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M.Tech Research Entrance Exam - Mechanical Engineering

Entrance Exam – M.Tech (Research)
1. The ratio of momentum diffusivity (ν ) to thermal diffusivity (α ), is called
a. Prandtl number
b. Nusselt number
c. Biot number
d. Lewis number
2. Which of the following gear tooth failures is/are induced when maximum Hertz contact stress on
gear tooth surface exceeds surface endurance strength of tooth?
a. Abrasive strength b. Corrosive wear
c. Destructive pitting
d. Galling
3. Which of the following statements are TRUE for damped vibrations?
P. For a system having critical damping, the value of damping ratio is unity and system does
not undergo a vibratory motion.
Q. Logarithmic decrement method is used to determine the amount of damping in a physical
R. In case of damping due to dry friction between moving surfaces resisting force of constant
magnitude acts opposite to the relative motion.
S. For the case of viscous damping, drag force is directly proportional to the square of
relative velocity.
a. P and Q only
b. P and S only
c. P, Q and R only
d. Q and S only
4. Which one of the following statement is correct for a superheated vapour?
a. Its pressure is less than the saturation pressure at a given temperature.
b. Its temperature is less than the saturation temperature at a given pressure.
c. Its volume is less than the volume of the saturated vapour at a given temperature.
d. Its enthalpy is less than enthalpy of the saturated vapour at a given pressure.
5. What is the deformation or dynamic factor if sum of errors on meshing teeth of steel pinion and gear
is 32 x 10-3 mm?
a. 284.8 N/mm
b. 300.23 N/mm
c. 320.5 N/mm
d. 368 N/mm
6. Angle made by _______ with axis of rotation is called as helix angle.
a. only helix
b. only teeth
c. helix or teeth
d. none of the above
7. A bevel gear has pitch circle diameters of pinion and gear as 20 mm and 40 mm respectively.
What is the face width of bevel gear? (m =module)
a. 17.5 m
b. 10 m
c. 7.45 m
d. 3.16 m
8. A deep groove ball bearing rotating at 1200 r.p.m. is subjected to radial and an axial force of 2000
N and 1500 N respectively. What will be the basic dynamic capacity of bearing if 20,000 hours is the
rating life?
(Consider radial factor = 0.55, Thrust factor = 2 & application factor = 1.5?
a. 69.448 kN
b. 54.498 kN
c. 50.236 kN
d. 12.726 kN
9. Which of the following statements is/are true for V-belts?
a. V-belt drives have low reduction ratio
b. Due to wedging action slip is negligible in V-belts
c. V-belt transmits power over long centre distances
d. All of the above
Entrance Exam – M.Tech (Research)
10. A journal of 120 mm diameter rotates in a bearing at a speed of 1000 rpm. What is the power lost
during friction if 8 kN radial load acts on the journal and coefficient of friction is 2.525 x 10 -3 ?
a. 0.126 kW
b. 0.253 kW
c. 2.365 kW
d. 7.615 kW
11. The product of force (F) and time (t) is called as________.
a. momentum
b. work done
c. impulse
d. pressure
12. Meridonial velocity is the resultant of _____________ components of fluid velocity.
a. radial and tangential
b. tangential and axial
c. radial and axial
d. unpredictable
13. _______________ components of fluid velocity have the responsibility of the transportation of
fluid through the machine.
a. Radial and tangential
b. Tangential and axial
c. Radial and axial
d. None of the existing
14. The passage of uniformly varying cross-section in which the kinetic energy of steam increases at
the expense of its pressure is called as__________
a. steam turbine
b. steam nozzle
c. steam area d. all of the above
15. The rule used to determine composition of various phases in a phase diagram is _____
a. Gibb's phase rule b. Lever rule
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above
16. The process of lowering the temperature of a liquid below its freezing point is known as _____
a. supercooling
b. undercooling
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
17. Eutectoid steel contains _____
a. 0.4 % Carbon
b. 0.8 % Carbon
c. 1.2 % Carbon
d. 2.2 % Carbon
18. Which of the following phase is obtained as the end product, after complete heat treatment cycle
in austempering process?
a. Austenite
b. Bainite
c. Martensite
d. Pearlite
19. The substance which is homogeneous and invariable in chemical composition throughout its
mass is called as ____.
a. ideal substance
b. pure substance
c. solid substance
d. none of the above
20. The process in which no heat transfer takes place through boundaries is called as
a. isothermal process b. adiabatic process c. isochoric process d. none of the above
21. The amount of heat required to raise a unit mass of substance through a unit rise in temperature
is called as
a. heat capacity of a substance
b. specific heat of a substance
c. latent heat of a substance
d. none of the above
Entrance Exam – M.Tech (Research)
22. Mean, Median and Mode are :
a. Measures of deviation
d. None of the above
b. Ways of sampling c. Measures of control tendency
23. Research is
a. Searching again and again b. Finding solution to any problem
c. Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem
d. None of the above
24. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
a. Searching sources of information to locate problem.
b. Survey of related literature
c. Identification of problem
d Searching for solutions to the problem
25. In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by
a. Statement of Objectives
b. Analysis of Data
c. Selection of Research Tools
d. Collection of Data