Uploaded by Amy Lee Bell

Quality Adjectives Worksheet

It was a _______ day. A fox had just entered a garden. Among the many _______ things in
the garden was a vine laden with bunches of grapes. One of them was a _______ bunch
which hung invitingly over the fox’s head. The very sight of it made the fox feel _______. He
leapt up at the grapes several times. But they were too _______ for him to reach. After a
_______ time he decided to give up trying. He went away declaring that the grapes were
_______. This is the origin of the expression ‘sour grapes.’
Fill in the blanks with your own words, or choose from the following list:
(long, delightful, high, sour, ripe, warm, hungry)
Adjectives of quality describe the noun - that is, they tell us about the quality
of the person, place, or thing to which we are referring.
Such adjectives can be formed in the following ways:
from nouns—
Examples: gold—golden, power—powerful, dirt—dirty
from verbs—
Examples: use—useful, talk—talkative, please—pleasant
from other adjectives—
Examples: just—justifiable, red—reddish
Form adjectives from the following words.
a) sense ________ b) nature ________ c) break ________ d) day ________
e) child ________ f) courage ________ g) length ________ h) live ________
Fill in these blanks with as many adjectives as you can think of:
The ___________ pen.
The ___________ boy.
The ___________ house.