GYNAECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS 1. Ductus arteriosus closes at - Immediately after birth 2. Uterine artery is a branch of - Internal iliac artery 3. Ovarian artery is the branch of - Abdominal Aorta 4. Ovary is supplied by ovarian artery 5. Uterus is supplied by uterine artery 6. Clitorius is formed from which embryonic structure - Genital tubercle 7. OCP decreases the risk of - Ovarian cancer 8. COCP increases the risk of - Breast /cervical /liver cancer. 9. Screening test for Breast cancer - USG /Mammography /Palpation by the physician 10. Diagnostic test for Breast cancer - FNAC 11. Best/Gold standard investigation for Breast cancer - Excision Biopsy 12. First sign of pregnancy seen on a USG - Gestational ring 13. Mifepristone required for abortion is - 200mg 14. Most common cause of fetal blood loss - Abruptio placenta 15. Scar rupture of previous cesarian section during 2nd pregnancy is within - 18 months of previous pregnancy 16. MC complication which can occur with next pregnancy when female had previous cesarion section - Placenta previa 17. Post pregnancy uterus becomes a pelvic organ at - 10-12 days(2weeks) 18. Till what time of before pregnancy uterus remains a pelvic organ - 12 weeks 19. Vaginal fornix is near which anatomical structure - Ureter 20. MCC of peurperial sepsis - Streptococcus 21. MC site of peurperial infection - Placental site 22. Normal pressure of manual vaccum aspiration performed for MTP - 70-80mmhg 23. Cortisol released just before birth does - causes maturation of fetal lung 24. Just before birth which of the following responsible in baby for lung maturation Cortisol. 25. Gas used in Laproscopic surgery - Co2 26. Gold standard test for tubal patency - Laproscopy - performed bet day 6 - day 11. 27. There is a visible growth in cervix,which test to be done - Punch 28. Failure of contraceptives is calculated by - Pearl index 29. OCP absolutely contraindicated in - Active liver disease 30. MC type of Fistula - Vesico - vaginal fistula-occurs in 7-10 days after delivery 31. Which contraceptive changing after 10 yrs - Cu-T 380 A 32. TOC of Asherman syndrome is - Cu-T insertion 33. MC symptom of endometriosis is - Dysmenorhea -common site - Ovary 34. AFP is increased in-IUD/polycystic kidney disease/congenital nephrotic syndrome 35. Down syndrome - Trisomy 21 36. Edward syndrome - Trisomy18 37. Patau syndrome - Trisomy 13 38. MCC of purulent vaginal discharge - Chlamydia 39. Level of which hormone increases in post menopausal women s - FSH 40. Cervical cancer vaccination should be given on which age - Puberty 41. Expressed breast milk can be preserved in refrigirator upto - 2 days 42. N case of hydatiform mole i age 40yrs & completed family TOC - Tot.Hysterectomy 43. Cluster of grapes /Honey coombed uterus/snow storm seen in - Hydatiform mole 44. MC complication i suction MTP - Uterine perforation 45. PH of vagina - 4.5 46. Root vaue of pudendal nerve - S2S3S4 47. Length of fallopian tube is - 10 cm 48. Total weight gained during pregnancy is - 11kg 49. Ovary is drained through - Pelvic nodes 50. Hegar's sign at 6-10 week - upper part of uterus feels firm/lower part empty. 51. Sonography gestation ring - 5th week/cardiac - 7th week/FHR by doppler-10th week. 52. Mechanism of normal labor – flexion-int.rotation-crowning-extension-restitution-ext.rotation-lateral flexion 53. Peurperium is - 6 weeks 54. Anterior fontanelle closes at - 18months of age 55. Menstrual regulation is done upto 14 days of missed periods or 44days of LMP. 56. MC type of Episiotomy - Medio-lateral 57. Indication of LSCS-previous2LSCS/placenta previa/indication f transverse lie major 58. Commonest cause of Breach presentation - Prematurity 59. Commonest complication of Breach presentation - Asphyxia 60. MC chance of cord prolapse - Transverse Lie 61. Hb<11gm% - Anemia - WHO 62. Hb<10gm% -Anemia - India 63. Painless,causeless bleeding - Placenta previa 64. Contraception of choice in heart patient - Vasectomy (permanent sterilisation) 65. Anticonvulsant of choice in Eclampsia - MgSo4 66. Severe PIH - BP>160/110/proteinuria 67. Precocious puberty age less than - 8yrs 68. Precocious mensturation age less than - 10yrs 69. Imperforate hymen - Cryptomenorhea 70. Post coital bleeding - Suggestive of Ca Cervix 71. Menorhagia - menstural cycle,duration is not changed 72. Polymenorrhea - menstural cycle shortened 73. Natural contraceptive - Mucus method 74. Clomiphene citrate - treatment for anovulation. 75. Antidote for HELLP syndrome seen in severe PIH - Calcium gluconate 76. Antihypertensives in pregnancy - Methyldopa 77. Premature menopause - menopause occuring less than 40 yrs of age 78. Post menopausal bleeding,pyometria - suggestive of endometrial cancer 79. Best method for tubectomy - Pomoroy's technique 80. MC cause of PID - Gonococcal infection 81. Virilizing ovarian tumour - Arrhenoblastoma 82. Dilation & curettage is procedure of choice for- Incomplete abortion 83. Earliest sign of fetal death is - Gas in Aorta 84. MCC of PPH - Uterine atonicity 85. MC site of metastasis of choriocarcinoma - Lungs 86. Vascular mole in 40yrs female is treated by - Total hysterectomy 87. Absolute contraindication of OCP - CAD,migraine,epilepsy 88. MC site of genital TB - Fallopian tube 89. MC hormone deficiency in congenital adrenal hyperplasia - 21hydroxylase 90. LH surge proceeds ovulation by - 24hrs 91. Feto maternal transfusion is demonstrated in the mother by - Kleihauser count 92. Maternal alpha-feta protein is increased in - Neural tube defects 93. Sure sign of uterine death IUD-Spalding sign(overlapping of skull bones)/Gas in Aorta 94. Characteristic of congenital anomalies in the fetus of diabetic women-Sacral agenesis 95. Clue cells r seen on a vaginal smear in - Haemophillus vaginalis 96. Strawberry vagina is seen in infection with - Trichomonus vaginalis 97. Anti D immunoglobulin must be given to a mother of O-ve group with a baby of O +ve within - 72 hrs 98. Hela cell line is associated with - Ca cervix 99. Vaginal cytology for hormonal change are best taken from - Lateral wall 100.Most unfavourable presentation is - Mento posterior 101.Ectopic pregnancy is associated with - Salphingitis/IUCD/plastic procedure in tube 102.Absolute contraindication for OCP - CAD/Migraine/Epilepsy 103.Unruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy is best diagnosed by - USG 104.Polyhydramnios occurs in multiple pregnancy/DM/Anencephaly/toxemia/tracheoesophageal fistula 105.Ideal contraception in a woman i RHD - Barier contraception 106.Pt comes with gravida 4 live1 i 22 weeks of preg i carcinoma insitu TOC – - allow the baby to born & then Hysterectomy 107.Commonest cause of pyometra - Ca endometrium 108.Post partum VVF is best repaired after - 6 weeks 109.Treatment for Ca cervix stage 1 - Wertheims hysterectomy 110.Virilising(masculinising) tumours of ovaryleydig cell/Adrenal tumours of ovary/gynandroblastoma/arrhenoblastoma 111.Feminising tumours of ovary - Granulosa cell tumour/Theca cell tumour 112.Amount of amniotic fluid at 12 week of preg - 50ml 113.MC presentation in Anencephaly - Face 114.Chromosome number for Hydatidiform mole is - 46XX 115.Charecteristic of XO chromosomal defect is – - short statur/webbed neck/infertility/widely spaced nipple 116.Vaginal PH in the new born - 7 117.Percentage of women who delivers on EDD - 4% 118.Shortest diameter of pelvic outlet is - posterior sagital diameter 119.Most important diameter of the pelvic inlet is - Diagonal conjugate 120.Contraindication of ergometrine is - Heart disease 121.Premalignant lesion of Vulva is - Leukoplakia 122.Commonest type of vertex presentation is - left occipito anterior 123.Sure sign of fetal distress is fetal ECG - Late deceleration 124.HCG disappears from the maternal urine after - 48hrs after delivery 125.Peak levels of HCG in the urine are seen after - 90 days of pregnancy 126.Total duration of pregnancy is - 280 days 127.Treatment of clostridial infection of the uterus post abortion - Hysterectomy 128.Quickening can be felt at - 16 weeks of pregnancy 129.Ultrasound detection of fetal heart movements can be done at - 8 weeks 130.Fetal scalp blood Ph is used to determine - Fetal hypoxia 131.Hegars sign can be elicited by - 8 weeks 132.Best parameter measured by ultrasound to assess fetal maturity - Crown rump length 133.Commonest site of endometriosis - Ovary 134.TOC for endometriosis at younger age - Gnrh analoges 135.Lymphatic drainage of Vulva is to - inguinal lymphnodes 136.Classical cesarian section is indicated in a patient with - Ca cervix 137.Ca cervix is caused by - Papova virus 138.Ca cervix is associated i - multiparity/herpes simplex virus/early coitus/DM 139.Trial of labour is contraindicated in - severe PET/elderly primi/major disproportion 140.Coagulation disorders r seen n- IUD/PPH/amniotic fluid embolism 141.Laparoscopic sterilisation is contraindicated in - gynacologic tumours 142.Signs of pelvic TB- infertility/amenorhea/foul smelling discharge 143.Commonest & largest of ovarian tumour- pseudo mucinous cyst adenoma 144.Source of HCG is - syncitiotrophoblast 145.Best method to confirm Ca cervix - Cervical biopsy 146.Best method to prevent post coital pregnancy - IUCD 147.OCP's prevent pregnancy by -inhibition of ovulation by inhibiting release of LH 148.OCP's r contraindicated in - HTN/Fibroid/thromboembolism 149.Deep transverse arrest occurs in - Android pelvis 150.Best investigation to identify tubal patency - laparoscopy & chromatubation 151.Earliest menopausal symptoms is - hot flushes 152.MC chronic symptom of PID is - Backache 153.Elderly women i recurrent swelling & pain in the vulva - Bartholin cyst 154.Treatment of acute hydramnois i respiratory depression - Amniocentessis 155.CCF is most likely in pregnancy at - 1st stage of labour 156.Red degeneration of fibroid is associated with - Pregnancy 157.Commonest cause of maternal mortality - Severe anemia 158.Implantation bleeding is called - Hartman's sign 159.MC type of female pelvis is - Gynecoid 160.MCC of post partum endometritis is - Streptococcus 161.MCC of acute cervicitis - Gonococcus 162.Longest diameter of fetal skull is - submento vertical 163.Fungal vuvitis is associated with - Diabetes 164.Call exener bodies are seen in - Granulosa cell tumours 165.Post abortal sepsis causing renal failure is likely to be due to - clostridium 166.MC malignancy metastasis to the placenta is - Melanoma 167.Average pressure of uterine contraction during 1st stage of labour - 30mmhg 168.Pt i stein leventhal syndrome is treated by - Clomiphen citrate 169.Most imp.structure preventing uterine prolapse - cardinal ligament 170.Corresponding vas in males which structure penetrates the inguinal ring in females - Round ligament 171.Commonest presenting complaints in a gynacology dept - Leukorrhea 172.Precosious puberty is puberty before - 8yrs 173.Commonest cause of PPH is - Uterine atony 174.Commonest cause predisposing to puerperial sepsis is- Poor nutrition 175.Best method to diagnose hydatid form mole is - USG 176.Treatment of Asherman syndrome - D&C i IUCD insertion 177.Most serious complication of clomiphen therapy for induction of ovulation is – Hyperstimulation syndrome 178.Failure rate after tubal sterilisation i pomeroy's technique - 0.4% 179.Earliest symptom of Ca cervix - Bleeding Pv 180.Eclampsia is differentiated from pre-eclampsia by - Convulsions 181.Commonest type of presentation is - vertex 182.Commonest malignancy of the body of the uterus - Adenocarcinoma 183.Spontaneous abortions commonly occur during - 2nd month 184.Carunculae myriformis is diagnostic of - previous child birth 185.Commonest site of genital tuberculosis in women is - Tubes 186.Amount of blood loss during each menstural period is - 50cc 187.Vaginal bleeding in a neonate is commonly due to - Hormonal withdrawal 188.Chemotherapy of chorio carcinoma is by - Methotrexate 189.Commonest congenital anomaly of uterus is - uterus bicornis unicolis 190.Important post operative management of a case of VVF - CBD 191.Commonest manifestation of endometriosis - Pain 192.Clomiphen citrate is DOC for - Stein leventhal syndrome 193.Painless vaginal bleeding at 34 weeks is treated by - rest & sedation 194.HCG is secreted by - Synctio trophoblast 195.Lovset maneuvre is used to delivery - Arms 196.Commonest complication of Hydatidiform mole is - Sepsis 197.Deep transverse arrest occurs often in - sacro posterior position 198.Best contraceptive for a 20 yrs nulliparous - Pills 199.Endometriosis mostly occurs in - Nulliparous woman 200.Commonest organism causing PID - Gonococcus 201.Multiple births are commonest among - Negroes 202.Length of female urethra - 40mm 203.Commonest complication of pregnancy in India - Anemia 204.Cervical incompetence is treated by - Shirodkar/macdonald/wurm 205.Commonest cause of secondary amenorhea - Pregnancy 206.MTP is legal in pregnancy upto - 20 weeks 207.In Transverse lie,the presentation is - Shoulder 208.Maximum amount of amniotic fluid seen at - 36th week 209.Commonest presentation of a large cervical fibroid - retention of urine 210.Signet ring in an ovarian tumour is characteristic of krukenberg tumour 211.In multiple pregnancy most important complication is - PPH 212.Internal podalic version is done under - General anesthesia 213.1st trimester abortion - defective genesis 214.2nd trimester abortion - Incompetent cervix 215.Meigs syndrome - hydro thorax/ascites/fibroma of the ovary 216.Feature of vaginal trichomaniasis - yellowish green discharge i itching Rx-Metrogyl 217.Contraceptive pill with least failure rate is - combined pill(estrogen-progestin) 218.Which type of eclampsia has the worst prognosis - Ante partum 219.Treatment of neglected shoulder presentation is - Eviscreation 220.Commonest site of injury of the ureter in hysterectomy - crossing by uterine artery 221.VVF in India most commonly due to - Prolonged labour 222.Commonest cause for rupture uterus - Obstructed labour 223.MC feature of cervicitis - Leukorrhea 224.Commonest cause of retroverted uterus - Congenital 225.Antihypertensive drug which inhibits labour - Diazoxide 226.Sex determination in early pregnancy is done by - Amniocentesis 227.Most important cause of mortality in obstetrical anasthesia - Aspiration of vomitus 228.Peg cells are seen in - tubes 229.The disease which shows improvment with pregnancy - Myasthenia gravis 230.Definitive sign of pregnancy is - fetal skeleton in x-rays 231.Paracervical block is associated with danger of - Fetal bradycardia 232.Danazol is used in the treatment of -Endometriosis/DUB/Fibroid/precocious puberty 233.Cystocele is formed by - base of the bladder 234.TOC in a56yr old female i endometrial cancer - Pan hysterectomy 235.FSH is secreted by - Anterior pitutary 236.Ovulation coincides with - LH surge 237.Uterine relaxants - Isoxsuprine/alcohol/salbutamol/Diazoxide 238.Least common pelvis is - Platyploid 239.Organ which is affected least in IUGR - Brain 240.Commonest tumour of cervix - Squamous cell Ca 241.Ovarian tumours commonly arise from - Surface epithelium 242.Intra uterine copper T 200 ,200 refers - has 200 of copper 243.Maximum action of corpus luteum is at - 9 days after mensturation 