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Senior Resource Packet: Class of 2021 - College Planning

Class of 2021
Senior Resource Packet
All the answers to your questions for your
senior year!
Welcome to your senior year of high school!
As you begin your last year at Old Mill High School, the counseling department would
like to help guide you throughout your senior year and post-secondary options. It’s
going to be a unique year, but we are HERE for you to guide you through it!
Counseling Department
School Counselor
Alpha Breakdown
Contact Information
Google Voice
Mr. Barrett
9th grade
Mr. Hansen
Ms. Tapscott
10th-12th grade: A-D
Mrs. Falls
Ms. Ford
ESOL & 10th-12th grade: EJ
10th-12th grade: K-Q
Ms. Hanna
10th-12th grade: R-Z
Ms. Klimes
All MYP and IB students
Many counselors will also have google meet office hours for drop ins. Email
your counselor for more information!
College Planning: Selection Process
Selecting a college can be a rigorous process, but the rewards are endless. Begin the
selection process by exploring different types of academic institutions and determine
what qualities you are interested in. Below are some qualities to consider.
Range of Schools: Reach, Target, and Foundation Schools
As you are searching for the college that is right for you, remember to explore
many types of academic institutions. Examine schools that would qualify as safety
schools that you can guarantee admission, select a few "reach" schools that you
are really interested in, but may be a stretch, and some middle schools that fit the
qualifications you have. By creating a list of schools within your range, you
provide yourself with more options and more of a likelihood of acceptance.
2. Location
Location is significant in picking the right college for you. You should consider
the distance from your home, weather patterns, and financial ability as
deterrents for which school would be appropriate for you. This is an important
aspect of picking colleges because it will probably be your first time independent
from home for a long period of time. You want to be the right distance from your
family and in the right location for your personality.
3. Finances
Public state and city schools are infinitely cheaper than private schools. However,
if you have the money or you are willing to take out many loans to finance your
education, then a private school may be for you. Look at the annual tuition for
each school, as well as the cost of living of the particular city in which the school
is located.
4. Interests
Research the school to see if it offers sufficient and significant amount of extracurricular activities that suit your interests. Most universities are centers of
diversity and activities. However, some colleges are more intensive in the arts
than politics or the sciences than film. Research the societies, clubs, and classes
offered to make sure you select the best fit for your personality and course of
5. Environment
A school's environment can determine much of your happiness. You should
consider if you are interested in a co-ed education, if you want a campus or a
school located in the city, urban vs. rural, etc. These colleges have particular
reputations, so it is always helpful to visit the schools ahead of time to know if it
is for you.
6. Cultural Attributions
While this section may only apply to a few of you, it will apply directly to those
few. You may be looking for a college with an intense population of your own
minority, culture, religion, background. Schools also have overt and unwritten
reputations for cultural attachment. This is another aid in picking the best college
for you.
7. Academic Rank or Prestige
Every year, US News and World Report come out with an annual ranking of all
colleges in the United States. Many people consult this guide to see what schools
are academically more prestigious than others, keeping in mind that these are
just arbitrary ranks. However, if prestige and the college name are important to
you, then it will help narrow down your selection quite rapidly.
8. Specific Professors
If you already have a specific academic route in mind, you may select a school
based on the reputation of the academic department, and moreover, on the
names of particular professors who teach at the college. Big names are often
magnets for students.
Moving Forward
After you have built a list of schools that you are interested in exploring, the next step in
moving forward is narrowing the lists down by visiting the schools and knowing what to
1. Schedule a College Visit
Hopefully after you have done your research you have a manageable list of 4-5
schools you are interested in. If you have the time and resources we strongly
suggest you schedule a school visit. Every school will look great on their website
and brochure, but making a school visit is the best way to see what a college is really
like. Call ahead to make sure your college is still doing visits during COVID-19. If
you call a school and tell them you would like to make a visit they will usually
arrange something for you. Here are some things to look for when making a school
⮚ Preparing Before the Visit
Arrange to stay overnight in a dorm if possible (MAY NOT BE AS POSSIBLE
THIS YEAR). Usually, the admissions office will help you arrange this or use
your own connections. Experiencing student life outside of classes can be a
real eye-opener. Attend classes and really immerse yourself in what college
would be like. Make a list of your most critical factors in choosing your
college and check out the same factors on each visit.
⮚ While you are on Campus
Take the campus tour. Ask the tour guide for candid answers to your
questions about the school. On your own, check out the beacons of campus
life: the dorms, the dining halls, the student center, the student radio station
and newspaper, even the student bulletin boards. If you are interested in
clubs, sports, or fraternities/sororities, visit with advisors and members.
We encourage you to meet with college staff. A financial aid officer can
discuss costs and financial aid. An admissions officer can answer any
application questions you have. Interview students as you tour the school.
⮚ Important Factors to Consider
Print out a campus map from the college website. Take it with you so you
can hit the ground knowing how to get where you want to go. If you are
driving, locate visitor parking lots in advance. Send thank you notes to
professors and staff you met. Attend an information session if you didn't in
an earlier visit. Pick up a course catalog. It may be invaluable later. Take
photos and bring a notebook. This will help jog your memory back at home.
2. College Visiting Old Mill High School
Throughout the school year, various universities will be visiting Old Mill to give
presentations on their schools. This is a great opportunity to meet with a
representative and ask questions about what their college has to offer. The list of
schools coming to Old Mill will be kept on Naviance. Check in weekly to see who is
scheduled to come to Old Mill and register to be invited to their presentation. It’s
very easy to check this list and register. Meetings this year will be done virtually.
⮚ Log onto Naviance. (If you do not know your username and password please
email Ms. Degreenia, counseling secretary jdegreenia@aacps.org ).
⮚ On the top right hand side of the page click on the link Colleges.
⮚ Click on Research Colleges
⮚ Click on College Visits
⮚ From there you can see the visit schedule and register to meet with a college
⮚ After your register you will receive an email with a link to the google/zoom
Entry Exams
Most major universities accept the SAT test and the ACT test. Check with your schools
admissions counselor to see what test they require. In order to register to take the test
you need to create an account on collegeboard.com for the SAT or act.org for the ACT
test. Below are the dates for upcoming tests and deadlines. Also, when you sign up to
take the test, you will be asked for send your scores to the school. It usually takes 2-3
weeks for them to be sent to the schools once the scores are available. Even if you are
not sure which schools you plan to apply to, it will cost extra to send the scores later to
the schools.
COVID UPDATE-This information changes by the day and may even change by the time
you read this. Due to the school closure throughout most of Maryland most SAT and
ACT test sites in Maryland are closed. CollegeBoard and ACT are looking at the
possibility of an online test. However, there is a chance you will not be able to take the
SAT or the ACT this year. Most colleges have already decided to be test options. This
means you do not need to take the SAT or ACT this year to apply to college. For a list of
schools who are test optional go to www.fairtest.org .
SAT Exam
To register for the SAT exam, please visit www.collegeboard.com. Students
will need to create a CollegeBoard account prior to registering for the exam.
The SAT exam currently costs $49.50 and an additional $30.00 for late
registration. Fee waivers are available for students that receive free or
reduced price meals or qualify based on financial need.
Please visit http://professionals.collegeboard.com/testing/waivers/guidelines for more
information on financial eligibility or see your school counselor.
Upcoming SAT Test Dates
Test Date August 29th , you must sign up by July 31st
Test Date September 26th , you must sign up by August 26th
Test Date October 3rd , you must sign up by September 4th
Test Date November 7th , you must sign up by October 7th
Test Date December 5th, you must sign up by November 5th
Test Date March 13th, you must sign up by February 12th
Test Date May 8th, you must sign up by April 8th
Test Date June 5th, you must sign up by May 6th
ACT Exam
To register for the ACT exam, please visit www.actstudent.org. Students will need to
create an ACT account prior to registering for the exam. The ACT (no writing) costs
$46 and with the writing portion costs $62.50. It would be advisable to visit college
websites that you are interested in applying to, to see if the school requires students to
take the writing portion. There is an additional $29.50 for late registration. Fee waivers
are available for students that receive free or reduced price meals or qualify based on
financial need. Please visit www.actstudent.org/faq/feewaiver.html for more
information on financial eligibility or see your school counselor.
Upcoming ACT Test Dates
Test Date September 12th, you must sign up by August 14th
Test Date September 13th, you must sign up by TBD
Test Date September 19th, you must sign up by TBD
Test Date October 10th , you must sign up by TBD
Test Date October 17th , you must sign up by TBD
Test Date October 24th, you must sign up by September 18th
Test Date October 25th, you must sign up by TBD
Test Date December 12th you must sign up by November 6th
Test Date February 6th, you must sign up by January 8th
Test Date April 17th, you must sign up by March 12th
Test Date June 12th, you must sign up by May 7th
Test Date July 17th, you must sign up by June 18th
● Registration Information
School Code: 210572
School Address: 600 Patriot Lane, Millersville MD, 21108
School Phone#: 410-969-9010
● Test Prep
Resources include:
⮚ https://www.khanacademy.org/sat
⮚ http://www.aacc.edu/testprep/ (This is a link to a course offered by Anne Arundel
Community College, you can also call AACC to get more info at 410-777-2325.)
