Line width uniformity verification for 0.18 and below design rule reticles T. Tan, S. C. Kuo and W. Shen Taiwan Mask Corporation N. Schumann, C. Wu Applied Materials, Process Diagnostic and Control Business Group ABSTRACT A revolutionary CD error detection tool, the linewidth bias measurement (LBM), has been developed by the PDC group of Applied Material to solve the localized CD error detection issue for 0. 18 m and below design rule reticles. In this paper, we discussed, characterized and tested the LBM tool on both designed testers and real production reticles. Several potential applications have been demonstrated and discussed. Keywords: Localized CD error, LBM, inspection, CD uniformity, Applied Material 1. QA ISSUES OF RETICLE CD CONTROL Localized CD error has been a major threat for the photomask industry in the last several years' Because sampling is used as the methodology to perform CD measurements, it is impossible to catch 100% of localized CD errors on the production line due to the limited number of CDs measured within a reasonable measurement time. On the other hand, since sensitivities of current inspection tools with traditional inspection method are larger than 0. 15 pm while CD requirements are less than 0.04 it is also impractical to detect this type of CD defects. Without a proper control, this issue can certainly affect product performance and overall yield dramatically. It has been considered as a potential showstopper for 0. 18 m and below design rule reticle in the past. 2. BASIC LBM CONCEPT In a traditional die-to-database inspection, inspection grids are larger due to limitations on optics and inspection speed requirement Each inspection pixel has certain gray levels from the nature of the CCD camera. For example, the inspection grid can be 0.28 pm with 256 gray levels on Applied Material Orbot RT8000. The raw data of a pattern image is represented by a two dimensional step function, as shown in the figure 1. To compare the inspection result with the database, a pattern image must be reconstructed from the 2-D step function through a certain algorithm, which is different from tool to tool. Inspection grid size, gray level and algorithm are directly related to the sensitivity of an inspection tool in the traditional the-to-database inspection method. Reconstructed image 0.28 urn grid 256 gray level Algorithm D-DB comparison Step function of image Database Figure 1. Basic concept of a die-to-database inspection Part of the 19th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask TechnoloQy 728 Monterey, California • September 1999 SPIE Vol. 3873 • 0277-786X!991$1O.OO Downloaded From: on 07/09/2016 Terms of Use: In the real practice of a die-to-database inspection, variations, such as transmitted light intensity, affect the size of the reconstructed image from plate to plate. A constant bias must be measured and applied to the reconstructed image for each inspection. However, due to the CD errors on the inspected plate, there is still a location dependent residue bias exist after applying the constant bias. This residue bias can represent the CD errors of the plate. On the other hand, the raw data of this residue bias is just too noisy to meet the CD sensitivity requirement (<40 nm) because the image is reconstructed from a 2-D step function with a larger grid size (>150 rim). To reduce the noise of the raw data, another algorithm is applied to average of the raw data over a region, typically a 200 tm x 200 m area. Because of the huge number of edges involved, noise level is greatly reduced and the resulted data map can represent the CD error map with a good sensitivity over the whole inspection region. This is the basic LBM concept. Considering the methodology ofLBM, we can simply characterize the nature ofLBM as follow: Because the noise level is directly related with the number of edges in the average region, this method is good for (1) high-density patterns, such as memory patterns. We can expect a higher noise level and lower sensitivity on contact levels or certain logic patterns. This method can be applied to different generations of inspection tools. Smaller inspection grid size and higher gray (2) level can provide a better CD sensitivity due to the reduction in noise level on the reconstructed image. LBM does not require any additional inspection. The data is collected at the same time of the normal inspection. (3) There is no penalty on the inspection speed. Therefore, it is a production worthy method. 