244.The site of Tubal block can be determined by - Hysterosalpingograph 245.Most reliable method of proving fallopian tube patency - Hysterosalpingogram 246.Post pill amenorhea is treated by - Clomiphene 247.Chadwig's sign is - bluish discoloration of vagina 248.Episiotomy is best done by - Mediolaterally 249.Oligohydramnios is seen in - Renal agenesis 250.Commonest site of implantation occcurs in ectopic pregnancy is - Ampulla(Fallopian tube) 251.In vitro fertilisation is done for - Tubal disease 252.Features of stein leventhal synd-hirsutism/amenorhea/B/L polycystic ovary/obesity 253.Cryptomenorhea is seen in - imperforate hymen 254.Commonest cause of breech presentation is - prematurity 255.Causes of retention of urine in obs gyne hemotocolps/retroversion/impacted ovarian tumour/cervical fibroid 256.Best method of localisation of placenta is - USG 257.First sign of puberty in female is - Thelarche 258.Maternal antibodies are present against - Mumps/measles/polio/tetanus 259.MC uterine anomaly - Bicornuate 260.Most reliable diagnosis of Hydatid form mole is - USG 261.Fetal abnormality in pregnancy with DM - Sacral agenesis 262.Size of ovum is - 0.133 mm 263.Length of Fallopian tube is - 10-12 cm 264.When is pregnancy terminated in hyper emesis gravidorum -vomit>3 months/decreased urine output/increased urine acetone 265.Post coital test is used to assess - Cervical factor 266.100% cure rate for carcinoma cervix is seen in - Insitu carcinoma 267.Marker in chorio carcinoma - HCG 268.Anencephaly is best diagnosed at 12 weeks by - USG 269.Amniotic fluid alpha feto protein is raised by - open neural tube defect/IUD 270.Ideal contraceptive for newly married couple - OCP 271.Prolactin secretion is inhibited by - Dopamine 272.Cause of recurrent missed abortion at 10 weeks - chromosomal abnormality 273.TB Drug not safe in pregnancy - streptomycin 274.Amenorrhea due to high LH & FSH is due to - Ovarian failure 275.Causes of ectopic pregnancy - IUCD/Tubal ciliary damage/late fertilisation/endometriosis 276.Vulvo vaginal candidiasis is common in - Diabetes 277.In a pregnant pt i RHD failure does not occur if she has - Hypothyroidism 278.Amniocentesis is best diagnostic if done in 16-18 weeks 279.Best evidence of ovulation is - Secretory type of endometrium 280.A broad flat pelvis is charecteristic of - platypelloid type 281.True pelvis refers to - Lower part of pelvis 282.In multiparous women,external Os is - Transverse 283.Least vascular part of uterus - Middle 284.Physiological amenorhea is present in - pregnancy/lactation/pre-puberty 285.Mycotic vulvo vaginitis is due to - candida 286.Commonest cause of recto vaginal fistula - improper repair of perineal tear 287.Earliest engagement is seen in - Frank breech 288.Shoulder dystocia is seen in predominantly - Anencephaly 289.Pap smear is taken from the - posterior fornix 290.Ovulatory period corresponds to - 14 days before mensturation 291.OCP is contraindicated in - DM/HTN/Fibroids 292.Asherman's syndrome is characterised by - Amenorhea 293.Study of fetal parts in 1st trimester with least radiation hazard - USG 294.Cause of Breech - Hydramnois/Septate uterus/Hydrocephalus 295.Urine is collected for examination in a pregnant female - Early morning urine sample 296.Endometrial biopsy for infertility is taken on - 23-26th day 297.DOC in PIH - Hydrallazine 298.Commonest complication of pregnancy after completing treatment for genital TB - Ectopic pregnancy 299.Lymphatics of ovary drains into - para aortic lymph node 300.Failure of OCP is most commonly due to - Improper usage 301.DOC for Sheehan's syndrome - Cortisone 302.Shortest diameter of foetal skull - bitemporal 303.Commonest cause of death in Ca cervix - Renal failure 304.Primary amenorhea is when - mensturation doesn't occur even after 18 yrs 305.Copper T acts by - causing aseptic endometritis 306.Fetal scalp blood PH of less than - 7.2 is abnormal 307.Development of septic defects in heart occurs at - 5-8 wks 308.Germ cell tumour - dysgerminoma/teratoma/embryonal cell carcinoma 309.Which is not transmitted to baby at delivery - Toxoplasmosis 310.Nabothian follicle occurs in - Erosion of cervix 311.Internal rotation occurs at - Ischial spine 312.Confirmation of diagnosis of vescicular mole - USG 313.Immediate complication of evacuation of vescicular mole is - incomplete evacuation 314.Contraception of choice for a working women i irregular & profuse bleeding - OCP 315.Contraception of choice for a post partum village women i 1 child - Cu T 316.Unequivocal evidence of heart disease in pregnancy - diastolic thrill & murmur 317.Vaccine not indicated in pregnancy - Rubella 318.Vaccine indicated in pregnancy - Polio/Typhoid/TT 319.Commonest site for Fibroid - Intramural 320.Systemic metastasis is commonest in - Chorio carcinoma 321.Best method for inducing Mid Trimester abortions - Prostaglandins 322.Gestational trophoblastic tumours occur MC ly after - Spontaeneous abortion 323.Naegel's pelvis - Absence of one ala 324.Robert's pelvis - Absence of both ala 325.Method of sterilisation least suited for recanalisation is - Bipolar cauterisation 326.Post menopausal women has 4x4 cm ovarian mass TOC - surgical exploration 327.Best method for Ca cervix screening - Pap smear 328.Which heart disease has worst prognosis in pregnancy - MS 329.Which heart disease has highest mortality in pregnancy - pulmonary hypertension 330.TOC for Hydatidiform mole in 40yr old woman is - Hysterectomy 331.Gonadotrophin is a - Glycoprotein 332.Features of DUB - uterine size of 8-10 wks/menorhagia/proliferative endometrium 333.Bartholin's duct opens into - groove between labia minor & hymen 334.Partogram help in detection of - obstructed labour 335.Peptide hormone - oxytocin/prolactin/growth hormone 336.Effective pressure to be achieved in vaccum extraction - 0.6 kg/cm2 337.Pregnant lady on oral anticoagulants should switch over to heparin at - 12 wks 338.Surgery for MS during pregnancy is ideally done at - 14 wks 339.Fetal blood loss occurs in - vasa previa 340.Which ovarian cyst does not undergo malignancy - dermoid 341.TOC in a perimenopausal woman i bleeding PV due to multiple fibroids - TAH 342.Supports for uterus - uterosacral lig/mackenrods lig/transcervical lig. 343.Which part of the Hymen ruptures first - Posterolateral 344.In a pt i 3rd degree perineal tear presents aftr 1 wk,repair should be done-after 12 wks 345.Post term pregnancy is that which continues beyond - 42 weeks(294 days) 346.Ideal age for repair of vaginal agenesis is - 3 yrs 347.Congenital malformations i use of drug in 1st trimester is seen i - Steroids 348.Spasmodic dysmenorhea is seen in - Submucous fibroid 349.Incidence of ectopic pregnancy is highest i - Progestasert 350.Radiological investigations in a female of reproductive age should be restricted to - 1st 10 days of menstural cycle 351.Tumour marker secreted in choriocarcinoma is - HCG 352.LH is required for - follicular growth 353.Contraction stress test is used to detect - Fetal hypoxia 354.Which anticoagulant is not contraindicated in pregnancy - Heparin 355.Microcephaly is common in mothers with - Alcohol addiction 356.ABO incompatability occurs when mothers blood group is - O 357.Vulval Ca metastazes to which lymph group - Inguinal nodes 358.MCC during vaginal delivery in DM pt - Shoulder dystocia 359.PPH is present when blood loss exceeds - 500cc 360.Symptoms of menopoause r best treated by - Oestrogen 361.Earliest & most reliable sign of pre-eclampsia - HTN 362.MC mode of spread of genital TB is - Hematogenous 363.Rate of amniotic fluid turn over - 300cc/hr 364.Type of pelvis in