⮚ www.theanswerclass.com
Application Process
It is now time to start applying to your colleges. You want to start this as soon as
possible. You will need to write a college essay and get letters of recommendations from
teachers and your counselor. The sooner you can start on this the more thought and
time you can put into it. Also, your teachers and counselors will need up to two weeks to
write your letters of recommendation.
● Senior Recommendation Form
This is the form you will need to submit in order to have a letter of recommendation
written. It gives you a chance to give us information about your life so we can write
the best letter possible. The form this year is a google document. A link to this
document will be stored on our home page. For now you can email your counselor
to request the link. Within two weeks your counselor will write you a
recommendation letter. To request a letter from a teacher email them directly and
ask if they would be comfortable writing you a letter. Your teacher will have access
to the google form you will have already filled out. REMEMBER, it is your job to
follow up with your counselor and teacher to tell us what colleges you want your
letter sent to. WE WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY KNOW TO DO IT! Make sure to
communicate with us so we can avoid some hurt feelings closer to the college
● How to Request a Transcript
In order to apply to a school you will need to request a transcript. Your prospective
college will want to see an official document that shows your past grades at Old
Mill. The process to request a transcript is below.
- Log onto Naviance
- Click Colleges Tab at the top of the page
- Click Colleges I am applying to
Click the purple/pink circular plus sign button +
Enter the name of the school you are interested in
Click Add Application button
This list must match the Transcript Request Form
Once you have added the college to your list, complete the google
document titled OMHS Transcript Request Form. This document will
be stored on our home page or you can email your counselor for the
link. Your transcript will be sent by the school once this is completed.
All transcripts will be provided at no charge for the fall semester.
● College Application Deadlines
With all this work to do, keep in mind there are deadlines the universities set for
you to turn in your applications. The deadlines for schools will vary. Here are the
three main types of deadlines you will face.
● Early College Application Deadlines
Every university and college has its own application deadlines, but they fall around
the same time. Early applicants (early action, early decision or single choice early
action) generally need to get their applications in by either November 1 or
November 15. This way of applying allows you to get the stress of the application
process out of the way early. However, the schools cannot look at your grades from
the first half of your senior year.
⮚ Early Decision applications are binding. This means you must attend the
school if you are accepted.
⮚ Early Action applications are non-binding. You can be accepted early but
still choose from other schools you are applying to.
● Regular College Application Deadlines
The deadline for regular decision applications is normally between January 1 and
February 1, depending on the college. Get the bulk of your essays done and confirm
who will write your recommendations in November, so you won’t have a lot of lastminute work to do during the holiday season. The regular college application
deadlines are late enough so that your first semester grades will be looked at.
● Rolling Admission College Application Deadlines
Schools with rolling admissions policies – looking at applications as they come in,
until all spaces in the class have been filled – also have deadlines as late as May 1.
Some may continue to accept applications even later, depending on how many
open slots remain. However, virtually all rolling admissions schools recommend
that you get your application in by March 1 or earlier to have the best chance at
being accepted.
● Keys to Writing a Good College Essay
Most schools will ask that you write an essay as a part of your application. Please
take the time to put proper thought and planning into your essay. Universities use
these essays to get an idea for the type of person they may be admitting to their
school. Below are some tips on writing an effective college essay.
⮚ Write an Effective Application Essay
A great application essay will present a vivid, personal, and compelling view
of you to the admissions staff. It will round out the rest of your application
and help you stand out from the other applicants. The essay is one of the
only parts of your application over which you have complete control, so take
the time to do a good job on it. Check out these tips before you begin.
⮚ Keep Your Focus Narrow and Personal
Your essay must prove a single point or thesis. The reader must be able to
find your main idea and follow it from beginning to end. Develop your main
idea with vivid and specific facts, events, quotations, examples, and reasons.
