Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia OCCUPATIONAL STANDARD WEB AND MULTIMEDIA DESIGNING AND DEVELOPMENT NTQF Level III and IV Ministry of Education July 2010 Introduction Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its TVET-System. Within the policies and strategies of the Ethiopian Government, technology transformation – by using international standards and international best practices as the basis, and, adopting, adapting and verifying them in the Ethiopian context – is a pivotal element. TVET is given an important role with regard to technology transfer. The new paradigm in the outcome-based TVET system is the orientation at the current and anticipated future demand of the economy and the labor market. The Ethiopia Occupational Standards (EOS) is the core element of the Ethiopian National TVET-Strategy and an important factor within the context of the National TVET-Qualification Framework (NTQF).They are national Ethiopia standards, which define the occupational requirements and expected outcome related to a specific occupation without taking TVET delivery into account. This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the Ethiopia Occupational Standard which comprised of Units of Competence. A Unit of Competence describes a distinct work activity. standard format that comprises: It is documented in a Occupational title and NTQF level Unit code Unit title Unit descriptor Elements and Performance criteria Variables and Range statement Evidence guide Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence guide the assessor in determining whether the candidate is competent. The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the respective occupation with all the key components of a Unit of Competence: chart with an overview of all Units of Competence for the respective level including the Unit Codes and the Unit Titles contents of each Unit of Competence (competence standard) occupational map providing the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) providers with information and important requirements to consider when designing training programs for this standards and for the individual, a career path Page 2 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 UNIT OF COMPETENCE CHART Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Occupational Code: ICT WMD NTQF Level IV ICT WMD4 01 0811 ICT WMD4 02 0811 ICT WMD4 03 0811 Plan and Organize Work Develop Website Information Architecture Design Dynamic Websites ICT WMD4 04 0811 ICT WMD4 05 0811 ICT WMD4 06 0811 Apply Object-Oriented Programming Language Skills Assist with Policy Development for Client Support Migrate to New Technology ICT WMD4 07 0811 ICT WMD4 08 0811 ICT WMD4 09 0811 Establish Quality Standards Develop Team and Individuals Utilize Specialized Communication Skills ICT WMD4 10 0811 ICT WMD4 11 1012 Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations Manage Continuous Improvement System Page 3 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 NTQF Level III ICT WMD3 01 0811 ICT WMD3 02 0811 ICT WMD3 03 0811 Design Website to Meet Technical Requirements Write Content for Web Page Use Development Software and Tools ICT WMD3 04 0811 ICT WMD3 05 0811 ICT WMD3 06 0811 Apply Web Authoring Tools Conduct Operational Acceptance and Test Website Maintain Website Performance ICT WMD3 07 0811 ICT WMD3 08 0811 ICT WMD3 09 0811 Perform Database Development Design Program Logic Author and Test Multimedia Product ICT WMD3 10 0811 ICT WMD3 11 0811 ICT WMD3 12 0811 Setup and Operate Basic Video Camera Create Technical Documentation Monitor Implementation of Workplan/Activities ICT WMD3 13 0811 ICT WMD3 14 0811 ICT WMT3 15 0811 Apply Quality Control Lead Workplace Communication Lead Small Teams ICT WMT3 16 0811 ICT WMT3 17 1012 Perfor Improve Business Practice Page 4 of 52 Maintain Quality System and Continuous Improvement Processes (Kaizen) Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 NQTF Level IV Page 5 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level IV Unit Title Unit Code Plan and Organize Work ICT WMD4 01 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required in planning and organizing work. It may be applied to a small independent operation or to a section of a large organization. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Set objectives 1.1 Objectives are consistent with and linked to work activities in accordance with organizational aims 1.2 Objectives are stated as measurable targets with clear time frames 1.3 Support and commitment of team members are reflected in the objectives 1.4 Realistic and attainable objectives are identified 2. Plan and 2.1 Tasks/work activities to be completed are identified and schedule prioritized as directed work activities 2.2 Tasks/work activities are broken down into steps in accordance with set time frames achievable components in accordance with set time frames 3. Implement work plans 4. Monitor work activities Page 6 of 52 2.3 Resources are allocated as per requirements of the activity 2.4 Schedule of work activities is coordinated with personnel concerned 3.1 Work methods and practices are identified in consultation with personnel concerned 3.2 Work plans are implemented in accordance with set time frames, resources and standards 4.1 Work activities are monitored and compared with set objectives 4.2 Work performance is monitored 4.3 Deviations from work activities are reported and recommendations are coordinated with appropriate personnel and in accordance with set standards 4.4 Reporting requirements are complied with in accordance with recommended format 4.5 Observe timeliness of report 4.6 Files are established and maintained in accordance with standard operating procedures Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 5. Review and evaluate work plans and activities Variable Schedule of work activities Work methods and practices Page 7 of 52 5.2 Review is based on comprehensive consultation with appropriate personnel on outcomes of work plans and reliable feedback 5.3 Results of review are provided to concerned parties and formed as the basis for adjustments/simplifications to be made to policies, processes and activities 5.4 Performance appraisal is conducted in accordance with organization rules and regulations 5.5 Performance appraisal report is prepared and documented regularly as per organization requirements. 5.6 Recommendations are prepared and presented to appropriate personnel/authorities 5.7 Feedback mechanisms are implemented in line with organization policies Resources Standards Work plans, strategies and implementation are reviewed based on accurate, relevant and current information Range Objectives Work plans 5.1 Specific General Personnel Supplies and materials Equipment and Sources for accessing specialist technology advice Services Budget Daily Confidential Work-based Disclosure Contractual Non-disclosure Regular Work methods and practices may include but not limited to: Legislated regulations and codes of practice Industry regulations and codes of practice Occupational health and safety practices Daily work plans Project plans Program plans Organization strategic and restructuring plans Resource plans Skills development plans Management strategies and objectives Performance targets Performance management and appraisal systems National competence standards Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Appropriate personnel/ authorities Feedback mechanisms Employment contracts Client contracts Discipline procedures Workplace assessment guidelines Internal quality assurance Internal and external accountability and auditing requirements Training Regulation Standards Safety Standards Appropriate personnel include: Management Line Staff Include: Verbal feedback Questionnaire Informal feedback Survey Formal feedback Group discussion Evidence Guide Critical Aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge Underpinning Skills Resource Implications Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: set objectives planned and scheduled work activities implemented work plans monitored work activities reviewed and evaluated work plans and activities Organization’s strategic plan, policies rules and regulations, laws and objectives for work unit activities and priorities Organizations policies, strategic plans, guidelines related to the role of the work unit Team work and consultation strategies Planning Leading Organizing Coordinating Communication Skills Inter-and intra-person/motivation skills Presentation skills The following resources must be provided: Workplace or fully equipped location with necessary tools and equipment as well as consumable materials Assessment Methods Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written exam Observation / Demonstration Context for Assessment Competence may be assessed in the workplace or in simulated work Page 8 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level IV Unit Title Develop Website Information Architecture Unit Code ICT WMD4 02 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to develop information architecture for a complex website that meets current and future business requirements. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Identify content needs 1.1 Strategic intent of website are identified from business requirements and client expectations 1.2 Information requirements are develop based on the website intent, intended audiences, types of client interactions, and long- and short-term goals for the site 1.3 Required information are identified and grouped into business schemes related to the business structure 1.4 Content requirements are determined for each process 2. Plan content structure 2.1 Information and documents are clustered in related topics 2.2 Hierarchy of information is develop and data checked to confirm sequence of hierarchy 2.3 Ensure that labels are clear, consistent, coherent and relatively intuitive for client to access 3. Develop navigation system 3.1 Navigation system for overall website is built based on business requirements 3.2 Ease of navigation on the site is ensured and provided different ways of searching, while providing feedback to client 3.3 Navigation system is ensured to give users the flexibility to find the information and products they want 3.4 Consistent and logical labeling system is develop taking into account client demographics 4. Test and sign off 4.1 Prototype of information architecture design is constructed 4.2 Arrange for a subset of the client to test the prototype for usability to determine if architecture meets client expectations 4.3 Site content is ensured to be formatted correctly in the business and client technical environment 4.4 Architecture is adjusted based on client feedback 4.5 Sign off prototype are met to confirm current and future Page 9 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 business requirements Variable Range Requirements May be in reference to the business, system, application, network or people in the organization May include but is not limited to internal departments, external organizations, individual people and employees May include information and interactive features such as product information, organizational information, copyright and disclaimer notices, site map, frequently asked questions, what’s new, customer-specific information, customer-only information, error messages, instructions, feedback mechanisms, reference pages, forms, background articles, ratings/rankings/testimonials/quotes from reviews, hyperlink titles Client Content Evidence Guide Critical aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Underpinning Skills Resources Implication Assessment Methods Context of Assessment Page 10 of 52 Assessment must confirm the ability to – develop the information architecture of a complex website that meets current and future business requirements confidently and readily access the information required Demonstrate knowledge of: website architecture and business process design and linkages between processes client and business liaison and understanding how ebusiness sites fit into corporate strategy implications of technology connectivity and documentation of technical specifications Demonstrate skills of – website analysis use of site design software and hardware user analysis integrating on-line processes The following resources must be provided: E-business website Business strategy Client demographics documentation Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level IV Unit Title Design Dynamic Website Unit Code ICT WMD4 03 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to produce a plan that analyses specified technical requirements and then designs, builds and tests a dynamic website so that it meets clients/user’s technical requirements. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Plan the design 1.1 Plan is produced to analyze the technical requirements process 1.2 Process is planned and documented to design, build and test the dynamic website so that it meets those technical requirements, and web development standards which allow for interactive development 2. Analyze technical requirements 2.1 Purpose, expectations and functionality of the website is determined and documented. 2.2 Appropriate dynamic methodologies are determined and documented. 2.3 Architecture requirements for the website are determined and documented. 2.4 Hardware and software required to design the website is determined and documented. 2.5 Requirements for documentation are determined. 2.6 Appropriate design methodologies, such as utilizing software engineering life cycle models are determined and documented. 3. Develop the website to the specified design 3.1 Hierarchy of the website showing how it will be navigated is produced. 3.2 Client side is designed, with consideration to appropriate design concepts and specific requirements of dynamic methodologies. 3.3 Server side is designed, considering the specific requirements of the dynamic methodologies, such as scripting and database selection. 3.4 Approved associated script program is designed. 3.5 Design process is documented. 4. Design website 4.1 Client and server sides are produced. 4.2 Graphics and associated sound, animation or video are Page 11 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 produced. 4.3 Associated script program is produced. 5. Test the website 5.1 Website is tested against the technical requirements and record results. 5.2 Website on-line is tested against technical requirements and with representative user and record results. 5.3 Technical documentation is completed. Variable Range Technical requirements Architecture requirements May be in reference to the business, system, platform, application, database, network or people in the organization May include but not limited to: Operating system: Novell NetWare 5 or above or any operating system that has multi-user ability, Linux, Mac OS, Windows 2000 or above Database software: Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL server, Ingres, DB2, Informix, mSQL, MySQL, SQL server Configuration: small memory model, large memory model, requests per second May include but is not limited to: commercial, in-house, packaged or customized software May be in reference to the business, system, platform, application, network or people in the organization May follow ISO/IEC/AS standards, audit trails, naming standards, version control, project management templates and report writing principles May include but are not limited to : internal departments, external organizations, individual people and employees May include but is not limited to • Application/web servers • BEA Weblogic servers • IBM VisualAge and WebSphere • Novell NDS servers • Email servers • File and print servers • FTP servers • Firewall servers • Proxy/cache servers May include but is not limited to relational databases, objectrelational databases, proprietary databases and commercial off the shelf (COTS) database packages May include a person within a department, a department within the organization or a third party Software Requirements Documentation Client Server Database User Page 12 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Web development Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG) standards Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (ATAG) User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (UAAG) Tools and May include but not limited to: equipment Web servers e-business website Site server Site servers software Analysis software Requirements documentation Customer relationship model Evidence Guide Critical aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Underpinning Skills Page 13 of 52 Assessment must confirm the ability to – identify the technical environment and human computer interface select appropriate tools and procedures in order to develop an effective dynamic website taking into account. current and future technical needs Demonstrates knowledge of: Website architecture Business process design Linkage between processes Customer and business liaison E-business sites and corporate strategy Implications of technology connectivity Stateless programming Copyright and intellectual property National Privacy Principle Guidelines The Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 National Privacy Principles Documenting technical specifications Electronic Commerce Modelling Language • Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics Demonstrates skills to: Website analysis HTML Scripting Information architecture Use of site design software and hardware User analysis Integrating on-line processes Ensuring site usability • Confirming accessibility of website design Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Resources Implication Assessment Methods Context of Assessment Page 14 of 52 The following resources must be access to: • Web servers • E-business website • Site server • Site server software • Analysis software • Requirements documentation • Customer relationship model Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level IV Unit Title Apply Object-Oriented Programming Language Skills Unit Code ICT WMD4 04 0811 This unit defines the competence required to undertake programming tasks using an object oriented programming language. Competence includes tool usage, documentation, debugging and testing techniques in support of the programming activity. Unit Descriptor Elements Performance Criteria 1. Apply basic language syntax and layout 1.1 Basic language syntax rules and best practices are observed 1.2 Language data-types, operators and expressions are used 1.3 The appropriate language syntax for sequence, selection and iteration constructs is used. 1.4 A modular programming approach is used 1.5 Arrays and arrays of objects are used 2. Apply basic OO principles in the target language 2.1 A class that contains primitive member/instance variables is implemented 2.2 A class that contains multiple options for object construction is implemented 2.3 A class uses user defined aggregation 2.4 Inheritance is implemented to at least 2 levels of depth 2.5 Polymorphism is used at a simple level through inheritance to enable easy code extension 3. Debug code 3.1 An integrated development environment is used, particularly the language debugging facilities 3.2 Program debugging techniques are used to detect and resolve errors. 