Negrroid races - Anthropoid 365.Single most effective drug in - eclampsia - MgSo4 366.Hypertrophied uterine vessels become obliterated by thrombosis - immediately after delivery 367.Bonney's test is used to demonstrate - stress incontinence 368.There is steady fall in iron in which week of preg - 20th week 369.Post partum eclampsia develops after how many hours of delivery - 48-72 hrs 370.Sexual infantilism is associated with - ligation of uterine artery 371.Chocolate cyst of the ovaries arise - as a result of endometriosis 372.Duration of lochia rubra - 1st 3 days of peurperium 373.In DUB the deficient hormone is - Progesterone 374.Condition is said to improve i pregnancy - Sarcoidosis/Myasthenia gravis 375.Bladder should be empty within - 6-8 hrs of delivery 376.Main source of physiologic secretion found in vagina is the - cervix 377.TOC for badly infected episiotomy - Sitz bath 378.Symphisiotomy is indicated in - Contraction of outlet 379.Attacks of flushing & cyanosis occur in which type of ovarian tumours - carcinoid tumours of ovary 380.MC early symptom of uterine rupture during labour - Pain 381.Narrowest part of fallopian tube is - Interstitial portion 382.TOC for single large fibroid in a 45 yrs old female - Hysterectomy 383.During uterine contraction of labour,the uterine blood flow - Decrease 384.Earliest sign of placental separation is - change in shape & consistency of uterus 385.Fibroids in pregnancy - should not be removed 386.Suction evacuation can be done upto - - 10 weeks of preg 387.Tubectomy in a heart pt who has recently delivered is best done after - 1 week 388.Basal body temp falls down as the time of ovulation 389.Normal foetal heart rate at 37-40 wks of pregnancy is - 120-160/mt 390.Per rectal palpation of uterus is done in - Virgins 391.Amniotic fluid at term contains - glucose/prostaglandins/oesteriol 392.Pt i Cu T but has conceived but does not want to continue conception TOC - menstural regulation & sterilization 393.Ovarian tumour diagnosed after delivery should be removed -within 48 hrs of delivery 394.65 yrs fm i bleeding P/V o/e senile requires immediate-cytology & colposcopy 395.Best proof of ovulation is by - Endometrial biopsy 396.The pinnard manuoeuvres is seen in - Breech deliveries 397.To diagnose foetal well being most reliable method - USG 398.Best method of assessing foetal well being at term is by serial estimation of - Oestriol 399.In 2nd trimester,intramniotic injection of which can be done - 30%-50% glucose 400.Turners syndrome is associated i - 45 chromosomes & low FSH level 401.In a delivered lactating mother,oral pills of choice - Mini pill 402.Uterine blood flow at term is - 750ml/min 403.Red degeneration of fibroid is due to - thrombosis of vein 404.Incidence of stump carcinoma - 16% 405.Most deaths involving placenta previa results from - Haemorhage 406.Palm-leaf cervix pattern occurs - due to oestrogens 407.USG is useful in detecting - IUGR/placenta previa/foetus associated i ascites 408.Increased perinatal mortality in diabetic preg is due to - congenital malformations/hypoglycemia/hyaline membrane disease 409.Normal PH of cervix is about - 11 410.Insulin is secreted by the foetal pancreas by - 12th week 411.In early pregnancy,level of HCG in plasma doubles every - 2 days 412.Foetal requirement of iron is - 400 413.Increased additional calories required during pregnancy - 300 414.Daily caloric needs in pregnancy is about - 2500 cal 415.Congenital erosion may reappear at - Puberty 416.How much iron a pt can tolerate at a time given IV - 2500 417.Commonest complication of twin pregnancy during delivery includes - PPH 418.Best contraceptive method to be suggested for 20yrs nulliparus women - OCP 419.Time taken for spermatogenesis is - 61 days 420.Greenish colour of meconium is due to - Bile pigment 421.Cervical dystocia is usually present at - level of external Os 422.Tuberculosis of female genital tract is commonest in which age group - 20-30yrs 423.Usual size of chocolate cyst of the ovary is about - 2 inch in diameter 424.Lipschutzulcer most commonly affects the - vagina 425.D & C is useful in the diagnosis of - genital TB/endometrial Ca/DUB 426.In fertile period - progesterone increases 427.Indication of classical ceaserian section is - Ca cervix 428.Best & simple method to diagnose ovulation is - endometrial biopsy 429.Shortest diameter of foetal skull - bitemporal 430.1st stage of labour is upto - full dilatation of cervix 431.Indication of classical caeserian section is - Ca cervix 432.In classical caeserian section more chances of rupture of uterus in - upper uterine seg. 433.TOC in eclampsia - MgSo4 434.Herpes genitalis causes - Ca cervix 435.DIC is seen in - IUD/abruption/retained placenta 436.TOC in vesicular mole - suction & evacuation 437.Best investigation to diagnose ectopic pregnancy - USG 438.Breast feeding should be started in normal delivery - after 2 hrs 439.Fetal hemopoesis 1st occurs in - yolk sac 440.Branches of internal iliac artery include-uterine art./middle rectal artery./obturator art 441.Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is associated i defeciency of - 21-hydroxylase 442.Medical treatment of ectopic gestation - prostaglandins/methotrexate/RU-486 443.In perimenopausal women i menorhagia we rule out - Ca uterus 444.Strongest stimulus of lactation is by - Suckling 445.Normal CRL at birth is - 60-72 cms 446.Absolute indication for caeserian section - previous rupture of uterus 447.Best investigation to diagnose foetal age - serial USG 448.Hydrocephalus in the foetus is diagnosed by - large fontanell i widely separated sutures as felt on PV examination 449.Stress incontinence is common in - prolapse uterus 450.In a primi gravida head engages at - 36 weeks 451.Screening for Down's syndrome should be done in age group -35 in preg 452.Commonest complication of IUCD(CU T) - bleeding 453.Best contraception for heart disease patient - double barrier method 454.Definitive sign of pregnancy - Foetal heart sound 455.MC site involved in TB of genital organs - Tubes 456.Inhibin is secreted by - sertoli cells 457.Ph of vagina is lowest during - Pregnancy 458.Umblical artery pressure is - 60mmhg 459.Cervical lacerations are most common in the - 3-o-clock position 460.MC cause of death in Ca cervix is - Uraemia 461.Weight of normal placenta - 500 gm 462.Most appropriate time for chorionic villi sampling - 8-10 wks 463.Predictive test for PIH-rolling over test/urinary protein/gain in weight >2kg in 1 mon. 464.Post coital contraceptive - IUCD/high dose combination pill/RU 486 465.MC cause of ectopic pregnancy - previous tubal disease 466.Vulval candidiasis is associated i - T2DM 467.Essential investigation to be included in follow up of hydatid form mole - serum levels of HCG 468.Polycystic ovaries are associated with - endometrial Ca 469.Best contraceptive for a young unmarried female - OCP 470.Vaginal delivery is not possible in - Mento posterior 471.In severe PIH BP will be - 160/110 472.Earliest fetal anomaly to be detected by USG - Anencephaly 473.Anencephaly can be best diagnosed at - 10-12 wks 474.Tube testing is done under - No anesthesia 475.During PPH internal iliac ligation done at - anterior division of internal iliac artery 476.Elderly primi is above - 35yrs 477.Definition PPH is blood loss of - 500ml 478.Millard's rule of Ten includes - 10kg/10months/10gm Hb 479.Amount of oesterogen in Mala D - 30 ug 480.Treatment of DUB in ayoung female - Hormones 481.In chlamydial cervicitis DOC - Tetracycline 482.Medical treatment for ectopic pregnancy - methotrexate 483.Safest contraception during diabetic