⮚ Be Specific
Avoid clichéd, generic, and predictable writing by using vivid and specific
⮚ Don't Tell Them What You Think They Want to Hear
Most admissions officers read plenty of essays about the charms of their
university, the evils of terrorism, and the personal commitment involved in
being a doctor. Bring something new to the table, not just what you think
they want to hear.
⮚ Don't Write a Resume
Don't include information that is found elsewhere in the application. Your
essay will end up sounding like an autobiography, travelogue, or laundry
list. Also, do not use fifty words when five will do. Eliminate unnecessary
⮚ Don't Forget to Proofread
Typos and spelling or grammatical errors can be interpreted as carelessness
or just bad writing. Don't rely on your computer's spell check. It can miss
spelling errors like the ones below. Ask a reliable adult, like your English
teacher, to help proofread.
Common Application-www.commonapp.org
● Standardized online college application that over 500 colleges and
universities use.
● Personal data, educational data, standardized test information, family
information, academic, extracurricular activities, work experience, and a
personal essay are some components of the application.
● Saves time if you are applying to 2 or more colleges that use the Common
● Submit all forms electronically.
● Must complete the FERPA on the Common Application waiving your rights
which allows the counselor to complete their section.
● Teacher recommendations and counselor forms can be accessed through
Naviance once you have completed the Common Application. Ask teachers
and counselor if they will do a recommendation and if they prefer to do it
online. Then submit for them to complete.
● Mid-year report is required for all the schools that you have applied to. Notify
counselor to complete the mid-year report at the end of 1st semester.
Financial Aid
Applying for college and being accepted is both a frustrating and exciting process. After
being accepted the next step is to determine how to pay for everything. Depending on
the school you choose, college can be very expensive, especially after you factor in books
and tuition. While you are applying to school you also need to start the process of trying
to find financial aid for yourself in various forms.
● Major Types of Financial Aid
⮚ FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
FAFSA is the form the federal government uses to determine your family’s
financial need and ability to pay for college. The government uses the
information on this form to determine grants, your eligibility for any
student loans, and the school can determine campus based aid. The FAFSA
cannot be completed until October 1st. Your parents will use their tax
documents from the prior year (2019). The final deadline is March 1st,
however it is recommended that it is completed by February 15th because
colleges offer financial aide at that time. The FAFSA website is
⮚ Grants
Grants are funds made available by the federal and state governments and
universities and do not need to be repaid. Some grants are based on
financial need, others are based on academic achievement or merit, and
some require a combination of criteria. By filing the FAFSA, you are
automatically considered for grants.
⮚ Student Loans
Student Loans are financial obligations that must be repaid. While some
loans are based on financial need, there are loan programs available to all
federally-eligible students – regardless of income. Beware of student loans
from private lenders. Exhaust all federal student loan programs before
taking out private loans. The best rates usually come from federal loans.
⮚ Federal-Work Study
The Federal Work-Study Program is a federally funded, need-based
employment program available to both undergraduate and graduate
students. Jobs are located on or off campus and provide students the
opportunity to find employment that corresponds with their educational
interests. Average work schedules are from 10 to 15 hours a week, with a
maximum of twenty hours.
⮚ Scholarships
Scholarships are private funds that do not have to be repaid. Scholarships
can come from a variety of sources community groups, corporate donors,
or the University; each with its own requirements and application process.
They are an excellent resource for students seeking help with the cost of
their education, and can help reduce the dependence on loans to cover
educational costs. Students are encouraged to search and apply for as
many scholarships as possible. Below are some websites you can use to
conduct a scholarship search.
⮚ Scholarships on Naviance
Throughout the year scholarships will be posted on Naviance. A major
reason to check Naviance is that scholarships for students attending Anne
Arundel County Public Schools will be listed. These local scholarships are
funded to provide local students with an opportunity to make college more
⮚ You will receive weekly emails from Mr. Hansen with all upcoming
scholarships…….. CHECK NAVIANCE
⮚ Log onto Naviance.
⮚ Click on the tab Colleges at the top of the page
⮚ Click on Scholarships and Money
⮚ Click on the link that says SCHOLARSHIP LIST.
College Bound Seniors Calendar
Fall Semester
● Begin to narrow down your college choices
● Register for the SAT/ACT tests as needed-Maybe different this year
● Give your teachers/counselors plenty of notice if they have to do any
recommendations for you
● Obtain applications
● Meet with college representatives at Old Mill
● Attend college fairs
● Visit prospective colleges
● Check Naviance for scholarships and search online for additional scholarships.
