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Communication Process & Language Barriers Posttest

t Explain and illustrate the communication process by giving one
experience that you have encountered as a student.
Note: The barrier should be language barrier
Here’s the stories that I encountered when I was a Senior High Student. My adviser
asked me to get the attendance sheet in the faculty and instruct me to look for the teacher
that she told me. When I’m already in the faculty I looked for that teacher. The person in the
faculty asked me twice of who I am looking for. I tell her the name of the teacher and she said
that who is it, so I went back to my adviser and asked it again. I misunderstand and I didn’t
heard the correct name and pronunciation of what my adviser said and also that time my
classmates are very noisy.
In this given example, the adviser is the sender while the instruction that my adviser
given to me is the message. And I am the receiver, I sent the feedback to my adviser wherein
I went back and asked her again for the clarifications. However, I misunderstand and heard
the wrong pronunciation of the name and because of my classmates are very noisy that time
it cause the noise of the message. We had a language barrier because I failed to understand
her message.
ll. FILIPINISM. Change the following statements and/or expressions to have a
better and more effective communication.
1. Come again? = I’m sorry would you please say that again?
2. Open the light/computer /TV = Turn on the light/computer/TV
3. Where are you studying? = What school do you go to?
4. He was salvaged. = He was assassinated.
5. Pass by my office before you go. = Drop by my office before you go.
6. Take out = To go
7. Could you repeat that again, please? = Could you repeat that?
8. Fill up this form. = Fill out this form.
9. Belated Happy Birthday! = Belated Happy Birthday!
10. As to the project… = Regarding the project…