crisis - barrier method 484.Maximum maternal mortality is with - Hepatitis E 485.Commonest type of ovarian tumour in 20yrs female - Germ cell 486.Implantation of fertilised ovum occurs - 3-4 days after entry into uterine cavity 487.Treatment for trichomonas vaginalis - Metrogyl 488.Peurperium is the period - 6 weeks following delivery 489.Nabothian follicle is due to - inflammation of cervical glands 490.Metropathic hemorhagica is best treated by - clomiphen 491.Premature rupture of membrane is rupture - before onset of labour 492.Increased acetyl cholinesterase in amniotic fluid is seen in - Neural tube defect 493.Best recanalisation after tubectomy is possible i - Isthmo-isthmic anastomosis 494.Commonest cause of Breech presentation - Prematurity 495.Chemical pregnancy means - +ve beta HCG &absent gestational sac 496.Determination of gestational age in 1st trimester by USG - CRL 497.Tumour marker of endodermal sinus tumour of ovary - alpha feto proteins 498.Induction of abortion is best by - PGE2 gel 499.MCC of ectopic pregnancy - Progestasert 500.Commonest tumour in pregnancy - mucinous cystadenoma 501.Acc to FIGO classification the investigation in Ca cervix - cystoscopy/cxr/IVP 502.DIC may present in - septic shock/amniotic fluid embolism/abruptio placenta 503.Earliest sign of pre eclampsia - HTN 504.Ovarian function after hysterectomy - decreases after 5 yrs 505.Commonest indication for in vitro fertilisation - tubal block 506.Risk factors for Ca endometrium - DM/HTN/Obesity 507.Earliest sign of pregnancy induced HTN - rapid gain in weght 508.OCP's increase the risk of which Ca - Ca cervix 509.Absolute contra indication for copper T - Pelvis TB 510.Anencephaly causes - postmaturity/hydramnios/face presentation 511.Earliest diagnostic test for pregnancy - Beta HCG 512.Saffron coloured meconium is seen in - Post maturity 513.Foetal Heart can be detected earliest i trans vaginal sonography at - 35 days 514.Commonest cause of death in Breech delivery - intracranial hemorhage 515.Most reversible form of infertility - Anovulation 516.Commonest type of DUB - Hyperplastic 517.TOC in Ca in situ cervix - Conisation 518.Not a tocolytic - Dexamethasone 519.Signs of fetal distress - Tachy/Brady/decreased scalp PH 520.Best modality for diagnosing unruptured tubal pregnancy - trans vaginal USG 521.GnRH analogues r useful in - Endometriosis/precocious puberty/menstural disturbances 522.Progestasert is effective for - 1 year 523.Clomiphene citrate is - Anti estrogen 524.Oral pill may prevent the development of - ovarian malignancy 525. In Nulliparus cervical canal is - Circular in shape 526.Congenital cyst - Gartner's cyst 527.Chlamydia trachomatis infection commonly causes - Infertility 528.Characteristic symptom for chronic pelvic inflammatory disease - Back ache 529.Red degeneration of uterine fibroid - Is aseptic infarction 530.LH surge precedes ovulation by - 24 hrs 531.Asthenospermia means - reduction in the motility of sperms 532.Commonest cause for ruptured uterus - prolonged labour 533.Risk of transmission of maternal infection to fetus is high during delivery in -herpes simplex virus 534.Maternofetal transmission of toxoplasmosis occurs maximally in - 3rd trimester 535.Nanoxynol-9 is an - Barrier contraceptive 536.After vasectomy,aspermia will become evident in - 10-12 weeks 537.Weight of placenta is - 20% of foetus 538.100% protection against conception in a lactating mother is for about - 4 months 539.MCC of perinatal mortality in Twins - Prematurity 540.Tumour marker for chorio carcinoma - HCG 541.UTI by gram +ve organism in a young sexually active female - staph.saprophyticus 542.Peg cells are seen in - Fallopian tubes 543.IUD at 36 weeks TOC - wait for spontaeneous expulsion 544.Vitamin which is taken to prevent neural tube defect - Folic acid 545.AFP levels are highest in - fetal serum 546.Most rare cause of maternal mortality - Toxaemia 547.Bishop score includes - dilatation of cervix/station of the head/effacement of cervix 548.In MTP the suction pressure is - 600 - 700 mmhg 549.The test for detecting anti sperm antibodies - Post -coital test 550.Complications of shoulder presentation - fetal death/uterine rupture/obstructed labour 551.Cardiac activity of the fetus seen by USG by - 7 weeks 552.Gonadectomy is advised in - testicular feminising syndrome 553.Best contraceptive during lactation - Mini pills 554.Normal CRL at birth - 60-72cms 555.In PIH sudden loss of vision is due to - Retinal detachment 556.Lochia is seen for - 14-21 days 557.Oslanders sign means - pulsation in lateral vaginal fornix 558.Incidence of scar rupture in previous LSCS - 0.2 559.Pt comes i post dated pregnancy 1st thing todo -review d menstural history once more 560.Most specific finding in amniotic fluid to diagnose neural tube defect - Acetyl choline esterase 561.Placenta i umblical cord attached to its margin is called - Battle dore placenta 562.Order of puberty - Telarchy-pubarchy-menarchy 563.Pt presents i shock & minimal spoting PV - likely diagnosis - Ruptured ectopic 564.DOC to treat endometriosis - Danazol 565.Contraceptive of choice for a commercial sex worker - Barrier method 566.Yuzpe method is a type of - post-coital hormonal contraception 567.Combined contraceptive pill contains - progesteron & ethinyl oestradiol 568.Eclampsia is mostly seen at - Antepartum 569.Kelly's suture is done in - Stress incontinence 570.In pregnancy which vaccine is not given - Polio 571.Peurperial pyrexia is fever for 24 hrs or more after child birth if temp > - 100.4 572.FIGO staging is used in - Ca cervix 573.Tablet contraindicated in TB with pregnancy - Streptomycin 574.Anencephaly is associated with - face presentation/Hydramnios/post maturity 575.22yrs lady presented with recent onset of Hirsutism & voice change,best test to be done - Blood testosterone levels 576.Mullerian dysgenesis - absent vagina/absent uterus/46 XX karyotype 577.Chronic villous sampling is done at - 9-11 weeks 578.Living ligature of the uterus is - middle layer of myometrium 579.Clinical signs of hydramnios can be demonstrated when fluid collection is > - 4 lit 580.Foetal breathing movements is seen earliest at - 11 weeks 581.International accepted definition of abortion is the expulsion of the products of conception - before 20th week of gestation or500gms weight of foetus 582.The dose of anti D gamma globulin given after term delivery for a Rh negative mother & Rh positive baby is - 300 micro gram 583.Menopause is defined as cessation of mensturation for - 6 consecutive months 584.Ectopic pregnancy MC feature is - Abdominal pain 585.Danazole is a - Androgen derivative 586.Smoking in pregnancy causes - IUGR 587.6yr old girl with vaginal spotting,diagnosis is - Foreign body 588.MC radiosensitive ovarian tumour - Dysgerminoma 589.Safe period in rhythms method is - first & last 7days 590.Characteristic feature of cancer fallopian tube - watery discharge P/V 591.Half life of oxytocin - 3-4 min 592.HCG doubles every - 2 days 593.Protective bacterium in normal vagina is - Lactobacillus 594.Large placenta is seen in - syphillis 595.Primary amenorhea with anosmia is seen in - Kallman syndrome 596.Hot flushes in post menopausal women r best treated with - OC pills 597.Marker for ovarian cancer - Ca -125 598.Increased FSH level in azoospermic male indicates - Testicular atrophy 599.Antisperm antibodies usually present in the - Cervix 600.Ward mayo operation is done for - Abdominal hysterectomy 601.Best method for the diagnosis of endometriosis is - Laparoscopy 602.MC site of peurperial infection is - Episiotomy wound 603.Powder burn appearance on laparoscopy is characteritic of - Endometriosis 604.PH of amniotic fluid at later weeks of gestation - 7.2 605.RU 486 is - Anti progestrogen 606.Gonococci has affinity for - columnar epithelium 607.Commonest organism responsible for bartholin's abscess - Neiseria gonorhea 608.Hypoplastic uterus with streak gonads is a feature of - Turner's syndrome 609.Amniocentesis to detect chromosomal abnormalities - 14th week of gestation 610.Commonest organism responsible for Bartholins abscess - Neisseria gonorhea 611.Increased LH:FSH ratio is found in - Polycystic ovary syndrome 612.Complete perineal tear is common in - Face to pubes delivery 613.Which hormonal contraceptive cannot be used during lactation -Combined OCP 614.Pulse rate in puerperium - variable 615.Common cause of retained placenta is - Atonic uterus 616.Zygote reaches the uterine cavity as - 16 celled 617.Commonest cause of death in inversion of uterus - neurogenic shock 618.Pearl index is a measure of - Potency of contraceptives 619.Vaginal delivery is contraindicated in - central placenta previa 620.Multiple pregnancies occur most commonly with - Pulsatile GnRH therapy 621.Commonest tumour of ovary occuring in a young woman is - Yolk sac tumour 622.Villous pattern is lost in - Chorio carcinoma 623.Average age range of attaining menopause is - 45-55 624.Acc. To WHO criteria minimum normal sperm count is - 20 million 625.Drop in fetal heart rate that typically lasts less than 2 minutes & is usually with umblical cord compression is called - Variable deceleration 626.Side effects of Tocolytic therapy - Tachycardia/Hypotension/Hyperglycemia 627.Earliest usg sign of pregnancy in transabdominal usg-Fundal endometrial thickening 628.Motile spermatozoa found on a wet mount of vaginal secretions are indicative of intercourse within the past - 24hrs 629.IUCD of 10 yrs life - Cu T380 A 630.Size of graffin follicle is 3mm 631.Indicative for classical cesarian section - Ca cervix 632.Ovarian reserve tests are - FSH 633.Etiological agent in Ca cervix - HPV types -16,18 634.Rule of Hasse is used to determine - the age of foetus 635.Intr-abdominal pressure laparoscopy should be set between - 10-15 mmhg 636.Maximum permissible radiation dose in pregnancy - 0.5 rad 637.TOC for gardenella vaginalis in pregnancy - Clindamycin 638.Contraception contraindicated in AIDS - IUCD 639.Lochia rubra is seen upto - 5 days 640.Non stress test is contraindicated in - Rh incompatibility 641.To suppress lactation - cabergoline/pyridoxine/high dose estrogens 642.Therepeutic level of magnesium in serum for treatment of eclampsia is - 2-7 mEq/L 643.Rx for for endometriosis includes - GnRh analogues/Progesterone/Danazol 644.Centchroman is a -synthetic hormone 645.Cause for postpartum blues is - decreased estrogen & progesterone 646.Rx for cervical rippening during pregnancy - prostoglandin E2/oxytocin/misoprostol 647.RU 486 is effective for inducing abortion if d duration of pregnancy is < -63 days 648.Most sensitive method for detecting cervical chlamydia trachomatis infection - polymerase chain reaction 649.Sertoli cells have receptors for - Follicle stimulating Hormone 650.Physiological chill in labour seen in - 4th stage of labour 651.Pseudomeig syndrome seen with - Adenomyosis 652.Meig syndrome is associated i - fibroma 653.Earliest USG finding in pregnancy - Fundal thickening 654.Thickened placenta is not seen in - Triplody 655.Urine formation in intra uterine life starts at - 3 months 656.MCC of placenta previa - Multi gravida 657.Lady comes with 8 weeks amenorhea,shock & past hytory of TB diagnosis - Ruptured ectopic 658.Contraceptive of choice for a 22yrs non-smoker - OCP's 659.Contraceptive which is not interceptive - Norplant 660.Post ovulatory phase,appearance of endometrium of USG is - double line with halo 661.Nova T has - silver core 662.Galactokinesis means - Ejection of milk 663.Fetal stage starts at - 9 weeks 664.Decidual casts bleeding pv suggestive of - Tubal abortion 665.Emerg contraceptives post coital are effective if administered within period -120 hrs 666.Emergency contraceptives - Levonorgestrol/misoprostol/mifeprestone 667.Umblical cord stump of newborn most frequently sloughs off on -10th day after delivery 668.Uniform in size,non tender & soft diagnosis is - montegomery's follicles 669.Complete failure of mullerian duct fusion will result in - uterus didelphys 670.Rx for red degeneration of pregnancy - Analgesics 671.Increased incidence of ectopic pregnancy seen with - Progestasert 672.DOC for Rx for bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy - Clindamycin 673.During pregnancy there is an increased respiratory sensitivity to carbon di oxide due to higher circulating levels of - Progesterone 674.Double headed monster is known as - Dicephalus 675.Whiff test is used to detect - Bacterial vaginosis 676.Fern test is due to - presence of sodium chloride under estrogen effect 677.Maturation index during pregnancy - 0,95,5 678.Antihypertensives contra indicated in pregnancy - ACE Inhibitors 679.Antepartim hemorhage occurs after how many weeks - 28 weeks 680.Inhibin inhibits the secretion of which hormone - FSH 681.Primary oocyte remains in ovary in which stage - Prophase 682.Improvident mother is - mother with all children lost 683.Most appropriate drug for emergency contraception - Levonorgestrol 684.To avoid conception DMPA given - 3-monthly 685.Best treatment for cord prolapse - caeserian section 686.Abortifacient causing ototoxicity is - Quinine 687.Most malignant endometrial carcinoma is - Clear cell carcinoma 688.Commonest Tumour of ovary occuring in a young woman is - Yolk sac tumor 689.Hob nail cells are seen in - clear cell carcinoma 690.B-lynch suture is applied on - Uterus 691.Low dose progestational contraceptives primarily act on - Cervix 692.Use of COCP is associated with increased incidence of - chlamydial endocervicitis 693.Copper T is preferrably inserted postnatal,after - 8 weeks 694.Fetal hemopoiesis first occurs in - Yolk sac 695.In severe PIH the BP is - 160/110 mmHg 696.Intrauterine insemination is done with - washed spermatozoa 697.NOVA T is - 220 of copper with silver wire arround 698.Best time to do chorionic villous sampling is - between 9-11 weeks 699.Most important indication for surgical repair of a Bicornuate uterus is - Habitual abortion 700.DOC in treatment of typhoid fever in pregnancy - Ceftriaxone 701.Sequence for Lochia - rubra-serosa-alba 702.Most commonest site of involvment in genital TB - Fallopiann tubes 703.MC complication after radical hysterectomy - Ureteral injury 704.Safest contraceptive for a woman with sickle cell anemia - condom or diaphragm 705.PH for amniotic fluid - 7.0-7.5 706.By which day after fertilization,is placental circulation established - 17th day 707.In pregnant lady TB flare up MC in - 2nd trimester 708.MCC of Tubal block in India is - TB 709.Vitamin defeciency in pregnant lady in tab.phenytoin is - Folic acid 710.Polar bodies are formed during - Oogenesis 711.Cystoglandular hyperplasia is associated with - theca cell tumour 712.Corkscrew shaped endometrial glands is seen in - Late secretory phase 713.PIH is HTN that develops after - 20 weks of pregnancy 714.3rd degree perineal tear which involves - Anal sphincter 715.Normal weight of Uterus is - 50-80 gm 716.Wgt of term uterus - 1000gm(1kg) 717.Narrowest part of uterus - Isthmus - 6mm. 718.Narrowest portion of fallopian tube is - Interstitial 719.Widest portion of fallopian tube is - ampulla 720.Length of fallopian tube is - 10 cm 721.Normal fertilization occurs in ampulla 722.MC site of ectopic pregnancy is in - ampulla 723.Ratio of uterus to cervix Before puberty-1:2 At puberty-2:1 Reproductive female-3:1 724.Total weight gain during pregnancy is - 11kg 725.Round ligament does not support to uterus 726.Supports of uterus - cardinal ligament/uterosacral lig/pubocervical lig 727.Rise during preg - Hb/RBC/WBC/plasma volume/total proteins 728.Decrease during pregnancy - PCV (Haematocrit)/plasma proteins 729.Cardiac output reaches at - 30-32 weeks of pregnancy 730.Total calcium requirement daily is 1 gm during preg 731.Oxytocin - milk ejection reflex/uterine contraction 732.Extra calories required during preg - 300 kilo cal 733.During lactation is 550 kilo calories 734.Total duration of preg - 280 days (40weeks) 735.Total duration of post term preg - 294 days (42weeks) 736.Quickening is felt at 18 weeks in Primi & 16 weeks in multi 737.Anomaly scan is at - 18-20 week pregnancy 738.Fetal breathing movement is seen in - 11 weeks 739.Largest diameter of fetal skull is mento vertical - 14cm 740.To find Gestational age in 1st trimester - CRL 2nd trimester - BPD 3rd - femur length 741.Sequence of normal labour decent-flexion-internal rot.