Apply to scholarships early and often
● Apply to the colleges of your choice
● Request a transcript through Naviance to be sent to each college you apply to
● Pay $2 per official transcript
● File the FAFSA on October 1st
● Meet all deadlines
Spring Semester
● Let your counselor know where mid-year grades need to be sent for Common
Applications through Naviance.
Continue searching and applying for scholarships
Review your acceptance letters and make the choice that is best for you
Wait for the financial aid award before making your final decision
Spend a night in the dormitory and visit classes if needed
Let the college know whether you plan to accept or not
Let us know where your final transcript is to be sent
Anne Arundel Community College
AACC is a fully accredited, public, two-year institution offering extensive lifelong
learning opportunities; credit programs leading to an associate degree, certificate, or
letter of recognition; and a college experience that is a true value. Many students attend
AACC for two years and transfer to a number of accredited and respected four year
⮚ AACC offers the opportunity to complete the first two years of college for less
than half the cost of attending a four-year university or college. An Anne Arundel
County resident attending AACC full-time could spend $3400 annually in tuition
and fees, while students at 4-year public colleges could spend about $12,000 or
more a year. You still get a great education, but without the high costs and
burden of heavy student loans. In addition, AACC was ranked the 13th lowest in
tuition costs and total fees among all 16 community colleges in Maryland.
⮚ AACC offers classes at many locations, including its main campus in Arnold, its
sites at Arundel Mills and Glen Burnie, and at centers and schools around the
county. With a student to teacher ratio of 17-1, students receive personalized
attention and real hands-on experience, which both greatly enhance learning.
The success of AACC students can be found at the universities and colleges they
transferred to, in the graduate schools, and in the workforce. AACC has the best
four-year transfer/graduation rate for full-time students among its peer colleges
and has more degrees and certificates awarded than any other single-campus
community college in Maryland.
⮚ AACC is one of the nation’s most highly regarded community colleges. AACC is
proud of its host of awards, including being named Community College of the
Year and as the No. 1 mid-sized community college for using technology to
deliver services to students, faculty and staff.
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012-1895
410-777-AACC (2222)
Trade Schools
Lincoln College of Technology
9325 Snowden River Parkway
Columbia, MD 21046
Lincoln Technical Institute offers a variety of programs to prepare you for a future
career. Various focuses are offered including
● Automotive Tech
● Electronic Systems Technician
● Culinary
Private Career Schools
There is a listing of all private career schools online that you can reference. These career
schools for the most part require a high school diploma but are flexible in terms of GPA
and standardized test scores. There are private career schools that can teach you the
skills to work in many trades from being a barber to a truck driver. Please follow the link
below to learn more.
Baltimore Area Building Trades
Apprenticeship Programs
Baltimore Bricklayers JATC for the Masonry Industry
2 North Dundalk Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21222
Baltimore Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship Committee
1407 Rome Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21227
Baltimore Cement Masons Joint Apprenticeship Committee
1517 Kenilworth Ave, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20019
JATC for the Electric Industry of Baltimore
2699 West Patapsco Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Plumbers and Steamfitters Local Union No. 486 Joint Apprenticeship and
Training Committee
1201 66th Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21237
Baltimore Area Roofers Joint Apprenticeship Committee
2008 Merritt Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21222
Sheet Metal Workers Joint Apprenticeship Committee
4705 Erdman Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21205
Baltimore Sprinkler Fitters Local No. 536 Joint Apprenticeship Committee
6100 Baltimore National Pike
Baltimore, Maryland 21228
US Military
Many students start their careers with the US Military. Depending on the branch and
how long you choose to serve, a sizeable portion of future college costs can be paid by
the military. Contact information is provided below. Throughout the year recruiters will
also be at Old Mill to assist with any questions you may have.
Military Recruiting Office
54 Mountain Road #1
Glen Burnie, MD 21060
(410) 766-7730
US Army- land force
US Navy- protects the oceans around the world
US AirForce- air, space, and cyberspace
US Marines- trained to fight by sea and land, usually involved in the most challenging
http://www.marines.com/rmi (no number listed, can request info online)
US National Guard- protects the coasts, ports, natural resources, and waterways
Job Force
If you choose to obtain full time employment following graduation, please be sure to
work on a resume. There is a resume builder located on Naviance, for your reference.
Below are some resources to assist you in searching for jobs.
1. Monster.com-Job Search Engine with Lots of Extras
Monster.com is known as one of the best job search engines out there. You can narrow
your search by location, keywords, and employer. Furthermore, Monster has plenty of job
search extras: networking boards, job search alerts, and online resume posting.