3. LOCALIZED CD ERROR TESTER A tester with systematic localized CD errors was designed to test the sensitivity of LBM. Each 1 cm x 1 cm chip contains 0.8 m line and space pattern over the whole chip. The center of each chip had an area (miss-size area) with design CD errors, as shown in the figure 2a. On this 6"tester, we changed designed CD errors from 8.5 rim to 83.3 nm (multiples of the Alta3000 writing grid) and the size of the miss-size area from 100 .tm to 5000 .tm, as shown in the figure 2b. Test plates were written on an ETEC Alta3000 and processed through the standard 1P3700 resist process line. Standard die-to-database inspection with LBM was then applied on an Applied Material RT8000 inspection tool. Y=83.3 75 66.6 583 50 41.6 33.3 25 16.6 85 rim 1 cm ____________ X=5000 X=2000 TeArea: x=1000 X=800 1 Med: X=600 X=500 X=400 X=300 X=200 x=l00 Figure 2a. Tester cell design Figure 2b. 10 x 10 6" tester Figure 3a shows the result of LBM over the whole plate. Dark regions in the center of chips represent that LBM did catch CD errors in those chips. Figure 3b shows the lower left corner of the tester, where small areas with larger CD errors were designed. Figure 4c shows the upper right corner of the tester, where larger areas with smaller CD errors were designed. Table 1 shows the minimum area size can be detected for each design CD error. In this test, LBM was surprisingly sensitive to small CD errors. CD errors as small as 8.5 rim were detected over a region as small as 600 pm x600 pm. Although the line density in our tester was very high -whichreduced the noise level, it can still be considered as a great result. 729 Downloaded From: on 07/09/2016 Terms of Use: SZ B3V LBMAflgais+46nit x1G4 1,saIn!aN: ** t —r ' .:.-. I w —— —, a ' # )b * 4 , 1.0 .''>•ç t%#C %, r "x )' * , r r,4S%%#.t." * o' 7 I •a ? -+%% #( a .' *,??ft */ $,c2,,sn,,t#7, , ' 4'syr (??ç ., .-, a C, Z ? .4; -, 't' .,% •')' , '%% ## %%%% r , %. 4 '%? 4 % U U Lu 14O 6 8 Th 12 Figure 3a. The LBM result ofthe localized CD error tester Figure 3b. The lower left corner of the LBM result Figure 3c. The upper right corner of the LBM result 730 Downloaded From: on 07/09/2016 Terms of Use: CD error introduced in the area (in nm) ___ ___ 83.3 75.0 66.6 58.3 50.0 41.6 33.3 25.0 16.6 8.5 Mm. size of area detected 100 100 100 200 200 300 300 300 500 600 (in u m) Table 1. The minimum detectable area size for different detectable CD errors 4. TYPICAL LBM RESULTS ON PRODUCTION PLATES LBM has been tested on our production line with different types of products. Figure 4 shows the result from a rejected plate due to CD errors. Large radial CD errors can be clearly seen on the result. 83 aWufl32i In #- Y,s?"t%:;' , ct;?xvt rt; :$j$jZ7 a , +'4'b tS * r Y y A>;4 r'4 c t S /* tIn : S \t ssxWi *;*w:i* :k$V;' /¼ t>, ;4t!4e#s*4iC1fF%I> ;,, tfl :ra'$4&$s&t **7t4*+S7 :1: ? 4 a 4 ?fl!'r r 4;zS4kt4 S W 4 i Scøx'Dtd nmns 2 ? a? Figure 4 The LBM result of a production plate (CD rejected) with radial CD errors Figure 5a shows the result from one of our 0. 18 pin generation memory product with 0.8 pin horizontal line/space pattern in each chip. Strip lines were observed. Figure 5b shows an enlarged region. The distance between strips of CD errors was measured to be about 1 100 pin, identical with Alta3000 writing strip height This observation was confirmed on our KMS400 CD measurement tool. It was believed Alta3000 writing caused these CD errors. This type of errors was observed in many other plates with very high-density patterns. The non-linearity of the process at the proximity of the resist resolution limit apparently amplified the effect of a small dose error (a similar effect as MEF). The current writer calibration method, provided by the machine vendor, does not have a proper ability to detect this type of errors. It is especially important because it only happen on the most advanced layers with high pattern density and tight CD specs. 731 Downloaded From: on 07/09/2016 Terms of Use: ÷e4Iisee3Q1%2S1ct $ Sitk . -.srcggrnrfirit *\C'> cv%2 i fl>ck : tflJ(flj '- c%c : cc- I 1: * r%+':* '5W ID W-%$- —%. ?) 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Alta3000 writing signature $ iIksMer#*)çsmnitt tsv flft+ IS%' tDD _________ 'R5% rI/,:°° % t:,ic:r I :c-*oarot$Dt$t)4;$t oca_ )Qoo$csG*dM$8zrsDQooc '-c-oW I II 5o 't 1-c, ,#• '— ss , # -% ,;ccot -wc- 1$ i*1;waebt,*cc %cp 11/ Ifl I •c- , I ',oJCooJ5%oooc' c- /, ;5 ,ç#r ,-' sE'i E:w<,',II ,/ '-4t It a c-cc,a#w4,n,? oocc <.. Ic, : #44SS$fl7?4CCt%%t'i ; 41 :: //,f"ff x4v, /*:' I "6 ,Z vs '-/4, )thö / a "S,," t5 4c* '<' , 7 ,'c xc'ç, e , :E: ;,-:t?:: : - J69 I ;0¼70a1;rr:t:?;ifr - SI '>r4 I',4rDtQfl'4'; c't Y,* t&sses -I 4 c- I St ID ktt Ct *tYMttcct II •st 3S 14 $c-Z'r 55 attcitc 3D Figure 5b. Alta3000 writing signature - 1 100 jim between strips 732 Downloaded From: on 07/09/2016 Terms of Use: 5. CONCLUSION The technique of LBM can be considered as a major breakthrough of the industry in solving the localized CD error problem. This paper shows some of its potential applications. Apparently, LBM can provide an even better CD information than the traditional method on some layers. For example, instead of measuring hundreds of CDson a critical 0.18 generation DRAM layers, we can just measure 3-5 CDs in addition to the LBM result — a more complete analysis than the former method. The information provided by LBM can also open a new methodology to calibrate reticle writers as we mentioned before. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors want to acknowledge Kenny Yang and Andrew Wang of TMC for their help in process and CD measurement. The authors also appreciate good suggestions from Wolfgang Staud of Applied materials. REFERENCE 1. W. P. Shen, "Particle and contamination introduced localized CD errors", 18th annual symposium on photomask technology and management, SPIE Vol. 3546, pp. 460-465, 1998. 733 Downloaded From: on 07/09/2016 Terms of Use: