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Report Secure Protocols

Abstract. We go over “Model checking Russian cards” [12] from a broader
context while making a few critical remarks and comments.
1. Introduction
At the heart of cryptography is the desire to establish secure communication
between one or more parties; cryptographic protocols are the proffered solutions to
specific instances of this problem. Cryptographic protocols secure communication
by rendering data in a way that is hard to read by an unauthorized party. They
are hence used in situations where the communication channels are susceptible to
Protocols may be grouped into two categories, symmetric and asymmetric. In
symmetric cryptography, communicating users rely on some shared secret, whereas
in asymmetric cryptography, each user has a key pair, one part of which may
be made public, termed a public key, and a second part, termed a private key,
which should be known only to the user in question. On one hand, symmetric
encryption relies on the fact that a secret was shared prior to the establishment of
a secure communication and on the other hand, asymmetric encryption relies on
the fact that the adversaries have limited computational resources available, such
as bounded memory and computing power.
In this paper, we consider protocols which don’t rely on a shared secret nor do
they assume a computationally bounded adversary. It is easily shown that without
any further assumptions, secured communication is impossible. We thus make the
assumption that users and adversaries each have access to different shares, or portions, of the secret information used in the set-up phase. Secure protocols which
rely on the assumption of a distributed setting form a subset of unconditionally secure protocols; the information-theoretically secure protocols that cannot be broken
even when the adversary has unlimited computing power.
We study protocols that always work, even when the sender’s and receiver’s
algorithms are known in advance, and all conversation between sender and receiver
is public and is heard by all potential adversaries. We introduce an extended
fragment of epistemic logic in order to model an instance of such protocols on a toy
model: the Russian Cards. We then proceed to prove that the protocol satisfies
the desired properties by means of model checking.
2. Motivation and Background
In this section, we give some motivations for unconditionally secure protocols
and give a quick overview of epistemic logic and its background.
2.1. Unconditionally secure protocols.
Bridge. Example taken from [2]
In the game of bridge, partners exchange public bids in order to arrive at a
contract before playing the cards. In the course of bidding, partners gain information about each other’s hands, and indeed, considerable effort has been put into
designing protocols for maximizing the amount of useful information conveyed to
the partner. It is of course desirable that the opponents obtain as little useful information as possible from the bidding. Nevertheless, one partner may well learn
more from her partner’s bid than do the opponents. The laws of bridge require that
a partnership make public their conventions prior to play, so all communications
understood by the partner will also be understood by the opponents. Of course,
since the cards are themselves the secrets and are handed repeatedly, it doesn’t
make sense to talk about a priori shared secret. As a side note, most of these
techniques, as originally introduced by Peter Winkler [13], are now banned from
the game of bridge.
Spy agency. Adapted from [3]. A spy agency that handles security information.
On each mission, a group of spies are chosen. We call this group a team. Teams
form and dissolve as various missions arise and get completed. All communication
regarding the mission is intended to be shared with those on the team. However, the
spies outside of the given team might try to steal information by eavesdropping on
the conversation among members of the team. Hence, each team that forms would
like to exchange a secret key, which it can then use as a part of some cryptographic
protocol to securely send all further communication regarding the mission. Of
course, the trivial solution would be to give each potential team a priori secret key,
but since the number of teams increase exponentially, the required amount of initial
information blows up. This method being infeasible, one solution out is to rely on
unconditionally secure protocols.
2.2. Protocol verification.
Epistemic logic and its extensions. Epistemic logic is a subfield of modal logic that
is concerned with reasoning about knowledge. In the last decade, the use of epistemic logic has been heavily used in the field of artificial intelligence to specify and
very protocols as well as to represent knowledge and formalise reasoning methods.
However, in the context of communication protocols, modelling knowledge is not
enough, one needs to model knowledge over time; we need to be able to capture and
reason about information change and knowledge update.Thus a rigorous epistemic
approach to security protocol verification needs to harmonise both the epistemic
and the temporal aspects.
Model checking. Recently, the field of model checking has been extended to cover
verification of multi-agent systems [30], which has become a topic of very active
research. Some popular model checkers include MCK [4], MCMAS [9] and the one
we use in this paper: DEMO [8]. While DEMO takes about 4 seconds to model
check a protocol in our toy model (Russian Cards), newer model checkers can do
the same in less than a second [10].
We move on to formalizing the machinery that will be used in this paper.
3. Definitions
We introduce the basic epistemic logic.
3.1. Epistemic logic and its temporal extension. We begin by introducing
the syntax and semantics of the basic epistemic logic.
Epistemic Logic Syntax
Let P be a set of atomic propositions, and A a set of agent-symbols. The
language LK , is generated by the following BNF:
φ ::= p | ¬ϕ | (ϕ ∧ φ) | Ka (ϕ)
The basic version of the language is by itself useful because it allows iterations of
individual epistemic operators; it can already capture simple protocol specifications
such as the alternating bit protocol [11]. Before giving a meaning to our language, we
must first introduce a few definitions. Given a countable set of atomic propositions
P and a finite set of agents A, an epistemic model M = hS, ∼, V i consists of a
domain S of states, accessibility ∼ : N → P(S × S), and a valuation V : P →
(P )(S).
Epistemic Logic Semantics
We define that a formula ϕ is true in (M, s), written M, s |= ϕ as follows:
M, s |= p iff s ∈ V (p)
M, s |= (ϕ ∧ φ) iff M, s |= ϕ and M, s |= φ
M, s |= p iff not s ∈ ϕ
M, s |= Ka ϕ iff for all t such that s ∼a t, M, t |= ϕ.
The keypoint in the truth definition is that an agent a is said to know an assertion
ϕ in a state (M, s) if and only if that assertion is true in all the states she considers
Common knowledge and public announcement. Consider the following well-known
puzzle [11]:
“Imagine n children playing together. Some, say k of them, get mud on their
foreheads. Each can see the mud on others but not on his own forehead. Along
comes the father, who says, ‘At least one of you has mud on your forehead’, thus
expressing a fact known to each of them before he spoke (if k > 1). The father then
asks the following question, over and over: ‘Does any of you know whether you
have mud on your own forehead?’. Assuming that all the children are perceptive,
intelligent, truthful, and that they answer simultaneously, what will happen?”
This puzzle is known as the muddy children puzzle. Given that there were at least
two children with mud on their forehead, one can ask oneself what information the
father added by saying “At least one of you has mud on your forehead”? Everyone
already knew there was at least one person with mud on their forehead, so why
even bother mentioning to the children? The answer is common knowledge. Before
formally defining this notion, we first introduce some useful notation. For every
B ⊂ A, we write
EB ϕ =
Kb ϕ
for everybody in B knows ϕ. For instance, EA
ϕ means that everybody knows that
everybody knows ϕ. In the muddy children puzzle, letting p denote “at least one
person has mud on their forehead”, it’s true that EA
p, but its not true that EA
However, the father gave a piece of information that allows all of them to deduce
p; that piece of information is called common knowledge and is denoted and
defined as
CB :=
was already sufficient, but there are instances
In the case of the muddy children,
where common knowledge is truly necessary. For instance, protocols which solve the
coordinated attack problem (as introduced in [5]) must absolutely rely on common
knowledge which can only be acquired through public announcement [7]. Therefore,
to prove the correctness of protocols in which we are interested, we must be able
to capture the notion of common knowledge and public announcements.
Extended Epistemic Logic Syntax
Let P be a set of atomic propositions, and A a set of agent-symbols. The
language L∗K , is generated by the following BNF:
φ ::= p | ¬ϕ | (ϕ ∧ φ) | Ka (ϕ) | CG ϕ | [φ]ϕ
For CG ϕ read ‘group of agents G commonly know formula ϕ’. For [φ]ϕ, read
‘after public announcement of φ, formula ϕ is true’. In a sense, ‘announce ϕ’
captures the ‘temporal’ nature of knowledge update. We also extend the previously
defined semantics in order to properly include these new modalities. Given an
epistemic model M = hS, ∼, V i, we define the model M |ϕ := hS 0 , ∼0 , B 0 i as
S 0 := {s0 ∈ S | M, s0 |= ϕ},
We write ∼G
∼0n :=∼n ∩(S 0 × S), Vp0 := Vp ∩ S 0 .
for the transitive closure of
n∈G ∼n , i.e.,
i∈N (∪n∈G ∼n ) .
Extended Epistemic Logic Semantics
We define that a formula ϕ is true in (M, s), written M, s |= ϕ as follows:
M, s |= p iff s ∈ V (p)
M, s |= (ϕ ∧ φ) iff M, s |= ϕ and M, s |= φ
M, s |= p iff not s ∈ ϕ
M, s |= Ka ϕ iff for all t such that s ∼a t, M, t |= ϕ
M, s |= CB ϕ iff for all t such that s ∼B t, M, t |= ϕ
M, s |= [φ]ϕ iff for all t such that s ∼a t, M |ϕ , s |= ϕ
We now have the right machinery to approach the unconditionally secure protocols.
3.2. Unconditional security. In order to avoid giving a lot of general definitions,
we will first introduce a toy model and then formally define the desired properties,
protocols and goals. We borrow the notation and set-up from [2].
We are interested in the following setting: An agent, Alice, has a secret bit s,
which she wishes to send to another agent, Bob. All communication is via an insecure channel, so we must proceed under the assumption that an eavesdropper,
Cath, overhears all communication between Alice and Bob. As mentioned previously, we assumed that Cath has unlimited computing power, so we must rule out
asymmetric encryption. We also rule out private key cryptography by assuming
that Alice and Bob have no prior secret information between themselves. However,
we assume that the three players have been random dealt hands from a deck of n
distinct cards (we can assume a total order on the cards). In an (a, b, c) deal, Alice
gets a cards, Bob gets b cards, and Cath gets the remaining n − a − b cards. We
assume that the size of the deck, the values of the cards and the total order on the
cards are common knowledge. Moreover, the cardinalities of each player’s hands
is also common knowledge. Every communication is made public knowledge. The
goal is for Alice to transmit a bit of information, say s, to Bob while keeping Cath
completely in the dark. A protocol that given a random (a, b, c) deal, suceeds in
transmitting s secretly is called an (a, b, c) secret bit transmission protocol.
We next explore a specific instance of the above scenario: the case of (3, 3, 1).
When Alice and Bob strive to learn each other’s card, as opposed to sending a
single bit, the problem is known as the “Russian Cards Problem”.
4. Toy model
We take the Russian Cards Problem as a toy model. The problem was originally
described as
“From a pack of seven known cards, two players each draw three cards and a
third player gets the remaining card. How can the players with three cards openly
inform each other about their cards, without the third player learning from any of
their cards who holds it.”
We encode the cards from 0 to 6 and denote a hand which contains {x, y, z} as
xyz. By reordering the labels, we can assume that Alice has 012, Bob has 345 and
Cath has 6. A solution to this problem is the following :
“ Alice says ‘My hand of cards is one of 012, 034, 056, 135, 246’ after which Bill
says ‘Cath has card 6’. ”
Our goal is to capture the problem and solution using our machinery of extended
epistemic logic.
4.1. Formally capturing the problem. We first want to capture the indistinguishability between the hands (012, 345, 6) and (σ(012), σ(345), 6) for any σ ∈ S7
that fixes {0, 1, 2} and {3, 4, 5}. This induces an equivalence relation on deals.
There are 73 43 11 = 140 equivalent deals. We write qn for ‘card q is held by
player n’. For instance, 0a denotes the ownership of 0 by a. We want that after
every announcement of the executed protocol: it is publicly known that Cath is
ignorant and that both Alice and Bob knows that they know each other’s cards.
Using the following notation:
Ka (B) :=
(Ka (qb ) ∨ Ka (¬qb )),
Kb (A) :=
(Kb (qa ) ∨ Kb (¬qa )),
¬Kc (AB) :=
(¬Kc (qa ) ∧ ¬Kc (qb )),
we formally capture the desired requirements as
Cab (Ka (B)) , Cab (Kb (A)) and Cabc (¬Kc (AB)) .
