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Earth Science Textbook: Geology, Environment, Universe

Earth Science Geology, the Environment, and the Universe
Unit 1: Earth Science
Chapter 1: The Nature of Science
Section 1: Earth Science
Section 2: Methods of Scientists
Section 3: Communication in Science
Chapter 2: Mapping Our World
Section 1: Latitude and Longitude
Section 2: Types of Maps
Section 3: Remote Sensing
Unit 2: Composition of Earth
Chapter 3: Matter and Change
Section 1: Matter
Section 2: Combining Matter
Section 3: States of Matter
Chapter 4: Minerals
Section 1: What is a mineral?
Section 2: Types of Minerals
Chapter 5: Igneous Rock
Section 1: What are igneous rocks?
Section 2: Classification of Igneous Rocks
Chapter 6: Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks
Section 1: Formation of Sedimentary Rocks
Section 2: Types of Sedimentary Rocks
Section 3: Metamorphic Rocks
Unit 3: Surface Processes on Earth
Chapter 7: Weathering, Erosion, and Soil
Section 1: Weathering
Section 2: Erosion and Deposition
Section 3: Soil
Chapter 8: Mass Movements, Wind, and Glaciers
Section 1: Mass Movements
Section 2: Wind
Section 3: Glaciers
Chapter 9: Surface Water
Section 1: Surface Water Movement
Section 2: Stream Development
Section 3: Lakes and Freshwater Wetlands
Chapter 10: Groundwater
Section 1: Movement and Storage of Groundwater
Section 2: Groundwater Weathering and Deposition
Section 3: Groundwater Supply
Unit 4: The Atmosphere and the Oceans
Chapter 11: Atmosphere
Section 1: Atmospheric Basics
Section 2: Properties of the Atmosphere
Section 3: Clouds and Precipitation
Chapter 12: Meteorology
Section 1: The Causes of Weather
Section 2: Weather Systems
Section 3: Gathering Weather Data
Section 4: Weather Analysis and Prediction
Chapter 13: The Nature of Storms
Section 1: Thunderstorms
Section 2: Severe Thunderstorms
Section 3: Tropical Storms
Section 4: Recurrent Weather
Chapter 14: Climate
Section 1: Defining Climate
Section 2: Climate Classification
Section 3: Climatic Changes
Section 4: Impact of Human Activities
Chapter 15: Earth's Ocean
Section 1: An Overview of Oceans
Section 2: Seawater
Section 3: Ocean Movements
Chapter 16: The Marine Environment
Section 1: Shoreline Features
Section 2: Seafloor Features
Unit 5: The Dynamic Earth
Chapter 17: Plate Tectonics
Section 1: Drifting Continents
Section 2: Seafloor Spreading
Section 3: Plate Boundaries
Section 4: Causes of Plate Motions
Chapter 18: Volcanism
Section 1: Volcanoes
Section 2: Eruptions
Section 3: Intrusive Activity
Chapter 19: Earthquakes
Section 1: Forces Within Earth
Section 2: Seismic Waves and Earth’s Interior
Section 3: Measuring and Locating Earthquakes
Section 4: Earthquakes and Society
Chapter 20: Mountain Building
Section 1: Crust-Mantle Relationships
Section 2: Orogeny
Section 3: Other Types of Mountain Building
Unit 6: Geologic Time
Chapter 21: Fossils and the Rock Records
Section 1: The Rock Record
Section 2: Relative-Age Dating
Section 3: Absolute-Age Dating
Section 4: Fossil Remains
Chapter 22: The Precambrian Earth
Section 1: Early Earth
Section 2: Formation of the Crust and Continents
Section 3: Formation of the Atmosphere and Oceans
Section 4: Early Life on Earth
Chapter 23: The Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic Eras
Section 1: The Paleozoic Era
Section 2: The Mesozoic Era
Section 3: The Cenozoic Era
Unit 7: Resources and the Environment
Chapter 24: Earth Resources
Section 1: Natural Resources
Section 2: Resources from Earth’s Crust
Section 3: Air Resources
Section 4: Water Resources
Chapter 25: Energy Resources
Section 1: Conventional Energy Resources
Section 2: Alternative Energy Resources
Section 3: Conservation of Energy Resources
Chapter 26: Human Impact on Resources
Section 1: Populations & the Use of Natural Resources
Section 2: Human Impact on Land Resources
Section 3: Human Impact on Air Resources
Section 4: Human Impact on Water Resources
Unit 8: Beyond Earth
Chapter 27: The Sun-Earth-Moon System
Section 1: Tools of Astronomy
Section 2: The Moon
Section 3: The Sun-Earth-Moon System
Chapter 28: Our Solar System
Section 1: The Formation of Our Solar System
Section 2: The Inner Planets
Section 3: The Outer Planets
Section 4: Other Solar System Objects
Chapter 29: Stars
Section 1: The Sun
Section 2: Measuring the Stars
Section 3: Stellar Evolution
Chapter 30: Galaxies and the Universe
Section 1: The Milky Way Galaxy
Section 2: Other Galaxies in the Universe
Section 3: Cosmology