-crowning-restitution-external rot.-lateral flexion 742.Puerperium is 6 weeks 743.Duration of lochia is - 3 weeks 744.Uterus become pelvic organ in - 2 weeks after delivery 745.DOC to suppress lactation is - Bromocriptin 746.Progress of labour chart - partogram 747.Placenta previa - implantation of placenta occur in lower uterine seg & bleeding after 38 weeks of preg 748.Minor degree PP - type 1,type 2 anterior - normal delivery 749.Major degree PP-type 2 posterior,type 3,type 4 - always LSCS 750.Profuse bleeding is seen in - placenta previa 751.Blood is of fetal origin - Vasa previa 752.Causes of DIC - abruptio placenta/sev.PIH/eclampsia/IUD/septic abortion/amniotic fluid embolism 753.PIH,Eclampsia occurs after 20 weeks of preg. 754.BP in severe PIH - 160/110mmhg 755.Earliest feature of PIH - exessive weight gain during pregnancy 756.DOC in PIH - Methyldopa 757.Drugs contraindicated in PIH - ACE inhibitors 758.Causes of eclampsia is - cerebral anoxia 759.DOC in eclampsia - Mgso4 760.Antidote for Mgso4 toxicity is - calcium gluconate 761.Safe therapeutic level of mgso4 is - 4-7 meq/l 762.Contraindicated in eclampsia - I/V diazepam 763.DOC for epilepsy in pregnancy is - Phenobarbitone 764.In heart pt barrier method is contraceptive of choice 765.Permanent method of sterilization in heart pt is - Vasectomy 766.Screening test for diabetes in pregnancy - glucose challenge test 767.Test to predict congenital anomaly in diabetic mother - HbA1C - (6-8) 768.Earlies cong. anomaly can be diagnosed by-Trans vaginal scan-anencephaly-8-10wks 769.Most charecteristic cong. Anomaly in baby born to DM mother -sacral agenesis or caudal regression syndrome. 770.MC cong.anomaly in baby born to DM mother is - Neural tube defect 771.MC problem seen in baby born to DM mother is - Hypoglycemia 772.Lung maturity is delayed in baby born to DM mother 773.Test for lung maturity in DM is - Phosphatidyl glycerol done after - 36 weeks 774.Rx for hyaline membrane disease is - surfactant therapy given by ET tube 775.MC problem associated in delivery of macrosomia baby is - shoulder dystocia 776.Level ii scan for cong.anomaly is done at - 18-20 weeks 777.MC anemia in pregnancy is - Iron defeciency anemia 778.Best marker for iron defeciency anemia - S.ferratin 779.Rate of rise of Hb after 1 unit of blood is - 1 gm 780.Commonest cause of Breech presentation - Prematurity 781.Commonest complication of breech vaginal delivery - asphyxia 782.Commonest bone # in difficult breech vaginal delivery - humerous 783.Rx for neglected shoulder presentation is - Decapitation 784.Face to pubis delivery is seen in - Anthropoid pelvis 785.Commonest maternal complication of twins is - PPH 786.Commonest fetal complication of twins is - prematurity 787.Polyhydramnios - Liquor more than - 2 litres 788.Polyhydramnios causes - anencephaly,open spina bifida,esophageal atresia,hydrops fetalis,DM,twin preg 789.Oligohydramnios - liquor volume less than 100ml 790.Oligohydramnios causes - renal agenesis,IUGR,post maturity,sev.PIH,chr.HTN,Twins 791.Normal blood loss in vaginal delivery in PPH - 500ml 792.Blood loss in LSCS in PPH - 1 litre 793.3rd stg hemorrhage -PPH occuring before placental separation,Rx-manual removal of placenta 794.Primary PPH - PPH occurs within 24 hrs of delivery 795.Secondary PPH - PPH occuring after 24 hrs of delivery within puerperium 796.MCC of PPH - Uterine atony 797.MC type of PPH - Primary PPH 798.MC maternal complication of twin vaginal delivery - Atonic PPH 799.MCC of secondary PPH is - retained placental bits 800.DOC for atonic PPH is - I/V methergin 801.MTP can be legaly done upto - 20 weeks of pregnancy 802.Best method for 1st trimester MTP - Suction evacuation 803.Procedure of choice for Hydatid form mole in young pt - suction evacuation 804.Suction pressure is 400-600mmhg 805.D & E (dilatation & evacuation) is procedure of choice for incomplete abortion 806.MCC of MTP is - Bleeding 807.Menstural regulation is not a procedure for MTP 808.Menstural regulation can be done within 44 days of LMP or 14 days of missed periods 809.Commonest cause of 1st trimester abortion is - germplasm defect or chromosomal defect or ovofetal factors. 810.Commonest cause of 2nd trimester abortion is - cervical incompetence 811.Rx for cervical incompetence - encirclage operation 812.Toxoplasma transmission occurs at - 3rd trimester of pregnancy 813.DOC for toxoplasma in pregnancy - Spiramycin 814.CMV causes abortions 815.Herpes simplex get transmitted to baby during - delivery 816.Rubella transmission in 1st trimester cause - congenital anomalies 817.Rubella vaccine is contraindicated in pregnancy 818.Syphillis get transmitted to baby after - 20 weeks 819.Recurrent abortion is caused by - Listeria 820.Death of fetus occuring after 28 weeks & retained inside the uterus 821.Earliest sign of fetal death - gas in chambers of heart - develops after 12 hrs of death 822.Sure sign of fetal death IUD - spalding sign(develops after 7 days of death) 823.Definitive sign of fetal death - absent fetal heart sound on doppler sound 824.X-ray abdomen for IUD shows - crowding of Ribs,hyperflexion of spine 825.Procedure of choice for incomplete abortion - D & C 826.MC type of episiotomy is - Mediolateral 827.Most common indication of forceps is - prolonged 2nd stg of labour 828.MC fetal complication of forceps application is - asphyxia 829.Buddha sign seen in - Hydrops fetalis 830.Dose of anti D 300mics after delivery of Rh positive baby within 72 hrs 831.Precocious puberty - development of secondary sexual characters before age of - 8yrs 832.Precocious mensturation - development of menses before age of - 10yrs 833.1ry amenorhea - no menses still at 16 yrs of age in presence of 2rysexual characters 834.2ry amenorhea - no menses for 6 months in previously mensturating female 835.Cryptomenorhea - imperforate hymen - features of mensturation i no bleed 836.Premature menopause - menopause occuring before age of 40yrs 837.Polycystic ovarian disease also called as - stein leventhal syndrome 838.Necklace pattern of ovaries are seen in - polycystic ovarian disease 839.DOC for infertility/PCOD - clomiphene citrate 840.DOC for Menstural disturbances - Progestins 841.DOC for Hirsuitism - Antiandrogen drugs 842.DOC for precocious mensturation - GnRh analogues 843.Dysmenorhea - painful mensturation(PID,endometriosis,adenomyosis,fibroid,spasmodic,membranous) 844.Menorhagia - menstural blood loss more than 80ml 845.DUB - dysfunctional uterine