4. Document activities 4.1 Guidelines for developing maintainable code adhering to a set of coding standard is followed 4.2 Internal documentation standards and tools are followed and used 5. Test code 5.1 Simple tests are developed and conducted to confirm the coding process meets design specification 5.2 The tests performed are documented 5.3 Corrections are made to the code and the documentation as needed Page 15 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Variable Range Language This may be any of the following languages, but is not limited to: Visual Basic Java C++ Small Talk Eiffel This may include but not limited to: Visual C++ Visual Studio suite Eclipse J-Edit Code Warrior Jbuilder Integrated development environment Evidence Guide Critical aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge Underpinning Skills Resources Implication Assessment Methods Context of Assessment Page 16 of 52 Assessment must confirm that: Application programs are designed and built in accordance with systems and programming requirements and standards. Application or programs developed using object-oriented language meets required user specifications Knowledge includes: Understanding of Object oriented programming concepts Object oriented programming language Small size application development Using a GUI to interact with operator Skills include: Reading and interpreting program specifications, translating requirements from problem space to machine space Integrated Development environment usage Programming techniques Internal (code) documentation techniques Testing and debugging techniques Documentation techniques To demonstrate this unit of competence the following resources will be required: Programming language and development environment User requirements and specification Program and documentation standards Personal computer or workstation Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level IV Unit Title Unit Code Unit Descriptor Assist with Policy Development for Client Support ICT WMD4 05 0811 This unit defines the competence required to receive, review and carry out change requests, while utilizing a change management system according to client requirements. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Review change requests 1.1 Requests are received and documented for hardware and software changes, utilizing a change management system and according to organizational help desk procedures. 1.2 System data are gathered and organized relevant to the change requests, using available diagnostic tools. 1.3 The proposed changes are reviewed against current and future business requirements. 1.4 System data are examined, with work team, in order to select appropriate changes to be carried out. 1.5 Selected changes are discussed and e clarified with client. 2.1 Potential solution is identified to solve problems. 2.2 Recommendations about possible solutions are developed, documented, ranked and presented to the appropriate person for decision. 2.3 Implementation and evaluation of solutions are planned. 2.4 Recommended solutions are technically documented and submitted to appropriate person for confirmation. 2. Modify system according to requested changes 3. Train on the 3.1 use of modified system 3.2 Training is prepared to meet the needs of client in using the changed system. Prepared training is delivered appropriately for client Variable Range Hardware May include but not limited to: workstations, personal computers, modems or other connectivity devices, networks, DSL modems, remote sites, servers May include but is not limited to commercial, in-house, packaged or customized software Software Page 17 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 May include but not limited to: the hardware and software components that run a computer May be in reference to the business, system, application, Requirements network or people in the organization May include but is not limited to internal departments, external Client organizations, individual people and employees May include but not limited to: Organizational personal use of emails and internet access, content of guidelines emails, downloading information and accessing particular websites, opening mail with attachments, virus risk, dispute resolution, document procedures and templates, communication methods and financial control mechanisms. May include but not limited to: Technical project specifications, reports, help references, technical documentation manuals, training materials and self-paced tutorials, on-line help, user guides, brochures May include but not limited to: Standards ISO/IEC/AS standards, organizational standards, project standards May follow ISO/IEC/AS standards, audit trails, naming Documentation standards, version control, project management templates and report writing, maintaining equipment inventory; client training and satisfaction reports Occupational May include but not limited to: Health and Safety correct posture, lighting, type of desk, type of monitor, style of (OHS) chair, typing position, repetitive strain injury prevention, ventilation, light position, correct lifting method, and length of time in front of computer May also include licensing-related and physical safety considerations such as general electrical safety and cabling, power supply and leads as they apply to computer and peripheral installations. System Evidence Guide Critical aspects of Competence Demonstrates skills and knowledge in: Modifying system according to requested changes Preparing and delivering training on use of modified system Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Demonstrates knowledge of: Broad knowledge of help desk practices Current industry-accepted hardware and software products, with broad knowledge of general features and capabilities and detailed knowledge in some areas Broad knowledge of the role of stakeholders and the degree of stakeholder involvement General knowledge of the client business domain Page 18 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Underpinning Skills Resources Implication Detailed knowledge of the system's current functionality Broad knowledge of quality assurance practices Change management tools Broad knowledge of system testing Broad knowledge of the organization’s service-level agreements. Demonstrates skills to: system and policy development review change request facilitate change request perform technical documentation Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Assessment Methods Competency may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Page 19 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level IV Unit Title Migrate to New Technology Unit Code ICT WMD4 06 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to apply skills and knowledge in using new or upgraded technology. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Apply existing knowledge and techniques to technology and transfer 1.1 Situations are identified where existing knowledge can be used as the basis for developing new skills. 1.2 New or upgraded technology skills are acquired and used to enhance learning. 1.3 New or upgraded equipment are identified, classified and used where appropriate, for the benefit of the organization. 2. Apply functions of technology to assist in solving organizational problems 2.1 Testing of new or upgraded equipment is conducted according to the specification manual. 2.2 Features of new or upgraded equipment are and software applied within the organization 2.3 Features and functions of new or upgraded equipment is used for solving organizational problems 2.4 Sources of information is accessed and used relating to new or upgraded equipment 3. Evaluate new or upgraded technology performance 3.1 New or upgraded equipment is evaluated for performance, usability and against OHS standards. 3.2 Environmental considerations are determined from new or upgraded equipment. 3.3 Feedback is sought from users where appropriate. Variable Range Equipment May include but is not limited to workstations, personal computers, modems and other connectivity devices, printers, hard drives, DSL modems, monitors, switches, hubs, and other peripheral devices. Technology skills New skills can include but are not limited to hardware, PCs, networks, storage and communications equipment May include but are not limited to user-based software for new business processes, customer relationship management, integrated services (e.g. banking and financial services) Software Page 20 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Sources of information OHS standards Environmental Considerations Feedback May include but is not limited to documents, test pages, web pages, appliances software and technical connections guidance and other outputs supplied by vendors and manufacturers. May include: correct posture, lighting, type of desk, type of monitor, style of chair, typing position, repetitive strain injury prevention, ventilation, light position, correct lifting method, and length of time in front of computer May also include physical safety considerations such as general electrical safety and cabling, power supply and leads as they apply to computer and peripheral installations. May include but is not limited to recycling, safe disposal of packaging (e.g. cardboard, polystyrene, paper, plastic) and correct disposal of redundant hardware (e.g. motherboards, hard drives, circuit boards) by an authorized body May include surveys, questionnaires, interviews and meetings. Evidence Guide Critical aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Underpinning Skills Competence must confirm the ability to transfer the application of existing skills and knowledge to new technology Demonstrates knowledge of: Broad awareness of current technology trends and directions in IT (e.g. software, hardware, services, new developments, new protocols) Knowledge of vendor product directions Ability to locate appropriate sources of information regarding IT and new technologies Current industry hardware and software products, with knowledge of general features and capabilities Information gathering techniques Demonstrates skills to: evaluate and apply new technology to assist in solving organizational problems upgrade technology performance Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Assessment Methods Competency may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Page 21 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level IV Unit Title Establish Quality Standards Unit Code ICT WMD4 07 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required to monitor quality of work, establish quality specifications for service, participate in maintaining and improving quality at work, assist in planning and implementing quality assurance procedures, and report problems that affect quality. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Establish quality specifications for service 1.1 Quality specifications are developed and agreed upon in accordance with legislated requirements. 1.3 Quality specifications are documented and introduced to organization staff / personnel in accordance with the organization policy. 1.4 Quality specifications are updated when necessary. 2. Identify hazards and critical control points 2.1 Critical control points impacting on quality are identified. 3. Assist in planning of quality assurance procedures 3.1 Procedures for each identified control point are developed to ensure optimum quality. 2.2 Degree of risk for each hazard is determined. 2.3 Necessary documentation is accomplished in accordance with organization quality procedures 3.2 Hazards and risks are minimized through application of appropriate controls and OHS procedures and standards. 3.3 Processes to monitor the effectiveness of quality assurance procedures are developed. 4. Implement quality assurance procedures 4.1 Responsibilities for carrying out procedures are allocated to staff. 4.2 Instructions are prepared in accordance with the sector quality assurance program. 4.3 Staff is given induction training on the quality assurance policy. 5. Monitor quality of work outcome 5.1 Quality requirements are identified 5.2 Inputs are inspected to confirm capability to meet quality requirements 5.3 Process is conducted to produce required outcomes 5.4 Production processes are monitored to confirm quality of output Page 22 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 5.5 Process is adjusted to maintain outputs within specification. 6. Participate in maintaining and improving quality at work 6.1 Work area, materials, processes and service are routinely monitored to ensure compliance with quality requirements. 6.2 Non-conformance process is identified and reported according to reporting requirements 6.3 Corrective action is taken within level of responsibility, to maintain quality standards 6.4 Quality issues are raised with designated personnel 7. Report problems that affect quality 7.1 Recognize potential or existing quality problems. 7.2 Identify instances of variation in quality from specifications or work instructions. 7.3 Report variation and potential problems to supervisor/manager according to sector guidelines Variable Range Legislated requirements May include but not limited to: Verification of work quality as part of sector legislation or specific legislation related to process of work content or composition. It may include but not limited to: Use of tools and equipment Working place environment handling of material safety Following Occupational health and safety procedures designated for the task Safety procedures Evidence Guide Critical aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Underpinning Skills Page 23 of 52 Demonstrates skills and knowledge in: Monitoring quality of work Establishing quality requirements for work Participating in maintaining and improving quality of work Assisting in planning of quality assurance procedures Reporting problems that affect quality Implementing quality assurance procedures Demonstrates knowledge of: Applying federal and regional legislation within day-today work activities Accessing and using management systems to keep and maintain accurate records Demonstrates skills to: Monitoring quality of work Establishing quality specifications for work Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Participating in maintaining and improving quality at work Identifying hazards and critical control points in process of production Assisting in planning of quality assurance procedures Reporting problems that affect quality Implementing quality assurance procedures Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Resources Implication Assessment Methods Competency may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Page 24 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level IV Unit Title Develop Team and Individuals Unit Code ICT WMD4 08 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to determine individual and team development needs and facilitate the development of the workgroup. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Provide team leadership 1.1 Learning and development needs are systematically identified and implemented in line with organizational requirements 1.2 Learning plan to meet individual and group training and developmental needs is collaboratively developed and implemented 1.3 Individuals are encouraged to self evaluate performance and identify areas for improvement 1.4 Feedback on performance of team members is collected from relevant sources and compared with established team learning process 2. Foster individual and organizational growth 3. Monitor and evaluate workplace learning Page 25 of 52 2.1 Learning and development program goals and objectives are identified to match the specific knowledge and skills requirements of competence standards 2.2 Learning delivery methods are appropriate to the learning goals, the learning style of participants and availability of equipment and resources 2.3 Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/ mentoring assistance are provided to facilitate individual and team achievement of competencies 2.4 Resources and timelines required for learning activities are identified and approved in accordance with organizational requirements 3.1 Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify and implement improvements in future learning arrangements 3.2 Outcomes and performance of individuals/teams are assessed and recorded to determine the effectiveness of development programs and the extent of additional support 3.3 Modifications to learning plans are negotiated to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning 3.4 Records and reports of competence are maintained within organizational requirement Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 4. Develop team commitment and cooperation 5. Facilitate accomplishme nt of organizational goals 4.1 Open communication processes to obtain and share information is used by team 4.2 Decisions are reached by the team in accordance with its agreed roles and responsibilities 4.3 Mutual concern and camaraderie are developed in the team 5.1 Team members actively participated in team activities and communication processes 5.2 Teams members developed individual and joint responsibility for their actions 5.3 Collaborative efforts are sustained to attain organizational goals Variable Range Learning and development needs Organizational requirements Feedback on performance Learning delivery methods Page 26 of 52 Coaching, mentoring and/or supervision Formal/informal learning program Internal/external training provision Work experience/exchange/opportunities Personal study Career planning/development Performance appraisals Workplace skills assessment Recognition of prior learning Quality assurance and/or procedures manuals Goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes Legal and organizational policy/guidelines and requirements Safety policies, procedures and programs Confidentiality and security requirements Business and performance plans Ethical standards Quality and continuous improvement processes and standards Formal/informal performance appraisals Obtaining feedback from supervisors and colleagues Obtaining feedback from clients Personal and reflective behavior strategies Routine and organizational methods for monitoring service delivery On the job coaching or mentoring Problem solving Presentation/demonstration Formal course participation / induction Work experience Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Involvement in professional networks Conference and seminar attendance Evidence Guide Critical Aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge and Attitude Underpinning Skills Resource Implications Assessment Methods Context of Assessment Page 27 of 52 Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: Identified and implemented learning opportunities for others Gave and received feedback constructively Facilitated participation of individuals in the work of the team Negotiated learning plans to improve the effectiveness of learning Prepared learning plans to match skill needs Accessed and designated learning opportunities Coaching and mentoring principles Understanding how to work effectively with team members who have diverse work styles, aspirations, cultures and perspective Understanding how to facilitate team development and improvement Understanding methods and techniques for eliciting and interpreting feedback Understanding methods for identifying and prioritizing personal development opportunities and options Knowledge of career paths and competence standards Ability to read and understand a variety of texts, prepare general information and documents according to target audience; spell with accuracy; use grammar and punctuation effective relationships and conflict management Communication skills including receiving feedback and reporting, maintaining effective relationships and conflict management Planning skills to organize required resources and equipment to meet learning needs Coaching and mentoring skills to provide support to colleagues Reporting skills to organize information; assess information for relevance and accuracy; identify and elaborate on learning outcomes Facilitation skills to conduct small group training sessions Ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural, physical and mental backgrounds Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated environment where assessment can take place Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written exam Observation / Demonstration Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level IV Unit Title Utilize Specialized Communication Skills Unit Code ICT WMD4 09 0811 This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use specialized communication skills to meet specific needs of internal and external clients, conduct interviews, facilitate group discussions, and contribute to the development of communication strategies. Unit Descriptor Elements Performance Criteria 1. Meet common and specific communicatio n needs of clients and colleagues 1.1 2. Contribute to the development of communicatio n strategies 2.1 Specific communication needs of clients and colleagues are identified and met 1.2 Different approaches are used to meet communication needs of clients and colleagues 1.3 Conflict is addressed promptly and in a timely way and in a manner which does not compromise the standing of the organization 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3. Represent the organization 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Page 28 of 52 Strategies for internal and external dissemination of information are developed, promoted, implemented and reviewed as required Channels of communication are established and reviewed regularly Coaching in effective communication is provided Work related network and relationship are maintained as necessary Negotiation and conflict resolution strategies are used where required Communication with clients and colleagues is appropriate to individual needs and organizational objectives When participating in internal or external forums, presentation is relevant, appropriately researched and presented in a manner to promote the organization Presentation is clear and sequential and delivered within a predetermined time appropriate media to enhance presentation is utilized Differences in views are respected Written communication is consistent with organizational standards Inquiries are responded in a manner consistent with organizational standard Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 4. Facilitate group discussion 5. Conduct interview Variable Effective group interaction Interview situations Page 29 of 52 Mechanisms which enhance effective group interaction is defined and implemented 4.2 Strategies which encourage all group members to participate are used routinely 4.3 Objectives and agenda for meetings and discussions are routinely set and followed 4.4 Relevant information is provided to group to facilitate outcomes 4.5 Evaluation of group communication strategies is undertaken to promote participation of all parties 4.6 Specific communication needs of individuals are identified and addressed 5.1 A range of appropriate communication strategies are employed in interview situations 5.2 Records of interviews are made and maintained in accordance with organizational procedures 5.3 Effective questioning, listening and nonverbal communication techniques are used to ensure that required message is communicated Range Strategies Types Interview 4.1 of Recognizing own limitations Referral to specialists Utilizing techniques and aids Providing written drafts Verbal and non verbal communication Identifying and evaluating what is occurring within an interaction in a non judgmental way Using active listening Making decision about appropriate words, behavior Putting together response which is culturally appropriate Expressing an individual perspective Expressing own philosophy, ideology and background and exploring impact with relevance to communication Related to staff issues Evidential Routine Non disclosure Confidential Disclosure Establish rapport Elicit facts and information Facilitate resolution of issues Develop action plans Diffuse potentially difficult situation Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Evidence Guide Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: Competence Demonstrated effective communication skills with clients accessing service and work colleagues Underpinning Knowledge and Values Underpinning Skills Adopted relevant communication techniques and strategies to meet client particular needs and difficulties Communication process Dynamics of groups and different styles of group leadership Communication skills relevant to client groups Full range of communication techniques including: Full range of communication Active listening Feedback Interpretation Role boundaries setting Negotiation Establishing empathy Communication skills required to fulfill job roles as specified by the organization Resource Implications Methods of Assessment Context for Assessment Page 30 of 52 Access to appropriate workplace where assessment can take place Competence may be assessed through Direct observation Oral Interview This unit should be assessed on the job through simulation Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Top Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level IV Unit Title Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations Unit Code ICT WMD4 10 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit covers the operation of day-to-day business activities in a micro or small business. The strategies involve developing, monitoring and managing work activities and financial information, developing effective work habits, and adjusting work schedules as needed. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Identify daily work requirements 1.1 Work requirements for a given time period are identified taking into consideration resources and constraints 1.2 Work activities are prioritized based on business needs, requirements and deadlines 1.3 If appropriate, work is allocated to relevant staff or contractors to optimize efficiency 2. Monitor and manage work 2.1 People, resources and/or equipment are coordinated to provide optimum results 2.2 Staff, clients and/or contractors are communicated within a clear and regular manner, to monitor work in relation to business goals or timelines 2.3 Problem solving techniques are applied to work situations to overcome difficulties and achieve positive outcomes 3. Develop effective work habits 3.1 Work and personal priorities are identified and a balance is achieved between competing priorities using appropriate time management strategies 3.2 Input from internal and external sources is sought and used to develop and refine new ideas and approaches 3.3 Business or inquiries are responded to promptly and effectively 3.4 Information is presented in a format appropriate to the industry and audience 4. Interpret financial information 4.1 Relevant documents and reports are identified 4.2 Documents and reports are read and understood and any implications discussed with appropriate persons 4.3 Data and numerical calculations are analyzed, checked, evaluated, organized and reconciled 4.4 Daily financial records and cash flow are maintained correctly and in accordance with legal and accounting Page 31 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 requirements 4.5 Invoices and payments are prepared and distributed in a timely manner and in accordance with legal requirements 4.6 Outstanding accounts are collected or followed-up 5. Evaluate work performance 5.1 Opportunities for improvements are monitored according to business demands 5.2 Work schedules are adjusted to incorporate necessary modifications to existing work and routines or changing needs and requirements 5.3 Proposed changes are clearly communicated and recorded to aid in future planning and evaluation 5.4 Relevant codes of practice are used to guide an ethical approach to workplace practices and decisions Variable Range Resources may include: Business goals may include: Problem solving techniques may include: Time management strategies may include: Internal and external sources may include: Page 32 of 52 staff equipment money space time sales targets production targets budgetary targets reporting deadlines team and individual goals gaining additional research and information to make better informed decisions looking for patterns considering related problems or those from the past and how they were handled eliminating possibilities identifying and attempting sub-tasks collaborating and asking for advice or help from additional sources prioritizing and anticipating short term and long term planning and scheduling creating a positive and organized work environment clear timelines and goal setting that is regularly reviewed and adjusted as necessary breaking large tasks into smaller tasks getting additional support if identified and necessary staff and colleagues management, supervisors, advisors or head office relevant professionals such as lawyers, accountants, management consultants professional associations Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Evidence Guide Critical Aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Underpinning Skills Resource Implications Methods of Assessment Context for Assessment Page 33 of 52 A person must be able to demonstrate: ability to identify daily work requirements and allocate work appropriately ability to interpret financial documents in accordance with legal requirements Federal and Regional Government legislative requirements affecting business operations, especially in regard to occupational health and safety (OHS), equal employment opportunity (EEO), industrial relations and anti-discrimination technical or specialist skills relevant to the business operation relevant industry code of practice planning techniques to establish realistic timelines and priorities identification of relevant performance measures quality assurance principles and methods relevant marketing, management, sales and financial concepts methods for monitoring performance and implementing improvements structured approaches to problem solving, idea management and time management literacy skills to interpret legal requirements, company policies and procedures and immediate, day-to-day demands communication skills including questioning, clarifying, reporting, and giving and receiving constructive feedback numeracy skills for performance information, setting targets and interpreting financial documents and reports technical and analytical skills to interpret business documents, reports and financial statements and projections ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities problem solving skills to develop contingency plans using computers and software packages to record and manage data and to produce reports evaluation skills for assessing work and outcomes observation skills for identifying appropriate people, resources and to monitor work The following resources should be provided: Access to relevant workplace documentation, financial records, and equipment Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written exam Observation/Demonstration with Oral questioning Competence may be assessed in the workplace or in a simulated work environment Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level IV Unit Title Unit Code Manage Continuous Improvement System ICT WMD4 11 1012 Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to sustain and develop an environment in which continuous improvement, innovation and learning are promoted and rewarded. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Review programs, systems and processes 1.1 Establish strategies to monitor and evaluate performance of key systems and processes 1.2 Undertake detailed analyses of supply chains, operational and product/service delivery systems 1.3 Identify performance measures, and assessment tools and techniques, and evaluate their effectiveness 1.4 Analyze performance reports and variance from plans for all key result areas of the organization 1.5 Identify and analyze changing trends and opportunities relevant to the organization 1.6 Seek advice from specialists, where appropriate, to identify technology and electronic commerce opportunities 2. Develop options for continuous improvement 2.1 Brief groups on performance improvement strategies and innovation as an essential element of competition 2.2 Foster creative climate and organizational learning through the promotion of interaction within and between work groups 2.3 Encourage, test and recognize new ideas and entrepreneurial behavior where successful 2.4 Accept failure of an idea during trialing, and recognize, celebrate and embed success into systems 2.5 Undertake risk management and cost benefit analyses for each option/idea approved for trial 2.6 Approve innovations through agreed organizational processes 3. Implement innovative processes 3.1 Promote continuous improvement as an essential part of doing business 3.2 Address impact of change and consequences for people, and implement transition plans 3.3 Ensure objectives, timeframes, measures and Page 34 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 communication plans are in place to manage implementation 3.4 Implement contingency plans in the event of nonperformance 3.5 Follow-up failure by prompt investigation and analysis of causes 3.6 Manage emerging challenges and opportunities effectively 3.7 Evaluate continuous improvement systems and processes regularly 3.8 Communicate costs and benefits of innovations and improvements to all relevant groups and individuals Variable Range Sustainability may include: addressing environmental and resource sustainability initiatives, such as environmental management systems, action plans, green office programs, surveys and audits applying the waste management hierarchy in the workplace complying with regulations and corporate social responsibility considerations for sustainability to enhance the organisation's standing in business and community environments determining organisation's most appropriate waste treatment, including waste to landfill, recycling, re-use, recoverable resources and wastewater treatment implementing ecological footprint implementing environmental management systems, e.g. ISO 14001:1996 Environmental management systems life cycle analyses implementing government initiatives, improving resource and energy efficiency initiating and maintaining appropriate organisational procedures for operational energy consumption introducing a green office program - a cultural change program introducing green purchasing introducing national and international reporting initiatives, introducing product stewardship reducing emissions of greenhouse gases reducing use of non-renewable resources referencing standards, guidelines and approaches, such as sustainability covenants and compacts or triple bottom line reporting Page 35 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Supply chains include: Performance reports may include: supporting sustainable supply chain. network of facilities that procures raw materials, transforms them into intermediate products or services and then finished goods or service, and delivers them through a distribution system procurement, production and distribution, viewed as interlinked not as discrete elements budget or cost variance customer service environmental financial OHS quality other operating parameters Evidence Guide Critical Aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Underpinning Skills Page 36 of 52 Evidence of the following is essential: demonostration of consultation processes to introduce or evaluate an existing continuous improvement process or system, including suggested actions or an action plan generation of an idea or concept which exhibits creative thinking and which offers the possibility of advantaging the organization how the concept or idea was introduced, tested and evaluated - the idea or concept does not have to have been shown to work or to be adopted by the business knowledge of quality management and continuous improvement theories Demonstrates knowledge of: quality management and continuous improvement theories creativity/innovation theories/concepts risk management cost-benefit analysis methods creativity and innovation theories and concepts organizational learning principles quality management and continuous improvement theories risk management sustainability practices Demonstrates skills to: analytical skills to identify improvement opportunities in relation to the services/products delivered or concepts/ideas developed flexibility and creativity skills to think laterally leadership skills to foster a commitment to quality and an openness to innovation Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Resources Implication Methods of Assessment teamwork and leadership skills to foster a commitment to quality and an openness to innovation Access may be required to: workplace procedures and plans relevant to work area appropriate documentation and resources normally used in the workplace Competence in this unit may be assessed by using a combination of the following to generate evidence: demonstration in the workplace suitable simulation oral or written questioning to assess knowledge of principles and techniques associated with change management evaluation of strategies established to monitor and evaluate performance of key systems and processes review of briefing of groups on performance improvement strategies and innovation Those aspects of competence dealing with improvement processes could be assessed by the use of suitable simulations and/or a pilot plant and/or a range of case studies and scenarios. Context of Assessment Page 37 of 52 In all cases, practical assessment should be supported by questions to assess essential knowledge and those aspects of competence which are difficult to assess directly. Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated workplace setting / environment. Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 NQTF Level III Page 38 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Design Website to Meet Technical Requirements Unit Code ICT WMD3 01 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to design a website to specifications within a particular technical and human interface environment. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Define technical environment 1.1 Business requirements, hardware and software requirements are identified following working procedures. 1.2 Software and hardware types are defined to ensure that site is designed to meet business requirements. 1.3 Appropriate standards, software and hardware required to develop the site are identified in accordance with business requirements. 2. Define human computer interface 2.1 User analysis is conducted to determine a user profile and user needs in line with work steps. 2.2 User content and requirements are determined in accordance with business requirements. 2.3 Appropriate design principles are determined for site. 2.4 Appropriate operating system is identified in accordance with user needs. 3. Determine site hierarchy 3.1 Hierarchy of pages is identified according to site design. 3.2 Logic and accessibility of content to user is ensured according to business requirements. 3.3 Consistency and clarity of navigation between pages is ensured in line with site hierarchy. 4. Design website 4.1 Appropriate information hierarchy is applied to site design. 4.2 Appropriateness of design principles are ensured to business and user in accordance with design procedure. 4.3 Development of process flow is ensured whether it is in a logical and simple manner. 4.4 Site search engine, site map, frequently asked questions and news sections are tested against user needs. 4.5 Design is completed and documented in accordance with design specification. Page 39 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Variable Range Business requirements May include but not limited to: meeting customer needs organizational goals remote access and external interfacing to the organization May include but not limited to: workstations personal computers modems and other connectivity devices networks, DSL modems remote sites and servers May include XML standards Organization for the advancement of Structured Information Standards, ISO and IEEE to web-oriented groups like IETF and W3C, IEEE Std May include a person within a department a department within the organization or a third party May include but not limited to: Win 98/NT/2000/XP Sun Solaris/SunOS HP-UX, AIX Digital Unix Silicon Graphics IRIX DEC VMS Mac OSX Linux Netware May include page layout technical specifications content structure secure access provisions and locations and links to other internet resources where appropriate May include but are not limited to : user compatibility product compatibility task compatibility workflow compatibility consistency familiarity simplicity Hardware Standards User Operating system Information hierarchy Design principles Page 40 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Search engine Tools and equipment WYSIWYG Flexibility Responsiveness invisible technology robustness protection ease of learning A website that allows the entry of a search parameter and based on the request, searches through its list of websites for the best match. It then displays the results for selection A wide variety of search tools may be used, including Snap Netscape Quest finder Lycos Ask Jeeves Open Text Google WebCrawler Metacrawler Go To Dot Com Alta Vista Beaucoup Excite Meta Search Infoseek Search.com Findlink Go2Network Northern Light Savvy Search AOL Netfind Profusion Hotbot Dogpile LookSmart Met gopher Yahoo May include but not limited to: Web servers e-business website Site server Site servers software Analysis software Requirements documentation Customer relationship model Evidence Guide Critical aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Page 41 of 52 Assessment confirmed that the candidate has identified business requirements defined technical environment defined human computer interface determined site hierarchy designed website Demonstrates knowledge of: website architecture website development tools and standards business process design Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Underpinning Skills Resources Implication E-business sites and corporate strategy implications of technology connectivity documenting technical specifications Copyright and intellectual property basic information architecture Demonstrates skills to: define the technical environment define the human computer interface determine site hierarchy design website Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Assessment Methods Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Page 42 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Write Content for Web Page Unit Code ICT WMD3 02 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to write concise, clear and Relevant content for web pages on behalf of a client. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Determine site content requirements 1.1 Customer information needs are identified with reference to audience, site functionality and client requirements 1.2 Site purpose and functionality is confirmed with reference to client specification. 1.3 Content channels and format are identified as part of client requirements. 1.4 Relevant templates and style guides are identified according to organizational procedures and client requirements. 1.5 Relevant content is identified and analyzed with reference to audience needs, maintenance requirements Information architecture, and site design and functionality. 1.6 Alterations to site design are negotiated as required by the content and client requirements. 2. Write site content 2.1 Content is generated in accordance with content and client requirements. 2.2 Accessibility, visibility, clarity of information flow and the logical pattern of content is ensured in accordance with client requirements. 2.3 Content is edited with reference to audience needs, site functionality, and content and client requirements. 3. Upload content 3.1 Server site is logged using either administrative or anonymous file transfer protocol in preparation for upload. 3.2 File transfer protocol client is launched and then navigated to destination directory, either graphically or by using a command line interface. 3.3 Files are stored and ordered according to logical design and user needs, using accepted file extension scheme. 3.4 Operation is demonstrated Page 43 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Variable Range Client business organizational policies requirements may system network be in reference to application people in the organization style File transfer commercial software applications; protocol client organization-specific software, may include but is packaged software not limited to: in-house customized software Evidence Guide Critical Aspects of Assessment confirmed that the candidate has developed and uploaded quality content for a website that meets audience and Competence client needs. Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of: Knowledge and Content features, such as clarity, ease of viewing (e.g. how Attitudes much scrolling is required to view the site),readability and how intuitive or logical the navigation is from one content detail to the next The functions and features of micro-content elements (e.g. headings, highlighted words, link text) Relationship between content and site design (e.g. giving the website a look in harmony with or adopting the corporate style) Functions and features of style guides (e.g. using cascading style sheets) Web design and usability (e.g. finding a balance between visual impact elements and speed of downloads) Copyright and intellectual property legislation and application principles (e.g. adopting the Harvard method for content/document referencing or the protocols for seeking permission to use from authors and sources Underpinning Demonstrates skills to: Skills determine site content requirements write site content upload site content Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Assessment Competence may be assessed through: Methods Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a Assessment simulated work place setting Page 44 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Use Development Software and Tools Unit Code ICT WMT3 03 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to build a website that is consistent with design and technical requirements, and develop cascading style sheets (CSS) that are attached to a markup language document in order to externally define and control styles to enhance and achieve commonality between web documents. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Select and analyze website structure and development tools 1.1 Business specifications are analyzed and appropriate software selected based on work requirement. 1.2 Technical needs are identified and appropriate software tools selected for the website. 1.3 Structure and navigation flow are identified and understanding of functionality demonstrated. 1.4 Design documentation and design work are reviewed and integrated with site structure and navigation in accordance with web development standards. 2. Begin site construction 2.1 Relevant actions are taken to ensure user input during website construction. 2.2 Existing information and basic content are validated when incorporating data on website. 2.3 Consistent design specifications are applied to all aspects of the website. 2.4 Feedback from user on web design, content, accessibility and structure are gathered using appropriate feedback mechanism. 3. Complete and validate website construction and content 3.1 An evaluation of website against technical requirements and design specification is undertaken. 3.2 Each function and process of website is tested against business requirement. 3.3 Navigation tests and HTML compliance with website standards are conducted. 3.4 The website is tested against design criteria and user load inline with user requirements. 3.5 Testing results are recorded to ensure that the website meets user requirements. 3.6 Sign-off/approval of user is obtained. Page 45 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 4. Develop cascading style sheets 4.1 Styles are defined and CSSs produced according to business requirements. 4.2 CSSs are attached to new and existing markup language documents. 4.3 CSSs are edited according to business requirements. Variable Range Specification May include but is not limited to technical requirements user problem statement current system functionality Software May include but is not limited to text editors such as Word pad, Notepad commercial software applications Dream weaver other web development tools Software tools May include but is not limited to Macromedia FTP programs FrontPage. Documentation May follow ISO/IEC/AS standards audit trails naming standards version control project management templates report writing protocols Web development May include:Standards Web content accessibility guidelines Authoring tool accessibility guidelines Occupational May include lighting, type of desk, style of chair, ventilation, light Health and Safety position, correct lifting method, and length of time in front of (OHS) computer electrical safety. Evidence Guide Critical Aspects of Assessment verified that the candidate has – built a basic website Competence Confirmed the ability to develop an appropriate Presentation style for an HTML document using embedded or linked CSS. Presentation conforms to web accessibility. Page 46 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Underpinning Skills Resources Implication Demonstrates knowledge of: website design basic design principles web-specific technical attributes reading and interpretation of design specifications and guidelines appropriate software and tools that meet required technical specifications understanding of best practice communication, accessibility and equity principles when building for diverse users website architecture using a mark-up language Demonstrates skills to: selected and analyzed website structure and development tools constructed site and content developed cascade style sheet Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Assessment Methods Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Page 47 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Unit Code Apply Web Authoring Tools ICT WMT3 04 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to use web development software to create website content and to use a web authoring tool to convert text and images to appropriate web protocols. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Create files 1.1 Files are created and saved in correct location/directory. 1.2 Text content is inserted and formatted according to business requirements. 1.3 Images are inserted and optimized as required by design specification of software application. 2. Create formatting templates 2.1 Basic external cascading style sheets (CSS) are created. 2.2 Styles for the required tags are defined according to the business requirements. 2.3 CSS to the relevant files are linked and the relevant formatting is displayed. 3. Define library items 3.1 Items that recur on several pages are identified and included in library. 3.2 Selected items are formatted according to CSS definition 3.3 Tags of the selected items are checked against working guideline. 3.4 Selected library items are created and clearly named. 3.5 Items are updated and contained in library as required by business Requirements. 4. Develop templates 4.1 A file is created and saved as a template, and linked with CSS. 4.2 Template is formatted, created and named editable regions. 4.3 Generic image icons are placed in page as required by business image. 4.4 Templates are saved and modified. 5. Identify authoring requirements Page 48 of 52 5.1 Preferred web authoring tool is selected according to business requirements. 5.2 Preferences for the web authoring tool are set, including site file transfer protocol client. Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 5.3 Web author tool environment/workspace are customized and navigated to meet individual requirements. 5.4 Buttons and tools are selected appropriately in accordance to the application. 5.5 Root folders are defined and clearly named. 6. Create simple forms 6.1 Form elements are added to page and element properties are set for each form element. 6.3 Additional fields are inserted as required for processing form 6.4 Availability and location of CGI script are Identified. 6.6 Form is tested to ensure its appropriateness to the need. 7. Create simple navigation 7.1 A site map is created to plan navigation. 7.2 Links are created between pages to reflect content structure using both text and images. 7.3 Links are checked in multiple browsers for errors. 