2. Indeed.com- A Meta Search Job Engine
Unlike Monster, you cannot submit your resume from Indeed.com, but the job search
engine offers a meta-search engine of many of the major job search engines and job search
boards out there. Indeed uncovers a lot of jobs that you would not normally find on most
job search sites and they do a good job of making their job search features as easy to use
as possible.
3. USA.gov
USA.gov can be your gateway into the huge world of US government jobs. Navigate to the
USA.gov home page, click on the Jobs and Education section, then Government Jobs.
You'll find a wealth of resources here to help you find jobs.
4. CareerBuilder
CareerBuilder offers job searchers the ability to find a job, post a resume, create job alerts,
get job advice and job resources, look up job fairs, and much more. This is a truly massive
job search engine that offers a lot of good resources to the job searcher.
5. www.careeronestop.org
CareerOneStop is sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and
Training Administration. Explore careers, search for jobs, benefits, salaries, create
resumes, apply for jobs, etc.
6. Maryland Workforce Exchange
Find a job, create a resume, summer jobs, etc.
7. Yahoo Hot Jobs
Yahoo Hot Jobs is one of the largest and most well known job search engines on the
8. SimplyHired
SimplyHired also offers a very unique job search experience; the user "trains" the job
search engine by rating jobs they are interested in. SimplyHired also gives you the
ability to research salaries, add jobs to a job map, and view pretty detailed profiles of
various companies.
9. LinkedIn.com
LinkedIn.com combines the best of two worlds: the ability to scour the Internet for jobs
with its job search engine and the opportunity to network with like-minded friends and
individuals to deepen your job search.
The Interview
Women's Interview Attire
● Solid color, conservative suit
● Coordinated blouse
● Moderate shoes
● Limited jewelry
● Neat, professional hairstyle
● Tan or light hosiery
● Sparse make-up & perfume
● Manicured nails
● Portfolio or briefcase
Men's Interview Attire
● Solid color, conservative suit
● White long sleeve shirt
● Conservative tie
● Dark socks, professional shoes
● Very limited jewelry
● Neat, professional hairstyle
● Go easy on the aftershave
● Neatly trimmed nails
● Portfolio or briefcase
Job Interview Tips
Practice answering interview questions and practice your responses to the typical job
interview questions and answers most employers ask. Think of actual examples you can
use to describe your skills. Providing evidence of your successes is a great way to
promote your candidacy.
Prepare a response so you are ready for the question "What do you know about our
company.” Know the interviewer's name and use it during the job interview. If you're
not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview. Try to relate what you know
about the company when answering questions.
Get Ready
Make sure your interview attire is neat, tidy and appropriate for the type of firm you are
interviewing with. Bring a nice portfolio with copies of your resume. Include a pen and
paper for note taking.
Be On time
Be on time for the interview. On time means five to ten minutes early. If need be, take
some time to drive to the office ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going
and how long it will take to get there.
Stay Calm
During the job interview try to relax and stay as calm possible. Take a moment to
regroup. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Listen to the entire question before
you answer and pay attention!
Show What You Know
Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions. When
discussing your career accomplishments match them to what the company is looking
Follow Up
Always follow-up with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the position. If you
interview with multiple people send each one a thank you note.
Job Interview Questions About You
What is your greatest weakness?
What is your greatest strength?
How do you handle stress and pressure?
What motivates you?
What are your salary expectations?
What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make?
Tell me about yourself.
What has been the greatest disappointment in your life?
If you could relive the last 10 years of your life, what would you do differently?
If the people who know you were asked why you should be hired, what would they
Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?
Give some examples of teamwork.
What type of work environment do you prefer?
If you know your boss is 100% wrong about something how would you handle it?
Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it.
Describe a time when your workload was heavy and how you handled it.
Job Interview Questions About the New Job and the Company
What interests you about this job?
Why do you want this job?
What applicable attributes / experience do you have?
What can you do for this company?
Why should we hire you?
Why are you the best person for the job?
What do you know about this company?
Why do you want to work here?
What challenges are you looking for in a position?
What can you contribute to this company?
Are you willing to travel?
Interview Questions: The Future
What are you looking for in your next job? What is important to you?
What are your goals for the next five years / ten years?
How do you plan to achieve those goals? What are your salary requirements - both short-term and long-term?
Questions about your career goals.
What will you do if you don't get this position?