4.2. Formally capturing the solution. Using the following notation:
annoa := 012a ∨ 034a ∨ 056a ∨ 135a ∨ 246a ,
annob := 6c ,
we formally capture the solution (succession of announcements) as
[annoa ][annob ] (Cab (Ka (B)) ∧ Cab (Kb (A)) ∧ Cabc (¬Kc (AB)))
We next prove that the solution is indeed a solution, that is we model check the
Rus, 012.345.6 |= [annoa ][annob ] (Cab (Ka (B)) ∧ Cab (Kb (A)) ∧ Cabc (¬Kc (AB)))
5. Model Checking
Two types of model checkers were available: those who require interpreted system
representations and those who don’t. We chose one who doesn’t in order to reduce
the number of definitions and complexity.
5.1. DEMO. We use the model checker DEMO, a Dynamic Epistemic Modelling
tool. DEMO allows modelling epistemic updates, graphical display of action models
and so on. It minimizes epistemic models under bisimulation and it minimizes
action models under the notion of action simuluation. It is implemented in Haskell.
It implements the dynamic epistemic logic as described in [1].
We restrict ourselves to action models for public announcements. We define
formulas in DEMO recursively as:
Form = Top | Prop Prop | Neg Form | Conj [Form] | Disj [Form]
| K Agent Form | CK [Agent] Form
A pointed action model, i.e., a fancy word for a function that takes an epistemic
model to the updated epistemic model, for a public announcement is created by
the function public. The update operation is specified as
upd :: EpistM -> PoAM -> EpistM
where EpistM is an epistemic state and PoAM is a pointed action model. It returns
an updated epistemic state.
Finally, model checking is done through the function isTrue, which has type:
isTrue :: EpistM -> Form -> Bool
5.2. Capturing the Russian Cards in DEMO. The initial epistemic state rus
has one world per equivalence class of deal, so |S| = 140. The accessibility relations
∼a , ∼b , ∼c and the valuation function V are defined as one would expected; for
instance, the state corresponding to the deal 012.345.6 has valuation (0, [P 0, P
1, P 2, Q 3, Q 4, Q 6, R 6]). Where P corresponds to Anne, Q corresponds to
Bob and R corresponds to Cath.
Anne’s public announcement Annoncea corresponds to the following action model:
public( K a (Disj[Conj [p0,p1,p2], Conj[p0,p3,p4],
Conj [p0,p5,p6], Conj[p1,p3,p5], Conj [p2,p4,p6]]))
and the action model for Bob’s announcement is public( K b R 6).
V We capture the condition that Alice knows Bob’s cards, previously defined as
q∈[6] (Ka (qb ) ∨ Ka (¬qb ), with
aKnowsB = Conj[
Disj[K a
Disj[K a
Disj[K a
Disj[K a
Disj[K a
Disj[K a
Disj[K a q0,
q1, K a (Neg
q2, K a (Neg
q3, K a (Neg
q4, K a (Neg
q5, K a (Neg
q6, K a (Neg
K a
(Neg q0) ],
We capture Kb (A) and ¬Kc (AB) similarly. We can now run the software DEMO
on our model and check that
Rus, 012.345.6 |= [annoa ][annob ] (Cab (Ka (B)) ∧ Cab (Kb (A)) ∧ Cabc (¬Kc (AB)))
indeed holds.
6. Conclusion
We have effectively used epistemic logic to capture a subset of unconditionally
secure protocols and formally verified that a given protocol satisfies the desired
secure properties. We did so by model checking the constructed models using
DEMO: a model checker written in Haskell that doesn’t rely on interpreted systems.
DEMO is not extremely convenient as one needs to explicitly spell out, for every
agent, all pairs in each equivalence relation. Instead of relying on the assumption
of “a piori” shared secret or on the computationally bounded assumption, our
unconditionally secure protocol relies on the implicit correlations arising from our
deck of cards. In a sense, one could recast the given requirements in terms of
mutual information: Cath’s prior belief on the distribution of cards doesn’t update
upon hearing the announcements, but Alice and Bob both update to the dirac delta
concentrated on the actual card’s configuration. It would be interesting to see if
one can connect unconditionally secure protocols with the notion of synergy [6].
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Department of Computer Science, McGill University Montreal
Department of Computer Science, McGill University Montreal
E-mail address: nicolas.gagne@mail.mcgill.ca