7.4 Website contents are checked across a number of different browsers and browser versions to ensure consistency of presentation, performance and accessibility. Variable Range Browser may include but is not limited to - Netscape Navigator Internet Explorer Mozilla Opera Galleon Phoenix Konqueror, Lynx May include but not limited to Graphics clipart or pictures Application/web servers Email servers BEA Web logic servers File and print servers IBM Visual Age and Web FTP servers Sphere Firewall servers Novell NDS servers Proxy/cache servers May include Customer Supplier Payroll Inventory or tax requirements of the Organization. May be in reference to the business system Images Server Business requirements Requirements Page 49 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 File transfer protocol client Tools and equipment Occupational Health and Safety application network or people in the organization May include FTP for Windows Linux and Unix Curl for Unix supports FTP HTTP Telnet WS-FTP, etc. May include but not limited to: Application/web servers Email servers File and print servers FTP servers May include lighting, type of desk, style of chair, ventilation and length of time in front of computer electrical safety. Evidence Guide Critical aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Underpinning Skills Resources Implication Assessment Methods Context of Assessment Page 50 of 52 Assessment confirmed that the candidate: developed web content using authoring tools to meet specifications authoring tools are applied to create cross browser web documents Demonstrates knowledge of: website architecture basic design principles authoring tool accessibility guidelines technical environment characteristics Demonstrates skills to: create files create formatted templates define library items develop templates identify authoring requirements create forms create navigation Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Conduct Operational Acceptance and Test Website Unit Code ICT WMD3 05 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to provide high-level assurance that websites can be effectively and efficiently provisioned and deployed live in a systematic manner as well as evaluate and select an appropriate hosting service for current and future business needs. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Prepare test methods 1.1 Testing framework and schedule are established and documented. 1.2 Processes and functions are determined to be tested and assign quantitative and/or qualitative performance benchmarks to each process and function. 1.3 Page templates, style guides and expected traffic loads are benchmarked and documented. 1.4 Test methodology is determined and documented. 1.5 Testing panel on the conduct of the test is assembled and briefed. 1.6 User/installation manuals are developed according to target audience understanding and needs in developing the site. 2. Test individual pages 2.1 Pages are tested against style guides and templates 2.2 Pages are tested for structural and content consistency 2.3 Automatic testing software is applied. 2.4 Page gross statistics of all confirmed results of all tests are documented. 3. Test page relationships 3.1 Installation and examples listed in manual/instructions are tested. 3.2 Page ‘navigability’ is tested using a variety of browsers. 3.3 Ease of use and functionality is tested against requirements. 3.4 All software interface points are tested against business and technical requirements. 3.5 Site security, privacy and response time are tested against business requirements. 3.6 Load simulation testing is conducted using single and multiple independent browsers or automated load testing tools Page 51 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 3.7 Website's ability is tested to handle concurrent access. 3.8 Conformance is tested to applicable privacy, accessibility and acceptable usage policy standards. 3.9 Automatic testing software is applied and results collected, collated and documented. 4. Evaluate test results 4.1 Results are consolidated and compared to benchmarks. 4.2 Result is identified that fail to meet benchmarks and conduct site remedial iteration. 4.3 Test results are recorded and documented as the site performance baseline, against which further development or updating can be measured. 4.4 Evaluation feedback is provided to appropriate person business. 4.5 Appropriate person sign off the site prior to go live date is ensured. 5. Evaluate and 5.1 ISP is selected based on selection criteria approved by the select a web client. hosting 5.2 Guarantee of permanent online presence is ensured. service 5.3 Web host is ensured whether it meets technical requirements. 5.4 Performance is benchmarked and tested against specified criteria. Variable Range Test methodology unattended testing background testing exhaustive testing functional testing user acceptance testing distributed testing performance testing random testing and error recovery methodologies May include: a person within a department a department within the organization or a third party spell check CSS check links link testers HTML validator Netscape Navigator Galleon Internet Explorer Phoenix Mozilla Konqueror Opera Lynx User Automatic testing software Browsers Page 52 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Software Tools and equipment Occupational Health and Safety May include but is not limited to Commercial software applications organization-specific software packaged software in-house or customized software. May include but not limited to: • Web servers • Site server • Site server software • Analysis software • Requirements documentation • Customer relationship model • Manuals and instructions for the website • Automatic testing software May include lighting, type of desk, style of chair, ventilation, light position, correct lifting method, and length of time in front of computer electrical safety. Evidence Guide Assessment confirmed that the candidate: prepared an operational acceptance test that measures the independent and integrated structural, content and technical components of the site Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of: Knowledge and Website architecture Attitudes Website security Work load metrics Technical performance measurement Business process design Website accessibility and equity principles Underpinning Demonstrates skills to: Skills Prepared test methods Tested pages Tested results Selected web hosting services Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Critical aspects of Competence Assessment Methods Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Page 53 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Maintain Website Performance Unit Code Unit Descriptor ICT WMD3 06 0811 This unit defines the competence required to ensure that a website maintains its performance levels during peak traffic times and during full utilization access. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Benchmark website performance 1.1 Client performance expectations are reviewed from specifications and business requirements. 1.2 Administration and maintenance requirements are tested against specifications and business requirements. 1.3 Performance benchmarks from specifications and business requirements are established. 1.4 Performance benchmarks are tested and ensured. 1.5 Performance benchmarks are measured and recorded against specifications. 2. Track website performance 2.1 Actual website performance is measured against performance benchmarks in key areas and outcomes are recorded. 2.2 Procedures and policies are established for maintaining stability of actions and processes related to the website. 2.3 Suggestions for improvements to the website are identified and implemented according to business requirements and in line with policies and procedures. 2.4 Automatic fault reporting procedures and processes are established. 2.5 Website security measures are monitored and maintained according to the level of security demands. 2.6 Administration and maintenance schedules are implemented as pre-set plan. 2.7 Preventative maintenance and administration indicators are established and an alert system is enabled and ensured. 2.8 User activities are tracked and changes are made to policies or procedures, depending on findings. 2.9 Relevant constraints are established and recorded. 2.10 An impact analysis of the problem is undertaken to determine severity and risks. Page 54 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 2.11 Problem is prioritized according to the organization’s escalation procedures. 2.12 Advice and support is provided o the client from database of known problems, where appropriate. 3. Tune performance 3.1 Actual website performance is compared against benchmarks over an appropriate period and makes changes based on inconsistencies. 3.2 Performance inconsistencies are recorded and learning incorporated into revised policies and procedures. 3.3 Diagnostic and software tools are used to identify and correct website faults. 3.4 Preventative maintenance is planned and done on a regular basis, to ensure continuous and consistent performance of website. 3.5 Fault correction and maintenance reports are completed and recorded as required. 3.6 Advice and support provided by third party is documented according to organizational guidelines, where appropriate. 4. Initiate and monitor performance improvement Page 55 of 52 4.1 Mechanism for capturing client initiatives are established to assist in identifying maintenance or administration process performance problems. 4.2 Security tools and procedures are reviewed and improvements are conducted where necessary. 4.3 Maintenance schedules are documented and implemented. 4.4 Maintenance and administration documentation are reviewed in line with policies and procedures, in order to identify areas for performance improvement. 4.5 Website is updated on a regular basis, including information, links, multi-media links and back-end software. 4.6 A timely and appropriate response is provided to client to provide improvement or maintenance suggestions. Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Variable Range Specifications May include but is not limited to technical requirements user problem statement current system functionality May include but is not limited to internal departments external organizations individual people employees May be in reference to the business system application network or people in the organization May include customer supplier payroll inventory or tax requirements of the organization May include organizational standards project May include but is not limited to the hardware and software components that run a computer May include but is not limited to Commercial in-house packaged or customized software May follow naming standards version control project management templates report writing principles Client Requirements Business requirements: Standards System Software Documentation Policies Tools and equipment Occupational Health and Safety Page 56 of 52 May include: Incident response procedures, network intrusion detection systems forensic procedures training and awareness raising policy May include but not limited to: Web servers and website Web traffic diagnostic tools, including timing tools to gauge website response times May include lighting, type of desk, style of chair, ventilation, light position, correct lifting method, and length of time in front of computer electrical safety. Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Evidence Guide Critical aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Underpinning Skills Resources Implication Assessment confirmed that the candidate has – developed and maintained actual website performance against benchmarks to ensure that the website meets specifications where performance criteria are not met, faults are identified and appropriate remedial action taken implemented scheduled and non-scheduled maintenance and to effectively monitor and tune website performance Demonstrates knowledge of: Website architecture Basic website security Basic workload (web traffic) metrics Basic business process design Customer and business liaison Demonstrates skills to: Benchmarking website performance Tracking and tuning website performance Monitor website performance improvement Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Assessment Methods Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting . Page 57 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Perform Database Development Unit Code ICT WMD3 07 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to plan and carry out the development of database for website purpose according to organizational requirements and guidelines. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Model and design database 1.1 Requirements of the client relevant to organizational needs are identified, clarified and organized following organizational requirements. 1.2 Requirements are evaluated along with business needs in order to translate into technical requirements. 1.3 Database is modeled according to the technical requirements. 1.4 Database design documentation is prepared. 2. Build database 2.1 Database design documentation is reviewed, including data structures, queries, reports and user interface. 2.2 Database access and security feature design are compared with organizational security plan. 2.3 Prototype according to database design is developed. 2.4 Database tables are populated with suitable data, including current business data. 2.5 Test data is developed to assess database features. 2.6 Functionality of prototype with client is assessed, including identified errors in program code and modified screens and reports. 2.7 Feedback is incorporated from client into prototype. 2.8 Client sign-off is obtained for the prototype. Variable Range Client May include but is not limited to internal departments external organizations clubs individual people internal employees Page 58 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Requirements May be in reference to the business system application network people in the organization Organizational May include but is not limited to requirements how and what the organization wants in regard to work environment problem solution processes preventative maintenance and diagnostic policy roles and technical responsibilities in the IT department vendor and product service-level support agreements Tools and May include but not limited to: equipment database design documentation Computers , DBMS software Occupational May include repetitive strain injury prevention, light position, Health and Safety length of time in front of computer. May also include licensingrelated and physical safety considerations such as general electrical safety and cabling as they apply to computer and peripheral installations. Evidence Guide Critical aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Underpinning Skills Resources Implication Assessment Methods Context of Assessment Page 59 of 52 Demonstrates skills and knowledge in: modeled and designed database built database Demonstrates knowledge of: Broad knowledge of current industry-accepted hardware and software products Broad knowledge of the client business domain, business function and organization (e.g. when confirming client requirements and network equipment) Broad knowledge of database technologies incorporating substantial depth in some areas Broad knowledge of organizational set up. Demonstrates skills to: model and design database build database Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Design Program Logic Unit Code ICT WMD3 08 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to describe the various processes in a program to ensure that there is understanding of user and design requirements. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Select the program logic design approach 1.1 Design documentation is obtained and the requirements for the programs are reviewed and clarified. 2. Document the program logic or design 2.1 Diagrams of program flow and modules are structured according to project standards 1.2 Design approach to be taken in coding and the modules and links required is determined 2.2 Program scope and limits are documented according to project standards 2.3 Special routines or procedures are documented or referenced according to project standards 2.4 References for tables, files, inputs, outputs, and other program functionalities are identified and revised according to program requirements 2.5 Templates are used as applicable 3. Validate the design 3.1 Program flow, states or conditions are checked for interfaces and compliance to design documentation requirements 3.2 Feedback/input is gained from appropriate person as needed Variable Range Design approach may include, but not limited to the use of: pseudo codes data structures flowcharts RAD diagrams case tools ERDs prototyping HIPO Charts modular programming data flow diagrams Any form of written documentation of the system or program requirements received by a programmer from the systems analyst, project manager or supervisor. Design documentation Page 60 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Appropriate person Project standards This may be the: systems analyst supervisor another programmer teacher user This may include, but not limited to: Client imposed systems development standards methodologies Available commercial tools like: Visio, Smart draw, or case tools Evidence Guide Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: Programming and program logic formulation or design skills. Competence Assessment must confirm the ability to meet technical requirements by successfully producing the required program design. Demonstrates knowledge of: Underpinning Understanding of system specification and requirements Knowledge and Knowledge of programming or coding Attitudes Knowledge of programming using constructs/ modules/ objects Concepts of various program and system lifecycle options Knowledge of program design and structure Demonstrates skills to: Underpinning Use and application of various design documentation tools Skills Coding programs Designing and debugging program logic and flow The following resources must be provided: Resource Program or design specifications Implications Documentation tools Personal computer or workstation Competence may be assessed through: Methods of Observation of real or simulated work processes Assessment Interviews Context of Competence may be assessed in the workplace or in a Assessment simulated work environment. TOP Page 61 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Author and Test Multimedia Product Unit Code ICT WMD3 09 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit describes the skills and knowledge required in authoring and developing a strategy for testing and to conduct the test of a complete multimedia product using an industry standard authoring and testing tool for productions within the cultural industries. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Identify multimedia elements 1.1 All relevant plans, storyboards, navigation designs and design are obtained in brief. 1.2 All multimedia elements are located as required to meet creative and production requirements and technical specifications. 1.3 Issues of integration and formats of the multimedia elements are discussed with appropriate personnel. 1.4 All multimedia elements are saved in the appropriate format for inclusion, and store for each access. 2.1 Range of industry standard authoring software is identified. 2.2 Software is assed in relation to specified multimedia delivery platform. 2.3 Selection of software is discussed with relevant design personnel to ensure selection will meet specified Outcomes. 2.4 Authoring software is selected. 3.1 Authoring software is loaded following work procedure . 3.2 A new file for the specified task is created and named appropriately. 3.3 Tools and features of software are displayed and used relevant to authoring process. 4.1 Multimedia elements are imported and assembled in appropriate sequence according to creative requirements 4.2 Interactive elements are created according to creative and technical requirements. 4.3 Multimedia sequence conforms are checked to navigation design and loading specifications. 4.4 Multimedia sequence is tested and run as a presentation 2. Identify scope of authoring software 3. Use authoring software 4. Create multimedia sequence Page 62 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 to ensure the sequence meets creative, production and technical requirements 5. Evaluate multimedia prototype 6. Transform prototype into final product 7. Determine criteria and method for testing 8. Test and review multimedia product at agreed stages Page 63 of 52 4.5 File formats are saved and identified for specified purpose. 5.1 Final sequence is played back with relevant personnel. 5.2 Multimedia is evaluated against criteria including achievement of a creative and user-friendly product. 5.3 Required changes are discussed and agreed. 5.4 Tests and user trials are assisted as required. 5.5 Feedback from user trials are evaluated 5.6 Endorsement from relevant personnel is confirmed to develop prototype into complete product 6.1 Necessary changes are made as indicated by user trials. 6.2 All multimedia elements are integrated as required by specifications. 6.3 Final checks are made to ensure all sequences conform to the navigation design. 6.4 Files are saved into specified storage systems. 7.1 Criteria that are to be used for testing/evaluation are defined 7.2 Points at which progress will be measured are identified, documented and communicated to all involved in the production. 7.3 Various methods and levels of testing for multimedia are identified. 7.4 Characteristics and appropriateness of methods of testing are determined during development and on completion. 7.5 A plan for testing the product is developed during development and on completion. 8.1 Progress towards completion is determined at the identified reporting points 8.2 Product is tested at the identified reporting points. 8.3 Feedback is provided to staff on progress and quality. 8.4 Testing strategy is used to ensure that the product satisfies its aims and creative, production and technical requirements. 8.5 Testing process are documented and problems are recorded and remedial steps taken. 8.6 Problems and faults are detected during testing in accordance with agreed project or industry practice. Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 9. Evaluate final product 9.1 On completion, the final product is evaluated against the previously determined criteria. 9.2 Strategies that were successful and those that let to difficulties are identified. 9.3 Findings are documented to inform subsequent projects. Variable Range Appropriate personnel may include: project manager animator graphic interface designer artist navigation designer instructional designers sound engineer programmers video producer graphic designers sound text video animation images graphic may include a wide range of programs, some current examples of which may be: Pagemill Frontpage Dreamweaver Flash Director Hyper Studio disc space Page mill delivery Front page platform Dream weaver sound Flash video Director images Hyper Studio text world wide web animation CD-ROM graphic DVD may include: check of data check of data sequence all navigation pathways explored all interactivity works user records faithful and accurate works on chosen platform may be determined by: complexity of the project time available money available project specifications Components may include: Industry standard authoring software Tools and equipment may include but not limited to: Detecting faults Testing strategy Page 64 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 A multimedia product may include or be included in: Tools and equipment Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) aspects or sections of film/video production: feature documentary short film and/or video animations commercials live or pre-recorded performances music video television production of any type (music, drama, comedy, variety, sport) live or pre-recorded television productions educational product game promotional product information product training product e-commence a range of others May include but not limited to: graphics video and audio cameras videos audio animation (2D, 3D, models) photographs documentary short film May include repetitive strain injury prevention, light position, length of time in front of computer. May also include licensingrelated and physical safety considerations such as general electrical safety and cabling as they apply to computer and peripheral installations. Evidence Guide Critical aspects of Competence Page 65 of 52 Assessment confirmed that the candidate has customized to meet the needs of the particular sector in which performance is being assessed developed a functional interactive multimedia product that conforms to the navigation design and shows creativity developed of a testing strategy analyzed test results and used results to deal with problems and faults detected during testing Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Page 66 of 52 Demonstrates knowledge of: computers and computer operating systems elements of multimedia and range of multimedia file formats a range of multimedia delivery platforms skill to correctly interpret a design brief and navigation design scope and applicability of industry standard authoring software skills in using appropriate authoring software, including its primary tools and features software used for web authoring, its application, advantages and disadvantages and ability to make the types of adjustments requited when converting artwork to a range of delivery platforms. internet-related issues such as band width ,platformindependence and screen types, and how they are resolved the purpose and process of validation and the role of standards and extension knowledge of and ability to use the hardware, software and configurations required to view completed work multimedia text software and ability to create, incorporate and format text into a Multimedia product principles of analogue and digital audio and contemporary digital audio formats methods for saving and producing digital audio outputs and optimizing file size principles of editing audio tracks understanding of the technical requirements for preparing a range of artwork for multimedia output which may include animation, graphics, text, video and audio recognition and how to use and apply different technologies for design purposes broad knowledge base incorporating theoretical concepts of multimedia software packages sources of technical and design information principles of digital video and contemporary digital video formats methods for saving and producing digital video outputs digital components of multimedia, their distinguishing features and functions electronic components of multimedia the scope and role of multimedia types of testing that may be used for multimedia products planning skills and the ability to communicate technical information stages at which testing should be done reasons for testing Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Underpinning Skills Resources Implication Demonstrates skills to: Identified multimedia elements Identified scope of authoring software Created multimedia sequence Evaluated multimedia prototype Transformed prototype into final product determined criteria for testing determined methods for testing reviewed multimedia products evaluated final product Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Assessment Methods Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Page 67 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Setup and Operate Basic Video Camera Unit Code ICT WMD3 10 0811 This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to set up and operate a basic video camera and equipment for use in small media productions which may not be intended for commercial sale. Unit Descriptor Elements Performance Criteria 1. Select and prepare camera equipment and materials 1.1 Equipment and stock requirements are confirmed for the shoot. 1.2 Equipment are obtained, cleaned and ensured to make it operational. 1.3 Faults and defects are recognized and referred to specialist technicians. 1.4 All required stock and consumables is obtained and ensured present in sufficient quantity to meet the filming requirements 1.5 Required stock and consumables is available at the correct location and time of the filming. 2. Charge and maintain batteries throughout shoot 2.1 Power supply is ensured to be appropriate and available. 2.2 Charger is ensured and is suitable for the batteries used. 2.3 Batteries are safely charged according to manufacturer’s recommendations. 2.4 Charged batteries are maintained to meet the requirements of filming duration. 3. Install or 3.1 Support requirements and position of camera are check camera determined support 3.2 Supports are Installed in the appropriate position and at equipment the appropriate height to achieve the camera shot required. 3.3 Support is ensured secured, avoids damage to any equipment and provides satisfactory camera support. 4. Install camera, lenses and other accessories 4.1 Correct camera lens is selected, securely fitted and filtered according to identified creative requirements. 4.2 Other camera accessories and special requirements are stalled correctly. 4.3 Lift camera, using safe lifting and handling techniques and Page 68 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 secure to support, if required. 4.4 Camera is safely secured to avoid damage following safety rules. 5. Test all 5.1 Recording functions of the video camera are checked to operational achieve accurate technical output. aspects of the 5.2 Exposure, color and focus aspects of the camera are camera checked to achieve the desired artistic and technical results. 5.3 Chosen filters are checked to ensure that they achieve the desired artistic and technical results. 5.4 Pan and tilt movements are checked if required. 6. Prepare and load videotapes 6.1 All cassettes are labeled accurately using necessary materials. 6.2 Videotape is loaded and checked into camera for recording. 6.3 Readiness for shooting is confirmed with the relevant personnel. 7. Operate camera 7.1 Camera is operated in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines. 7.2 Camera shots and angles are considered to ensure filming produces the desired result. 7.3 Photographic and composition techniques are employed to achieve the creative requirements. 7.4 Any camera is ensured that movement is steady and smooth throughout the duration of filming. 7.5 Equipment are adjusted and moved as required, during the filming. 8. Disassemble camera, accessories and support equipment 8.1 Video camera, accessories are broken down and carried and safe lifting techniques are employed. 8.2 All equipment are cleaned and safely packed into cases to avoid damage and prepared for transport. 8.3 Any equipment that is damaged and requires maintenance is reported and documented to the relevant personnel. 8.4 Filming site is left in the original or improved condition, ensuring that there has been no adverse impact on the site. Page 69 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Variable Range May include: in a studio on location – interior on location – exterior outside broadcast day/night Shoots single camera may include: Types of short documentaries production short films animated productions filmed events or performances may include: Equipment and any domestic type video camera accessories lighting kit, eg lighting bulbs, lights mounts filters wide angle adaptor may include: Supports tripods fixed mounts may include: Operation of hand held operation camera fixed camera zoom lens may include: Lenses zoom fixed macro micro may include: Power sources batteries AC Requirements for may include: specific lighting conditions the shoot technical creative may include: Relevant director personnel lighting personnel technical director other technical staff other specialist staff Environments where cameras may be set up and maintained Page 70 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Reports Documentation Tools and equipment Occupational Health and Safety may be: computer generated manually written may include: stock order forms fault reports film and battery labels shortlists script production schedule running sheet May include but not limited to: Any domestic type video camera lighting kit, eg lighting bulbs, lights mounts filters wide angle adaptor tripods fixed mounts batteries AC May include correct position, lighting, repetitive strain injury prevention, ventilation, light position, correct lifting method, electrical safety and cabling, power supply and other equipment safety precautions. Evidence Guide Critical aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Page 71 of 52 Assessment confirmed that the candidate has applied photographic principles known technical aspects of a domestic type of video camera Demonstrates knowledge of: basic concepts of camera maintenance and appropriate cleaning techniques and cleaning materials domestic type video cameras and operational functions framing techniques and methods of composition lens theory and application including range camera to subject practice, ie lens to eye-line, crossing the line, matching shots video types and differences and compatibility of stock to equipment management of video stocks, storage and handling interpretation of creative requirements to technical operation relevant photographic principles such as exposure, tonal relationships, light sources, sensitivity and balancing, camera’s interpretation of colour, and how this Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Underpinning Skills Resources Implication determines the selection of filters different types of light measuring devices and their use use of light meters the effect of different light sources, diffusion materials, filters and reflectors on the lighting environment which includes both performers and set duty of care to colleagues and the general public Demonstrates skills to: selected and prepared camera equipment and materials installed camera support installed lenses and other accessories prepared and loaded videotapes operated camera disassembled and assembled camera, accessories and support equipment Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Assessment Methods Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Page 72 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Create Technical Documentation Unit Code ICT WMD3 11 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to create technical documentation that is clear to the target audience and easy to navigate. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Identify and analyze documentation needs 1.1 Client is consulted to identify documentation requirements 1.2 Documentation requirements are interpreted and evaluated, and details with the client confirmed 1.3 Industry and documentation standards are investigated for requirements 1.4 Scope of work is defined and documented to be produced 1.5 Client is consulted to validate and confirm the scope of work 2. Design documentation 2.1 Information requirements are identified with reference to layout and structure documented 2.2 Document templates and style guides are created consistent with information requirements 2.3 A review of the system is conducted in order to understand its functionality 2.4 Content that meets information requirements is extracted in accordance with relevant copyright restrictions 2.5 Structure of the technical documentation is developed giving focus to the flow of information, style, tone and content format 2.6 Technical documentation structure is validated with the client 3. Develop documentation 3.1 Technical documentation is written based on the template and scope of work using the information gathered 3.2 Technical terminology is translated into plain English where appropriate 3.3 Content format and style is applied in accordance with relevant documentation standards and templates 4.1 Technical documentation is submitted to appropriate person 4. Evaluate and for reviewed edit Documentation 4.2 Feedback is gathered and analyzed 4.3 Alterations into the technical documentation is incorporated 4.4 Technical documentation is edited for technical and grammatical accuracy Page 73 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Variable Range Client May include but is not limited to internal departments, external organizations, individual people and internal employees Requirements May be in reference to the business, system, application, organizational policies, network or people in the organisation May include but are not limited to policy relating to sign-off, storage, distribution, revision. May include ISO/IEC/AS standards, organizational standards, audit trails, naming conventions, version control, project management templates and report writing principles May include but is not limited to network, application, software, business, computers, financial system, management system and information system May include system or project specifications, system design, system functionality, reports, help references, technical manuals, operational procedures, training materials and self-paced tutorials, on-line help, user guides and brochures. May include text, audio, animation and graphics provided through books, manuals, CD-ROMs, DVDs, computer-based tutorials, help screens and the world wide web. May include information and interactive features, such as product information, company information, copyright and disclaimer notices, site map, frequently asked questions, what's new, customer-specific information, customer only information, error messages, instructions, feedback mechanisms, reference pages, forms, background articles, ratings/rankings/testimonials/quotes from reviews, hyperlink titles. Word processing Software, Computers, Secondary storage devices Correct posture, lighting, type of desk, type of monitor, style of chair, typing position, repetitive strain injury prevention, ventilation, light position, correct lifting method, and length of time in front of computer. May also include physical safety considerations such as general electrical safety and cabling, power supply and leads as they apply to computer and peripheral installations. Documentation standards System Technical documentation Channels Content Tools and equipment Occupational Health and Safety Page 74 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Evidence Guide Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm the ability to create technical documentation that meets business requirements, caters for a Competence diverse readership, is clear to the target audience and easy to navigate such as identified and analyzed documentation needs designed documentation developed documentation evaluated and edited Documentation Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of: Knowledge and content features, such as clarity and readability Attitudes instructional design principles functions and features of templates and style guides document design, web design and usability use of word processing software and multimedia authoring tools identifying target audiences analyzing audience needs identifying relevant content determining appropriate content, formats and styles writing content Underpinning Demonstrates skills to: Skills design documentation develop documentation Resources Implication Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Assessment Methods Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning Observation / Demonstration Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting Page 75 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Monitor Implementation of Workplan/Activities Unit Code ICT WMT3 12 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to oversee and monitor the quality of work operations within an enterprise. This unit may be carried out by team leaders, supervisors or managers. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Monitor and improve workplace operations 1.1 Efficiency and service levels are monitored on an ongoing basis. 1.2 Operations in the workplace support overall enterprise goals and quality assurance initiatives. 1.3 Quality problems and issues are promptly identified and adjustments are made accordingly. 1.4 Procedures and systems are changed in consultation with colleagues to improve efficiency and effectiveness. 1.5 Colleagues are consulted about ways to improve efficiency and service levels. 2. Plan and organise workflow 2.1 Current workload of colleagues is accurately assessed. 2.2 Work is scheduled in a manner which enhances efficiency and customer service quality. 2.3 Work is delegated to appropriate people in accordance with principles of delegation. 2.4 Workflow is assessed against agreed objectives and timelines. 2.5 Colleagues are assisted in prioritisation of workload. 2.6 Input is provided to appropriate management regarding staffing needs. 3. Maintain workplace records 3.1 Workplace records are accurately completed and submitted within required timeframes. 3.2 Where appropriate completion of records is delegated and monitored prior to submission. 4. Solve problems and make decisions 4.1 Workplace problems are promptly identified and considered from an operational and customer service perspective. 4.2 Short term action in initiated to resolve the immediate problem where appropriate. 4.3 Problems are analysed for any long term impact and potential solutions are assessed and actioned in Page 76 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 consultation with relevant colleagues. 4.4 Where problem is raised by a team member, they are encouraged to participate in solving the problem. 4.5 Follow up action is taken to monitor the effectiveness of solutions in the workplace. Variable Range Workplace records May include but is not limited to: staff records regular performance reports Evidence Guide Description Critical Aspects of ability to effectively monitor and respond to a range of common operational and service issues in the workplace Competence understanding of the role of staff involved in workplace monitoring knowledge of quality assurance, principles of workflow planning, delegation and problem solving Demonstrate knowledge of: Underpinning the roles and responsibilities of those involved in monitoring Knowledge and work operations Attitudes overview of leadership and management responsibilities principles of work planning typical work organisation methods appropriate to the industry sector quality assurance principles time management principles of delegation problem solving and decision making processes industrial and/or legislative issues which affect short term work organization as appropriate to industry sector Plan and organize workflow Underpinning Maintain workplace record Skills Solve problems and make decisions access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated Resource environment where assessment can take place Implications materials relevant to the proposed activity or task Competence may be assessed through: Methods of Interview / Oral questioning / Written Test Assessment Observation/Demonstration Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a Assessment simulated work place setting Page 77 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Apply Quality Control Unit Code ICT WMD3 13 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required in applying quality control on web and multimedia development. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Confirm quality standards 1.1 Quality standard procedures document for hardware and network services are acquired and confirmed. 1.2 Quality documents are disseminated to staff in accordance with the organization policy. 1.3 Standard procedures are introduced and explained to organizational staff / personnel. 1.4 Standard procedures are revised / updated when necessary 2.1 Services delivered are checked against organization quality standards and specifications 2.2 Service delivered are evaluated using the appropriate evaluation parameters and in accordance with organization standards 2.3 Causes of any identified faults are identified and corrective actions are taken in accordance with organization policies and procedures 3.1 Basic information on the quality performance is recorded in accordance with organization procedures 3.2 Records of work quality are maintained according to the requirements of the organization 4.1 Causes of deviations from final outputs or services are investigated and reported in accordance with organization procedures 4.2 Suitable preventive action is recommended based on organization quality standards and identified causes of deviation from specified quality standards of final service or output 5.1 Information on quality and other indicators of service performance is recorded. 5.2 All service processes and outcomes are recorded. 2. Assess quality of service delivered 3. Record information 4. Study causes of quality deviations 5. Complete documentation Page 78 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Variable Range Quality check Quality standards Quality parameters Check against specifications Visual inspection of final output Physical inspection of service materials components process standard specifications procedures materials Evidence Guide Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: Competence Checked completed work continuously against organization standard Identified and isolated faulty or poor service Checked service delivered against organization standards Identified and applied corrective actions on the causes of identified faults or error Recorded basic information regarding quality performance Investigated causes of deviations of services against standard Recommended suitable preventive actions Relevant quality standards, policies and procedures Underpinning Characteristics of services Knowledge Safety environment aspects of service processes Relevant evaluation techniques and quality checking procedures Workplace procedures and reporting procedures Interpret work instructions, specifications and standards Underpinning appropriate to the required work or service Skills Carry out relevant performance evaluation Maintain accurate work records in accordance with procedures Meet work specifications and requirements Communicate effectively within defined workplace procedures Resource The following resources should be provided: Implications Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated environment and materials relevant to the activity/ task Methods of Competence may be assessed through: Assessment Interview / Observation / Demonstration Context for Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a Assessment simulated work place setting Page 79 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Lead Workplace Communication Unit Code Unit Descriptor ICT WMD3 14 0811 This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills to lead in the dissemination and discussion of information and issues in the workplace. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Communicate information about workplace processes 1.1 Appropriate communication method is selected 1.2 Multiple operations involving several topics areas are communicated accordingly. 1.3 Questions are used to gain extra information. 1.4 Correct sources of information are identified. 1.5 Information is selected and organized correctly. 1.6 Verbal and written reporting is undertaken when required. 1.7 Communication skills are maintained in all situations. 2.1 Response to workplace issues is sought. 2.2 Response to workplace issues are provided immediately. 2.3 Constructive contributions are made to workplace discussions on such issues as production, quality and safety. 2.4 Goals/objectives and action plan undertaken in the workplace are communicated. 2. Lead workplace discussion 3. Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace 3.1 Issues and problems are identified as they arise. 3.2 Information regarding problems and issues are organized coherently to ensure clear and effective communication. 3.3 Dialogue is initiated with appropriate staff/personnel. 3.4 Communication problems and issues are raised as they arise. Variable Range Methods of communication Non-verbal gestures Verbal Face to face Two-way radio Speaking to groups Page 80 of 52 Using telephone Written Using Internet Cell phone Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Evidence Guide Description Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: Competence dealt with a range of communication/information at one time made constructive contributions in workplace issues sought workplace issues effectively responded to workplace issues promptly presented information clearly and effectively written form used appropriate sources of information asked appropriate questions provided accurate information Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of: Knowledge and organization requirements for written and electronic Attitudes communication methods effective verbal communication methods Underpinning Demonstrates skills to: Skills organize information understand and convey intended meaning participate in variety of workplace discussions comply with organization requirements for the use of written and electronic communication methods Resource The following resources must be provided: Implications variety of information, communication tools, simulated workplace Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through: Interview Observation/Demonstration Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed individually in the actual workplace or through accredited institution Page 81 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 TOP Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Lead Small Teams Unit Code Unit Descriptor ICT WMD3 15 0811 This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills to lead small teams including setting and maintaining team and individual performance standards. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Provide team leadership 1.1. Work requirements are identified and presented to team members. 1.2. Reasons for instructions and requirements are communicated to team members. 1.3. Team members’ queries and concerns are recognized, discussed and dealt with. 2.1. Duties and responsibilities are allocated having regarded to the skills, knowledge and aptitude required to properly undertake the assigned task and according to company policy. 2.2. Duties are allocated having regard to individual preference, domestic and personal considerations, whenever possible. 3.1. Performance expectations are established based on client needs and according to assignment requirements. 3.2. Performance expectations are based on individual team members duties and area of responsibility. 3.3. Performance expectations are discussed and disseminated to individual team members. 4.1. Monitoring of performance takes place against defined performance criteria and/or assignment instructions and corrective action taken if required 4.2. Team members are provided with feedback, positive support and advice on strategies to overcome any deficiencies 4.3. Performance issues which cannot be rectified or addressed within the team are referenced to appropriate personnel according to employer policy 4.4. Team members are kept informed of any changes in the priority allocated to assignments or tasks which might impact on client/customer needs and satisfaction 4.5. Team operations are monitored to ensure that employer/ 2. Assign responsibilities 3. Set performance expectations for team members 4. Supervised team performance Page 82 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 client needs and requirements are met 4.6. Follow-up communication is provided on all issues affecting the team 4.7. All relevant documentation is completed in accordance with company procedures Variable Range Work requirements client profile assignment instructions Team member’s concerns roster/shift details Monitor performance formal process informal process Feedback formal process informal process Evidence Guide Description Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: maintained or improved individuals and/or team performance Competence given a variety of possible scenario assessed and monitored team and individual performance against set criteria represented concerns of a team and individual to next level of management or appropriate specialist and to negotiate on their behalf allocated duties and responsibilities, having regard to individual’s knowledge, skills and aptitude and the needs of the tasks to be performed set and communicated performance expectations for a range of tasks and duties within the team and provided feedback to team members Demonstrates knowledge of: Underpinning company policies and procedures Knowledge and relevant legal requirements Attitudes how performance expectations are set methods of monitoring performance client expectations team member’s duties and responsibilities communication skills required for leading teams Underpinning informal performance counseling skills Skills team building skills negotiating skills access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated Resource Page 83 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Implications Methods of Assessment Context of Assessment Page 84 of 52 environment where assessment can take place materials relevant to the proposed activity or task Competence may be assessed through: Interview / Oral questioning / Written Test Observation/Demonstration Competence may be assessed individually in the actual workplace or through accredited institution Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Top Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Improve Business Practice Unit Code ICT WMD3 16 0811 Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in promoting, improving and growing business operations. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Diagnose the business 1.1 Data required for diagnosis is determined and acquired 1.2 Competitive advantage of the business is determined from the data 1.3 SWOT analysis of the data is undertaken 2. Benchmark the business 2.1 Sources of relevant benchmarking data are identified 2.2 Key indicators for benchmarking are selected in consultation with key stakeholders 2.3 Like indicators of own practice are compared with benchmark indicators 2.4 Areas for improvement are identified 3. Develop plans to improve business performance 3.1 A consolidated list of required improvements is developed 3.2 Cost-benefit ratios for required improvements are determined 3.3 Work flow changes resulting from proposed improvements are determined 3.4 Proposed improvements are ranked according to agreed criteria 3.5 An action plan to implement the top ranked improvements is developed and agreed 3.6 Organizational structures are checked to ensure they are suitable 4. Develop marketing and promotional plans 4.1 The practice vision statement is reviewed 4.2 Practice objectives are developed/reviewed 4.3 Target markets are identified/refined 4.4 Market research data is obtained 4.5 Competitor analysis is obtained 4.6 Market position is developed/reviewed 4.7 Practice brand is developed 4.8 Benefits of practice/practice products/services are identified Page 85 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 4.9 Promotion tools are selected/developed 5. Develop business growth plans 5.1 Plans to increase yield per existing client are developed 5.2 Plans to add new clients are developed 5.3 Proposed plans are ranked according to agreed criteria 5.4 An action plan to implement the top ranked plans is developed and agreed 5.5 Practice work practices are reviewed to ensure they support growth plans 6. Implement and 6.1 Implementation plan is developed in consultation with all monitor plans relevant stakeholders 6.2 Indicators of success of the plan are agreed 6.3 Implementation is monitored against agreed indicators 6.4 Implementation is adjusted as required Variable Data required includes: Competitive advantage includes: Page 86 of 52 Range organization capability appropriate business structure level of client service which can be provided internal policies, procedures and practices staff levels, capabilities and structure market, market definition market changes/market segmentation market consolidation/fragmentation revenue level of commercial activity expected revenue levels, short and long term revenue growth rate break even data pricing policy revenue assumptions business environment economic conditions social factors demographic factors technological impacts political/legislative/regulative impacts competitors, competitor pricing and response to pricing competitor marketing/branding competitor products services/products fees location Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Objectives should be 'SMART' , that Market research data includes: Competitor analysis SWOT analysis includes: Key indicators may include: Organizational structures include: Market position should include data on: Page 87 of 52 timeframe Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time defined data about existing clients data about possible new clients data from internal sources data from external sources such as: trade associations/journals Yellow Pages small business surveys libraries Internet Chamber of Commerce client surveys and industry reports secondary market research primary market research such as: telephone surveys personal interviews mail surveys competitor offerings competitor promotion strategies and activities competitor profile in the market place internal strengths such as staff capability, recognized quality internal weaknesses such as poor morale, under-capitalization, poor technology external opportunities such as changing market and economic conditions external threats such as industry fee structures, strategic alliances, competitor marketing salary cost and staffing personnel productivity (particularly of principals) profitability fee structure client base size staff/principal overhead/overhead control legal structure (partnership, limited liability company, etc.) organizational structure/hierarchy reward schemes product the good or service provided product mix the core product - what is bought Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Practice brand may include: Benefits may include: Promotion tools include: Yield per existing client may be increased by: Page 88 of 52 the tangible product - what is perceived the augmented product - total package of consumer features/benefits product differentiation from competitive products new/changed products price and pricing strategies (cost plus, supply/demand, ability to pay, etc.) pricing objectives (profit, market penetration, etc.) cost components market position distribution strategies marketing channels promotion promotional strategies target audience communication promotion budget practice image practice logo/letter head/signage phone answering protocol facility decor slogans templates for communication/invoicing style guide writing style AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) features as perceived by the client benefits as perceived by the client networking and referrals seminars advertising press releases publicity and sponsorship brochures newsletters (print and/or electronic) websites direct mail telemarketing/cold calling raising charge out rates/fees packaging fees reduce discounts sell more services to existing clients Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Evidence Guide Critical Aspects The candidate must be able to demonstrate: of Competence ability to identify the key indicators of business performance ability to identify the key market data for the business knowledge of a wide range of available information sources ability to acquire information not readily available within a business ability to analyze data and determine areas of improvement ability to negotiate required improvements to ensure implementation ability to evaluate systems against practice requirements and form recommendations and/or make recommendations ability to assess the accuracy and relevance of information Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of: Knowledge and data analysis Attitudes communication skills computer skills to manipulate data and present information negotiation skills and problem solving planning skills marketing principles ability to acquire and interpret relevant data current product and marketing mix use of market intelligence development and implementation strategies of promotion and growth plans Underpinning data analysis and manipulation Skills ability to acquire and interpret required data current practice systems and structures sources of relevant benchmarking data methods of selecting relevant key benchmarking indicators communication skills working and consulting with others when developing plans for the business negotiation skills and problem solving using computers to manipulate, present and distribute information planning skills Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations, Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on workplace practices and OHS practices. Methods of Competence may be assessed through: Assessment Interview / Written Test Observation / Demonstration Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated Assessment work place setting Page 89 of 52 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopia Occupational Standard Version 3 August 2011 Occupational Standard: Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level III Unit Title Maintain Quality System and Continuous Improvement Processes (Kaizen) Unit Code ICT WMD3 17 1012 Unit Descriptor This unit of competence covers the skills and knowledge required to prevent process improvements in their own work from slipping back to former practices or digressing to less efficient practices. It covers responsibility for the day- to-day operation of the work/functional area and ensuring that quality system requirements are met and that continuous improvements are initiated and institutionalized. Elements Performance Criteria 1. Develop and maintain quality framework within work area 1.1 Distribute and explain information about the enterprise's quality system to personnel 1.2 Encourage personnel to participate in improvement processes and to assume responsibility and authority 1.3 Allocate responsibilities for quality within work area in accordance with quality system 1.4 Provide coaching and mentoring to ensure that personnel are able to meet their responsibilities and quality requirements 2. Maintain quality documentation 2.1 Identify required quality documentation, including records of improvement plans and initiatives 2.2 Prepare and maintain quality documentation and keep accurate data records 2.3 Maintain document control system for work area 2.4 Contribute to the development and revision of quality manuals and work instructions for the work area 2.5 Develop and implement inspection and test plans for quality controlled products 3. Facilitate the application of standardized procedures 3.1 Ensure all required procedures are accessible by relevant personnel 3.2 Assist personnel to access relevant procedures, as required 3.3 Facilitate the resolution of conflicts arising from job 3.4 Facilitate the completion of required work in accordance with standard procedures and practices 4. Provide training in quality systems and improvement processes 4.1 Analyze roles, duties and current competency of relevant personnel 4.2 Identify training needs in relation to quality system and continuous improvement processes (kaizen) 4.3 Identify opportunities for skills development and/or training programs to meet needs 4.4 Initiate and monitor training and skills development programs 4.5 Maintain accurate training record 5. Monitor and review performance 5.1 Review performance outcomes to identify ways in which planning and operations could be improved 5.2 Use the organization’s systems and technology to monitor and review progress and to identify ways in which planning and operations could be improved 5.3 Enhance customer service through the use of quality improvement techniques and processes 5.4 Adjust plans and communicate these to personnel involved in their development and implementation 6. Build continuous 6.1 Organize and facilitate improvement team improvement 6.2 Encourage work group members to routinely monitor process key process indicators 6.3 Build capacity in the work group to critically review the relevant parts of the value chain 6.4 Assist work group members to formalize improvement suggestions 6.5 Facilitate relevant resources and assist work group members to develop implementation plans 6.6 Monitor implementation of improvement plans taking appropriate actions to assist implementation where required. 7. Facilitate the identification of improvement opportunities 7.1 Analyze the job completion process 7.2 Ask relevant questions of job incumbent 7.3 Encourage job incumbents to conceive and suggest improvements 7.4 Facilitate the trying out of improvements, as appropriate 8. Evaluate relevant components of quality system Page 91 of 97 8.1 Undertake regular audits of components of the quality system that relate to the work area 8.2 Implement improvements in the quality system in accordance with own level of responsibility and workplace procedures Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard Version 2 July 2010 8.3 Facilitate the updating of standard procedures and practices 8.4 Ensure the capability of the work team aligns with the requirements of the procedure Variable Range Coaching and mentoring May refer to: providing assistance with problem-solving providing feedback, support and encouragement teaching another member of the team, usually focusing on a specific work task or skill May include: cyclical audits and reviews of workplace, team and individual performance evaluations and monitoring of effectiveness implementation of quality systems, such as International Standardization for Organization (ISO) modifications and improvements to systems, processes, services and products policies and procedures which allow the organization to systematically review and improve the quality of its products, services and procedures seeking and considering feedback from a range of stakeholders Kaizen Enterprise-specific improvement systems May include: computerized systems and software such as databases, project management and word processing telecommunications devices any other technology used to carry out work roles and responsibilities May be: internal or external to existing, new or potential clients Key process indicators may include: statistical process control data/charts orders lost time, injury and other OHS records equipment reliability charts, etc. May include: statistics cause and effect diagrams fishbone diagram Pareto diagrams Continuous improvement processes may include: Technology Customer service Key process indicators Continuous improvement tools Page 92 of 97 Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard Version 2 July 2010 run charts X bar R charts PDCA Sigma techniques balanced scorecards benchmarking performance measurement upstream and downstream customers internal and external customers immediate and/or final Evidence Guide Critical Aspects of Competence Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes Page 93 of 97 Evidence of the following is essential: taking active steps to implement, monitor and adjust plans, processes and procedures to improve performance supporting others to implement the continuous improvement system/processes, and to identify and report opportunities for further improvement knowledge of principles and techniques associated with continuous improvement systems and processes assist others to follow standard procedures and practices assist others make improvement suggestions standardize and sustain improvements Assessors should ensure that candidates can: implement and monitor defined quality system requirements and initiate continuous improvements within the work area apply effective problem identification and problem solving techniques strengthen customer service through a focus on continuous improvement implement, monitor and evaluate quality systems in the work area initiate quality processes to enhance the quality of performance of individuals and teams in the work area gain commitment of individuals/teams to quality principles and practices implement effective communication strategies encourage ideas and feedback from team members when developing and refining techniques and processes analyze training needs and implement training programs prepare and maintain quality and audit documentation Demonstrates knowledge of: principles and techniques associated with: benchmarking best practice change management Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard Version 2 July 2010 Underpinning Skills Page 94 of 97 continuous improvement systems and processes quality systems range of procedures available and their application to different jobs applicability of takt time and muda to jobs identification and possible causes of variability in jobs continuous improvement process for organization questioning techniques methods of conceiving improvements suggestion and try out procedures relevant OHS quality measurement tools for use in continuous improvement processes established communication channels and protocols communication/reporting protocols continuous improvement principles and process enterprise business goals and key performance indicators enterprise information systems management enterprise organizational structure, delegations and responsibilities policy and procedure development processes relevant health, safety and environment requirements relevant national and international quality standards and protocols standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the technical work performed in work area enterprise quality system Demonstrates skills to: coach and mentor team members gain the commitment of individuals and teams to continuously improve innovate or design better ways of performing work communicate with relevant people prioritize and plan tasks related to encouraging and improving use of standardized procedures negotiate with others to resolve conflicts and gain commitment to standardized procedures facilitate other employees in improvement activities implement and monitor defined quality system requirements initiate continuous improvements within the work area apply effective problem identification and problem solving techniques strengthen customer service through a focus on continuous improvement implement, monitor and evaluate quality systems implement effective communication strategies Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard Version 2 July 2010 Resources Implication Methods of Assessment encourage ideas and feedback from team members when developing and refining techniques and processes analyze training needs and implementing training programs prepare and maintain quality and audit documentation Access may be required to: workplace procedures and plans relevant to work area specifications and documentation relating to planned, currently being implemented, or implemented changes to work processes and procedures relevant to the candidate documentation and information in relation to production, waste, overheads and hazard control/management enterprise quality manual and procedures quality control data/records Competence in this unit may be assessed by using a combination of the following to generate evidence: demonstration in the workplace suitable simulation oral or written questioning to assess knowledge of procedures and contingency management; principles and techniques associated with change management review of the audit process and outcomes generated by the candidates Those aspects of competence dealing with improvement processes could be assessed by the use of suitable simulations and/or a pilot plant and/or a range of case studies and scenarios. Context of Assessment Page 95 of 97 In all cases, practical assessment should be supported by questions to assess underpinning knowledge and those aspects of competence which are difficult to assess directly. Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated workplace setting / environment. Ministry of Education Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard Version 2 July 2010 Sector: Information and Communication Technology Sub-Sector: Information Technology Level V Level IV Level III IT Service Management Hardware and Network Servicing Hardware and Network Servicing Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Web and Multimedia Designing and Development Level II IT Support Service Level I IT Support Service Page 96 of 97 Ministry of Education Copyright Database Administration Database Administration Information Technology Support Service Ethiopian Occupational Standard Version 2 July 2010 Acknowledgement We wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry, academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise to the development of this occupational standard. We would like also to express our appreciation to the Staff and Experts of MoFED, Ministry of Education (MoE) and Engineering Capacity Building Program (ecbp) who made the development of this occupational standard possible. This occupational standard was developed on July 2010 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Page 97 of 97 Ministry of Education Copyright Information Technology Support Service Ethiopian Occupational Standard Version 2 July 2010