpose & Supporting Details Organization & Structure Paragraphing Grammar & Spelling (Conventions) 4 3 2 1 The paper compares and contrasts items clearly. The paper points to specific examples to illustrate the comparison. The paper includes only the information relevant to the comparison. The paper compares and contrasts items clearly, but the supporting information is general. The paper includes information relevant to the comparison. The paper compares and contrasts items, but the supporting information is incomplete. The paper may include information that is not relevant to the comparison. The paper compares or contrasts, but does not do both. There is no supporting information or support is incomplete. The paper follows a consistent order when discussing the comparison. The paper may not follow a consistent order when discussing the comparison. Some information in the paper is in the wrong section. Some details are not in a logical or expected order which distracts the reader. Many details are not in a logical or expected order. There is little sense that the writing is organized. The paper consists of four clear paragraphs with an introduction and a conclusion. The paper consists of three clear paragraphs with an introduction and a conclusion. The paper consists of two paragraphs. The introduction or the conclusion may be missing. The paper consists of only one paragraph. Consistently uses punctuation correctly. Consistently follows the rules of capitalization. Grade level words are spelled correctly. Contains very few misspelling that do not detract from the writing. Consistently follows rules of grammar. Punctuation is used correctly most of the time. Follows the rules of capitalization. Contains some misspellings that do not detract from the writing. Most grammar rules are followed correctly. Punctuation is seldom used correctly Follows some capitalization rules. Contains spelling errors that detract from the writing. Grammar errors detract from the writing. Random or no use of punctuation. Random or no use of capitalization. Spelling errors make the writing difficult to read. Many grammar errors make the writing difficult. Total Criteria