bleeding - hormonal - types - anovulatory-ovulatory 846.Polymenorhea - shortened cycle - 2-3 weeks (PID,ovarian) 847.Oligomenorhea - prolonged cycle 35 days(PCOD,TB,anemia,asherman synd) 848.Hypomenorhea - Scanty periods (anemia,PCOD,TB,OCP's) 849.Polymenorhagia - frequent heavy cycles 850.Menometrorhagia - irregular acyclical heavy bleeding 851.Process of spermatogenesis takes place - 64 days 852.Semen analysis - tot.vol - 3-5ml/tot.sperm.count - 60-120 million/mlmotility - 80% 853.WHO -semen analysis - sperm count - 20 mill/motility - 50% 854.Oligospermia - mild-10-20mill/moderate-5-10mill/severe -<5mill 855.MCC of infertility in India - PID 856.Fimbrial block is due to - Gonococci DOC for gonococci- ceftriaxone 857.Cornual block is due to - TB 858.IOC for tubal patency - Lap.chromotubation 859.MCC of tubal disease - PID - DOC for PID - Doxycycline 860.MCC of infertility is - Tubal factor 861.Most common presentation of Genital TB -infertility 862.Most common presentation of treated genital TB - ectopic pregnancy 863.MC site of ectopic preg - ampulla of fallopian tube 864.Triad of ectopic pregnancy - pain,amenorhea,vaginal bleeding 865.Rx for ruptured ectopic pregnancy - immediate laprotomy 866.Rx for unruptured ectopic preg - Methotrexate/RU486/hypertonic glucose/Kcl 867.Rx for unruptured ectopic preg in nulliparous female - linear salpingostomy 868.Arias stella raection is seen in ectopic pregnacy 869.Common cause for ectopic preg - progestasert/CU T 870.Earliest to rupture in ectopic preg - Isthmic 871.H.Mole -IOC - USG abdomen - snow-storm app. 872.MC site of meatstasis of choriocarcinoma - lung 873.Rx for H.Mole - suction evacuation 874.40yrs female Rx for H.Mole - Hysterectomy 875.DOC for choriocarcinoma - Methotrexate 876.Developed jaundice to Methotrexate next drug is - Actinomycin D 877.MC complication for H.Mole evacuation is - hemorhage due to incomplete evacu. 878.X-ray chest in choriocarcinoma shows - canon ball appearance 879.Cancer - MC cancer in female in India si- Ca cervix 880.MC cancer worldwide - Ca breast 881.Screening test for Ca cervix - Pap's smear 882.Confirmatory test for ca-cervix - colposcopic guided cervical biopsy 883.Commonest presentation of ca-cervix - post coital bleeding 884.MC ca-cervix is - squamous cell ca 885.MCC of death in ca-cervix is - renal failure 886.2nd most common cancer in India is - Ca endometrium 887.MC presentation of ca endometrium is - Post menopausal bleed 888.MC tumor marker for ovarian cancer - CA 125 889.Signet ring cells r seen n - Krukenberg tumor 890.Call exener bodies r seen n - granulosa cell tumour 891.Rx for fibroid uterus - TAH 892.Medical Rx for fibroid uterus - progesterone,danazol,RU-486,GnRH 893.Upto 4cm sized submucosal fibroid can be removed by - Hysteroscopy 894.Upto 10cm sized submucosal fibroid can be removed by - Laproscopy 895.PH of vagina in adult female - 4.5 896.Greenish frothy discharge PV is seen in - Trichomonias infection 897.Multiple strawberry spots in vagina is seen in - trichomonias 898.DOC in Trichomonias - Metronidazole 899.MC vaginal infection in T2dm - candidiasis 900.Curdy white discharge is seen in - candidiasis 901.DOC in candidiasis is - oral flucanozole+vaginal pessay cotrimazole 902.Fishy or musty odour discharge is seen in - Gardinella vaginalis 903.Clue cell r seen in - gardinella vaginalis 904.DOC in chlamidia infection - Doxycycline 905.Chlamydia causes infertility 906.Commonest site of endometrosis is - Ovary 907.Femshield is - female condom 908.Shortest acting IUCD - progestasert (1yr) 909.MOA of ocp's - prevents ovulation 910.MOA of IUCD is - aseptic endometritis or foreign body reaction 911.Longest acting - CU T380A - 10yrs 912.MC side effect of CUT is bleeding 913.MALA D - 30mics ethnyl estradiol + 0.3 mg d-norgestrol 914.MALA N - 30 mics ethnyl estradiol +0.3 mg norgestrol 915.Contraceptive of choice in newly marreid couple - OCP's 916.COC in heart disease - Barrier method 917.Post coital COC in unmaried female - OCP's 918.Post coital contraceptive of IUCD to be put - within 5 days 919.Intra abdominal pressure in laporoscopy is - 10-20 mm/hg 920.COC in unmarried female - ocp's + barrier 921.Minipill is - progesterone only 922.Imp. Support of uterus - cardinal ligament or trans cervical lig. 923.MCC of VVF in India is - obstructed labour - occurs in -7-10 days of delivery 924.VVF in obstructed labour develops due to - - pressure necrosis of bladder 925.VVF should be repaired - after 3 months - Methylene blue test to diagnose 926.Best time for chorionic villous sampling - 10 - 12 weeks of gestation 927.Best time for amniocentesis - 16-18 weeks 928.Prolonged labour - labour more than 18 hours 929.Amniotic fluid 12 wk-50ml/38wks-1lit/40wks-800ml/42wks-480ml/43wks280ml/44wks160ml 930.Causes of DIC - IUD abruptio placenta/amniotic fluid embolism/septic abortion/eclampsia except fat embolism 931.Causes of raised alpha feto proteins - twins/diabetes/open neural tube defects/polyhydramnios/ovarian cancer/hepatocellular ca except Down's syndrome 932.Fetal breathing movement is seen on USG - 11 weeks 933.Pressure in umblical artery - 60mm/hg 934.Colour of liquor - green - Meconium stained/golden colour - Rh incompatiblity/ safron - post maturity /dark red colour - abruptio placenta/ dark brown - IUD 935.Umblical cord - 2 arteries & 1 vein 936.Single umblical artery is seen in - diabetes 937.Fetal hematopoesis - first yolk sac by 14 days-liver is major site in 10 weeks 938.Fetal pancreas secrete insulin at - 12 weeks 939.Ratio of uterus to cervix - before puberty - 1:2 / puberty - 2:1 /reproductive age -3:1 940.Size of ovum - 0.133 mm 941.LH surge occurs 24-36 hrs before ovulation 942.Endometrial thickness in postmenopausal female - 4mm 943.Earliest menopausal symptom is - hot flushes 944.Inhibin is secreted by - sertoli cells 945.1st investigation to be done in post menopausal bleeding women - D&C 946.Ovulation occurs 14 days before next mensturation 947.Time taken for spermatogenesis - 61 days 948.Primordial germ cells develops from - yolk sac endoderm 949.Post term pregnancy in days - 294 days 950.Dose of anti D at term in Rh negative mother carrying Rh +ve baby is - 300 mics IM within 72 hrs of delivery 951.Buddha sign is seen in - Rh negative preg 952.Earliest congenital anomaly to be diagnosed on USG - Anencephaly - 8-10wks 953.Streptomycin is contraindicated in - pregnancy 954.Cord compression - variable deceleration 955.Head compression - early deceleration 956.Chronic placental insufficiency - late deceleration 957.Intra uterine pressure in 1st stg of labour - 40-50 mmhg 958.Intra uterine pressure in 2nd stg of labour is - 100-120mmhg 959.Straussman operation is reunification of bicornuate uterus 960.Psammoma bodies are seen in - serum tumours 961.Vaccines that r absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy - MMR,chicken pox 962.Vaccines can be given in preg ladies - Hep B,rabies,cholera 963.MCC of 2nd ry amenorhea in India - endometrial TB 964.Absence of secondary sexual characters with 1ry amenorhea suggests - turner's syndrome 965.Neonates - from birth to < 28 days 966.Term baby - born bet 37 to 42 weeks 967.Preterm baby - < 37 weeks 968.Post term baby - > 42 weeks 969.Perinatal period - 22nd week of gestation to 7 days of birth 970.Low birth weight baby - < 2.5 kg 971.Very low birth weight - < 1.5 kg 972.ELBW - < 1.0 kg 973.Still birth - fetal death at a gestational age of 20 wks or weighing > 500gm Structure male female Genital fold ventral aspect of penis L.Minor Genital swelling Scrotum L.Major Genital Ridge Testis Ovary Genital Tubercle Glans penis Clitoris